NEWSHOUR : ALJAZ : August 5, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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to no attraction, that's the cause of the making of a states on that. just so you know the, [000:00:00;00] the color one, i'm a little rock. this is news. our life from joe are coming up in the next 60 minutes . 7 is really forces target to more schools in garza city. most of those killed and injured young children, the nearly $100.00 people are killed in protest in bangladesh as calls grow louder for prime minister shared hosting us to

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step down. this is not to protest. it is organized filing properly for you k prime minister issues, a warning to follow right protesters as the country faces, it's worse variety in 13 years. and it is too close to call a new full indicates a tight race between comm layers. and donald trump, for the us presidency. the it is 22 g m t. that's 1 am in gaza where at least 30 pallets 10 years have been killed and is really air strikes on schools and gaza city. this was the same shortly after the attacks. as rescuers rushed to save the injured

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the, the schools the 2 schools were sheltering a hundreds of displays people because of the civil defense. so as 80 percent of the dead and wounded are children, and many more are alive for trapped under rubble. is really a military has said it was targeting a most fighters and the thought of the idea that we were just sitting down with a problem. so in another hit the school next to the 2 schools were housing, the display, civilians and children with being retrieving the remains of children for the past hour. this is so on for how long will we remain like this? we are tired enough to have more it has the latest on the in the central gaza. they were still receiving horrific reports of from inside the only remaining health facilities being at the center of golf that's allowed the baptist hospital. that's a real ovary crowd. as many of the injured from the past with tech that the to the

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particular attack just cause further civilian casualties. a great deal of destruction, the arrivals do the husband right now. they're arriving with a severe burns. and so if you're bleeding that the hospital doesn't have sufficient enough medical staff or at the medical supplies needed for medical treatment or medical care, these have talked to place within the past couple hours on to a school. these schools are backed by a privately owned hill, educational facility and a public school. they are at the vicinity of each other in educational complex were targeted. these 2 schools were housing thousands of people. these are the hundreds of displaced families inside the school. they're coming from different parts of the northern part of gaza strip and gaza city and more recently from the, the neighborhoods of days to in part that's a huge idea and at the neighborhood, due to the recurrence incursions of these area that push people into further internal and force displacement. what's really concerning right now is the fact

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that the rescue mission is, will come to an end as the nighttime accruals. and we're approaching the end of the day. it will be very difficult to do this because the skies of the, of thousands and thousands of in the northern part will be clouded with the attack of drones and sky predators and surveillance to draw on. those are chasing, and attacking and shooting at all. any moving objects, let alone peebles trying to save their lives from under the rubber there. many people are still under that level so far. what we have confirmed, a number of the desk stall is 30 people and almost doubled the number of the critically injured for risk getting their life inside the hospital because of the severe bleeding and the severe burns. without the sufficient medical staff for the sufficient medical supplies or the enough medical supplies to help them. the honeymoon mode was just data from the central area of gaza strip palestine. united

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nations is warning of what it calls a frightening increase and happened to have a title, a infections among palestinian children in gauze on it's reported $40000.00 cases since the start of the war compared to 85 in the 10 months before the conflict began. and isn't all 3 year reports from alexa hospital in the health facilities are struggling to cope the older one, but still hanging on and still working the reception is causing and it's hot. it's the heat of some of the medical stuff try to keep some oregon in. okay. i currently we have to also breaks the 1st though it's a big alphabetical website to see if there is a lot of homes that get the kids is the best i can see it can present it to the

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board and is the sources to be in such a large number of cases where it can be in the emergency department in the hospital . and as you see, it's the complete k us children are laying on the floor. they do not have even beds to sleep on according to their mother. they have been waiting for treatment for hours as doctors are over well with the amount of injuries, the amount of diseases were not only talking about with injuries from that. is there any assets? we're also talking about diseases like hepatitis a, b, b, o and other diseases with no b. s. my gosh, sits on her doctor hello. says in the cory door. a new so the no, no, i was shocked when i found out that my daughter has hepatitis

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a. she was suffering from stomach crumbs and high temperature for about 3 weeks. she's very sick now and doctor say her situation is dangerous. i think our illness is because of the lack of cleaning materials and sanitation hearing cause of a hard on the other outbreak. doctors here tell us is of and potato a skin infection. charles, after child are showing up here suffering symptom, and the results for css will also brief, can be close to the sam, overcrowded liquid there, so not a high level was lost a resume, lots of lice, loc, safety, lack of dignity. and 10 months into this. we're assuming glass of will on behalf of the international community to put far more pressure on israel to stop in the address either that he believes garza has like to welcome. now alex

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say she is the head of humanitarian policy and advocacy with the safety of children . she joins us now live from washington to see. um, you know, again a string of horrifying sees a blood curdling screams. just want to get your reaction to this latest carnage you visited on schools, housing displaced, people again under attack. thank you for having me look what we've witnessed today. and yesterday is something that we unfortunately are witnessing almost every day and gaza almost every day. we see a tax on schools on hospitals, on shelters, on caps, on so called to monetary and zones. and of course, there's absolutely no accountability for schools in gaza are no longer places of learning. they have become places where families who have nowhere else to go to seek shelter. and of course, no place in gaza is safe. and what we're seeing is that because of these attacks,

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children are being burned alive and killed in schools and intense. they are having their limbs ripped out of them by explosive weapons. they're being maimed and their bodies are being harmed beyond the recognition. and we continue to see children become trapped underneath the rubble of destroyed buildings. and you know, today's attack took place in the central area of gauze, and these are areas where it's really evacuation orders have directed people to go to because of the military operations in the north and south. and this is a reminder that no place in gaza is safe. no, a place and garza is safe and you know, making matters even worse. the united nations is now a warning of what it costs a frightening increase in hepatitis a infections among palestinian children in garza, i mean,

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is disaster upon disaster. it's her risk. and because of the ongoing bombardment, it is difficult for human attorney agencies to respond to these sorts of outbreaks, the conditions and the camps in the shelters. and schools that have become shelters are unsanitary, they're overcrowded, there's no clean water. it's just absolutely unimaginable what is happening. and when we see a tax like these on the schools, the reminder why the humanitarian response is collapsing. because when we don't have safety and in schools where people are sheltering, it's impossible for 8 organizations to provide that support. hospitals, field hospitals, places that are supposed to be places of care for people don't have the supplies that they need to respond to trauma cases, let alone outbreaks of disease. and so what we're seeing now, and what unfortunately will likely happen is children and families will continue to

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die of preventable illnesses, as we've seen for the last 9 months. right. i mean, you know, words really are starting to fail us. i mean, looking at these well, unbelievable scenes, but they're very, very real. you know, what can you tell us just in general about the impact of this war on are children and, and women specifically. i mean, you know, people are now having, have learned to live with these, these strikes, these daily, unrelenting a, bombardments or exactly children have paid the highest price in this crisis. and she'll do are also 7 times more likely to be killed by explosive weapons. and adults, their bodies are thrown faster and harder, their bones bend more easily. um they have more of like they have less blood to lose. and this is why we see so many children continue to be killed in these areas

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. direct are happening where families are sheltering, where 8 organizations are providing assistance. and so there's no surprise that we're seeing so many children continue to be killed and the most horrific ways imaginable. as you know, we're pleading we continue to plead with the international community to coach for as the spire. it's the only thing that will save lives. we repeat it again and again. and again, the words are failing us and but you know, we have to continue to call for this the only thing that will stabilize the moment aboard governments to stop fuel in this crisis with weapons which is which they continue to do. so despite the high number of people killed, alex say ahead of humanitarian policy and advocacy with the safe, the children the talking to us from washington dc. thank you. thank you so much. and israel's prime minister has warrant iran and his allies, that his government would exact

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a heavy price if it attacked benjamin that now has been meeting with his security cabinets in west jerusalem as well. i has vowed to revenge the killing of a top commander by israel earlier this week. iran is blaming israel for the fascination of a most political leader is male hernia entire ron on wednesday. i'm the so which has more from jordan's capital a month. it is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu completing a meeting with top level security and defense officials on sunday. and it comes after the country's defense minister jo of delano convened a different meeting in order to present ideas to these really prime minister on what they could possibly expect in a retaliatory attack by the it audience. his vala and perhaps even the food these in government. now these really armies spokesperson daniel her glory in a press conference on sunday. so that is real still doesn't know from where the top is going to come from,

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but that they are prepared on all fronts and that they are prepared to act both offensively and defensively. several images on social media that have been circulating, showed iron dome missile defense system batteries that were being deployed and replenished all over the country, as israel seems to be bolstering its air defenses in preparation for whatever might come. now there are also reports within his really media that to be sure that that's the internal security service has opened up a bunker for his really officials underground and even distributed satellite phones to his really officials. should the coms be wiped out in any sort of attack, but it's really official say they are at their maximum level of preparedness. and they are doing what they can to prepare for this attacks that could spill the region over into a wide spread conflict from the central jersey to a man. and a reminder, honda is reporting from jordan because israel's government has found out to 0 from broadcasting there as well,

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has released the video of its latest attack saying it hits 5 is really targets near live and on southern border the arm groups as it targeted through towns of the store and menorah in northern israel video appears to show rockets being fired at houses. a and that followed an earlier garage is more than 50. rockets fired from southern lebanon into northern israel. explosions were seen over the upper galleria area as israel deployed. it's missile defense system to intercept the rockets aside. the bank has more from the motors, you know, in southern 11 on but let's start with the over nearly 50 rockets, some of the ones from here. and so they never know know we heard. and so those taking off in the, the, i was of the morning that we saw them rising up into the sky,

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heading right over our heads here. and southern lived on and heading towards the, getting the but we also had been being intercepted by israel's defences. and the sound of the shock waves of those would be felt in southern lebanon. let us do a considerable tension and as people named, you know, get ready for watch. uh, the drum, his with the pass on us for the last, the next stage of this conflict. what we're seeing and hearing now, the rockets that we've seen and heard take off and the vigils being reduced isn't the retaliation by his loss of promise for the assassination of the senior commanded. that's yet to come on. we still don't know what. busy that will take a whether it will be coordinated with the allies and becca iran. the people are concerned that this is the next stage. this is the next phase of the conflict. and our correspondence showed you was that side page airport and said that doesn't seem to be a rush, but there is definitely let me consent from foreign governments. the u. k. fronts, bridge enough told best experience to meet immediately. i think to that today has been sag. you're right,

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just saying the same thing. it's the same. the same thinks reasons, foreign minister thing to the embassy stuff in beverage, to leave the country to relocate to cyprus where they will be temporarily relocating the embassy. so there is a, this concern as people embrace themselves full for this has been retaliation for the assess the nation of this senior commander, fletcher. good. oh is earlier, please say a policy amount has stabbed an elderly couple to death in the city of how long all several others were injured in the knife attack and the man was shot dead by police . they say he was from the city of associates in the occupied west back. he's able to even has more details from them a lot in the occupied westbank, a model. oh there is a 34 year old palestinian from selfie youth, which is to the north of the occupied the west bank. and he managed to enter inside as real without in his way leave me the city permits these permits are needed for

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anyone from the occupied to us back or the disease because as to, to be able to enter into his role. but there are ways that palestinians can go and get inside there. so there has been a lot of discussion now about how they can enforce these really forces. how can they enforce side to restrictions, not only against palestinian workers, but also against anyone who is inside as well without such permits since the beginning of the war we've been hearing and seeing how these really establishment has no cracks down in the uh, people is going inside israel without the permits, how those permits have been really severely restricted, not allowing anyone to go in, in terms of workers. then we saw these restrictions being used and this was but allowing certain workers to go inside with the permits. now this is basically becoming the discussion is that they consider this a security threat that they want to track down more on the palestinians being

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inside this room without suff departments. it's plenty morehead, here on the news hour, including me. i have nobody i am or a mother wanting answers about her missing son who went to work and got caught up. and can you step we purchased the police and purchasers have been killed in a mounting death toll and bangladesh. at least 91 people have died, including 13 officers as demonstrators call on prime minister. she has seen us to step down there demanding accountability. after more than $200.00 people were killed last month and during protest against government. job quotas from virtual jury has more from the capital dot com for testers, in bung with that,

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to have one demand. the government must step down immediately and they said they will stay in the streets until the 2 students in opposition. supporters. one just is often estimated, 200 people were killed and thousands injured last month, one protesting against a government job code, a scheme. the scheme has been dropped, but that's not enough for the protest. there's the suspicion and then but this the punish separately because of the government and the failure to have done all this including endo press and nothing would happen if they would have met the demand the quarterly form in the students have gathered across the city, including a shutout square by the dock a university campus. we're getting reports of classes with police and ruling parties, member different parts of the frontier the whole time,

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dangerous times. allowance as a result of this classes between the students, police, the progress of the opposition groups and supporters of the ruling party. the a warming lead authorities have pro schools and universities across the country, blocked the internet access and impose the chute on site courtesy. she thought they could stop us by closing educational institutions, but you cannot stop us. still, there is the mac blood stains on the rug. protest is one to bring the whole country to a stand stable. calling on the public stopped working and paying bills. a group i talked to major public hospital and the community center homes have been vandalized and some threatening most of the old. the ministers are in hiding. wait to see how the people will go into the wrong department house check. i've seen it doesn't resign voluntarily to take our next step as she

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b dot bnb delmar. check us in that blames the main opposition, the bangladesh and national his party, and then the right thing. jim updates let me party for instigating violence and has plates to investigate the depth and said with protesters, but they said they only one to a resignation. 10 each other a i'll just say to a doctor. and one of the dishes minister for information spoke to my colleague needs barker last week on talked to l g 0. and he said that opponents of the government were taking advantage of the protests as we, as a government. of course, it is our responsibility to bring back the piece and we did everything that they need to do to bring back the piece will have to do it because it gets all responsibility to protect the lives of the people. therefore, we tried our best to diffuse the attention as much as possible. we tried our best to deescalate the pension so that we can quickly bring back the piece. but because of the, you know, some people who are trying to add fuel to the fire trying to create

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a situation where they can, you know, take advantage of it on top of the gulf. and they went to that extent, we believe. and it is getting more of us know, that's what made it difficult for us. and the mom of the shut off was, i'm on the is an exile, but human rights activists. and he says, the bangladesh she government's treatment of protesters is making the situation worse. as a member of the public that reached out to me and said that the leading party leaders uh search ending in the areas that they will every minute everybody who participated in the test. and they will go door to door and take them out and they will be a, i mean, eliminate it so that it gives the who some of a grateful feeling to the citizens. and you don't know that what is going to happen to those people, but participating in that be just a protest. if the government is remaining remaining there be stuck. linens did not

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allow the young generation of between 18 to, to talk to years of age in last more than a decade to exercise their right to both scenes, chip. se not has seemed to the office in january 2000 not been be there has been a ton of ross, human rights violations, light info's. these appearances become to be not experience in the previous decades on to, to see that came in 2000 not that had been large number of extrajudicial executions and torture. meaning people had all of these a has been dealt with heavy handed of law enforcement. and during potty a piece, the after the age of people simply went about being expressed your dissent whenever they tried to do besides that. and regardless of who the person is,

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the right to whether the person who's in the office or a possible needs or a you've been bags, defender. so every one, every petition of whoever has a spoken out about the situation of bangladesh. they have faced the prize of they have faced advocate due to incarceration. and now we turn our focus to where the u . k is worst rioting in 13 years that a swept across the nation. with more a far right the demonstration set to continue in multiple major cities and towns. it follows the federal stabbing of 3 children, the government to choose as far as groups of orchestrating the writing and more than $100.00 protesters have been arrested. let's take a look now at the scale of these protests. nodding in manchester, liverpool are just a few cities where there were demonstrations on saturday. on sunday, there was violence between police and protesters in lancaster. bolton, millsboro,

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and ross, a room and u. k. prime minister to your summer has issued a star warning saying far right dogs will regret taking part in the violets. really not visual nov, which centers this reports from liverpool another day, another battle between via to and the police. the front line this time a hotel housing migraines in rolls around in the north of england. the far right protest advertised as peaceful, quickly descending into violence. police taking the brunt of it, trying to protect those draft inside. but there is no sign of letting off here who in other parts of england in millsboro, in the northeast police struggling to hold back riotous as the sort of spreads. stalled by full stream is online that a soft spect in the matter of 3 young gulls in southport

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a week ago wasn't missing immigrant. the british prime minister, who wanting instigators, they will be punished. i guarantee you will regret taking paul to this disorder, whether directly, all those within this auction on line, the running away themselves a. this is not protest. it is organized violence, soccer, right? it has no place on all streets or on line. the nights, the city of livid pool, so some of the west violence youth torching 0 neighborhoods. the damage clear in the light of day with a smell of smoke. here is a, the welding. the space was refurbished only 18 months ago. it's got children's clauses, the community has been a library, it host adult id clauses, which people here say the community desperately needs their welfare offices here as

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well that come and help people with the phones orals that go on and one nights violence. the answer as to why this happened isn't simple. it's like it was, it makes a sudden, obviously there's a large amount of file, right manipulation on social media. there was also an element of disaffection from other people getting involved. but there's no excuse for the type of criminal, let's say, and seeking to try and damage and ultimately destroy means facility. we're not going to lance, that small minority divide, those we're not gonna let not small minority when that's why we're going to bring this facility back into use. and equally as well, we're going to look at how we support the wider community to build back from yesterday's on acceptable events. this romanian shop was the target of looting. was left to pick up the pieces off the days of violence. communities can only hope it. oh, and soon, you know,

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that was to me to reach out to 0, livable so head here on al jazeera, they are not running away from the fights defiance from demonstrators and nigeria, despite pressure to end their protests. and more on the tropical storm making its way to the us state of florida. the handler that was not down underwear, blanket of cloud is being, i'm rolling itself across central pots, old australia, bringing on season rain to the north, west central areas. and now on to east and area so you can see that band of rain pushing its way further east. we could see some heavy falls on the border between queensland and new south wales remains pretty showering across the southeast with some gusty winds. blowing into it has mania and the showers on very far away for

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pass. you can see them talking into southern pots of w way we cling to the sunshine on monday. but we will see that rain start to rolling on tuesday. now we are expecting temperatures to come up slightly across the southeast corner temperatures to rising phone using and off to some very cold night for cases like a christ church. some winter weather is set to sweep into southern parts of the south island on monday. it is looking more settled, however, on tuesday, lots of sunshine in oakland, a pretty pleasant 15 degrees celsius that on choose day. now it's not pleasant across east asia with a heat and humidity dominating for central and eastern parts of china, the korean peninsula and japan. and things are going to get very wet and remain that way across the nose. thanks to the menu from pushing east of the a 150 is

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a gyptian history. seen through an extraordinary photographic archives. a journey through the golden age of music and cinema. when legendary, our voices and famous actors stole the hearts of millions captured by photographers who lived and felt the motion of the country's biggest star, egypt through the land stage in street on algebra. as the cause of all celebrates the 25th anniversary of nato's intervention that ended the fighting between the serbian and cause of albany and forces, we were meant to be completely ethnically. cleanse people have power, examines the posts for landscape, and present the challenges for the regions youngest country. this is a vibrant nation state that is alive today because we took no attraction that's not possible the making of

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a states on that just so you know the the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to your watching l g 0. reminder of our top story is this our is really your tax on to schools and gaza. city have killed at least 30 palestinians, rescue or say 80 percent of the dead and injured are children. many women and children still buried alive under the russell. and at least 91 people including 13 police officers killed in phone with dish during protest. are demanding a prime minister. sure. so you know, step down. so, you know, has about a strong response calling the protestors criminals and there have been violent

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scenes and major cities and towns across the u. k. y wing are groups that have clash with both police and counter protesters. time to search your storm, where it says demonstrators will feel the full force of the law, the pulling out in the west point to a close contest between calmer harris and donald trump. for the presidency. the cbs you gov pool shows that nationally democrat harris is a port ahead of republican a. trump with us. well within the margin of error. also remember back in 2016 hillary clinton won the popular vote. but last, the election and key battleground states the to our level. and harris has made a notable difference with black americans, who now say they plan to vote. and that number's the jump 6 state for cents. it

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says president joe bind, pulled out the trunk, has an economic advantage more voters say they'd be better off financially if he's back in the white house. i'll just say was a rosalind jordan has more from washington dc. it's 2 weeks after joe biden suspended his re election bid to be us president and endorsed commer harris. the us vice president is a head of the former president, donald trump, by just one point in a new page from cbs news. and you got this pole which in fall to the survey of more than 3000 likely us voters indicates a real thing z as in search for the democratic candidate. 2 weeks after the big shake up in her party side. there are more people who are described as african american who say they are now likely to vote, as are an increased number of young people and an increased number of women who indicate that they are the way to vote. and that they are much more likely to vote

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for harris, then they would, for trump, all 3 of these communities had been seen as putting forward lack luster support for joe biden. before the shake up in late july, for his part, the former republican president donald trump has put out a statement, castigating the result of the new c b s poll. suggesting that the interpretation pulled out by the television network has been biased and aimed at trying to boost the vice president. so standing in the polls some 2 and a half weeks before the democratic national convention, of course it is worth pointing out that the c b s poll does say that according to the voters, they believe that trump would be stronger on immigration and economic issues. points which the campaign would like to see harris attacked on, but so far have had to instead watch trump attack tomboy. howards is race and

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national origin. russell and jordan elders era. washington's us joining with all of michael tal got to is a research professor emeritus with the center for political studies at the university of michigan. and he's also for president of the world association for public opinion research. and he comes to us from ann arbor in michigan. a very good do, sir. welcome. what does this poll reflect regarding the state of the race? well, the races in a fair amount of flux because i drove by and withdrawal. and as a presumption i was from iris become even nominate there was a lack of enthusiasm, especially among democrats and independents for joe biden. and she seems to have removed that it's, it's important to point out a couple of things. first of all,

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we campaign has really started. that is the campaign between harrison trial that will happen after the democratic convention. the 2nd thing is that in recent elections from national polls have been very accurate. but the state level polls, i've had some problems with bias. underestimating republican support. so as you mentioned in the intro, since the president is elected by the votes of the electoral college, rather than by the popular vote, that's a very important consideration has to be looked at, the polls going forward, right? i want to focus also a little bit on, on the g o, p right now, because what does this reveal regarding a trump campaign as well? in strategic terms, i think fab trump campaign is temporarily floundering because they had organized

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their entire effort to run against joe biden. and they haven't developed yet. very effective messaging are so counter complet harris. i'm sure that they will get reorganized and probably within the next 2 weeks by the time the campaign really starts side. um, i think that there's some confusion, strategically, electronic campaigns, they'll get it sorted out. right. and i mean, as the admitted yesterday or during the reilly in atlanta, they still have to figure out how to define the vice president's. now in terms of demographics, what does this pull reveal to you about how each candidate is performing and with which voters they are resonating? where of a democratic coalition, traditionally a very heavy support from women of blacks and also

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young people. and the past following show that joe biden wasn't doing as well among those groups as he did in the election in 2020 some odd reason, falls shows that complet harris has recovered among those groups doing better. although she still has some to go on the trump side, while there are concerns about him personally. his face is firmly on his side because they think he can do more for the economy. and because of their concern about immigration, an issue on which he has been campaigning heavily and also an area in which he signals. so the congress that they shouldn't pass immigration reform, it's michael le tal. got to thank you so much for your time. good to be with you now where to that tropical storm,

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which is heading to the us state of florida with the emergency officials warning of a life threatening search along the coast. now shelters are being prepared in some counties and people are being told and to expect an unprecedented amount of re tropical storm. debbie is expected to become a hurricane, gaining strength as it moves through the gulf of mexico before making landfall. latest weather updates indicate that tropical storm debbie is about a 190 miles south west of tampa. maximum sustain winds are currently 50 mile per hour, but those are expected to increase tropical storm. debbie is likely to become a category one hurricane before making landfall in the big band region of florida. there's going to be multiple hazards that are going to play out and association with debbie over the next 24 hours. we're going to focus on the florida big been coastline where we're going to see the uh, life threatening storm surge inundation as well as hurricane force winds near where

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the land fall occurs. then we're going to see longer term potentially catastrophic flooding event from heavy rainfall unfold, especially in coastal georgia and coastal, south carolina, as we go through the week. all right, for more on this tropical storm, ridiculous speak to heidi joe castro in washington, dc, monitoring events from there. id in terms of you know, a how is a florida, what is florida rather expecting to see you in the next couple of hours? yeah, it's taking these warnings very seriously as you just heard from that states governor rhonda sanchez. he is forecasting that this will be a hurricane by the time that it reaches forward as codes which could happen sometime early monday morning, and it likely will make landfall around the city of tallahassee with sustain winds . they're predicting of some, a 140 kilometers an hour, which is not the only spread. they're also expecting

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a potentially life threatening storm surge as well as unprecedented amounts of flooding. and that is the real concern that these emergency responders have been driving in debbie is a big storm and it is a slow storm. and so the fear is that it will stay above those areas for many, many hours pouring down rain, and it's already impacting with some flooding and puerto rico that have passed over . and now the outer bands arriving on the coast of florida. again, the national hurricane service calling this a potentially life threatening situation, or potentially life threatening situations. so how will flow where it is preparing as well. their governor has told them to heed all of the warnings. the president of united states has already issued a federal disaster declaration for the entire state of florida. in preparation for this, there are some counties that have issued. mandatory evacuations opened up schools to use as shelters, and there's also people on stand by 3000 florida national guards,

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members with their helicopters. they're both there and city as vehicles. should they be needed for a search and rescue missions? and as well as 17000 people ready to restore power because there are massive power outages that are expected from this in the state of florida is trying something new . this time they're actually going to put up temporary barriers around power stations and even substations to try it. and medicaid mitigate the risk of those outages. all hands on deck. that is the main message from florida and the surrounding states as debbie barrows its way towards them all hands on deck. heidi are jo castro reporting. thank you. i want to turn our focus now to nigeria, where protesters have rejected calls from the presidents for an end to nationwide demonstrations. thousands of people were again on the streets on sunday, demanding fuels subsidies and reforms to tackle the soaring cost of living. amnesty

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international says at least 13 protesters have been killed and a police greg down after 4 days of protests. i'm a degrees, has more from lagos. that was how much it's practitioners president, i'm it should've when he addressed the nation even before the address on the people . one looking at hoping for a quick resolution of the crisis and to the project. so the businesses and all other activities can resume. however, many of them felt disappointed, but the pressure said his government was open to the stand, the pain and the pro solutions that drive this projects. and i want to assure you that our golf rate is coming to, to listening and address on the going sides of us citizens. but we must not let valid lives and destruction to our nation that popped,

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let nobody me saying for i'm is educate you about your country. all tell you that your government does not care about you or do that? i've been many dashed, oops. and the pups we are a new era of renewed hope. yeah. and my goal is to the business hop started slowly. uh, early in the morning when you arrive here, the only less than 10 people on the streets, protesting against the rising cost of living late that we saw 2 other people joining them for the number of security agencies. our number, the protest is 10 to one. however, as a protest continued, then a section on the for just as said, the process with this 1st level says yeah, judicial for all levels with, for the president to platform. if he doesn't perform definitely of the above treasures the if it was going to be $3000.00 independent be under, we put this now over there on that part of the road is a small by end of the project. as we don't want the process to end,

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if it was waiting for the position, i need to make make it to announcements stuck. okay. and if it to be will be forwarded to the nationalist. that'd be a quote to you know, about the subject. what else doesn't go into the outputs? good. meaning what we do is we'll just move stuff from what you will see die 50 minutes. so what should we take and see what we can also what it's about to see the reload this morning. so just to meet out to you, if you need company would generally that is a sense of division among the protest associated we may gosh, as to what is exactly happening, how many degrees i just gotta lagos, nigeria and county or families of protesters missing after a crack down against demonstrations are demanding answers to what's happened to them. why is groups say more than 50 people have been killed and dozens more have been abducted or disappeared? malcolm lab reports from the capital nairobi,

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susan wind guard has been searching for her son emanuel for more than a month. he says he went to work in central library to be on the 25th of june. today, tens of thousands of mostly young people protested in about 50 towns and cities. and 9 year old sister told us he joined. this is him. they haven't seen him since. no, i loves i haven't bought into the s on it as best as those who i bought it me. i have no bided. i am always in being the demonstration started against the finance bill that would have raised the taxes and spread across the country. i mean, rubbing close to end corruption and for president william router to resign, say that the manual disappeared or justice ends. it taught them and please killed thousands of them. since then,

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hundreds of people have been arrested and thousands of others have disappeared. being adopted by men in playing sides, many of them say they would beat him, interrogated and then released. but several people that's still missing. i know those like frankie and dory has been found dead. his body was found in a public toilet. an autopsy revealed. he was strangled, got president routes as before. mister government reforms and justice with those codes that he's in the can who has to disappear. i wonder people at fort on see can so in sol hasn't disappeared. i would be very happy to deal with that. campaign is say, his actions don't match his what almost every day. families come here to the city more to a to look for a loved one rights group, say, please bring parties and submit reports that don't add up the eastern comments on

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the abductions they deny extrajudicial killings. what the police said doing through the orders of the executive is violating those constitutional rights. and we cannot accept to leave in these kinds of environment. where may i be exercising ad rights leads to someone being killed? any justice will be too late to university student tend to the monday. his buddy was found floating in this used quarry, days off the he attended a protest with that, my son, this others like susan, just want on says malcolm web elders, era, nairobi, and the democratic republic of congo, the m 23 armed group has taken control of a t town on the board or would you conduct? the majority of snicker to see movement sees a shot shot without resistance. on sunday, it happened as

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a ceasefire deal between the congolese government and will want came into force along the county reports from the regional capital of coma. i thought i was the only one, but the remaining would you gone to in terms of customs in this area or from to we have to remind view of the them 20 to the fight to get almost like 3 different territories. like to know even my c c. well the, the, it's also helping them to stuck the tone of what am i yeah. well yeah, because they're almost on, on the, on the mid golf go my here controlling the motors are on the socket, then you go and the other side off a little bit. all the up and then another for the light in the last last to last month and now the dev completed almost the top and the gaining area in this, in the take it off auto table. and this is making things more people forget to done would severely on. this is why it was already many people, as we said previously late, it was amazing less well because they've done was wondering, was wondering how the government would make a decent walk. and this is exactly,

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and then the continental, this call is shown in which them to the 2 levels. why to know them all. it's called if c said or would during the day that they were coming, that would coordinate them much. and this is exactly what they have the, they've done the right to now, and we don't know to model what would happen again. but the old where the in the men stop digit go to of a, it shows a way to know ok that we just see that on the it on a special head here on al jazeera wanted to touch the butler in power square. famously come papers and saw invoicing still in pittsburgh the, this is the 1st one they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're

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seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. news the welcome back. ukraine says it has received its 1st batch of american made f. 16 fighter jets. the speaking to media at an undisclosed location, presidents of a lot of his landscape says the plains will boost the country's war efforts against

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russia. belgium, denmark, the netherlands, and norway have committed to providing ukraine with more than 60 f sixteens over the coming months. and ukraine's military says it has the sunk a russian submarine in the block c 4 types of us, the bolt. it also hits a russian airfield in the last off for region and keeps as a one says, one of the attacks damaged a russian air defense system. moscow has not confirmed the claims. the 1st editor alex topless explains the significance of the sinking of the submarine. it's one of the big continued success stories for ukraine is our, it's operations around the black sea, the submarine, it'd been hit that you mentioned earlier before by a storm sort of missile. it took a huge hole out the side of the submarine. it was being repaired but known as being hit in folk. now to give you an idea, since since the voice started russia's last

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a 3rd of its black c fleet. so literally more than 15 ships to be put out of action by various means. so much so the vs are actually thank you, pulling the fleet back away from the festival. the traditional headquarters for the black sea fleet is selling to disperse it in ports and bases slightly further afield. to give you an idea of another attack, the ukraine kills commode in such a forcing your offices in the tac last year in september. so it is the last of most of eskimo structure. on the 3rd of it, ships the olympics spirit is proving contagious among parisians. uh before the games we found that were fears of traffic gridlock, inflater prices and tories chaos. but now people aren't racing. the events as natasha butler explains. a few months ago his powers was preparing to host the big

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games. there seemed little enthusiasm in the fridge. capital, a city wave residents have a reputation for being grumpy. i think it's going to be a bit of a disaster because there's nothing going right. have you seen the color of the river? it looks like the suit. i think it's going to be a mess. makes it very excited. no, certainly not. i'm not excited at all about the olympics, even if it's on delta v. a big event for paris. but since the games began, something's happened. there's no remarkable transformation people, the whole team and cheering, even frances, outgoing prime minister joining the fun, fun things like these all crowded. so when jean and her children have been coming here regularly, she says she was cynical about the lympics. now she can't get enough of them don't even though we were really worried as peruvians because there's been so much construction, noise and traffic in so many parisians have left. but i have to say very pleasantly surprised. we stay much and we making the most of it and when the activities of it

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was watching, some of the will still pass. the leads before me is also encouraging. some people to get moving, the fight the falls is doing so well in the games, particularly in sports like fencing really adds to the boy in mood. these 2, they just say that proud of the games are happening in the city. but as the case has come up as of all guessing, well, it's unique because it's been a 100 years since the games will last here. prisons turn have a cheerful reputation. so we dealt with this event. but in the end we're really happy. and i like um go clipping game, and the my favorite of your favorite game is the best can both last month the selection and fraud through the country into political turmoil and spirits. the olympics is lifting them. the games is said to have the power to unite and inspire, but few could have predicted that they would all say how to regions to actually admit that, that having fun. natasha bought out

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a 0 power us and america's friends are a no eliles is the olympic spirit king the reading 100 meters world champ, beating jamaica is crushing thompson to gold by 5 thousands of a 2nd. paul paul reese has more from paris. there's no more thrilling knowing seconds and will spoil them the mens $100.00 meet the spring final up and the lympics this the 2nd game since the retirements of his most famous proponents you same bolt of jamaica but his absence and the options even if anyone facing his world record couldn't stop this race being a classic, it looked like the writing world champion. now, what lyles of the usa had made a damaging li slow stalled with constrained thompson, of jamaica, seemingly charging his way to gold. but lyles colton writes at the end, both athletes clocking 9.79 seconds books. thompson, agonizingly 5 thousands of

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a 2nd slower than the american. so no eliles is the new 100 meter olympic champion. do we have a new you? same volt. not yet. pull race, i'll do is era. paris on behalf of the entire day. thank you so much for watching. i'm way along a rock some your miller will join you shortly with more of today's news. i'll see you fix the as china ramps up to full patients of north korean, defective human rights group, say they face imprisonment, torture and even death in the country. in desperation, some involve dangerous journey. 101 east reveals north korea's clean defectors on al jazeera. we look at the world still placing the story of what kind of response

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can we expect from china if tech talk is in the back with the markets and economies and small businesses, how time cube is wide, economic problems be addressed, trying to be fixed to understand how it affects daily 9 south asia is growing for employment levels. that actually only why is that counting the cost? oh, no. jersey or 2 years held captive by i saw a life altering experience for any victim most. so when to use is how of your lifetime a full year old? yes, the boys struggles to recover from the trauma of abuse and the witnessing of unspeakable atrocities. meds, child, with this documentary on a jersey to with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us wants to keep the war and ukraine going until russia's will is broken. but

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is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes the quizzical look good us politics, the bottom line, the is really forces tom good to the schools in the city. most of the did an injured a young children the time for me to miller. this is old. is there a life from? don't also coming up. the need

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