This Day in Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)

August 15

423: Honorious Flavius, the Western Roman Emperor who confiscated goldand silver which had been collected by the synagogues to be sent to Jerusalemand “defined Judaism as an unworthy superstition passed away today.

1096: The armies of the First Crusade set out from Europe to deliverJerusalem from the occupying forces of Islamic Turks. Championed by Peter theHermit in 1093, Pope Urban II had sanctioned the crusade at the Council ofClermont in 1095.

1097: TheAlmoravids under Yusif ibn Tashfin defeated the Castilian and Leonese Army ofAlfonso VI at the Battle on Consuegra during the Spanish Catholic attempts todrive the Moors from Iberia.

1286: Aswhat the original and 21st tenants of the city might find as an actof usurpation, during the era of the Crusaders, Henry II was name King ofJerusalem succeeding his brother John I whose death he was rumored to havehastened with the use of poison.

1309:Knights of St. John, complete their conquest of Rhodes. Apparently the Knightstreatment of the Jewish population was comparatively benign since many Sicilianconversos would move to the island because “they remembered the Knights’’liberal policy towards the Jews or Rhodes.”

1418:Birthdate of Johannes Hinderbach, the Prince-Bishiop of Trent who created ablood libel when he blamed the Jews for the death of Simon of Trent.

1461: Trapezuntsurrenders to the forces of Sultan Mehmet II marking the real end of theByzantine Empire. The experience of the Jews of Anatolia had been uneven in thedays of the Byzantine (Christian) Empire.The Jews of Constantinople remained in place after the Islamic forcescame to power under Mehmet II.

1488: In Cordoba,Christopher Columbus and his companion Beatriz Enriquez de Arena gave birth tothe explorer’s second son Ferdinand Columbus

1534: Ignatius ofLoyola and six classmates took initial vows that would lead to the creation ofthe Society of Jesus in September of 1540. In its early days, the Jesuitsaccepted Jewish converts and their descendants who were known as New Christianswere admitted to the order. After thedeath of Loyola, the Jesuits adopted the Spanish attitudes and refused toaccept New Christians or their descendants as members.

1724: Birthdate ofHamburg, Germany native and convert to Christianity Aaron Isaacs, a merchant,landowner and supporter of the American Revolution who lived in Connecticutduring the war, “helped found the Clinton academy and married Mary Hedges in1750.

1753(15h of Av, 5513):Tu B’Av

1753: In the supplementto the Gazette published today, South Carolina shopkeeper Moses Cohen advertised“for a runaway Duth servant-girl about 10 years of age and 4 feet 6 incheshigh.’

1761(15th ofAv, 5521): Parashat Vaetchanan; Shabbat Nachamu; Tu B’Av

1769: Birthdate of Napoleon Bonaparte.Napoleon had profound effect on the Jews of Europe. But if one asks “Was Napoleon good for theJews” the best answer might be, “It depends.”For one version see

1776(30th ofAv, 5536): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1784: In Gorizia, RabbiAbraham Vita and his wife gave birth to Isaac Samuel Reggio an Austro-Italianscholar and rabbi.

1796: In what may havebeen the first attempt for a governmental entity to protect Kashrut in theUnited States, the Common Coincil suppressed the butcher license of NicholasSmart, a non-Jew, for affixing Jewish seals to non-kosher meats. Pg 246

1806: Rabbi JosephDavid Sinzheim delivered a sermon in the synagogue of Paris in honor of theemperor's birthday that strengthened Napoleon's favorable opinion of the Jews,who received the imperial promise that their rights as French citizens wouldnot be withdrawn.

1815 (9th of Av): RabbiJoseph Isaac Horowitz, known as “The Chozeh” of Seer of Lublin author of DivreiEmet, passed away.

1815: In “FryingpanAlley,” Elizabeth and Benjamin Fileman gave birth to Rachel Fileman

1818: In Alsace, France,Alexandre Aron and Charlotte Aron, the daughter of Asser Lion and Gitlé Loëwgave birth to Jérôme Aron-Duperret

1819: Today, Friedrichvon Gentz, the secretary of the Carlsbad Conference” referred to their havebeen occupied very much of the preceding day…wit the Frankfort Jewish matterand that it was a very bad symptom.”(The Frankfort Jewish matter referred to anti-Semitic riots in thatGerman city).

1819: Birthdate ofJoseph Jacob Goldmark, the Hungarian physician who came to the United Statesafter the failed revolution of 1848 where he discovered red phosphorous andbecame the father-in-law of Louis Brandeis and Felix Adler.

1829: In “Leigh, Essex”Catherine Phillips and Laurence Lazarus gave birth to Benjamin Lazarus.

1829: Sara and JacobNunes Castello gave birth to Baruch Castello, the husband of Sophia Woolf.

1830: Birthdate ofHenry Aaron Isaacs who became sheriff of London and was knighted in 1887 andwas elected Lord Mayor of London two years later.

1831: In Bavaria, DavidIsaac Seligmann and Fanny Seligmann gave birth to Leopold Seligmann, thehusband of Julia Levi.

1831: Birthdate ofLeopold Morse, the native of Wachenheim, Germany who moved to the United Statesin 1849 where he opened a successful clothing store in Massachusetts and becameso active in the Democratic Party that he served as a delegate to the NationalConvention and a member of the House Representatives.

1838: Lewis Nathanmarried Hannah Cohen at the New Synagogue.

1838(24th ofAv, 5598): German businessman Moses Moser whose business associates includedMoses Friedländer and Moritz Robert and who was a close personal friend ofHeinrich Heine passed away today in Berlin.

1842: Charles HenryChurchill, the British Consul in Damascus whose area of responsibility includedPalestine, delivered his formal proposal to Sir Moses Montefiore concerning therole of Jews in the Middle East. A Zionistbefore Zionism existed, Churchill proposed “that the Jews of England conjointlywith their brethren on the Continent of Europe should make an application tothe British Government through the Earl of Aberdeen to accredit and send out afit and proper person to reside in Syria for the sole and express purpose ofsuperintending and watching over the interests of the Jews residing in thatcountry.” Charles Churchill was the grandfather of Sir Winston Churchill.

1844: In Hungary,Aharon Rausher and his wife gave birth to future Chicago resident Celia RaucherGoldfinger, the wife of Charles Ignat Goldfinger with whom she had fourchildren – Samuel, Catherine, Sallie and Lillye.

1845: In Austro-Hungary,Ahron Raucher and his wife gave birth to Chicago resident Celia RaucherGoldfinger, the wife of Charles Ignatz Goldfinger ad the mother of Lille,Sallie, Catherine and Samuel Goldfinger

1849: Moss Davis andJane Davis were married today at the Great Synagogue.

1849: Joseph Seligmanand Babette Seligman gave birth to Helene Seligman who became HeleneSpiegelberg when she married Emanuel Spiegelberg.

1854: M.H. Bresslaubegan serving as editor of The Jewish Chronicle (New Series) and Working Man'sFriend" an Anglo-Jewish newspaper which he renamed “The Jewish Chronicleand Hebrew Observer."

1854: In Hesse, LeviHoechster and Betty Hoechster gave birth to Max Hester.

1855(1st of Elul,5615): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1855: Birthdate ofCzech native and future Ohio resident William W. Pollack, the husband of MarrieLeder Pollak with whom he had eight children – Herman, Sophia, Eleanor, Robert,Olga, Edwin and Nelson

1855: Birthdate ofBaden, Germany native Julius J. Dukas who came to New York at the age of 19 andeventually start a brush manufacturing company known as J. Dukas and Companywhile raising a daughter with his wife Sarah Hyman Dukas.

1857: In Hamburg,Germany, “Samuel Joseph Ballin, a Danish Jew who had emigrated from Denmark andhis wife gave birth to Albert Ballin, the German-born businessman who served ageneral manager of the Hamburg America (Shipping) Line.

1858: In MontrealAbraham de Sola, the first chazzan Shearith Israel and Esther Joseph, “daughterof Henry Joseph, one of Canada’s earliest Jewish settlers” gave birth to“businessman, Zionist leader and author Clarence Isaac de Sola, the husband ofBelle Maud Goldsmith with whom he had “two sons and two daughters.”

1859: In Baden Baden MadelineKahn and Leopold Dukas gave birth to Julius Juda Dukas, the husband of SaraDukas and the father of Madeline Samuel who in 1878 came to the United States wherehe was the President of the Hebrew Free Loan Society, President of the AmericanBranch of the Alliance Israelite Universelle and the director of the Jewish MaternityHospital in New York City.

1859: In Russia, “Loeband Cima (Davidow) Davidson gave birth to Benjamin Davidson, who arrived inSioux City, IA with two dollars, began peddling “tinware,” and later opened a dry goods store which wasthe foundation of Davidson Brother’s owned by Benjamin, David and AbrahamDavidson which at one time was described as one of Iowa’s “leading departmentstores..”

1861: Ralph Disraeli,the brother of Benjamin Disraeli, and Katherine Trevor were married today inMiddlesex, England.

1861: Austen HenryLayard, the archeologist who excavated Nimrud and Niniveh as described in Discoveriesat Nineveh began serving as Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

1862: PhiladelphiansCorporal Lehman K. Strouse and Sergeant Albert Mers began serving in the 125thregimen.

1862: PhiladelphianPrivate Joseph Levi began serving with Company G of the 129thRegiment.

1864: During theAmerican Civil War, Isaac M. Abraham of Philadelphia who had been serving withthe Union Army since November of 1861 was wounded while fighting near DeepBottom Virginia as member of Company G of the Eighty-Fifth Regiment.

1865: The New York Times reported that "Aletter in the Journal de Posen alleges that the official journals, not daringto support the accusations launched by the Moscow Gazette against the Polishnobility, imputing to them the recent fires in Lithuania, and, on the other hand,feeling it necessary to throw the blame upon somebody, represent the Jews asthe authors of these disasters. According to the official journals, the Jews,having first insured their houses for a sum superior to their real value, themselvesset fire to the buildings to pocket the difference. If this criminalcalculation has been made in certain cases, the supposition of its existencecannot give an explanation of all the disasters of this nature that have latelytaken place; for, although insurance against fire is much practiced inLithuania and Ruthenia, it is to be seen only in the more important towns,while a great number of fires have broken out even in the smallest towns."

1867: Birthdate ofEsther Lefkowitz who was buried alongside Sam, Shimon and Anna Lefkowitz at Mt.Hebron Cemetery in Flushing, NY

1868(27th ofAv, 5628): Parashat Re’ey

1868(27thof Av, 5628): S.A. Bierfield was lynched by the K.K.K. in Franklin TN. This wasthe first such reported incident involving a Jew. “A masked mob of Ku KluxKlansmen broke into the dry goods store of S. A. Bierfield, a Russian Jew, inFranklin, Tennessee, and fatally shot both Bierfield and his Black clerk,Lawrence Bowman. The reason given by the lynchers was a false charge ofBierfield's implication in a murder a few days earlier. But as the New York Times reported about a weeklater, the real reason for the lynching was that Bierfield was "anintelligent advocate of the present reconstruction policy of Congress and afriend to the freedmen of his neighborhood, among whom--he being a merchant--hecommanded quite a trade, and perhaps found it expedient to keep one from amongtheir number in his employ." A Nashville newspaper account stated thatBierfield was "an active and prominent Republican, having considerableinfluence with the colored people. . . . Our informant says that was his onlycrime"

1869:Two days after he had passed away, Joshua Jacobs, the son of Isaac andCatherine Jacobs was buried today at the “Halfway (Queenborough) JewishCemetery” in Kent.

1870:Birthdate of Ukraine native Yitskhok Perkov the photographer and author whom*oved to London where he worked in the Yiddish theatre.

1870:Birthdate of Kovno native Asnes Kalmanovitsh, the sister of well-known Dvinskrabbi, Meyer-Simkhe Hacohen who gained fame as fame as poetess Anna Rapport,the resident of New Jersey, who Massachusetts and New York who “debuted inprint, using the pen name Anna Zif, with a poem inArbayter tsaytung(Workers’newspaper).”

1871:Jacob Levi a German Jew swindled Alois Grieshaber out of $545 today using aform of the “pigeon drop.” Grieshabereventually discovered the swindle and went to the police. Levi, who had become wealthy as a swindler,was tried, convicted and sent to Sing Sing Prison in 1872.

1871:In Lithuania, Mary Yaffe and Nathan Levin gave birth to Lippa Levin, thehusband of Molly Miller and Charman of the Calumet Gate Zionist Organizationwho in 1925 began serving as Chairman of the Indiana State ZionistOrganization.

1872:In New York City, Agusta Stern and Leo Goldmark gave birth to composer RubinGoldmark.

1873:On his 42 birthday, Leopold Seligman and Julia Levi gave birth to WalterSeligman

1873:John J. Malloy, Chief of the Brooklyn Police, notified police in several“Western cities” to be on the lookout for Emil Lowenstein, a German Jewishbarber who sometimes uses the alias of Livingston. Lowenstein is wanted in connection with hispart in the murder of John Weston. Thegovernor of New York has offered a $500 reward for his capture. Police believe that Mrs. Weston was a confederatein the plan and that she planned to run off with Lowenstein once they hadmurdered Mr. Weston and taken his money.

1873:“England’s New Master of the Rolls,” an article published today reports on theannouncement that Sir George Jessel will soon be serving as the new Master ofthe Rolls. The Master of the Rolls dates back to the 13th centuryand “is the second most senior judge in England and Wales, after the Lord ChiefJustice”. When he assumes the office later this month, Jessel will be the firstJew to serve in this capacity. The Jewish Chronicle noted the irony of Jessel’sappointment. At one time the Master ofthe Rolls was officially known as “the Guardian of the Converted Jews” butthanks to a changed in the Judicature Act such is no longer the case. Jesselwas the son of a coral merchant named Zadok Aaron who graduated from theUniversity College London because his religion kept him from attending eitherOxford or Cambridge.

1874:In Cannstatt, Germany, Minna Lovenbein and Jacob Amberg gave birth to Universityof Heidelberg trained pediatrician Samuel Amberg the assistant associate professorof pediatrics a the University of Minnesota and an associate at the Mayo Clinic.

1874:Birthdate of Cincinnati, Ohio nativeRose Fechheimer who ”like manyother Rookwood artists, studied at the Cincinnati Art Academy, decorated piecesat Rookwood Pottery for ten years, between 1896 and 1906 and died in October1961 at Santa Monica, California.

1875:In Bessarabia Charlotte Mayberg and John Gruenberg gave birth to University ofMinnesota educated high school biology teacher and holder of a Ph.D fromColumbia Benjamin Charles Gruenberg the husband Sidonie MatsnerGruenberg, the author of Your Child Today and Tomorrow with whom he had fourchildren – Herbert, Richard, Hilda and Ernst – who was the managing editor of TheAmerican Teacher and a director for the American Association for MedicalProgress

1875:In Cincinnati, OH, Therese Gutmann and Joseph K. Fechheimer gave birth toartist Rose Fechheimer who passed away at Santa Monica, CA in 1961.

1876:In Chicago, Bertha Dernham and Morris Grieseheimer gave birth to Flora Griesheimer Louer, the wife ofAlbert Suman Louer whom she married after the death of her first husband JacobFranks, the “mother of the Leopold and Loeb murder victim, Bobby Franks.”

1877:The funeral of Rabbi J.J. Lyon took place at the 19th Street Synagogue today.Albert Cardozo, father of future Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Cardozo was oneof the pallbearers.

1877:In Minsk, Russia, “Samuel and Leah (Mekler) Touroff gave birth to NissonTouroff one of the founders of the Girls School in Jaffa before WW I and one ofthe founders of Hebrew Teachers College in Boston after WWI.

1878(1stof Elul, 5547): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1879:In Belarus, Zvi Mileikowsky and Liba Gitl Milikovsky gave birth to Rabbi NathanMileikowsky the father of historian Benzion Netanyahu and the grandfather ofYonatan Netanyahu of blessed memory (the Hero of Entebbe) and Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu.

1879:According to reports published today police still do not feel like they havethe true story surrounding the shooting of Harris Levy, a 28 Polish Jew whoworked as a night watchman for a workshop owned by Louis Soloman, amanufacturing tailor. Levy claims he wasshot by an unknown assailant. The policethink the wound was self-inflicted.However, they cannot find any evidence that it was suicide and Solomanbelieves the story about the burglar since his workshop was robbed 5 or 6 weeksago.

1879:Justice C.W. Chocrane found Adolph D. Pollack, a Jew from White Plains, NY,guilty of having sold merchandize on Sunday, in violation of the law. Chochrane suspended the sentence because itwas Pollack’s first offense but warned the defendant not to open his storeagain on Sunday.

1879:It was reported today that Lord Salisbury, British Foreign Minister, feels thatit is time for Romania to fulfill to honor its commitments to improve thesituation of its Jews since the autonomy the country enjoys was conditional onthese promises.

1880:It was reported today that Silesia has a population of 3,800,000 of which47,000 are Jewish.

1880:Birthdate of Baruch Lewittes who passed away in 1967.

1881:It was reported today that M.J. Butler, the proprietor of the Manson Housedonated the use of the hotel’s dining room for the concert that had been heldto raise funds for a cemetery in Long Branch, NJ, that will be open to allregardless of faith or financial status.

1881:“Jews in Germany” published today described the pervasive anti-Semitism in thatcountry that stands in stark contrast to the theme of the “Nathan the Wise”which is a popular German theatrical production

1881:In New York City, “Moses Siegman and Anna Solfrey gave birth to Arthur Siegmanthe owner of Arthur Siegman, Inc. “one of the largest manfuacturers of men’sneckwear in New York, if not in the whole United States who married BeatriceRosenzweig of Brooklyn in 1912 and whoseadvice to young men in is “Work Hard, be steady, learn to love your businessand make friends.”

1882(30thof Av, 5642): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1882:In Walla Walla Washington, “shopkeeper Jacques Bauer” and “modern languageteacher Julie Bauer gave birth to Marion Bauer the composer and music criticwho was the younger sister of fellow musician Emilie Bauer.

1882:Birthdate of Latvia native Simon Bernstein who in 1922 came to the United Stateswhere he worked for the Jewish Agency until 1949 ad edited the ZOA’s DoYiddishe Folk.

1882:“Mr. Cox’s Wild Eloquence” published today provided a summary of speech byRepresentative Samuel S. Cox that he delivered during the last session ofCongress in which he “eloquently” reviewed “the atrocities perpetrated on theJews of Russia” and concluded “with an appeal for help and sympathy fromAmerica” to help the Jews overcome their plight.

1883:Birthdate of Russian born Yiddish author and co-founder of the Sholem AleichemSchools, Joshua Kaminsky who in November of 1937 “introduced the new KinderTsaytung (Children’s newspaper) with a “cover that features a buoyantimpressionistic drawing by Nota Koslowsky” passed away today.

1883:An unnamed British Jew representing a London business firm was expelled fromRussia today even though he was carrying a British Passport.

1883:Among those receiving funds from the Board of Estimate and Apportionment wasthe Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society which got $1,896.85.

1884:In Latvia, Frieda Heyman and Zadok Bernstein gave birth “author, scholar andveteran Zionist” Dr. Simon Bernstein, the husband of Lea Dinson and the holderof a doctorated from the University of Berne who “served as secretary ofthe World Zionist Executive in Berlin, Germany, secretary of theOrganization Department of the World Zionist Organization in London and from 1922to 1949 director of the Palestine Bureau of the Jewish Agencyin theUnited States.

1884:“Doom of the Ghetto at Rome” published today described the crumbling conditionof the former Jewish quarter. Paul IVwas the first Pope to move the Jews across the river into “somber Tower ofMarcellus. He was the same Pope who usedto force the Jews to listen to annual sermons on Holy Cross Day in hopes thatthey would convert.

1884:Birthdate of Moses Garber, the Western Reserve trained physician who became“chief in Obstetrics at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Cleveland where “he was one ofthe directors of the city’s Hebrew School and as chairman of the Keren HayesodCommittee.

1885:In Kalamazoo, Michigan, “Hungarian-born Jewish storekeeper, Jacob CharlesFerber, and his Milwaukee, Wisconsin-born wife, Julia (Neumann) Ferber” gavebirth to Pulitzer prize winning author Edna Ferber who works included ShowBoat, Giant and Cimarron – big books that treated big topics.

1885:In Kovno, Hyman Jehuda Osinksy and Rachel Osinsky gave birth to Meshe DavidOsinsky who came to Britain in 1900 where he gained fame as Sir MontagueMaurice Burton the founder of Burton London and Burton Menswear.

1886:In Wilno, Rabbo Zalman M. and Rebecca Shapiro gave birth to CCNY and SyracuseUniversity graduate Abraham Shapiro, the husband of Minnie Pink who served as athe rabbi at Congregation in Shaary Torah in Canton, OH before accepting apulpit in Utica, NY in 1920.

1886:Based on information that first appeared in the Hebrew Standard it was reportedtoday that a young Jewish lady “refused to play at a game of kissing forfeits,giving as her reason the quotation ‘Let the men that sacrifice kiss the calves’(Hosea, XII, 2)”

1887:It was reported today that Israel Lipski has been granted a reprieve from thehangman’s rope.

1887:Three days after he had passed away, seventy-two-year-old Philip Gowa, thehusband of Juliette Gowa and father of Josephine Gowa was buried today at the“Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.

1887(25thof Av, 5647): Sixty-seven-year-old Danish author Meïr Aron Goldschmidt whoseworks included A Jew, “the first novel to provide an” an insider’s “descriptionof the Copenhagen Jewish milieu” passed away today.

1888:Congressman Ford’s Immigration Committee heard testimony today in New York fromDaniel Harris a journeyman cigar maker who testified on the impact offoreigners on his business. In the pasttwo decades foreigners have gone from being 10 per cent of the cigar makers tobeing 90 percent. Wages have gone fromfifty dollars a week to twelve dollars a week.He blames part of this one the arrival of thousands of Russian andPolish Jews many of whom have their tickets to the United States by charitableorganizations.

1888:Birthdate of Girsh Yankelovich Brilliant who as Grigori Yakovlovich Sokolnikovbecame a leading Bolshevik who would be murdered by Stalin during the purges ofthe 1930’s/

1888:In Vienna Leopold Leopoldi (whose name was Kohn before he changed it) and hiswife gave birth to Herman Leopoldi the Austrian composer and performer whosurvived Buchenwald.

1889:Birthdate of Jekuthiel Ginsburg, the native of Poland, who came to the UnitedStates in 1912, earned his degrees in Mathematics at Columbia and founded theInstitute of Mathematics at Yeshiva University.

1888: Birthdate of*ckrainian-American Cantor Joshua Samuel Weisser.

1890: Jacob Levy wasdelivered to the City of London lunatic asylum, Stone, in Kent, as an insaneperson. Born in 1856, at Aldgate to Joseph and Caroline Levy, he was a butcherwho was a suspect in the Jack the Ripper Cases.

1890: The Jewish Messenger reported that Mr.Lippman Levy has left New York and returned to Cincinnati, Ohio.

1890(29th ofAv, 5650): Montagu Meyer Gluckstein, the German born husband of BetseyGluckstein passed away today in London

1890: It was reportedtoday that Mount Sinai Temple has elected Godfrey Taubenhaus as rabbi

1891: Congregants atthe House of Miriam in Long Branch, NJ, donated approximately $165 in responseto today’s appeal made by Rabbi William H. Karuskopf.

1891: In London, thelead article in the Daily News dealswith “the question of the Jews of Russia.”

1891: “RussianRefugees” published today described the difficulties faced by the Jewishimmigrants from Russia who had been sent to Hightstown, NJ by the Baron HirschFund. Wallach & Sons of New Yorkopened a shirt factory there and agreed to hire them as workers. However, none of them have any experience anddo not like the work. They havecomplained to Jesse Seligman about conditions, but Seligman has expressed thefeeling that those who are complaining are a few malcontents who do not want towork.

1892: “Orthodox orReform?” published today described main issue that will be dealt with when a“conclave of Rabbis gathers in New York in October. The Reform have clashed with the Orthodox byadopting a resolution making performance of “the Abrahamic rite” (circumcision)optional for those wanting to convert to Judaism. The change championed by the Reform movementgrew out of the fact that the daughter of Rabbi Wise, their leader, had marriedher physician, Dr. Maloney, who was Catholic.Maloney said he would convert but he would not submit tocircumcision. According to the Orthodox,it was at that point that Rabbi Wise decided that the “Abrahamic rite” wasoptional.

1892: Meyer Reinherz ofthe of the United Hebrew Charities appeared in the Essex Market Police Court asthe complainant in the case again Edward Pollock, an Austro-Hungarian reporterwho had written several articles about Ellis Island and the Jewish boardinghouses

1892: “A Wedding ofMidgets” published today described the courtship and marriage of Leopold Kahnand Lottie Naomi Swartwood. The 48 inchtall Jewish comedian met the 49 inch tall love of his life in Philadelphia wherehe was performing with the American Lilliputian Company. They overcame theobstacle of religion when she agreed to convert before they married and tookthe name Naomi which she incorporated into her secular name.

1892: “Will Not Objectto Crosses” published today described the decision of Russian Jews who are themembers of the Erie Street Congregation in Cleveland, Ohio to rent a hall fromthe Young Men’s Christian Association for use during Rosh Hashanah and YomKippur. It was agreed that “inasmuch asthe crosses were more than twenty feet above the hall…and there were no crossesin the decoration in the room itself” there was no reason not to rent the roomwhich will provide the needed space for the upcoming High Holiday services.

1893: The policepromise to keep Hester and Mulberry Streets clear of all peddlers and vendors,many of whom are Jewish, after having conducting a successful operation toremove all such obstacles.

1893: In Seattle, WA,“Viola (Cohen) Kahn, the daughter of a famous rabbi” and “successfulbusinessman Julius Kahn gave birth to “Dorothy Kahn, the eldest of their threechildren” and a leading Social Worker during the 1930’s and 1940’s.

1894: One day after hehad passed away sixty-seven year old Leah Cohen, “the widow of Woolf Cohen wasburied at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1894:Birthdate of New York song writer Harry Askt who began his career playing pianofor such vaudeville performers as Al Jolson and who began his partnership withIrving Berlin while they were serving at Camp Upton during WW I.

1894: Birthdate ofLouis B. Popkin the New York born journalist and public relations executive whowas the editor of the American Hebrew and a board member of the JointDistribution Committee, Union of American Hebrew Congregations and the FairPlay for Palestine Radio League.

1895: While stopping atthe Union Square Hotel Senor Segundo Alvarez, the Mayor of Havana blamed thetroubles in Cuba on American adventures including Carlos Roloff, “a Polish Jew”who has gotten funding from “the cigar-makers of Key West” whom some “say haslanded in Cuba with a thousand men, guns and ammunition and dynamite.

1896: In Prague, Marthaand Otto Radnitz, the manager of a sugar refinery, gave birth to “Dr. GertyTheresa Radnitz Cori was the first American woman to receive the Nobel Prizefor Medicine and Physiology, in 1947, which was shared with her husband, Dr. CarlF. Cori, and Dr. B.A. Houssay of Argentina.” (As reported by Jewish VirtualLibrary)

1897: The New YorkTimes published a lengthy favorable article about the Zionist cause led byHerzl and the upcoming congress to be held in Basel, Switzerland.

1897: It was reportedtoday that Joseph Barondess has started a new labor organization in oppositionto the Hebrew Trades and the Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance.

1897: “The Jewish StateIdea” published today described the history of Jewish settlement in Palestineand the challenges facing the Zionists as they meet at Basle.

1897: “The Adaptivenessof the Jew” published today summarizes an article by Professor A.S. Isaacs thatfirst appeared in the August issue of the North American Review in which hesaid that “critic of Judaism…must familiarize himself with the history of theJew in every land” in which he has lived.And then “he must account for that marvelous vitality…which has made theJew at home whether” on the banks of the Vistula, the Thames or the Euphratesor “amid the orange groves of Sicily or the plains of Arabia.

1898: “Bad Water KillsOrphans” published today described the efforts to care for those at the HebrewOrphan Asylum who have become ill during the latest outbreak of dysentery inthe neighborhood which has been attributed to polluted city water.

1898: On this dateClara, Baroness von Hirsch signed the 15th and final codicil of herwill.

1898: The fifteenth andfinal codicil for the will of Clara, Baroness von Hirsch, formerlyBischoffsheim, the widow of Baron Moritz von Hirsch which declares that herestate should be administered in Vienna under the terms of Austrian law isfiled and attested to

1899: In Washington,DC, the Treasurer of the Dewey Home Fund received a letter and a contributionof ten dollars from Mrs. Lizzie A. Cohen, Treasurer of the Woman’s DemocraticClub of Salt Lake City which did not surprise him since the Jews have “contributedliberally” to this cause from the beginning.

1899: As passions flarein France during the second court martial of Captain Dreyfus Bonapartists andOreleanists held rallies and dinners during which they challenged the veryexistence of the French Republic. (These divisions are meaningless today. In a nutshell, these were two right winggroups seeking to bring down the republican government and replace it with amonarch. Of course, each group wantedtheir own candidate to fill the job. Theimportant thing to remember is that while Jews focus on the anti-Semitic aspectof the Dreyfus Affair, it really was part of a larger conflict betweenrepublicans and reactionaries. The lastact of this dreadful conflict would be played out at Vichy and Drancy fourdecades later)

1899: The ThirdZionist Congress begins meeting in Basel.

1899: The Americandelegation at today’s Third Zionist Congress includes Professor RichardGottheil of Columbia University and his wife, Miss Eva Leon, Rabbi StephenWise, Rabbi Marcus Jastrow of Philadelphia, Henrietta Szold of Baltimore andWilliam Schurr of Chicago.

1899:” Would-Be SuicideShaming” published today described the condition of Abraham Reinold who hasbeen a patient at Georgetown Hospital ever since he tried to shoot himselfwhile visiting Washington, DC.

1900: In New Orleans,“the Hebrew congregation Somach Nochlin, organized to succor the needy, held ameeting” tonight “and decided to raise funds during coming holiday,” half ofwhile go to the society’s relief fund and half of it will “be sent to the CentralCommittee in New York to aid in taking care of the Roumanian refugees comingto” the United States.

1901: Birthdate ofManhattan native and NYU trained attorney Herman M. Albert, the DemocraticParty leader who served as an Assemblyman and Bronx County Register.

1902: Birthdate of IrisMargaret Origo, an Anglo-Irish writer who helped to save Jewish childrenthrough the kindertransport including the painter Frank Helmut Auerbach.

1902: Birthdate of JackS. Popick, the native of Kishinev who came to the United States in 1904, becamea successful businessman who helped co-found the Graduate School Education atYehsiva University and served on the board of the Jewish Family and ChildrenServices.

1902: In Montreal,Clarence Isaac de Solla and Belle Maud de Sola gave birth to Raphael David deSola, the grandson of Cantor Abraham de Sola.

1902: In the “JewishHarlem Section” of New York City, Ruth Green, a widow whose husband died in afactory accident before the birth of her son, gave birth to Charlie Green whogained famed as World Bantamweight Champion Charlie Phil Rosenberg.

1903(22nd ofAv, 5663): Parashat Eikev

1903(22nd ofAv, 5663): Twenty-six-year-old Clara Wolff Wertheim, the daughter of Lydia CohenWolf and banker Abraham Wolff and the wife of Amsterdam native Henri PieterWertheim-Van Heukelom whom she married in 1896 died in childbirth today “at herhome, Cedar Court, in the Normandy Heights area of Morristown, New Jersey, atwin-villa house built by Carrere and Hastings next door to that of her sister Mrs.Otto Kahn in the style of the Villa Medici in Rome.”

1903: Birthdate ofWilma Shannon Warburg the wife of Frederick Marcus Warburg.

1903: Issac Berner, theTukan, Courland born son of Harry and Rose Brenner, married Bessie Abrams ofBoston after which founded the Tampa Bag Company and Palm Soap Company of Tampawhile serving as a trustee of Congregation Rodeph Shalom in Tampa.

1904(4th ofElul, 5664): Fifty-nine-year-old Gustav Przibram, the son of Salomon and MariePrzibram and the husband of Charlotte Przibram passed away today inSwitzerland.

1905: Today, thirty-two-year-oldSol Walk, the Polish born son of Issac H. and Esther Wolk, the founder of “clothinghouse” in Des Moines, IA and member of TifferethIsrael Synagogue married Rose Cohen, the daughter of Des Moines residents N.B.and Sarah Cohen, the mother of their daughter Louisa who was born in 1909.

1905: Birthdate ofPhiladelphia native and violinist Louis Pearlman, the “director of the PearlmanSchool of Music” and the “conductor of the Doylestown Symphony.”

1906: During a fightbetween Revolutionists and Police on Torgovia Street in Warsaw, “a Jewishmerchant was killed by a stray bullet.

1907(5th of Elul,5667): Seventy-six-year-old violinist and composer Joseph Joachim passed away.

1908: In Galicia,Joseph Weinberg, “a metal worker who operated a body and fender repair businessafter he came to Baltimore” and homemaker Sarah Weinberg gave birth to theirsecond child Harry Weinberg the successful businessman and husband of the formerJeanette Gutman with whom he had one child, Morton and created the Harry andJeanette Weinberg Foundation, just one of his many charitable entities.

1909: It was reportedtoday that Nathan Straus will be making a presentation to the InternationalMedical Congress at its meeting in Budapest on “the necessity forpasteurization of milk to prevent the spread of tuberculosis and otherinfectious diseases.”

1910: “Drops Dead in Synagogue”published today described the death of 70-year-old Israel Hamel who droppeddead while attending a special meeting a B’nai Jeshurun after having suffered“an epileptic fit.”

1910: The Marriage of aStar” translated and performed by Clara Lipman opened the Hackett Theatretodayl

1911: B’Nai Brithcontributes $3,382 to Jews who have suffered during the fires that ragedthrough Constantinople.

1911: The 10thZionist Congress elects Professor Otto Warburg, Dr. Hantke, Dr. ShmaryahuLevin, Hahum Sokolow and Victor Jacobsohn as successors to David Wolffsohn

1912: Birthdate ofGlasgow native and University of Glasgow trained metallurgical chemist MontyFinniston, the son of Robert Finniston whose “family were of Russian Jewishorigin” who “became chairman of British Steel Corporation in 1973 and who was“knighted in the same year” after which he was known as Sir Harold Montague"Monty" Finniston.”

1913: In London,Abraham Jacobs and Sarah Jacobs, the daughter of Abraham Simcha (Simon)Flashtiq and Rebekah Flashtiq gave birth to Marie (Esther Miriam) Lewis

1914: The Panama Canal opened to traffic. The territory that made up the nation ofPanama had been amputated from Columbia in a revolution supported, if notcreated, by the United States so that a canal could be built. Panama has a very old Jewish community. When the Canal opened there were about sixhundred Jews, mostly Sephardic, living in Panama. Panama is the only country, with theexception of Israel, to have elected two Jews as President.

1914: Birthdate ofBrooklyn native Peretz Rosenbaum who gained fame as Paul Ryan “the creator ofsleek graphic designs.” (As reported by Steven Heller)

1915(5th of Elul,5675): Albert Bettelhein, journalist and author, convicted by a Georgia jury ofmurder, was lynched by an anti-Semitic mob.

1915(5th ofElul, 5675): In Frankfurt am Main 62-year-old Karl Ferdinand Moritz Fleschpassed away.

1915(5th ofElul, 5675): Ninety-year-old Sarah Blumenthal, who was living with her Mr. andMrs. Solomon Shillon, her son-in-law and daughter and her granddaughter Fanny“was killed last night when she accidently “feel from a window of her room onthe 5th floor of an apartment house at 34 West 116thStreet.”

1915: Birthdate ofJulie Fisherova, the wife of Salomon Fisher, who was deported from Prauge in1941 to Lodz where she was murdered.

1915: Robert Mosesmarried “Mary Louise Sims, of Dodgeville, Wisconsin, the granddaughter of theReverend George Sims, a Methodist circuit rider.

1915: In Asbury Park,NJ, a crowd of more than 200 people heard several prominent rabbis say that“the very fate of the Jewish race in Continental Europe and Palestine dependsin large measure on America’s response to the Old World’s entreaties” for financialaid.

1915: “An Inside Viewof Russia in War Time” published today provided a review of Russia and theGreat War by Gregor Alexinsky

1915: “Russia’sExpulsion of Jews” published today described “the horrors wrought by a decreethat forced 200,000” Jews to “leave the War Zone” with almost no warning.

1915: The originalBroadway production of “The Blue Paradise” with music by Signmund Romberg andEdmund Eysler opened at the Casino Theatre.

1915: “Miss TheresaDreyfus of New York, who has recently returned from Jerusalem” where she “saidthousands of male Jews had allied to the Moslem war colors while their womenand children remained at home in poverty and misery.”

1916: In the see-sawfighting in the Caucasus Mountains the Turks took back Mush and Bitlis from theRussians in the kind of miserable fighting that would help to bring on theRevolution in 1917.

1917(27th ofAv, 5677): Eighty-two-year-old philanthropist Abraham Slimmer passed away todayin Dubuque, IA.,_Abraham

1917: It was reportedtoday that Samuel Gompers has been “denounced at a workingmen’s council.”

1917: It was reportedtoday that Minister for Jewish Affairs in Ukraine Silverfarb is the firstperson to hold this unique position that he uses the penname “Basin.”

1918: Birthdate ofSanford Daniel Garelik, the first Jewish chief inspector of the New York PoliceDepartment. Garelik graduated from thePolice Academy in 1940 along with Gertrude Schimmel who became the first femaleand the first Jewish female deputy chief of police.

1918: As the effects ofthe Aimens offensive in which Sir John Monash played such a major part tookeffect, German long-range guns fired on Paris for the last time.

1919: Birthdate ofStanley Frazen, “a longtime film and television editor who was a member of theArmy Air Forces' First Motion Picture Unit during World War II.”

1920: Today, LouisLipsky, “one of the American delegates” who attended the World ZionistConference in London “declared that that the British government had promised toaid in the development of” “Palestine as a Jewish homeland.”

1920:Twenty-six-year-old Nathan Daimont, the Gomel, Russia born son of Jacob andSarah (Saubor) Demichorsky, who was a vice-commander of the American Legion ofNewport, NH, a vice president of the New Hampshire Zionist Organization and amember of Congregation Agudath Achim in Newport, NH, married Libbie D. Eserskytoday in Brooklyn.

1920: Today, BrooklynLaw School trained attorney Chester Solez, the New York City born son of BellaRosen and Morris Solez, the attorney for the Brooklyn Federation of JewishCharities who “on behalf of women votersobtained a legal writ permitting women to participate in the election of partycounty country district leaders married Gertrue Caminez.

1921: Birthdate ofAugust Marian Kowalczyk, the Polish actor and director who “was the lastsurvivor of a breakout from Auschwitz on June 10, 1942.”

1921: Birthdate of NewYork native and CCNY and Columbia educated geneticist Dr. Arnold Warren Ravin,the WW II veteran and Director of Morris Fishbein Center for the Study ofHistory of Science and Medicine who passed away in 1981.

1922:Birthdate of sculptor and printmaker Leonard Baskin.

1923:“ Little Jessie James,” for which Alex Yokel is serving as Press Representativeopened on Broadway today at the Longacre Theatre.

1923:Specific recommendations for the improvement of conditions at Ellis Island, theprincipal gateway into America for European emigrants including millions ofEastern European Jews are contained in a report to the Foreign Secretary. LordCurzon, from Sir Auckland Geddes. British Ambassador to the United States, madepublic here today.

1924(15thof Av, 5684): Tu B’Av

1924:In Brooklyn, Dr Henry and Celia Kresky gave birth to Edward MordecaiKresky “an investment banker who was anarchitect of the debit refinancing plan that saved New York City frombankruptcy in the 1970’s” (As reported by Paul Vitello.

1925(25thof Av, 5685): Parashat Re’eh

1925:Dr. Henry Moscowitz, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the ORTReconstruction Fund for aiding impoverished Jews in Southern Europe isscheduled to sail for Europe this morning where “he will spend several monthsin applying the fund to the needy and making a survey of the economicrehabilitation activities.”

1925:Charlie Chaplin in "The Gold Rush" opens with a gala performance at .

1926:Birthdate of Sami Michael, the left wing native of Baghdad who in 1949 came toIsrael where he became an author and the President of The Association for CivilRights in Israel (ACRI).

1926:The Chevra Kadisha, at its last meeting here, decided to contribute a sum of5,000 pesos to the Palestine campaign. At the same time, it decided tocontribute a sum of 500 pesos to the Jewish Colonization work in Russia. (Asreported by JTA)

1927:Rabbi B. Leon Hurwitz of the Bay Ridge Jewish Center was one of the speakers atthe general conference on European Dictatorships at the Institute of Politicsin Williamstown, MA.

1928:In Rochester, NY Abraham and Hannah Glazer gave birth to their fifth childMalcolm Irving Glazer the CEO of First Allied Corporation who owned twofootball teams – Manchester United (soccer) and Tampa Bay Buccaneers (NFL)

1928:“The International Congress of Student Organizations” which opened today inParis decided by a majority vote “not to take any action on the motion ofdelegation of British students to excluded the Roumanian Students’ Federationfrom the organization because of their policy of anti-Semitic violence.”

1929(9thof Av, 5689): Tish'a B'Av observed on the day after the founding of “The JewishAgency for Palestine” which was, in fact, “the de factor government of the Jewsin the Yishuv.”

1929:Several hundred members of Joseph Klausner's Committee for the Western Wall,among them members of Vladimir Jabotinsky's Revisionist Zionism movement Betaryouth organisation, under the leadership of Jeremiah Halpern, assembled at theWestern Wall. They raised the Jewish national flag and sang the Hatikvah. Theauthorities had been notified of the march in advance and provided a heavypolice escort in a bid to prevent any incidents.

1930:“The Arab daily paper Al Hayat, the organ of the extremists in the ArabExecutive was indefinitely suspended today for publishing a speech of ZakiPasha, the Egyptian Arab leader in which he said that the Arab murderers of theJews of Hebron and Safed were heroes before whom the Arabs should bow down.

1931(2ndof Elul, 5691): Parashat Shoftim

1931:“Jewish orphanages in Poland and Latvia, caring for 10,000 parentless andhomeless children were enabled to continue their work of sheltering and feedingthem through aid of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and TOX,the Europeans Health Society, Rabbi Jonah B. Wise chairman of the 1931 fund ofthe committee which is seeking $2,500,000 from American Jewry to carry on theirprogram announced” today.

1931:With the exception of an attempt by about a score of Arab youths at Nablus tostage a demonstration by marching through the streets and beating tin cans, theentire country was normal today despite Arab plans to protest the government’sgranting of sealed armories to outlying Jewish colonies.”

1932:Theatrical producer Morris Green who is represented by Bloomberg and Bloombergfiled a voluntary petition of bankruptcy today in United States District Courtthat showed his principle creditors to be the Shubert Theatrical Corporation,Lee Shubert and J.P. Warburg.

1933:In Prague, the Conference of the Women's International Zionist Organization(Wizo), attended by 103 delegates from 19 countries, came to a close afterhearing that its membership is now 50,000; adopts budget of £47,000, andapproves resolutions encouraging immigration into Palestine of German-Jewishyouth, especially those of the middle classes, urging more certificates forgirl immigrants, and equal rights for women.

1933:In New York City Romanian born Adele (née Israel), and Hungarian-born baker,Samuel Milgram gave birth to social psychologist Stanley Milgram.

1933:In Bucharest.—M. Pandrei, Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Education, in aninterview with the press, denies that the Government intends to establish a“numerus clauses” in the universities of Romania, and announces that owing to alack of laboratory facilities, a general limitation of students iscontemplated.

1934:Premiere of “Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back,” a comedic murder mystery with ascript co-authored by Henry Lehman and music by Alfred Newman.

1934:Deadline, according to “Leroy Peterson, the New York poultry code supervisorfor settling all disputes “with the live poultry industry” including issues pertainingto the proposed “rabbinical supervision of poultry markets.”

1934:The Anti-Nazi Minute, Post 4 is scheduled to meet at this evening at the StuyvesantCasino at 140 Second Avenue in New York.

1935:“Alice Adams” produced by Pandro S. Berman with music by Max Steiner wasreleased in the United States today by RKO.

1935:Humorist Will Rogers and aviator Wiley Post were killed when theirairplane crashed near Point Barrow, Alaska.Rogers was one of the most popular celebrities of his time. His radio shows, movies and columns weredevoured by millions of Americans. Thisson of the American Plains got his first big break when Flo Ziegfield featuredhim in the famous Zigfield Follies.According to legend, he took away Will’s horse, left him with a rope andthe wit that became his trademarks.

1936(27th of Av, 5696): Parashat Re’eh

1936: In Geneva, The World Jewish Congress adjourntonight until 1938 after approving the recommendation of the nominationscommittee that included naming Federal Judge Julian W. Mack of New York ashonorary president; “”Rabbi Stephen S. Wise as chairman of the executivecommittee; Louis Lipsky of New York as chairman of the council; and Louis Sturzwho is chairman of the American Jewish Congress’s finance committee astreasurer.”

1937: In Tel Aviv, Amnon Drori, the son of IsascharDov (Bar-Drora) Drori (Freier) and Shulamit Drori (Bar-Drora) and Ella Drori,the daughter of Alexander Govorkovski and Ester Goverkovsky gave birth toGeneral Amir Drori, the winner of the Medal of Courage and “the first directorgeneral of the Israel Antiquities Authority.” (Some sources show his birth asAugust 5)

1937: Sha’ar HaNeveg (which was renamed Kfar Szold)a new agricultural village east of Gedera was established. It was the 17thvillage to be settled in 1937. KfarSzold was only two hundred yards from the Syrian border. In January, 1948, even before the state ofIsrael had been created, the Syrian army attacked the settlement in adetermined effort to destroy it and kill the inhabitants. Nine hundred Syrian soldiers attacked asettlement manned by fewer than hundred defenders. After a spirited defense, the British army,for once, intervened on behalf of the Jews and the Syrians withdrew.

1937: Lord Melchett, Prof. L. Namier, H. Sacher, M.Ussishkin, Dr. S. Wise, Berl Katznelson, Dov Hos, Rabbi Berlin, Dr. Glickson,and Franz Bernstein joined the Advisory Commission, formed to assist the newZionist Executive to negotiate the country’s partition under the Royal (Peel)Commission¹s scheme.

1937(8th of Elul, 5697): Solomon Wander, one of the first Jewishimmigrants to form the Jewish community in Albany. New York passed away at theage of 71.

1937: The New York Times describes thegrowing tension in Palestine on the streets of Jerusalem and Haifa and theBritish response which includes the recommendation by a Royal Commission for"a surgical operation" on Palestine which will result in the creationof a Jewish State, an Arab State and a new British mandate over Jerusalem witha corridor to the sea.

1938: “The Gladiator” a comedy produced by David L.Loew with a script by Arthur Sheekman and music by Victor Young was released inthe United States by Columbia Pictures.

1938: Birthdate of Lewis E. “Lew” Lehrman thefounder of Rite Aid Drugstore and the Gilder Lehrman Institute of AmericanHistory who ran for Governor of New York in 1982 on the Republican ticket.

1938: In San Francisco, CA, Anne A. and Irving G.Breyer gave birth to Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer.

1938:Today, the first Jewish refugees from Anschluss Austria arrived by Italian shipat Shanghai.

1938:As Arab violence spirals to new levels of intensity, “six Jews were killed andtwo, both women, were seriously injured near Haifa this afternoon when a busgoing to Mount Carmel was ambushed by Arabs while passing through a forest. Itis believed several of those killed were Jewish special policemen.” A bomb wasdetonated on the road running between Herzliah and Raananh wounding some of the25 workers in a truck bound for a local orange grove. Several other acts of violence and sabotagetook place including a bomb-throwing episode on the streets of Tel Aviv.

1938:Paul Ferdinand Strassmann, the Jewish born German gynecologist who became aProtestant, passed away.

1939:“The Wizard of Oz” the classical musical produced by Mervyn LeRoy with music byHarold Arlen and lyrics by Yip Harburg “both of whom won the Academy Award forBest original Song for ‘Over the Rainbow’ “had its Hollywood Premiere atGrauman’s Chinese Theater.This is another example of Jews creating an icon ofAmerican popular culture.

1939(30thof Av, 5699): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1940:Baden, Germany native Julius J. Dukas, the founder of the brush making companythat bears his name and for the for the last 35 years the “president of theHebrew Free Loan Society” celebrated his 85th birthday today withhis daughter and his wife, Sarah Hyman Dukas.

1940(11thof Av, 5700): Seventy-year-old Caroline Goldman Bechhoefer “the widow of thelate Judge Charles Bechhoefer, mother of Bernard G. Bechhoefer, sister of Mrs.A Slimmer of St. Paul, and Miss Sara M. Goldman of New York City passed awaytoday after which she was interred at the Mount Zion Temple Cemetery in St.Paul, MN.

1941: Heinrich Lohse, Reich commissioner forEastern Territories of the Ostland (Eastern Europe) region, decrees that Jewsmust wear two yellow badges, one on the chest and one on the back; that Jewscannot own automobiles or radios; and that their presence in public places willbe severely proscribed.

1941A Jewish ghetto is established at Riga, Latvia.

1941:Last of the remaining 25,000 Jews in Kovno were removed to Viampole. Each isallotted three square feet of living space.

1941:Six hundred Jews are taken from Stawiski and shot in nearby woods.

1941:A massacre begins at Rokiskis that leaves 3,200 men, women and children, shotby the next evening.

1942(2ndof Elul, 5702): Parashat Shoftim

1942:On Shabbat, “the Germans entered the ghetto in the village of Zagrodski,ordering the Jews to leave their houses for a roll call” and then left to standoutside all day without any food or water.

1942:This evening, “a truck arrived at the ghetto in the village of Zagrodski. “TheJews were ordered on to it, and drove out of the ghetto. Those for whom therehad been no room on the truck were ordered to run after it. For the rest of thetale of the ensuring slaughter read

1942:“Memoirs of a Liberal Lawyer” published today provides a review of City Lawyer:The Autobiography of a Law Practice by Arthur Garfield Hays.

1942: The Germans open Jawiszowice, a slave-labor camp locatednear Auschwitz.

1942:One thousand Belgian Jews, including 172children, are deported to their deaths in the East.

1943:Nearly 1000 French Jews of Polish birthare deported to a slave-labor camp on Alderney, one of the British ChannelIslands seized in 1940 by Germany, and are put to work building fortifications.Hundreds of the Jews die due to ill treatment and exhaustion

1944:“Operation Dragoon,” the Allied invasion of southern France in which formerB-17 pilot Bruce Sundlin served as a bombardment spotter for the OSS, begantoday.

1944:“Children standing behind the ghetto fence in Lodz, Poland.”

1945: V.J. Day – Victory over Japan Day isproclaimed by the Allies after having received official word of that theJapanese had indeed surrendered.

1945:Bess Myerson, who refused to change her name to something less Jewish and wonthe Miss New York beauty pageant based on her performance of music by EdvargGrieg and George Gershwin as well as on her looks.

1946:“The American Jewish Committee announced today that delegation headed by JacobBlaustein, chairman of the executive committee, was conferring in Paris withrepresentatives of other Jewish groups to prepare a joint recommendation to thepeace conference on treaty clauses relating to human rights.”

1947:Birthdate of Brooklyn native Allen H. Weisselberg, the “CFO the TrumpOrganization.”
1947: With the end of the British rule of the Indian subcontinent, two newnations declared the independence. Onewas Islamic Pakistan; the other was India which while heavily Hindu retained alarge Islamic population. India’srelations with Israel have been a mixed bag.In the early days, under Nehru, the Indian government was anti-Israel,taking the lead, for example in denying it admittance to the BandungConference. In more recent times,relations between the two states and their citizens have improved.

1947:Following today’s division of the Indian sub-continent into two states, Indianairlines responded to the Prime Minister Nehru’s request that they fly Hindusliving in Pakistan to India. Among thoseparticipating was Abie Nathan who was a co-pilot for one of the Indianairlines.

1948(10thof Av, 5708): Tish’a B’Av observed since the 9th of Av fell onShabbat

1948(10thof Av, 5708): As Israel fights for her independence Tish'a B'Av is observedtoday because the 9th of Av fell on Shabbat.

1948:Mitchell Flint, a WW II naval combat pilot who had planned to celebrate hisgraduation UC-Berkley by attending the Olympics in London but chose to fly forthe IAF “out of concern for the plight of Holocaust survivors” flew his firsttwo missions today – the first involving “a search for a last aircraft” and thesecond being an “attempted interception” of an enemy aircraft.

1948:In Iraq, a leading Jewish businessman, Shafiq Adas was hanged on trumped upcharges of treason. His body wasmutilated by a crowd of on-lookers.

1948:American Michael “Mike” Flint joined Israel’s squadron 101.

1948:Two Israeli and two Arab soldiers were killed during a second unsuccessful Arabattack on the Mandelbaum House a key defensive point in Jerusalem.

1949:“Shafir, a moshav in southern Israel located in the Shephelah near KiryatMalakhi, was founded today by immigrants from Hungary and Czechoslovakia.”

1949(20thof Av, 5709): Fanny Binswanger Hoffman passed away. (As reported by SelmaWeintraub, a past national president of the Women’s League for ConservativeJudaism)

1950:In Indianapolis, Indiana, Anne and Wolf Rosenblum gave birth to Gail SueRosenblum who gained fame as Gaylen Ross “American actress, writer, producerand director” who produced the awarded “Killing Kasztner”

(For more see Gaylen Ross’s award-winning documentary “KillingKasztner: The Jew Who Dealt With Nazis”

1951:Prime Minister David Ben Gurion's plan to take control of the Zionist movementoutside of Israel from political parties and transfer it to non-partisanregional organizations was attacked here today by delegates to the twenty-thirdWorld Zionist Congress.

1951(13thof Av, 5711): Pianist and composer Artur Schnabel passed away.

1951:The last inmates of Bergen-Belsen left the camp on their way to the UnitedStates. Bergen- Belsen was originally set up in 1943. Many of its inmates wereJewish prisoners who had dual citizenship with Latin American countries orentry permits to Palestine. A few hundred were used by the Germans for prisonerexchanges. Though not a death camp per se, over 51,000 people died thereincluding Anne Frank.

1951:In Philadelphia, premiere of “His Kind of Woman” directed by Richard Fleischer

1952(24thof Av, 5712): Eighty-three-year-old Waynetown, Indiana, born Louis Landman,“the president and director of the Parmelee Transportation Company passed awaytoday while visiting his son Roger Kahn and his wife.

1952(24thof 5712): Sixty-three-year-old Sidney Benjamin Cardozo, Sr,, the Manhattan born“son of Daniel Henry Cardozo, Sr. and Clara Cardozo, the husband of Eva Cardozoand father of Benjamin Mordecai Cardozo; Sidney Benjamin Cardozo, Jr.; RichardHenry Cardozo; Clare Imburg and Ann Sonnenfield” passed away today in New YorkCity.

1953:Birthdate of Cincinnati native and Johns Hopkins and Yale educated Michael Dine,the “theoretical physicist, specializing in elementary particle physics,supersymmetry, string theory, and physics beyond the Standard Model.”

1953:Seventy-seven-year-old Reinhold Quaatz the German right wing politician “whoendorsed anti-Semitic policies” despite the fact that his mother was Jewish andavoided the Holocaust passed away today.

1954(16thof Av, 5714): Abram Pofcher, the son of Michael and Rose Nizel Pofcher and thehusband of Mamie Pofcher with whom hehad five children passed away today after which he was buried in SuffolkCountry, MA.

1955(27thof Av, 5715): Seventy-seven-year-old Elizavetgrad native and neurologistGeorge Boris Hassin, who in 1902 came to the United States where he served inWWI and was on the faculty of the University of the Illinois passed away today.

1955(27thof Av, 5715): Lucille Turak Ginzburg “beloved wife of Ralph Ginzburg passedaway today.

1955:“A Kid for Two Farthing” a screen version of the novel by Wolf Mankowitz whowrote the screenplay with music by Benjamin Frankel and co-starring DavidKossoff was released today in the United Kingdom.

1958(29thof Av, 5718): New York City native Harvey Schwamm who pursued a career in“banking and finance” and served as president of the American Trust Companywhile raising two children and his wife,the former Lillian Tverskoi” whom he married in 1924 died tonight when “aNortheast Airlines plane crashed in the fog” at Nantucket, MA.

1959(11thof Av, 5719): Shabbat Nachamu

1959:“In the summer of her freshman year of college Judith Sussman married John M.Blume which meant she was Judy Blume, the name under which she became an awardwinning auther.

1959:Today, Guggehiem awarding winning syndicated columnist Nathan Irving “Nat”Hentfoff “married his third wife, Margot Goodman, with whom he had twochildren: Nicholas and Thomas.

1959:As the Los Angeles Dodgers made a surprising run for the National Leaguepennant ‘Larry Sherry walloped three hits, including his first home run, andpitched eight and two-thirds innings of scoreless relief ball today in leadingthe second place Los Angeles Dodgers to a 4-3 decision over the Cardinals.”

1960:It was reported today that “some quiet talk in the corridors of the U.N. hereand in the Foreign Ministry in Buenos Aires may lead soon to restoration offull diplomatic relations between Israel and Argentina which had soured after“the two countries had clashed bitterly over the abduction of Adolf Eichmann.”

1961:“Marines, Let’s Go” a Korean War that President Kennedy did not like with musicby Irving Getz was released today in the United States.

1961:Elections were held today for the fifth Knesset Ben-Gurion’s Mapai came infirst with 34.7% of the vote which earned 42 seats. Herut, led by Menachem Begin and Liberal led by Peretz Bernstein tied for second witheach getting a little more than 13% of the vote which translated into 17 seatsfor each party.

1961:“The Lawbreakers” with music by Johnny Mandel who wrote the theme for MASH(Suicide is Painless) and featuring Jay Adler as “Abe Hirsch” was released inGermany today.

1962(15thof Av, 5722) Tu B’Av

1962(15thof Av, 5722): Sixty-three-year-old Russian native David Jacob Sandweiss whocame to the U.S. in 1909, earned a Medical Degree from the University ofMichigan, practiced in Detroit where he raised his son Samuel with his wifeFrieda.

1967(9thof Av, 5727): Tish’a B’Av

1968: In Brooklyn, “Sandra (née Simons), who hasworked as a professional singer, banker, travel and real estate agent, andBrian Messing, a sales executive for a costume jewelry packaging manufacturer”gave birth to actress Debra Messing who plays Grace, “the Jewish interiordesigner” on the television show Will and Grace.

1968:Funeral services are scheduledto be held today Charles Gottlieb, a partner inthe firm of Gottlieb and Schiff who passed away “suddenly in Rome,”

1968:Peter Max appeared on the Tonight Show

1969(1stof Elul, 5729): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1969(1stof Elul, 5729): Sixty-six-year-old movie producer William B. “Bill” Goetz, thehusband of Edith Mayer, who was one of the founders of what is now 20thCentury Fox and who had a stormy relationship with is father-in-law Louis B.Mayer passed away today,139459&hl=en

1969:The Woodstock Music and Art Fair, which became the iconoclastic hippiehappening simply known as Woodstock, began today in Bethel, NY, at the farm ofJewish dairyman Max B. Yagur.

1970:“The Appointment” a drama directed by Sidney Lumet and written by James Salter(James Arnold Horowitz) was released today in Sweden.

1971(24thof Av, 5731): Eighty-year-old Paul Lukas, the Budapest born Jew Pál Lukács, whowon the Oscar for Best Actor for his role in the anti-fascist drama Watch onthe Rhine passed away today in Morocco.

1971:A new paperback version of Tillie Olsen's classic short story collection TellMe a Riddle was issued today.

1973: Black September, thePalestinian terror group, kills 3 and wounds 55 in Athens

1974(27th of Av, 5734): Seventy-eight-year-old prolificRussian born American Yiddish author Saul Saphire who was a graduate ofColumbia University’s Teachers College and the husband of the former BessieRubin with whom he raised a son, William, passed away today in Miami Beach.

1974: “Once Upon a Scoundrel” a comedy starring Zero Mostel wasreleased today.

1975: “Yakov Vinarov, a 21-year-old engineering student whor*fused conscription into the army, was sentenced in Kiev to three years’imprisonment for “evading military service”.

1976: It was reported today that “in preparation for the raid onEntebbe Airport, Israeli intelligence officers allegedly hypnotized severalpreviously-released hostages” one of whom “was able to give helpful physicaldetails of the airport” where the terrorists were holding their captives.

1976: The National Convention of Hadassah is scheduled to opentoday in Washington, DC.

1977: The Arabs in the administered territories andneighboring countries continued to dismiss the Israeli government’s decision toequalize the standard services on the West Bank and in Gaza as one more steptoward annexation. Israeli opposition, the Alignment and the DemocraticMovement for a Change, dismissed the plan, claiming that Israel could notafford to give residents of the administered territories services equal tothose enjoyed by Israelis. The new prime minister, Menachem Begin called uponthe Labor Opposition to support his government if and when Israel would bepressed to accept the PLO as a negotiating peace-talks partner.

1977(1stof Elul, 5737): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1977(1stof Elul, 5737): Ninety-one-year-old Upper Silesianative and multiply married art collector Hugo Perls who came to the UnitedStates in 1941, worked at the Perls Gallery founded by his Klaus and devotedhimself to writing about philosophy passed away today.

1980:The World Conference on Records – Preserving our Heritage at which Malcom H.Stern spoke on “Jewish Families: Their Assimilation into North AmericanCulture” came to a close today.

1980:“The Girl in the Book” by Primo Levi was published for the first time in La Stampa.

1982(26thof Av, 5742): Seventy-seven-year-old Minsk born American journalist, “JosephTAishoff, the editor and co-founder of Broadcastingmagazine passed away in Washington, DC

1983(6thof Elul, 5743): Seventy-six-year-old Brooklyn born Julius Yablok, the son ofLena and Louis Yablok and the husband of Miriam Yablok who played quarterbackfor Colgate University, coached St. Francis College and law partner of MickeyMarcus passed away today in California. (There is some confusion sincesome sources report his demise as taking place on August 14)

1983(6th of Elul, 5743): Eighty-eight-year-old Benjamin V. Cohen a member of FDR’s “BrainTrust” who stayed on to work with Harry S. Truman passed away. (As reported by Marjorie Hunter)

1984:A car bomb was discovered on Ben Yehuda Street in Jerusalem and defused about10 minutes before it was to have exploded. In the car were about 12 kilogramsof explosives and another three kilograms of iron nails.

1984:“Buckaroo Banzai” a sci-fi film co-starring Ellen Barkin and Jeff Goldblum wasreleased in the United States by 20th Century Fox.

1984:“The Woman in Red” a comedy directed by Gene Wilder who also wrote the scriptand starred in this film produced by Victor Drai which also featuredperformances by Charles Grodin and Gilda Radner opened today in the UnitedStates.

1985(28thof Av, 5745): Eighty-one-year-old Lester Cole, one of the founders of theWriters Guild of America and a member of the Communist Party who was among theten writers sent to prison for failing to answer questions asked by a committeeof the House of Representatives passed away today in California.

1986:“The Fly” a remake of an early version the sci-fi thriller directed by DavidCronenberg with music by Howard Shore and starring Jeff Goldblum was releasedin the United States today 20th Century Fox.

1986:“Manhunter” a “crime thriller” directed by Michael Mann who also wrote thescript was released in the United States today by De Laurentiis EntertainmentGroup.

1986:“Armed and Dangerous” a comedy produced Brian Grazer who co-authored the scriptalong with Harold Ramis and co-starring Eugene Levy was released in the UnitedStates by Columbia Pictures.

1987:Today actress Jennifer Grey the daughter of actor Joel Grey and actress JoWilder Brower, both of whom are Jewish, “suffered severe whiplash in a carcollision in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, while vacationing with actorMatthew Broderick, who she had begun dating in semi-secrecy during the filmingof Ferris Bueller's Day Off.”

1991(5thof Elul, 5751): Sixty-six-year-old Dr. Gerson D. Cohen the chancellor emeritusof the Jewish Theological Seminary, who in 1985 ordained the first female rabbiin Conservative Judaism” and husband of Naomi Cohen with whom he had twochildren, Jeremy and Judith, passed away today.

1992:Giorgio Perlasca, an Italian businessman who saved more than 3,000 Jews fromdeportation to Nazi concentration camps in World War II, passed away today athis home in Padua, Italy. He was 82 years old. Mr. Perlasca died of a heartattack, The Associated Press reported. Trapped in Budapest late in the war bythe fall of the fascist Italian Government, Mr. Perlasca, a livestock trader,joined in a plan conceived by international relief workers and diplomats fromneutral countries to save as many Jews as possible from the Nazis. When theSpanish diplomatic representative fled Budapest in November 1944, Mr. Perlasca,who had been a volunteer in Franco's army in the Spanish Civil War, persuadedHungary to accept him as the Spanish representative, and in two months heissued travel documents to thousands of Jews to save them from deportation. In1987 Mr. Perlasca, whose achievements had gone largely unnoticed, was made anhonorary citizen of Israel and was honored by the Yad Vashem Holocaust MemorialMuseum there. In 1990 he received the Medal of Remembrance of the United StatesHolocaust Memorial Council. A tall, quiet man, Mr. Perlasca told The JerusalemPost in 1987 that he had been motivated by neither religion nor politics."I couldn't ignore it," he said. "I did what I had to do. I waslucky. I had friends among the Jews who were being killed by the Nazis. Thatgave me courage."

1993:TraveldoctorOnline commemorated “the 55th anniversary of the death of theBerlin gynecologist Prof. Paul Ferdinand Strassmann. In the first half of the20th century, Strassmann was one of the leading specialists of plastic surgeryof the female genital tract. Famous gynecologists and surgeons, e.g. the Mayobrothers, visited the Strassmann clinic in the Schumannstrasse with the aim oflearn new surgical techniques. The present paper aims to outline particularlythe life of Paul F. Strassmann but also his importance in the creation ofmodern gynecological surgery.”

1996(30thof Av, 5756): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1997:“Event Horizon” a sci-fi film co-starring Jason Isaacs with music by MichaelKamen was released in the United States today by Paramount Pictures.

1998:The curtain came down tonight on a three-month revival of Neil Simon’s “SweetCharity” at London’s Victoria Palace Theatre.

1998:A Broadway revival of “Ain’t Misbehavin’” a musical with a “book” co-authoredby Murray Horwitz” opened today at the Ambassador Theatre “where it ran for 176performances and eight previews.

1999:The New York Times features reviewsof books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readersincluding Edward Albee: A Singular Journey:A Biography by MelGussow and Inside Picture Booksby Ellen Handler Spitz.

2000(14thof Av, 5760): Eighty-year-old Harry Kuniansky the native of Atlanta and starfootball player for the Georgia Bulldogs who earned a Purple Heart in WW II andformed Raco General Contractors in Marietta, Georgia, passed away today.

2001:It was reported today that “Romance and Ritual: Celebrating the Jewish Wedding”is scheduled to open on August 18 at the Skirball Cultural Center and Museum inLos Angeles.

2002(7thof Elul, 5762): Haim Yosef Zadok a native of Galicia who made Aliyah in 1935and served as Jurist and political leader, passed away.

2003:Seven months after premiering at Sundance, “American Splendor” co-directed byShari Spring Berman and her Italian husband Robert Pulcini who also co-authoredthe script was released today in the United States.

2003:Stan Lee voiced the character “Frank Elson” in the broadcast of an episode of“Spider Man” titled “mind games.”

2003:“In Doctor Writes ‘Epic Saga’ of Jews in Medicine,” Max Gross reviewed Jewsand Medicine: An Epic Saga by Frank Heynick

2004:The Sunday New York Times featuresreviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish authorsincluding Dark Voyage by Alan Furst and The Numbers Game: Baseball's LifelongFascination With Statistics by Alan Schwarz

2004:In “Past, Prologue and Paris” published today Alice Steinbach visits the worldof the Camondo family and reminds us tenuous the fate of even the most powerfulJews can be.

2005:Deadline for Israeli citizens living in Gaza to accept government compensationpackages as part of the voluntary evacuation plan.

2005:The evacuation of Gaza “under Major General Dan Harel of the Southern Command”began at 8 a.m. when “a convoy of security forces entered Neve Deakalim.”

2005: Haaretz reported that the Israeli DefenseForces unit that is responsible for finding the remains of missing soldiersdiscovered the burial site of eight soldiers who died during the War ofIndependence. The missing eight died infighting on May 13, 1948near Kibbutz Nahshon. Their remains have been re-interred in cemeteries onMount Herzl and Rosh Pina.

2006:The Sony BMG Masterworks label released Jay "Bluejay" Greenberg’sfirst CD. It includes his Symphony no. 5

2006(21stof Av, 5766): Myriam Fefer, a Jewish businesswoman, was brutally murdered inher home in Lima Peru.

2007(1stof Elul, 5767: Rosh Chodesh Elul; First Day of the month of Elul. Psalm 27 will be recited from this datethrough Shemini Atzeres. Shofar is blowndaily at Shacharit except on Shabbat through the penultimate day of the monthof Elul.

2007:Yad Vashem posthumously honored a Romanian reserve officer who blocked thedeportation of Romanian Jews to Nazi death camps during World War II. TheodorCriveanu joined the Righteous Among the Nations group of non-Jews who rescuedJews from the Nazis. His son, Willie Criveanu, accepted the award on hisbehalf. Yad Vashem said it could not estimate how many Jews he saved. Criveanumarried the daughter of one of the Jews he saved. He died in Romania in 1988.

2008:At the Israel Museum an exhibition entitled “Swords into Plowshares: The IsaiahScroll and Its Message of Peace” comes to an end.

2008: BaisChana Jewish Women's Weekend Retreat opens in St. Paul, Minnesota

2008: AKassam rocket was launched into Israel from the Gaza Strip in the afternoon.The rocket hit an open field in the western Negev. No casualties or damage werereported.

2008: In a letterpublished today in Corriere della Sera, former Italian PresidentFrancesco Cossiga described a "secret 'non-belligerence pact' between theItalian state and Palestinian resistance organizations, including terroristgroups" such as the PFLP.

2008: Jody Wagner announces her candidacy for Lt.Gov. on the Republican ticket in the state of Virginia.

2008(14th of Av, 5768): Ninety-one-year recordproducer Jerry Wexler who coined the term “rhythm and blues” passed away today.(As reported by Patricia Sullivan)

2009: The 92nd Street Y sponsors IsraeliFolk Dance: Summer Marathon 2009.

2009: In Jerusalem, Amit Erez hits the stage atHama'abada, playing an acoustic show which blends folk and indie style music,influenced by musicians such as Nick Drake and Elliot Smith on the one hand,and Shalom Hanoch on the other. Erez performs songs from his new album,including "Last Night When I Tried to Sleep" and "I Felt theOcean on my Fingertips."

2009: As part of the activities designed to welcomeRabbi Todd Thalblum and his family to Cedar Rapids, Temple Judah celebrates aspecial outdoor Havdalah service at Woodpecker Lodge.

2009: A revival “How Now Dow Jones” with a book byMax Shulman, music by Elmer Bernstein and lyrics by Carolyn Leigh opens at theNew York International Fringe Festival.

2009: Accordingto a report broadcast today on Voice of Israel government radio wealthy foreignArabs have bought up hundreds of dunams of land in the Galilee, land, which wasowned privately and which was zoned for agricultural use, was sold due toeconomic hardship.

2010: Defense Minister Ehud Barak gave his approvaltoday for the purchase of the fifth-generation F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)by the Israeli Air Force from the US.

2010: The Washington Post featured reviews of books by Jewishauthors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Denial:A Memoir of Terror By Jessica Stern

2010: The Los Angeles Times featured reviews ofbooks by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including RedHook Road by Ayelet Waldman and Quantum:Eisenstein, Bohr and the Great Debate About the Nature of Reality by ManjitKumar.[Editor’s note – The only person I know who is smart enough tounderstand this is Dr. Joe Rosen, so if you have questions write to him not tome.]

2011: The 31st International Conference on JewishGenealogy (sponsored by the Jewish Genealogy Society of Greater Washington) andthe Washingtoniana Division of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Library arescheduled to offer a free talk on "What’s Your Story? An Introduction toGenealogy and Family History"

2011: Hutzot Hayotzer, the popular international arts and craftsfair that has become a Jerusalemite ritual, is scheduled to open today.

2011(15thof Av, 5771): Tu B’Av- Jewish Saidie Hawkins Day

2011: A marble statue of Hercules dating back to the secondcentury C.E.has been found in an archeological dig in northern Israel, Israel'sAntiquities Authority announced today.

2011: The Israel Medical Association said in a discussion at theHigh Court today that it would be willing to hold mediated talks on points ofcontention with the Ministry of Finance, so long as certain conditions areupheld.

2011: Acolumn entitled “No Loss For Words” published in today’s Sports Illustrated provides a portrait of Marv Levy, the coach whotook the Bills to four Super Bowl, and a review of his soon to be publishedfirst novel, Between the Lines.

2011: Thedocumentary “Gloria: In Her Own Words” about the life and times of GloriaSteinem premiered on HBO. (As reported by Jewish Women’s Archives)

2012: Thebrit of “Baby Boy Sann” the son of Debbie and Ron Sann is scheduled to takeplace at Adas Israel in Washington, DC

2012: InBoston, MA, Congregation Beth Elohim is scheduled to sponsor an evening of“Jewish Meditation.

2012:Cantor Regina Heit is scheduled to lead the Learn and Lunch at Temple Emanuelin Denver, CO.

2012:Members of Israel’s national soccer team apologized today for laughing during alecture the day before on the murder of Hungarian Jewry by the Nazis. Someplayers tittered during a talk in Budapest, one day before the team’s friendlymatch against Hungary, the Sport Channel reported today

2012: Egg, milk and chicken prices are expected to rise by up to17 percent by the end of this year, the Agriculture Ministry forecast today.

2012(27thof Av, 5772): Sixty-eight-year-old “David M. Lederman, who led the team ofscientists that developed the first fully implantable artificial heart — which,although it had limited success, prompted further advances in the treatment oflate-stage heart disease” passed away today (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

2013: Israelijazz guitaristAssaf Kehati and his trio are scheduled to perform at theBar Next Door in New York City.

2013: GeneSimmons and Paul Stanley, two of the Jewish members of “Kiss” “became a part of the ownership group thatcreated the LA Kiss Arena Football League team, which plays their home games atthe Honda Center in Anaheim, California.”

2013: OaklandA’s first baseman Nate Freiman had four hits today including a homer and adouble.

2013: “SoulDoctor,” a musical based on the life of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach opened tonightat the Circle in the Square in New York City.

2013: “Anarcheological team headed by Dr. Alexander Fantalkin of Tel Aviv university hasannounced the discovery of one of the largest construction projects in theentire Mediterranean basin: a system of fortifications from the 8th centuryBCE, as well as coins, weights and parts of buildings from the Hellenisticperiod, have all been found in the archeological dig Tel Ashdod Yam – where theharbor of the philistine city of Ashdod used to be. The site is about 3 milessouth of today’s thriving Israeli city of Ashdod.’ (As reported by YoriYanover)

2013:Documents linked to Oskar Schindler, the German industrialist known for hisefforts to save Jews from World War Two concentration camps, were sold atauction for more than $122,000, a New Hampshire auction house said today.

2013: HebrewUniversity is ranked first in Israel and 59th globally, according to the 2013Academic Ranking of World Universities released today. (As reported by LahavHarkov)

2014:Today is the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington’s deadline forraising funds to save the original portions of the synagogue mural on 415 MStreet, NW in Washington, D.C.

2014:Mark Ethan Toporek is scheduled to lead a talk on “Gender Benders” following ascreening of “Liberace” at the 92nd Street Y.

2014:In London, The Tricyel Theatre and the UK Jewish Film Festival issued a jointstatement saying that the Tricycle’s initial decision to refuse to host thefestival “because of the event’s Israeli’s government funding “provokedconsiderable public upset” and that the theater has “invited back the UK JewishFilm Festival on the same terms as in previous years with no restrictions onfunding from the Embassy of Israel in London.” (As reported by JTA)

2014: “After nearly two years of campaigning, millions of dollars spent and onetropical storm that delayed voting in this easternmost corner of Hawaii fornearly a week, Senator Brian Schatz won the Democratic nomination for his seattoday defeating his challenger, Representative Colleen Hanabusa, by fewer than1,800 votes — less than 1 percent of the total cast -- bringing one of thelongest and most acrimonious primary contests in the state’s history to anapparent end.” (As reported Ian Lovett)

2014:“Israeli-American athlete Donald Sanford, the husband of Israeli baskeballplayer Danielle Deke., made some Israeli history todayy when he won a bronzemedal in the 400 meter dash in the European Athletics Championships in Zurich,Switzerland – the first running medal for Israel in the history of thechampionships.” (Times Of Israel)

2014:Even as the cease fire seems to be holding for another day, Israel's Davis Cuptie against Argentina originally scheduled for Tel Aviv next month has beenmoved to Florida, the International Tennis Federation (ITF) said today.

2014:In Zurich, American-Israeli sprinter Donald Sanford won the bronze medal in the400 metres sprint at the European Athletic Championships which “he dedicated tothe IDF.”

2014:Nate Freimans “61-game errorless streak, the seventh-longest first basemanerrorless streak in Oakland history” came to an end today.

2015(30thof Av, 5774): Rosh Chodesh Elul

2015:Tenth anniversary of the Israeli evacuation from Gaza.

2015:A sixteen-year-old Palestinian stabbed a border police officer who was“conducting a routine security check…at the Beita Junction.”

2015:The friends, family and fans of Gaylen Ross “American actress, writer, producerand director” who produced the awarded “Killing Kasztner” are scheduled to joinin celebrating a “milestone birthday.”

(Formore see Gaylen Ross’s award-winning documentary “Killing Kasztner: The Jew WhoDealt With Nazis”

2015:One hundred thirtieth anniversary of the birth of Edna Ferber.

2015:The 2015 MoCCA Arts Festival Awards of Excellence Exhibit featuring the worksof Israeli illustrator Keren Katz is scheduled to come to an end today.

2015:“A Decade Later, Many Israelis see Gaza Pullout as a big Mistake” publishedtoday described the reaction to a move that was supposed to put end to violencein Gaza which was attributed to the presence of Jewish settlements.

2015:The Havdalah Bike Ride, a six mile event is scheduled to depart from the parkacross from the Historic 6th & I Synagogue this evening followedby a community Havdalah service.

2015:At the Concordia Library in Oregon, Jeannie Opdyke Smith is scheduled to speakabout her mother, the late Irene Opdyke who was a brave and inspiring figurewho received international recognition for her life-saving actions during theHolocaust when working for a high ranking German official.

2016:“Scapegoat,” a short film by Gal Haklay and Shulamit Tager, won first prize inthe original design category at the 13th annual Animation Block Party Awards,Bezalel announced today. (Reported by JTA)

2016:“Hanna’s Journey” is scheduled to be shown as part of The Hampton SynagogueFilm Series.

2016:“The Israeli orchestra, conducted by Zubin Mehta,performed today at the National Grand Theater during celebrations of the 109thanniversary of the Lima Philharmonic Society at which Peru’s President PedroPablo Kuczynski, whose father was a Jewish refugee, conducted Israel’sPhilharmonic Orchestra during the playing of the Peruvian national anthem

2016: On what is a double header for thecelebration of women of Jewish letters celebration of the anniversary of thebirth of Edna Ferber and the birth of Gaylen Ross.

2017 In partnership with Confucius Institute U.S. Center,the Jewish Historical of Greater Washington is scheduled to host a concertfeaturing Robyn Helzner who “served as Cantor for the United JewishCongregation of Hong Kong and officiated at the first modern bar mitzvahcelebrated in Beijing” followed by a viewing of “the exhibition Jewish Refugeesin Shanghai on loan from the Shanghai Jewish Refugee Museum.

2017: “Israeli Mizrahi pop singer-songwriter and composerMoshe Peretz is scheduled to host 31 year old singer and songwriter NathanGoshen at the Jerusalem Arts and Crafts Fair.

2018: In Jerusalem, Beit Avi Chai is scheduled to host“David” a children’s play about the king and the future mother of Solomon

2018: The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washingtonis scheduled to host “a concert with Robyn Helzner to celebrate Jewish cultureand history in China through lively stories, photos, video and music.”

2019:At the Chabad Center for Jewish Life in Little Rock, AR, The Upshernish forBinyamin Kramer, the son of Rabbi Yosef and Mushka Kramer is scheduled to takeplace this evening.

2019:In North Carolina, the Wilmington Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host ascreening of “The Spy Behind Homeplate.”

2019:In Palo Alto, CA, the West Coast Chapter of the ZOA is scheduled to host“Morton A. Klein, National President of the ZOA” who will deliver “a speciallecture on Israel and the clear and present danger of anti-Semitism in America.

2019:JW3 is scheduled to host the last two London screenings of “Ask Dr. Ruth.”

2020(25thof Av, 5780): Parashat Re’eh

2020:The president of The National September 11 Memorial & Museum’s thankedformer Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the Lower Manhattan Development Corp “fortheir assistance in offsetting the increased costs associated with the healthand safety considerations around 9/11 the tribute this year, and the technicalsupport of so many that will enable the Tribute to be a continuing source ofcomfort to families and an inspiration to the world going forward.”

2021:Today “over 33 of Israel's brightest young talents inclassical music are scheduled play a concert in Tel Aviv following a uniquetwo-week masterclass taught to them by 11 award-winning instructors fromIsrael, the United States and South Korea.” (As reported by Yulia Karra)

2021:In Atlanta, the Breman is scheduled to present “Perla Batalla: In The House ofCohen,” a musical tribute to the works of Leonard Cohen.

2021:Peninsula JCC and Shalem are scheduled to offer a redwood forest hikepunctuated with yoga poses, periods of silence, breathing and meditation inpreparation for High Holidays, led by yoga teachers.

2021:The National Library of Israel is scheduled to host a conversation between HaimWatzman “the leading Israeli translator of Hebrew non-fiction into English” andAkin Ajayi, a British-Nigerian-Israeli writer, co-founder of the Tel AvivReview of Books.

2021:In Columbus, OH, Tifereth Israel is scheduled to host its annual Picnic andKickball Tournament complete with a chance to dunk Rabbis Braver and Skolnik ina dunk tank.

2021:The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including Hanna Halperin’s debut novel SomethingWild, The Cult of We: WeWork, Adam Neumann, and the Great StartupDelusion by Eliot Brown and Maureen Farrel and Three Days at Camp David:How a Secret Meeting in 1971 Transformed the Global Economy by Jeffrey E.Garten

2021: The Kehila Kedosha Janina Synagogue andMuseum is scheduled to present the Greek Jewish Block Party.

2022:The Eden Tamir Music Center is scheduled to host a special concert in memory ofProfessor Alexander Tamir, the founder and director of the Eden Tamir Music incommemoration of the third year of his passing.

2022:The Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History is scheduled to hostthe first session, only of the National Educators Institute which will cover“The Art and Science of Teaching Jewish History in America.”

2022:The Ackman & Ziff Family Genealogy Institute and Leo Baeck Institute arescheduled to present “Family History Today: Finding Overlooked Clues in GermanRecords - Live on Zoom”

2022:The Alliance for Jewish Theatre is scheduled to host “JxGen: Next GenerationSeries.

2022:At the S.F. JCC Culinary historian and chef Michael W. Twitty is scheduled totalk about his new book “Koshersoul: The Faith and Food Journey of an AfricanAmerican Jew” and Black Jewish identity lived/expressed through food. Inconversation with educator Jhos Singer. Presented by JCCSF in partnership withOmnivore Books. Registration required.

2022:Chabad S.F. is scheduled to host “Waking Up to Life, “a gratitude seminar fromthe Rohr Jewish Learning Institute that explores Torah and positive psychology.

2023:In New Orleans, Gates of Prayer is scheduled to hold its board meeting.

2023The Oshman Family JCC is scheduled host Zaki Cooper, former assistant presssecretary to Queen Elizabeth II, as he “discusses the historic and modern-dayrelationships between the royal family, the U.K. Jewish community and U.S.presidents.”

2023:Lockdown University is scheduled to host a lecture by Jeremy Rosen on “CrazyJewish Mystics: Mysticism Starts with a Mist and Ends in a Schism: Why Do WeTake Them Seriously?”

2023(28thof Av): Yahrzeit of Larry Rosenstein, husband of Judy Rosenstein Z”L, andfather of Danny, David and Joel – gone too soon but never forgotten.

2024:In New York, the Museum of Jewish Heritage is scheduled to host a “Talk withthe Forward’s Archivist Chana Pollack about the Catskills,”

2024:In New Orleans, as part of the Cathy and Morris Bart Jewish Cultural Art Series,the JCC is scheduled to host a screening of The Catskills; Documentary Film byLex Gillespie that examines the rise and fall of the Borscht Belt.

2024:Qesher is scheduled to present: Desert Roots: Jewish Middle Eastern Music, a “Concertand Presentation by Dror Sinai”

2024:Based on previously broadcast reports, Hamas are scheduled not to attend the+cease-fire negotiations at Doha today.

2024:Nineteenth anniversary of Israel’s withdrawal without condition from Gaza afterwhich Hamas turned it into a base aimed at the destruction of the State ofIsrael.

2024:AsAugust 15th begins in Israel, anunprecedented wave of anti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters callingfor Zionist passengers on a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps theUnited States and the Hamas held hostages begin day 314 in captivity. (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluidfor this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting atmidnight Israeli time)

This Day in Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)
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