Elfish Welfare - Tyrannic_Puppy - Harry Potter (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Potters are Dead Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 2: Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon Chapter Text Chapter 3: Those Who Can't, Teach Chapter Text Chapter 4: Look Before You Leap Chapter Text Chapter 5: The Power of Friendship Chapter Text Chapter 6: Memento Mori Chapter Text Chapter 7: How to Free Friends & Influence Goblins Chapter Text Chapter 8: Nightmares and Missing Moonys Chapter Text Chapter 9: Hermione's Magic Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Wand Up Chapter Text Chapter 11: A Touch of Magic Chapter Text Chapter 12: Her Embrace Chapter Text Chapter 13: Pomp and Circ*mspection Chapter Text Chapter 14: Many Happy Returns Chapter Text Chapter 15: The Darker Side of Fame Chapter Text Chapter 16: Probing the Defences Chapter Text Chapter 17: Baiting the Rat Trap Chapter Text Chapter 18: One Big Happy What Family? Chapter Text Chapter 19: Black Hole of Family Chapter Text Chapter 20: Decisions, decisions Chapter Text Chapter 21: The Long Road Ahead Chapter Text Chapter 22: That Potter Luck Chapter Text Chapter 23: A Series of Firsts Chapter Text Chapter 24: The First Task Chapter Text Chapter 25: Fame and Friendship Chapter Text Chapter 26: The Blissful and the Bothersome Chapter Text Chapter 27: Eggs and Potatoes Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: December Blossoms Chapter Text Chapter 29: Obvious and Oblivious Chapter Text Chapter 30: The Second Task Chapter Text Chapter 31: Aftermath Chapter Text Chapter 32: Rebuilding Chapter Text Chapter 33: Politics Chapter Text Chapter 34: Tests, tests, tests Chapter Text Chapter 35: Goofing Off Chapter Text Chapter 36: Preparations Chapter Text Chapter 37: Revelations Chapter Text Chapter 38: The Third Task Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 39: Rough Landings Chapter Text Chapter 40: What Comes Next Chapter Text Chapter 41: Morning After Chapter Text Chapter 42: If You Know, You Know Chapter Text Chapter 43: Heading Home Chapter Text Chapter 44: Testing the Waters Chapter Text Chapter 45: Breakout Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 46: Reverberation Chapter Text Chapter 47: A Moment To Breathe Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 48: Convalescence Chapter Text Chapter 49: Mistrust Chapter Text Chapter 50: The Ring Of Truth Chapter Text FAQs

Chapter 1: The Potters are Dead


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Elfish Welfare - Tyrannic_Puppy - Harry Potter (1)

Cover by EnchantedPixie495

Sunday 31st October 1981.

Dead eyes stared up at Sirius Black as he knelt over the still-cooling body of his best friend.

His brother in all but blood. The grief he felt in that moment was so profound it took him several minutes to realise the frantic sobbing he'd heard when he walked through the destroyed front door was now conspicuously absent.

Tearing himself away from James, he quickly bound up the stairs to see the nursery door in a similar state to the front one. Though without the assortment of ordinary debris around it this time. Only the jagged ripped walls where the hinges had held on surprisingly well against the onslaught. Without even stepping inside another spear of grief ripped through his body as he saw the still red hair cast across the doorway. Both of his dear friends were dead.

Struggling furiously against the desire to simply give in to his agony, Sirius finally entered the room and could not keep his eyes from caressing the lifeless form of Lily. She was still as beautiful in death as she had been in life, but there was no longer the fiery glow in her warm eyes.

Unable to fight any longer, Sirius collapsed to his knees and wept as the reality of his world came crashing down on him with full force. The rat had betrayed them, and now he was completely and utterly alone.


One thought pierced the grief and pulled Sirius from the brink of the despair he was so close to surrendering to.


Sirius dragged himself, barely crawling to the broken crib in the corner. He was all Sirius had left, and Sirius was all the boy had. He must be strong for Harry. As his eyes crested the deformed mattress he beheld the ruined bedding.

Shock set in as he realised the crib was empty, but for a few dark drops of blood. Harry was gone. Agony wrenched through his body as Sirius fell back against the now-useless child's bed and let everything wash over him. Tears fell, his chest heaved, and the weight of it all crushed him down into a tiny shredded ball of despair. Time meant nothing anymore and he would never again smile as he watched his dear friends holding their bubbly baby boy.

Hours must have passed before any semblance of rational thought managed to break through Sirius's mood. He, at last, noticed the ragged cloak and pale wand of the once-feared Dark Lord bunched over by the wall opposite the crib.

The unrecognisable lump of mangled flesh that oozed out from within like a morbid tube of toothpaste lit a tiny glimmer of pride in Sirius as he realised that at least his friends had managed to take that dark bastard with them.

Whatever had transpired tonight had destroyed not only Harry but Voldemort as well.

The glimmer only lasted a moment before a fiery need spread through his chest. There was one more thing that Sirius could do for his friends. He could give in to the anger his 'family' had so sought to brew in him. Yet they had never succeeded in aiming it where they wanted. Sirius was all fire without James to help temper his hotheadedness, and he knew exactly what he was going to burn now.

He would hunt down the rat and end him for good.

The spark was back in Sirius's eyes as he stood, walking from the room and back downstairs. He wished Lily and James goodbye as he passed them both. Reaching down and closing their eyes. Unable to let his last memory of their faces be these masks of death. Now they could be mistaken as sleeping.

"I'll make him suffer for this, Prongs. And we'll meet again when it's over."

Sirius knew his friend would have grilled him for that comment. But there was nothing but revenge to live for now. And once that need was filled, Sirius Black would not survive long in this world.

He stepped out of the cottage and into the cold night air. The chill seeped deeper than usual as he stood, and took a single deep breath.

Sirius closed his eyes and focused. And then, with a crack, he was gone.


The lungs on the lad were truly something to behold. Mipsy almost wished she were as half-deaf as Pops often pretended to be when they played up. Her large bat-like ears magnified the sound to a painful degree.

"Mipsy, sit him down in the rocker, please."

"Yes, mistress, of course." The house-elf replied.

"Harry, sweetie," the voice cooed, trying hard to be heard over the wailing boy, "Mummy's right here sweetheart. Please don't cry."

Bright green eyes opened, and Mipsy got her first good look at the young master. He had been kept away from her his entire life and now he was alone, but for her and the others. She had followed her instructions to the letter but had been unable to break through the enchantments Mistress had placed. She'd had to wait for them to fall before she could enter the ruined building.

"That's my brave boy. Yes, you are."

Mipsy looked at the portrait of the young couple, practically crying as they attempted to calm the young lad that Mipsy was now rocking gently back and forth, just as she had been in this very same rocker a few years beforehand.

"You must be so frightened and tired. Mipsy is going to watch over you and care for you now. But you can talk with me whenever you want, too."

Young Harry was transfixed by the portrait. He knew it wasn't quite his parents but was too young to properly tell the difference. The confusion and longing were written on his face as he reached out to the painted surface eagerly trying to touch the dead.

"I'm so sorry, my sweet baby. I so dearly wish I could hold you right now. But you need to rest. Tybalt!" A soft popping sound heralded the arrival of her brother. "Mipsy is going to take Harry to his crib. I want you to take us and place us on the wall above it. Do it at the same time so Harry can see us."

"Right away Mistress." Tybalt bowed, nose brushing the floor, before gripping the frame firmly and watching his sister closely.

A moment later and they were all in a different room, a much brighter room with snitches and brooms adorning the walls. The nursery the young master and mistress had been preparing before old beardy had suggested they go into hiding. The mistress had warded the new cottage so heavily that even the elves could not go there.

Such was the twin's coordination that Harry's eyes never left his mother.

"Perfect. Time to sleep now, my baby. I'll be here with you all night. Rest sweet child, for tomorrow, is a new day."

Mipsy lay Harry as gently as she could in the scarlet bedding and made sure he could see the portrait the entire time. Leaning over the wee figure, she pressed a delicate kiss to the boy's forehead, as she knew her mistress would want to do herself. Stepping back, she watched in silence as the painting sang soft lullabies and whispered kind words until Harry's eyes could resist no longer, and fell closed for the first night in his new home.


Tuesday 2nd November 1981.

The gamble had worked. Voldemort was destroyed. The prophecy appeared to have been fulfilled.

Both parties had died in the encounter, which was truly unfortunate. As was the loss of the Potters. They had been fierce and loyal members of the Order. While the two often spared little quarter to their enemies, Albus had to admit they were the single most effective fighting force in the Order after himself. Challenged only by the Longbottoms and Alastor.

It would have helped society heal faster if any of them had lived, to be a beacon for the people to rise behind as the dust settled, but no matter. Albus had steered them well these past several decades, this most recent disaster notwithstanding; and now resolved.

An old man could be forgiven a few mistakes. This result still meant peace and was a victory for all things good in this world. If only it didn't mean that he now needed to deal withthem.

Albus Dumbledore would ensure the security of their world, but it was still the bastard goblins that maintained the security of what he now sought out.

For almost half a century he had held the first. The most sought-after and generally considered the most powerful. By lesser minds who never had to consider the true might of the others. Yet it had fallen into his hands by sheer happenstance. And now he was its master in ways he believed none before him had ever managed. Not even his friend. That these beasts had taken from him in his hour of victory.

Yes, their Nation had suffered somewhat under his friend's might, but to kill an unarmed man as he lay defeated in the arms of his lover…

The very memory of it made him fume as he sat in place. Why were these infernal creatures taking so long? He had other things that he needed to do with his time right now than sitting here waiting for a meeting.

Ever since James had revealed the second to him, Albus had pondered what else might lay within the depths of that family's vaults. And now pure chance had seen fit to allow him the opportunity to look.

The law was clear on this. Made so by some former Chief Warlock during a war that predated even Albus himself. The Chief Warlock would take control over any unclaimed inheritance as a result of wars that occurred within their borders. To ensure proper distribution was, of course, the reasoning given in the wording of the ancient law.

But it also meant he would have free reign to search for the third. The most important and in his opinion, the most powerful of the three. For no amount of magic could be channelled through the first that could reawaken the dead.

He knew that for a cold hard fact.

"Mister Dumbledore." The voice broke the old man's train of thought.


"Gragnar Ragnok will see you now." The goblin gestured at the enormous silver doors opposite his seat, a horrid grimace deforming its features.

"Very good. About time."

He straightened his bright purple robes and strode through the opening doors. He knew how to make an entrance, looking every bit the reincarnation of Merlin himself. Generally, he only did so because he enjoyed the way it discombobulated his enemies and spurred his allies. It also did give him quite the warm feeling inside to have people look up to him that way.

While he would never use his position for his own gain, it did leave most he met in a certain level of awe. If they weren't already so thanks to his many achievements in life.

He felt a spike of displeasure as the flair seemed wasted on these vicious creatures. The armoured goblins along the walls smirked maliciously and Ragnok himself seemed unperturbed as Albus sat opposite him at the ridiculously large stone desk. Perhaps he would take the concept for use in his own office at Hogwarts.

"Mister Dumbledore" Albus rankled at the goblins' continued use of the plain title. As if his lifetime of achievements were completely meaningless to them. Albus had worked hard, not to garner his many titles, most having been bestowed upon him by others in thanks. Yet these cretins seemed determined never to use them. "How can Gringotts help you today?"

Clearing his throat Albus drew himself up as he addressed the leader of the Nation. "I have come to peruse the contents of the Potter Estate, as per the law."

"I'm afraid that would be impossible." Ragnok gruelled back.

Albus concealed his shock well. "Whatever do you mean? That is the law. As Chief Warlock, I must preside over all unclaimable inheritances caused by this egregious war."

"Indeed." Ragnok stared him down, not moving an inch. "Despite that pretty trick you all slipped through over a century ago, the Potter Estate is not unclaimable."

This time he failed to keep the shock from his face. "And why is that?"

Ragnok smiled as evilly as it was possible for a goblin. "Because the beneficiaries of the Will still live. With legal inheritors, the Estate is to remain sealed until they can rightfully claim it."

"That makes no sense." Albus mused, confused by the matter. "I was present at the Potters' filing of their Will. I know that all who are listed upon it are now deceased or currently reside in a cell in Azkaban."

"Wills can change, Mister Dumbledore. And accidents happen." The glare directed at him by the Director of the Bank sent a cold chill down Albus's spine, even as he mirrored back a corruption of words that Albus himself had once said to Ragnok. While he was surely a very powerful wizard, raising his wand in these halls would see him cut down by the hundred beasts surrounding him. The unspoken threat bothered him.

Did the goblins somehow know what he sought in the Estate, and hoped to deny him out of spite?

"Very well then, as Chief Warlock, I request to see the adjusted Will so that I can see to its enactment." His usual serene look returned to his face as he considered the option that would still allow him to peek within, even if it was only during a change of hands.


"I beg your pardon?"

"I said, no! Are you deaf as well as daft?"

"How dare you. I have every rig…"

"Youhave no rights while seated in Goblin territory to demand anything of us if our clients see fit to keep it hidden. As the Potter Will was sealed by order of James Potter three days before his death, you have no right to overturn said decision. It shall only be opened by the executor and inheritors at the approved time."

Albus ignored the gnashing of weapons behind him as he glared back at the vile goblin scowling at him like he were vermin.

"Now see here…"

"If that is all,MisterDumbledore, I have other matters to attend to." Ragnok waved a hand dismissing him.

A fiery rage overtook Albus at the dismissal by those who had wronged him so. As he stood and felt his fingers slipping up his sleeve.

"I wouldn't if I were you." Ragnok chided, without even glancing in Dumbledore's direction.

Albus grimaced again, reigning his temper in without giving any outward sign of it. "Good day." He spat as he turned on his heel and beat a hasty retreat from the room.

He would just have to come at the problem from another angle.


As the door swung shut behind the manipulative old goat, Ragnok was a blur of motion.#Buhgor, get your ass in here. And bring Farkor with you.#He shouted into an enchanted speaker on his desk.#Darkblade, watch that miserable coot closely. He will not give up at this. He wants something…#He called to his chief guard as the side door swung inwards bringing the requested goblins inside.#Sit.#

The two goblins quickly sat in the indicated chairs as Ragnok continued scribbling furiously on the documents on his desk. As he finished, he grabbed a silver blade from the desktop and sliced his thumb, allowing several drops of blood to hit each piece of parchment.

#You have 24 hours to complete a full audit of the Potter Holdings. I need it on my desk by this hour tomorrow, or your head will take its place, Buhgor.#

The aged goblin gulped deeply at the threat before taking the offered parchment and speeding from the room. Such was his terror that he forgot the customary nod as he left the office. Ragnok smiled to himself at his ability to strike fear into those he needed. There was a reason he was the unchallenged Gragnar of the Goblin Nation in this corner of the world.

He turned his attention back to the younger of the summoned goblins.#Farkor. You are proving most resourceful. I wish for you to contact the Potter Elves. I know several still live on their properties and suggest that they lock them all down as heavily as possible. The wizards may think young Harry dead, but magic tells us otherwise. Whoever has him will likely come for the same thing the stupid old bastard was after. You have five hours to have their response on my desk. Understood.#

Farkor clearly felt the same fear that had sent Buhgor sprinting from the room, however, he did not show it on his face.#Of course, Gragnar. Right away.#He calmly leapt from his seat and strode from the room, remembering the customary nod as he left.

#That lad is going places.#


A/N:#Indicates Rhovak speech#, otherwise known as Gobbledygook, GIbberish or Goblin Speech.

Chapter 2: Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon

Chapter Text

Thursday 4th November 1981.

The soft breathing and occasional muttering were music to his ears.

All the planning and plotting had not been in vain. Glancing beside himself, he drank in the imitation of his wife. As talented as Rohan had been, he had been unable to fully capture all that made Lily Potter so great.

But there was enough.

Her fiery hair glowed in the shimmering lights from the nearby lamp and an unbreakable will shone forth in her beautiful emerald eyes. They were locked, unmovable, on the sleeping form of their only son, just below their frame in the crib he'd built for the boy with his own two hands.

Well, his own hands, Padfoot's interference and several bottles of Firewhiskey.

Lily had been furious when she had come home, heavily pregnant to the chaos of timber and tools scattered around the living room. Padfoot had fled quickly upon seeing her face, but the look she directed his way only made James love her even more.

That had been only days before Dumbledore had told them of the danger, the prophecy. One he had apparently known about for months, but that had only come to possibly refer to them after their most recent tangle with Voldemort and his Death Eaters at a muggle shopping centre.

Where he, Lily and the Longbottoms had faced the man himself and managed to drive him away. Supposedly painting all four of them, and the children they carried, with Fate's mark as a result.

James had been frantic to see that Lily was alright, but she was her usually fiery self afterwards, as Dumbledore had questioned if they had a place to hole up in. James had initially suggested they come here. To the Manor in which he had grown up.

Charlus and Dorea would have welcomed them with open arms. And he knew the locale to be secure. His father had explained his tests on the wards many times. But those green eyes had swayed him.

Lily had been uncomfortable placing her faith entirely in wards she could not understand the arithmancy of. Worried there might be a hole in them that Voldemort might exploit. And the complexity of the wards over Potter Manor were far beyond any of them.

The secrets of their creation were now well lost to the history of a dying race. Even his father's years of research had barely scratched the surface of how Irabelle and the dwarves had managed the feat.

Instead, Lily had convinced James to buy the small cottage in Godric's Hollow in secret. Not leaving any trail that could link the purchase to them.

At which point she and Alice had worked tirelessly to prepare the perfect safehouse. Every protection that she could fathom was laid down over those stones before they moved in. Identical to the ones being laid around the Longbottom home to defend them, as both of them could apparently fit this mysterious prophecy that Albus refused to divulge to them. Beyond the fact that it involved their unborn sons.

Both homes were made into magical fortresses. Layers upon layers of powerful and vicious spells and enchantments protected every square inch against intruders.

And then they foolishly tied it all to a single Fidelius Charm. Whose secret James agreed to entrust to a dirty stinking rat. He should never have trusted Pettigrew.

Not with his family.

Instead, he trusted his brother. Sirius had seemed so sure that the bluff would work. It would keep the Death Eaters chasing his tail like the dog he was while the secret remained safe in their most unassuming friend. And yet, they had heard nothing from the man in the days since. Despite not being the Secret Keeper, Padfoot knew the backup plan was to retreat here.

James considered that he was probably hunting Pettigrew in his honour, and the thought brought a smile to his face. At least they would have retribution once Sirius arrived with the traitor's corpse. Though, Padfoot was supposed to be here. Helping them with Harry.

Yet James could not help but blame himself. To wonder if there was something else, anything else, he could have done to protect Lily and Harry.

Mipsy's sudden snores broke his reminiscing. The young elf had only just become of age to help around the house when he had started building the crib. She was to be Harry's personal elf, to help him with whatever he needed, keep him in line when James couldn't be there himself, and help to teach Harry his place in the world. She would still get to be that for the boy, but now it fell to her and the others to raise him entirely.

A portrait cannot truly cry, as they are not truly alive. Instead, the canvas on which James's eyes were rendered seemed to weep a clear oily substance. The only thing he could now give out into the real world were these cold imitations of real grief.

James would never truly teach his boy to ride a broom. How to talk to girls. The best pranks to pull on his teachers. He could pass on his knowledge, but it would never be the same. He fell to his knees as the reality of his mistakes finally overwhelmed him. Hard sobs wracked his body as Lily's arms snaked around him and pulled him tight.

"I failed him," James sobbed softly.

"It is not your fault, my love. Voldemort would not be stopped. If anyone screwed up here, it was me. You were right, we should have come here and trusted your ancestors."

"I don't blame you, Lily. Your magic was astounding. It was my fault for trusting the wrong person." James assured her as he quaked in her grasp. All of the failings that led them here weighed upon him. His son was alone in the world. "Harry deserved better than this."

"Get over yourself, Potter."

James sniffed and looked up in disbelief at his wife, a broad smile splitting her face.

"What?" he asked in confusion.

"We messed up, but Harry lives on. Our son needs us to be strong for him. He needs our love and our guidance, not our pity and regret. So," her grin grew even wider as he became lost in her eyes, "get over yourself. Please."

James couldn't help the smile that broke over his face at her words. For so many years she had refused to even consider the idea of dating him. He'd been a jerk and he deserved her scorn. Mostly due to her baffling friendship with Snivellous. But then that had broken and James had still not had any luck.

So he had reassessed himself, and found himself wanting in many areas. He committed to changing, to being a better man, and not long after that, she had finally turned those emerald eyes on him in desire.

Lily made him a better man. And she understood how his mind worked better than even Sirius could claim these days. She knew that empty words and platitudes did not sway James Potter. But that fire in her, that could turn his will on a knut. She was so strong, and so was he with her by his side. Even in this state.

He reached his hand behind her head, tangling it in her hair and pulling her down. Their lips were millimetres apart when a shrill cry broke through their moment. Harry's cries solidified the boost his wife had given him. Harry would always come first. He was their only responsibility now.

Mipsy was quickly roused by the hearty cries of the young child. She shot out of the small chair by the crib and was checking over Harry with her magic, trying to find the cause of his discomfort.

"Mipsy, he's hungry," Lily called, catching the elf's attention. "Trust me, that cry is hunger. You'll come to know them all well."

The elf simply bowed and popped away, returning after a moment with a bottle and gently picking the boy from his crib and settling back into her chair as he drank. James felt the remorse and regret tickling at the back of his throat at the scene below him. Just another thing he'd never again be able to do for his boy.

"Stop it, James." Lily chided him again softly as she held him close. "He'll be grown before you know it and we'll wonder where the time went. Stop worrying about the past and focus on Harry's future."


Farkor grinned to himself as he held the small envelope in his claw. He had sent the Director's message off to the head Potter elf, suggesting that the elves secure and lockdown all the Potter properties to protect them against whoever might come searching.

The small wax seal on the rear of the letter proved it had been received by the correct party. It was the Potter seal, but the wax was steeped in natural magic that did not flow through human veins. There was no mistaking its source. Ripping into the parchment, he unfolded the letter and spread it on his small cubicle's desk.

Respected Banker Farkor,

We thank you for your concerns regarding the Potter holdings in these darkened times. Rest assured, the properties in question have been sealed since our Master's command many weeks ago now.

The elves have completed a thorough assessment of the possessions and properties of our Masters and found most to be in their proper place, with only a few known exceptions.

Our Master's commands that Buhgor continue to manage the affairs of the estate until such time as,there was an obvious pause in the writing,a suitable Heir comes forward, has never been countermanded. As such, we would greatly appreciate them continuing in this regard.

Should you have further questions, please contact me in the same manner.

Regards, Pops.

Head House Elf of the House of Potter.

Farkor smiled again. Though the letter was fairly vague, it had contained a few pieces of information that he was sure the elf had not meant to convey.

The boy lived, and the elf knew exactly where he was. It was only a small break in the pressure of the writing that assured him of this hunch, but it did not fit in its place in a piece of official correspondence from the Head elf of the Potters. Charlus was a stickler for such things in his day, or so he had been told.

Analysing handwriting had often seen Farkor ridiculed by his peers. But the skill had often come in handy since he had begun working in the bank. More was revealed by the form of the lettering than others seemed to fathom.

Poor Pops was beginning to show his age, as he would normally have completely rewritten the letter to erase such a mistake. Such knowledge would help the Nation stand ready to assist the boy at the proper time for the correct price.

But for the moment he would sit on this little sliver of information. He had done as his Gragnar commanded. He had not asked to see the correspondence and as such Farkor would have time to verify his hunch. Perhaps he could convince the elf to part with the information willingly. But it mattered not.

The young goblin had his methods, and he would get what he needed eventually.


Monday 8th November 1981.

Dumbledore stood in the Gringotts atrium with a full half of the Wizengamot behind him.

While a number of them had not been his first choices, they did hold a significant amount of sway in their world as part of their courts. And many had large fortunes banked with the goblins. Perhaps that would be enough.

He felt off for how he'd had to sell the idea to several of them as well. Comments like 'An estate as broad and strong as the Potter's could not be left to the greedy administration of the goblins' had a few of those in attendance smirking with anticipation.

And Albus wondered for a moment if he had made a mistake in their inclusion.

He'd had to make certain concessions to other members to garner their support. Some wanted money, some support on a doomed bill being put to the Ministry which he could offer without actually making any difference. Albus had become very good at maintaining the status quo when necessary.

Practically everyone thought that he was on their side to some degree, and no one ever questioned him when their attempts at change fell in a heap at their feet. Surely it was never the fault of the Chief Warlock.

Still, others had wanted favours. All would be called in eventually. But as with the support, Albus had long ago mastered the ability to slip free of his obligations, without it seeming that was what he was doing. Or holding some long-forgotten mistake over the one trying to manipulate him into their corner.

An advantage of having seen so many of the members of this society pass through the halls of Hogwarts. He knew a lot of their dirty little secrets.

"Mister Dumbledore."

Albus seethed internally. He knew the little sh*ts were doing it now to anger him before the meeting. "Yes?"

"The conference room is through here. If your party would like to join us."

Without waiting for a reply, the goblin shot off down a side corridor and the wizards were hard-pressed to keep up without breaking into a jog. The goblins were trying to unsettle them before the meeting. A simple distraction tactic that Albus himself had employed many times in the past. Clearly, these rodents had forgotten who they were messing with.

As the goblin came to an abrupt halt in front of a pair of floor-to-ceiling doors etched in gold, the now panting wizards finally fell in behind him. "Enter."

The doors swung inward and the small goblin disappeared, leaving the assembled wizards to enter and join the arrayed goblins already seated inside. They had clearly been sitting comfortably for some time, and Albus fumed silently at the attempts to throw him off his game.

"Welcome," Ragnok addressed the new group as they all sat, "Mister Dumbledore." He added, nodding purposefully at the aged warlock.

Dumbledore's eyes narrowed at the malicious grin on the goblin leader's face.

"Manager Ragnok," began another of Albus's group, who clearly knew very little of the goblins if he thought such incorrect titles mattered to them, "we're here hoping we can resolve thisissuewe seem to be having with the poor Potters' last wishes."

"There is noissuewith the Potters or their wishes. They are quite simple and quite clear." Ragnok replied, eyeing the upstart wizard angrily.

"Quite," Dumbledore added, "but it is the opinion of the Ministry that something must be done regardless. It is not wise to ignore a problem until it becomes too big to clean up."

Dumbledore smiled, his time had come now and he would have a modicum of revenge against these little bastards today. Not only for their former transgression, but for the sake of what he sought. They only ran this institution due to the kindness of wizards after they were thrown down and beaten the last time. A small concession to appease their retreat from their benevolent vanquishers.

"You still seem to be bumbling about under the assumption you have the ability to pass laws that matter in some way to the Nation, Mister Dumbledore." The twinkle that had been in the old man's eye quickly vanished. "Pass all the laws you want, it won't get you what you desire."

The grins on the goblins were now bordering on hysterical as the gathered wizards began to chatter and moan to one another at the gall of these creatures to deny them their rights.

"Director, we are the rightful law of this magical world. All are subject to its reach, as clearly noted in our treaty." The foolish young Undersecretary Fudge called, a smug smile on his face as he believed he had put the goblins back in their place.

"Perhaps, young fool, you need to read the treaty again." Ragnok glared, "I, however, know it very well. Seeing as my father signed it when you lot were tired of fighting any longer."

Dumbledore was truly struggling to keep his anger in check. These creatures were beyond the pale if they thought they could get away with this after all that they had done.

"We seem to be veering off the topic here," he corrected, trying to get things back where he wanted them. Where he could control them.

"Again, you labour under false pretences, Mister Dumbledore. The treaty in question is the heart of the matter. Did any of you think to read it carefully before calling this meeting?" Ragnok met the eyes of every member in the chamber all of whom looked away bashfully apart from Albus himself.

He would not be so easily rumbled, though it had been some time since he'd availed himself of the treaty's inner workings. Not wanting to interact with those who killed his joy so long ago any more than he needed to.

"As I said," Ragnok continued, "I know the treaty by heart. I have studied it long and hard, long before I took the seat of Director of this Bank. You would all do well to familiarise yourselves with it once more.

"According to the articles of the treaty of 1865, the matters of inheritance law fallsolelyunder the auspices of Gringotts Bank. Furthermore, they also categorically affirm that the running of said Bank shall remain thecastigationof the Goblin Nation for their efforts in rebellion.

"Now I assume that you learned men understand the wording of the treaty just fine, but I think it should be pointed out to some of our younger members. That is to say that you, the wizards, decided togiftthe goblins the task of managing your bank as punishment for our actions in the rebellion. However, the wording of the treaty leaves no clause under which we can be removed from the management of said affairs.

In other words, you put your defeated foes in charge of all your money."

Ragnok paused and his smile broadened even further. A state that to most humans looked like a feral creature ready to strike, with their sharp pointed teeth on full display.

"You were then stupid enough to leave the assessment and distribution of all inheritance and estate management to the above-mentioned bank. So, in short, challenge us on the Potter Estate. You are correct that you write the laws of the magical world. But by the words of the existing treaty, if we were to acquiesce to your wishes, it would require the reassessment ofevery single inheritancethat has ever been our duty to oversee."

Several of the gathered wizards paled considerably at his last words. Money had long been passed, probably under this very table, to ensure the proper wizard was always the one to receive his 'due' from a will. If the goblins were to thoroughly reassess even half of the wills they'd been 'forced' to oversee, the entire balance of power in their world could change overnight.

"As it stands, there are individuals listed as inheritors of the entire Potter Estate. Those people are alive and well, though not presently able to enact their recieval of said Estate. If any were to attempt to cheat those individuals out of said inheritance, the members of Gringotts, the very Goblin Nation itself, would be most," Ragnok stared steely-eyed directly at Dumbledore, "displeased."

Though his face showed none of the shock he was feeling, Dumbledore began to see the full extent of the goblins' threats. If he were to push matters, none of his political goodwill would be enough to let him survive the feeding frenzy that would go down in the papers the next day.

"And just to be absolutely clear, we have just finished an entire audit of the Potter Estate, as per the request of the Will. We know where every Knut, spoon and sock are located and how many there are. Should anything listed under it become misplaced, we will close the doors to this building until such time as the items are returned and the one responsible hands themselves over for judgment under the terms of our lovely treaty. Is that understood?"

Every wizard in the room shifted uncomfortably as Ragnok again made eye contact with every one of them. Each nodded their head silently as he passed from one to the next. The other goblins in the room were grinning openly as the truth of their victory became evident to the fools who had believed they had won the last war between their peoples, but who had been too stupid to read andunderstandall the terms of the documents they were signing.

Ragnok fixed his gaze one last time on Albus, an enormous grin spread from ear to ear "Then, you are dismissed."

Chapter 3: Those Who Can't, Teach

Chapter Text

Saturday 25th July 1985.

"I'm worried about Harry."

The other figures in the painting stopped their game and all glanced up at Lily as she stared beyond the frame. Harry was curled up in the corner of the library with a book dangling perilously from his fingers as gravity sought to claim it for its own. The house-elves had draped a light blanket over him and left him to slumber there at the instruction of those in the painting.

James glanced at the boy sleeping in confusion, "what do you mean, love? He's fine."

"Not the sleeping in the library, the boy has proven it to be his favourite room in the whole building." James shook his head, mildly ashamed that Harry would sooner sit in here and read than learn to fly. "I'm worried about friends."

"Friends, dear?" James's grandfather asked, shuffling the cards on the table.

"Harry has none," Lily replied. "Well; none that aren't house-elves."

"He'll have plenty of time for friends at Hogwarts, Lil. Don't fret about it."

Lily stared back out into the real world, watching the gentle rising and falling of Harry's chest for the next several minutes. She felt a sickness at the thought of her boy spending the next several years cooped up in this house.

As it was, they practically had to bribe the boy to go out and play. If left to his own devices he'd have read every book in the house by now.

"What about studies? We can only teach him so much."

James looked back at his wife, "he's a smart boy, Lily. He's like a sponge for knowledge, just sucks it all up."

"You could always have some of the other youngins come to visit him from time to time. Does well for a lad to get out and about. See the sun, feel the fresh air." One of the Potter ancestors claimed, blowing a particularly thick cloud of cigar smoke over the table.

"Be hard to keep knowledge of the boy quiet if you invite half the magical world to visit. Word will spread quickly once they realise he is alive." Another interjected.

"Best to keep him safe here where no one can find him. Too much danger for the wee boy out in the world. The elves can only protect him so much." A third ancient figure said, nodding to themselves as if that sorted matters.

Lily watched the sleeping boy for several minutes. The others were right, the world outside was far too dangerous for him at the moment. The letters they had received from Gringotts showed there were many out there trying their hardest to get their hands on the Potter Estate, and if they found Harry they could force him to hand it over. Or worse.

And he was learning a lot here with them. Every day he would be up bright and early, fed and ready sitting in front of them here in the library before most of those in the portraits had awakened. Most of them having been painted far later in life than she and James had.

And James was right, Harry absorbed information like a sponge. He was a delight to teach and was always asking questions about one thing or another. He'd almost learned everything they had to teach him about his place in the family and his future responsibilities to the Estate as the sole Heir.

Lily was sure the boy was only just short of having an eidetic memory. He devoured every morsel of information like it would be his last. Yet could recite it all back to you as if he'd only just read it moments ago.

This, too, worried her. It was important to be keen on your studies, but it had almost become Harry's entire life and that wasn't normal for a boy of his age. And that spurred a new thought in her mind. The magical world was indeed unsafe for him.

"He'll be five in a few days. He's the right age, James." Lily said, sliding her arms around her husband.

"The right age for what?"


"He can't start at Hogwarts until he's eleven, dear. You know the rules."

"Muggle school, James. He can learn and be with kids of his own age. No one from the magical world will be there to see him and spread rumours. He'll be safe," she looked down at the boy once more, "and happy."

"I don't know sweetheart. The Muggle world can be a dangerous place. We can't protect him outside the Manor. The magic protecting this place is beyond anyone's understanding. No one is breaking in here to get at him. I wish we hadn't left in the first place." James whispered as he trailed off. Clearly not wanting to mention it had been her idea to leave last time.

"I know that. I regret my mistake more than you can imagine." She replied, offering a silencing hand when James made to rebut her. "And I know that when they married into your family, the Peverells took this place off the map more than just figuratively. I remember the day you first took me for a walk in the grounds and we walked a dead straight line from the house until we hit the other side of it again.

"I always wanted to research those wards. To figure out how they worked. It's like they ripped the whole area out of the world and stuck it in its own little bubble. One I should have trusted then. But now Harry is trapped alone in that bubble. There is so much he will miss out on, I can't bear to steal this from him as well."

"What about his lessons with us? He's learning quickly, but there is still so much to go over. The family histories, and his place in the wider world. He'll be famous just for his last name, not to mention the fact he'll be coming back from the dead."

"I'm not talking about boarding school, James. We send him to state school during the day, so he comes back to us each night. Those are the type of children he needs to be around anyway. He'll meet enough of the snobs when he goes to Hogwarts."

James leant back in his chair staring up into Lily's eyes, he could see the concern etched on her face and smiled to himself.

"Why do I argue with the smartest woman I know?" He pulled her lips down and kissed her softly. "If you think we should send him, we send him. Mipsy loves that boy just as much as we do, I'm sure she can watch over him at school without a fuss."

Lily may have blamed herself for her refusal to use the Manor as their hideout when Voldemort was searching for them. But she was extremely grateful to her past self for having registered Harry in the muggle system at his birth.

Even though she knew he was going to be a powerfully magical child. She just could not bring herself to entirely abandon her heritage. No matter how cruel her sister had become over the years, there were still many incredible things about the world she had first grown up in.

That foresight would serve them now by providing the necessary paperwork to register Harry into the school system. Just as it had gotten him a couple of early vaccinations. Even if James had assured her that magical folk never fell sick to those muggle diseases. It brought her simple peace of mind to know he was protected.

A wide smile broke over Lily's face. "Thank you. It will bring a little peace to my heart. I'll help Pops prepare the documentation he'll need. He can... pretend to be our butler or something for the meetings. People will still ask questions, but we'll hardly be the first 'absent parents' sending their kids off and never checking up. As sad as that is."

Pops's interesting ability was another subject Lily had once intended to investigate. That elder house-elves developed a magic that allowed them to take on new forms. Almost like a metamorphmagus.

James had somehow convinced Pops to use the ability in order to trick her for an evening, and she smiled at the memory. Before she then sighed at yet another thing she would never hope to achieve anymore.

The remaining Potters just shook their heads at their whipped descendant and dealt out the next hand. Harry softly slumbering away beneath them, completely unaware.


Monday 2nd September 1985.

"Master, Harry! Please don't run in the house!"

Harry ignored the wizened elf as he tore into the study and plonked himself on the chair facing the currently empty portrait. He shook with anticipation, rocking on the very lip of the chair as he waited for his mother to appear. He knew he didn't have long, but he refused to go without seeing her first.

"Harry," her disapproving voice came a moment before she entered the frame, "you need to listen to Pops. You'll be the end of him if you keep driving him mad like that."

The smile she wore as she spoke took most of the sting from her reprimand. But Harry still felt bad. He never liked being told off by his mother. Not because he didn't like the talking to, that he never minded so much. It was the fact that afterwards, she could never wrap her arms around him and make him feel better.

Words were all they had to comfort him, and it was never the same. The only hugs he'd ever had were from Mipsy. None of the other elves felt it was appropriate to hug their Master.

Though he was very young at the time, Harry could still remember the feeling of being in his mother's arms. Of the warmth and security, he felt wrapped up in her. It was the thing he missed the most since that horrid night.

"Sorry, mum." Harry dipped his head as he spoke, the feelings of loss overwhelming him as his memory took a turn to its darkest reach.

"Harry, look at me, sweetie."

His eyes raised to meet with her own. His near-perfect recall was a double-edged sword for Harry. He could remember all his lessons with perfect clarity. Recall any book he'd ever read with minimal effort.

But he could also remember the pure perfect shine of his mother's eyes, and he knew not one of the paintings in the house, no matter the canvas or paint used, could ever properly convey them. He missed the fine details of his parents that were lost now to all but memory, and tears began to slip down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry I can't be there now to hold you, love. You didn't deserve this fate. We do all we can to protect you from the dangers out there, we often forget about the ones in here. I know that you miss your father and I."

Harry nodded as she spoke, giving voice to the feelings he never did. He wanted to be their strong little boy. Never their soldier. Harry had used that term once after finding it in one of his storybooks and James had reprimanded him fiercely. They never wanted him to be a soldier.

"Come on, Harry. Aren't you at least a little bit excited?"

Looking back up at his mother Harry could see the love in her eyes. But also, the trepidation. This would be the longest he had ever been away from her since the night they died. At first, he'd thought he had done something wrong when his mother suggested it. That they were sending him away.

It had been a long and emotional discussion. Harry had begged them not to send him away, promised to be a better son, to do anything they asked. Lily had to call Mipsy to hold him as they explained their reasons.

This was not a punishment, but a reward. He knew there were still a lot of things to learn about his responsibilities and the magical world he would rejoin one day, but he knew there was something else he was missing. As much as he loved his family and the elves who were raising him, something else called at the edge of his soul.

A dull throbbing ache that would never go away. Never getting stronger or weaker, just there. His mother had explained friends to him and while confused by the concept, he was also excited to meet these friends.

Lily was still watching him closely as these thoughts whipped back and forth through his mind. The troubles were ebbing away, and the excitement was building once more, and his eyes began to take on the glow he had once seen in his mother's. She smiled at him as he wiped the tears aside and smiled at her.

"Yes, mum. I'll make you and Dad proud."

Lily's smile grew even wider. "That's wonderful, darling, but you already make me so proud. What I want you to focus on today is making you happy. It might be frightening at first, but I know you will make some really strong friends. Just remember, it might not happen right away."

Harry looked a little frightened at the idea of being away from home and without friends for a long time. How long would it take for them to like him?

"Be calm, Harry," Lily called, drawing his eyes. "How do you feel right now?"

"Scared, but excited. What if they don't like me, mum?"

"That, Harry, is how every one of them is feeling right now." Harry's gaze went wide as he contemplated his mother's words. "They want to make friends just as much as you, but they are worried they won't be liked either. All you have to do is be yourself, and the friends will find you."

A feeling of purpose rose within Harry's chest. He would make friends. He would make his family proud of him. He would make the best friends anyone had ever seen. Determination settled on his face as Lily laughed gently at her boy.

"Now are you sure we have everything? You can't be expecting Mipsy to pop back and forth because you forgot your pencil case or lunch!"

Harry tapped the backpack he wore and grinned. "I checked it three times this morning. All there." A proud grin spread across his face.

"Then come here and give mummy a kiss goodbye."

This was the reason for their discussions in this room. The picture in the study was almost touching the floor and was the only one in the house where Harry could stand at face height with his parents without them lying on the floor of the painting.

Lily leant down so the wee boy could press his lips to the slightly raised portion of canvas that was her cheek. Neither one could feel the warmth of the other, but the motion, in itself, brought some small form of pleasure.

"I love you, mummy. I'll make you so proud."

"I know you will baby, now take Mipsy's hand and remember, you're there to have fun."

Harry nodded vigorously as he took the elf's hand. She nodded to her mistress and with a loud pop, Harry left the house for the first time since 1981.


Friday 10th January 1986.

Harry sighed as he ate the delicious sandwich that Pops had prepared for him.

His legs swung to and fro beneath the bench as he sat and watched the other children running about on the playground. He felt the pull to climb on the equipment with them, but something was holding him back.

Despite his talk with his mother on his first day, he still felt trepidation at the idea of talking to the strange children. Even though he'd known them for several months now, none of the ones playing in the playground had connected with him as he had hoped.

Not for lack of trying either. Harry had talked with every one of them, at least eight or nine times. While some were nice and talked happily back, none gave him the feeling that they were his friends. They still tended to gather with the same small groups of people every time they went for recess. Groups that never seemed to include him.

And for some strange reason, Harry could not understand, his performance in the classroom actually made some of the children seem angry with him.

Eagerness to learn had always been encouraged in his studies at home. When he learned something new, his entire family would praise his achievements. They even arranged a small party the day he had been able to recite the entire Statute of Secrecy to them, amendments and all. Knowledge was his first friend and he loved learning.

School life was so different from home. There, his entire family would be focused entirely on him. It was almost as if they had no other life outside of Harry. But here, he was just one of hundreds of students. And while the teachers here seemed happy when he provided answers in class, they never focused on him the way his family had. Their attention tended to go to other students in the class instead. On anyone who was struggling with their work.

And those other children seemed to resent his knowledge. Only one other child in the class seemed to enjoy learning as much as he had, but he could never find her at playtime to talk.

She would disappear out the door before he could catch up and by the time he reached the playground she was gone. Harry was becoming frustrated with his inability to make friends. He could learn anything, why could he not succeed at this? How hard could it be to make friends?

"Oi, Scarface."

Harry closed his eyes as he downed the last portion of his sandwich. While he was still having trouble making friends, it seemed the opposite took care of itself.

"Yes, Thomas?" Harry turned to the third-year boy towering over him, thanks to being almost twice Harry's age.

"What you bring me for lunch today, eh?"

It had been slow at first, but after news of Harry's intelligence spread, Thomas had made it his mission to knock the know-it-all down a few pegs. He'd been roughing Harry up every day for the past couple of months, but Harry never gave him the satisfaction of reacting.

"Sorry," Harry shrugged, "I'm afraid I've already eaten it, but if you like I can bring some more to share with you tomorrow."

Harry knew it was not why the older boy was asking, but he knew that playing along usually meant a shorter encounter. The bully clearly didn't like his lack of reaction but was determined to teach him who was in charge around here.

"You little pig. Hope you left some room for more."

Thomas grabbed Harry by the arm and dragged him to the nearby sandpit before grabbing a handful of sand and attempting to force it into Harry's mouth. Knowing he was weaker than the tall boy, Harry did not try to pull free of his grip, that would only result in bruises which his parents would ask about. Harry was determined to resolve this himself. He would not go crying to his mother as Thomas liked to taunt many of the children.

Though, most importantly, Harry forced himself to hold his emotions in check. He was still barely able to consciously feel his magic, much less control it. The few occasions where it had gotten out of control at home had been interesting, to say the least. Here, the need was far greater.

His parents had impressed on him the importance of remaining hidden from magical folk for the time being. An accidental magic incident at the school would surely see people from the Ministry attending to investigate.

"THOMAS MITCHELL! You let Mr Potter go this instant."

Harry grinned slightly through sandy lips as his teacher stormed across the yard. This was how most encounters ended. He knew fighting back would only get him in trouble, so Harry let the scenario play out, knowing the teachers at this school were very prompt in reacting to the bullying. At least in his experience.

He suspected Mipsy had a hand in drawing their attention whenever something happened to him. He knew the little elf was watching somewhere nearby, but he had forbidden her from personally interfering. As with his own accidental magic, elf magic in a playground was a recipe for the disaster his parents seemed so worried about.

Thomas released Harry and quickly dusted the sand off his hands behind his back. Mrs Grevillea towered over them both as she arrived and looked down at the taller boy.

"What exactly do you think you were doing?" She asked the older boy.

"Harry fell into the sandpit, Miss. I was only helping him up." Thomas smiled his I-did-nothing grin.

Harry giggled at the foolishness of it, as there was no sand anywhere but his face, but did not contradict the boy. That would only lead to more attacks. He could handle what was happening. He was no coward and he would not ask the teachers to fight his battles for him.

Mrs Grevillea stared at the boy, the look on her face conveying she clearly did not believe a word of the story. She glanced at Harry and merely raised an eyebrow, requesting his version of events.

"It was nice of him to help like that, Miss." Harry smiled, dusting the sand from his lips.

She stared down at them both before asking Thomas to accompany her back inside. Neither boy said a word to one another as they went their separate ways.

"Why don't you stand up to him?" A timid voice called as Harry reached his bench once more.

He spun about to see the young girl standing behind him. It was the girl he most wanted to be friends with. His eyes raked over her, taking in her messy hair much like his own. A smile spread across his face as he saw the curiosity and fear in her brown eyes.

"He'll only get worse if I do. Same if I were to tell on him." Harry shrugged, "I can handle a bully."

Harry didn't mention the fact he worried about becoming a jerk like that too. He had heard several stories of the things his father and his friends had done during their time at Hogwarts. And he didn't like the idea of hurting others for amusem*nt. So he tried to avoid getting into confrontations at all.

The girl looked terrified at the idea of standing up to Thomas. Her eyes kept flicking to the tall boy as he walked away.

"Why? Does he do that to you too?"

She just nodded vigorously as her eyes met his again. Anger built in Harry at the boy for the first time. He knew that he could take the punishment, but the girl in front of him looked afraid. As though even this conversation might bring the wrath of the lanky third-year down upon her.

"It's why I always spend playtime in the library. He never thinks to look in there." Harry giggled at the thought, causing the girl to look at him oddly. "How exactly is that funny?" Small tears grew in the corner of her eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. It's him. I imagine he's allergic to books, like vampires to garlic. He'd probably burst into flames if he ever set foot in a library." Harry chuckled.

The tears ceased and a wide smile broke across the girl's face at the thought. "Probably." She giggled.

The sound filled Harry with happiness as he saw the change come over her. "I'm Harry, by the way. Harry Potter."

He extended his hand to the girl who watched it closely as it approached, as though afraid of it. A small finger of anger leapt through Harry again as he wondered exactly what Thomas had done to the poor girl to make her so afraid of a handshake. He smiled broadly and held his hand perfectly still, letting the girl make the decision to take it or not.

She looked back and forth from his hand to his eyes, clutching the book in her arms tightly as she did. He could see the indecision and fear warring behind her eyes with something else, something he didn't recognise.

Very slowly, she reached from the book and took his hand. Harry beamed as they gently shook, surprised at the soft feel of the girl's skin compared to the House Elves. Their skin felt almost leathery, but hers was smooth and warm. He very much liked the feel of it.

"I'm Hermione Granger." She replied, her voice cracking softly.

"Nice to meet you, Hermione Granger. Would you like to be friends?"

A new war began in her chocolate eyes as she studied him closely, not letting go of his hand. Harry had the odd feeling that he was hooked up to a lie detector and she was searching his grip and eyes for any sign he was trying to hurt her. He simply continued to smile at her as he watched the thoughts flitting through her mind.

"Yes." She finally said, giving his hand one last shake before breaking contact and hugging her book tightly once more.

"Brilliant," Harry beamed, "Can I join you in the library for lunch tomorrow? I'd go today, but I'm already finished."

The bell rang loudly across the yard and the children all groaned and headed back inside. Hermione remained frozen for a moment, looking at Harry's face.

"Yes." She replied, before quickly turning and rushing back into the classroom.

Harry gathered his things with a broad grin. The tugging feeling he'd had for years had finally settled. He had made a friend.


"MUM!" Harry yelled as he dashed through the hallways.

He was ever so eager to tell her about his day. After returning to class he had found a space free next to Hermione and he had quickly taken it. The girl had looked at him, a hint of suspicion still present in her gaze, but it had quickly vanished as they had worked diligently side by side for the rest of the day.

She had looked into his eyes as they gathered their things and prepared to leave for the day. Wishing him a good day, she quickly dashed from the room, a slight pink colour on her cheeks as she disappeared.

"Mummy, where are you?"

Harry tore back and forth, up and down the corridors passing many portraits all with his ancestors watching as he darted about.

"For goodness sake, James, how can you manage to pull pranks in a portrait?"

Harry grinned as he heard his mother yelling at his father from the room at the end of the hall. He ran quickly through the door and his eyes fell on one of the smallest paintings in the house. It was full of horrid-looking green smoke, that Harry had a distinct impression did not smell very good at all.

"Mum, Dad. I have to talk to you!" Harry shouted at the small picture.

"Oh Harry, darling. Welcome home. Meet me in the study, sweetie. We do not want to be in here right now."

Harry could not see either figure in the painting but knew the look his mother was giving his father right now. And he could picture the grin that would adorn his father's face in response. He quickly made his way to the study and dragged one of the heavy chairs, so it would be right in front of the frame and sat. He was so excited to tell them of his day, that he hadn't even shed his school bag, which was still perched on his back.

He was practically bouncing in place as his parents walked into the frame, Lily waving her hands about as though trying to clear the air. James wore the very grin Harry had imagined as they both caught sight of him eagerly waiting.

"Hello, Harry," his father greeted, "how was school?"

Harry rocked forward on the chair and rushed headlong into a detailed account of his day, from their quiz in the morning classes to the new subjects they'd brought up. But the most detailed of all was the end of his lunch break. He had forgotten one thing in his excitement and haste to tell them of his new friend.

"What do you mean, Harry? How long has this Thomas boy been picking on you?" His mother asked, a severe look on her face.

Harry mentally kicked himself as he realised he had never told his parents about the bullying. He wanted to be their strong boy and deal with the problem himself. He'd even asked Mipsy not to tell them, but as he wasn't of age, he technically wasn't her true Master. His parents could override his instructions. All of this must have shown on his face because his mother immediately called for the elf.

"Mipsy, what has been going on? You are supposed to be protecting Harry!" James roared.

"Please don't yell at Mipsy, Dad. It's my fault."

"No young Master, Mipsy is being a bad elf."

"No, you did exactly as I asked you to."

"You did what now, Harry?" his father interrupted again.

Harry looked up at his parents with trepidation. "I knew you asked Mipsy to keep me safe. But I know the Statute. If she does something magic to protect me, we all get in trouble. So, I asked her not to interfere. But I know she still does, don't you?"

Mipsy looked bashful as Harry stared at her, pleadingly. "Yes, Master. I cannot go against your orders, but you left a loophole Mipsy could use."

"You make the teachers notice, don't you?" Mipsy nodded and hung her head, awaiting punishment for going against orders. "Thank you. I thought you did."

Mipsy's head shot up as she caught her master's gaze. He was smiling fondly at her and popped off the chair to hug her tightly. He had grown a lot in the years she had been watching him and while they once were the same height during these hugs, he now was much taller than her.

Lily watched the interaction in silence, thinking about whether to reprimand Harry. "Harry, why didn't you tell us sooner? You've been going to school for months now."

"I wanted to be your brave boy," Harry replied bashfully. "And I didn't want to risk being a bully back."

Lily watched as Harry mumbled something further under his breath. "What was that last bit, Harry?"

He locked eyes with his mother, momentarily pleading with her. She just stared back, silently demanding an answer.

"He teases me. Says I'll run home to mummy and cry." Lily gasped and Mipsy wrapped Harry in her arms again. "I don't want him to be right. I'm not afraid of him, Mum."

A determined look filled his eyes as he stared up at his parents.

"My word, Harry. I know where you are going. Ravenclaw my foot." James said, looking at his wife. "But being brave doesn't mean you have to take everything on yourself, lad. We're your parents, and you can tell us anything."

Harry relaxed slightly as he sunk into Mipsy's hug. He was worried about what his parents would say if they ever found out about the bullying. He didn't want to give Thomas the satisfaction of being right about him running and telling on him. He'd never once told anyone about the bullying, believing he was stronger if he just took it in silence.

"Now," Lily drew his gaze as Mipsy stepped back again, "tell me all about this Hermione."

She smiled widely at the glowing grin that spread on her son's face. He had finally found the friend he'd been looking for since he started school. Many nights he had come home and shared all about his classes, but he had always avoided talking about friends and the other children. Lily had heard what he wasn't saying. She could see the longing in his eyes.

She felt a little guilty, for filling his mind with the wondrous ideas of friendship, which had until now evaded him at the school. But she could feel it in his voice and see in his eyes that he now understood every word she had said. And he was happier than she had seen him in a long time.


Hermione curled up on her bed struggling to read the page she had been staring at for the last three hours.

She was furious at herself. Not for talking to the boy she had been watching for weeks. Harry was smart, like her and he wasn't afraid to show it as she was becoming. She was upset because he was distracting her from her book now.

The other children would pick on her for knowing the answers. They made fun of her for spending her free time reading books instead of playing. But most of all she hated that they made fun of her hair and her teeth. Especially some of the students in the older grades, many of whom seemed overly concerned with their appearance in Hermione's opinion.

The other things she could deal with, those she did by choice, but she had tried so many times to tame her wild hair and nothing could be done with it. She had broken several brushes her first week of school trying to tame the mane and had cried herself to sleep many nights since knowing her parents wouldn't fix her teeth. As dentists, they assured her that she would grow into them soon. But while she was growing, the other kids would keep picking on her.

It felt like everyone except Harry had made fun of her for something. At first, she'd thought he was too, laughing at her hiding in the library. But she had to agree, the picture of Thomas in flames running about the library had been funny. But the fear was still there.

When he sat next to her, terror filled her as she waited for him to mock her. Or to steal her pencils. Some of the other girls liked to take her things and she never got them back again. She was so upset that one of them had taken the notepad her Nanna had given her on her first day. She lived so far away that she hadn't seen her since, and the notepad had filled her with joy any time she had written in it.

Now she was waiting for the other shoe to drop with Harry. Surely, he would see what everyone else did and abandon her. Or worse, join in the mocking. Hermione didn't think she could take it if he did it as well. She had been terrified when she was fleeing past the playground as Thomas picked on Harry.

She couldn't understand his reluctance to tell the teachers what really happened. Curiosity had finally won out and she had to ask.

And now she had a friend. He had said that they were friends, and he had sat with her for the rest of the day. His attention baffled her.

When she looked at him, there was no malice in his gaze. His smile was warm and when he put his hand on hers a few times, her heart had beat so fast she thought she would pass out. She was dreading Monday, as she was sure he would change his mind over the weekend and hate her come school next week.

These kids really had done a number on her. Her insecurities would swarm her all night, egged on by the cruel comments she had to endure all day. But there was a tiny little part of her, deep down inside that thought maybe, just maybe, Harry was different.

Maybe he really was her friend.

Chapter 4: Look Before You Leap

Chapter Text

Monday 13th January 1986.

Harry had never been so excited to go to school.

Over the weekend he had been having trouble focusing on his studies. His grandfather had told him off multiple times during his classes, but it had not been able to break Harry's mood. He was ecstatic that he finally had a real friend.

Mipsy had made a strange face the first time Harry had voiced that thought aloud in front of her. But quickly cheered up as he wrapped her in a warm hug and reminded her there was a difference between friends and family. Watching a house-elf blush is always a funny sight but seeing her do so while being spun around by a laughing child was something else altogether.

Harry by no means had a sad childhood. Mipsy had made sure he played and had fun. But for the last few years, his idea of fun had been reading. It had become such a strange occurrence for a child's laughter to fill these halls that many of the portraits would probably have let Harry get away with anything, just to keep the sound coming.

Now he was following Tybalt as he moved about the kitchen preparing the lad's lunch. He was constantly asking if it was ready yet, as it was the final thing keeping him from heading off to school. But every time Tybalt was ready to say it was done, Harry would ask him to add something else. He wanted to share his lunch with his friend but had no idea what she liked to eat.

Mipsy finally had enough, as she was unfamiliar with this version of Harry and wasn't sure how to handle him. She put her hand on his shoulder, stopping him from following her brother and turning him to face her.

"Master Harry, if you keep changing your mind, we'll never get you to school. Is that what you want?"

Shock suddenly flew across Harry's face at the idea of being late. "No, Mipsy. I'm ready to go."

Tybalt silently thanked his sister, handing over the well-overstuffed lunch bag for her to tuck into Harry's bag.

Harry was so excited that he forgot that his parents were waiting for them in the study to wish him a good day, and he grabbed Mipsy's hand firmly.

"Let's go, Mipsy, I want to get there as quickly as possible."

Unable to ignore the request, Mipsy sighed and popped them from the Manor.


Harry could not contain himself. He had begun running for school the moment they had materialised in the small park a few blocks away. Mipsy had chosen it because the trees offered a great deal of natural cover for her appearance. Anyone seeing a child suddenly pop out from behind a tree in the park would just write it off as them having been hiding as they approached.

And it gave her the time needed to vanish herself. Mipsy could not hide herself while popping with Harry and if someone spotted her before she could become invisible, it would cause trouble. Though again, someone catching a momentary glimpse of her holding a child's hand before she vanished behind another tree would likely be mistaken for a child with a large stuffed toy.

Now though, she was having trouble keeping up with the exuberant youth as he tore past strangers rushing down the pathways he had long since memorised. She couldn't help but smile at the difference between him now and his first day. He had been so hesitant to go that first time, slowly puttering beside her as she guided him, invisible hands on his shoulders guiding him forward. It had taken almost half an hour to make the walk that first day, but this time they would arrive in moments.

As the school came into view over the roadway she watched the boy charge ahead, others watching as he swept past them towards the same destination.

Unfortunately, Harry had become too single-minded in his rush to arrive at the school and did not stop at the edge of the road to wait for Mipsy as he crossed. It was a moment of forgetfulness that would cost him dearly as he stepped onto the street and was immediately struck by the car he had paid no attention to.

Mipsy froze in horror as her young master was flung backwards down the road and came to a rest a few feet in front of the skidding vehicle. Every eye in the area was now fixed on the still body of the boy lying in the street.

She silently popped to his side and cast a notice-me-not charm over his body. She could see he was still breathing, but there were very obvious injuries over his entire figure. Mipsy didn't know what to do. She was trained in basic first aid, all house-elves were if they were to be a personal elf. But this was beyond what anyone had taught her.

And despite the charm, people were still gathering nearby. The charm stopped them from directly seeing Harry's body now, but they were aware that something major had just happened in front of them. The skid marks laid out behind the car gave a very clear indicator of what sort of event had occurred, but right now the Muggles could no longer see what the car had hit.

Mipsy looked about and noticed a hubcap had come off the car as it stopped and lay not two metres from Harry's prone form. She quickly cast another notice-me-not on it before transforming it into a small dog. It was a sad distraction to leave outside a school, but she needed something to keep people from noticing Harry. With the intensity with which they were all looking, her charm would not last for long.

She pulled the notice-me-not from the transfigured dog and reaching gingerly out she pressed her hand to Harry's forehead. He did not react to her touch in the slightest and she began to fear the worst. She laid her other hand on his chest and his body groaned in pain at the contact. She could feel the shattered bones under her touch and knew he was far too wounded to move. She would only cause more injury. But she had none of the materials needed to treat such wounds.

Which left her only one recourse. The most dangerous of all, and the one that would surely see her given clothes.

Mipsy pressed both hands back onto Harry, one on his head and the other on his chest. The soft groan came once more, but Mipsy ignored it as she pushed her magic out and just willed it to repair the damage to her young master.

It was one of the deepest secrets of house-elf magic. That magic itself was not so regimented and cautious as the wizards claimed in their classes and books. Children showed that it was not every time they cast accidental magic. The energy they released was unformed and caused random accidents.

But if one simply pushed with enough intent, they could often force their magic to do things that many thought to be impossible. The trouble with such magic was it was very rarely repeatable. And it could not be taught. It was pure instinct and willpower made real. True unformed magic.

Mipsy could feel the bones clicking back together as Harry moaned out in pain. He was still unconscious, but pain like this could still be felt, even through such boundaries. She could feel her magic coursing up and down the small body, repairing bones and soothing the developing bruising on his organs. Time began to blur as the people around them disappeared into nothingness. Mipsy focused her entire being on fixing Harry.

Her magic began to falter as she pushed all of it into Harry, willing his injuries away with all of her strength. And as she began to black out from the strain Harry's eyes shot open and a scream of pain shot past his lips.

Every one of the gathered Muggles currently trying to keep their young children from seeing the wounded dog in the road heard the horrid screech of pain, but before anyone could notice the odd pair laid on the pavement, a soft flash shot out and both bodies were gone.


Hermione walked towards the gathered group with trepidation. Crowds were not her friends. They often hid those who most wanted to do her harm. But unfortunately, this one was gathered in front of her school, so tightly packed she had to push through it to get to the gates.

As she passed she heard the parents whispering about the poor dog who had been hit by the car on the road. He'd shot out from the footpath and been struck dead in a moment. She had no desire to see such a thing and was glad that she had been running a little late that morning.

All she wanted now was to be free of the crowd and see if her hope had come true. That she still had someone at this school who wished to call her a friend.

Finally breaking through the group and rushing to her classroom, Hermione put away her things and settled into her desk, awaiting Harry and the start of class.

She was a little surprised when the teacher called the class to order and the bell sounded. Harry had yet to arrive. She was seated right by the door. It made for the fastest getaway from the bullies and was close enough to the teacher to answer questions. Surely, he could not have made it inside without her noticing. She glanced about the room and saw the many gossiping faces. All were surely discussing the scene outside the gates. But not one of them was his.

The teacher drew her attention once more and the class got underway, but throughout the entire day, Hermione found herself wondering what could have happened to Harry that he would skip class. He seemed as keen to learn as she was, and she was sure she'd never miss a day of school unless something terrible had happened.

But beneath it all was the doubt. The voice in her head telling her it was her fault. Harry had not wanted to come back to this school and be friends with a weirdo like her. And the teasing and bullying from the other students did nothing to ease her suffering. By the time the final bell rang, Hermione was in tears rushing to retreat from the pain that school had suddenly become.

She burst in through the front door and shot up to her room, discarding her things and launching at the bed. Her entire body was racked with the sobs that consumed her. She had known it was too good to be true.

She would never have a true friend.


Harry groaned as his eyes opened slowly.

The bright light washing over him was blinding and his head throbbed heavily. His whole body ached, and he had no idea where he was. The last thing he could remember was rushing to school. Why was he suddenly here instead of there? His eyes began to focus, and he began to recognise the features of the room. He had been in here often. It was Mipsy's personal room in the attic. She had refused to take a normal room as he had requested, instead settling here.

Harry loved visiting her room. It had the best view over the whole grounds, and that very window was where the bright light of the near noonday sun was pouring in, hitting him directly in the face. He groaned again and closed his eyes to protect them from the bright light. He tested his other senses and could feel something heavy on his chest. Peeking downwards he saw Mipsy. Her head was resting on his chest and she looked utterly exhausted. He had never seen her so pale before and it chilled him.

"Tybalt!" He called in fear.

The little elf popped into place beside him with a look of utter confusion on his face. "Master Harry?"

"Something is wrong with Mipsy, Tybalt. Help her" he yelled.

Tybalt rushed over and rolled his twin sister off his master. She was indeed very pale, she looked sickly and unwell. He pressed his hand to her head and gasped. She was almost completely exhausted of magic, a death sentence for a house-elf if not rectified quickly.

He glanced at his master and a moment of indecision froze him. He knew what needed to be done, but only a wizard could provide what she needed. Normally the master of the house would slowly have all present contribute a little magic to the elf to trigger its own body to absorb the ambient magic around it, but in this house, there was only one wizard. And he was far too young to ask such a thing of. But if he did nothing, his sister would die.

"What? What is it, Tybalt? Tell me now!" Harry screamed, afraid he was losing his oldest friend. His family.

"She is not well, young master. She needs magic, but I cannot ask it of you."

Harry shook his head as she leant forward over his Mipsy. "What do I need to do?" He asked, his eyes fixed on the sickly elf.

Tybalt hesitated again, afraid of what the other masters would say when they learned of this. Harry tore his eyes from Mipsy to glare at Tybalt. A lump formed in the small elf's throat at the intensity of the look and he took Harry's hand and laid it over Mipsy's forehead.

"Just will a little magic into her master. Only a little, or you'll be in the same state she is."

Harry had not been trained in magic yet. The one or two small accidental outbursts had been quickly dealt with by the elves, so his parents had not thought it necessary to bother him with such training. And given most accidental magic was the result of intense emotion, Harry hardly had to deal with it at all, his home life was calm and peaceful.

With no experience to draw upon, Harry instead went upon instinct. He knew he didn't want his family to die, so he followed the instructions and felt a warm surge rush up his arm and into the prone elf.

A pale glow began to surround Mipsy as Harry's magic surged through her small form. Tybalt watched as the magic did its work, and he felt his sister becoming stronger for the sharing.

"That is enough, little master. You must stop now."

Tybalt reached out and lifted Harry's hand from his sister and received a jolt of Harry's magic through his body as he did, throwing him back against Mipsy's bed.

"I'm sorry, Tybalt, are you ok?"

Tybalt shook himself off and felt amazing as he stood. "Yes, Master Harry, we elves live off the magic of our masters, it's just not often we get it so directly. Bit of a shock to the system."

He moved back over to check on his sister and found her colour had returned and she was now resting comfortably. He clicked his fingers and she rose into the air and hovered over to her bed. The covers enfolded about her as he settled her in and tucked them down around her.

"Rest. That is what she needs now. And you too master. You gave her a lot more magic than you should have. Please, come lie down."

Tybalt guided Harry through the house back to his own room where he quickly collapsed into his own bed, snoring softly before his face hit the pillow.


When he woke again, it was dark in the room. Except for a pair of pale blue eyes staring at him from the darkness, well within arm's reach. Harry grinned internally as he would recognise those eyes anywhere.

"Hello, Mipsy."

He rolled onto his back and groaned. His body was still stiff and sore, but he still couldn't remember why. Surely it wasn't from sharing his magic.


Harry sprung back into the bed head as he saw his mother fuming in the portrait opposite him. This was the original portrait painted of them. It had rested above his bed ever since this had become his room, only changing sides once he had outgrown the crib and gotten his current double bed. He had never seen his mother so angry in all his life and he was afraid of her for the first time he could ever remember.

"I'm sorry, mummy," he cried, tears falling freely from his face, "I couldn't let Mipsy die."

Harry was sure he was in trouble for helping her, but what else could he have done? His family was dying.

"Harry Potter, you know full well that is not what you are in trouble for!"

He looked up at his mother stunned, turning to see if Mipsy could shed any light on the argument, but she was looking fixedly at the floor, refusing to meet his gaze. It was almost as if she was waiting for him to yell at her for something.

"I don't understand Mum. What did I do wrong?"


Harry sat gobsmacked as he struggled to remember any such event. He could remember rushing towards the school and being so excited to see Hermione…

"Oh no, Hermione!" Harry yelled. "Does she know?"

Lily smiled softly at the comment, unable to help herself. Her boy's first thought after being told he was hit by a car was concern for his new friend. She was going to have to find a way to meet this girl for herself. But that was a discussion for another time.

"Don't change the subject, mister. What were you thinking? You know you are supposed to wait for Mipsy before crossing the street."

Harry became bashful once more as his mother yelled at him. He knew why he hadn't waited, he was eager to get to school. He wanted to talk with Hermione before classes started and instead had left her alone with the bullies all day long.

He felt terrible, not only had he let his friend down, but he had upset his mum, and he was sure he was somehow responsible for Mipsy's condition earlier as well. Harry had never felt like this before in his life. Not since the day his parents had been murdered.

"I'm sorry, mum. I wasn't thinking."

"Well, that much we can clearly agree. Gryffindor indeed. No Ravenclaw would do something so stupid."

Lily was still angry, but now it was fading behind the concern. Mipsy had told her what had happened after she'd been summoned. James and Lily had been worried when they hadn't seen either Mipsy or Harry before school, but when neither one appeared long after school should have finished, she became panicked and summoned the elf.

Mipsy had cried and bowed and apologised profusely for her part in things, but Lily had been so afraid for her son that the conversation had ended, and she had stood watch in this portrait ever since.

"You are grounded," Lily growled, James chuckled softly behind her, drawing her gaze before putting up both hands and backing out of the frame. "No library for a month. And you are to help Mipsy and Tybalt with all their chores for a month as well."

"Mipsy is not fired?" She squeaked her first words since the conversation with Lily.

"Mipsy, why on earth would you be fired?" She asked, her anger suddenly cooled at the look in the poor elf's eyes.

"Mipsy was a bad elf, she failed to protect Master Harry." She whispered. "And when he got hurt, I couldn't help. All I could do was…"

She trailed off, unable to say what had transpired. No one had yet interrogated her properly, so they had no idea how she had healed Harry. When they knew, she would be out. House-elves did not corrupt wizards with their magic.

"What's wrong Mipsy," Harry pleaded.

"I am so sorry, Master Harry. You were so badly hurt, and I didn't have the supplies and there was no time." Mipsy was rambling as she stared at the boy she loved more dearly than anything in this world. "I had to."

"Had to what?"

"I healed you with elf magic." Mipsy buried her face in her hands and began to sob in earnest. She was a disgrace to her family and she was about to be sent away.

"Thank you, Mipsy." Harry's arms wrapped around the crying elf delicately. She flung herself into his arms and cried on his shoulder, soaking his tattered shirt.

"Mipsy," Lily called, "Why on earth would you think we would care how you saved Harry?"

James stepped back into the frame and there was a deep frown on his face.

"She shouldn't have done that, Lily. It's not right."

Lily rounded on her husband once more, the anger spiking at the comment. "You'd rather she watched our son die on the pavement?"

James cowered under her gaze, but he knew this was a case of her being a muggle-born. She didn't understand what had transpired.

"Of course not, Lily. But you don't understand. For an elf to push so much magic into a wizard, it changes them. He's lucky he didn't die altogether from the shock." James defended, stepping towards the angry redhead. "Harry will never be the same again."

"I don't care, dad. I'm proud of what Mipsy did." Harry glared at his father. Never had he been so angry at his father. Mipsy was in tears over this and he was making it worse. She needed their support, not anger. "She was so tired after she needed my magic just to survive."

Both parents turned back again with a strange look in their eyes. "What did you say?" James asked.

"Tybalt said she was dying. She needed magic. He told me how."

"TYBALT!" James roared.

The small male elf popped into the room cowering under the gaze of his current master.

"What the hell did you do?!"

"Tybalt is sorry Master, sister was dying. Master could not help, only Master Harry could save her. My sister was dying."

Lily softened at the waterworks in front of her. She'd had enough of this pureblood nonsense. "James, go. NOW!" Her voice remained soft and quiet, but James stared at her with hard eyes. Harry had never seen his parents fight like this before. He knew something serious was going on but not what. "Go. We'll talk in the library later. GO."

He glared at her for a moment before ducking out of the portrait and storming off to the library. Lily looked down at the three youngest members of her household. Mipsy was still crying hard into Harry's shoulder and Tybalt looked about ready to flee out the window, despite being on the second floor.

"I want the whole story. Slowly, calmly and from all three of you. Go sit on the end of the bed and let's talk."


A few hours later, once Harry was again tucked into bed sleeping and the two elves were not fearing for their very lives, much less their positions, Lily stepped into the frame in the library to find the entire Potter family present and waiting for her. She sighed and stepped over to the table.

James turned on her, anger still visible at his dismissal from such an important conversation.

Lily just pointed at the chairs and the family gradually settled at the table.

"So, what are we to do with those two?" James demanded.

"Mipsy and Tybalt are resting after a trying day. Tomorrow, Tybalt will return to his tasks and Mipsy shall escort Harry to school again." Lily replied calmly.

James looked about to pop like her sister's husband at the first sign of magic. A vein was throbbing in his temple and his lip was twitching. If he weren't already dead, Lily would fear he was having an aneurysm.

"That's it? They corrupted our son, Lily."

"No James, they saved his life. Our son charged like a Gryffindor into the road with oncoming traffic. He was flung 10 metres by the impact and had so many broken bones and busted organs he'd have been dead within 5 minutes.

"Mipsy did the only thing she could at that moment and healed our son. Even Poppy would have lost him to the sheer number of injuries he received."

James's head of steam seemed to lessen somewhat as the extent of the damage was made clear to him. "But, that elf corrupted Harry's magic. He'll never be a proper wizard now."

"Rubbish, James. That will be more pureblood arrogant nonsense, like most things when it comes to house-elves." James looked ready to interrupt again. "No, shut up and listen. That poor elf just about gave her life saving your boy and you want to give her clothes. No matter how cruel that is, to begin with, she would then have to go out into the world. With no obligation to keep your family secrets anymore. Think about that James."

James rocked back in his chair as the obvious finally sunk through his mind. While it was possible for a house-elf of her age to live alone, house-elves generally lived with wizards in order to share the magic of their environment, and when part of a family the wizards and witches of it.

It was supposedly one of the main reasons for their service, they syphoned off small amounts of the family's magic and in return served the family. If he were to dismiss Mipsy, with her magic in flux after this incident, she would likely have to seek out another family to survive, or somewhere magically potent like Hogwarts.

Once there, the new master could potentially convince their new elf to talk. And learn all about their previous family's secrets, including that Harry Potter was alive and well. There was a reason his friend's family beheaded their elves rather than give them clothes. Dead men tell no tales after all.

If they were to keep Harry a secret, the elves would have to stay. But years of pureblood teachings and rumours were still warring with this knowledge in his head.

Seeing James was finally starting to calm slightly, Lily continued, "Now as for corrupting his magic, Mipsy did no such thing. Harry's magic will be just fine. He performed a simple test for me and his magic worked as expected. There will likely be some outbursts as his body adapts to the change, but he is very much still able to cast magic. He is not a squib if that's your fear."

James had the decency to look bashful at the thought. His family was long thought to be one of the kinder members of magical society, but they still suffered the rumours and whisperings of most pureblood families. One of the dangers of interacting with other purebloods. The fear was always there that the family would fall to nothing, die out into non-magical bloodlines and be lost forever.

"Now I have grounded Harry and for the next month, he is not allowed to step foot in this library and will actively help the elves with their tasks. If you see him shirking these tasks or standing about doing nothing, get Pops to find him something to do. That is the only punishment that will be taking place because of this. Any questions."

It was a testament to the fiery temper of the Evans girl that not one member of the extensive Potter family portraits dared to question her on this. All felt cowed at what she had said. Many were obviously questioning what they 'knew' to be true when it came to elves and magic.

But in the end, they all truly cared for both Harry and the elves. And no one present really wanted to hurt any of them by sending away the one elf that Harry was closer to than anyone else on the planet. Mostly due to their own actions, or lack of ability to perform outside their painted existence.

"Good," Lily said as no one argued further, "now if we're done, I'm going back to Harry's room. I'm still scared he still might disappear." She added softly as she departed the frame.

Chapter 5: The Power of Friendship

Chapter Text

Tuesday 14th January 1986.

Hermione had not wanted to come to school today.

There was nothing there worth the pain she would feel. She told her mother that she was feeling unwell, but Mrs Granger was not buying her story. The problem with medically minded parents, they could see right through her lie.

She was angry at her mother for refusing to let her stay home. Her mother had questioned her as to why she was trying to skip school, something she had never done before. Hermione had clammed up and refused to answer, so her mother had driven her to the school and watched her walk inside.

Trudging through the corridors was even harder than normal. For a fleeting moment, she had seen the light. She had someone to call a friend, and then it had been snatched away. Like so much joy she had found since starting school.


She walked into the classroom and slumped heavily into her seat. Not even bothering to pull her things out of the bag or put them on the desk. It wasn't worth the struggle anymore. School was meant to be wonderful. Learning with other people her age, all excited to devour the knowledge being given out. Instead, it was just cruelty. The knowledge was there, but all that accompanied it was the pain of rejection.

"Hermione?" A hand softly pushed her shoulder.

She ignored them. They would just tease her like they always had. She needed to rebuild her armour. She had let it down for a fleeting moment and the world had stabbed her sharply in the heart.

"Hermione." Two hands grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to face the boy beside her. "Are you alright?"

She glared into the green eyes of the boy holding her. She was about to yell at him, unleash months of pent-up rage and hurt when her brain finally recognized what she was looking at. Harry Potter was on the seat beside her. His face was filled with worry, and he was staring straight into her eyes.

Her breath caught in her throat at the intensity of the gaze in which she was caught. He was here. He was real. She hadn't imagined it.Wait.She thought. His presence wasn't a guarantee of that. She knew he was a member of her class, she couldn't have imagined that much. But his presence alone didn't mean what had happened on Friday wasn't an act or a lie.

"Mrs Grevillea. Hermione isn't feeling well, so I'm going to take her to the nurse."

Hermione didn't move as the teacher walked over and watched her closely. Her eyes did not leave the boy beside her. She couldn't yet figure out how this could possibly end in her ridicule. Why was he doing this?

"Come on, Hermione." He gripped her under her arms and slipping an arm around her waist he guided her from the room.

The pair were completely silent as they walked through the corridors. Hermione was looking ahead but could still see Harry out of the corner of her eye. His gaze was still fixed on her as he guided her onward, taking her to Nurse Joy's office. When he set her down on the bed and spoke to the nurse, Joy Matthews, she barely heard a word of the exchange. She just continued to stare at the boy.

Joy became extremely worried about her lack of response and rushed from the room to call her parents.

Harry knelt in front of her, grasping both her hands and looking up into her eyes.

"Please, Hermione. Please be alright."

"You were gone." She finally said the words barely a whisper.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I was," He paused, thinking a moment, "not feeling well yesterday, Hermione."

"You didn't want to see me."

"Rubbish." She recoiled back slightly at the intense edge in his voice. "I was so excited to spend the day with my friend. You are the only friend I have here, Hermione."

Months of anguish fought with hope inside her. She couldn't open herself to the possibility and have it taken away again. She would not survive.

"We are still friends, aren't we?" Small tears were forming in the corner of Harry's eyes and Hermione couldn't resist the hope anymore.

She lunged forward, the most movement Harry had seen from her all day as both arms wrapped tightly around him. Harry was no stranger to hugs from Mipsy, but this was completely different. This wasn't even like the times he remembered his mother's arms around him. He felt like he was home. A warmth spread throughout his body as he wrapped his arms back around the girl he was so worried about.

Her arms were like a vice squeezing him tightly, but Harry was revelling in it. He'd never felt joy like he did at that moment. Hermione began to cry into his shoulder, soaking it through to the skin as she pulled him tightly against her. Hope sprouted deeply within her at the thought it wasn't a joke.

Harry really wanted to be her friend.

Both children were so wrapped up in one another they didn't notice the nurse returning with Hermione's mother. Both ladies were stunned at the sight in front of them. They both had been privy to some of the things Hermione had gone through in her few short months at the school. Neither had expected to see the sight that greeted them.

Harry whispered softly in her ear. "I'm your friend, Hermione. I will be forever if you'll have me."

Hermione's sobbing became audible as the joy raked her body in ways she had not experienced since beginning school.

"Hermione, sweetheart?" Her mother cooed, squatting down beside the pair.

Hermione pulled her face from Harry's shoulder and looked up at her mother's face. Tears continued to stream down her face, but except for the occasional sob, she contained herself in the presence of the adults.

"What happened, dear?" Natalie wanted to wrap her little girl up and never let her go, but she would not release her grip on the boy in her arms.

"A misunderstanding, Mrs Granger. It was my fault." Harry said, drawing her attention.

"And you are?"

"Harry. Harry Potter. I'm Hermione's friend." Harry beamed.

This was a shock to the elder Granger. Hermione had made no mention of any friends at school. In fact, she had made a point of telling them just how much most of the students enjoyed mocking her. She was certain that if she had made a friend that she would have told her own mother. She looked at Harry with suspicion wondering if the lad could be trusted, or if this was some long-winded attempt to hurt her daughter.

A scowl must have broken out on her face because Harry suddenly looked afraid of her, and Hermione let Harry go for the first time since they had entered. "Mum! Don't you dare judge, Harry. Heismy friend."

Natalie was taken aback by the tone of her daughter's voice. A tone she had never heard from the timid girl before. She looked between the two again and this time she tried to do so without the rose-tinted glasses of her experience with the children of this school.

If Joy was to be believed, this boy had practically dragged her daughter from the classroom to her office. He had continued to sit with her the entire time and had been hugging her so strongly she doubted she'd have been able to fit a sheet of paper between the two of them.

There was also a look on both their faces. A challenge against anyone who would seek to try to pry them apart. Hermione's arm was wrapped back around Harry's as they sat there staring at the adults in the room.

"A pleasure to meet you, Harry." Natalie extended a hand to the boy.

He hesitated a moment, looking at Hermione for her thoughts. She nodded softly, and he took the offered hand in a firm handshake.

"A pleasure to meet you too, Mrs Granger. Your daughter is really something else."

A beaming smile spread across her daughter's face, the first one the nurse could recall seeing on the young lady since she started at the school. It gave her a glow, despite the tears and the messy hair.

Natalie snuck as close to Hermione as she could get, attempting to whisper in her ear and keep the others from hearing. "Is this why you didn't want to come today?"

Hermione contemplated a moment before slowly nodding her head and tightening her grip on Harry's arm. She was afraid that her mother would misunderstand and try to take her away from Harry.

Natalie ran her fingers gently through her daughter's hair. "Sweetheart, you don't look up to school today. How about we go home, and you have a lie-down?"

A shard of fear ripped through Hermione as her grip tightened even more. "Can… can Harry come too?" It was barely a whisper.

Natalie smiled and turned to Harry. "Would you like that?"

Harry looked torn. He wanted to, more than anything, but he remembered the talking to his mother had given him last night. He was grounded. "I really would, but I need to check with my mum first."

"Of course. Hermione, you need to let Harry go for five minutes so he can get permission."

Hermione stared into the boy's green eyes begging him to return as she released the iron grip she had on his arm. He squeezed her hand softly as he stood up. "Five minutes, I promise."

Harry rushed from the room and shot back into the classroom. He grabbed both his and Hermione's bags and without a word shot back out of the room before anyone could say a thing, and ducked into the first closet he came across. Fishing through his bag he searched for the gift his parents had given him his first day so that he could always get in touch with them if he needed. He wrenched the mirror free from its hidden partition and held it to his face.


The surface of the mirror shimmered before the reflection disappeared and was replaced by an empty picture frame hanging on a wall.

"Mum," Harry called into the mirror and waited a moment as a figure stepped into the picture frame.

"Harry? What is going on? You haven't gotten in trouble two days in a row, have you?"

Harry grinned, but quickly realised this was the wrong thing to do as his mother scowled.

"No, I promise, I'm being as good as I can. It's just… Hermione, she is not feeling well. She wasn't responding when she came in this morning. I had to take her to the nurse's office."

"Oh my, is she alright?"

"I think so, her mum is here. She is going to take Hermione home, but I think they're afraid she'll freeze up again. She thought I abandoned her yesterday, mum. She's never had a friend at school. I can't leave her again. Her mum asked me to go with them. Can I Mum, please?"

Lily was shocked by the situation. The poor girl must have been having a terrible time at the school. "You know you are grounded, Harry. But given until now you never had anywhere to go outside the house, that really meant being locked out of the library."

Harry now understood his father's chuckle at the fact that he was grounded. The entire situation had gone over his head as he was rather distracted by his mother's wrath at the time. A feeling of dread built in his chest that she would say no, and he would be forced to break his promise to Hermione.

"Yes, Harry. You can go. When you get there tell Mipsy and she will summon Tybalt. I want both of them watching over you while you're there. We haven't had the chance to vet these people yet, and I don't want you at any unnecessary risk, understood?"

Harry barely stopped himself from whooping and jumping up and down, probably a good thing given all the cleaning supplies surrounding him.

"Thank you so much, mum. I love you."

Lily smiled as the mirror call ended and Harry shoved the glass back into the hidden section of his bag. He shouldered it quickly and grabbing Hermione's bag he shot back off towards Nurse Joy's office. He slid to a stop just inside the door almost exactly five minutes after he had left. The look of relief on Hermione's face brought a grin to his own.

"She said yes."

A wide grin spread across Hermione's face as she leapt up and hugged him tightly again. Natalie and Joy had a quick conversation before she led the two children out and into the car. They did not let go of each other's hands as they both climbed in through the same rear door and settled into the seats, clipping on their belts and smiling at Natalie as she settled into the driver's seat.

She smiled to herself as she started the engine and began the short trip home.


The day spent at the Grangers was one of the best of Harry's short life.

Shortly after arriving, Mrs Granger called her husband to inform him that she was taking the day off and would be home watching over Hermione and her new friend. She settled them in by making an amazing early lunch.

Harry had tasted some rather amazing dishes with several house-elves cooking solely for him, but somehow the food made by Mrs Granger was a cut above. Hermione sat with amazement through the meal that not only did she have a real friend now, but he was also sitting in her house talking to her mum. The joy she experienced was beyond anything she had known before.

The moment they had both finished eating she dragged him through the entire building showing him every nook and cranny. She even filled him in with some rather embarrassing stories of events that had taken place in them over the years.

When they reached her room, Harry was amazed at the number of bookshelves wrapped around the blue walls. There were no dolls or girlish toys that he had expected to see. It was clear his new friend was a complete bookworm and, at home at least, proud of it.

She showed him all her favourite books, of which there were many spread throughout the home. Almost every room had at least one bookshelf in it and Harry felt a little guilty that he couldn't tell her about the library he had back home yet.

As the day wore on Mrs Granger suggested the children spend some time outdoors and after a few minutes of showing Harry around the yard, they settled under the tree in the middle of the yard. Hermione's favourite place to sit and read. She chose to read him her favourite book together.

Harry already loved the Lord of the Rings, even though he sometimes had to stop and get help with the words. But he loved it, even more, when Hermione read it. She used different voices for all the characters and some of them were truly out there.

The laughter coming from the backyard had Natalie smiling constantly. She had known Hermione was having a hard time at school but hadn't thought things were as bad as she made out. When she had begged to stay home for no reason, she couldn't figure out what had come over her normally bubbly little girl. After the story about how they had first met and how Harry had to miss school on Monday came out, it all began to make a little more sense.

In her first month at the school, several children had pretended to be friendly to Hermione to get help with their homework, or some just as a cruel joke, but in the end, all of them had ended in heartbreak for her daughter. Aware now of what she had been feeling that morning, she felt terrible for forcing her to go. But was now so glad that she had, as it had led to these two sitting under the tree happily chatting away.

Both children were disappointed when Hermione's father came home, and they realised just how late it was becoming. Harry thanked the Grangers for having him but said he had to go home before his parents became worried, but he promised Hermione he would see her again at school the next day and if for any reason he couldn't make it on a day he would make sure to get a message to the school.

Before he could leave Hermione grabbed him firmly in a hug that Harry swore he would never tire of. There was just something so completely different about being hugged by a human than his elves. And Harry was quickly coming to love the feeling, as he squeezed the girl back in return.

He walked out the door with a huge grin on his face to see Pops standing there, appearing to all to be a wizened old man in a neat, dark suit.

"Thank you for having the young master," Pops said to the two adults, who gave him odd looks before glancing down at Harry slightly differently.

Harry knew that Pops's disguise as his family's servant made him seem a bit pompous, but he wasn't worried that Hermione would judge him for his family. He had a real friend now.

"He was a delight. He's welcome back anytime." Natalie replied and Pops nodded to them both.

Waving to the Grangers, Harry took the elf's hand as Pops led him down the street to a concealed copse of trees by the very same park that Mipsy arrived in for school Where, with a pop, they both headed home.


The days passed quickly after that and before Harry knew it his grounding was over. This was the best thing in the world because, except for that first time, his parents hadn't let him go back to Hermione's house again while he was grounded.

She had taken it well this time, understanding the punishment and making sure he had as much fun as possible when they saw each other during school hours, but things quickly became normal between them.

They would always eat their lunch together in the library under the watchful eye of Miss Holmes the librarian. One time Thomas had figured out where two of his favourite punching bags had been vanishing to and tried to start something in the library but was summarily tossed out on his ear by Miss Holmes. The letter home to his parents did not go well for the third-year and his bullying was severely toned down after that.

Harry and Hermione had only giggled with each other as he was being escorted out, discussing how disappointing it was that he hadn't actually burst into flame.

With the added benefit of a reliable and helpful study partner, the pair quickly shot to the top of their class, stunning all the teachers with their combined abilities. Harry was more excited every day to go back to school and almost dreaded the weekends that he had to spend cooped up at home learning about the magical world.

While he knew these were important lessons that would help him immensely when he was finally revealed to that world again, he much preferred the occasional weekend he got to spend all day hanging out with Hermione.

His father had looked at him with pride and anguish the day he came home and described in detail how Hermione had taught him to ride a bike.

After Harry had gone to bed that night, Lily had held James in the portrait above his bed as the man cried for hours at the loss of yet another major bonding milestone in his son's life.


Saturday 15th February 1986.

During one of the more boring weekend lessons, Harry felt his mind drifting to his friend, wondering how Hermione was spending her time while he was cooped up inside, listening to great, great, great, great, great Uncle Reginald waffle on about trade practices and their impact on grain something or others.

He felt his stomach trying to eat itself as he had not been terribly hungry at breakfast, but Reginald would never end a lesson early and let him get a snack.

While wishing hard that he could just grab something sweet to eat as he listened, Harry looked up when the talking stopped and found himself sitting in the kitchen being stared at by Tybalt as he steadily poured a bottle of milk over the floor rather than into the bowl he had hopefully been aiming for.

"Um, Tybalt, you're making a mess."

The elf quickly pulled himself together and snapped his fingers, cleaning away the spilt milk. "Young master, how did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"You just appeared. Like we do."

"Huh?." Harry replied, with all the elegance of a child on display. "I was just really hungry, and Reginald wouldn't stop talking."

The elf laughed. Even Pops was too young to have been around in Reginald's day but the elves had all had many run-ins with the man's portrait over the years. Of all the Potters he was the most difficult to remain awake around. Mistress Lily had once said he reminded her of Professor Binns at Hogwarts, not that Tybalt really knew what that meant.

Tybalt quickly fixed Harry a small snack and suggested he head back to his lesson, but he made a note to bring up the strange appearance with Harry's parents when he had finished preparing the marinade for tonight's dinner.

And so it was that Harry and Mipsy were summoned to the study to discuss the matter.

"I didn't do it on purpose." Harry defended immediately upon entering. "Just Uncle Reginald is boring." He finished under his breath.

Mipsy laughed and Lily looked at him sympathetically. James had an odd expression, torn between humour and concern. Given that Mipsy was summoned as well, Harry was pretty sure he knew what his father thought had triggered the strange ability.

"Harry, I want you to concentrate really hard on something for me. I want you to picture yourself standing on the other side of the room, just by the window, but looking this way. Can you do that for me?" His father asked, seriously, for a change.

Harry shrugged and closed his eyes, focusing intently on what his father had requested. He didn't feel anything unusual, but after several moments he heard several gasps and opened his eyes to see what had everyone so flustered. Only now he was looking at the portrait from a different direction. He glanced about and was now standing exactly where he had imagined himself to be.

"But, I didn't do anything?" Harry exclaimed.

Mipsy suddenly looked unhappy and James was glaring at the little elf. "This is your doing."

Lily smacked James softly on the shoulder. "We have talked about this James. We thought something might happen but it's hardly something to get upset about."

Harry was still confused. "What is going on? I'm getting scared. Am I going to disappear from my bed in the middle of a dream?" Tears began forming in his eyes.

Mipsy quickly grabbed her young master in a firm hug, shaking her head. "No little Harry. You must really mean it. You can't pop about in your sleep. Elsewise we elves would be popping all over the place."

"So, he is elf apparating?" Lily inquired softly.

"It certainly felt like it, Mistress," Mipsy replied, looking bashful.

"Excellent," Lily replied with a bright smile. "That means he never has to deal with the horrible feeling of apparating."

"I'd hardly call it excellent." James jibed before being silenced by a look from his wife.

"Harry, it's nothing to worry about. It will get easier as you practise, which Mipsy will help with over the next few weeks. Then you can pop wherever you need to. And unless I'm mistaken, you could even pop in and out of Hogwarts once you start going there. I know the elves in the kitchens certainly can."

Harry started to feel a little better after the talk with his parents, and as he lay trying to sleep that night, he heard a rather heated argument coming from his parent's portrait. But decided it was none of his business and allowed himself to drift off, knowing tomorrow was Monday and he would see Hermione again.

Chapter 6: Memento Mori

Chapter Text

Monday 1st June 1987.

Over the next year and a half, things became quite routine for Harry Potter.

He would spend his days at school, studying hard with Hermione as they both shot ahead of the class.

While Thomas had been mostly dealt with after the few times he'd tried to get at them in the library, the few other bullies still tended to target them for being show-off know-it-alls. But together the pair quickly found ways to avoid or deal with the bullying and school quickly became a lot of fun for both of them.

They would spend almost every day after school hanging out at Hermione's house. It had become so routine for them to be found under the tree in the yard reading that it was the first place either Granger parent looked upon returning home from work of an evening.

While they would occasionally be found doing their homework together, they usually finished it so quickly that it was much more likely to find them sharing yet another story together. They would take turns reading and both loved how the other would portray the characters.

Hermione tended to put on silly voices, giving each character their own mannerisms and speech patterns. While Harry would jump about and act out scenes with fervour, dashing back and forth through the yard, and rolling about as he continued to read.

Both resulted in childish laughter echoing about the yard and house and the Grangers were happier than they had been in years now that their daughter was happy at both school and home.

Mipsy and Tybalt would both watch over the children whenever they were at the Granger home, and both had become so enraptured by the children that they awaited storytime with the same glee as the young humans. And when arriving back at the Manor, they would happily help Harry share the details of his day with the portraits.

It had become the habit for dinner to be taken in the atrium of the library as it was the only room with enough portraits assembled in one place that the entire family could listen in firsthand.

The only difficulties that arose came from Harry himself. And even those were not his fault.

It quickly became clear that while Harry's own magic had not been diminished by the merging of magic with Mipsy, as James had initially feared, it had certainly been affected.

Accidental magic outbursts, which had been almost unheard of for the small boy, became much more frequent. The first of which had changed the colour of the entire first floor of the Manor when he had become truly angry for the first time since the accident. It had taken the elves two whole days to reverse the change and that had only been the beginning.

There was talk of removing Harry from school, to prevent an outburst from hurting someone or alerting the Ministry, but Harry had rebelled forcefully against the idea. It had taken almost a month to fix all the damage that outburst had caused, and Harry had become terrified of the idea of his magic hurting Hermione.

It was this fear that had him begging his parents to help show him how to control the outbursts, and his lessons on the weekend had quickly shifted focus to training how to direct and control his unstable magic.

James had wanted to 'ground' Harry while they began his training as he worried teaching him the basics would allow the magic to release easier when he was away from the house, but Harry couldn't do that to his friend. He would miss her terribly if he was confined to the house again and promised to do everything he could to learn fast, so it wouldn't be necessary.

After his initial negative reaction, James soon came to see the benefits of the blending. Years of pureblood rumour scratched at the back of his mind as he came to witness first-hand just how wrong they had been.

He had quickly called Mipsy and Tybalt aside one morning before Harry went to school, hiding in the most distant room of the house as far from Lily as possible, as he apologised to them both for his reaction. Mipsy had wept at the apology, still slightly afraid that one day she would be taken to task for her actions.

So, while Harry would still spend his days with Hermione during the week, his evenings and weekends were spent sitting in the nursery surrounded by the soft rustling of wind through the leaves as his mother and father helped him to focus on his magic.

It took weeks to finally feel his magic consciously and when he had, he'd been so surprised he'd unleashed a wave of it across the room. The sudden growth spurts the magic gave the plants turned the quiet nursery into a veritable jungle of overgrown and wild plant life.

His parents had been slightly worried, but Harry had loved the result. He now had a room he enjoyed spending time in as much as the library. When he wasn't practising control, he was exploring the now enclosed pathways leading amongst the greenery.

Lily would often become fretful when he disappeared among the plants, knowing there were some dangerous seedlings in the nursery, but Tybalt stuck close to the boy whenever he would wander off, and always pulled him out of danger before anything could happen.

His training with Mipsy helped him to focus and channel his magic as well. He found he only had to picture a location in his mind and he could Pop there without trouble. They had even tested distance when he Popped to the school late one night. Mipsy and he had been so busy celebrating they'd nearly been spotted by the night janitor before they escaped.

He was, however, forbidden from Popping to Hermione's house, and Pops would always be there to collect him from the Grangers in the afternoons.


Monday 9th June 1987.

Two tiny dark eyes watched calmly as Albus Dumbledore paced back and forth across his large open office.

Fawkes tracked the man's every step as he sat in the pile of his former self's ash, slowly gathering his strength after his most recent burning. The bird was thoughtful as he quietly watched.

His friend of so many years had changed since their first meeting during the war with Grindelwald. His drive to teach the young of the world had been replaced by a brooding manner. In no small part thanks to the hurt in his heart caused by the goblins.

Unintentionally on their side, the bird knew, they only sought recompense in their own way for the ills committed against their people by Albus's former lover.

And then during the more recent war, when Riddle had risen to power in spite of his friend's efforts, Albus had drifted even further from his original purpose. Fawkes often wondered if the bond they shared could continue much longer if he could not nudge his friend back onto the correct path.

A phoenix always felt a pull towards a good soul, and Albus had shone in the darkness of the world fifty years earlier. Amidst all the chaos and death, he was a beacon to such a creature. One of the few lights in that void of agony.

While the man was still brighter than most people that Fawkes met, his aura had shrunk significantly over the past few decades. The more he brooded on thosethings, the worse it became.

Albus had wasted many months now, striving to find ways to discover the identity of the mysterious heir to the Potter estate. Even long after the Ministry had given up on the idea. He seemed hell-bent on locating the final part of the trio, though Fawkes was sure it would not bring Albus the peace he believed.

Fawkes trilled softly, attempting to break his friend's mood, but to no avail. He doubted if Albus had even heard him in his current state.

Locking eyes, so to speak, with the crumpled hat perched opposite him on the wall, Fawkes trilled again. The hat at least acknowledged his cry with a nod and scrunched his face up more than usual.

Both were worried about what it would mean for the school and the students if Albus kept up his singular focus. But neither had the power to change his mind once he had it set on a course. They had tried a great many times throughout the years.

Fawkes trilled softly once more, before closing his eyes and snuggling deeper into the warm ash, hoping something would come to him in his sleep.


Friday 31st July 1987.

Today was Friday, Harry Potter's seventh birthday. He had always loved his birthday as he would share it happily with his entire family. The elves would bring a cake and all the portraits would sing happy birthday and cheer as he blew out the candles.

But today, Harry was thrilled for another reason.

Today, he was celebrating his birthday, not in the library surrounded by portraits, but in the Grangers' living room.

His best friend watched eagerly as Harry gently peeled back the tape on his present, carefully as he did not want to ruin the delicate paper his friend had spent hours wrapping carefully if her mother's whispers were to be believed. There was a shadow of fear in her eyes as he finally broke the package free from its festive wrapper. She was worried about what he would think of her gift.

She had been so excited when she had found it in the local bookshop, finding it hilarious and hoped that he would share that humour when he read the title.

Harry gasped as he read the cover, looking up at his friend agape.

"Where did you find it?" He asked.

"It was in Demming's. I thought you might find it funny. Even as fanciful as the stories inside are."

A lump formed in her throat as she watched him peruse the contents page reading through the titles of the stories within.

Harry was unsure of what to think about the strangeness of the gift. In his hands was a compendium of stories all with one central thread.

Harry Potter – The Boy-Who-Lived

Harry looked up at Hermione again. He smiled widely while watching her face carefully. Did she know something? The stories inside were all ridiculous by Muggle standards. A five-year-old boy fighting dragons, saving damsels and fighting evil. He recognised the publisher as well; Obscurus Books. Several of the tomes at the Manor bore their mark. They were a magical publishing house based in Diagon Alley.

"I… I love it, Hermione, thank you." He smiled again as the fear left her eyes and she launched at him, wrapping him in her arms even tighter than she had the book in its wrapping.

"I'm so glad. I thought it was so ironic to find a storybook with your name on it while I was searching for a present for you. It was almost like it was meant to be. He even sounds as though he'd look a bit like you. Messy black hair and green eyes."

Harry relaxed into her arms, all thoughts of conspiracy and danger from the Grangers leaving his body. He could never stay angry or upset when in a Hermione Hug.

However, a small shard of worry lodged itself in his stomach.

Harry knew of the rumours in the magical world. Pops had shared them with him after he had found some strange letters from some goblin when helping the elder elf tidy up one of the many rooms of the Manor. Apparently, because his body was never found with his parents, people theorised that he had lived through the night.

Not just that, but that a baby of no magical talent had ended a war they had been fighting. Now it appeared they were writing storybooks about him. The book wasn't overly thick and the tales inside were quite short, leading Harry to believe these were meant as children's stories. Much like the Beedle the Bard stories Mipsy had read to him as a child.

The worry was as to what such a book was doing in a Muggle bookshop all the way out in Crawley.

But things like that were for other times. He squeezed his friend once more and pulled back, setting the odd book with the other gifts he had received from the Grangers. Smiling, he grabbed her hand and led her out into the yard, where they both snuggled together under their favourite tree continuing the Narnia book they had been reading the day before.


"Sirius Black?" James asked, looking at the confused boy in front of him.

"Yep, he's the main antagonist. Every trouble Harry fights is somehow orchestrated by him. He's meant to be really evil." Harry replied, showing his father one of the few pictures in the storybook, of a tall man with shaggy hair and dark eyes glaring out of the page. As soon as he'd opened it in the Manor's library the pictures inside had begun to move.

"Well, I'll admit, Sirius was a troublemaker, but evil?" Lily scoffed looking at the nonsensical picture in the book. "Where do they get such an idea?"

"The appendices say it's because he betrayed the Potters…"

"He did no such bloody thing!" James called, standing and pacing at the slight against his friend.

"I'm sorry, Harry. Your father gets a little touchy about that subject."

"And why wouldn't I? We were betrayed alright, but not by my best friend. By a bloody rat!"

Harry looked at his parents' portrait in confusion. Ever since he had returned and shown them all the presents he'd received from the Grangers he had been confused. His parents had both reacted poorly to the book Hermione had given him.

"Sit back down, sweetie," Lily sighed, "I think it's time we tell you everything that happened that night."

Harry quickly sat in the nearest chair, shutting the book and resting it on his lap.

"First thing you should know is that nothing that happened was in any way your fault, Harry." James began, leaning heavily on the back of his own chair. "War is not a fun place to be, and we'd been in one since we finished Hogwarts. Dark wizards were causing chaos everywhere. One in particular, Voldemort, was terrorising Britain."

"Your father and I were part of a group trying to stop him," his mother continued, "called the Order of the Phoenix. The Ministry, for some strange reason, refused to label his group of followers, known as Death Eaters, as criminals. Instead claiming it was a slew of random acts caused by radicals. They were ill-prepared once things escalated in the late 70s. Albus Dumbledore was the head of the order. He is also currently the Headmaster of Hogwarts.

"Anyway, after several encounters, a couple you were even present for," Lily said, smiling tightly at him in his chair, "the old man came to us. Turns out some loopy bag had given him a prophecy stating a boy born in July would destroy Voldemort and end the war. You were due to be born right in the window the prophecy gave, so we were to go into hiding."

His mother sighed heavily and looked away, as she felt guilty over something.

"Your father wanted us to hide here. Where you would have been entirely safe. But I thought I knew better." His mum admitted, looking so sad now. "So we bought and prepared a special safe house for us all, the Longbottoms as well, as they were equally involved. And so, like fools, we left the Manor for a little shack of a house in Godric's Hollow.

"We suspected someone in the Order was giving Voldemort information, so Sirius suggested that we tell everyone that he was our Secret Keeper when we actually chose one of our other friends, Peter Pettigrew. People would search for Sirius, but even if they caught him, he couldn't reveal the secret. We would be safe. You would be safe."

"Except we trusted a stinking rat!" James growled, returning to his pacing.

Lily and Harry watched his father for several long silent minutes as his anger subsided and he sat heavily in his chair.

"You see, Harry, they were all very good friends at Hogwarts. James, Sirius, Peter and another boy named Remus Lupin were such good friends that they learned how to become Animagi together. Peter was a rat, your father a stag and Sirius a large dog."

"Padfoot…" Harry said softly, recalling the enormous black dog that he had occasionally fallen asleep curled up next to as a very young child. "What about Remus? What was he?" Harry enquired, becoming quite excited at the story of his parents' schooling.

"Moony wasn't strictly an animagus. His furry little problem was more lunar based." James replied, the first sign of a grin spreading over his face as he remembered his school days.

"Remus is a werewolf, Harry. He's a lovely man though, I can't believe we ever thought he would betray us. He was sent away to Europe to talk to the other werewolves while we went into hiding. Unfortunately, we received word that he died there as well. We successfully hid in the cottage for several months.

Lily paused for a moment before she looked into Harry's eyes and smiled. "It was a bit maddening, sitting about not knowing if or when he might come for us. So I took to research. Digging in old tomes here at the Manor and bringing them back while we looked after you. There is so much obscure magic in there. And I tried everything I could to keep you safe."

Her eyes flicked to James who was watching her closely now as well. "I eventually found dozens of spells that might have helped. I cast them all. I don't know which one might have done the trick, but somehow, they kept you safe. When Peter led Voldemort right to us."

Harry's father walked over and wrapped Lily in his arms. Holding her tightly as she settled once more. The tale having left her sniffling.

"I tried everything I could to keep you safe." James finally said forcefully, releasing Lily and looking at Harry once more. "I can't believe I left my wand upstairs. I guess I became too complacent. With no magic to use, I gonged that bastard over the head with your mother's favourite vase. Sorry love."

James smirked at Lily as he continued. "He tossed me about the living room like I was nothing. Whenever I landed I grabbed for the most solid object I could get my hands on and kept hitting him over and over. None of it worked. And then he must have grown tired of playing with me. He just hit me with the Killing Curse and I woke up in here."

Lily wrapped her arms around her desolate husband. "Trust me, you didn't want to be there for the next bit. I could hear him coming up the stairs as I laid you in your crib. We had faced him before, several times. But that was always together. We thought that we had prepared as best we could for him, but it wasn't enough. He knew the secret, and thus walked through every layer of protection like it wasn't even there. He ripped the door away like it was made of tissue paper and stepped into the room.

"I was so proud of you, Harry. I could see you standing in your crib watching him. You didn't cry once as he threatened to kill you. All over some stupid prophecy. He told me, you know, James. He told me who told him. I still can't believe that Severus fell so far."

"Damned Snivellus. He's lucky we're dead, or he bloody would be." James snarled.

"When I refused to just step aside and let him kill you, he used the Killing Curse on me too. I woke up here in James's arms with him crying over me. Mipsy was watching us in confusion and I shouted at her to get you out now. She tried so hard to push through the enchantments Alice and I had added to our houses, in the hopes of keeping him out.

"But we stupidly never told the elves the secret. And all the enchantments were tied to the Fidelius. If you knew the secret, it would be as if they weren't there at all. If you didn't, nothing would get you through them. So when she suddenly vanished I knew what had happened."

Both of Harry's parents were crying now, holding each other tightly as they remembered the worst night of their lives, which was, ironically enough, the end of them.

"I know what happened next," Harry whispered, distracting both Potters from their memories.

"You what?" James asked, blinking back the tears in his eyes.

"Like Mum said, I was awake and watching. My memory works too well sometimes." Harry looked down at the floor as he continued bashfully. "He stepped over your body, Mum. Laughing as he stood over me. His red eyes looked at me and I just stared back. I was waiting for you to stand up and make him go away.

"I could feel you, as though your arms were wrapped around me, but I could still see you on the floor. He pulled some shiny thing out of his pocket and waved his wand over it. He was hissing at it as he moved before holding it between us.

"Then he… pointed his wand straight at my face. Right here," he tapped the wide branching scar on his forehead as he continued. "And he saidAvada Kedavra. I remember because he pronounced it much slower and clearer than when he did it to you.

"There was a horrid green flash and I felt you squeeze me even tighter. It hurt so bad when it hit me. My whole body hurt more than when I woke up after the car hit me."

Lily and James were pouring tears as they watched their poor baby recount the most traumatic event of his young life.

"And then you let go." Harry stared straight into his mother's eyes, tears streaking down his face. "The green light pooled in front of me, pushed away by a bright white glow, and then it rocketed back at him. Whatever trinket he held between us was broken and the green and white lights hit him right in the chest.

"He flew across the room and the green light and the white glow exploded. But the white glow stopped it from coming towards me and you. It all went to the sides and back at Voldemort. Made a real mess of his body and blew out the walls of my room.

"I cried so hard then. I couldn't feel your warmth around me anymore. I wanted my mummy. And then Mipsy arrived. She stood right in front of me. I didn't know why she was there but all I wanted was to see you again. And then she brought me here, just as someone was rushing up the stairs."

"Oh Merlin, Harry." James whispered, "You shouldn't have to remember something so horrible. I am so sorry."

"It's ok. She brought me back to you. It's not the same, I can't hug you. But I got to keep growing up with my parents."

"Who do you think that was on the stairs?" Lily asked James.

"Probably Wormtail, coming to rescue his master. Or maybe Sirius. He would have come running when he felt the magic lift. Oh, gods no!"


"Lily, Sirius! What do you think he would do if he found us both dead and Harry missing?"

"Oh, bugger! POPS!"

"Yes, mistress." The elderly elf bowed low as he appeared beside Harry, his nose scraping the floor.

"Where is Sirius Black?" James called without preamble.

"Master Black is in Azkaban prison. He was sent there for killing twelve Muggles and one Peter Pettigrew."

Chapter 7: How to Free Friends & Influence Goblins

Chapter Text

Friday 31st July 1987.

Silence reigned over the room. No one knew what to say to that.

James looked much like a fish as his mouth repeatedly opened and closed, but no sound came out. Lily simply looked shocked. And Harry didn't know enough to look anything more than confused.

Finally, Lily broke the silence. "Say that again."

"According to the papers, Master Black betrayed you all tohim, then went after Mister Pettigrew to finish the job for his master. When he found him on a muggle street, Pettigrew accused him of betraying you both and Black blew him, and twelve nearby muggles, to bits by blowing up half the street. He was found by the Aurors laughing and occasionally muttering 'my fault'. They stunned him and took him in."

"Given that he wasn't our secret keeper, he can't have betrayed us. Surely that would have been revealed at his trial?" Lily asked the aged elf.

"There was no mention of a trial in the papers, mistress. Just a small section a few days later that he had been sent to Azkaban for his crimes. It happened the same day the Lestranges were sent there for their failed attack on the Longbottoms."

"Pops, why didn't you tell us about any of this?" James growled, looking angry.

"Master told Pops to read the papers and keep track of the news for word of young Master Potter. You were very clear that it was more important than anything,everythingelse was secondary. I thought I was following your instructions, master."

Again, the room fell to silence as they realised that could be taken as the word of their orders. And as a result, Sirius was locked up in the worst place they knew of and had been there for years.

"Dumbledore…" Lily growled.

"What now?" James replied, turning to look at his now livid wife.

"He witnessed the will. He knows Sirius is Harry's guardian. He could have pushed for a trial and it would have at least come out that Peter was the secret keeper, even if he killed the rodent. For people to believe otherwise, Sirius can't have been questioned at all."

"What can we do?" Harry asked quietly, reminding his parents of his presence.

"Leave it to us, Harry," James called, standing tall in his portrait. "Why don't you see if Hermione's parents are okay with you staying over again tonight?"

Harry looked between his parents before nodding and heading out the door.

"Now, Pops. Tell us everything. Leave nothing out."


"So, let me get this all straight," James said, slumped in his chair, "Padfoot is thought to have betrayed us, then gone after Wormtail, our real secret keeper. He blasts the rat and a street full of innocent muggles to pieces and they throw him straight into Azkaban without so much as a question."

"So it appears, master."

"Then Moony, who apparently is not dead, learns of all this and refuses to return thinking there is nothing left to live for in Britain. You're sure he's still alive?"

"Indeed, master. We kept track of him as best we could for a while, in case you ordered us to bring him home. When we checked in last June, he was draining pubs all over the continent, well on his way to a decade-long bender."

"Sounds like fun." James quipped, as his wife's eyes narrowed. " I can't believe we thought he was dead. Anyway, most of the Death Eaters who weren't caught actually torturing someone managed to get off by claiming they were under the 'Imperius'." The elf nodded again.

"And now," James continued, "you inform us, nearly six years after the first occurrence, that Albus f*cking Dumbledore has been trying on and off to either take ownership of the Potter estate outright or learn the identity of any of those listed in the will so he can take control of them for some unknown purpose. Information the Goblins freely gave youwithin a weekof Harry arriving back in this house."

Pops looked thoroughly chastised at the summary. "Yes, Master James."

The anger was evident on James's face. Most of it was directed at himself for being so narrow with his orders as to let such a dire situation spiral beyond their control. It was only Harry's continued absence from the world that had kept him safe.

"I… can't. You deal with him."

With a twirl of his finely painted robes, James vanished from the portrait and began ranting as he stalked the halls of the Manor. Lily looked at the aged elf kindly. "Don't worry Pops. He's still getting over his death. He doesn't blame you. He blames himself."

"He is well within his rights to do so, mistress. I kept useful information from my master. Information that could harm the little one."

"Harry is fine. He's probably tucked under that tree reading some fantasy book with his best friend. A relationship you have been instrumental in protecting, my friend. How many times have you kept the Grangers from asking too many questions about James and I, and why we are never around our son? We trust you with our… well with Harry's life. And that is the dearest thing on this planet to either of us."

Soft tears rolled down Pops's face as he nodded his acknowledgement.

"How much longer do you think the goblins can stall Albus?"

"He long ago ran out of legitimate channels to pursue. Though, if anything, that may make him more dangerous. His remaining options would infringe on the 'magic given rights' of some very powerful and rich families, so are unlikely to get the support needed to succeed. I believe for the foreseeable future; young Harry's future is in safe hands. But it will not remain so if given sufficient motivation. Whiskers could be diabolical when pushed."

Lily suppressed a giggle at the elf's nickname for Albus. If he referred to McGonagall as Kitty again, she would lose it for sure. It had become near impossible not to imagine her straight-laced head of house bouncing around the castle chasing a ball of string.

"So, for now, we must keep our eyes and ears open and shore up our defences. Can you think of no way to prove Sirius's innocence? We cannot believe he would be responsible for the muggle deaths. Peter must have screwed up his own spell and blown apart the street catching himself in the blast."

"Short of the Rat confessing his crimes, I am at a loss, mistress. No proof was ever given as to his guilt, but the lack of investigation also gives no evidence of innocence either."

"Fat chance of that if the bastard managed to blow himself up. What I don't understand is why Albus is still so fixated on the estate. Surely, it's more trouble than it's worth at this point. Beyond money, what does he really stand to gain?"

"I am unsure, mistress. The goblins will not share the finer details of the estate with me without my master present. The entire account is locked down until claimed by the heir. If we weren't self-sufficient here, we'd have long ago run out of supplies and money for the caring of the young master. As it is, the money spent gathering the papers and magazines for news has nearly drained the local funds."

"Alright, Pops. Send off a letter to Remus. Sign it from the Potter Estate and request his return. Hopefully, he'll pull himself out of a bottle long enough to read it. If not, we'll deal with it later. And once you've done that, I want you to go to Gringotts, in person this time. We need to get them to see if there is any way to free Sirius. Harry is growing well, but he needs an adult in his life that he can actually touch. Understand?"

"At once, Miss Lily." Pops bowed low, his old floppy ears brushing the surface of the plush carpet before he popped away.

Lily sighed. This was going to be difficult. Resigning herself to that which she couldn't change, she stood up and went in search of her wayward husband.


"For the last time,elf. I cannot authorise a meeting with Farkor without a message from your master. Tell him to get his lazy wizard arse in here and maybe we can do something for you."

Pops was growing angry at the belligerent teller he had managed to get. He had much to do and this hideous moron was standing in his way. While Pops was typically quite well-mannered with the other species, this fool was a particularly hideous example of the race. He was practically deformed, and the elf was left wondering why the goblins had him out dealing with the public.

"I have corresponded with Mister Farkor for many years now on behalf of my master. He is aware I hold discretionary powers and low-level access to the Estate and its overseer. As such I do not need the presence or command of my master to arrange a meeting with him. Even though it is their command."

The goblin stood higher behind its desk, looking down on the old house-elf below and made to continue his tirade when a tap on his shoulder distracted him. Looking back, he saw Manager Farkor glaring at him dangerously.

"I'll see my customer now, thank you,Teller." The hierarchy of the bank was very evident in the tone of their voice.

"Of… of course, Account Manager." The goblin squealed in fear as he resumed his seat and waved the elf through the gate.

"Apologies, some of our tellers are new. Still acclimatising to their roles. Perhaps a few extra shifts in the Deep might teach them better manners regarding our clients." Farkor stated as he very slowly walked Pops past the shuddering teller.

They quickly traversed the marble and onyx hallways, passing few others despite the busy hour of the day. Not many had cause to go further into the bank than the main floor. However, Estate business couldn't exactly be expected to take place in the open where just anyone could hear.

Turning at last into a large office, Pops took his seat in front of the desk and ignored the vicious accoutrements hanging from the walls. He was far too old to be threatened by goblin window-dressing.

"How may Gringotts assist the House of Potter today, my friend."

"My master has asked me to discuss two matters with you today, my good Farkor. A slight restoration of the Manor's funds is required. A few small matters need to be addressed in the building and it would not do for the ancestral home of their line to become… dilapidated in their absence."

Farkor smiled. They had been playing this tune for years now. He would imply that the elf knew where Harry Potter was, and the elf would divert and act unaware. Neither thought the other stupid or unworthy, just that to state matters aloud without express permission would be uncouth.

"And my master has decided something must be done about the travesty of injustice related to Sirius Black. Too long has this innocent man languished in the company of the foul Dementors."

This quickly removed Farkor's smile. Not for any judgment on Black. The goblins couldn't care less if a wizard found himself locked away unless it adversely impacted their own income. Nor did they care about their activities, as long as they did not attack the Nation itself. After all, they did a great deal of business with those 'acquitted' Death Eaters.

And as Arcturus still lived, his primary heir being a prisoner didn't affect their income in the slightest. No, what Farkor hated, what all goblins hated with a fiery passion, were Dementors.

They had long since driven the demons from their underground lairs, clearing more room for Gringotts and the Nation to grow. But when they found the humans had employed the monsters as guards… It had damned near started another rebellion. Many goblins had been killed horrifically, drained of their very souls, when they first encountered the Dementors while delving in the Deep. And the collective memory of the Nation was long and vengeful.

"Indeed." Farkor drawled. "I take it you have some evidence to provide that casts doubt on Mr Black's incarceration then?"

"I'm afraid while such does exist, it is impossible to bring it to light in the current climate. What with the Ministry making plays for greater control of the Bank, we cannot risk certain knowledge being placed in their reach."

Farkor could read between the lines. The one with the information couldn't come forward so long as Dumbledore was attacking the sealed Estate. The problem was finding a way to release funds to the elf without implying or showing activity on said frozen account. To do so would open new avenues for the hairy bastard to attack them.

"A true shame then. I take it you wish us to find some avenue to assess the legality of said imprisonment then? A loophole that frees the individual from the need to come forward?"

"Such would be appreciated by my master. And would be greatly rewarded should such efforts bear fruit."

"Indeed." Farkor thought carefully. They had access to the records, but to go digging now could also give the old goat means by which to challenge the bank. They would need a clean third party who could act without drawing suspicion on the bank directly.

"A troublesome pair of plights we find ourselves embroiled in, my friend. Give me a few days to assess the issues and see what method Gringotts can bring to bear."

"As ever, Farkor, it is a pleasure to speak with you." Without waiting for the response, Pops vanished.

Farkor sighed, he had mentioned to management a few times about the house-elves' ability to pop in and out of the bank unchecked. To date, all they had done was ward the vaults against this ability, they assumed at least.

Someday, he had a feeling, they may regret that hole in their security.


Saturday 19th September 1988.

Hermione hadn't had the best childhood before she began schooling. While her parents loved her deeply, they never fully understood her growing up. A daughter not quite interested in sports enough for her father, and a bit too bookish even for her nerdy mother.

She had been teased harshly by other children ever since she first went to places where they gathered in large groups, be it parks or pre-school. One-on-one they were alright, but whenever multiple children came together, the jibes would begin.

As such, she had developed a shell that had taken years for Harry to truly penetrate. Now she couldn't imagine life without him in it. Yet today she felt a little of that old fear creeping back in, even though he was still his normal effervescent self around her.

He had given her the customary morning hug when he arrived, escorted by the tall man he only ever referred to as Pops. They studied the morning away, finishing the last of their outstanding homework from the week. And now they were ensconced under the favoured tree reading the oddity that was the Boy-Who-Lived book.

Everything was as normal a day as had ever been between them. Except for two small things.

The first was the odd look Harry had been giving her out of the corner of his eye all morning. A look that said he was deeply debating something and that he wasn't yet ready to share it with her. She was more than patient enough to wait on this normally and would have let it go had it not been for the second point.

Today was Saturday. Specifically, Saturday the 19th. Of September.

Her ninth birthday and Harry had not even said happy birthday to her. And that was what had some of her old fears resurfacing. Was Harry thinking about ending their friendship? Every other birthday they had shared it had been the first thing out of either's mouth. Yet today he was too busy thinking his puzzle over to even notice.

Nor had he noticed she had just reread the same page to him for the fifth time.


He glanced at her once more from the corner of his eyes, the puzzling look still evident within but he showed no sign of having noticed her comment. In fact, she was sure the glimpse had been independent of her question.


This time he gave a barely audiblehmmmand turned his ear to listen better.

Beginning to anger, Hermione set the book in her lap, licked her finger and poked it into his ear canal. "HARRY!"

"Argh, what?" He jumped at both the wet willy and the volume of her shout.

"You've been ignoring me for at least the last twenty minutes." She huffed.

"No, no I haven't." He flashed her his best 'innocent' grin, trying to distract her.

"I read you the same page of this book five times and you didn't even notice."

"Of course, I did, I thought you were being funny."

"Then tell me what the page is about." Hermione tucked the book under her loose shirt to prevent him from seeing where in the text they were.

"Er, what…"

Hermione nodded. She was not going to make things easy on him if he wanted out. Her armour was reforming as they spoke, and she would not let it show how much the idea hurt her.

"Wanna get out of here?" Harry asked suddenly, the puzzled look leaving his eyes for the first time that day. Whatever he had been thinking on, he had finally settled his internal debate.

"My parents aren't going to be home for hours, Harry. They trust us to stay home without messing the house up, but we can't just go anywhere we like. Unless you want to go to the park?" She asked, pointing past the flats at the end of the close, in the direction of the large open space that was Southgate Park.

They were allowed to go there and back unsupervised as that was the path that Hermione always took to get to and from school. Often meeting Harry at the edge of Hawth Woods along the way. And there were several facilities around the park with other adults that the Grangers knew quite well who would always keep an eye out for the children.

As long as they stayed clear of the big roads and the railways, and the shiny new theatre that had just been built at the far end of the woods, they were allowed to explore the entire block freely. So long as they left a note before going to play. Not that they ever really made use of that freedom. Preferring to play or read together in the backyard.

"No, I know the rules. And I'll have you back on time. They'll never know. But it's somewhere special. Somewhere for just you and me. Something I have to show you."

The grin was back and this time she was sure it wasn't a distraction. Harry was up to something. That was definitely his up-to-something face. He held his hand out to her, standing as he did. The early afternoon sun tickled his skin as the leaves of the trees cast shifting shadows across his body.

"Please?" He begged, his eyes pleading with her.

"Fine. But it better be good."

As she stood beside him, he took both her hands tightly in his own. "Ready?"

"For what?" She asked curiously when he did not release her hands. They needed to leave a note…

With a pop, her thought was derailed completely as the garden was replaced by a momentary feeling of displacement before her brain reconnected with the fact that her surroundings had changed. There was no other indication of movement. One moment she was in her own backyard, the next in the biggest library she'd ever seen, staring at towering rows of books as far as the eye could see.

"Happy birthday, Hermione." Harry's grin broadened as he watched her take in the massive room of books.

When finally, her wits returned she looked back at her friend and wrapped him in the tightest hug she'd ever given. Before jumping clean out of her skin at a shout right behind her.


Hermione spun to see a fuming woman towering over her. Her red hair was whipping wildly about her face and her eyes, Harry's green eyes, were glowing! As Hermione watched a man joined her, passing what must have been the edge of the doorway as he appeared from nowhere. He looked a lot like an older version of Harry, except for the eyes, which were brown and tucked behind glasses. He took in the scene in front of him and collapsed on the chair behind him with poorly suppressed laughter.

"WELL!" The woman screamed again.

"Nice first impression mum," Harry muttered. "Hermione Jane Granger, meet Lily Jasmine Potter. My mum. And that quivering lump in the corner is my dad, James Charlus Potter," Harry introduced the pair.

Hermione gave a slight curtsey that finally allowed the now entirely unsupported Boy-Who-Lived book to tumble free of her shirt with a thump. She squeezed Harry's hand tighter as she looked up at the woman still fuming above her before she spoke. "Pleasure."

"It's lovely to meet you too dear," Lily replied, the anger on her face almost clearing for a moment before she turned back to Harry. "You, mister. Are grounded. A whole bloody year this time. How could you be so stupid?"

"Mum, you're ruining her birthday present."

"Oh boy, abort son. Abort!" James giggled, hiding behind the chair.

"Shut up, you moron. Explain yourself now!" Lily growled.

"She's my friend," Harry replied as though that explained things entirely. He stood resolute under the withering gaze of the still clearly livid woman.

"If it's a bother, I'll just go, Mrs Potter."

"Stay right there, young lady. You can't go anywhere yet."

"MUM!" Harry warned, making Hermione gasp as he pulled her behind him.

"Don't you 'Mum' me little man. Do you have any idea what you've done?"

"Yes!" He snapped back ferociously, drawing Lily up short.

"You did this on purpose?" She asked, flabbergasted. Finally seeming to understand something that was still unclear to Hermione.

"I gave it a lot of thought. All of it. Every. Bit."

"You're definitely grounded. Go to your room and we'll discuss it later. Pops!"

"Yes, mistress?"

"I need you to take Miss Granger home and wipe her memory of this place."

Harry remained resolutely in front of Hermione as the odd creature that had suddenly appeared seemed to sway uncertainly from one foot to the other.

"What is it, Pops? Out with it now." Lily demanded.

"Elf's don't have memory magic, mistress. It's why we're so good at not being seen."

Pops bowed his head and looked as though Christmas had been cancelled. Hermione couldn't help herself as she stepped around Harry and hugged the small creature. She had no idea what it was, beyond apparently being an elf. But it was upset because she was here. The least she could do was offer it some comfort.

"Well that's hardly your fault is it Pops?" She said as the shocked elf stared at her in disbelief.

Harry just laughed at the look on the old elf's face. And she glared at him for having instigated the event that led to him feeling so adrift.

"You don't… then, how do we? James?" Lily asked, looking even more unsettled than Pops.

James just stood behind his chair and shrugged his shoulders.

"You can't." Harry stepped forward, once more placing himself between his parents and Hermione. "Unless you plan to call the Obliviators. Now, I'm off to show my best friend the rest of the house."

He stepped over to her again and held out his hand. Hermione was a whirlwind of thought and emotion. She was still in the most impressive library she'd ever even heard of. Was currently hugging something she'd never even heard of before, and Harry was acting like there was nothing his parents could do to stop him, despite them standing right behind him.

He simply grinned at her as she released the, she believed, elf. And took his hand again, glancing uncertainly at Lily as she huffed at her son. He winked at his parents and led her out the door she hadn't noticed to their left and into the hallway. As they walked away, she couldn't help but glance back at the Potters and noticed the perspective of their doorway seemed off but she was unable to fully assess it before they were out in the hall.

"Sorry, Hermione. Mum is usually really nice. It's not you, trust me, she is going to love you once she gets to know you."

Hermione's mind continued to whirl as she followed Harry in a daze. "What do you mean? Why is that?"

"She's really smart, too. She adored books growing up, just like you do. She's half the reason the library is so big. Although, the Potters have always had a lot of books. She's mad at me right now, but she'll calm down once she thinks it all through."

Silence reigned for several moments as her brain attempted to process everything she'd seen since the garden. She still had no idea how they were even here. Was she hallucinating? Maybe she'd just fallen asleep in the garden and this was all a weird dream. She pinched her arm just as Harry stopped them beside a tall door.

"Ow." She yelped, rubbing the spot where she had pinched.

"What'd you do that for?" Harry looked at her oddly, rubbing the spot for her too.

"Dream," Hermione mumbled. "Trying to wake up."

Harry laughed gently and took her hand again.

"Seems I've seen yours, and it is so cute by the way, I thought we'd start here."

He kicked the slightly ajar door wide open and led her inside. She found herself in a large bedroom with a huge bed taking up most of the left wall. Directly opposite the door was a floor-to-ceiling window that showed a beautiful garden stretching out from the house and disappearing into the distance. Six tall metal poles, in two groups of three, rose out of it in the middle distance.

The other wall had a large fireplace flanked by two huge bookshelves and above the fire was a large still-life portrait with bowls of fruit beside a pair of comfortable recliners.

"My room," Harry said proudly.

Hermione stepped inside and wandered to the window. The view was sublime, and the weather looked heavenly. Colourful flowers of every variety stretched away from her and she could now see that the garden ended quite a way out, but long before the odd poles that seemed to rise from some low seating.

Tearing herself from the view, she turned to the bookshelves and began perusing them. Many books had no titles but looked to be bound in ancient leather covers. She grinned to herself as she saw that pride of place had been given to the books she had gifted to Harry over the years. With the empty space obviously belonging to the book now lying in the massive library.

Looking back over at her friend she saw he had kicked his shoes off and was lounging back on the bed watching her explore. His smile vanished, and Hermione spun to the door as the same voice from before piped up loudly.

"Don't think you've gotten out of discussing this, young man."

Hermione was confused. The voice was clearly originating from inside the room, but she couldn't see Mrs Potter anywhere. Turning to Harry she saw him scowling at the painting above the fireplace, and she stepped back to better see what he was looking at.

A soft eep left her mouth as she saw Lily Potter standing inside the still-life painting glaring at her son. Her head began to swivel back and forth as both pairs of green eyes locked on one another, refusing to blink.

Harry's mother was a painting? Hermione was still so confused by everything else that had happened today she figured she must have finally snapped. What was going on?

"Well!?" Lily called, drawing her attention again.

Harry glared at the painting and waved his hand before collapsing back onto the sheets and staring up at the ceiling. Hermione watched as Lily continued to yell at Harry, but now no sound came out. Her hair was whipping about even more violently than before, yet no sound was audible. Hermione crept forward until she could stand on her tiptoes and peered at the bottom edge of the painting.

She ran her fingers along it and it felt like any other painting she'd ever seen. But she felt as Lily's feet passed her fingers, as though there was a slight bowing outward where she existed in the paint.So, not a screen of some kind. It's really paint.

"Um, Harry?" Hermione asked, turning from the angry woman. "What's going on?"

"Don't worry, she's just angry because I technically broke the Statute." He said with a roll of his eyes. "But I don't care. I thought it over and your friendship is worth it. And I knew you were getting suspicious with me never inviting you round. I just couldn't keep this all from you anymore."

"And Pops?"

"Yeah, that's him. He can make himself look human."

"So, he isn't then?"

"Not human? No, he's a house-elf. They've raised me since I was fifteen months old. Since the night my parents were killed." Harry's face darkened at the thought and Hermione was quickly on the bed hugging him tightly.

"Thank you, Harry. I know you are in trouble because of me, but this is the best birthday present I've ever had."

"I'm in trouble because I chose to be. Not because of you." Harry said, smiling at her brightly. "And I would do it again. Because being your friend is worth any amount of trouble."

Neither noticed as Lily stormed from the portrait.


"He silenced me!"

"He what?" James asked as Lily stormed into the family portrait.

"Silenced me. With a wave of his hand." She slumped into a chair as she demonstrated with a lazy wave. "I think we're in trouble."

James moved over to hug his wife as Charlus piped in. "Why's that?"

"He's testing us. And he knows we really have no way to discipline him.HEbrought her here. Didn't get one of the elves to do it for him. Just popped into the library with her right in front of me."

The others began to chatter as the full extent of what she was saying began to sink in.

"We can't ground him. Unless he cooperates, we can't contain him. And now he knows it. And that wasn't a normal silencing charm. That was elf magic. It's coming to him naturally now. I doubt he knows he cast it. He just wanted me to be quiet. Probably so busy hugging he hasn't even noticed I've left." James chuckled beside her. "Don't you laugh. This is your influence. He used to be such a well-behaved boy."

"Wasn't me, dear. I may not be the best role model in the world, but it was your actions that started this."

Lily glared at him and James knew he had moments to head off the explosion.

"School dear! Sending him to that school was your idea, love. Remember? 'Get him real friends'. Well, he has them now, or one at least. And like a true Marauder, like the both of us in fact, he'll move Gringotts itself to please them. He'll be more loyal than any badger.

"You better hope that girl can exercise some control over him because we sure can't anymore. This was supposed to be Padfoot's job. He still wouldn't have been able to control him, and probably would have joined in half the time, but he'd be there. In-person. To fix anything."

"It's been over a year since Pops first approached the goblins," Dorea noted, "and they've yet to find anything that could help free your friend, dear. I doubt that will change anytime soon."

"And your other friend practically ignored the letter that Pops sent," Charlus added. "Got so morose that he managed to give even the elves the slip."

"Remus," Lily whispered, considering the elder Potter's comment. The elves had tracked the man once before.

"Say what Lils?" James asked.

"We need Remus. Pops is great, but Harry needs a proper adult. Someone he can't push around. Remus kept you lot under control as a prefect, mostly. He's the one we need."

"True, but as Dad just pointed out, he's somewhere off in Europe trying to drink himself into an early grave. I figured he'd be happy to hear from us."

"But he didn't hear from you," Lily explained, suddenly realising why their former friend might have run for the hills upon reading that letter. "He heard from his dead friend's estate. He believes he has nothing to live for here in England. We both know he'd refuse any amount of money you wanted to give him.

"However, if we can get him back here, he'll live for Harry. And maybe he can do something to help free Sirius. Then Harry can finally have a real family again."

The other Potters all nodded and for the first time in ages they were all in agreement on a course of action. James in particular seemed to embrace the idea. The smile on his face was reminiscent of happier times and usually accompanied some form of prank.


"Yes, master?" The elf asked, appearing in the room beside the book the girl had dropped earlier. The one that had spurred all of this into action.

"Need you to do something big for us, buddy," James said, giving Tybalt a wide smile. "Our friend Remus Lupin. Track him down again for us and give him a message fromme." James added particular emphasis on himself. "In person this time."

James paused to consider the message for a moment before he spoke again. "Tell him that 'Moony needs to pull his head out of his arse and get back to England. Prongs wants a word with him about Padfoot and the fawn.' Tell him that, those exact words, and we'll see how he reacts. Take your time, do it right. If you need help, ask us. But under no circ*mstances are you to tell Harry. Understood?"

"Yes, Master James."

"Always thought those nicknames of yours were ridiculous, lad." Charlus chided as Tybalt popped away. "Glad to see them finally being useful."


Harry shuffled into the family room quietly, hoping not to draw attention.

While today had been fantastic, showing Hermione his home and chatting away, it couldn't last. He took her home before the Grangers were due back from their unplanned weekend work and after a short party with her family, returned to face the music.

He knew what he did was wrong. The Grangers were muggles, they weren't allowed to know about magic. But he also knew there was no one who knew about him that could perform the memory charm. Now she knew and there was no way to reverse it without involving the Ministry.

Harry was proud of his actions. He had felt horrid hiding a portion of his life from Hermione when she was so completely open with her own. She had no secrets from him, and yet he was keeping a huge one from her.

He still wasn't being completely honest with her. She'd implied that the elves were the magic ones and that everything was their doing, and he chose not to correct her.

It was still a lie, but enough of the truth that he could live with it for now. Given the odds of him attending Hogwarts, or some other magical school, in four short years, he wanted to make the most of all the time he could get with his friend before life took her away.

He fronted up to the enormous picture containing every member of his Potter family. Most were sleeping or at least pretending to do so. Except for two. James, who was clearly trying to suppress a laugh. And Lily, who was watching him closely with unreadable eyes.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled.

"Missed that, Harry. Please speak up." James called, quietly enough to not wake the family.

"I'm sorry." He repeated, louder. "I know it was wrong, but I couldn't lie to her anymore. She deserves better than that Mum."

He locked eyes with Lily and another staring contest began. James interrupted before it could go too long.

"Enough you two. Harry's sorry. The kneazle is out of the bag, and unless we want the world to know he's alive, it's going to stay out. How much did you show her?"

"Not much. We just walked around the house and talked. She guessed the elves are magic and I let her think they were responsible for everything. She has no idea I'm a wizard. But she is still confused about the both of you. Doesn't understand how my parents can be in a painting. She thinks you were tricked or cursed or something now she knows magic is possible." He finished with a smirk. "Bet you anything tomorrow she's at the library trying to look up painting curses."

"See Lils. Not a total catastrophe."

"Harry, do you realise how serious this is?" Lily asked, ignoring her husband. "You exposed our world to muggles. Just because the Ministry doesn't know does not make it ok. I lived in that world once, I know how muggles react to magic."

There was a pained look on her face and Harry knew she was thinking of his aunt and her horrid husband. They had said very hurtful things to his mother and refused to attend their wedding. She had also told him about people's reactions to her accidental magic when she was in primary school. His mum took the divide between their worlds very seriously on some matters.

"Hermione is not Aunt Petunia. She won't tell a soul. Not even her parents."

"Intent isn't important here, Harry. You intentionally broke the law. An international law. You could end up in the cell right next to Sirius for this."

"Only if the Ministry finds out. I'm not going to tell them. Are you?" Harry retorted defiantly.

James grasped his wife's shoulder hard, derailing her response and drawing her ire, but his look kept her quiet.

"As we discussed Lils, this is partially your own fault." He said, a soft look adorning his face as he spoke to her. Before he turned and sent a far sharper look at his giggling son. "Yours too Harry, don't get co*cky. What's done is done. Harry will do as he is told from now on, won't you?"

Harry nodded and became bashful again.

"He has definitely inherited your temper, my love. He may look a lot like me, but underneath he is all you. You are grounded for the week. Straight here after school. No detours. And no library. In fact, no books of any kind except for schoolwork. And all day tomorrow we are going to go over the Statute from top to bottom."

Harry groaned. Revision bored him stupid. His memory was such that he could recall almost anything he had ever heard, seen or read. So, reading and listening to Reginald drone on about things he already knew was a sure way to a bored Harry.

"Take it as punishment. If it doesn't seem to sink in, you'll be doing a whole lot more revising, and might find yourself grounded a lot longer than a week."

"Yes, Dad. Sorry, Mum."

Harry walked over to the painting and on his tiptoes, pressed his lips to his mother's cheek.

"Good night." And with a turn, he was gone.

Chapter 8: Nightmares and Missing Moonys

Chapter Text

Friday 25 November 1988.

Tybalt was cold.

He'd never felt a bone-deep chill quite like the one he felt now. This Siberia place was not somewhere he wanted to spend much time. But he was tasked with finding his master's Wolf, and that was what he was going to do.

He'd been at it now for months. Every time he felt he was getting close the trail would jump away again. At first, it had zigzagged all over France. Spending a lot of time centred around the areas where the muggles made their wine. It appeared that Wolf had used them for work while on his travels and this added a whole new level of difficulty to his search.

While Pops was a master of disguise in his elder years, able to take on different forms using his magic, Tybalt was still far too young to master such techniques. And a house-elf questioning muggles without a disguise was a tricky proposition. He'd had to resort to subterfuge and misdirection. Talents he had learned over many years of reading under the guidance of Mistress Lily and perfected while caring for Master Harry.

Back when the young master was still too young to do much, and Mipsy was his main minder, Tybalt would spend hours in the library learning to read at Lily's insistence. His favourite stories were the mysteries and spy thrillers she had brought into the library years before.

And the talents of the detectives and spies in those novels were now being put to good use.

He felt a little bad for kidnapping people for a night and holding them in a dark interrogation room, usually an unoccupied room in their own home that he used magic to distort, with a bright light shining in their faces. Disguising his voice as he asked his questions.

Unknown to him or the Potters, this would be responsible for a huge surge in reports of alien abduction reports in those areas for months. But he was a good elf. His master had given him a job to do. A big job he had called it as the wee elf left on his journey, and Tybalt would not fail in his quest.

This vineyard tour had continued into Italy and after several weeks onto Greece. It was here that Tybalt had the most difficulty finding the next leg of the trail. Wolf seemed to hop back and forth around the many islands in this area for some time before he moved on again. Sometimes using the many forms of muggle transport between them and at others seeming to simply apparate from one to the next. Following that path had taken almost a full half of the time Tybalt had spent on this journey.

The many magical sites that he went through on his way north allowed for quicker passage as he tracked up through Bulgaria and Romania. Had it not been for the run-ins with a few hungry vampires in this area, elves being a particular delicacy to blood drinkers, he likely wouldn't have taken more than a couple of days to track him northward.

The trail appeared to be following a mostly straight line north but had suddenly shot a huge distance to the north-east at the border of Belarus. The residue of several portkeys made this one leg rather difficult to keep up with. Which is what led to Tybalt standing here, shivering despite his many warming charms and thick clothing he had acquired nearby. On the shore of a near-frozen sea, staring up over the breaking waves.

Starokadomsky Island lay before him now, cold and desolate. But it was still early morning, and the moon was still glaring down over the frozen hellscape. He could clearly hear the howls of the island's inhabitants as they ran over its bare flanks.

This particular pack seemed to have found a safe place to turn. The island held no homes, no people of any sort that he could see. Not even any trees grew there. Only ice and dirt. Though it meant others were safe, the wolves themselves would suffer greatly. With nothing else to turn their claws and teeth to, they would attack each other. It would be a very long night for them.

And so, Tybalt waited.

Waited for the moon to set and the wolves to rest so that he could question them. Even from here, he could sense he was too late. Wolf was not among those running amok on the island. But he had been with them very recently.

Perhaps they could lead to him finally catching him up, as he would not be very comfortable travelling over the next few days.

It would be nearly ten in the morning before the small boat they had left anchored a few hundred metres offshore slowly rowed past the more southern Maly Taymyr Island on which Tybalt had spent the morning, on its way to the mainland with its ten passengers. There the group had left a set of portkeys to take them off to their next destinations.

Tybalt stood, watching like the lone man keeping his lighthouse for several moments. Before he popped over to the boat, balancing on its tip and surprising the occupants severely.

His questioning of the werewolves did not take very long. They were still weary from their night of pain and only wanted to be free of the questioning elf so that they could find a hot meal and a comfortable bed. So, Tybalt soon had what he wanted. Switzerland.

After a quick restock for supplies at the Manor, a detour that took the elf no time at all due to its unique magical location, he was on his way.

Wolf had told the pack exactly where he was headed, and why he was breaking off from them after almost nine months of running with them. His guilt had been growing at the contentment he'd felt with them. They had tried to convince him to stay, but he had still left them. And only days earlier.

His destination now was a glacier,Blau Gletscherli, to the north of a tall mountain. With his extensive reading, Tybalt understood the reference that Wolf was making with his choice of destination. While the glacier and the mountain were not that unusual, the nearby village to the south had a very particular name for anyone in the magical world.


And it was here, in the cracks of the glacier a little north of the village, that Tybalt finally caught up with his mark.

The magic he felt in the crag was the same he had been following now for months. And it also was quite an impressive transfiguration. Both ends of the thin gap in the ice had been filled with slanted flat plates of six-inch-thick iron. The tips were rounded to prevent purchase and silver mesh laid over top discouraged repeated attempts at escape.

At their base, a small fire still burned on charmed wood to prevent it from going out and the passed-out man by its side looked as ragged as any Tybalt had ever met.

His clothes were shredded and spread across the open ground, some even smouldering beside the fire. But the most common item about the campsite was empty bottles. Mostly of terribly strong liquors. The smell was horrendous and nearly knocked out the poor elf. But at long last, he had the chance to complete his mission.

He quickly prepared his message, carving it deep into the ice walls on both sides of the crevice. However, now he'd caught up to his mark, he wasn't about to leave him alone. And an idle house-elf is never a good thing. So, he set himself to cleaning the camp, repairing the clothing as best he could and clearing away the bottles.

And the smell.


Remus shook himself awake and immediately regretted his decision. The pounding of his head was only worsened by the jerky motion and the bright white walls of ice under the evening sun assaulted his eyes if he opened them even a little.

Last night had been the worst full moon in years. Locking himself in such a small space after running free with a pack for several months had resulted in the wolf within turning on him. He could feel the deep scratches and angry bites slowly healing all over his body. The wolf was angry at him and had not shied away from expressing that displeasure.

But such was what he deserved. Family, belonging, home. These were things for people who were whole. Who hadn't allowed themselves to be sent away when their true family had needed them the most. When he had failed them. This was his penance, as best he could perform it before death, at last, took him and he got to suffer anew in the hell his cursed soul was damned to.

Stretching added a new dimension to the pain running through him as the healing damage was stressed and, in some cases, broken open anew. The odd feeling of the ice at his naked back and the roaring heat of the fire on his side caused even more stress to his already tasked nervous system. Pulling a deep breath through his nose helped to clear his clouded senses a bit, but as he took his second breath, he froze.

There was a new scent in his lair, one that had not been there the night before.

Opening his eyes, he again regretted it as the sunlight glinted off the links of the silver mesh he had covered his hovel with. And it only magnified brighter as it reflected off the sheer walls of the glacier and burned at his retinas.

But he pushed through the pain, turning his head slowly to the side his senses were telling him the scent was located. And now he was certain he was still dreaming.

For sitting by his fire, on an intact chair was a house-elf dressed in a deep blue shirt dotted with pockets, drinking a steaming mug of something, while reading a book.

Remus blinked several times as he tried to will his imagination to remove the odd display, but no matter the method, it remained resolutely in place. It took him several minutes before he realised the elf wasn't reading but was instead watching him silently from over the top of the book.

"Good evening," the elf said, the sound echoing about the small space and attacking Remus's sensitive ears.

"If you say so." He replied, rolling onto his side to find his clothing folded and perched on a second chair with his name on the back. Clearly, whoever this elf belonged to, they knew who Remus was. "Can I help you?"

The elf smiled as he placed a bookmark in the novel,To Kill a MockingbirdRemus noted, and set it beside himself.

"I've been tasked to find you. And convey a message."

The elf waved a lazy hand to either side as Remus stood and again stretched his haggard body. His feet rebelled at the cold they were now being subjected to, as his back and side were now so numb, they hadn't cared about the cold. He slipped into the prepared clothing, which felt thicker and warmer than the day before.

"And what would that message be?"

The elf smiled again and waved his hands to the sides, not taking his eyes from Remus. Confused, this time Remus followed the wave to the side and finally he noticed something was carved deep into the thick ice walls on either side of him. He had ignored it at first, believing it was simply the result of the wolf trying to climb its way free. Now he looked closer and saw the text carved into its surface and highlighted by the shadows cast by the sun and fire.

Moony needs to pull his head out of his arse and get back to England. Prongs wants a word with him about Padfoot and the fawn.

Remus froze again.

While his Marauder name was hardly a secret, given how often they'd used them during very public pranks, there were not many individuals who knew all four identities. The phrasing of this message was nearly identical to several his old friend had used when he would mope over his condition in their school years.

Adding in the term fawn, too. While Moony's condition was relatively known, very few knew the lengths his friends had gone to to help him manage that condition. Nor their forms. Or that one of them was a deer. The one of them who had a child of their own.

This was a message from James Potter.

But that was impossible. His friend was long dead, betrayed by Padfoot all those years ago. The whole family had died that night. Lily and the fawn included.

Could it just be a delay in the message that had resulted in this odd moment? Surely that must be the case. James had sought him out before his death and his stupid mission for Dumbledore had meant he'd missed the message until it was far too late.

"You're a little late passing on the message." Remus barked, allowing his frustration to colour his voice. "They're already dead. Not much I can do about that now, elf."

"My name is Tybalt, Mister Wolf. Please use it." The elf's expression took on a darker note for a moment. "And I am not late unless my master says so."

"I'm sorry, Tybalt. But I don't know what you expect of me. If your master is James Potter, this message can't help him now." He turned to face the iron wall and felt himself fall into memories of happier times.

"And why would you think that?"

"Because I failed them and they're dead!" Remus roared, rounding on the elf, who didn't even blink at the sudden anger. "I failed to protect my pack,my friends, and now they're all dead. James, Lily. Harry." He sank into the chair and sobbed into his hands as he broke down. He'd managed to suppress this all for so long. "Even Peter. And I can't even avenge their deaths because Black is already locked away. All I can do is remember."

"So, you didn't know?" Tybalt asked, an inquisitive look on his features.

"Didn't know what? That Black would sell us out? Of course not. I'd have killed him before he had a chance. The wolf would have ripped his heart from his chest and eaten it before his dying eyes."

Tybalt smiled widely at the man. Why would he enjoy that?

"Your information seems to be dated. The message also comes with an offer. I was to talk to you to find out if it was safe to make that offer."

Remus was beyond confused now. The pain he had been hiding in his heart for years was running rampant through his body. The agony of that Halloween had haunted him all this time and now this damned elf was churning everything he'd tried to lay behind him back up. Whoever had sent the blasted creature was playing with fire if they thought they could bring all this up and he'd help them with much of anything.

"What offer?"

Tybalt smiled again and fished something from his pocket and threw it at Remus. Even in his intoxicated and pained state, his reflexes were sharp enough to swipe it from the air. He hadn't expected to have the feeling of a portkey triggering to rip him from his camp and send him swirling into a heap on the floor of a tiled room.

The pain in his body and brain kept him from moving for several minutes. A pop nearby signalled the elf following him. The small bag of knickknacks and clothing he had concealed on the other side of the iron plate was dropped before him and the sound of running water filled his ears.

"Master requested you take a bath and change first. Once you are presentable, call for me. I shall take you to him."

Remus pulled his hand free from under his crumpled form and looked at the item he had caught. It was a small stuffed animal. A wolf. The very same one he had bought for Harry on his first birthday, that matched the dog, rat and stag the others had given him.


Harry honestly loved the Grangers.

As much as he loved his parents, there were just some things they couldn't do. Giving him a hug good night. Tucking him into bed and pressing a kiss to his forehead. And both the Granger parents would treat him to these things on a regular basis.

While he could understand his parents cared for him on an intellectual level, the Grangers could prove it in a physical sense and this had resulted in him latching onto them as much as he had to their daughter.

When they had opened the wall between his spare room and Hermione's bedroom so that they could share the room, he had been unable to contain the happy tears. It had taken almost half an hour for his friend to console him enough to settle in for the night.

He was truly amazed at how understanding the Grangers had been about his occasional need to stay over the night with little warning. Tonight, he didn't even know why he had been sent to stay. Just that Tybalt had returned from some extremely long trip he wasn't supposed to ask about and it required him to stay at Hermione's.

Not that he ever minded. There were few places in this world where he felt happier or safer than 53 Ringwood Close.

In the months since he had first brought Hermione home to the Manor, his sleepovers had increased a lot. He was now there almost twice a month and was fast coming to think of Richard and Natalie as his second parents.

When he had accidentally called Natalie 'mum' tonight as she had tucked him in, she had started, and Harry was worried at what her response would be. After a few short seconds though she had kissed his forehead and wished him a good night before doing the same to Hermione and leaving the room.

Harry's heart had pounded for ages after that and it wasn't until Hermione slipped in next to him and wrapped him in a hug that he settled.

"They love you, you know. She already thinks of you as a son." Hermione whispered into his ear. "I don't mind in the slightest. There is no one I'd rather share my family with than you."

Harry nodded and snuggled tighter against Hermione, finally letting the worry clenching at his heart go and relaxing into her arms. And it didn't take him long after that to drift off to sleep.


Remus had never set foot in such a brilliant Manor before in his life. Thankful for their ignorance of his condition, his many stays with Sirius's family in their youth had shown him the opulence of the darker purebloods, but this was a cut above even that.

The building managed to be light and open despite all the rich furniture and fancy paintings decorating the walls. The place had a homely feeling to it and many of the people in the pictures along the wall gave him soft greeting smiles as he passed.

It had been several hours since the elf had dropped him in a bathroom that put even the Prefect's one at Hogwarts to shame. Making the most of it, he had scrubbed himself clean and now felt better than he had in years. But curiosity was a tough thing to avoid, and instead of calling for Tybalt as he was instructed to do, he had set off into the house to find some clue as to where he was.

Looking out the many windows was no help. The gardens that stretched out from the Manor showed no obvious clues and the clear starry night just meant there were no muggle settlements full of electric lights nearby. He could have been anywhere in the world with what he saw outside. So, he was left to use internal clues to figure it out.

The architecture looked right for a rich pureblooded family from England, but it was not one he had ever visited before. Not that many of the British purebloods would welcome a werewolf knowingly into their home for anything other than sport.

He'd kept track of news from the island of his birth and knew that some horrid woman by the name of Umbridge had helped pass some appalling laws regarding his kind while he'd been away. He was unlikely to find much in the way of employment in that country anymore.

But these were thoughts for another time. He realised he could hear voices in the room just up ahead, and he went into Marauder mode in order to sneak close enough to hear.

"He finished in the bath ages ago, mistress. He is currently wandering the halls."

"And you just let him? He's a werewolf!"

"Be quiet, Bob. Just because you were a bigot doesn't mean anyone else here has a problem with his condition. One that is not his fault in the slightest." A familiar voice echoed down the hall. A voice he'd not heard in many years but was still unable to place. "Do you plan to invite him to join us anytime soon, Tybalt?"

"Yes, master."

Remus froze as the elf stepped out into the hall and looked directly at him. There was no accusation in its eyes and he now realised they had known exactly where he had been as he wandered the halls. A cheeky grin spread across his face as he straightened up and nodded to the elf who now directed him into the room.

"Yes, well. Too right." Remus said as he straightened his clothes and walked into the room, looking about to see the people who had been talking with the elf.

He found no one. The room was empty but for three chairs and a large painting that took up the entire left-hand wall of the room. The chairs were angled toward the painting and each had a small table to its right with a platter topped with glasses.

"Over here, Remus. Long-time, no-see." The familiar voice called.

Remus spun to the painting and took in those within. It was a massive family portrait filled with over a hundred faces staring at him. Hair and eye colours ran the gamut and while many had similar noses, or chins, there were a lot of different ones as well. It took him a moment to locate the waving figure who had called his name and he gasped aloud as he finally recognised the face of Charlus Potter.

"Perhaps a seat?" Charlus stated, angling a hand at one of the chairs.

Remus fell into the seat heavily and continued to stare at the father of his long-dead friend. The long-dead himself father of said friend. This was Potter Manor. He had not ever visited the Manor before, not trusting himself in his youth to be around the family of his closest friends. While he had no worry for the Blacks after the stories Sirius had shared in their schooling, James and his family meant a great deal more to the werewolf.

"You look a bit shocked. A drink perhaps?"

"Tea, please," Remus said as Tybalt stepped up beside him and he attempted to resettle his disjointed thoughts. "You sent the message?"

Charlus smiled at him. "No dear boy. While I knew about your little troupe, I wasn't the one reaching out to you. Just the one chosen to be your initial greeter."

"I sent the message."

Remus's head wrenched around, and he knew he'd done some small amount of damage, but his brain ignored it. That was a voice he would never forget. His eyes locked on the face of his oldest friend.


"Hiya Moony. How's the liver?"

Several different responses sounded from the painting at the greeting, from laughter to scolding. Remus was too shocked to speak. When had James found the time to have a portrait done? He looked the same as the last day he'd seen him, even wearing the same shirt and robe.


"Well, you see, Moony. There are a group of people in this world, let's call them artists. And they use brushes and paints to record…"

An almighty smack put an end to James's comments as his head rocked forward and the figure hidden behind him finally came into view. Her red hair and vibrant green eyes were filled with amusem*nt as her hand dropped once more and she locked eyes with Remus.

"Hello, old friend." Lily cooed.

"How?" Remus echoed.

"Magic," Lily replied, echoing James's joke with a wide grin on her face. "Day you left we had it done. Took the whole damned day. But Charlus here demanded it. And we're very glad he did."

Her eyes flicked to her father-in-law and he nodded in response.

"Is Harry in there too?"

"Not right now."

"Right, too late. Little tyke'd be sleeping." Remus said to himself, missing the looks between those in the painting.

"We didn't ask you here to reminisce, Remus." Lily continued. "We have a job for you if you're willing."

"A job? After what happened with Black, you'd trust me?"

"If you can show yourself to be trustworthy." James cut in. "We learnt our lesson about blind trust a long time ago now."

An angry look covered his features as he spoke, and Remus felt he knew the cause. They had all trusted Sirius in their youth and had all been burned by that trust.

"For now, some questions. Why did you never come back, Remus?" Lily asked, "You've been hiding away on the continent for so long it took Tybalt ages to find you. Especially after you ignored our first letter."

"That was you? I figured it was just a delayed message from Gringotts. All it did was reopen old wounds…" He replied, pausing as he felt the melancholy wash over him once more. "What was there to come back to? You were all dead. Sirius had already killed Peter and gotten himself locked away. Even I can't infiltrate Azkaban to take revenge. I chose to spend my time… reflecting I guess you could call it."

"I call it one hell of a bender." James quipped, shuffling further away from his wife in the process. "Lucky your furry little problem helps you heal quicker or you'd have drunk yourself to death by now from everything we've heard."

"Don't think I didn't try. It just felt like giving up like that would be too easy. I deserve to suffer for failing to protect you."

"You're a right idiot you know that, Moony? Voldemort himself came knocking on our door. What were you gonna do? co*ck a leg on him?"

"It wasn't a full moon. I could have helped. I should have stopped Black."

"And you can give that rubbish a rest too." Remus looked at his friend in confusion. "Sirius Black is, was and ever has been our friend. He would sooner shack up with Fenrir Greyback and try for a baby than betray any one of us."

"But he was your secret keeper? You told me yourself! I watched the ritual!"

"And he was, for about a week, before we came up with the plan to change it out for someone less likely," Lily added. "Peter Pettigrew was our Secret Keeper. We just continued to tell everyone it was Sirius, so they'd go looking for him and never find Peter."

"Turns out that the animagus transformation showed not just his inner animal but his true nature. "James grumbled. "Bastard sold us out to Voldemort the first chance he got."

Remus was stunned into silence, and the others just sat and allowed him to process. If Black was innocent, he'd been hating his loyal friend for years, doing nothing to help him gain his rightful freedom as he instead wallowed in his own self-pity. Pettigrew had betrayed them.

Now that he was confronted with the possibility, it screamed itself as the truth. Sirius would have never betrayed the Potters. He would have fought and struggled to the bitter end, but he would never have given them up.

But Peter? That Remus could actually believe. He was their friend too, but the rat had always felt a little more disconnected from them. While they cherished his friendship and included him in everything they did, Remus often wondered if the smallest of them felt the same way. With the right motivation, something Voldemort was very good at dishing out, he could see Peter giving up the information.

Looking back up at the painting, his eyes took on a resolved sheen. "Please, tell me everything…"


Harry felt the churning of the waves as they rocked the boat as he hung from the rigging. A pirate's life was for him as the sea air kissed his face and filled the sails. The sun beat down from above as the frothing waves churned about his craft and he looked ahead to the tropical island fast approaching.

It was an odd feeling, but he loved it, nonetheless. Looking down at the ocean he was surprised to see it looking so flat. He could feel the churning movement that should have been caused by a moody sea. If not waves, where was the motion coming from?

Feeling arms tighten about him dragged Harry from his dream as he felt the blankets slipping off his body. His left hand was tangled in Hermione's bushy mane of hair, and her own arms were wrapped almost uncomfortably tight around his waist. Looking beyond her sleeping form he could see the floor.

It was entirely on his left side and was swaying back and forth as though he were still aboard the ship of his dream. It hadn't been the boat that was moving, but the whole bed.

Looking back at Hermione, he saw her face scrunched up in fear as the world moved once more around their bed. Now the floor was above him, their hair began to hang down from the bed, and the covers had completely fallen to the floor as the bed hovered upside down above the thick carpet.

Harry gasped loudly and tried his hardest to reign in his magic. His dream must have bled through and now he was levitating the bed. And if he didn't flip them back over, they would be squashed when the bed succumbed once more to gravity.

"No… leave him alone…" Hermione mumbled as her arms tightened even further.

Harry was now in pain from how tight her grip had become and even breathing was becoming difficult.

"Hermione… I can't…"

He ran his fingers through her hair to try to calm her and loosen her grip so that he could focus on righting his magic and setting them back down safely.

Suddenly her eyes flew open and spotting his face she yelled. "NO!"

A burst of energy surged from her body, her hair zapping Harry with static electricity as the blast hit the floor and flipped the bed end over end making a cacophonous noise as it landed on Hermione's own thankfully unoccupied bed.

She was panting loudly and sobbing into his shoulder finally releasing her grip from his waist and lifting it up to around his neck. Harry was stunned to silence as he tried to hold them from slipping off the oddly angled bed.

"Why would they do that? I begged them to stop. They were hurting you. They hurt my parents. Oh, Harry." Hermione continued to sob away as he stroked her hair with his free hand while holding tightly to the bedhead with the other.

The lights flicked on and he blinked up to see both Richard and Natalie looking at the room in shock. Harry's bed was lying half on Hermione's and except for the bookshelves, everything seemed to have been knocked out of place and was lying on the floor.

The adults quickly focused on the sobbing girl in Harry's arms and rushed over to settle her down.


"And so, that is how we find ourselves here, Moony. Stuck inside with no agent who can leave these walls in our stead." James finished, eyeing his friend now seated before him with his face buried in his hands.

"Innocent? I've thought the worst of him all these years." Remus mumbled into his hands.

"You weren't to know, Remus. Though I had hoped you'd have handled everything better."

Remus glanced up at them, tears in his eyes and covering his face. "I failed you all. How can you stand the sight of me?"

"Oi! Knock it off, Moony. The woe-is-me trip didn't fly when we were kids, I'm not going to let you wallow in it now. You are a loyal friend, you always have been. And now we need your help to make things right. I cannot even step outside this house, much less make it to Gringotts. Pops has tried, but they cannot give him the access required without written authorisation. Something a painting can hardly provide."

"So, why would they listen to me? I've no proof I can provide?"

"Not true." Lily smiled down at him. "We made concessions. Preparations. You'll find yours in a safety deposit box in a muggle bank in central London. It names you specifically, so was of no use to Pops." She added, as one of the elves handed Remus a key. "As many outcomes as we addressed, we never considered none of you being around to help carry them out."

Remus winced at the slight tone at the end. They'd made their displeasure at his sabbatical known quite plainly.

"But first, you need to clean up your mess."

He nodded lazily, and James could clearly see the thoughts whirring through his mind.

"Moony, the past is gone. Worrying and self-flagellation will not change it. Let's focus on fixing the present so we can look to the future."

More nodding accompanied Remus's reply. "I did leave quite the noisy trail, didn't I?"

"Tybalt enjoyed the chase, Master Wolf." The wee elf contributed. "It was fun."

The Potters chuckled and even Remus managed to look less morose at the wee elf's words.

"Be that as it may, if Tybalt could follow it so easily, and so quickly, others could too. And once you start enacting these plans, they will come looking. We need to prevent that as long as possible."

"But you still can't tell me why?" Remus replied, looking up at the painting.

"In due time, Remus. When we do, you will see that there is a very good reason for it," came Lily's soft voice. "Until then you just have to trust us."

Remus nodded at the comment. Clearly considering all that they had shared with him. "Could I see Harry, one time before I go clean things up? Surely he's in there with you?"

"How about we keep that as your first reward for a safe return? My brother." James smiled. More because he knew they couldn't produce Harry right now, he'd be fast asleep at the Grangers, than a lack of any trust. But it was also a bad idea to have Remus running about Europe with the knowledge that Harry survived in his mind.

He could see the indecision on Remus's face, the idea that they may still not trust him fully.

"Remus." James started, drawing the werewolf's lowered gaze. " I trust you with that which is most precious to me. In all the world. But timing is everything. This is more important than anything we've ever asked of you, I promise."

Silence gripped the room as everyone digested the tension among them. James longed to tell Remus the truth. There was nothing that would motivate him more than the knowledge that Harry was alive, but until the mess he'd left on the continent was cleaned it was too dangerous.

"Tybalt will accompany you. He will ignore any orders to return or deviate in any way until the task is complete. That way we can be certain that no one else can use a house-elf to follow it. This will work, Moony. And will be worth all the heartache."

"Master!" Mipsy called loudly as she popped into being between Remus and the painting.

Everyone could see her panting and there was a fear in her eyes Lily had not seen since the Incident years before.

"One moment, Mipsy," James said, looking back over to Remus. "We have a deal?"

"Yes," the werewolf replied, eyeing the newly arrived and clearly frantic elf, "I'll head back for a couple of weeks and settle any outstanding affairs and be back as soon as I can. It shouldn't take more than a month or so to fix."

James and Lily glanced at one another. A month was a long time, but they had already been playing a long game. Rushing now would only cause more problems.

"Good. We'll see you then, Remus." Lily finished, nodding alongside James as Remus stood. "Tybalt will take you where you need to go. And we'll have another surprise for you when you get back."

Remus grinned softly and held out his hand to Tybalt, who took it and they popped away in an instant.

"What is it, Mipsy? You should be watching Harry tonight." James asked briskly after the interruption.

"Mipsy was, master. But something happened…"

"What!?" James yelled, "Get Harry back here now!"

Mipsy frowned deeply but was unable to ignore her master's direct order so she popped away.

"James, we don't know what happened. If he was in danger, surely she'd have brought him along." Charlus scolded as they waited for the elf to return.

A loud pop broke the silence and Harry was looking around in confusion until he spotted the painting and everyone staring at him.

"Now tell us, what happened."

"I was having a weird dream, and my magic manifested. My bed was levitating." Harry told the gathered Potters quickly, clearly uncomfortable under their gaze.

"Excuse me, young master, but that's not true."

"What? What do you mean?" Lily asked frantically, obviously worried about what the muggles would do after being exposed to magic like that.

"Master Harry didn't levitate the bed. I know the young master's magic. I feel it inside me still. This didn't feel like his magic."

"But the only other person in the bed was Hermione." Harry fretted, worried about his friend.

The shock on the Potters' faces as this sank in would have been priceless to Harry in any other situation. Right now, he just wanted to get back and make sure Hermione was ok.

"Harry, we need to speak with her. Bring her here as soon as you can without it being suspicious. Please." Charlus asked, watching his son and daughter-in-law still trying to process what was happening.

"Fine, I'll be back."

And with a pop, he was gone.

Chapter 9: Hermione's Magic


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Friday 25th November 1988.

Hermione continued to sob heavily into her mother's shoulder. The images of her dream refused to clear, even as she felt the strong arms of her parents wrapped around her shaking form.

Every time her eyes closed, she could see them suspended in front of her, dangling upside down as their blood dripped from their hair into the expanding pool below. She was officially swearing off television forever. Books had never given her such a horrid nightmare, but the images they'd seen in the few moments while channel surfing that afternoon had left a deep mark. Why had the batteries in the remote chosen that moment to stop working?

The depraved laughter still echoed in her ears as the figures in the royal blue cloaks had taken their evil tools to her best friend, strapped to the floor, her parents' blood dripping on either side of him. She was no longer sure what was transference from the few moments they had seen and what was her powerful imagination taunting her with her greatest fears.

A soft pop sounded behind the ruined bed and she noticed Harry sticking his head around her mother's shoulder.

"Hermione?" He whispered, a look of fear on his face.

A new round of sobbing came from the small girl as she worried that her secret was uncovered. That Harry would not want to be friends with a freak who couldn't control her powers. She could have killed him tonight.

"Shhhh, it's ok sweetie. It was just a nightmare."

"I… they… oh, mummy."

Hermione wanted nothing more than to press her face into her mother's chest and lose herself in the comforting embrace, but that just brought back the images.

Her mother continued cooing and stroking her hair as the three Grangers rocked on the oddly angled bed.

"I'm s… sorry, Harry…" Hermione sobbed, looking once more at her concerned friend. "I should have… told you…"

Harry shuffled forward and placed a soft hand on her shoulder, looking into her eyes as he spoke. "Told me what?"


More sobs prevented her from going on, but her father's voice continued for her.

"Hermione is telekinetic. Do you know what that means?"

"Telekinetic… she can move things, without touching them?" Harry asked, looking confused.

"Though she hasn't had an episode like this since she met you," Natalie added, smiling softly down at him.

"I was so scared. They had already…"

"No, sweetie… don't try and tell us. Just forget it." Her mother cooed, pressing her closer to her chest and increasing the gentle rocking. "Think of unicorns and fairies. Rainbows and the gentle sea. Let your mind drift into the calm waters. Just like we practised."

Hermione followed her mother's instructions. It had been years since she'd had more than a small episode with her ability and she had stopped doing her calming techniques before bed. She let her mind drift into the place she had created as a four-year-old terrified of her own shadow.

The meadow soon resolved in her mind's eye and the soft waving flowers and grass caressed her hands and her soul as she let herself slip fully into the calming mindscape. In moments the air was full of dancing fairies swirling about and singing gentle songs that soothed her ragged edges. They were soon joined by Caius, the silver-haired unicorn with the golden horn she had not seen in years.

He approached her ever so slowly, his powerful muscles rolling gently under the gleaming coat. While it appeared to be made of molten gold in near-constant flux, the horn felt like silk as it gently slid against her cheek, and she leant heavily into the touch.

Behind her, she could hear the soft rolling sound of waves sliding over the white sand beach that bordered her mental meadow, and she knew that if she were to turn there would be a giant bright double rainbow stretching up from its calm waters, despite the fact her brain knew such a thing could not exist in the bright cloudless sky of her mind.

Feeling the contentment of her happy place, Hermione opened her eyes and realised the tears had stopped.

She noticed that she was only wrapped in one of her mother's arms now and that Harry was tucked against Natalie's other side, looking straight at her, a look of deep concern still written over his features. She allowed a small grimace to show on her face and she could see him relax at the sight.

"I'm sorry, Harry," Natalie told him, running her hand through his messy hair. "It had been so long. And she has never had an incident when you're around. I hope you don't blame her. We thought it best if she kept it a secret."

"Blame her? I think it's brilliant." Harry replied, smiling broadly at his best friend.

Hermione felt the last remnants of her fear washed away by the soothing waters as her friend confirmed he wasn't terrified of her. Every other child who had witnessed her ability had run screaming. And if ever asked about it, they always acted like she was crazy, saying they had no idea what she was talking about and giving her strange looks.

It had only further ostracised her from her peers as she could never tell if they were serious or not. For a few minutes there she had been terrified that Harry would be the same. Despite years of friendship, she feared that more than the dream that had triggered everything.

Richard stood and shooed the trio off Harry's bed, shoving it firmly back onto the floor next to Hermione's. The room was still a chaotic mess, but apart from having a bed land on and pushed off it, Hermione's bed was still immaculate. He pulled back the covers and patted the mattress.

"In you hop, pumpkin. You too, Harry. We'll go get some hot chocolate to help you sleep."

Hermione was loath to leave her mother's embrace, but Harry wrapped his arms around her and helped guide her to the bed. They were just being tucked in once more when the front doorbell rang.

Her mother glanced at the clock on her bedside, but it must have been yanked from the wall in the fracas and showed only a blank screen.

"Who could be calling at this hour?" She still asked, as she and her father quickly headed for the door and down the stairs.

"Hermione… my parents." Hermione tensed noticeably at Harry's words. Had he just been pretending in front of her own parents? "They want to talk to you about what happened. I think they can help."

As he finished, he snuggled tighter to her allowing her to relax once more. No, not pretending. Not Harry. He'd never do that to her. It was only old fears cropping up after such a fright. She gently nodded and felt Harry's arms tighten and his smile against her forehead.

And with a soft pop, they vanished moments before several robed figures entered the now empty room.


It took almost two hours for Hermione to tell the entire story to Harry's parents. They listened calmly as Harry held Hermione on his lap in the tall wingback chair and Mipsy kept a steady supply of steaming hot chocolate in her cup.

She told the Potters everything. The gritty details of her nightmare, the cloaked figures with their deformed silver animal masks. The vicious things they had done to her parents and her friend while she was chained up against the wall. How she had awoken to find Harry in her arms and, still in the befuddled half-dream state, had pushed hard with her power to make the people in the cloaks go away.

And even further back. She told them of all the times that she had summoned books and toys her parents had taken away. All the items that they'd needed to replace over the years, broken in a tantrum or moment of intense emotion. The incidents around other children where they had been knocked over or their things had shot to the other side of the room.

James couldn't suppress his chuckle as Hermione explained how the other children never seemed to acknowledge or even remember the events.

"Sorry, Hermione," he offered as she glared at him, "it's the Obliviators. It's their job to cover up accidental magic. The kids really don't remember. They wiped it from their memories."

"You mean that I made it worse by referring to it?"

"I'm afraid so, sweetie," Lily added. "Had you acted as if nothing had happened, they would have just ignored it as well."

"That is so unfair. They could have told me at least." Hermione sniffled. "No wonder they were so horrible to me. They think I'm crazy."

Harry squeezed the girl in his arms a little tighter before looking back up at the painting.

"So, you're sure?" Harry asked, watching his parents closely.

"I think it's pretty clear. You, Hermione, my dear girl, are a witch." Lily smiled.

"But, how?"

"No one knows. Muggleborns have been popping up for centuries. There are many theories, but no one has ever done any real research on it." James answered.

Lily scoffed. "Yeah, magicals doing proper research is like trying to get Sirius to behave like his name."

James couldn't help but laugh as well at the highly accurate statement. But he noticed both the children yawning and their eyes drooping quite heavily.

"Perhaps that is enough for now. Mipsy, take them both back to Hermione's. Tomorrow you can bring the Grangers over and we can explain everything to them as well. I'm sure Harry will relish the opportunity to show Hermione some of the things he's been forced to keep hidden until now."

Both children smiled softly at the Potters as Mipsy vanished the hot chocolate and took both their hands.

They quickly settled back into the bed as Mipsy checked on the Grangers and confirmed that they were both back asleep in their own room. After all the excitement and with bellies full of warm milk and chocolate, it took no time at all for the pair to drift back off to sleep. Neither noticed that the room had been set back to rights.


Saturday 26th November 1988.

"She's a what now!?"


Harry giggled slightly at the raised voices of the elder Grangers, which cut off as the door fully closed, as he led Hermione further down the hall to his second favourite room in the Manor.

When they had awoken that morning, the Grangers had both acted as though nothing odd had happened the evening before, and Harry just assumed that they were so used to Hermione's 'power' as they thought it, that they paid the incidents no mind after the fact. Even if they hadn't seemed to mind that the two had gone missing and had gone back to bed themselves.

After taking their hands and popping them both to the Manor however it had quickly become apparent that Obliviators had visited the Granger home while the children had been explaining things to the Potters, and it was only their absence that had saved their own memories. And kept Harry's presence there from coming to the attention of the Ministry.

Once his parents had calmed the Grangers down about the idea their minds had been messed with, likely multiple times in the past as well, they moved on to the real reason for the visit. They dismissed the kids to go and do their own thing while the adults chatted, and the last thing Harry heard as they left was James explaining their daughter was a witch.

"It's not funny Harry. What the Ministry does is wrong." Hermione chided as they walked.

"Hey, I agree. I get why they do it, the Statute is our world's highest law." He recited in an odd voice, as though repeating something he'd been told several times before. "But how they do it, stupid if you ask me. Some of the Obliviators are really lazy. They'll just modify the memory of anyone present and not even look into the incident properly. Must have been a pair of them that struck last night. Not even noticing that the only people in the house at the time were muggles." He shook his head at the idiocy of it all. "C'mon."

Silence fell between them once more as he directed her into a large room with a wide glass ceiling. Had it been on the ground floor, she'd have expected it to open out onto the yard as a sunroom, so surrounded was it by glass windows. The small balcony visible beyond the open French doors looked down over the densest part of the beautiful gardens.

There were a couple of wingback chairs about the room, which she knew to be Harry's preferred form of reading chair, all bracketed by a small side table with a set of glasses on one side and a rolling trolley like those used for returned books in a library to the other. Several with books stacked inside.

She could see why this was his second favourite room in the house. It was perfect for losing oneself in the sounds of nature outside and the contents of the book in your hand.

Looking back toward the doorway, the only solid wall in the room, she saw a pair of paintings on either side that, as with most she had seen in the house, were simple landscapes stretching over the blank white wall that would have been there in their absence.

"This is amazing, Harry."

"Yep." His grin was infectious as she stepped out onto the balcony and looked down into the garden, seeing numerous animals she couldn't identify from this distance flitting about the vibrant spring colours.

"So, I was wondering," Harry mumbled, "now that you know about magic, if you wanted to see some more?"

Hermione twirled on the spot so fast that her colourful dress swung wide catching the bright morning sunlight coating the balcony and sending her messy hair flying about.


"Um, if you wanted, that is."

"Yes please!" Hermione shot back over, and the pair took a seat on the thick plush rug in the centre of the room. It was so soft it almost felt like sitting on a cloud, but without the wet bum.

Harry cast his eyes about the room looking for something he could use before his eyes settled on a stack of cards on one of the side tables. Snapping his fingers, the cards began to lift into the air one by one all following the same path. They weaved up and down, doing large circles in the air and rolling end over end, following the path directed by his hand.

Hermione was amazed, tracking the cards as they soared through the air. Sometimes, when she really focused, she could direct a single object to move in a single direction, but never had she accomplished something so complex.

She continued to sit wide-eyed as the cards began to settle on the floor in front of her, separating themselves out by suit until all the cards were stacked ace-high in front of her.

"That was amazing!" She whispered as if afraid too much noise might break the spell. "Can you teach me to do that?"

Harry just smiled at her and looked about again, searching for something else to show her. With another snap of his fingers, one of the wingback chairs began to trot about the room on its clawed wooden feet, making a clacking noise against the marble floor.

Hermione quickly got up from her spot and moved over to the ambulant chair before jumping onto the seat and giggling at Harry over the back.

Harry animated a second chair and the pair were soon racing them around the room, though Hermione quickly noticed that her chair seemed to win all the races. She gave Harry a judging look and he merely shrugged back at her.

Another snap had both their clothes constantly changing colour through the entire spectrum before Harry popped away momentarily, returning with a sleek-looking broom in hand.

"Teach me to do that as well?" Hermione asked forcefully as she dismounted her now inanimate chair.

"Sure, that's why I went to grab it."

"Not flying," Hermione responded, eyeing the broom as though it were responsible for the events of the previous night, "popping about like that. I want to be able to do that. Teach me, Harry."

The enthusiasm on the girl's face was intoxicating and Harry was unable to say no.

"OK, but you have to keep it a secret. It's a special type of magic."

Hermione nodded so fiercely that her face disappeared occasionally behind her wild locks. Harry looked about, noting that both paintings by the door were empty.

"Elfin, please." He said aloud, though clearly not directed at Hermione.

A small elf, about half Mipsy's age, popped into the room in front of the children and eyed Harry.

"Yes, young master?"

"How are you today?" He replied.

The elfin co*cked its head to the side, appearing confused before answering.

"I is well, young master. How may I be serving you today?"

"I wanted to ask you for a favour. But this is not an order. You can say no. Do you agree?"

The elfin nodded vigorously as Hermione circled her, eyeing the younger elf closely. She was clearly still in whatever the elves called their adolescence. She was shorter and thinner than the others, though not sickly so. Her ears were shorter, and her nose would not have been long on a human adult. But her eyes were a vivid and shining violet.

"I need to hear you say it, please."

"I acknowledge this is not a command. I can says no."

Harry nodded to himself as he turned to look at Hermione.

"You see, Hermione, the reason I can pop is thanks to the accident I had just after we first met. Mipsy needed to heal me and the only way she could before moving me was to push her magic into my body. It nearly drained her, and I had to do the same to her once I woke up."

Hermione looked somewhat nervous now, worried that she might have to be injured in some way first.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it will work with you already healthy. In fact, I bet it will work faster and require less magic. Mipsy and I were both exhausted afterwards." Harry grinned, pulling over the nearest seat.

The elfin was now eyeing Hermione closely, watching the girl as though trying to read her.

"So, do you think you want to try?"

Hermione knelt before the wee elf on the thick rug and stared into her bulbous eyes. Harry remained silent as the pair sized one another up, yet no words passed between them. His excitement was radiating off of his body at the idea that Hermione would soon be just like him.

"Ready to try?"

Both Hermione and the elfin nodded together much less vigorously this time.

"Ok, place your hand on the other's chest." He paused, allowing both to do so. "Now on the count of three, you need to pushgentlywith your magicintothe other. Don't push too hard, you don't want to knock each other over. Just focus on letting it pass into the other."

They both nodded again, though Hermione still looked a little apprehensive.

"You don't have to do this Hermione. Most magicals learn to apparate when they graduate from Hogwarts."

"No, I want to do this." She replied sharply, tearing her eyes from the elfin to glare at Harry.

"Ok," he replied, holding up both hands, "three, two, one. Push."

The experience felt very different from what Harry could recall of his own experience. He could feel the static building in the air as both magicals in front of him began to expel magic outwards, though he could sense most of it was passing down their arms and into their partner. He closed his eyes and revelled in the feeling of foreign magic washing over him.

It felt like he was being held in Hermione's arms in one of her tight hugs, but there was something else there as well. Raw energy he'd not felt before and he realised it was the immature elf. The Potters still only had the three mature elves, Mipsy, Pops and Tybalt. But they had several younger elves, most were the descendants of former Potter elves who had been rescued from other horrible families throughout the centuries. Too young to bond with a family.

As Mipsy was already bonded with him after the incident, and that was the purpose she had been assigned as she finished her training while Lily was pregnant with him at that time, Harry felt uncomfortable with the idea of letting Mipsy bond again. He had no idea what a second bond like this might do to her, especially if he and Hermione were ever to give her conflicting commands. He doubted even giving her clothes could properly sever their connection now.

Tybalt was away again on whatever mission his father had sent him to complete. And he knew that his father's commands still superseded his own when it came to Tybalt and Pops. So, if the elf was doing something important, he wouldn't even respond to Harry's call. And Pops was old. He was so old that he had changed the nappies of Harry's great-great-grandfather as one of his first tasks as an official Potter elf.

And Harry worried about what the effect of sharing like this would be on him at his now very advanced age. It would not do to kill the only one in the house who keeps the Muggles from asking difficult questions about his parents, though they would cease coming from the Grangers now at least. Not that he would ever risk Pops's life even if there were others doing those tasks. He loved the old coot, just as much as Charlus or any of the other Potters he never actually got to meet in life.


Harry's eyes shot open and the feeling of static in the air vanished, as did the warmth of Hermione's magic against his skin. His eyes quickly locked on the figure in the painting by the left of the door and he noted a foot disappearing out the side of the frame.

"What the devil do you think you are doing? Wasn't once enough, boy?" The figure chastised, looking ruddier than Santa.

Standing, Harry's eyes narrowed as he approached the painting, not glancing at the girls as he passed.

"Like you're one to talk, Sampson. I remember my family history well. I know what you used to do for fun, you bigoted murderer."

Hermione gasped from behind him as he confronted the figure.

While most acknowledged the Potters were generally kind and giving, not every member of a family followed the grain. Sampson Potter had joined up with some long-forgotten Dark Lord sometime in the mid-13th century and Harry hated that he still thought what he had done was the right thing. However, before any further words could be exchanged between them, a bunch more figures entered the wide landscape. The collected Potters looked down at the rug behind Harry and his parents immediately locked their gaze on him.

"What did you do?" Lily asked.

Harry refused to back down. "What Hermione wanted to do, and nothing more."

Sighing heavily, Lily ran her hand down her face before replying.

"I love you dearly, Harry James Potter, but sometimes I do not understand you. We still don't know the long-term effects of sharing magic like that. Yours was a special case."

"Well, Hermione is special to me. And if she wants elf magic then she can have it." Harry replied petulantly, crossing his arms and steadying his stance, preparing for another epic argument with his mother. They had not had many, but they had almost all related to Hermione in some way.

"Spilt milk, my dear," Dorea called, laying her hand on Lily's shoulder. "Look at the elfin. The process is complete."

"She's right, love. Whatever the consequences," James paused as he glared at his defiant son, "they all have to live with them now."

As James finished speaking, the Grangers both came running into the open doorway and took in the scene before them. Their daughter was still kneeling on the floor with her hand on the shoulder of one of those wee elf creatures, who appeared to be shivering slightly despite the warm day. Harry appeared to have squared off against a painting that was filled with the Potters they had been talking to until a distraught woman had shot into the frame and demanded that they follow.

"What is going on? What's wrong with Hermione?" Natalie demanded as she ran over and wrapped her arms around her daughter.

"Nothing, Mrs Granger. She just worked out how to use a few new abilities, that's all." Harry claimed, his broad smile once more settled on his face.

James scoffed behind him and Harry momentarily glared at his father over his shoulder.

"A few weeks. Merlin, give us the strength." Matilda Potter called from several rows back in the painting.

Harry ignored them as he knelt beside the quivering elfin. "You aren't in trouble. I asked you to. I take all the blame."

"What is going on?" Richard demanded, stepping behind his family and staring at the Potters.

"Hermione has shared her magic with one of the adolescent elves. It's what happened to Harry after he got hit by a car a fe…"

"My daughter was injured!?" Richard yelled, cutting the old Potter off.

"No, sir. They just shared their magic. There was no danger." Harry supplied, reaching out and squeezing Hermione's hand.

"You got hit by a car?" There were tears developing in her eyes as she stared at him.

"Little bit." He replied with a shrug, looking bashful. "I was in a hurry to get to school. Didn't look properly before crossing. Stupid really, having a school on such a busy road." Hermione launched herself at Harry and wrapped him tightly in her arms. "I wanted to see my best friend again. I hadn't seen you in two days. I was young and foolish."

"Most would say still are, young man." Lily chided from the painting.

Harry refused to take the bait and continued softly stroking Hermione's back until she pulled away. He smiled softly at her and turned to the young elf only to stop in shock. Before him was no longer a wee immature elfin. She now stood almost as tall as Mipsy, who was now posted behind her, one hand on the shaking elf's shoulder. And her eyes were no longer violet.

He glanced back at Hermione for confirmation. They were now the exact same shade of brown as hers. "Oh."

"Figured it out, did you, boy?"

"Shut it, Sampson," James growled.

"I didn't think…"

"Again, very clear, Harry."

Harry again ignored his father, turning to Hermione. "Guess you need to give her a name then."

Hermione looked at him quizzically. "What?"

"Apparently if you share your magic with an unbonded elf, or at least an elfin, they bond to you. Mipsy and I were already bonded as part of the Potter family so nothing changed there. She is now your elf."

"My elf?" Hermione mumbled, turning to gaze at the now taller and healthier-looking creature. "Is that what you want?"

The elfin nodded vigorously once more, gazing longingly at Hermione.

"What was your name before?"

"Elfins don't have names, Mistress. We don't get a name until we reach maturity." The elfin replied.

"Usually the name is chosen by our first master," Mipsy added. "In my case, young Master Harry was too young when I was assigned as his elf, so Pops chose my name at Master James's insistence."

"You have no name?" Hermione asked. The elfin shook her head, not letting her now deep brown eyes leave Hermione's. "Do you have a preference?"

The elfin finally broke the connection between them, looking to Mipsy as if asking permission. Mipsy nodded and the elfin vanished with a loud crack before reappearing a moment later with a thin book in hand. She held it out to Hermione who took it and inspected it. It had no title or markings on the thick leather cover but was clearly very heavily worn. The bindings of the book were nearly falling apart and when she allowed it to fall open, it became clear that it usually sat open on a very particular page.

In the centre of the page was an image of a man wrestling a mighty lion. The beast stood almost twice his height as he grappled it from behind with only his bare hands, not even using the club hanging from his belt. Hermione immediately recognised the image from her own readings. The man was Hercules and he was wrestling the Nemean Lion.

The elfin pointed at the lion and then to herself. Hermione pondered a moment. This was apparently the young elfin's favoured story.

"You want me to call you Nemea?"

The elfin nodded vigorously. "Yes. If it would please the Mistress."

"It pleases me a great deal, Nemea," Hermione stated, laying her hand on the elfin's shoulder as a short flash of light leapt between them and Nemea grew another few inches.

"Thank you, mistress." Nemea bowed.

"I think we need to talk about all of this, Harry," Hermione whispered, not taking her eyes offherelf.

Harry made to reply but was immediately cut off by Richard. "What you need, young lady, is to come home with us right now. We need to have a family talk about all this nonsense."


"None of that. Someone, take us home now."

Harry sighed before nodding to Mipsy, who grasped the three Grangers and vanished almost silently compared to the crack Nemea made earlier. He turned to the newly bonded elf, who looked confused.

"How about you go back to the quarters and have a rest? I'm sure you're feeling drained after all of that."

"Yes, young master," Nemea replied before popping away much quieter herself.

Standing once more, Harry ran his hand nervously through his hair before turning to face the painting.



A/N: For everybody's reference in this elfin is to elf what calf is to cow. I was going to use elfling, but I like elfin better.

Chapter 10: Wand Up

Chapter Text

Thursday 1st December 1988.

"Master Harry," Mipsy called, as she tugged softly on his sleeve as he sat reading in the sunroom.

"Yes, Mipsy?" He replied, not taking his eyes from the book.

"Miss Hermione is upset. She be asking if you can come get her."

This finally drew his attention fully from the text. "What? Why?"

"Her parents are upset that she can't control the elf magics. Apparently, it's like when she was an elfin all over again. But they can't get her here themselves."

"Of course, tell them I'll be right there." He replied, putting the book aside without even marking his place.

The one thing he hated most about living in this huge manor was it was occasionally difficult to find his parents. Even the elves didn't have a way of determining exactly which painting they were in at any given moment unless summoned.

It took several minutes of jogging through the halls before he found them both tucked under the tree in a tiny little landscape hanging midway down the main hallway. He should have known, as it was his mother's favourite place to think, the light Italian lakeside apparently as good as a vacation in amidst the often-dreary British artwork.

"Mum, Dad. I'm going to Hermione's. Something is wrong."

"No, you aren't. You are grounded, mister." James replied simply, not even turning to look at his son from the lapping waves.

Harry's eyes narrowed at the painting wanting to retort but decided it was not worth the struggle of an argument right now. His friend needed him.

"Fine, see you."

And with a pop he was standing in the Granger's dining room being stared at by the adults before Hermione assaulted him from the side, wrapping him up in her arms.

"Harry, thank you. I can't help it."

"Shhhh, Hermione. I know what it's like, trust me."

"So, you knew this was going to happen?" Richard growled from the far end of the table.

"Daddy! Stop it."

"No, Hermione. First, some painting tries to tell me my daughter is a witch, a ridiculously offensive thing to say, by the way. Now your gifts are going haywire because of some freakish little monster. I want you to fix this, now boy."

"Fix this? What do you think I can do to fix this?" Harry asked, looking at Richard over Hermione's shoulder, eyes narrowing once more. What was with all these adults?

"Get that little beast over here and take it back. Surely you can undo this nonsense and give me my daughter back."

"Give her back?" Harry was stunned by this. In all the time he had known the Grangers, he had never seen any of them behaving in this manner. "Your daughter is right here,sir. Crying on my shoulder because her father is scaring her."

"Harry, don't," Hermione whispered.

"No, Hermione. He needs to hear this. Your daughter is special. In a world of ordinary, she was already amazing. Her brain alone made her stand out. Throw in her magical abilities and she became something else altogether. Now she is broadening those abilities and you are angry at her for it. Why?"

"It's not right. Moving things with your mind is one thing. I'd made peace with that. But some of the things she's done in the last few days. The walls on the second-floor bathroom still won't stop changing colour. My best golf club vanished because she yelled at me while I was practising my swing, and then there is this!"

He held up a #1 father mug that looked to Harry to be in fine condition. His confusion clearly showed as Hermione piped up next to him.

"I broke it a week after giving it to him on Father's Day when I was 3. There should be a crack running through the number one. But I picked it up to hand to him this morning and it just healed. I didn't mean to."

"That crack meant something to me, boy. It was a connection to my daughter and this, mutation took that away. Fix it!"

Harry was beginning to see red now. His arms tightened around Hermione and he was about to unleash a torrent of words that would likely to get his mouth washed out.

"Don't, Harry. Please."

Distracted from his rage for a moment he looked at his friend, tears still streaming down her face. He'd only ever seen her like this once before and that was the night, they'd learned she was a witch. Years of being her friend in happiness and in less than a week since learning of her magic she seemed to be miserable.

"Fine," Harry stated, answering both Hermione and Richard at once.

He locked eyes with the eldest Granger and, sticking out his tongue, popped away again.


Hermione shivered as a soft breeze blew across her wet cheeks. Opening her eyes, she noted she was standing in a small clearing with ankle height grass and bordered by tall swaying trees. The shiver increased as she felt Harry's arms release her as he stepped away and with a wave of his hand one entire side of the clearing became wider as every tree along that edge was ripped from the ground with a violent tearing noise and sent careening backwards into the dark under the trees behind them.

"Fix it! Like you're broken or something." Harry yelled at the air as Hermione watched on, slightly fearful.

She'd seen him angry once or twice, but never had Harry looked this dangerous. His hair was whipping about his face and his eyes seemed to have a light glow pulsing deep in his irises. She could feel power pulsing from him as he stood there puffing at the trees he'd just uprooted.

A quick karate chop to his left sent up another horrid screeching sound. This time he had split the tall onyx block resting in the centre of the clearing in two. What must have been a few tonnes of rock slowly peeled open, only the depth it sat into the soft earth preventing it from just falling flat to the sides.

"A mutation. How dare he. Your ownfather."

As he spat the last word, Harry pushed both hands forward and the split onyx too went flying noisily off into the underbrush.

"Harry, STOP!" Hermione yelled, squeezing her eyes and hands tight as she tried to reign in her emotions from the conversations, she'd just been involved in. When they opened again, she saw Harry staring at her, a look of bashful remorse spread over his visage. He looked every bit the scared eight-year-old again, not the powerful presence that had rampaged over the clearing since their arrival.

"Sorry," he mumbled, collapsing to the ground and hunching forward.

"S'alright," Hermione replied as she plonked down beside him.

"I shouldn't have done it."

"Well, I'm sure the owner might be a bit miffed when he sees your redecorations…"

Harry laughed but did not look up. "The owner is a butthead."

"Harry!" She admonished, slapping his arm.

"What, I am!"

"You… what?"

"It's mine. This clearing is the exact opposite point of the Manor. Or I should say the farthest point from."

Confusion remained the primary expression on her face as she stared at him.

"Right, I never did explain that, did I? Some… one of my many ancestors took the Manor at the time and pulled it out of the world. Don't ask me how." He cut off the clear question in her eyes. "Some magic is just lost to time. But it's why we're here. This place doesn't really exist on earth. You can't get here by walking or driving or flying. From this spot here, walk in any direction and in less than an hour you will arrive at the Manor. No one can get in unless we bring them. Or, sometimes if they've been here before and can apparate. It doesn't work for everyone, though."

Hermione was stunned. If magic could do something like that, what else could it do? "Why you're here?"

"Yeah, figures you'd notice that out of everything I just told you. I'm in hiding. Have been since I was fifteen months old. The night my parents were murdered, and a lunatic tried to kill me."

Her hand flew to her mouth to prevent the questions and scream that her body wanted to unleash. To think only minutes earlier she'd been fighting with her parents over something so insignificant. What if they were to be killed like that? What if it had been her fault?

"Relax, Hermione. I'm not made of glass. Or porcelain." He chuckled.


"Ok, easy. You know there is no way to break it like that again. You'll just have to try and drop it again."

"Harry." She scolded.

"Fine. Turns out some prophecy said I was to kill the loon. So, he came after me. Dad died downstairs, forgot his wand and tried to snot the bugger in the nose. Zap. Down he went. Mum was in the room with me. Refused to move. Zap. Down she went. Points his wand at me, fires off a curse and Boom. Down he went. That's when Mipsy brought me here. Except for school and visiting your place, I've spent my entire life since then in this 'bubble'."

Hermione was shocked. At all of it. His cavalier description of an utterly life-changing event. The fact that someone who had seemed so alive and worldly during their talks was basically a prisoner in his own home.

"So, I know this place pretty well by now. This is my favourite place to be alone, though. I've never been here with someone else before. I was just so angry at what Dick was saying… Guess I should fix it up though. I think that stone was an anchor for something or other."

Hermione was still too busy processing his story to think clearly, so she sat in silence and watched as he waved his hands about and the massive broken pillar slowly soared back into the open air. A few clicks and claps later and it was once more buried in the earth, a single cohesive piece of rock, oddly smooth and shiny.

"I'll have Mipsy prepare a room for you to crash out in. We'll get her and Pops to show you how to manage the new magic. Then you can go back home again."

Looking up at Harry, he had his hands extended out to her and pulled her to her feet.

"That wasn't a favourite I hope."

Hermione looked at him with confusion as he indicated her shirt. It was now changing colours much like the second-floor bathroom. She scowled at the shirt.

"Can you ask Mipsy to fix that? The bathroom I mean. Dad's had to turn away several visitors because there is no way to explain it."

"Sure, I'll send her over as soon as we get back to the house."

"And, can you finally teach me how to pop about like that?" She replied, a nervous yet determined look on her face.

Harry smiled. All the things that had been forced through her mind in the last hour and she still wanted to learn something new.

"Never change, Hermione."


Monday 19th December 1988.

Nemea was happy to have her young mistress back in the Manor again.

The almost week where she'd returned home with her parents had been borderline torture for the wee elf. She felt the absence of her mistress as an almost physical pain. When she had confided in Mipsy, the elder elf had hugged her tightly and promised to do what she could to ease the hurt.

She hadn't expected Mipsy to get her mistress back into the manor though.

Her joy at having more to do than take finishing lessons on how to be a personal elf, rather than the standard household elf she had been getting trained for, was palpable. She trailed after her mistress like a puppy, looking about as happy as one too.

Though her mistress did spend an inordinate amount of time in the library. Something about meddling portraits hiding the good stuff.

Nemea rather enjoyed the muggle books that had been cycled in front of her mistress before the facts of her magic had come out. For it was where she had spent most of her visits to the manor before that fateful day.

"Tea, mistress?" She asked, stepping up with her freshly brewed batch.

Mistress looked up from her book and smiled brightly at her. The sight swelled Nemea's already buoyed presence.

"Not right this moment, thank you Nemea. You should pour yourself some though, if you're thirsty. I know from experience you make a wicked good cup."

Nemea's pallid cheeks quickly became rosy at the compliment. She had heard stories from the other elves of the politeness and fair treatment they received from the Potters. But given the only one she'd ever had to interact with was Harry, she had no personal experience to go off.

The smiles on both their faces quickly vanished though, as Nemea felt a wave of familiar magic surge over her and the nearby bookshelves began ejecting their books out over the floor. Even her freshly brewed tea was knocked aside and shattered on the hard wooden floor.

Tears welled up in her Mistresses eyes and Nemea felt her heart go out to the little lass.

"Pops…" Hermione sniffled.

The elder elf appeared with a soft noise and proceeded to slip onto his behind in the hot tea spread over the floor. He landed with a thud and his eyes quickly narrowed in on Nemea with a disappointed tinge.

"Clean the mess, Nemea." He ordered as he regained his feet and turned to Hermione. "Yes, young mistress?"

"I wasn't even upset this time. And I would never treat books like that! How can this be my unconscious mind?" She waved her hands at the books now spread over most of the visible floor of the library.

"The mind is a perplexing place, young mistress. Nobody truly understands accidental magic. But in this case, if I'm not mistaken you were feeling very happy, were you not?"

Hermione considered a moment before nodding.

"Happiness may be more enjoyable, yet it is still an advanced and powerful emotion. Emotion tends to be the catalyst of most accidental magic, especially in us elves."

He stepped forward and climbed, slightly awkwardly, into the chair facing Hermione in the little nook. He clasped his hands and rested them in his lap as he co*cked his head slightly and looked at his newest charge.

"Put the book on the side table please." Hermione obeyed quickly, marking her place first. "Now close your eyes and your mind. Let nothing in but my voice."

Nemea watched enthralled as Pops ran her mistress through another session of control training. It was the other thing mistress had done since returning, and Nemea thought she was picking it all up so quickly. With young master and all the elves helping her, she had only had one major outburst since her arrival.

"I felt it, Lily, even Harry's wasn't this wild." Nemea heard from a nearby alley of the shelves.

Many thought the bond between owner and elf was a one-way street. That the owner benefited from the magics of the elf serving them and the elf simply obeyed. But she knew now, it went deeper. Or it most certainly did between herself and mistress. The girl's insatiable curiosity had certainly spawned within herself and now she couldn't help but indulge the strong desire welling within her.

She disillusioned her form and snuck forward until she could see the figures in the painting. Old master was pacing, and his bride was watching him closely. Old master's parents watched him pace but said nothing.

"The poor girl had no training at all before she came here, James. Why would she have Harry's natural control?"

"I know, it's just frustrating. The Grangers have sent a nasty letter every day since she arrived. I'd never even heard some of the words in those first two letters. And the whole thing was in capital letters, who does that?"

"The real question," Ancient master added, "if we're training them on this, what's the difference in preparing their normal magic?"

Old master turned to stare at his father, a pensive look on his features. "They'd need wands for that."

His bride smiled at the idea. "You think they run amok now. Imagine the chaos if they were armed."

The quartet broke into soft laughter at the idea, but Nemea was enthralled. She knew she would never cast wizard magic, but she had also never seen it cast in her lifetime. She longed to see it, to feel its flavour wash over her.

"It would be best to focus on it now, that way they have true control before returning to classes. I don't want to keep them from school any longer if we can help it. They both love it there."

"We'd have to find a way to get them to Diagon Alley. I won't trust my grandson with any other than an Ollivanders."

"Oh, Charlus, hush. I know you were good friends with the boy, but there are other options."

"True, Dorea. But Garrick makes fine work. They would serve the children well."

Another soft crack from behind her drew Nemea's attention once more. She turned the corner of the aisle to see her mistress looking much happier, and Pops was nowhere to be seen.

Her mind whirled. The masters wanted the children to learn all magic, and she would be there to watch it. As young mistress's personal elf, she was not required to tend the daily chores, she needed to always be free to assist her mistress. She would be able to see it all, up close.

And a good house-elf showed initiative. They guessed their master's needs before they were given the command. It was why a great elf was never seen, they had already completed the task and moved onto the next. And she knew what the next great task would be.

Nemea smiled as she popped to her room, to await young master's return with Mipsy. Then she would show the family her true worth as an elf.


As the soft crack rent the dusty air, Garrick nearly stumbled from his perch on the small step ladder. He was unused to loud noises when not actively seeking a match among his wares and even though the sound had likely been quite faint, in the still air of his narrow shop, it carried like a gunshot.

Softly stepping down to the floor, he glanced down the thin alleyway, walled on either side by his enormous stock of cores and wood to see two young children at the front of the shop, accompanied by a wee house-elf.

"NEMEA! Quickly, seal the door and flip the sign." The boy called, swinging his eyes about as though afraid to be seen.

And Garrick nearly immediately noted why. He may be getting on in years, but neither his craft nor his eyes had suffered as a result. The messy black hair swishing back and forth was unmistakeable for someone who had provided the last three generations of his family with their first wands. One of whom was his first customer after taking over the shop full time. But it was the eyes that removed any doubt. As they flickered over the dark confines of his shop in a panic, Garrick noted the distinct shape and shade he'd only seen once before. So long ago, yet also a blink of an eye for one with as many years as he.

Harry Potter was alive.

Harry spun back to look at the elf who had just sealed his shop. "Obscure me, quickly."

Garrick smoothed his robes and dusted a light feather that he'd disturbed at the crack from his shoulder and shifted his position to the far aisle. It was time for his second favourite part of the job.

"Well, well. What a treat." He cooed as he dissolved out of the shadows on the far side of the shop from the children.

He got the usual thrill as the trio spun to face him and he could see the shock in their faces at his sudden appearance.

"A touch young for Hogwarts yet, I think. But no matter. The law, after all, does not say when one can buy one's first wand, only when and where one can use it."

He was in full mystery mode now as the youngsters eyed him warily.

"Indeed." Came the now disguised voice of Harry Potter.

His eyes now a deep blue and his features distorted just enough that unless you knew him, you'd not be able to put the pieces together. Those eyes locked on his own as Garrick surveyed the boy closely.

He looked exactly the right size for a boy of his age, so he was well kept, wherever he had been secreted. And there was a fire in his eyes that the glamour could not hide. He was ready to fight dependant on the next words from Garrick's mouth. The now sandy coloured hair was James to the root. He'd never seen any other family with hair so unruly, except perhaps the wee girl beside him.

But before the glamour had come down, despite the shock of seeing the dead, he had clearly seen the vibrant green eyes of Lily Evans. The boy was his parents' child, in body and spirit from what he could see.

His eyes flicked to the girl and he noted Harry stiffen. A slight smile tugged at his lips, but decades of experience with mystery mode kept it from showing. But more interesting was the look in her eyes. While Harry was firmly in mid-fight-or-flight, the girl was analysing him almost as surely as he was her. There was a deep intelligence in those brown eyes and so far, she did not seem impressed with what she had seen.

Well, that would not do at all. While he was immensely proud of the quality of his works, what Garrick truly prided himself on, was his showmanship. People always remembered the day they were found by their wand and he recalled them all too.

"Shall we begin?" He offered gently, hands spread in a gesture of peace.

"We need two wands," Harry replied, his posture loosening slightly at the gesture, but still watching him closely.

"As there are two of you present, I had assumed that to be the case," Garrick responded as he quickly circled the counter and disappeared once more down the dusty aisles. He quickly gathered a handful of options before returning to the desk. "Who's first?"

He held a light-coloured wand, handle first, in the direction of the pair. The light apple and unicorn a favourite of his for first attempts. The reaction helped him narrow his focus quickly due to his many years of experience.

Harry slowly raised his arm but froze mid-way up. He turned and smiled widely at the girl. "You first, Hermione."

She beamed back at him and took a step forward, her hand closing about the handle and Garrick felt a jolt at his end. An interesting reaction. One he had not felt in a long time. He looked at her eyes as she gazed at the wood in her light grip, but he knew the look was wrong. It was on the right track, but not the right piece.

He quickly lifted it from her grip and found himself staring into a pair of glowing green eyes. The power seeping over him had overpowered the glamour and his true eye colour now shone out as Harry glared at him, suddenly standing much closer.

"Close, but not right." He lifted the wand and indicated the end to Harry but glanced to the side to see the downcast eyes of Hermione. "Fret not, miss. We'll find your perfect match. It's never the first one."

Hermione brightened at his comment and Harry's throbbing magic receded. Garrick was enthralled by the reaction. He realized he had underestimated the boy with his selection. Something with more power would be needed here.

Harry gripped the end of the apple wand and Garrick watched his eyes closely. The glamour had failed completely, and the green remained as he looked down at the wood in his hands. There was no reaction at all. A complete mismatch as he had expected after that showing.

"Good, good." He whipped the wand from Harry's hand and danced back to the counter.

Unicorn hair seemed to favour the girl, but none of the components reacted to Harry in the slightest. He glanced at the options on the counter and soon freed the next from its box.

"Cypress with a phoenix heart." He held it end first once more to Hermione and she grasped it firmly, as though afraid he'd rip it from her hand again.

He could feel the upswing in power in the air. This was closer to her wood, but the feather rejected her utterly. There would be no true reaction from this wand. He offered his hand and smiled at the girl as she returned both.

Offering the handle to Harry, he watched closely as the boy inspected the wand. There was the slimmest glimmer in the eyes as he held the wand. "Give it a wave, boy."

Harry eyed him before turning to the side and waving it at the wall. A dark red curve of magic followed the sweep of the wood and left a dark gouge in the wall opposite. A deep, dark gouge.

Ollivander's eyes widened at the showing. And with an unmatched wand. He offered his hand again and Harry sheepishly returned the wand as if afraid it might attack the man unbidden. The boy grew uncomfortable under his gaze, but Garrick found himself enthralled. A true prodigy perhaps?

He returned the wand to its box but noted a wave of slight anger in the wood. It had not liked the spell the boy had forced through it.

"I wonder." He shot back down the aisle, ignoring the pile he'd originally brought forth and grabbed a couple of distractions as he approached the back corner. He'd secreted this one away in the seventies, acting as though he'd not made it for the longest time.

He returned with a new armful and pulling the first free of its box, waved the wand and sent the first set flying back to their positions. He held the wand out for Hermione.

"Elm this time. Dragon heart."

She gripped the wand and again he noted a reaction in her, but again it was off. She was difficult, perhaps as hard as Harry would have been, had he not happened upon so brilliant a link.

Still, he passed the returned wand to the boy, keeping up appearances. It wouldn't do to tip his hat too early. An odd feeling permeated the air as his fingers closed on the wood and he turned without instruction and waved the wand again. This time, healing the fracture he had put in the wood with his first stroke.

Garrick was amazed, usually, the magic he saw leaving his wands in here was decidedly mundane. But the boy seemed to have a disturbing level of control over his magic.

Harry returned the wand with a grin; clearly happy he had repaired the damage he had caused.

Garrick spun and dropped the elm wand on the desk and freed the next from its confines. He spun and handed it unceremoniously to Hermione, who did not react in the slightest to wood or core. He was a little impatient now and pulled the wand a little roughly from the girl's hand.

He paused before pointing the handle at the boy. "Holly, with a phoenix feather core."

Garrick watched like a hawk, all his senses now focused on Harry. The moment of truth was here. Harry's fingers closed over the dark handle of the wand and Garrick was immersed in a swirl of magic from the boy. He smiled momentarily as he watched, the wand…


Harry yelped and dropped the offending piece as an intense white flame spread from the tip downward at a serious clip. Within a second the entire wand was engulfed in the hot white flames and within several seconds, it was completely gone.

"I'm sorry. I swear I didn't mean to do that." Harry pleaded.

Ollivander did not reply, his mouth was wide, and his eyes fixed on the pile of ash laid on the floor before him. A second flare of white flame burst up for a moment and when it receded, a single red feather was sitting on the floor. He flicked his eyes up at the boy again but was still unable to form words.

He turned to the counter and without thought pulled another wand from a box, handing it slowly to Harry, the first he passed as he turned back.

Harry looked at the wand with a perplexed look. Part fear, part confusion. Were his thoughts more composed, Garrick might have reacted, but his mind was still on the obvious choice now destroyed on the floor of his shop. He wasn't even paying enough attention to see Harry attempting to return the wand.

After a moment, Harry handed it to Hermione and a swirl of her magic burst through the store, blowing away the remaining holly ash and causing a few boxes to tumble in the back of the store. Her hair billowed wildly, and a broad smile spread on her lips.

The reaction finally drew Garrick from his own thoughts as he looked at the perfect match in front of him.

"Uh… may I, Hermione?"

She held the wand to him with a look of trepidation. She was clearly afraid he'd take it from her for good. He inspected it closely, remembering forging it some sixty-three years earlier. Made of elder, a most disagreeable wood to work with. He had attempted seventeen elder wands over the years, most in the same vain attempt that all wandmakers fell to at one time after hearing the tale. But this one had paired with a delightful surprise in its core.

"Elder, eleven inches, precisely. Springy, despite the normally stiff nature of these wands. And unicorn hair core. I was very surprised at that as elder usually likes to change hands, while unicorn hair oft refuses to do so. Odd in that the mare refused to offer from her tail, too. This hair came from the most glorious mane of hair I've seen on a unicorn. A truly powerful and loyal wand, I think you'll find this to be."

Hermione glowed as he passed the wand back to her and a lesser reaction occurred once more, this time only blowing her wild hair outward.

Garrick turned back to Harry and realized he'd not even noted the boy's reaction to the girl's wand. No matter, he still had a client to match and now he had to fear for his wares as well.

He eyed the stack of wands left on the counter and noted another oddity among them. He pulled the wand free and spun back to Harry. The glamour had failed further under the pressure from the girl's outburst and now he looked almost himself once more.

"Rowan, this time."

Harry gripped the wand and the entire store shook. Garrick lost his footing at the sudden shaking and bumped his head lightly on the side of the counter as he fell backward. The girl quickly wrapped her arm around Harry's, but his reaction was the most amazing. His eyes flared with a deep glow and his hair whipped about much as the girl's had. There was power pulsing off him as he looked at the polished pale wood in his hands.

Hermione reached out and plucked the wand from his fingers and the reaction ceased immediately. Garrick couldn't take his eyes from the boy. While he had not matched to the wand he had expected, he had certainly proven the belief behind the offering was sound. That boy was dripping power and he seemed to barely notice. Great things indeed.

"Antipodean heartstring that one. One of the few cores in here I didn't collect myself." Ollivander gave as he stood back up, dusting his front and settling the precarious stack of boxes on the counter before they succumbed to gravity.

"I'm told he was the jewel of their reserve, outliving all others of his kind by a substantial marker. And, if the rumour was true, he chose to end his life. Cut out his own heart and laid it before the Reserve Master only a decade ago. A former student of mine at one point, he sent me the central heart-string immediately and I just had to make something special of it."

Harry looked at the wand in Hermione's left hand with awe.

"And rowan is a delightful wood. Tremendously protective, and with that heartstring, powerful too. Great things." His eyes flicked between the pair as he gave a chuckle and he chose not to share the other tidbit about elder and rowan. "Both of you are clearly bound for great things. Curious that they both come in at precisely eleven inches, and are identically springy, given the difference in the woods."

Silence gripped the store once more as the quartet stood unmoving. A silence Garrick broke marvellously as he clapped loudly, causing the other three to jump, and rounded the counter.

"Excellent, most excellent. So, are we paying together then, or apart?"

Hermione glanced at Harry who just nodded, eyes still fixed on the rowan wand, and the girl turned to the elf.

"Nemea, please." She turned back and locked eyes on Ollivander. "How much?"

"Normally not terribly much, but these two pieces are some of my finest work."

"And the Holly," Harry whispered.


"We'll pay for the Holly wand too. I'm still sorry about that." He replied, looking away from the wand for the first time.

"Very well, if you wish. All three together would come to 27 galleons, I'm afraid."

Hermione looked confusedly at him. "And how much is that in pounds?"

Garrick eyed the muggleborn for a moment before his eyes flicked to Harry. The boy still looked down for some reason. Why was Harry Potter standing there with a muggleborn girl? Especially one still so young?

"I'm afraid we only accept Galleons, my dear."

"Nemea, home," Harry called and the elf vanished in a moment.

It was several long seconds before she returned with a much older and much angrier elf.

"Pops?" Hermione whispered as the elder elf marched to the counter and lobbed a bag of Galleons onto the countertop, an impressive feat given Garrick couldn't even see the top of his head over the bench.

The elf stormed back over to the kids and held out his hand. Hermione placed the rowan wand in his grip before the old elf grabbed Harry roughly by the arm and, with a crack, was gone.

Hermione looked up at him for a moment before the younger elf slipped her hand into the girls.

"Thank you, sir." And with a second crack, she was gone as well.

Garrick slumped back into the chair he kept behind the counter. That day had definitely not gone as he had expected. The brother was destroyed. The boy was alive. And the mystery of the girl. Garrick was not often given over to a need for answers. He was quite happy in his work and his knowledge, but the day had his mind whirling, and he needed to know.

So, he left the shop sealed and rushed to his office, where he pulled out a quill and began to write a letter.


Tuesday 20th December 1988.

Albus grinned broadly as he read the letter. At last, he had the final piece of the puzzle he had been denied so long. No wonder the bloody goblins had denied him. The true-born heir still lived, though how he lived was anyone's guess. Hagrid had shown up too late, no residual magic was detectable in the rubble.

But now he had new options. Before he was acting blindly. Now he had a target.

He leapt from his desk and moved to several small silver objects. The one he needed, a tall tripod with a hanging silver pendulum with a delicate point.

He returned it to his desk and withdrew a map of England from a drawer, placing the tripod over the centre and applying a drop of his own blood to the top of the pendulum before tapping it with his elder wand.

The pendulum began to swivel, soon moving in concentric circles, growing tighter and tighter as the scrying spell sought its target.

Albus smiled, soon the legacy would be in his grip and he'd have what he had sought for so long.

The smile vanished as the pendulum widened again and without warning shifted to almost ninety degrees from the map and shattered violently against one of the tripod legs.

He sank into his chair as the now destroyed trinket wound down.

Scrying still didn't work. Where was the boy being concealed so perfectly? Even Hogwarts would not prevent a scrying spell of that power from finding him.

Where in the world was Harry James Potter?

Chapter 11: A Touch of Magic

Chapter Text

Tuesday 20th December 1988.

Harry was angry as he paced his bedroom. As soon as they had returned, the portraits had started in on them. But it was not for himself that he felt the anger. He was so angry at them for yelling at Nemea. She was only trying to be helpful.

Fine, he understood their anger. Someone outside the family now had knowledge of his existence as the swirling magic of the choosing had broken down his glamour until it had fallen completely. Pops had made sure to remind Harry of that fact when they landed.

But it wasn't Nemea's fault any more than it was his own. And it certainly wasn't Hermione's. His being grounded again was no big problem. It had happened before, and he didn't let it bother him anymore. But they had grounded her too. Where did they get off…?

Harry froze mid-stride.

Panic grew in his stomach. He could feel a foreign magic pulling on him. In a way that he had never felt before, yet something about the feeling turned his blood cold.

"Harry? What is wrong?" He heard from nearby, but he was too busy resisting the feeling to focus on the voice.

It was a few moments after the feeling subsided before his pulse settled and turned to the painting opposite his bed. His great-great-aunt looking out at him from the seat within. The assigned watcher to ensure he didn't escape his punishment.

"Can you please get mum and dad, Rosaline?" He asked meekly.

She looked at him closely and her face paled. She nodded before running from the painting.

Harry understood. He must look frightful. Every part of him was chilled by the feeling that had pulled at him. Something called at his magic in a very demanding way.

"Harry?" His eyes shot up at his mother's voice. He rushed forward but stopped short when he remembered the height of the painting on the wall.

A snap of his fingers had his dresser sidle over under the frame and he quickly climbed the drawers until he was level with the large picture. Silently, he leant forward until he was pressed against the canvas, his cheek resting on the cool surface of his mother's chest. It was the first time he had tried to hug her in years.

She would always get a kiss goodbye when he went to school, and the odd touch when he was feeling particularly emotional. But if he needed a hug, he went to Mipsy or Hermione.

And this sudden change in behaviour was clearly affecting her as well.

"Harry, what happened?"

"I don't know, mum. I'm scared."

When he finally pulled away there were tears flowing down his face.

"Mipsy," the elf appeared momentarily and looked up at the painting and her master standing on his dresser. "Please take Hermione to the library, right now."

Mipsy bowed and popped away again. "You too, Harry. I'll meet you there in a moment."

Her hand caressed the inside of the canvas and Harry pressed his own against it before giving her a forced smile and popping away as well.


Hermione was puzzled. She was being punished, somewhat unfairly she thought, for the trip to Ollivanders. Same as Harry and Nemea.

She thought the whole thing had been blown out of proportion, but the portraits had been adamant. They had done something truly bad and she still wasn't entirely sure why it mattered so much.

And yet, instead of being closed in her room and watched over by some distant member of Harry's family as she had been since they returned the day before, she was again standing in the library arms wrapped around her crying best friend as his parents watched on helplessly.

"What is wrong, Harry? Talk to me, please."

"Magic…" Was his mumbled reply as he shook in her arms.

"What about magic?"

Harry sniffed twice before taking several deep breaths. "Something… no, someone pulledon my magic. I've never felt anything like it before but it didn't feel good. I could feel their glee in the magic. What's happening?"

This question was directed upwards at the painting that had filled with every member of the family that could fit. Every Potter ancestor going back over a thousand years watched as the future of their line sat sobbing and frightened. Hermione watched as Lily and James had an inaudible conversation in the front of the frame.

"We think," his father began, "it was Dumbledore. He has known Ollivander for a long time. The wandmaker probably sent him a letter. The timing would fit. An owl would take about that long to go from Diagon Alley to Hogwarts."

"According to the goblins," Dorea continued, "he has been trying to open and access the Estate for years, but for the life of us, we cannot figure out why. Money and power he already has in spades. And while the Potter fortune is substantial, he hardly needs it. The papers would surely have mentioned if Albus was in some sort of trouble, and he'd likely have run out of options long before now, given he's been trying this since you first arrived here, Harry."

"But why is he trying to find me?" Harry mumbled.

"We don't know for sure. We've been looking into this for a while now. Trust us, sweetheart. He will not find you." Lily soothed.

Hermione rubbed his back gently as they snuggled together on the chair that was quickly becoming far too small for the both of them, but right now forced a closeness that Harry sorely needed. Hermione felt terrible for her friend. This had been his life since he was fifteen months old.

She thought briefly about the trouble she was currently having with her own parents and the thought of never being able to hug them again sent a shudder through her entire body. That set her resolve. Now, they would make sure Harry was safe, but once that was done, she would fix things with her parents.

"Harry," the children's attention was once more drawn to the painting looming over them. This time it was his grandfather speaking to them, resting down on one knee to be closer to their faces. "This may seem harsh right now, but I have to ask. Do you understand better now? Why we have kept you so secluded all these years? Why your mother was so scared when you brought Hermione here with no warning?"

Harry nodded, unable to meet his grandfather's eyes.

"Do you trust me, Harry?" Charlus asked.

Harry nodded again, this time glancing up momentarily at the elder man. "Yes."

Charlus smiled back. "Then trust me when I say no one can get to you here. I spent decades investigating and researching the wards on this home, before and after your father was born. Even after all that time, I don't fully understand them, but I know that no one who is not wanted here by the master of the house can get in. Nor can they remain in these halls against their wishes."

Harry's mother blushed in place, looking strangely guilty as his father hugged her tightly. But Harry's grandfather didn't seem to notice and simply continued.

"As I've told you before, this location does not truly exist in the world at large, so even the most powerful scrying attempts will fail. I cannot imagine what it feels like to have your magic pulled on like that, but so long as you remain within these walls, you are safe."

Hermione squeezed Harry tightly as Charlus soothed him. Some of what the man had said had set thoughts whirling in her mind, but now wasn't the time to address them. "What are we going to do?"

"We, dear?" Rosaline asked.

"Harry is my best friend. I'm going to do whatever I can to help keep him safe." Hermione was resolute in her decision. Harry would do the same for her.

Grins spread through the painting at her impassioned words, but she ignored them, focused more on Harry than the others right now.

"Pops," James called softly.

The elf did not pop into being as had become the norm in the large manor, instead stepping around the shelves near the large family painting.

"Yes, master?"

Hermione realised that Pops and Mipsy, who was now peeking around the shelves herself, had been listening to the whole conversation.

"Go back to Gringotts today. We need solutions and we cannot wait for Tybalt to return. I hereby authorise you to disclose what you need to Farkor and any necessary superior to get the information. If they're still as good as they used to be, they probably already know Harry is alive. It's probably why they've been giving Dumbledore such a hard time for so long. Do you understand this command?"

"I am to visit the goblins and not leave until we have a way to protect the young master from the meddlesome one. If I must, I can reveal the identity of the young master in order to gain their cooperation. My dealings with Farkor have shown him to be an honourable individual, but I believe we may indeed need higher assistance for this."

"I trust your judgement, old friend. Do what you think is necessary. Also, see if the goblins can prepare two portkeys for us that will transport the wielder to their catacombs if they should be rendered unconscious. Or somewhere else we can set ourselves. One for each child. I know you can pop anywhere but if someone should get the drop on you, this will keep you safe. But Harry does not leave this building unless it is absolutely necessary for the process." The aged elf nodded and popped away. "Mipsy, you are to stick to Harry like glue. Unless he is on the toilet, you are by his side at all times. You too, Nemea. I know I'm not your master, but please, stick close to Hermione. Keep her safe."

Nemea bowed to the painting. "Nemea will keep her mistress safe, Mister James sir."

"So, am I still grounded?" Harry's soft voice cut through the air of the room which had become very heavy.

The adults smiled at him and Lily spoke up. "You are both to remain on the grounds. You can go outside, but for now, no popping anywhere. If you need something, one of the elves will get it for you. We'll deal with the grounding later."

"Is that really wise, Lily?" Dorea asked her daughter-in-law.

"We don't know how long all of this might take. Do you really think we can keep them locked up separately in their rooms forever? A little freedom freely given should keep them from exercising the desire for it on their own. But they will be careful and stay on the grounds. I'd personally rather you never left this room so I could keep both eyes well-trained on the two of you."

Hermione felt Harry tuck in tightly next to her and she felt his breathing steady and eventually realised he had fallen asleep. While not tired herself, she could only imagine how much the past hour or two had affected her friend. Holding him close, she let her mind wander but kept one part of it constantly fixed on the steady breathing of the boy in her arms.


Wednesday 21st December 1988.

Pops sat stiffly on the chair he had been assigned to wait in. It had been the better part of twelve hours since he arrived at the bank and the young goblin he had been dealing with for years had listened intently to the tale he'd told. He had indeed confirmed that he needed to go higher up the chain but swore not to let word slip outside of that chain, before disappearing out the door.

It had been hours since he had last seen the young goblin whisk back into the room with the partially prepared portkeys. They had taken most of the morning to prepare and still needed the destination set in order to function properly, but he had summoned Nemea to take them back to the Manor.

He still had more to arrange before his own return. And while he projected an air of calm after years of serving as the Potters' head elf, inside he was extremely concerned.

He knew the stories of the 'Great and Powerful Albus Dumbledore'. The man was heralded as the most powerful wizard in the modern world, despite being a relic of the previous one, much like himself.

Pops was very well trained after his many years of service, but he still found the exuberance of the younger elves to be frivolous and concerning. Mipsy's incident all those years ago with young Harry would never have happened under his own watch over the boy. And while it had worked out in the end, the fact that it became a problem to begin with worried him.

He was getting too old for this. He could feel the years in his bones and knew that soon he would have to select a new elf to train and take his place for good. But he had reservations about all the young ones.

Mipsy was far too closely tied to young Harry. She would always allow his wishes and needs to come before the household. He could already see the conflict inside her every time that Master James gave her an order that went counter to young Harry's will. Whether the boy voiced it or not. However, she would be utterly loyal to that boy until her dying day, or his. After all, when properly treated and loved, his species tended to outlast even the long lives of the wizards.

Tybalt was more reserved than Mipsy. But he had a mischievous streak that Master James had always encouraged. While he did not have the direct link that his sister did to young Harry, he was invested in the boy. A true head elf must follow only the orders of the head of the house, and work for the betterment of the house. In the past, this had often led to head elves clashing with the younger members of houses as they attempted to do things that would lead to the ruin of their house.

The elfin were all much more suited at the moment as they were pretty much a blank slate until bonded. He could mould one of them into a proper successor, but such a task would take many years to come. Years he may not have if Dumbledore got his way.

His thoughts were broken by the large stone door swinging inwards. But this time it was not young Farkor who entered, but an armoured goblin warrior guard. Several in fact. Followed by a much older member of their race. While Pops had never studied the intricacies of the goblins as some of the elves had, even his limited knowledge informed him that the older goblin was someone of great importance.

"Apologies for the delay, my friend. We've been quite busy here in the Under. You've brought us a fascinating puzzle." The goblin quickly sat across the stone table from him, and Pops returned to his own seat, nodding in the direction of his newest companion.

"Yes. Quite the conundrum. However, should we discuss such things around your guards? It's not that I don't trust them, but… well I don't."

Pops watched the elder goblin pitch his head back and give a hearty if gravelled laugh. "Quite. Fear not, my friend. These are my personal guard, raised from the nest to serve me. They are completely illiterate so cannot write and have no tongue with which to speak your secrets. Does that quiet your fears?"

Pops gave the guards one last glance before nodding.

"Good. You are remarkably well-informed and verbose for an elf, so I can assume you are both well-trained and well-kept by your masters. So if you agree, I would dispense with the game we have been playing for the past seven years and speak plainly between friends. Yes?"

Pops gave a gentle nod once more and the goblin smirked at the silent response.

"Very good. Let's start at the beginning then, shall we? Harry James Potter is alive and well, living under your care at Potter Manor and has been since November 1981."

Only a lifetime of keeping his family's secrets allowed Pops to keep the suddenness of the statement from shaking his calm. Master James had theorised that the goblins were aware of this fact, but they were dead on the money. He gave a soft chuckle to himself as he considered that when it came to money, goblins usually were onto it.


"Come now." The goblin said with a toothy smirk. "I'm being honest and open with you, shall you not return me the same courtesy? Your wee lad was spotted by three individuals on Diagon Alley yesterday during a visit with Garrick Ollivander."

Pops shifted a little in his seat, still embarrassed that Nemea had taken them all by surprise. At first, he had thought Harry or the girl had instructed the elf to take them. But it quickly became clear that Hermione's new elf was simply trying to show her initiative. In any other situation, he might have been proud of her. But now they were busy trying to repair the damage done after so many years of being careful.

At least Harry had bonded with Mipsy, who already knew the stakes. But Nemea was fresh and new. She still had much to learn and thus was eager to prove her worth.

"By a pair of witches who had been a few years senior to the child's parents and recognized a very 'Potter hairstyle' on the lad inside the oddly locked shop as they passed on their way to the Leaky Cauldron." The goblin continued, musing to himself for a moment. "Leaky in every sense. No secret whispered in that establishment has ever remained so for long after. And by a Recovery Agent of our own who had been retrieving something Garrick borrowed a long time ago and never returned."

The elderly goblin leaned back in his chair and surveyed Pops closely. Clearly trying to discern further information from his reactions as he continued once again.

"An odd occurrence, wouldn't you say, for a dead child to need a wand at what would have been only 8 years of age. Things like that have a habit of spreading, though the absurdity of this rumour has kept it quiet for now. But we both know of the long relationship shared between the wandmaker and," the goblin stopped and let out a distinct growl between clenched teeth, "Albus Dumbledore."

Pops couldn't help but smile at this. Clearly, whoever this particular goblin was, he'd had dealings with the old man in the past and they had not ended favourably.

"Before I can confirm anything, I would know your name. I do prefer to do my business properly." Pops offered.

The goblin returned the smile. An action that unsettled most humans due to the sheer number and sharpness of teeth on display But that the elves had long since grown accustomed to.

"That seems fair, Pops. I am Ragnok, the current head of Gringotts Bank and Gragnar of the Under of London."

This again surprised Pops, but he kept that surprise from showing. "An impressive position to hold. Two of them in fact. I take it then that Farkor has been reporting everything to you directly for the past few years?"

"Indeed, it was at my instruction that the lad contacted you in the first place. Buhgor was old and looking ready to train up a successor. I simply took the choice away from him. The lad has done as well as can be expected without direct access to the account holder, I think you will agree?"

"I do, and my master has been pleased so far with your discretion. He was certain that you were aware of at least some of the facts. Harry is indeed alive and well. Healthy and hearty and every bit his parents' child. In good ways, and a few of the bad. He has his mother's love of books and knowledge and a near-perfect memory with which to recall it. But he has recently shown his inheritance of his father's sense of humour and flair for dramatics. It caused some small problems."

"I take it this trip to Ollivanders was one such event?"

Pops sighed at this.

"Harry has a," he hesitated here. While James was his master and Harry's father, he had no right to out Hermione to the goblins, "close friend. They recently bonded with an elfin and the elfin wanted to prove themselves. When talk of wands and Ollivanders came up, they took the initiative."

"I see. So no preparations were made in advance. And now Dumbledore knows of Harry's survival. There is no way that Garrick's eyes have degraded that far yet that he'd not immediately recognize the son of a Potter."

"Hence the need for speed and results. I have orders not to return without them."

Ragnok eyed him carefully a moment before smiling once more. "You're a cagey one. I've not had such a fun conversation in a long time, Pops. You can keep some of your secrets for now. As I'm sure you know, we've been aware of the general situation for some time.

"Since you came to us last year, we've had our most trustworthy scholars scouring our records. While we had no luck finding a way to free Black from his confinement," Ragnok's tone once more showed the Goblin Nation's collective disgust at a prison run by Dementors. "We did note several methods one might use to prevent interference with the boy from the outside."

Pops straightened in his chair. He didn't want to be overly hopeful, but the young master was in danger unless one of these proved useful.

"Unfortunately, most of them can be overturned by the right vote from certain Ministry departments. And that lot will vote for anything that gives them more wealth and power."

Pops slunk downwards in his seat once more.

"As the boy lives with you I am assuming that he currently has no one that could come forward and rightfully claim legal guardianship?" Ragnok queried and Pops nodded in reply. "Then the most secure method would be emancipation. Anything short of that without an active and approved guardian could be challenged or overturned.

"Or worse, the Ministry could assign a guardian of their own. With the way that lot change their mind at the sight of a galleon, that would be impossible to control in your favour. And their listed methods for emancipation almost exclusively require the consent of the Ministry, or their approval afterwards, for the status to stick."

"Meaning we're back at square one with nothing?" Pops was feeling decidedly unhappy. He was failing in his duty.

"Not entirely," Ragnok stated, matter-of-factly. "We just need to use a method that ensures that magic itself acknowledges the emancipation. Once that happens, no amount of laws or shouting can change things. But the methods that get recognized by magic tend to be lasting. And potentially dangerous."

"And how many of these other methods would be safe to be undertaken by a child of eight?"

Ragnok smirked broadly as the pair leant forward over their shared table.


"Are you sure about this?" Harry asked, holding the odd round stone in his hand. The length of a fine silvery chain threaded through it would hold it about his neck, ensuring skin contact at all times. "I don't know if I can do this."

"Harry, I trust you," Hermione encouraged, standing in front of him holding a similar stone of her own. "And your parents seem certain that it will work. You have more practice than me, and the elves' magic won't work properly for this. Not in conjunction with the goblins."

Harry took a deep calming breath before clenching his fingers around the stone, the chain slipping between his fingers and dangling beneath, the soft swaying of the material helping to clear his mind and help him focus his roiling magic. It had not stopped reacting that way since he first felt the probe tugging on it the night before.

"Focus, Harry," Hermione whispered, seemingly closer and yet further away. "Calm."

Several breaths followed, and Harry channelled the calming energy into his surging magic, slowly calming it until it felt more like an eager puppy than a violent ocean. It was ready to do his bidding.

"I think I'm ready."

"Good, sweetie," his mother's voice washed over him, "now focus your mind on home, and push that thought into the stone. The portkey magic is already there, you are just setting the destination."

He followed the instructions and felt the feeling of being at home well up inside of him. The comfortable warmth that he only felt in one other place on earth. A small smile split his lips as he focused tighter on the feeling and on letting his magic touch it. He had been practising small tasks like this with his tutors for several months now, and while he'd had middling success, this was the most important task he had ever attempted.

He felt the eager magic pool up and swirl around the thought, intertwining deeply together until they were one and the same. Now his magic had a feeling of home in its depth, he guided the warm glow down his arms and willed it into the cool stone between his fingers.

Harry could feel the energy pass from himself and into the stone, felt it warm as it took on the same feeling of home that he'd summoned in his mind, but there was something else in the stone too. Something that was fighting his magic for supremacy. It felt truly alien to him.

"There's something else in the stone." He whispered, afraid to speak normally for fear of breaking the spell he was channelling.

"That will be the goblin magic, Harry," James advised. "Don't fight it, that is what will make the portkey work. And keep anyone but you from being transported."

Harry focused on merging the two feelings together. But the wilder magic in the stone didn't seem to want to follow his instruction.

"Harry," Hermione's voice was so low he doubted anyone but he could hear it, "remember how it felt when you shared magic with Mipsy?" He nodded. "Good, focus on that too. Don't lose the other sensations, just try to remember it and feel that while you do. The two of you merged two vastly different forms of magic that day. You can do it again. I know you can."

Harry called up the memory of that day, trying his best to sift out the emotions that had been coursing through him and focus only on how it felt to share magic back and forth with Mipsy. The way the two had fought and raged against one another at first before his magic had soothed the wilder magic and allowed the two to merge together. It felt exactly like what was happening with the stone, and that realisation allowed him to adjust his approach.

With a loud snap that startled everyone who had been watching in the nearly silent room, the stone glowed a vibrant green and hummed for a moment as the magics merged and settled together into its featureless black surface.

"Wow." Harry grinned as he looked up at his family. He could feel the approval beaming at him from his friend beside him. "That was cool."

"Very well done, my boy." Charlus congratulated him. "Your control is growing nicely. I think you and Hermione need to find some time to talk so that you can share your secrets with her. I have little doubt she'll pick things up just as snappily as yourself."

Harry turned to his friend to see her blushing under the praise being heaped on them both.

"Faster, I'll bet." He added, earning a gentle nudge from the blushing girl.

"Put it on, Harry. It will self-clean, and you can move it easily enough so it won't get in your way of cleaning either. You are not to take it off unless we tell you otherwise." Dorea instructed him.

"Yes, grandma." He replied, slipping the silvery chain over his head and marvelling at the soft almost fabric feel of the pliable metal. He was eager to learn more about it.

"Now do you want to try, Hermione?"

"I'm not ready yet…" The girl responded, looking worried.

Harry reached out and slipped his hand into her own, giving it a squeeze and drawing her eye. "I believe in you. Your advice helped me the most. Follow it and you'll be fine. Trust me."

He gave her the lopsided grin he usually reserved for when he was being cheeky and she gave a short burst of laughter.

"I do trust you, except whenever you are wearing that grin."

The family laughed and Lily prodded her husband. Harry knew she blamed James for his naughtier habits as she called them.

"Give it a try." He encouraged her again. "It only costs money, we can always get another one."

Hermione opened the hand Harry was not holding and looked at the small white stone. Harry watched her face as she stared at it before she closed her eyes and her fist about the small item. He did not let go of her hand, wanting her to feel his support tangibly.

"Like we've practised. Calm your mind and look deep inside. You know how to find your magic." Harry whispered, not needing to be loud with how close they were standing. "Feel it inside you, and around you all at once. Let it wash through you. Wrap yourself in it."

He could feel the energy as it moved through her, the hairs on his arms standing on end from the sheer amount surging about her body.

"Remember how it felt holding your wand for the first time, and how it felt to share with Nemea. Let your magic take that form and bathe in it." He felt the change as Hermione followed his words. "Now without letting that go, focus on how it feels to be here, in the Manor. The feeling of running your fingers over the spine of the next book you plan to read as you pull it from the shelf. The sound of the wind whistling through the trees around the clearing. How standing here now makes you feel."

Harry noticed a smile growing on her face as her magic swirled out further and further from her body, fanning her hair and spreading outwards, buffeting his own clothes.

"Let all those feelings mix into the magic, like mixing water into sand, and then pour it down your arm and into the stone. It will fight a bit but focus on Nemea and it will change."

Harry felt the hairs on his arm pulse as tiny bursts of magic leapt between them, like tiny static charges. Hermione was pushing her magic down both arms it seemed, and he was in awe of how it felt as it tingled through his fingers.

"That's it, Hermione. Focus, but let it do the work. Relax and follow it along."

A second loud snap filled the air again and the pair jumped out of the insular little world they had been in and looked at the green glow sinking into the white stone.

"You did it!" Harry shouted, breaking her concentration as he wrapped her in a tight hug. "See, even smarter than me. You'll be outpacing me in no time."

Hermione grinned and placed the odd necklace over her head and flicked her hair back over the chain. Harry could see tiny sparks of residual magic echoing through the strands as they settled down over her back.

"That felt so cool." She said, squeezing Harry's hand before stepping over to the chair.

"The same goes for you, never take it off. If either of you are knocked unconscious, be it magically or otherwise, you will be brought straight here." Lily instructed.

"I think that might be enough excitement for tonight. How about we head to bed?" Dorea offered, seeing the tired looks on the children's faces after forcibly expending so much magic.

As if on cue, Harry felt a deep yawn break free of his body noisily.

Dorea looked at him knowingly and he nodded, grabbing Hermione's hand and skipping from the room, heading to wash up and tuck himself into bed, where he was sure he'd have a much better night's sleep than the one before.

Chapter 12: Her Embrace

Chapter Text

Friday 23rd December 1988.

"So, all that the goblins could come up with was to emancipate Harry?" James asked incredulously. "How exactly are we supposed to achieve that?"

"James," Lily whispered, her hand resting on his shoulder.

"No, Lily. It's ludicrous. I can hardly pop down to the bank and sign some documents. Even if the goblins came here with them, we still have no way to sign them. And whether or not magic recognizes Sirius as his guardian, how are we to get documents to him to sign?"

"And the Ministry would certainly be able to overturn most other methods of emancipation I am aware of," Charlus added.

"Maybe, if we let Pops finish, we can find out if there are any other options." Dorea offered, trying to calm her own husband, and leaving Lily to deal with her son.

The tension in the painting was clearly visible to Hermione as she watched from the far end of the library, where she and Harry had been shooed once Pops had returned, Mipsy staying beside him as he talked to the painting. They had been bickering about the news the old elf had brought for what seemed like ages now.

"The only other option it seems we have available is a ritual. It is a form of old magic, something that neither the Ministry, the Wizengamot nor Dumbledore could overturn. So long as the ritual accepts Harry's magic is of age, it would take."

"But he's not of age. He's still just a boy. The ritual would be a failure." Michael Potter shouted from the back of the gathered Potters.

"By your governments' arbitrary rules, no. Harry is not 'of age'." Pops replied. "But he has defeated a Dark Wizard in 'combat', so to speak. Survived near death at least twice. And has the magic of a full-grown house-elf coursing through his system and entwined with his own to a level we still don't really understand. Magic keeps her own council on what does and does not constitute 'of age'."

"You think this could truly work, Pops? I won't risk him leaving unless we can be sure." James asked, kneeling down to be at eye level with the diminutive elf.

"I spent two days doing research with the best teams Gringotts has to offer. It will cost a small fortune, for the specially prepared molten gold runes and the use of the goblin's ritual space. But this is the only option we can find that seems assured of success. We cannotknowMagic's reaction before the ritual, but if she accepts, a lot of problems go away.

"Emancipated, young Master becomes Head of the house. He can officially manage the accounts, which would begin making real money for the goblins once more. Which motivates them to achieve this goal. Of age wizards can use magic outside Hogwarts without special dispensation, making training Harry a much simpler prospect, though I'll eat this house the day that the Ministry can detect magic within its grounds."

Hermione glanced at Harry, trying to suppress a giggle at that last comment, as the pair listened to the meeting. It sounded like the ritual could potentially do a lot more than simply offering protection from this Dumbledore person. She entwined her fingers into his own and squeezed his hand, noting how his eyes widened slightly but he remained focused on the voices at the far end of the library.

"Can it prevent Dumbledore from finding him?" Lily questioned.

"It depends on the method used. The researchers seem to think that Dumbledore has access to several powerful artefacts that can track Harry, regardless of his status. Which is probably why the effect was so pronounced on the young Master's magic. But we've already proven he can't reach him here, by the very fact that he isn't banging down the front door. It would block some methods, but even if he were to locate the boy, the new status would cut off almost all avenues of control. Beyond potioning or charming him to do his bidding, whatever that truly is."

The adults all fell silent as Pops drank the tea he had been provided by Mipsy as he presented his findings. Soft murmuring soon spread through the painting as the many former Potters discussed the options.

"What exactly would be required for this ritual?" Dorea asked.

"From the scrolls I was shown, it is a fully human ritual, though one that hasn't been used in over a millennium. This works in our favour as being so old means it's unlikely anyone is aware it exists. It is also exceedingly simple as far as rituals go. It requires a prepared ritual space with a certain alignment of runes, which can be prepared up to two days in advance. Two people, the child petitioning magic and their guide, enter the circle andaskMagic for her blessing, basically."

"This guide? Do we know more about that role?"

"The guide is the one who opens the ritual and petitions magic on the applicant's behalf. They lead the process and close it out once complete. There are a few words that need to be spoken, and apparently, they can be given in modern language, but they don't seem overly complex. And while in the past this was usually a role filled by the child's guardian, it doesn't appear to require the guide to be such to the supplicant."

Hermione looked at her friend and noticed his attention was no longer fixed on the painting, he instead appeared to be lost in his own thoughts.

"So they would provide someone from the bank to fill the role?" Charlus enquired.

"Unfortunately, no. The oaths that humans must make to the bank would interfere. It would need to be someone outside of their employ." Pops finished.

"No chance. There is no one else besides Remus and Sirius. Padfoot is locked in Azkaban and Tybalt has orders to ignore any summons until the trail is gone. It will just have to wait until he's finished and gets back." James stated firmly.

"I can do it."

Hermione slapped her free hand over her mouth as she glanced from the green eyes staring at her from her side to the painting full of people now watching them crouched behind the shelves. The two elves were looking over the edge of the chair in their direction as well, and Hermione felt her face grow hot. She hadn't meant to say that aloud, but it had slipped free nonetheless. The squeeze she felt on her hand drew her eyes back to Harry who had a soft smile on his face.

"Thank you," he whispered softly, filling her with renewed vigour.

She nodded as she stood and slowly walked to the painting, every eye in the room fixed on her.

"I can be the guide."

"Nonsense, child. Go back to your room."

"Quiet, Sampson." Dorea snarled at the distasteful member of the family before turning a far softer gaze on Hermione. "You are too young to lead a ritual, my dear. It's not safe."

"That's not what Pops said. The ritual is simple. No special requirements beyond the ritual room and some standard runes. All that can be prepared by the goblins. But a human you and Harry trust must be the guide. We can't wait for someone else to be available. Harry is in danger now."

"Harry is fine so long as he stays in the manor, sweetie. We cannot ask you to bear that burden." Lily explained.

Hermione glanced at the redhead and saw the motherly affection in her eyes. Harry's eyes. She knew that she could be a stubborn child at times. She often butted heads with her parents, though never quite to the level they were at just now. Her friend was in danger. And while he could easily stay hidden within the manor forever to avoid it, that was hardly a way to live one's life. This mysterious Remus could probably fill the role, but it sounded as though the Potters had no idea where he currently was, or how to contact him.

"I can help, though. Harry can't stay locked up forever. It will keep him safe but at what cost?"

"Harry has lived inside these walls his entire life so far, dear." Dorea's voice was soft, Hermione knew when she was being talked down to, as though she couldn't understand properly. "Until he met you, he barely seemed to care about what was beyond them."

Harry's head drooped and Hermione felt a new heat grow inside; anger. He may have been content to survive in here before, but he knew of the world he would be missing now. And not in an academic way from reading books. But from having been a part of it himself.

"It won't be the same. Harry is a part of the world now. He has friends out there. People will miss him. And he them." The last was barely a whisper but her resolve grew as Harry squeezed her hand once more. "I care about what happens to Harry just as much as you do. I want him to be safe, but being held prisoner in your own home isn't safe, it's cruel."

"That is what must happen." James countered. "We cannot allow him to leave until we can ensure the success of the ritual. And how are we to explain to your parents if something went wrong during it? If you were hurt?"

"Pops, what is the likelihood of the ritual being dangerous to either participant?" She asked, looking the elder elf square in the eyes.

"As the goblins explained it," Pops replied, glancing nervously at the portrait and receiving a nod from Charlus, "extremely minimal. There are two outcomes. Emancipation, or nothing. The attempt itself is perfectly safe for a ritual. The worst that could happen is exhaustion from being under the judgement of magic itself. But that would fall only on the supplicant."

"So there is no risk of harm to me," Hermione stated, her chest puffing out and her face set.

"You would be out in the world alone. We cannot go with you. You are our responsibility while you are staying here Hermione." Lily's calming tone washed over her, but it did not soothe the anger at being cast aside.

"Icando this. I can help keep Harry safe." Hermione was set, she was going to do this. She would protect her friend.

"We can't let you do that Hermione," James stated, his own resolve evident in his face.

Hermione glared at the painting for a moment, trying to decide how to convince them before an alternative came to mind.

"No, what you can't do is stop me; Nemea." Hermione released Harry's hand, drawing his eye in surprise as the wee elf appeared beside her. "Gringotts Bank."

With a loud displacement of the air, she was gone.


Her arrival in the atrium of Gringotts drew several curious eyes, but as they noted the elf by her side, most went immediately back to their own devices. Hermione was startled at the appearance of the enormous space, all marble and stone. It was incredible to look at, but she quickly squashed the awe. She had a purpose here.

She didn't release Nemea's hand as she walked over to join the nearest line. The little elf was glancing about, seeming to be caught somewhere between shock and awe herself.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Hermione asked.

Nemea nodded slowly in response. "Yes, mistress."

"I'm sorry for dragging you here like this, Nemea. I don't want you to be in any more trouble with your family…"

"What do you mean, mistress? You are my family now." Nemea replied as they shuffled closer to the desk.

"I'm your family? But you are a Potter elf, aren't you?" Hermione questioned, ensuring she kept her voice down in the public atrium.

"I was. But when we bonded, I joined your family, mistress. Do you not want me?" Tears started to form in the big brown eyes.

"Of course I want you, Nemea. But I didn't mean to take you from your old family." Hermione offered the wee elf a big smile to reinforce her statement, which Nemea quickly returned.

Their conversation was brought to a halt as the two reached the front of the line they'd been in. Hermione was slightly startled at the gnarled appearance of the creature looking down at her, and a small corner of her mind wondered, from her reading, if the benches were intentionally sized to make magicals feel inferior when dealing with the goblins.

"Good morning, sir," Hermione began, noting as the goblin raised a single eyebrow as he stared down at her. "I was hoping to speak to someone about arranging a ritual. A… er, Falkor, no Farkor. Farkor if he is available."

Hermione's nerves intensified as the stoic goblin continued to stare at her. By her side, she barely noticed Nemea stand taller and snap her fingers. The goblin's eyes left her own and flicked down to something that had appeared on his desktop, far above Hermione's line of sight.

The goblin glanced at them both once more before pointing to a seated waiting area. "Take a seat," he instructed gruffly, "someone will be with you shortly, miss."

Hermione remained frozen in place as she noted the teller writing something before hitting it with a very heavy-looking stamp and making her jump. Upon hearing her loud eep, he glared at her again, gesturing momentarily with his eyes in the direction of the waiting area before fixing his gaze on the people in the line behind her.

Hermione allowed Nemea to guide her away from the desk and took several calming breaths, trying to steady her heart rate once more. Pops had not given her the impression that goblins were so gruff. Her own banking experiences were few and far between. Just the occasional trip to deposit her savings and the staff were always bright and cheery at her usual bank.

She had only just settled in when another much younger, or at least smoother, looking goblin approached. He looked at her and Nemea closely for several moments before gesturing her forward with a wave of his hand. Hermione swallowed audibly before standing and moving towards him.

"Follow me." His voice was far smoother than the teller and Hermione quickly shuffled along behind him as he guided them off the atrium floor and into much smaller two-toned corridors. The walls and ceiling seemingly hewed from naked stone, which was odd given the bank was above ground from the light she could see coming in the windows of the atrium, and the lower third of the wall and floor made of the finest marble Hermione had ever seen. But she could identify no obvious seam where they came together. One simply shifted into the other. As if the two pieces of stone had grown right on top of one another naturally.

The goblin stopped abruptly and indicated the open office doorway. Hermione hesitated a moment before stepping through, Nemea following closely on her heels before the goblin loudly closed the door and stepped to the far side of the desk, taking a seat.

He waited a moment, merely staring at the pair before rolling his eyes and indicating the chairs on the opposite side of the desk.

"The message from the teller stated you have business with the Potter account. I am its junior account manager, Farkor. What is it you wished to speak about?"

Hermione felt a small measure of relief as she glanced at a smiling Nemea. She figured that the young elf had shown her initiative again and provided some proof that she originated from the Potter family.

"I am here to speak with you actually. To arrange for an emancipation ritual." Hermione replied, considerably cheerier than she had been since entering the bank. A cheer that soon faded once more as Farkor simply stared at her over his clasped hands. "It is terribly important that we start as soon as possible."

"And who might you be to make such a request on behalf of a dead family?" Farkor questioned, making the same eyebrow motion that the teller had.

"I'm Hermione, I'm…" she trailed off. Hermione believed that Farkor was in the know, but she couldn't be certain. She couldn't risk Harry's safety by telling the wrong person about her friend. Panic began to settle on her as she furiously tried to figure out a way forward.

"Stop toying with the girl, Farkor." An extremely gravelly voice sounded from the direction of the doorway.

Hermione spun on her chair to see two figures inside the room and several more heavily armed goblins outside it. Of the two figures inside, one was a tall and very smartly dressed goblin. He looked older than any other she had seen since arriving. The other figure was Pops.

"Pops. Don't take me back. Please, we need to help Ha…" She slammed her hand over her mouth for the second time that day and could feel the colour drain from her face.

The goblin swung the door closed and started to laugh at her as he moved over behind the desk, which Hermione noted that Farkor had vacated. As he sat, Pops took the empty seat to her left and looked at her gently.

"Don't worry, Hermione. You might have acted rashly, but you got the Potters to see sense on a thing or two. Harry has a good friend in you." Pops offered, gently patting her shoulder. "Might I introduce Ragnok? Head of Gringotts Bank and Gragnar of the Under of London. The highest position a goblin can hold on this isle."

She noted that Pops gave a slightly inclined bow to the goblin as he spoke and Hermione copied him as she lowered her hands.

Pops continued the introduction. "Gragnar, this is Hermione Granger. Harry's best friend."

"I like her. Storming into the bank without a plan in the world. Proper raw courage and loyalty." Ragnok claimed, his voice seeming amused. "And it's clear she cares a lot for your charge. So Miss Granger, what is it you came here for? Let's see how far you can take this."

Hermione glanced at Nemea, her heart rate soaring once more as she tried to keep the panic from her face. "Well, um... " she took several deep breaths, hoping to calm her nerves. "Harry is in danger. Pops has informed… us… that you have a ritual that can take almost all of that danger away. And that it requires a second willing and trustworthy human to act as a guide for Harry throughout. I offer my services as that guide."

She tried to sit as straight and still as she could under the scrutinising gaze of the elder goblin. But was thoroughly confused when he once more burst out laughing. She felt her cheeks heating once more with anger. Here she was putting it on the line to help Harry, and he was laughing at her.

"Brilliant. You have provided more entertainment in the past decade than I've had in over a century, Pops. I really like her. She's even preparing to give me what for, for laughing, you can see it in her eyes." Hermione blushed heavily at being so caught out. "You are in luck, Miss Granger. I already have a team preparing an appropriate space with the required runes."

Hermione let out a breath she didn't realise she'd been holding and sagged with relief. She started and sat straight once more as she recalled she was in front of someone very important in the goblin world, which drew another grin from the aged goblin.

"We'll be ready to go after lunch at the latest. But there are a few other things that would need to be addressed first." Pops added. "For the best effect, we'd need to cover the ascension protocol beforehand. The less time Harry is in public at present the better. We never know when another attempt might be made. And the next one could be a summoning rather than a scrying."

"While I have never heard of anyone successfully achieving human summoning, I am in agreement," Ragnok replied, looking at Pops curiously, but still with a smirk. "Farkor can accompany you back to the boy and we can finalise any documents. As soon as he is recognized as emancipated they would take effect"

Ragnok cleared his throat before continuing. "He would be the Head of the Potter family and by their own long-standing laws, free from control as a Ministry stooge. Beyond any of their typical meddling and taxation, of course. The old coot is another case. Laws have never seemed to stop him from acting all that much. If he found a loophole, he would exploit it."

"Does that mean that even if he completes the ritual, Harry could still be in danger?" Hermione asked quietly.

"We're all in danger every day, Miss Granger. You could be killed by so many things in this world just walking around. All we can do is prepare for those we can foresee and hope for the best. In Mister Potter's case, this ritual is the best preparation we can make. Anything further will need to wait until we have the result of the ritual. Speaking of…"

Ragnok trailed off as he signalled to Farkor, who grabbed a large tome from a shelf by the desk and laid it open in front of Hermione. "If you're going to be the guide, you will need to do some reading. There can be nothing besides the two of you in the room during the ritual. No books, clothes, wands, and especially no external magic. Not even an observer. Even your portkeys will have to come off. The room will be sealed until either of you touch the rune by the door."

"Nothing?!" Hermione gulped frightfully.

"The only safe material is the magically inert robes you shall be provided. Fret not little one. Junior robes are much thicker than those worn by adults in ritual." Farkor smiled softly at her as he explained and Hermione relaxed. She and Harry were very close friends, but she wasn't too thrilled at the idea of having to perform her first-ever ritual alone with him without clothing.

"Only extremely powerful rituals performed by groups of adults are done nude," Pops explained with his usual instructional tone. "Simple rituals like this are fine to wear specially-prepared robes. They are usually spun from non-magical spider silk and specially prepared over many years to be completely magically inert. That way they do not interfere in the magic of the ritual. We wouldn't have covered rituals with you both for many years to come in your studies. But as will happen, plans can change."

Hermione took comfort in the elf's words and focused her attention on the book before her. It seemed that she had successfully convinced them that she could adequately perform the role of guide. Now she had to back up that confidence with a flawless performance.

Harry was depending on her.


Harry was extremely nervous.

They had spent most of the morning signing parchment after parchment to the point where his wrists ached from the effort. And then he had been made to memorise the entire upcoming ritual. His brain felt like it was full with all the information he'd been asked to absorb in such a short time.

He could see that the family was as nervous as he was. But the ritual was fully prepared, and all the required paperwork was filled out. Farkor had departed the Manor for the Ministry about an hour ago. Taking a circuitous route, just in case the Ministry had made any major leaps forward in tracing magic. He would probably have lodged all of the paperwork with their own department there by now.

An extra level of obscurity that also had the benefit of basically ensuring no one paid it any attention, thanks to the antagonism that continued between the two bodies. A situation that under better circ*mstances, Harry would be eager to analyse.

All they needed to do was head to Gringotts and perform the ritual itself.

Which was where Harry's main problem arose. Ever since he'd felt the intensity of the pull on his magic, he had been afraid. Scared to step outside his home and risk another incident. Would it be stronger out in the world at large? Would the culprit show up and whisk him away? Or do him harm.

Did his ability to pop make him harder or easier to scry and summon? After all, an elf's master could summon them to their side almost anywhere in the world with a word. And for the first time since their blending, Harry was truly afraid of Mipsy's magic running through him.

"Relax, Harry," Mipsy stated, holding his hand tightly. "I'll be with you the whole time except for the ritual itself. I cannot be inside while you perform it. But Pops, Nemea and I will all be outside. Along with a phalanx of heavily armed goblins. And no foreign magic can penetrate the ritual space itself from outside. Except for Magic itself, which is the point."

She smiled at him reassuringly and Harry gave her a soft smile in return. He released some of the pressure he was exerting on her poor fingers.

"Follow your instructions carefully, Harry. You know the words. And Hermione will be with you the whole time. You trust her don't you?" Lily asked.

Harry nodded and took several deep breaths. "I'm scared."

"Me too, sweetie. If I could, I'd wrap you up tight and never let you leave my sight." His mum replied, sighing heavily at her restricted existence. "Be brave, and follow Mipsy's instructions. You can do this."

He rolled his shoulders and stood taller. His parents had faced down their enemy like the Gryffindors they were. He would not shy away now. He would be strong, like them.

"Ready?" Mipsy asked, wrapping her arm around his shoulders.

"Yes." He replied, giving one last deep breath, and with a familiar pop, he found himself in a huge marble atrium, looking into the eyes of his best friend.

"Hello," She smiled, offering her hand. "This way."

Harry took it, drawing comfort from her presence. They were surrounded by almost two dozen heavily armed and armoured guards. Shining silver metal and what looked like dragon scale leather covered them from head to toe, all decorated in fine designs he was too nervous to truly take in.

He could see the curious customers in the background trying to get a glimpse of what was the cause of all the ruckus.

Hermione took the lead and guided him quickly into a side passage, the entire entourage following along behind, except the handful of guards keeping pace to ensure they were protected on all sides. The goblins made surprisingly little sound for how much metal they were wearing and carrying.

Down four sets of fine stairways, they soon arrived outside a domed space with a large stone chunk swung outward towering over them as it hung in the air, suspended by nothing that Harry could see. Pops stood by the opening with a large swathe of white cloth slung over his shoulder.

Beside the elf were several goblins. One he recognized as Farkor, the one who'd had him signing paperwork all day. But he didn't know the goblins on either side of Farkor.

"Welcome, Mister Potter," One of the older goblins said, stepping forward. "We've filed all the paperwork you signed with the appropriate departments. Thankfully the wizards never really look at what we send them most days. By the time they do check, we'll be done. As of now, Harry James Potter, you are the legal and magical heir to the House of Potter. And shall take control of said house upon your future…" he paused and gave a vicious-looking smile, "majority."

Harry couldn't help but grin slightly at the idea. Even if they checked the paperwork, it would only indicate that his parents' will had been executed by the goblins. No one would suspect that he was on the verge of emancipation and that the paperwork would have new meaning by nightfall. And even if they did, they'd be hard-pressed to read it all, understand the implications, and get here to stop them in time.

"Well, let's not waste time shall we?" Another of the older goblins spoke.

Pops stepped forward and guided Harry into the domed room. Inside was the most beautiful room Harry had ever laid eyes on.

The walls and floor were made of seamless solid black marble with tiny filigrees of gold throughout. On the surface were what seemed to be a hundred golden symbols Harry recognized as runes. While they hadn't started studying them yet, he was familiar enough from his own personal reading to know some of them.

The gold seemed to shimmer as it sat atop the shining black surface, almost looking liquid as it did. Though Harry knew from his studies that was not possible for gold at room temperature.

Harry noted that the guards had formed up across the entrance and turned away, blocking all sight from outside.

"Come now, Harry. Let's get you changed. You need to wear this for the ritual." Pops indicated the cloth over his shoulder and quickly helped as Harry removed his other clothes. "Underwear too, lad."

Harry blushed, he'd not been naked in front of Pops since he'd been first able to bathe himself. He passed the folded clothes to Pops and grabbed the white cloth from the elf. It was quite thick fabric but still felt light and airy. It was wonderfully comfortable on his skin.

"Portkey." Pops gave Harry an encouraging smile as the boy reached for the chain around his throat. It was so comfortable, he'd almost forgotten it was there already. He dropped the dark stone into the elf's waiting hand and set his shoulders.

Pops gave Harry a firm squeeze on his shoulder, looking into his eyes as he did. Harry gave him a smile in return and took another set of deep breaths as Pops guided him back to the opening.

"Ready, Harry?" Hermione asked, stepping over to him.

He glanced up at his best friend. He could see his own nervousness reflected in her eyes.

"You don't have to do this, Hermione. We can wait…"

She cut him off by grabbing his hand in her own and squeezing it firmly. The smile on her face was more comforting than anything he had seen in days. "I volunteered for this, Harry. Iwantto help my friend."

Harry couldn't help but return the smile and squeeze the soft hand captured in his own. "Thank you."

The eldest of the goblins stepped forward. He was draped in similar robes to Harry and Hermione, though these were considerably thinner. Harry could see parts of goblin anatomy through them that he'd never wanted to see.

"The space is prepared. Be sure not to disturb any of the runes when you enter. Ensure you have naught but yourselves and your robes on you." His voice was gruff yet smooth and he held out a hand for anything they might still have on them. Harry checked himself over as did Hermione yet they were clean. "Very good. You both remember your roles and lines?"

Harry glanced at Hermione, who nodded vigorously. "Yes, we're ready to go."

"Excellent. The guards are in position around both the space and the outer walls of this room. Your three elves are staying here by the opening. Nothing shall disturb you. Best of luck to you both."

The goblin bowed slightly to them, which the children both returned. Turning to one another, they quickly grasped hands once more and with a synchronised deep breath, turned and entered the space.


The large stone door of the room let out a loud boom as it met the floor, causing both children to feel a spike of fear at their isolation. But the isolation was a required part of the ritual they were about to undertake. Any outside magic could be dangerous, even in a simple ritual such as this.

The room itself was dark, the marble gave off no light and there could be no other form of magical lighting in the space. But after a moment, their eyes adjusted to the dim light being let off by the countless golden runes on every single surface.

Hermione took a deep breath and dusted her clean robe down.

She stepped forward, being careful not to step on any of the raised golden runes with her bare feet. The moment she passed over the first ring, she felt a buzz suffuse her entire body. There was a potential energy to this circle of runes, unlike anything she had ever felt before.

The only close comparison she could make was that it was like touching a Van der Graaf machine, but much much more intense and the only thing she was in contact with was the black marble floor.

As she reached her position within the circle, Hermione turned and noticed Harry was still standing over by the sealed door. She gave him a half-hearted smile and beckoned him forward with her hand. Not wanting to speak anything but the required words so that she didn't taint the ritual in any way.

Harry soon reached his own position and Hermione tried to settle her racing heartbeat. She'd been certain she was capable of doing this when they had first learned of it. Had studied the requirements over and over while the goblins prepared the space. She knew there could be no mistakes. Harry was depending on her now.

Nervously yet with a clear voice, Hermione began. "We who are gathered call on Magic itself to bless our purpose and guide our actions."

Strong magic filled Hermione's body before streaming out in all directions, igniting the runes on the floor and walls with a clear flame as it passed over them, massively brightening the space, yet the increase did not hurt her eyes. She noticed Harry's body shudder as it passed through him a moment later.

"Have you, Harry James Potter, taken your place in this circle of your own free will?"

Harry cleared his throat before speaking in a loud yet slightly uneven voice, "I have."

Another small pulse of magic filled the space, emanating from Harry and washing over Hermione. She felt it inside and all around and it felt like Harry's entire form was wrapped around her, even though she could see he was still standing a metre in front of her.

She quivered under the intense and pleasurable feeling it gave her and realised what had made Harry shudder earlier. Her cheeks took on a pink dusting as she refocused on the memorised words.

"We gather today to put forth our petition to the Essence of Magic to look inside of young Harry. To assess his being and decide for all time if he has the strength to stand for Her, the will to fight for Her, the compassion to love for Her. To stand anew as not only one of Her children, but also recognized as one of Her champions as well."

Hermione swallowed around the lump in her throat. They were approaching the big moment, and the longer their small circle was open the heavier the magic churning the air became. It had almost become so thick about them that she struggled to breathe.

"Do you, Harry James Potter, accept the judgement of Magic and choose to receive Her blessing upon your magic!"

"I, Harry James Potter, do hereby accept the will of Magic and Her judgement."

A third, even larger burst of invisible magic rushed inwards from the bounds of the circle itself, engulfing them both in its embrace. Hermione's breath stopped as she felt it wrap around her own magic, as tightly as Harry's was. But this didn't feel comforting as his magic did. It felt heavy and judgemental, and she was afraid of it.

She saw a similar fear in Harry's eyes and remembered this ritual hinged on her. Clearing her throat in the dense air, she commenced the final line.

"I, Hermione Jane Granger, beg the Essence of Magic to render Her decision now, that we may heed Her will."

The pressure in the room became immense and both children struggled to remain standing under its weight. An eternity seemed to pass under the intense gaze of something so much bigger than themselves before the atmosphere changed and suddenly the oppressive magic in the room, without lightening, became comforting as well.

It swirled eagerly about the room, stirring the robes the pair wore before rushing out from the circle, causing them both to stumble slightly.

As the lighter air settled around the pair, they couldn't help but release several relieved giggles at the dishevelled appearance of the other. Hermione's hair was a mess at the best of times, but right now she was glad there wasn't a mirror around. She would have to remember to forbid Harry from ever showing anyone this memory.

"We gathered here accept the judgement the Essence of Magic has bestowed and thank Her for Her guidance." A light swirl of magic danced at the edge of the circle at Hermione's words and Hermione drew heart from the event as she wound up the ritual. "We seal our purpose and return. Let it be done."

With those words, Hermione felt Harry's magic leave her presence as her own swelled within once more, feeling so much denser than it had when they began. It made her feel amazing, helping to make up for the loss of Harry's own holding her tightly.

A snap of bright magic broke over the circle and all the runes became still and dulled once more. The space fell to a thick darkness once more, only barely broken by the lightly glowing golden writing.

Two pairs of uncontrolled giggles filled the space as the children fell to their knees and laughed wildly. It was over, and they were both alive and well. Hermione felt an intense level of relief fill her up, not realising that she had been holding a tension in herself since the pull on Harry's magic right up until it had vanished with the success of the ritual.

Magic itself had decided that Harry was a full part of Her world. Of age as they reduced such a heady concept into paltry language. Unable to be bought and sold for the power and standing of others.

With a particularly strong set of giggles, Hermione felt the world around her darken even further, and with a surprised shout of her name from familiar lips, she fell into the darkness's embrace.

Chapter 13: Pomp and Circ*mspection

Chapter Text

Friday 23rd December 1988.

Albus Dumbledore arrived with a resounding crack, the air peeling forcibly away as his body burst into place.

With a subtle shift of his eyes, he noted all the people up the Alley turning to look at the source of the sound as it echoed its way to the Leaky Cauldron entrance, awe evident on most of their faces. Normal people didn't apparate into the centre of the Alley itself, let alone do it so forcefully.

Years of practice kept his face from betraying the slightly guilty joy he felt from being looked at with such reverence, and with a turn on the heel of his buckled boot, he beheld the towering marble monstrosity that had caused him so much difficulty over the past several decades.

Albus tucked his beard into his belt and straightened the most garish pair of robes he owned and ascended the stairway with a speed that belied his age. Not even pausing to acknowledge the scowling guards, he swept loudly into the wide atrium and once more every eye in range turned to him.

In the early days following the war and his old friend's defeat, such staring had made him uncomfortable. People looked at him with awe and a glimmer that he soon learned was their desire for him to protect them from themselves.

He had naturally shied away from such attention, but through his many years had come to see the wisdom in it. He was one of the oldest, certainly the wisest, and undoubtedly most powerful magical beings alive. He had decades of experience in so many fields that he was easily considered the foremost expert in a great many of them.

Heads of State would often ask his advice and while he always gave it in riddles that left the onus squarely on their own shoulders should it fail, he had gathered even more praise in his years since Grindelwald's defeat than the act itself had garnered him.

And yet, none of that seemed to matter inside these walls. While witches and wizards looked on in unconcealed disbelief at seeing the pinnacle of their kind standing before them in all his glory, the other occupants were not so pleased.

Every goblin eye in the atrium was fixed on him. Some bore dark expressions that made him wonder just how depraved the mind of a goblin might be. There wasn't a guard in the space that hadn't tightened their grip on their weapons and shifted to have a better line to his position.

In their minds, his relationship with one who had so harmed them made him their enemy as well. He was sure that it was only the treaty with the Ministry itself that kept them from acting on it.

With the same centred state that kept him from smiling at the worship of his general public, Albus quashed the desire to scowl at the little mongrels in return. It was they who had wronged him. Taken his heart from him after he had already broken it himself.

But that was irrelevant today.

He had business here far more important than his many years of antagonism with the Nation. Word had reached him much faster today and he had immediately leapt into action. No scrying spell was needed when seven of his most trusted portraits could confirm the location for him.

However, when the message had arrived, he had been in a bath, and the time he'd spent dressing his best for today's events had cost him it seemed. Looking to the far end of the Hall he noticed the one group of people not fixed on his entrance. A gathering of Ministry officials appeared to be arguing with the Head Teller.

Knowing his needs today superseded anything the Ministry could be here for, Albus surged forward, keeping his stately appearance right down to the stride and surged through the gathered group, splitting them down the middle with his presence until he reached the now silent desk.

"Greetings, I am here to collect a ward of the state and bring him to Hogwarts, where he can be kept safe," Albus stated, ignoring the whispers now breaking out amongst the assembling crowd behind him.

"As I was just informing the new Minister here, there are no wards of the State currently housed within Gringotts." The scowl on the goblin's face widened as its gaze flickered between Albus and the freshly elected Cornelius Fudge.

Before the reddening Fudge could speak, Albus cut over him. "I have it from the most reliable of sources that young Harry Potter, an unfortunate orphan due to the horrors of the past war, is within these walls as we speak. Under the authority of the Lineage Protection Act passed during said war, I must take the role of his guardian until such time as one can be appointed officially. Given this will be our first meeting, there will be a lot to discuss, so I must ask you to make haste in bringing him forth. I will have little time for idle chatter today."

Albus pulled himself to his full height, which was impressive for a man of his age and allowed his aura to bulge slightly. He could hear the gasps from the assembled Ministry wizards and even Fudge appeared to have lost his building bluster and was looking at him with the typical awe.

"You wizards and your ever-changing laws." The Head Teller grumbled as he ignored Albus and looked at a fresh piece of parchment that had appeared in his In tray with a large black wax seal. He quickly divested the parchment of the seal and his eyes widened as he read the missive.

Albus let his defences lower in order to use his passive mental abilities to try and read the goblin in its clearly shocked state. Whatever was in that missive unnerved the creature far more than his impressive display had, which miffed him slightly at the wasted effort.

"I really must insis…" Albus broke off as a clangour of metal rent the air and grew louder as it approached. Most of the magicals in the atrium drew closer to the high benches, even those assembled in lines waiting their turn shifting away from the open floor. Albus too recognized the sound, though none had seen the sight that accompanied it since the forties.

A full phalanx of armoured soldiers marched loudly into the atrium. Several of the patrons covered their ears at the noise, and others their eyes in fear. Albus was now shifting from annoyance into true anger at the display of strength the goblins were bringing forth.

He was about to turn and give the Head Teller another more forceful piece of his prodigious mind when he was stopped dead by what he saw in the midst of the shining assembly of warriors. A pale young boy with messy black hair.

"Harry, my boy." He called, using his magic to ensure his voice carried over the sound of armour and weapons clashing as the phalanx came to a halt. "What perfect timing. Allow me to introduce myself."

Stepping forward, Albus smiled serenely at the boy as he turned to face him. "My name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Order of Merlin, First Class. Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot of Great Britain. And duly appointed Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards."

Albus laid it on as thick as possible, knowing his full set of titles would impress not just the seemingly scared lad, but his entire audience. "It's so good of the goblins to return you to us now you have been found. As your currently appointed guardian, I shall take you somewhere safe, so that we might become better acquainted."

Finishing with a wide-armed flourish that decades of teaching had taught Albus put children at ease in the presence of strange adults, he watched the lad closely. Harry was the spitting image of his father at that age except for the absence of glasses. Already well on his way to becoming a tall fit young man. He looked well-fed and cared for, except for the typical Potter hair, a trait that had only gotten worse through subsequent generations of that ancient family.

But the thing he couldn't take his eyes off was Harry's own. While his body was every bit James Potter, the eyes staring at him were absolutely his mother's. Not only were they the most incredible green he'd ever seen on a human, but they also held that same analysing quality as hers had. Albus had always felt as though Lily Evans could look right through him, taking extra care in her presence as a result, and her child had the same chilling effect on him now as she had all those years ago.

The boy had not moved an inch since he'd laid that penetrating gaze upon him and Albus suppressed the shudder his body craved as he closed his mental shields against the feeling of intrusion. It would not do for the lad to see his mind if he had been gifted with some natural talent in the mind arts. Although this also kept him from reading the boy at all either, Albus was unconcerned. He would have plenty of time for that later once he had the boy alone. The lad probably knew nothing worth digging for anyway, at his young age. Nothing of what Albus was interested in, at the least.

Harry's head co*cked ever so slightly to the side before he pulled his gaze away and Albus let out the slightest breath of relief. While Lily had felt like she could see his thoughts, Harry felt like he was analysing his very soul. As if the child could see his very magic. The boy turned to face the tall goblin to his right and Albus noted Ragnok standing there smirking. He pressed some parchment into the boy's hand and gave a subtle nod.

Resisting the urge to scowl at the meddling old goblin, Albus stepped forward, extending a hand out to young Harry, despite the wall of heavily armed goblins between them. "Come, Harry. We've much to speak about."

Harry looked once more in his direction and Albus ensured he was displaying his friendliest expression. Only for it to shatter into shock as the boy vanished in the sudden swirl of an activating portkey. A growl of frustration rumbled in his chest as Albus stepped forward again only to be greeted by the sharp tips of a dozen poleaxes aimed at his face.

"Where have you sent him goblin? Harry Potter is an orphan of the war, he is my ward and I will not stand here and let you kidnap him."

Albus was furious and allowed his full majesty to show. He had been humiliated by these beasts in front of everyone. But more importantly, his way to the Stone had just vanished in front of his eyes. Taken away from him again by the goblins.

"Where he requested we do so. Now if you don't mind,MisterDumbledore, I'm a busy goblin. I've no time to deal with your nonsense today." Ragnok signalled the closest warriors to him, those in a different uniform to the rest and turned, heading back towards the opening the army had entered from.

"Ragnok! We're not finished. I demand you tell me where you have sent my ward, or we shall have to sanction the goblins for violation of the treaty."

Albus felt something brush past him and glanced down to see Fudge had resumed his red colouring and was building up his own tirade to throw at the goblin Chief.

"How dare you little monsters. We are the duly appointed representatives of the Ministry of this land. We have the right to take the boy and youwillhand him over this instant."

Albus heard Ragnok give a sigh as he turned to face them once more. Though he looked far more resigned than the anger he had expected at having been outmanoeuvred on this matter.

"Yourwarddoesn't exist. Theboy, as you call him, who just left here is the Head of the Potter family." Albus paled heavily. "He was concludingbusinesswith Gringotts at his own convenience and had other duties to attend to today. At Gringotts, we respect the wishes of our customers, so long as they back it up with payment. Had we handed him over to you as you are demanding, we would have been aiding inyourattempted kidnapping."

Albus was both concerned and livid. He had once more been outplayed by the goblins and this time it had been in public. How could the boy have possibly come into his majority so early? He was only eight years old.

"You shall regret interfering in Ministry matters, goblin," Fudge growled, moving to gather his supporters and head towards the doors to the bank.

"I think not,Minister," Ragnok growled, his skin darkening in what Albus knew to be anger. "Yet again you seem to have come into Goblin territory assuming you had the upper hand. It concerns me that your Ministry keeps allowing you to deal with us when you are clearly not privy to the treaty that binds our two nations.

"Instead of assigning it as reading to some junior assistant to spoon-feed you when needed, you might consider taking the goblin approach and educating yourself. Given it is the backbone of every interaction between our peoples, your continuing ignorance of its contents is becoming insulting. We made it required reading for all goblins in their first year of schooling. So that we never have a teller violate it and start a war."

Fudge deflated like a balloon and yet still tried to bluster and prevaricate his way around the situation. Albus though had no time for this foolish back and forth. He needed information and access to the boy.

"Chief Ragnok," Albus wrenched out, attempting civility. "I would request a meeting with the young Master Potter. There are truly vital matters which I must discuss with him. Urgently."

Ragnok glared at him and it took every bit of his not inconsiderable willpower not to react in kind.

"As Mister Potter has taken his place as Head of his family, andallthat such a position entails, he will be a very busy young man for the foreseeable future. But, perhaps we could attempt to arrange a meeting with him on your behalf, for the usual price as an intermediary."

The goblin smiled viciously and Albus took a deep breath to calm himself before responding. "That would be agreeable."

Ragnok nodded in response and the pair both turned away at the same moment. Albus found himself staring at the disbelieving faces of those who had minutes before looked at him as a veritable god among them. Now they saw behind the curtain so to speak. Getting a glimmer of the fact that he wasn't as infallible as they believed.

His day worsened as the low conversation taking place behind him reached his aged ears.

"Remind me to have one of the junior members of the Wizarding Liaison Office contact Mister Potter to arrange Mister Dumbledore's meeting request. Given they never have much to do, what with the incompetence of the current Moronistry, it'll give them some experience in dealing with the better side of wizarding culture."

Albus silently fumed and noticed Fudge doing similar as he gathered his own sycophants and stormed from the building. Albus managed to get himself back under control before following the angry wizard out, wondering how things had gone so wrong, and how he could fix them.


Harry was very glad Pops had been at the portkey drop-off point.

Wizards must be a bunch of morons to willingly travel via such a horrible method every day. His head was still spinning wildly when he arrived back in his room at the Manor and Pops guided him over to his bed. He was very grateful that, if the stone now once more securely around his neck ever activated again, he would be unconscious for the nauseating journey.

"Rest, master. We can speak to your parents later." Pops said, snapping his fingers and changing Harry into something more comfortable for sleep as he tucked the covers about him. Something he'd not done in years.

"Thank you, Pops. You're a good elf. I'm proud to call you family." Harry mumbled, causing the elf to blush. "Is Hermione ok?"

"Yes, Master Harry. Rest now." The old elf brushed his unruly hair out of his eyes and Harry felt himself give into the exhaustion he'd been feeling since the ritual had completed, dropping into a deep dreamless sleep.

It was several hours later when he woke with a start to find the room in darkness, indicating just how long he must have slept. Harry found his thoughts full of the image he'd seen upon leaving the bank.

He understood the goblins' desire for him to be publicly seen leaving so that the Ministry wouldn't violate the treaty by arriving to take him with force, but now he had a face to put to his nightmare. A nightmare he'd thankfully been too exhausted to suffer today.

Albus Dumbledore, a man of far too many titles it seemed, and who had an aura about him that Harry immediately mistrusted. Thinking back on the scene he now realised why. The man was drenched in the same magic he had felt pulling at his own a few days earlier.

Dumbledore was indeed the one who had been searching for him.

Today the man had immediately treated him like a stupid child, one he'd been talking to as such for years, despite it being the first time Harry had ever laid eyes on the man. His memory of his first year was splotchy compared to his normal superior recall, but he couldn't ever remember seeing that face before.

The cold blue eyes were devoid of the care and kindness his smiling face had promised and Harry shuddered as he recalled it. How could anyone be so dead inside? He had felt nothing from the old man, and it chilled him.

It left him feeling dirty, and Harry dragged himself into the nearby shower. Hoping the water would help wash away the feeling and the memory. The cold feelings remained, but he felt more able to handle them after cleaning himself down.

With his body more awake, Harry cast his mind back further.

He remembered the urgency with which he had hit the release cluster by the door. Hermione passed out in his arms, unmoving but clearly still alive as he could feel her magic surging inside her. He had been so terrified for his friend that he'd soared through the following conversations on autopilot.

He had wanted to take Hermione and head home right then and there. To have her checked over and treated, but had settled slightly when Mipsy and Nemea had popped her away, promising to take good care of Mistress. He felt so guilty for letting her take on the responsibility of the ritual for him. He had allowed her to be put at risk and she had been hurt as a result.

Harry hurriedly finished his shower and dressed in a rush. He made immediately for the room one door down and across the hall, the closest bedroom to his own.

Pressing open the door, Harry ducked his head inside and saw it was completely dark. Pushing some of his magic into his hand, a dull pale glow emanated from the skin of his palm and allowed him to see his way to the bedside. He took a seat in the chair left nearby and looked solemnly at the pale form of his best friend. The steady rise and fall of her bed cover indicated she was alive, but he would not be truly calmed until she spoke to him once more. There was no telling what damage the ritual might have caused her.

"Stop thinking so loudly, Harry."

He started, nearly slipping off the chair and his magic flared, filling the room with a sudden burst of bright white light from his hand. Harry's eyes hurt as he rubbed them, not considering the fact that the cause of the pain was one of the hands he was using to relieve the annoyance until it surged again and he ended the magic.

"What did you do that for?" Came Hermione's voice from the once more dark room.

Harry rushed to his feet and surged toward the bed, but in the darkness misjudged the distance and collapsed forward when his knees hit the side, his head connecting with a padded knee under the covers.

"For goodness sake, Harry." He heard a firm click and the lights in the room came on.

Harry rubbed his head once more as he rolled onto his side and looked up the bed to see his friend looking at him with her caring brown eyes and a slight smile on her features. She looked like she'd had a bad few days, but she was awake and talking. She was ok.

"How are you feeling?" He asked gingerly, sitting up at the end of the bed.

"I was doing fine until someone tried to blind me and then headbutted my knee." Harry blushed with embarrassment as she smiled at him. "I am not sure what happened though. One second the ritual seemed to be over and the next I woke up here. I'm assuming here is home, it certainly looks like it."

Harry felt a momentary surge of unidentifiable emotion at her words before he nodded. "You passed out when the ritual closed. I think the weight of all the magic on you for so long was taxing. I nearly blacked out myself. Probably would have if you didn't first, but once you fell down the adrenaline kept me going until Pops got me home too."

Hermione nodded at his explanation, her eyes unfocused and he knew she was reviewing her own memories of the events. "So, was it successful then?"

"Appears so. All the paperwork indicates I am now Harry James Potter, emancipated Head of the Potter family, blah blah blah."

Hermione smiled at him once more and Harry felt most of the remaining weight lift from his soul. She didn't seem to blame him for what had happened to her during the ritual.

"Did it feel…" Hermione began, casting her eyes down and wringing her hands. "Did it hurt? I mean… when the third pulse hit. I was so scared, Harry."

He shuffled quickly up the bed and put his arms around Hermione. "Me too. I was mostly scared of what would happen if it failed, but that magic felt so dangerous. I was terrified when it wrapped itself all over me. It was inside me and… I don't really know what I felt, but I don't want to feel it again. It was nice at the end though. And…" Harry trailed off, his cheeks flushed as he recalled the first steps of the ritual.

"Yes. I felt it too, Harry. It seems my magic likes yours. You feel very comfortable." Hermione whispered.

Were Harry not perched against her shoulder he doubted he'd have heard the words, but they filled him with joy. "I felt the same. I feel so safe with you. More so than anyone, even Mipsy."

He felt Hermione nod if anyone could understand just how much that statement meant it was her. The only other person so closely bound to an elf in the way he was.

"Anyways, I'm sure you'd like to have a shower. I felt so much better after washing the day away." Harry stood beside the bed once more, still blushing. After the ritual robes, even mentioning a shower was enough to set his mind whirling on things he was still far too young to be worrying about. "I'll… I'll meet you in the library once you're done."

As he dropped his head in embarrassment, Harry noticed that his rapid dressing hadn't been his finest work, and he blushed even harder. Needing a moment for himself, now that he knew Hermione was safe, Harry gave her hand a quick squeeze and ran out the door.

Ignoring the soft giggle coming from the room behind him.


Hermione still felt slightly tired, but Harry had been correct. She felt far better after having her shower and was now back in comfortable familiar clothes.

She smiled to herself as she finished drying her bushy hair, finding it slightly more manageable than usual as she considered something she had said to Harry earlier. As keen as she was to get back to her parents and repair the rift that was forming, she found comfort in the idea she could think of Potter Manor as home as well.

Now finished getting dressed, Hermione walked quickly to the library. As she entered, Hermione found him sitting in front of the usual family painting, eating a large dinner. A second plate had been set beside the other chair and she rushed over and began digging into her own meal, with a slight nod to the smiling figures in the portrait.

"Good to see you both up and eager once more," Charlus commented, drawing a slight blush from both children as their gazes met.

"Finish your dinners. We'll have time to talk when you're done." Dorea added, gently chiding her husband for his cheek.

"I'm finished," Harry replied, setting down his cutlery on the now empty plate, which soon vanished to the kitchen. "I need to tell you all," he paused once more and took a steadying breath. "Dumbledore was there. As I left."

Everyone became still, Hermione pausing with her fork midway to her mouth as they all considered Harry's comment.

"What did he do?" James asked.

"He talked down to me like I was three years old and could barely be expected to tell up from down. And he was cold. There was a smile on his face, but… I couldn't feel any warmth in his eyes."

"You should avoid looking Albus in the eyes, lad. He is a skilled legilimens. His mental abilities are extraordinary for a man of his age." Charlus's voice was firm as he spoke. "It is likely he has similarly powerful mental shields, and you have your mother's penetrating stare. His own shields would have kept any emotion from leaking free."

"Maybe, but he was flexing his aura, too. I could feel it. It's…" Harry trailed off, unable to look up at the painting and Hermione laid her fork aside and moved over to sit with her friend on his chair, snuggling into him. Harry mirrored her movement, pressing himself tightly against her and letting her arms keep him steady. "He's the one who tried to find me. It was his magic I felt pulling on mine."

"All the more reason for us to be wary of him. We still have no idea why he is looking for you." Lily said.

"He said that he was my guardian. That he wanted to take me somewhere safe. I don't trust him. It's not true is it, he can't take me from here?" Harry pleaded at the portrait.

"If the ritual was successful," Dorea asked, watching both children glance at one another before nodding, "then no, Harry. As Head of the family, you hold a different status in law now. You have no guardian. He has norightto take you anywhere against your will."

"Though you're still our little boy. And shall be expected to behave yourself." Lily added, giving him a look both children were becoming well familiar with.

"Yes, mum."

"How was the ritual? Anything unexpected?" James asked.

Both children blushed before Hermione took the initiative. "One of you could have mentioned the whole ritual robe thing. That was very unexpected."

Hermione could feel Harry's skin against her own growing hotter as she spoke. They were both still thoroughly embarrassed by the event.

Several of the family looked down in shock though a few seemed to find their reactions funny.

"I'm sorry, dearie." Dorea apologised. "Rituals weren't something we had considered either of you needing to know about for years. And there are some things that you can forget are not commonplace for some who are new to magic. What about the ritual itself?"

Hermione felt her face redden even further as she recalled how it had felt having Harry's magic wrap about her own, and she knew her friend had matched her for colour. Hermione was regretting her choice to sit by him now as it was making things a lot more difficult to explain.

"It was… good." Harry offered, his voice slightly squeaky.

"Good? How was it good?" James asked with a tinge of amusem*nt in his voice.

"It went exactly as expected. We opened the circle, offered our petition and magic answered." Hermione replied, getting a little aggravated at James. "It was terrifying when it did. I've never felt so judged in my life. I was entirely open to that force and it could see all of me as clearly as I see you all now. I would not call it a fun experience."

"And you, Harry?"

"Like Hermione said, I've never felt so… naked. That force was inside of my being in ways even Mipsy couldn't understand. It was like… the Eyes of the Universe were alone with me in that void and she felt angry. I was scared. I don't think I'd have managed it without…" Harry trailed off and Hermione wrapped him tightly, knowing exactly what he meant.

"I think that's enough talk about the ritual. Has all the paperwork been filed accordingly?" Lily questioned allowing the children to relax slightly.

"Yes. They wouldn't let me go until it was all signed. A goblin took it all the moment the last signature was down and left immediately for the Ministry."

"I expect we'll be seeing a summons of some form or another in the very near future," Charlus said. "Once they've had time to form their rebuttal, that is."

Harry looked slightly worried at the thought they might find some loophole. Hermione whispered into his ear. "I'm with you, Harry Potter. They aren't taking you from me. No one is taking my friend from me."

Harry glanced up at her and smiled, but it faltered after a moment and Hermione felt disheartened. "We have something else to do too. Something urgent."

Hermione wondered what could be so important as those in the portrait discussed possible moves going forward. Harry slid off the chair and took her hand, guiding her from the room before he popped them away from the Manor.


The three longest weeks of his life came to an end at last with a truly unmistakable sound in the back garden.

Richard did not wait for them to come to him and rushed out the door, colliding heavily with an object travelling at speed in the opposite direction as he wrapped his arms about it and allowed momentum to carry them both to the slightly damp grass.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I didn't mean it." Richard sobbed softly into the bushy hair in his face.

"I know, daddy. I'm sorry too. Pops has helped me a lot these past few weeks. I…" Hermione faltered as she tightened her grip on her father. "I'd like to come back home again now, if that's alright."

Richard pulled back from his daughter and lifted her chin so he could look into her brown eyes. His eyes. "It's just not a home when you aren't in it, sweetheart."

Despite the tears in both their eyes, Hermione gave a loud choked laugh as she crushed her father in one of her firmest hugs. Time lost all meaning as Richard let himself exist solely in the embrace of one of the two most precious things in his life. All the anger and fear he'd felt upon learning the truth had long since run out and he'd realised what he had done was frighten away one of his reasons for living. Now she had returned, he would make sure she knew just how much he loved her.

After an indeterminate amount of time, he felt Hermione pull away and he delicately wiped away the gathered tears streaking down her reddened cheeks. "Daddy, can… can Harry stay with us tonight, please?"

Richard glanced over her shoulder and saw Harry standing there, one hand rubbing the other arm and looking every bit the child Richard knew him to be. He turned his focus back to his daughter and cupped one cheek in his hand. "Harry Potter is always welcome wherever his best friend goes."

He knew he'd said the right thing as he felt his daughter trying to squeeze his head from his shoulders. Her grip was so tight. This parenting thing was far from easy, but when you got it right, there was no greater feeling in the world.

And Richard's world was healing nicely once more.

Chapter 14: Many Happy Returns

Chapter Text

Sunday 25th December 1988.

Natalie smiled widely as the sound of children's laughter once more filled their home.

She had been confused and a little scared herself of what this new reality would mean for her daughter. Having long ago come to terms with the idea her daughter was special and assumed her abilities were simply a result of her clearly advanced mind.

But magic had taken a few days to truly sink in, and by the time it had, Richard had soundly put his foot in it.

She adored her husband, but he had been known to act before thinking something all the way through. It often left her wondering where Hermione had gotten her brains from as neither of the adults in the family was anywhere close to her level.

Watching the two children tease her husband by popping about the room as he tried to tag either of them washed away all the negative feelings of the past month though.

Richard's blow-up had lasted for three whole days. It wasn't until the Saturday when he had gone to rouse their daughter, that it had truly sunk in that she was gone. Saturdays were the family cheat day, where Richard would make all those breakfast foods they usually avoided as dentists and they'd enjoy a happy and lethargic family meal. Sharing the little things that hadn't been addressed from the week now passed. Before giving a good scrubbing to their teeth as was proper after such a meal.

Opening the door and finding the room empty during such a traditional family moment had driven the facts into his mind like a nail gun and she'd had to drag his sobbing form downstairs, avoiding the straining kitchen table. Simply holding him on the couch. The number of days she would come downstairs to find him staring at the empty coffee mug in his hands had grown worryingly larger as time went on.

Natalie glanced down at that very mug in her hands now and smiled. Richard hadn't yet noticed that in his haste to apologise to their daughter, he had knocked the mug from the table.

She figured there had to be a fault in the ceramic, given that it had broken almost exactly the same way as it had all those years earlier. She couldn't help but smile at the idea of a broken mug symbolising the togetherness of her family and that broken didn't always mean bad.

Her attention was drawn back to the activity in front of her as her daughter squealed loudly as her father wrapped his arms about her belly and tickled in that spot he'd pinpointed after years of such behaviour.

They both fell backwards together onto the couch as Hermione kicked her legs furiously while her father attacked her weak spots, filling the room with high-pitched laughter. Natalie couldn't resist the smile that spread over her face at the proof that her family was healing once more.

Even the wee boy standing behind the couch occasionally prodded Hermione gently in the belly as she squirmed. A boy who had brought so much change to their lives, yet she knew that she would defend him just as fiercely as she would Hermione these days. Harry Potter had long been an enigma to Natalie. His oddly formal butler was the only contact she'd had with his family untilthatday.

Now his behaviour around their family made a whole lot more sense. Why he'd always treasured her hugs and a kiss to the forehead anytime he stayed over. The poor boy had spent so long without the physical expressions of motherly affection most children took for granted.

The change that came over him now though was something Natalie had never seen before. His entire body went rigid as he stood bolt upright and his eyes seemed to unfocus for a moment. She was worried at what had triggered the reaction in the boy but his shoulders sagged again almost immediately and a serene calm passed over his expression.

"Finally…" He muttered, drawing the attention of those still squirming on the couch and as Richard reached his arm up to grab the arm Harry had left hanging over the back of the couch, the boy vanished without a sound.

The movement on the couch stopped instantly as Richard stared blankly at the empty air his hand had closed around and Hermione looked slightly worried before she closed her eyes and her face became intensely focused.

"What's going on? Where'd he go?" Richard asked the room, receiving no answer from the females.

Natalie joined the others on the couch and pulled her daughter into her arms. "What's the matter, sweetheart? Where's Harry?" She whispered to the little girl in her arms.

"He's…" Hermione trailed off, her face screwing shut tightly as she focused on something neither adult could see. Her eyes sprang open and a look of surprise covered her face. "Oh!"

Hermione smiled brightly as she sat up in her parents' odd embrace. Turning to face the open corner of the room, both Grangers were surprised to see Harry appear out of nowhere holding a large bag and grinning like the Cheshire cat.

"Harry!" Richard called, drawing the boy's eye.

"It's ready." He replied simply, before walking out of the room and heading quickly for the backyard.

Hermione untangled herself from her parents' grip and rushed out of the room after her friend, leaving her parents in a daze for a moment before both moved to follow the pair.

They found them both kneeling beside the reading tree, as it had become known in the house. Both of them using their magic to displace the dirt from around the roots of the old English oak. Within moments they had cleared the dirt right to the base of the taproot, the intricate pattern of wider roots almost guarding the central arm.

Natalie watched closely as Harry glanced at Hermione, getting a nod before continuing. He reached into the bag and withdrew a stone that could not have fit within. She wasn't even sure how he managed to pull the large egg shape out of the bag as once it was free of the confines, its girth was wider than the opening.

The surface was a pale pure green and smooth as she had ever seen. Its surface was covered in tiny markings that she somehow knew were indented in the surface, yet did not affect the smoothness of the shape in any way.

With a loud snap of his fingers, Harry displaced the stone instantly to rest, tip down beneath the thick taproot and returned enough dirt to the hole that it supported itself once more.

"There." Harry breathed, seeming to relax further before turning to Hermione once more. "Remember the array?"

Hermione nodded furiously and the pair began pulling another six much smaller stones, all of which were the blackest black Natalie had ever seen. Perfectly smooth but for the deep grooves that seemed to pulse an even darker shade of black, the elder Grangers watched as the duo carefully spaced the six stones equally around the bigger egg-shaped stone amongst the latticed roots.

Natalie was close enough now that she could hear Hermione whispering as she worked. "Onyx, diamond, sapphire, serendibite, spinel, obsidian." Each name corresponded to a stone being placed and covered over with dirt once more.

Once all seven stones had disappeared into the dirt and roots, the two kids snapped their fingers in unison and the area once more looked as it had two days before when the children had arrived beneath its wide canopy.

Not a blade of grass was out of place and you'd never suspect seven stones of such immense value, if Hermione's whispers were correct, were now entwined within the ancient tree's root structure.

"That was wicked," Richard muttered beside her, and Natalie couldn't help herself as she burst into hysterics.

The man who had momentarily ripped their family apart because of theideaof magic was now in utter awe of it. She soon found herself giggling softly on her back on the grass, two small heads on either side of her own panting gently and looking quite tired. As she finally regained control of herself, avoiding looking at her partner's face so as not to set off laughing once more, Natalie addressed the pair.

"What was that?"

"Runestones," Harry replied simply.

Natalie looked at him curiously but it was her daughter that continued the explanation.

"Six small black stones covered in deep goblin runes. They link to the Heartstone placed at the base of the taproot. Burying it under such an old and established tree increases the power they can draw from natural magic in the area and helps to widen the effect."

"Doesn't hurt that the Heartstone is a three-thousand-year-old petrified dragon egg," Harry added, drawing stunned looks from both adults.

"Dragons?" Richard whispered, awe still palpable in his voice.

"Yeah, some long-extinct species, I can't even pronounce the name of it. The six smaller stones are all minerals that the goblins and dwarves have cultivated underground for millennia. But these six were all taken from some of the thirteen stones anchoring the wards of the Manor."

Harry paused as the two adults looked at him with confusion and Hermione had a glow they had all seen many times before, the look of knowledge to be absorbed.

"Don't worry, it didn't damage them in the slightest. The goblins taught me how to extract these bits and then heal the stones again." He looked back up into the air and took a deep breath before continuing. "Centuries ago my family married in a member of the Peverell family. They're famous in the magical world for some truly insane pieces of magic. Three of which inspired a 'children's story' still told to this day. But in my opinion, the most amazing they ever achieved is one no one outside the Potter family has ever heard of.

"The new bride commissioned thirteen stones of different materials from the dwarves, who hadn't yet fallen into obscurity at that time. Each a different mineral that they can grow in their underground cities, all black as the void of space." He counted them off on his fingers as he spoke. "Agate, diamond, jasper, jet, moonstone, obsidian, onyx, quartz, sapphire, serendibite, spinel, tourmaline and zircon. Each stone is thirteen feet tall and seven feet in circumference at their widest point. All magically powerful substances and numbers.

"She then had them engraved by the goblins. Don't ask what the rune work says as I've no idea. The goblins guard the secrets of their rune work so closely that no one has ever been able to translate and rework them. And the goblins who forged the runes on the original anchor stones have long since died out. Taking their family crafting secrets with them. These runes link them as they came from the source stone, but even the goblins that did them don't know the full magic of those main stones anymore."

The boy paused once more as he looked up into the lightly clouded sky through his raised hands. "Somehow, the thirteen stones folded the space around the Manor so that it exists in its own little world. The only way in and out until today was to arrive through some form of magical teleportation. You can literally walk around the grounds and end up back at the Manor, no matter which way you walk. It is my absolute favourite piece of magic, ever!"

The grin on his face showed the truth of his statement as Natalie lifted her own hand and entwined her fingers with Harry's drawing his eye. She smiled at him and he beamed back, clearly enjoying sharing something he found so fascinating with them all.

"The wards also keep out those who are unwanted or mean my family harm. So, before we came the other night, I took the hearts of six of those stones carefully out and brought them to the goblins. They re-etched the required rune work on the surfaces and provided the Heartstone. I could feel the moment they were ready. It felt like a piece of home suddenly became real here in the world again. It was… beautiful. And now that feeling rests here, over your home."

Natalie smiled as she watched Harry tilt his head back and lock eyes with her daughter. It made her proud to see how much they cared for one another and her heart skipped at the idea that Harry had gone to such trouble for them.

"What will that do?" She asked, distracting the young boy.

"It extends the wards of the Manor over your home, and by the feel of it." Harry closed his eyes and his breathing became steady as he paused for several moments. His eyes remained closed as he began speaking once again. "The oaks in the nearby park have long roots. Long enough that they've grafted onto this one. Which means that the magic covers the park and our school as well." He added, sounding genuinely surprised. "That was unexpected."

"How can you tell?" Hermione asked, her own eyes closed and her face screwed up in concentration. "I can't feel it."

"Practice. I've spent 7 years wrapped in these wards. I can feel their edges for the first time in my life and my magic is playing with it right now. It is the strangest yet coolest thing I've ever felt in my life. With time, you'll come to feel them too. Every time you cross out of them, your magic will resist leaving a little, once it becomes comfortable inside. You don't normally notice when leaving the Manor because your magic is leaving willingly by popping. But if you walked outside them here, you'd feel it. Like a tiny light pinch in your magic."

Hermione did not look pleased that time was required rather than study to become good at this particular aspect of magic. Natalie grabbed the girl's hand and squeezed, drawing her attention away from the clear attempts she was making to force her magic to feel the ward like Harry's could. She couldn't hide her smile as her daughter pouted back at her.

"Patience, Hermione. At least you'll be able to feel them eventually." This thought appeared to settle the girl until Harry stood without warning, grabbing the bag and heading for the back door.

"One last thing we need to do. Is there a door in the house that never gets used?" The Grangers all shot up and quickly followed the lad as he entered the kitchen. "It doesn't need to be big, just out of the way."

"Out of the way? Why would a house have a door that is out of the way?" Richard asked.

"Hmmm, that could be a problem."

"What about the one that broke a decade ago that you have lounging in the shed? The one you were going to fix." Natalie questioned, poking her husband in the side and looking at him mischievously.

"It's a hall door. We never used it… oh."

"Perfect," Harry smiled. "Where exactly is the doorframe?"

Natalie took his hand and walked him upstairs to the bedroom hallway. She could see the moment Harry spotted the frame that he'd passed through dozens of times but never really looked at. It was entirely unremarkable, after all.

"Yes, perfect. What happened to the door?" Harry asked as he reached into the bag again, pulling free a few smaller black stones, these shaped almost like flat discs. They would have been absolutely perfect for skipping.

"The mechanism in the handle locked up and DIY Dick decided he was going to fix it, so hauled the door out to his shed and never looked at it again."

"And being a hallway door that was never closed, you never cared to replace it?" Harry asked as he somehow pushed the solid stones into the doorframe without leaving a mark. One behind the striker plate and the other exactly opposite it on the hinge side. "Um, can you?"

Harry looked at her before holding up the third stone and looking at the top of the door jamb, far beyond his reach. Natalie grinned gently and wrapped her arms around his waist, lifting him up until he could reach the jamb.

Once the third stone was in place, she let him down, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead and getting a bright red face as a reward.

"Uh, thank you." Harry blushed as he popped away, presumably to the shed as he returned a moment later with the door that once rested in the frame she was now standing within. "Pops?"

A fraction of a second later the diminutive form of the 'butler' she'd met many times before appeared before Natalie. "Good morning, Pops. How are you today?"

The elf glanced back and forth from Harry to Natalie before replying. "I am splendid, Mrs Granger. I do hope Harry isn't making a nuisance of himself?"

"Not at all. He's a pleasure to have over. You're welcome to come by anytime yourself, you know."

"Thank you." The elf bowed, then turned to face Harry before speaking again. "You called, Master Harry?"

"Yes. Please stop calling me Master. Can you fix the mechanism in this door, please?"

"Of course." With a quick snap of his fingers, a loud grinding noise came from the stubborn door. It shuddered slightly against the wall before becoming still and silent once more. "Would you like for me to replace it in the frame as well, Master?"

Harry frowned at the elf before holding up one finger and stepping to the door. He pulled another stone from the endless bag and pushed it into the centre of the wood panel. He stepped back and grasped Natalie's hand, gently guiding her out of the frame so that they stood opposite Hermione and Richard on the other side.

"Can you and Richard hold the door in place and touch the handle?" Harry asked.

"Of course," Natalie replied, glancing at her husband as the pair placed the door within the frame and held the handle from opposite sides.

Pops stood by her thigh and with a loud clap of his hands, the door reattached and glowed a bright white before returning to normal. The handle felt warm in her fingers and Natalie turned it slowly, opening the door to see her husband retreating away from it as it moved towards him.

"Well, that's one way to perform home repairs." He joked, bringing smiles to all present.

"Close the door again and open it, but this time think of the Manor," Harry instructed.

Natalie pulled the door closed and focused her mind on the brilliant home she'd only once visited so far. Twisting the handle, she noted it felt warm again and when she pushed it open, she gasped as the room on the other side did not hold her husband and daughter, but a large library instead.

"How?" She asked, twisting to look at the grinning Harry who was now standing there with Hermione and Richard holding his hands and looking into the room dumbfounded.

"Magic!" He replied cheekily before dragging Hermione with him through the door and shouting at the room. "It worked!"

Several cheers coming from the room had her soon following behind and once Richard had joined her, the door slammed behind them, showing a different door occupying a different door frame. The stunned Grangers followed the noise and found the children jumping up and down together in front of the large family portrait that had told her that their daughter was a witch.

"Welcome back to Potter Manor." The red-haired woman in the painting greeted them, smiling at them both with those same cheeky green eyes Harry wielded on her so successfully.


Remus Lupin was exhausted.

Tybalt was a slave driver of the worst sort. Though most of the blame for their efforts had to be laid at his own feet. How had he travelled so far and so carelessly in his grief? They had spent about a month eradicating all traces of his former sojourn through the continent.

Tybalt was always intricately thorough, ensuring there wasn't a trace of either the previous trip or this one left to identify either elf or wolf. He'd even had Remus obliviate anyone he had interrogated on his first tracking trip. Remus wasn't the best at the memory charm, but he'd tried his hardest to ensure their safety. Whatever it was that Prongs wanted to keep safe was surely worth the effort.

He'd failed his friend enough for the past seven years, now it was time to make up for that failure. As Tybalt returned him to the room he had not even had a chance to spend the night in on his last journey to the Potter Manor, he looked longingly at the soft bed in front of him as the elf vanished as soon as they landed.

If it hadn't been for the sound of a child's laughter, he'd have face planted on the welcoming surface. But that laughter was a sound he hadn't heard in so long. A sound he longed to hear again. He followed the sounds of laughter and conversation to the same room he had been interrogated in previously and found three elves laughing at the base of the large family portrait.

A pair of strangers occupied the seats facing towards him, both brown of hair and laughing just as hard as the elves. No one seemed to have noticed him yet and he raked his eyes over the portrait as he stepped into the room. He needed to see the little boy he had missed so much in his exile. The child he'd sworn to protect the moment James had laid him in his arms the day he was born, and whom he had failed to do so.

"Moony!" James yelled, drawing his eye and making him the focus of everyone in the room. "Welcome back."

Remus couldn't stop the grin that formed in the presence of his old schoolmate. Dead though he may be, Prongs had managed to find a way to not only find him but pull him out of his self-imposed funk and back into the real world.

"Moony?" A second familiar voice sounded.

Remus's eyes were drawn to the chair facing away from him and leaning around the side was a little girl with wild bushy hair and vibrant brown eyes. Glancing up at the strangers he noticed many similarities between the three and assumed that they must have been the girl's parents.

However, his heart froze as his eyes drifted back to the chair and noticed the eyes peeking over the top. The green of those eyes was extremely familiar, but it had been so long since he'd seen their colour under that black mop of hair that was a Potter family trait.

"Harry…?" Remus choked as he fell to his knees and found himself heaving. His chest refused to cooperate as he tried to take in air, shock keeping him frozen in place.

"MOONY!" Harry yelled as he jumped from the chair and slammed into Remus at full force, knocking the struggling Marauder to his back and further hampering his ability to breathe with a crushing hug. "I've missed you."

Strangled sobs finally lurched free from Remus's throat as his arms enclosed the boy he'd long since thought dead. The family he'd given up on had not only pulled him from his funk but provided an opportunity now in the form of the one he had failed to save once before.

"Harry." Remus sobbed as he stroked the boy's hair and felt tears that were not his own wetting his shirt.

The boy pulled back and looked down at him as he wiped the tears from his face. Those eyes were even harder to look away from at this distance. Remus drank in the sight of the child, every feature an almost perfect match for his father, except the eyes, which were all Lily. And the right ear. It was shaped a little differently to the left, more like his mother than the father. As he looked closer, more of Lily became visible to the Marauder and a smile broke out on his face.

Harry Potter was alive. He was well, by the look of him, and oddly enough, was happy to see him.

A sudden punch to the shoulder made Remus's thoughts halt in shock once more. He looked in surprise at the little fist that had just hit him and then back to the boy perched atop him. "Don't run away again!" Harry demanded as he waved the fist threateningly.

Remus looked at him stunned as laughter broke out in the room once more. He was sure Prongs would remind him of this for months to come. But those green eyes looked into Remus's very soul and he could do nothing but nod his head.

"I promise. I'm never leaving you again, Harry."

"Good." The boy huffed, pulling himself up and giving Remus one more once over. And in that way that only children can, the appraising look was gone and replaced with a smile.

Harry ran over to the sitting area and Remus looked at the painting in confusion. Prongs was doubled over laughing his head off, somehow silently. However, that puzzle was cleared up as he saw Lily standing beside him with her wand drawn. That's odd, he thought, looking at the pair. He'd never seen a painting perform actual magic before unless it was the one spell they were painted performing.

Before he could analyse the idea further though, Harry had returned, hand in hand with the brunette he'd been sitting in the chair with.

"Uncle Moony, this is Hermione Granger. My best friend. And these are her parents, Richard and Natalie." The entire display would have been utterly cute had he not turned that same darkened gaze on Remus once more. "They're as good as my family, so be nice. No pranking."

Remus nodded once more and remained frozen on the floor until Harry's stare softened once more.

The man, Richard, extended his hand to Remus, who accepted it and allowed himself to be dragged to his feet once more with a loud grunt. Harry had hit his exhausted body harder than he had thought. Were he not such a fast healer due to his curse, he'd have been likely to wake tomorrow with bruises. "Pleasure to meet you, ah… Moony is it?"

"Remus. Remus Lupin. Moony is a, er, high school nickname." Remus was uncertain of how much to say, not knowing whether this family knew of the magical world or not.

The girl extended her own hand and when Remus took it, he was shocked once again to find himself across the room. "Hello. We know all about magic." She smirked as she popped away again, leaving his hand empty and his mind swirling with questions.

He glanced blankly up at the portrait and found several of its members now laughing at his expense. It seemed Harry was a lot like his father, forbidding Remus to prank Hermione, but completely at ease with the girl pranking him.

"I think that you broke him," Natalie stated as she walked over and pushed him gently into the seat he was now standing in front of.

He landed heavily in the leather chair and laid his throbbing head back against the headrest. "How?" He finally asked, directed at the painting on the wall.

"Tomorrow, lad." Charlus offered one of the few in the painting who had regained control of themselves. "You're clearly exhausted and this is all a bit much to spring on someone at once."

Remus found himself nodding, his questions could wait a day. Harry was alive, that was the most important thing. He was alive and the Potters were entrusting him with his care. That thought sunk in like a brick hitting him on the head.

This was the secret James had refused to tell him last time. That was not a thought he could have rattling around in his mind while trying to focus on cleaning up his mess. He'd have been distracted the entire time. Especially if he'd not seen the boy, but knew he was alive.

"This is what you weren't telling me?" He growled up at the painting, James locking eyes with him in return.

"Yes." Prongs replied, a broad yet familiar smile on his face. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to pull off a good prank when you're a painting in a place no one can visit?"

Lily quickly slapped James on the shoulder and glared at him furiously. "Do NOT refer to our son as a prank!"

"OUCH!" Prongs replied, clearly not actually harmed or sorry in any way.

Remus drifted his eyes over the others in the room once more. The two younger elves were lying on the floor at the feet of Harry's chair. One he was once again sharing with Hermione. Her parents were once more seated on the wider couch opposite the smaller chair the children were on and Pops was once more on his feet by the painting looking attentive. Though on closer inspection Remus realised the aged elf was watching him closely.

The elf snapped his fingers and Remus found a glass of amber liquid in his hand. He nodded appreciatively to the older elf and took a heavy swig of the liquid. And instantly realised his mistake when he began coughing as the intense burn ravaged his throat.

"Damnit, Prongs!" He coughed out, struggling to regain his composure. "Who teaches their elf to prank? Where the…" Remus paused, glancing at the children. "Where did you find a firewhiskey that strong?"

"That's not firewhiskey. It's muggle alcohol. A friend of mine makes it himself." Richard supplied, clearly suppressing his own laugh and a knowing glance at Pops.

"Alright, fine," Remus said, placing the glass on the side table and standing. "I'm going to bed before one of you does me in with one of these." He jabbed a finger at the painting before continuing. "But tomorrow morning I'm getting some answers, James!"

"Sure thing Moony. Go take a nap, you're always cranky at night." James replied.

Remus bit back a reply as he felt two pairs of arms wrap around his waist. He glanced down to see Harry and Hermione both hugging him tightly and all fire left him.

"Goodnight, Moony. It's so good to have you back." Harry said, before taking Hermione's hand and popping away.

That only raised more questions in Remus's mind, but exhaustion was fast winning out. He nodded as politely as he could to the Grangers and glared at the painting as he walked out the door and quickly returned to his bedroom. This time, he did not resist the call of the mattress.

He smiled at the childish laughter echoing down the hall before Remus Lupin fell asleep happy for the first time in seven long years.

Chapter 15: The Darker Side of Fame

Chapter Text

Tuesday 10th January 1989.

"So, let me get this straight. Harry can cast different types of elf magic?" Remus questioned, glancing over his shoulder at the portrait, a few more Potters disappearing out the side of the frame leaving Dorea alone.

"It was an accident. Well, Harry's case was an accident. Hermione's was… more deliberate, but we were too late to stop them." Dorea supplied, looking out the window from the newest frame in the house.

The entire family were beyond grateful to Remus for this unexpected gift.

Any visitor would be beyond baffled at a room only a metre across that consisted of two doors at either end combined with a giant single-pane glass window opposite a giant wall filled with an empty painting of a ballroom looking out over the gardens of the home. But then, there weren't many unexpected visitors to the Manor these days to notice.

After hearing about how Harry had taken a small handheld portrait occupied solely by Charlus as the elder Potter walked him through the process he'd theorised could expand the wards by using small pieces of the ward stones elsewhere, he'd considered that they must be going mad every time Harry stepped outside the building.

So Remus and the elves had crafted this room the day after his return and he'd had a painter whip up a giant empty frame that the family could use to watch as the children played and practised in the garden outside.

"And that is how they get about?" Remus turned away from the view and looked at the woman alone in the painting. It was odd seeing so much empty space surrounding her, but this image wasn't for him, it was his gift to the Potters for saving him from himself. And a way to burn some of the enormous salary that James had fooled him into accepting, back on the family responsible. "I'm sorry, Dorea. I owe your family so much, but I don't see what you think I can do to stop them."

"You don't have to stop them, dear." She replied. "I don't think there is any hope of controlling them, and if you tried, you'd just turn them against your advice. What we hope is that a physically present adult might be able to get them to control themselves. They're already working so hard to get their magic in check so they can return to school."

Remus laughed gently as he turned back to watch the two children sitting cross-legged in the garden, faces screwed up in concentration. A position they'd been in for four straight hours now. "School. I always suspected Lily would win out on that. I'm surprised that you lot let him out of your sight long enough to manage it."

"The arguments on that matter were long and heated. I think it was the only time some of us spent the nights in our original frames, our equivalent of sleeping in different rooms, you might say. It very nearly cost us everything with the accident. And yet... Harry would never have met that amazing little girl if Lily hadn't convinced us all. And seeing those two sitting there together makes it worth all the heartache and worry. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Friends are important. Look what I did with my life when I thought all mine were gone. Wasted so much time." Remus mused, his mind drifting.

"Then make up for it, lad. Guide them. A little discipline might be necessary from time to time. You've quite the imagination if I recall, so I'm sure you'll find some way to make the lessons sink in. We hold the collective knowledge of centuries if not millennia of the Potter family. We can teach him. What he needs most is love. That you can provide in ways we'll never achieve."

Remus felt moisture gather in his eyes as he considered how hard Harry's childhood must have been. His own was no picnic after Greyback's visit, but at least for a time, he'd had his parents. He'd had his friends.

"I think he already has a bit of that in his life. Richard has taken him under his wing, and Natalie just adores him."

"Yes. Ever since the disaster that was their first visit, she's barely let the lad out of her sight. A mother has an innate sense of such things. She's always doted on him whenever he visits. I'm not sure he'd be as safe and sane as he is today without the Grangers in his life." Dorea watched the children as they suddenly burst up from their calm positions and began to chase one another about the flowerbeds and smiled brightly. "You're going to need help."

"I will at that." Remus took a steadying breath before turning back to face Dorea, his face much more serious now. "Tell me again. Everything we know. Harry comes first, always. But I can go to places you couldn't before. Sirius has suffered long enough. Help me help him, Dorea. For Harry."


Monday 13th February 1989.

Albus pondered silently as he ran his fingers over the indentations in the wood, at a loss for how to continue.

He'd spent hours going over all the paperwork, but those little rodents had done their work admirably he had to admit. Every T crossed, every I dotted. The boy's signature was signed in magical blood, impossible to forge or fake. Blood that could have aided his search greatly, but was magically embedded in the paper in a way not even he could circumvent.

Harry Potter was officially recognized by magic itself as his own master. Not that he really cared about controlling the boy in the slightest. It would be nice to ensure his own mistakes couldn't further harm the child, but he was a means to an end. A path to something he'd longed for most of his long life.

He looked down at the engraved surface of his wand and considered it closely.

Forty-some years he'd wielded it now, mastering its intricacies in ways he was sure none before him had ever had the opportunity to try. It changed hands too fast for them to go as deep in their research of it as he had. But his eyes flicked from its pockmarked ancient surface to the cloth draped over the chair opposite him.

While he had mastered the wand to his will, the fabric had resisted everything he had ever tried. It simply wouldn't work for him the way that he had seen it used by James. He'd even occasionally fallen to his emotions and tried to destroy the contrary artefact and was amazed to find it impervious to any form of damage. This had spurred new lines of research that had proven just as fruitless as the rest.

While the wand was fickle and changed hands at the slightest provocation, the cloak was apparently utterly loyal to the blood. So long as a true heir lived it seemed, it would not surrender to the will of an outside force. And that force could not utilise its full nature.

With his countless years of study, Albus was beyond believing the children's story. He was certain that the artefacts before him were made by human hands. While many proclaimed him the greatest wizard since Merlin himself, even the continued existence of his former mentor laughed in the face of such a claim.

The Flamels and the Peverells before them had wrought true wonders of magic, and the Peverells had found a way to bind that magic to their bloodline in ways that would make a Malfoy sing with delight. Some form of proof for their belief that their blood made them better than others. As untrue as that idea normally was.

Anger surged once more and Albus grasped the powerful wand in his hand. The blasting curse was so strong as it slammed into the taunting piece of fabric that it disintegrated the chair it had been sitting on, gouged a groove in the stone floor and exploded the door behind it. Yet the fabric showed no signs of wear beyond the dust settling atop its surface as it lay on the landing at the top of the stairway.

"Renovating, Albus?" Came the voice of his deputy once the dust had settled, drawing his eye from the cloak to her stern face, cresting the upper curve of the stairwell.

Albus centred himself as she entered, followed by someone he could hear but not clearly see.

"Possibly, Minerva. I think I'll try it out for a few days. See how I like it." He replied, tapping his wand on the desk and repairing the damage the curse had made to the far side. "Who is our guest?"

Minerva stepped aside and Albus had to master his frustrations at the sight of the goblin now holding the fabled cloak in his grubby claws.

"I believe you've met Master Farkor before."

"Indeed. Just toss that on the chair beside you, Farkor. How can Hogwarts help the Goblin Nation today?" He eked out painfully.

"Well, I've already recovered one of the things I was asked to retrieve, so the Nation thanks you for its speedy handover," Farkor responded, stuffing the cloak into a bag at its waist and further angering Albus, though he refused to allow it to show. "I have instructions from my client to retrieve any further Potter family possessions you may still retain. Now that the heir is recognized, he seeks to have everything centralised for easier perusal at a later date."

Albus mulled his options as the little bastard handed over a letter listing every single item he had borrowed from the Potter family over the decades. Every item even had an exact current location, something that bothered him greatly as most of them were in places the goblins should not even know about.

He took a moment to calm himself as he passed the paper to Minerva. "Would you kindly help our guest with his efforts, Minerva? I'm afraid I've some urgent legislative matters to attend to this afternoon that would prevent me from aiding him."

Minerva took the list and raised her eyebrow slightly as she read through some of the items. Albus simply raised his own in return and she nodded politely, before gesturing for the goblin to precede her out of the now-empty doorway.

"Good day, Albus." She offered as she departed down the stairway and he had no choice but to watch one of the three artefacts vanish from his grip. And he was still no closer to learning the location of the one he most wished to control.

He glanced down at the singed paperwork on his desk and seethed further. The legislative matters he proclaimed to need addressing had arrived that morning and were a large part of why he had been musing on the Hallows. The Ministry had rejected all his proposals.

Infringing on the rights of honest upstanding citizens was going too far, they had stated. Or in layman's terms: Keep your hands offourrights.

None of them would risk him being able to use the changes on them at a later stage, no matter how much everyone wanted an in to curry favour with, or exert control over, the Boy-Who-Lived as he was now officially known in the papers.

Even the Unspeakables were aching to get their hands on the lad and learn how he had survived the unsurvivable.

The nickname irked him somewhat, though in truth he could not fathom why. Hagrid's poor foolish naivety the night he'd been sent to the destroyed home had led to its creation. The fact that Harry's body was not present in the rubble with his mother and father, led the half-giant to drunkenly speculate on the boy's survival in the middle of a crowded pub.

After all, even Voldemort's body had been present, though mangled almost beyond recognition by whatever the Potters had done in retaliation for the attack. From there, imagination and greed had led to the series's creation. He'd tried his best to squash the books but had found no grounds with which to act in their first year on the shelves, and had given up caring at that point.

His time was better spent elsewhere.

Though how the boy had survived was equally puzzling to Albus. None of the magic he had cast over the house after the fact had provided any clues as to what had occurred. The explosion had destroyed any trace of magic that may have been present. Perhaps if he'd tried harder he'd have learned of the boy's survival sooner.

The soft sound of phoenix song came from over his shoulder and Albus found the twisted emotions that had been boiling inside half the morning finally subsiding.

"Thank you, old friend." Albus sighed, relaxing into his chair as the soothing sounds washed away the frustrations that had built up from setback after setback.

For now, the Hallows as a whole were out of reach. But he saw an option still resting on the horizon. He would let sleeping dogs lie for now.

For in only a few short years, Albus thought as he glanced at the Hat on a shelf nearby, the opportunity would present itself once more.


Wednesday 15 March 1989.

Harry raced forward as the small group appeared in the woods, skipping quickly amongst the trees.

"Harry, wait for me!" Hermione called, rapidly catching him up. "You aren't the only one who's excited."

"Slow down!" Mipsy called, invisibly following the children.

"It's been four months, Hermione. There is so much to catch up on."

"I'm aware. I've been doing the homework packets with you, remember." Hermione rolled her eyes at her friend. "I'm really looking forward to the stuff Mrs Parsons said we'll be working on now."

Richard and Natalie walked quietly behind the excited pair, enjoying the morning air, but mostly trying not to show their amusem*nt. They'd spent as much time at the Potter Manor over the past few months as in their own home. Watching the children practise their control, walking the expansive and beautiful gardens, or just chatting for hours with Harry's family.

Remus had been of particular interest to them when he'd bashfully asked for the children to spend the next few days away from the Manor. It had taken several hours of carefully applied subtle interrogation before his secret came out. Richard had made it his own personal mission to cure the werewolf of his self-loathing and get him to see the finer aspects of his condition, whatever they might be.

Natalie was certain he would fail but supported his efforts nonetheless. Those few nights every month made her so grateful to Charlus as she watched the two sleep under the peaceful embrace of the wards now guarding her family.

She'd gone over his copious notes about the wards and had a much finer understanding of how the process worked now, though a lot of the work was supposition as he'd never had the opportunity or location to test his theories until Harry had met Hermione and 'come of age' in magic.

The man had spent decades investigating and analysing the magic at play. But it was the story that Harry had told of ruining and then repairing one of the anchor stones that finally allowed him the last piece of the puzzle.

The goblin stone maester that had been escorted around the property by Tybalt had been fascinated at the precision with which the elven magic had withdrawn the cores without damaging the exterior or the integrity of the stone itself. Something even their long-cultivated stonework magic would have had difficulty achieving. All thirteen stones were now fully restored and stronger than ever, he'd assured.

"Do you remember ever being that excited to learn?" Richard asked, pulling his wife from her thoughts.

"For the learning itself? Not so much. But I do recall a rather nervous lad spending more time eyeing me up than paying attention in dental school." Natalie responded, colouring her husband's cheeks. "You're lucky I'm such a good study buddy."

"I said slow down!" Mipsy yelled once more, drawing the adults' eyes and they once more had to stifle their laughter as the two children bounced off a small distortion in the air, falling on their butts in unison.

Natalie helped Hermione to her feet and brushed off her clothes as Richard aided Harry beside her. "You two have been top of the class since you met. Calm down and have a think. You'll catch back up to the others soon enough."

"I'm just excited to be going back. It's been so long." Harry groaned, bouncing in place as Richard kept the boy's hand in his own to prevent him from rushing off again.

"You could have gone back months ago, Harry," Hermione added, shuffling beside him. "You didn't have to wait for me to catch you up."

Harry quickly grabbed her hand and gave it a firm squeeze. "We're a team, Hermione. We learn everything together. Besides, I had fun helping you out."

Hermione smiled at the boy and the group quietly completed the remaining journey to the school. Natalie remembered well watching the two sitting for hours at a time in the gardens of the Manor or beneath the great reading oak, seemingly lost in meditation. Hermione had told her how she'd struggled to master herself, and how Harry would often use his magic to guide her own. The ease with which they worked together stunned her at times, given their young ages.

Arriving at the school gates, the quartet grinned at the students who were buzzing about to and fro with that energy that only children could muster so early in the day. Just watching them made Richard groan quietly.

"Alright, remember the details?" Natalie asked, squeezing Hermione's hand.

"Yes. Whooping cough that I picked up on holiday in Spain. Harry was with us so he got it too."

"And Nemea and Mipsy," Harry whispered, eyeing the passing children as he did, "will be following the both of us all day ready to get us out and summon Uncle Moony if something goes wrong."

"Perfect." Natalie knelt down and pulled the two into a hug. She smiled as they both snuggled into it, rather than the usual reaction of children their age being shown affection in front of their peers. "Have fun, you two."

The gentle peck she placed on Harry's cheek, however, had the boy pull away and blush violently. "Argh, not in front of them!" He called, rushing towards the entrance.

The adults smiled and Hermione looked a little put out as she remained by her mother's side. Her face relaxed once she received a peck of her own and she smiled at her mother before rushing after Harry's retreating form.

"To be young again," Richard mumbled as the children vanished inside the building.

Natalie nodded beside him as she rubbed the tight bracelet Harry had given her a few days after their second trip to the Manor. The moonstone on her own matched the jasper on Richard's. After spending so much time with the two children over the past months, it almost felt like that first day sending Hermione off on her own to learn.

She sighed as the bell sounded and the children filed inside, hoping that things were smoothing back into place for their family once more.


Thursday 23rd March 1989.

Three months of searching and he had nothing to show for it. Remus was beginning to lose hope that there was any evidence they could use to build a case. He'd been through the entire Ministry archive from the time of the arrest three times over.

The arresting officers had taken Sirius's rambling as a confession and simply locked him up. No investigation was done. Hagrid's claim to have seen Sirius flee the Potter's ruined home was all the corroboration they'd needed. His untouched wand went to evidence, he went to Azkaban and no one seemed to have bothered looking at matters again.

"Come on, Padfoot. Help me out here... " He mumbled as he continued searching the news archives. Every moment he had that wasn't watching after the kids was spent looking into his friend's imprisonment, and yet everything he found pointed towards the man's guilt.

Had he not heard the truth of the Secret Keeper from Lily and James themselves, he'd really be struggling to believe it. How had Pettigrew fooled them all? They'd never treated him poorly had they? Years of friendship were thrown away, and for what? What did Peter stand to gain by selling out the Potters? Yet, try as he might, Remus could not bring himself to think of a single thing that could get him to betray his closest friends like that.

Not even a cure to his curse would be enough to break that bond.

He groaned and stretched painfully, the full moon having been the night before, as he cast aside yet another old paper. It seemed the research was not going to provide the evidence he needed. Not even the package prepared by the Potters for him had helped.

The secret was so vital to their lives that they'd concealed it all the way to their own deaths and Sirius's doom.


Wednesday 29th March 1989.

Ginny Weasley was excited.

For years she had followed the adventures laid out in the books that Bill had gifted to her. Battles with dragons, sphinx and nundu. Evil wizards thwarted and cast down. All for the hand and love of the beautiful princess. Her flowing red hair and brown eyes had apparently been Bill's incentive to buy them for her to begin with, but it had become a ritual between them nowadays.

She would receive two of them every year. One for Christmas and the other on her birthday during his summers back from Hogwarts. Each night of the holidays, Bill would tuck her in and read the newest tale to her as a bedtime story.

Ginny would drift off to the sound of his voice and enter fantastical dreams where her knight would swoop in and rescue her. Riding atop his pure white winged stallion, wand a blur as he decimated the enemy forces. His green eyes gazed into her own as he lifted her astride his steed and vanished together into the night.

And now, she had proof of his greatness. While her father read it every morning on the day of release, Ginny was the baby of the family. She was at the bottom of the information ladder in the Weasley home, with everyone but Ron reading the Daily Prophet before she did. Ron would simply take the sports pages and disappear to his orange-plastered room, seeking the latest stats on his favourite Quidditch team.

Ginny, however, was enraptured by the tiny figure barely visible on the front page. He looked just like the figure on the covers of her books. Thick unruly black hair sticking up in all directions. And though the paper was only published in black and white, the article below described the vivid green of the eyes no less than four times. All that was missing were the glasses of the Boy-Who-Lived.

Even the massed group of warriors around him looked like something from her dreams.

"Oh, there you are, dear. Come now, Ginny, it's time for lunch." Her mother called, finding her curled up beneath the stairs. "Are you reading that old paper again?"

Ginny shot out from under the stairs and tucked the well-worn paper under her arm, shaking her head in denial.

Her mother smiled at Ginny as she guided her to the kitchen, where the rest of her siblings were gathered about the table, eating noisily. Having nine people in such a small space all talking different things had a habit of getting loud. But thankfully it was still mid-term, so it was only the pre-Hogwarts crew and their mum today.

"I'm going to marry him one day, mummy," Ginny whispered as her mother placed her in her spot at the table.

Ron rolled his eyes next to her and continued his meal while the Twins sitting opposite smiled at her.

"That's nice, Ginny. Eat up, now. It would be nice to have such a sweet boy as part of the family. But you need to finish your dinner if you want to grow up tall and beautiful enough to catch his eye." Molly commented absently as she sat herself down.

Ginny could tell her mother was humouring her. She'd heard the tone often enough over the years. Being the youngest often sucked in a family so large. She'd been given the 'that's nice' tone so much that she had almost injured her eyes permanently from rolling them so hard. It was so rare for her to get the things she wanted, and was one of the reasons she was so fond of Bill.

His summer jobs left him with actual money and he loved to spoil her rotten. Even Charlie had begun a few jobs of his own to bring in some extra money, but he tended to dote on the Twins more than her. Buying them all sorts of odds and ends that they'd hide in their room and make horrible noises with. While they made her laugh at times, Bill was definitely her favourite. Hopefully, the amazing news their father had brought home the day before would lead to a change in her getting what she wanted.

"You'll see," Ginny mumbled as she started in on the food before her. She'd show them all.

One day she'd be the beautiful princess and her green-eyed hero would come to sweep her off her feet. Unaware that across the world, hundreds of little girls were making the same plans and dreams.


Sunday 2nd April 1989.

Life had become quite routine for Remus.

His mornings were spent getting Harry and occasionally Hermione ready for school, assisting the elves where possible. The children had tested him a few times over the past few months but his talent for pranking and the mind that had kept the Marauders well under their fair share of detentions had soon taught them a few limits.

Once the kids were at the school, now covered by the strongest wards Remus had ever felt in his life outside of this bubble, he would spend an hour or so catching up with James and Lily. The stories they shared brought almost as much joy to his new life as watching the kids reading to one another under the oak tree in the Grangers' backyard.

After a life full of hits and pain, Remus was finally finding his feet. Richard's refusal to let him wallow in his disease had certainly helped as well. It was almost like the disaster that had nearly destroyed the Marauders had never happened. Happy children, good friends, clean untattered clothing, a soft bed to call home every night.

Stability had not been a constant in his world since the day his parents had died. Until the Potters had dragged him kicking and screaming into it once more.

Settling down to read the paper with his lunch, Remus found the stability shattered once more as half the sandwich he had been eating landed across the room. He rocketed out of his seat, not bothering to clean up as he rushed into the small sitting room in which he knew James and Lily liked to spend their noons. And quickly spun about upon seeing the state of dress of those in the painting.

"Damnit, Prongs, clothe yourself now!" Remus demanded.

"Oi! This is Me time, Moony, bugger off."

"This is important, you jackass!"

"Stag, not ass!" James snapped back, accompanied by shuffling sounds. "Fine, we're decent."

Remus turned cautiously, knowing his friend far too well to trust his word on such things. The last time James had spoken those words he'd turned to find the man standing proud before him. Body-shy James Potter was not. He was happy to find this time they had been serious.

"The same cannot be said for you, Remus. Accident in the kitchen?" Lily asked red-faced, looking at him with her head tilted to the side. Though he knew all too well her reddened cheeks were not thanks to his predicament, but her husband's interrupted efforts.

Remus looked down to find most of the other half of his lunch was resting down his front. Groaning, he tapped the mess with his wand, clearing it away before noticing the paper crushed in his left hand. He picked it up and began to read the article tucked at the base of the front page.

"Ministry of Magic Employee Scoops Grand Prize." He began.

"Moony, how is this more important…"

Remus glared James into silence and continued, "Arthur Weasley, Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office at the Ministry of Magic has won the annual Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw this week. A delighted Mr Weasley told the Daily Prophet, 'We will be spending the gold on a summer holiday in Brazil, where our eldest son, Bill, has requested we go as his graduation gift.'

"William, 17, who shall shortly finish his Hogwarts career tackling an impressive set of NEWT classes, is said to be considering his career choices with the trip to South America. Though the paper has received exclusive reports from those close to the boy that the destination chosen has to do with a case of love by letter, and that the lad picked his journey for the chance to meet his long-time pen pal from Castelobruxo.

"With his graduation from the school, Bill leaves behind two younger brothers and the Weasley Twins who are due to begin at Hogwarts in the coming semester. The Prophet congratulates the Weasely family on their good fortune and wishes them a happy holiday."

James began to clap, a mocking look adorning his face as he glared at his friend while Lily just looked perplexed.

"If you interrupted happy time just to tell me the Weasleys won some money, Moony, I am going to find a way to kill you." James chided.

Remus scowled and turned the paper around, showing the pair in the painting the accompanying photograph. The picture showed nine people gathered on the lawn outside Hogwarts. The parents Arthur and Molly stood on either side of their eldest, while the caption informed the viewer that the boys on their left and right were Charlie and Percy respectively. The four in front, however, went unnamed as far as James was concerned as the man leapt forward and growled with rage.

"Spotted it, did you?" Remus smirked.

Lily looked back and forth between the two for a moment before she spoke. "I hope you two plan to explain what is so important very quickly."

Remus glanced at her before pointing to the rat perched on Percy's shoulder.

"Lovely, the boy has a pet rat," Lily replied simply.

"That's Wormtail!" James growled, looking every bit like he wished he could leap into the newspaper and rip the little animal to shreds.


"I've seen that rat change a million times, Lily," Remus replied. "There is no mistaking it. The picture may be terrible, but you can clearly see his distinguishing marks." Remus pointed out the odd colouring of the hairs about the creature's nose and ears.

"You're sure?"

"Absolutely," Remus replied. "I've been over the reports of the incident forward and back. The only thing left of Peter was his index finger. Look at the right paw. This rat is missing the exact same finger."

"I'll kill him!" James railed, searching the edge of the painting for a way out.

"Calm down, James. This might be exactly what we need." Lily laid a hand on her husband's shoulder, turning him away from the frame. "He is the evidence we've been missing."

The change in James was immediate. "Padfoot."

"Yes." Remus cut in. "If we can capture the rat, we can cast doubt on everything he was locked away for. Maybe even get a confession from Wormtail."

"Moony," James stated, a look of demented glee on his features neither had seen in a long time, "it's planning time."

Chapter 16: Probing the Defences

Chapter Text

Tuesday 4th April 1989.


The young secretary looked up at the order and smiled at him, gesturing inside the open office.

Remus stood and brushed himself down, making sure he had a firm grip on the manila folder he'd brought along as he stepped inside the office, finally feeling the weight of the eyes of everyone in the Bull Pit leaving him. The delights of being a werewolf in London once more. He gave a soft sigh as he stepped forward and waited to be acknowledged.

"Sit," the figure stated and pointed absently at the chair in front of him without sending him a single glance.

Remus quickly complied, his eyes drifting across the room behind the figure as they continued writing furiously at the desk. Several half-open boxes were stacked beside more open filing cabinets. A handful of awards had been hung in place on the rear wall shouting the identity of the room's occupant and their proficiency at their job.

His focus was drawn back to the figure as she finished writing and slapped the thick parchment into her outbox, where it self-folded and took off into the corridor.

"What do you want? Finally done wallowing in booze on the continent?"

"Ouch. A pleasure to see you again too, Amelia."

"Dispense with the pleasantries, Lupin. I'm busy." Amelia Bones growled, "Ashton might have been a fine Auror, but he was sh*tehouse at paperwork. I've got a department that's backloggedseven monthson vital records and is criminally underfunded. Barty may have been a bastard, but at least he got his bloody paperwork done. So I've no time for small talk."

Remus nodded. While Bones had been a few years their senior at Hogwarts, she was always a straight shooter. A talent that likely saw her elevation to head of the department at her relatively young age. He opened the folder and placed the paperwork on Amelia's desk.

She grabbed it and began flicking through it immediately. "Three animagus registration forms, a handful of newspaper clippings and outdated arrest records." Her eyes flicked up to him, still looking disinterested, "Summarise."

"Sirius Black is innocent. Had he ever received a trial that would have become obvious."

"And the forms?" She held the three pieces of parchment aloft. "Only one of these is signed."

"I was recently allowed into a safe deposit box that contained some tasks left by an old friend. Seems James wanted to register posthumously. He was a naughty boy after all."

Bones eyed him closely. "And the other two?"

"One for the man currently relaxing in the Ministry's island getaway. I'm sure he'll be happy to confirm it and sign. The other, well, let's say I'm close to tracking the true traitor down. Once I do, I'll happily hand him over and let bureaucracy take its course."

"A rat? Odd form." Bones mumbled, taking a closer look at the unsigned forms. "Seriously? A grim? I don't have time for jokes, Lupin."

"Not a joke, Amelia. I've spent ages trying to find proof." Remus replied, trying not to show the shame he felt that ages only meant months and not the years that Sirius had deserved from his friend. "I'm finally close and thought that you would like a heads-up. I've no intention of stepping on anyone's toes in the process. Especially not ones that are already angry at me it seems." He eyed her carefully but Amelia just stared back.

"Even if I believed you, Lupin. I'm not about to take your word about your former best friend."

"Currentbest friend." Remus corrected, ignoring just how sad a statement that was. "And I don't recall asking you todoanything. Simply passing on the evidence that I have for now."

"Well, you've passed it, I'm still busy."

Though clearly a dismissal, Remus noted that the paperwork was still sitting on her desk and hadn't been dumped yet, leading him to smile.

"That you are. Good day, Amelia."

Ameilia grunted a reply and shifted the papers into a small pile in the corner of her desk, moving back to the work she had been doing. As he stepped back into the hall and all the Aurors began watching him once more, Remus was startled by a shout from behind him.

"Sarah! Find Shack and tell him to get his arse in here. ASAP!" Bones shouted.

"Yes, ma'am."

"And stop calling me MA'AM!"

"Yes… Miss?"

Silence reigned for several moments before Bones quietly groaned, "Find Shack."

Remus smiled at the antics behind him. He'd not expected Amelia to offer anything in their meeting. She had no vested interest in digging into a case half a decade closed while she was settling into her relatively new role. But Remus had felt the need to inform her anyway. It was never a good idea to have the head of law enforcement angry with you. Not when the entire force was already watching you like a fox in the hen house.

He sighed as the grate closed over the elevator and the eyes were once more blocked from view. Richard had been trying for months to get him to see the lighter side of his curse. Even tried using soft words for it to make it sound less of a burden than it was. But stepping one foot back in magical Britain was enough to show he'd never be accepted as a member of this society.

A few deep breaths centred him once more as he stepped off the lift onto level six and moved on to his next task.


Amelia slumped heavily in her seat, stretching back against the leather as she tried in vain to clear the cramp in her lower back. If she ever saw Ashton again he'd get a punch in the nose. No wonder he immediately left for warmer climates upon his retirement. She wasn't even making a dent in this pile of crap he'd left her.

A knock at the open door drew her eye. "You called, boss?" The deep voice sounded.

Amelia smirked at her former partner. "Enjoying that, Shack?"

"Immensely." He smirked, nodding at the mounds of paperwork. "Better you than me."

"Bite me." She replied as he sat opposite her. She tapped the thin folder to her right as she continued. "Got a visitor today, seems to think there might be something screwy with an old case. I need you to gather everything we have on the case, review it and give me a summary. I don't have time to bother, not with all of this to clear up."

"Sure, boss. What's the file?"

"Black, Sirius. Multiple homicide. Major Statute breach. Conspiracy to commit murder."

Kingsley's face darkened. "I'm familiar."

"Former friend?"

"Former ally. Or so I thought. He was part of Albus's Order during the war. Back when you were still in the academy." He ended with a smirk.

"Shut up. Or I'll retire and recommend you for this mess."

"I'd have to accept the job." He laughed.

"Then accept this job." She tossed the tiny folder at the Auror. It was nice to have some levity to break up her day now and then. "I know I can trust you to be thorough. And that the former association won't colour your work like some."

Kingsley raised an eyebrow at her as he glanced over the sheets in the folder. "Legit?"

"That's what I wantyouto find out. Now get."

The man stood quickly and gave her a firm nod. "Boss."

Kingsley laughed deeply as he walked away from her as she scowled. While they'd only partnered for a few short years after she finished at the academy, Shack was a hell of a partner. Damned fine Auror too, one who actually finished their paperwork. Amelia glared at the pile that didn't seem to be getting any smaller. At least his summary would be just that.

These stupid forms would be getting an overhaul. Just as soon as she could see the surface of her desk again.


Sunday 9th April 1989.

"Mr Lupin… would you like to tell the Nation how you managed to get a perfect copy of the floorplans for the building?" Ragnok asked, looking in stunned disbelief over the plans before him.

"The Ministry makes the same mistakes that most of the magical world does. They assume someone looking to steal information would use magic to do so."

"But you didn't reproduce this from memory, surely?" Farkor questioned, running a claw over the glossy surface of the plans.

Remus smiled at the pair. They'd been enthralled by the fact he'd managed to walk out of the Ministry with a perfect reproduction of the floorplan of the 'Burrow' from the Floo Registration Office since he arrived. Lily would have been delighted to watch such behaviour.

He pulled the culprit free from his jacket and laid it atop the plans. "A simple mechanical Muggle camera. Disposable versions can be bought just about anywhere for a few bob. This particular one belonged to the family of an old friend. Light goes in the front, and makes an 'impression' of sorts on the film inside. There are places that 'develop' that impression into the picture before you. Simple."

"Fascinating," Ragnok whispered, clearly filing the information away for further study.

While magicals had been using the technology for years, their version, like everything they copied off Muggles, was swimming in magic. It was how pictures taken with such cameras moved like their portrait counterparts. And magic leaves traces. Anything that allowed you to gather information on an enemy without being detected was certainly of interest to the Nation.

Remus lobbed a heavy bag of gold onto the table, attempting to move the conversation forward. "Your turn."

Ragnok straightened and nodded to Farkor. The younger goblin withdrew a large set of roughly drawn plans, and glancing at a smirking Remus, laid them beside his own copy. While the layout appeared mostly the same, the dimensions were clearly drawn by hand. And very rapidly at that.

"Sneak assessed the building over the past two weeks. It's hard to be absolutely certain with the children still at Hogwarts, but he seemed fairly certain that this room was the one we want." Farkor stated, indicating a room on the second floor. "It's the most orderly of the group, and the contents match the profile of the boy. Opposite are the Twins. Underneath the girl and above the two eldest share a room."

Remus nodded along as he used his wand to add the detail to his own plan. Being on the second floor would complicate matters. Especially given that the rooms above and beside were currently occupied, making any undetected internal exploration before school let out much harder. There were not many times Remus had cause to celebrate the stiff bureaucracy of the Ministry, but their insistence on a full floorplan in order to connect a Floo was a boon to them today.

"Non-human occupants?"

"The eldest has an owl. Unknown species as it's with them at Hogwarts. The snooty one has a pet rat, also currently at the school. The only other non-human presently is a ghoul that they refuse to evict occupying the attic." Farkor seemed truly disgusted at the prospect of allowing a ghoul to live in his home.

"You have paid for the service, but I have to wonder what you plan to do with this information," Ragnok questioned. "The Nation cannot be linked to someone attacking the home of a Ministry employee."

"Hence why we sourced the floorplan ourselves. All we've paid the Nation for is to fill in some blanks." Remus replied, making his final adjustments to the plan. "What the Nation isn't told, they don't have to lie about knowing. But I assure you, it'll be worth the effort."

Ragnok eyed him closely for several moments. "You are aware," he offered, picking up the bag of gold, "that payment of these services was authorised to come from the family vault?"

Remus smirked again. "Prongs should know better than to try and trick me. This is his repayment for that." He finished, rolling his plan up and dropping it in his bag once more. "I don't do charity, unless it's the giving away part."


Friday 21st April 1989.

Amelia breathed a sigh of relief. It had taken weeks, but she finally had a desk again. Though she still bore a grudge against her predecessor for his laziness.

"Miss?" And the assistant that refused to call her Amelia.

"Yes?" She replied, tapping her wand and ordering a tea suitable for the late hour.

"Auror Shacklebolt is here."

"So send him in, Sarah." Amelia rolled her eyes as the young woman disappeared, making way for the larger form of Kingsley to enter. The look on his face was not one she was used to seeing. "Trouble?"

Shack slumped heavily into the seat opposite her and gestured to the now-filling cup on her desk. "I'm going to need a strong one of those. You will too."

Amelia looked at her old friend oddly. "How bad?"

He dumped a file folder on her desk, thinner than one would expect for such a high-profile case as the man who betrayed the ones who defeated Voldemort. Two parchment evidence baggies were laid on top both sporting slender bulges in the middle.

"That bad," Shack replied.

"How so?"

"That is it. That's all we have. I searched the entire Ministry archive from top to bottom. That's what took me so long. We have a wand, never tested." He indicated the first baggy, then the second. "A finger under a decaying stasis charm, confirmed to belong to one Peter Pettigrew. A statement, taken second hand from a man who heard Rubeus Hagrid in a pub talking about how he saw Sirius Black leaving the Potter's ruined home on the 31st of October 1981. And some inane ramblings about something being 'his fault' and repeated cases of laughter consistent with a confundus charm from Black himself."


"No 'and'. No questioning. No trial. No records of any kind beyond the very poorly filled-out arrest record. They took Black from the scene, lobbed him into a cell in Azkaban and never looked back."

"Bullsh*t!" Amelia was stunned as Shack reached for the much stronger brew he had summoned on the desk. "There has to be more than that. Could the files have been moved?"

"Theentirearchive, Amy. I went through it all using every combination and variation of terms I could think of to search. This is everything that the British Ministry of Magic has on Black's case." Shack tapped the practically empty folder twice. "He might well be guilty, but the evidence in front of us sure as hell doesn't prove it."

Amelia tapped her teacup and vanished the contents, summoning something much stronger. Her eyes drifted from her own wand to the sealed bag in front of her. She grabbed it and looked at the label. It had never been opened after being sealed on November 3rd 1981. Another tap of her wand broke the seal and her name and the date appeared on the record, proving that the magic on it was sound.

She pulled the wand free, watched closely by Shack as she put the two wands tip to tip. "Prior Incantato."

Pulling her wand away, the pair watched the slightly curved dogwood as it began to regurgitate spell ghosts into the air above the desk. Shock settled on them both as the only spells that came out were general daily use spells. Cleaning charms, opening charms, and a sobering charm. Nothing this wand had cast recently could have caused an explosion large enough to kill thirteen people.

"f*ck me," Amelia whispered as her wand fell from her slackened hand, clattering on the desktop.

"I offered to years ago, but you're my boss now, Boss," Kingsley said deadpan, trying to lighten the mood.

Amelia tried to do the maths in her head. Two thousand seven hundred and twenty-six days. Sevenyears,five months and eighteen days. What would that amount of time and exposure to Dementors do to a man? A quite possibly innocent man.

"f*ck it." She groaned angrily. "I have to go out there. You're coming too. I need this all above board. Find Mad-Eye as well. Anyone who fights us on this will be hard-pressed to question the competence of the three of us. f*cking Lupin, he knew - when he dumped all this on my desk." Amelia replaced the wand that had ruined her day back in the evidence bag, sealing it once more

"Remus Lupin?" Shack asked as his former partner swigged the refilled contents of her teacup in one go. "I thought he died infiltrating the wolf packs during the war?"

"If he did, he's one hell of a ghost. Find Alastor. I need to get this cleaned up now. You know what? I take back what I said about Barty. He was just a bastard. At least the paperwork Ashton left me with was just boring."


Saturday 22nd April 1989.

Shack pulled his robes tighter around his body and cast his third warming charm of the boat trip.

Finally looming above the tiny craft was the imposing black stone of Azkaban Prison. The waves chopping heavily about them as a storm system that should not exist in nature swirled about the upper reaches. A perpetual icy rain fell over the dreary island, devoid of any natural flora or fauna. None was hardy enough to survive the constant exposure to the Dementors for all these years.

It had been the better part of three hundred years that the Ministry had held their convicts here. Guarded that entire time by a colony of Dementors that not even the Ministry knew the true scale of. They had never really delved into the depths of Ekrizdis's horrific construction. Nor did they understand how he had built it, seemingly alone, all the way out here.

"Are the Hoods any closer to figuring out how to end these miserable things?" He said aloud, referencing the name often used for the Unspeakables by other departments of the Ministry and getting a grunt from the driver but only silence from the female of his companions.

"Maybe one day," Moody muttered as the boat pulled up to the dock and the magic on the two kept it steady enough in the churning North Sea for the passengers to disembark.

Amelia led the trio quickly from the grey stone dock up to the darker stone doorway. Three silhouetted figures stood in the opening, watching their approach.

"Director Bones." The grey-suited Warden Alfonz greeted. "To what do we owe the unscheduled, extremely early, visit?" He asked, clearly emphasising the hour and his obvious displeasure at having been roused to meet them.

Bones held up her authorisation paperwork as she walked straight past the three and into the slight cover of the entrance to the massive fortress. A few drying charms and several more warming charms allowed feeling to return to Kingsley's extremities as the Warden and his guards led the way to his ground-level office. One of the few rooms in the structure where the effect of the Dementors was completely nullified.

Also one of the only parts of the structure where they would be allowed to retain their wands. Not even the guards could carry theirs deep into the prison. Out of fear of what one of the inmates could do if they ever managed to overpower a guard and take it from them. Only the specially charmed pendants the guards wore kept them from feeling the presence of the terrible creatures as heavily as the prisoners themselves.

Bones didn't bother to sit as Moody took up the position immediately inside the door. One eye on the room and one swirling about, surveying the building.

"I'm here to speak with Sirius Black. Authorisation papers." Amelia was clearly in no mood to chat with the Warden, a man she'd never gotten along with as an Auror, and now she was heading the Department, had suddenly taken a liking to her.

"Advance warning would have been nice." Alfonz smiled.


Alfonz lost the cheery expression and eyed Shack and Moody. Clearly unwilling to play hardball with such company. He gestured for one of the guards to bring Black to the office. Shack thought it foolish that it was the only room set up where it would be possible to interview an inmate without Dementor interference. Unless they wanted to use the barracks or mess. But those would be even less suitable. Or defensible.

As the guard returned, Shack felt the influence of the two Dementors guiding the emaciated figure between them. Moody wasted no time in drawing his wand and summoning a Patronus to keep the foul creatures at bay.

"They can wait outside. I've enough bad thoughts in my head at the best of times." Mad-Eye cautioned, eyeing the guard behind him through his head with his magical eye.

"You can't expect me to allow him to be unguarded." Alfonz moaned.

"He's not unguarded," Kingsley commented, drawing his own wand and nodding at the five armed Aurors now in the room with Black.

Amelia seemed oblivious to the banal exchange, instead focusing on the man staring at her. "Sit."

Black immediately complied, keeping his hands visible at all times. "Never had me a visitor. Nice change."

"Quiet, Black." Alfonz chided, moving to take his seat only to find Bones now occupying it and pulling out a folder from her satchel.

"Hardly a good way to conduct a questioning, Alfonz," Moody commented. "We wouldn't have hiked all the way out to this sh*t hole at three in the mornin' if we wanted him to be quiet."

The Warden simply glared at the aged Auror, but said nothing. Not that there were many who would give out to an armed Alastor Moody. Bones finished preparing the dictaquill and stared across the desk at Black, silence filling the room for several moments.

"Recognize this?" Amelia asked, pulling a sealed bag from her satchel, opening it and laying its contents on the broad desk well beyond reach from the far side.

"What the devil are you doing?! Get that away fro…" Alfonz broke off as Shack stepped up to him and tapped his wand on the man's chest.

"If you would be so kind as to shut up." He said in his deep voice.

"Black?" Amelia continued, acting as if she hadn't been interrupted.

"That would be a dogwood wand, with a Vipertooth heartstring core. Decidedly whippy I believe Ollivander called it." Sirius replied, adding a childish emphasis on the word whippy. "Eleven and a quarter inches too. Bigger than James's, if you know what I mean." Sirius smiled at Amelia over the table, winking at her but keeping his hands in place on the edge, palm up. "Used to be mine before I was chucked in here."

"Can you tell me the last seven spells cast by it?"

Black moved for the first time since sitting down. He leaned back in his chair and both hands came up to his head as he scratched at something in his hair and beard.

"Jeez, that's… let me see. I was tidying up after… Nah, can't recall her name anymore." The smile on his face was as broad as Kingsley had ever seen and he could easily figure exactly what the man had been referring to. "Should be four cleaning charms. No, scrubbing charms. Bachelor life after all. We do leave a mess in our wake. Two opening charms got us into the first beers from the night before. After the first two, I put the wand down. Didn't need it for what we were doing. Not that one anyway."

"And the seventh?" Amelia said, face unchanged as she stared down the grinning man opposite her.

"Sobering charm. Me and James hit the sauce heavily the night before. Lily wouldn't let me leave the Cottage without doing one first. Wasn't impressed with mine either. Her's were always rough as guts. Gave you a worse headache than the hangover. Though knowing Lils, that might have been intentional."

"Why were you drinking? And where." Moody asked from behind Sirius, Still facing into the corridor and maintaining the Patronus.

"Junior had pulled a prank. It was a simple one, he'd just started managing sentences and figured out certain ones got different reactions." He paused once more and seemed lost in thought for a moment before shaking his head again. "Can't remember what he said, but me and James loved it. Lily gave out to us four times that night before she tied me to the couch, dumped a blanket over me and dragged James upstairs to sleep."

"So you spent the night of the twenty-ninth at Potter Cottage?"

"I hope so." He replied cheekily. "That's where I fell asleep and woke up on the thirtieth."

"And the thirty-first?" Kingsley asked.

Immediately Black's entire demeanour changed. The surprisingly carefree exterior he'd shown since walking into the room vanished completely and his face became haunted.

"I spent that day at home. Cleaned in the morning, as I said. Went to…" His voice cracked with a growl as he continued, "Peter's house. He wasn't there. He was supposed to be there. No signs of a struggle. Plenty of food in the cupboards. Had the worst feeling in my gut. Never felt it's like before that moment. Wasn't half as bad as the one I got when I went back to the Cottage."

Silence reigned in the room, everyone present was hanging on Black's every word. "Front doorway was a ragged hole. That blasting curse must have been strong. The front door was half-buried in the stairs." A slight grin emerged for half a second. "James fought hard. The bloody idiot must have left his wand somewhere. It wasn't by his body. But there were books and stuff strewn about the doorway."

"What's the significance of that?" Amelia asked, drawing Black's grey eyes to her face.

Sirius smirked for a moment. "The stuff around the door wasn't kept anywhere near there. James must have tried to beat the stupid prick to death." The smile grew even wider as he spoke, before vanishing entirely as he continued. "Not that it saved him. Shame, he had the leg of the couch in his hand. His cold... "

A shudder passed through Black's body and everyone in the room felt a chill that had nothing to do with the Dementors being kept outside. "I don't know how long I knelt by his body. James was my brother. Dorea and Charlus were better parents to me than Walburga or Orion ever managed. And there he was, lying dead in front of me. And it was all my fault."

"Explain that."

Sirius looked up at Amelia again. "I was supposed to be their Secret Keeper. The Fidelius was meant to keep them safe. Link all the charms together so it was safe for visitors but deadly for interlopers. And if people were looking for me, they wouldn't be looking for Peter."

"Why did Pettigrew matter?"

"He was the one I suggested as Secret Keeper instead of myself," Sirius replied, staring deadpan at Amelia as he spoke.

"Nice, a story that cannot be confirmed, with you the only one alive," Alfonz added from the side.

Kingsley tapped his wand on the man's sternum again, silencing him once more.

Black simply shrugged as he fixed his haunting gaze on the Warden, who shuddered under its weight. After a few silent moments, Sirius turned back to Amelia. "That's when I realised it was too quiet."

"The occupants were deceased, why wouldn't it be quiet?" Amelia asked, trying to refocus the conversation.

"I thought I heard…" Sirius paused, a glimmer of pain in his face tinged with hope that quickly faded. "When I came inside, I thought Junior was crying. Could of sworn I heard him. But by the time I pulled myself together, it was quiet. So I rushed upstairs to the nursery.

"Lily was lying on the floor. That fiery hair of hers was a red halo about her. But her eyes were empty. Lily always had the most amazing eyes. Eyes she gave to Junior. They weren't the same after…" Black took several deep breaths, and Shack thought he saw tears forming in the corner of the man's eyes. "I don't know… she was as good as my sister by then. Even after all the flak she gave James at Hogwarts. And she was gone. Wasted on some lunatic's vile dreams.

"When I managed… when I dragged myself to the crib…" Everyone was silent once more, this was information no one had ever heard before. "Junior was gone. Not like James and Lily. There were only a few tiny drops of blood on the comforter. And the four of us…"

"The four of you?"

Black raised his left fist and counted out each one with a finger. "Prongs, the stag. Moony, the wolf. Wormtail, a rat. And Padfoot, the grim."

"The significance?" Amelia's voice was steady as ever, her talent as an interrogator serving her well.

"How I stayed sane in this place."

"Details, Black." Four wands immediately swung to point at the enormous black dog now sitting in Black's chair. "Stand down!" Amelia roared as she stood, glaring at the four Aurors " I said STAND DOWN!" She repeated before the guards finally lowered their wands, before swinging a finger to point at the dog. "You. Hold still."

She walked around the desk, a single length of parchment in her hand. She looked over the dog and compared it to the description Shack knew was on the form in her hand. "Perfect match. Down to the last shaggy detail."

She placed the parchment on the desk in front of the dog and sat opposite once more, pulling a regular quill from her satchel and placing it atop the form. "Sign."

Black morphed back into human form again, leaning forward to read the parchment. "Where did you get this?" He asked, genuinely curious.

"Informant," Amelia replied simply. "Sign, or I'll have to amend your charges."

Black smiled before complying, chucking the used quill back into the pile of paperwork in front of Amelia.

"What happened next?"

"I collapsed by the crib," Sirius replied as if it was entirely obvious. "Could have been hours before I moved again. Not sure. I eventually noticed thathisbody was against the far wall. Whatever killed the squirt must have been powerful. Messed the bastard up good and proper. Looked half like minced meat. Worse even than Alastor's face." He finished with a jab of his thumb over his shoulder at the grizzled man in the doorway.

"Wait… killed? You don't…" The guard went quiet as Amelia glared him down.

"Don't what?" Black asked, looking between the two.

"Not relevant, continue." Bones ordered, staring at Black, but occasionally flicking her eyes at the three staff.

"As I sat there wallowing, it sunk in that Peter had betrayed us. I had nothing left to protect anymore, so the only option left was vengeance."

"Why did it take you until the third to find Pettigrew?"

"Bastard was always good at hide and seek. I knew I wouldn't be able to track him using magic, so I used some ideas Lily had shown me." Sirius growled before a dark smirk fixed itself upon his face. "I caught up to him though. He shouted in front of all the muggles that I betrayed them and the sneaky f*cker caught me by surprise before I could figure out how best to do it. Fired something off behind his back and the street ripped open.

"I hit the wall behind me and was dazed for a few minutes. When I gathered my wits again, I noticed the finger on the street in front of me." Black began to giggle. "Stupid bastard blew himself to pieces. Stole my revenge from me. From us all."

He began to laugh maniacally, but Shack noticed that the way he described things was off. He'd been late to the scene, but Black had been found sitting in the middle of the street, far from any walls. He flicked his eyes to Amelia, who nodded slightly before focusing on Black again.

"Anything else?" She prompted.

Black's laugh settled and he seemed to become aware that he had company once again. "Else? No. The next thing I knew I was here. You lot are the first people I've seen in... I don't know. How long has it been? Two weeks? Twenty years? Hard to tell time here as the sun never makes it past those clouds."

"You've been exposed to the Dementors now for more than seven years. How is it that you can remember these events so clearly?"

Sirius looked into her eyes, his own looking vacant. "Dementors steal happiness, Bones. Nothing happy happened to me on the thirty-first of October. I will never forget the pain."

The seriousness in his voice haunted all present. But Bones didn't let it show. She glanced at Shack, who shook his head. He needed far longer than that to formulate questions given what they'd just been told. "Alastor?"


The guards looked at the gnarled man in confusion but Shack stepped forward and pulled up Black's sleeves. Both arms were filthy with muck and dirt, but two quick scrubbing charms, the very same ones recorded on the dogwood wand, revealed the arms to be free of any blemishes. The aged Auror nodded, still back to the room.

"Take him back to his cell. We've got all we need for now." Amelia instructed, and the same guard that had summoned Black handed his wand to the second guard and lifted him over to the doorway.

Bones gathered her files as the pair stepped over the threshold. Black had lost all the pleasantness he'd shown during their visit and his body shuddered as he was pushed out into the hallway, once more feeling the full effect of the nearby Dementors. The two cloaked figures took his arms and whisked him down the hallway, vanishing around the corner.

Shack was not sure which chilled him more. The horrid feeling of those monsters, or the idea that he'd been party to the seven-year imprisonment of a seemingly innocent man.

As much as he wanted to walk him free, he knew that the Warden would never allow it. Without some form of actual proof, all they had was the story of a possibly insane man that they simply could not corroborate in any way.

But he would be damned if he wouldn't try and find some.


Saturday 29th April 1989.

Hermione filled in the final squares on her maths work and slapped her pen down on the desk. "Finished!"

Harry groaned in response, looking down at his own almost completed piece. Hermione giggled at his downtrodden face. He'd been so excited at the prospect of winning their little wager. He quickly filled in the final sections, his answers matching her own, though she knew he wasn't simply copying her work.

"I wanted to win, so bad," Harry mumbled, looking thoroughly deflated.

Hermione looked back at her own work and let out a performative groan of her own. "Oh no… no, no, no."

Harry looked over at her, his eyes flicking down to her homework, noting that the answers were correct, he was unsure why she was worried. "What's wrong?"

Her eyes flicked back up to his own and a small smirk tweaked at the edge of her lips. "I forgot to fill in this bit." Her finger pointed to the empty name field on the homework sheet. The one that wasn't due for two months. The last piece of work that had been between the two and being one hundred percent ahead in class again. "No name."

Harry's eyes flicked between the two sheets, noting that he had put his own name where she had not. Hermione's smile grew slightly as she watched realisation dawn on Harry's face and his grin soon eclipsed her own. He leapt into the air, a surprising height from his knees and yelped with joy. Hermione couldn't help but laugh at her friend, his joy at what was coming was infectious.

He whipped around the table and helped her to her feet, before popping them out of the house and into the open green field.

"You're sure?" He asked, looking deep into her eyes.

Hermione nodded, still slightly nervous, but resolved. "Yes." She stated, her voice betraying none of her nerves.

Nemea appeared beside her, looking up curiously as Harry popped away for a moment. Hermione nodded to her friend and the elf plonked down on the soft grassy surface, clearly enjoying the bright sunshine that was currently peeking from behind light fluffy clouds.

Harry's return was louder than usual, but it was the object in his right hand that had Hermione's attention. The subject of their wager. The one she had intentionally thrown because she agreed it was time to learn.

After all, what self-respecting witch didn't know how to fly a broom?

Harry must have noted the slight trepidation in her as he stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You'll be fine, Hermione. I promise."

She nodded in response and took hold of the long shaft. "Mount it like this," Harry continued, carefully showing her as he settled atop his own, Hermione mirroring his movements, glad she had worn comfortable pants rather than a dress or skirt today. "Good."

Harry dropped his own to the ground and stepped forward, correcting the position of her hands on the slender wood. "If you grip here, it's easier to steer. With practice, you'll get the hang of using your knees and you can do it without hands."

Hermione's eyes shot to his face, terror clear on her own. "Relax. You won't do that for ages." His confidence soothed her as he straightened her back slightly. She felt a little silly sitting atop a broom like this but Harry had been certain she could handle herself.

"Hermione," Harry whispered, drawing her eye again. "You can do this, I believe in you. Trust yourself."

She nodded and took a moment to settle her nerves, a quick trip to her happy place, which had only grown more amazing in the past few months, doing the trick. "Ready."

Harry smiled at her and grabbed his own broom again, quickly mounting it and standing beside her. "Just jump slightly into the air and let the broom take your weight. Just that. Trust the magic, they're good brooms. Like this."

She watched closely as Harry pushed into the air, but when he reached the apex of his small leap, he did not return to the ground but simply hovered in place. He turned to watch closely as she mirrored his actions and was suddenly being supported in the air by what felt like a very comfy stool.

"Wow!" She said, carefully keeping her balance. The broom somehow supported her body's waist completely, rather than the stick in her butt feeling she had expected.

Harry grinned at her as his legs met the ground once more and he stepped up beside her, gently correcting her posture and hands once more with featherlight touches. She could feel the magic on the broom against her own, exactly as Harry had described. She felt like she could tell the broom to do anything with it and it would respond immediately. She squashed that feeling down, trusting Harry when he said it was better to use that later.

"You ok?" He asked, looking at her closely.

"Mmhmm," She hummed, still slightly nervous, unwilling to speak lest she give that away.

"We can stop, Hermione."

"No." Her voice firm, "I can do this. I want to do this."

Harry watched her closely for a moment. "Alright. To move, squeeze the handle and twist your torso, let your arms suggest the turn to the broom." Harry paused as she did as instructed, slowly twisting to the left and right. "Perfect.

"Up and down are controlled by pulling the shaft up or down respectively." He paused again as she tested the instructions, moving half a metre higher before returning down. "Excellent. Forwards and back are you leaning your torso without shifting the handle. Move slowly, the closer you get to the broom, the faster you'll go."

Hermione followed his instructions and was soon moving slowly over the grass below. She could see the blades trickling past and felt a rush unlike any she'd had before. She was flying. At a very basic level maybe, but she was doing it. It was completely different from when she had been sitting behind Harry as he shot them through the air. Having control made it so much more her speed.

"Still ok?" Harry asked from behind her now, audibly running to keep up, and Hermione nodded as she lowered the broom until her feet met the ground once again.

She dropped the broom and wrapped Harry in a fierce hug, "That's incredible."

"Tell me about it." He chuckled in reply. "Wait till you get the hang of it."

Hermione smiled and grabbed her broom again, climbing aboard much more confidently this time. Harry gradually walked her through the different controls, going a little higher and a little faster each time.

By the time a frantic Remus cracked into view on the edge of the pitch, she was soaring through the air. She loved the way the wind whipped her bushy hair out behind her and she giggled as she watched Harry twirl about his own broom in front of her.

She followed his movements instinctually, letting the rush take her wherever he led.

Remus settled as he watched the aerial dance going on in front of him. When the portraits had located him in the library and screamed to get to the Quidditch Pitch, he'd been terrified of what he would find.

Harry was certainly James's son though. He was even more natural on a broom than Prongs had ever been. And Hermione was following him closer than even Sirius could have kept on James.

The two practically moved as one. Their coordination and skill would put anyone he knew to the test to try and match. It was beyond impressive to watch. So much so that he once more felt a little useless being here. The pair were perfectly fine without his aid.

He vanished from the pitch and reappeared in the thin ballroom, noting that the window had been changed to a lens, bringing the distant pitch into sharp focus. The entire family was gathered watching in awe out the window.

"He puts you to shame, Prongs. A complete natural on that thing."

"Shut up, Moony. Just proves I've got great Quidditch genes." James sniped back.

"And Hermione?" Lily questioned a slightly sinister look on her face. "I sure hope you aren't claiming she has your magical genes."

"Their coordination is incredible. He's only taken her up once before and her magic was too unsteady at the time. Made for a wild ride." Dorea stated. "They were both a little shaken when they came back inside. Now look at her."

"Give him a few more months and he'll have the elves up on those things too. He looks so happy up there." Lily said.

James seemed lost in thought for a moment. "Maybe… if he trains a few of the elfin… we could see a real match again."

"Don't even think about it!" Lily growled looking at her husband and drawing laughter from several of the family as he looked instantly dejected. A far cry from the joy and laughter from the sky above the distant pitch.

Chapter 17: Baiting the Rat Trap

Chapter Text

Monday 1st May 1989.

Sirius Black was not having a good day.

To be fair, good days were hard to come by in Azkaban. The company was detestable, whether human or creature. And your days were a blur of bad thoughts and horrible memories.

But after a while, you kind of got used to it all. It became background noise. Knowing he hadn't betrayed Lily and James helped somewhat as well. But that tended to be balanced out by the knowledge that he had failed to protect them regardless. And his failure to enact revenge.

Pettigrew's last act ruined that for them all.

Now he lived out his days in monotonous pain, reliving his greatest failures over and over.

Still, it had become bearable, knowing he was paying his penance for those failures. And one day his body would give out to the constant torment and he'd be with his friends once more. And such thoughts reminded him of the affable laugh of his brother in pranks.

James had changed his world completely by becoming his friend. The literal Black sheep of his twisted family. The other co*cky boy had taken him in literally when he had every reason to hate and mistrust him. As had Dorea and Charlus.

Two finer parents he doubted existed in this world. Happy to let you dig a hole deep enough to truly get yourself stuck in badly. But they were never cruel in punishment. Sirius had adored his short time living with them.

The delights of their melancholy companion. Remus had been spirited between moons, and his woeful attempts to hide his condition from them had been well and truly torn apart by them all over the years. He owed Moony the most, for if it wasn't for his unfortunate curse, Sirius would not likely have survived this long.

Padfoot was a godsend for his mental health.

The guards had made sure to modify his cell to ensure there wasn't a single crack he could squeeze through, though it was a waste of effort in Sirius's mind. Not only was his form nearly as large as his regular body, but he was also where he belonged.

He might not have actually committed the crimes he was here for, but he was as good as the reason why all his friends and family were dead.

Charlus and Dorea, captured on the street, were murdered brutally by Voldemort himself as he sought James and Lily's location, only a week before they themselves were cut down. Only days before the news of Remus's death at the hands of Greyback had reached them.

That had contributed to the drinking the night Junior had set the two remaining Marauders cackling with delight. A little joy to help wash away the pain of so much loss. A session that Peter had begged off of. Likely too busy off selling them all out to the dark bastard.

But all of that was usual for him in this sullen place.

Rough black stone was his only companion besides his own thoughts. He had considered himself nearly immune to the effects, or at least used to them. But the visit he had been so pleased to attend had given a horrid second unexpected side effect. It had dredged up everything he had managed to forget.

All the bright happy moments that he'd thought stolen away by his guards were still there, but now they were tinged with a pain they hadn't been before.

The knowledge of what was missing from his life was thrown into sharp relief once again. All the pain that had dimmed over what he now knew to be years was back in full force.

Had he been a weaker man, it would surely have broken him for good.

But Sirius Black was not a weak man. He would be strong and suffer his punishment. His failure deserved nothing less. There was nothing for him out in the world anymore.

Only his penance here and the eventual relief of death and the sweet reunion that followed.


Friday 12th May 1989.

Shack knocked on the doorjamb and observed his boss's reactions. She was tenser now than when she'd been buried under paperwork. "Busy?"

"Sit down," She replied, not looking up.

He complied and waited for her attention. Several long minutes passed before she looked up. "Results?"

"I went over my memories several times. The scenes don't match. Either he was confounded, or he has succumbed to the Dementors and is losing his mind. There were no intact ground-floor walls nearby after that explosion for him to be referring to. Whatever spell was used ripped into the gas main above the station and erupted. Ironic given all the times MugWE have used a gas explosion to explain away our activities.

"And I went over the reports from Godric's Hollow. They were done properly, unlike Bayswater Road, and there is no mention of children's toys in that crib. Nothing but the lad's blood."

"These boys are lucky they've retired. I've never seen reports so shoddy. How in the hell did Barty let them get away with it? He was a stickler for this stuff." Amelia groaned.

"Maybe they all just wanted done with it. The round-up was still on, and most of them were getting off with the Imperius Defence. I could see him just wanting one open and shut to show some progress."

"I can't even pull him out and have Mungo's look him over. If I took a suspected mass murderer out of Azkaban without tangible proof, I'd be sitting in the cell beside him the next day. Especially with Fudge in charge. That man is incompetent but he listens to his toady's far too closely for them not to take advantage."

"So we're stuck. Without actual evidence, we can't prove anything, one way or the other?"

"Seems so. A few inconsistencies and Black's own possibly addled memories aren't enough to secure his release. As you said, he could well still be guilty. He could have modified his memory before the Aurors arrived in order to keep from remembering what he did to his supposed friends. We just cannot prove either scenario right now with what we have. Which means Black is staying where he is so long as that is the case.

"But I'm not prepared to let this go, Shack. I can't. What if he really didn't do it? Can you imagine what it's like in there? For seven years!" Bones said, and he could see that the idea truly frightened her.

"No. Just visiting was hard enough to take. But what else can we do?"

Amelia looked at him solemnly over her desk and sighed heavily.

What indeed?


Monday 22nd May 1989.

"It seems the boy's somewhat obsessive tendencies work in our favour," Remus stated. "Tybalt has done a few recon runs and is certain of the location. Something about the memory of the dust in that spot."

James laughed at the idea. "Dust has memory?"

"I don't know, Prongs. I only know that's what Tybalt says. They're ready to move the night of the return."

"Are we sure about this?" Lily asked. "I love Sirius too, but this is so risky."

"That bastard needs to pay for what he's done to us, Lils," James growled viciously. He was always close to anger regarding Peter these days. "To Harry. You haven't held your baby in years because of that coward. Now we have a chance to make him face the magic."

"Yes, fine. Pettigrew needs to be caught. But what of the risks? I don't like sending the elves out alone to do this."

"They've already done several dry runs, Lily." Remus offered. "We trust them with Harry's care, surely we can trust them to snatch and grab a rat from a sleeping house?"

"Of course I trust them." She replied, seemingly disappointed in both men for missing her point. "I'm worriedforthem, not because of them. And do we need to teach the children such magic already?"

"Pops says that elf magic doesn't naturally lend itself to stunning. They're too used to being subservient to other magical beings. We needed to teach Harry and Hermione to do it so that they could teach the elves.

"Is it not preferable for them both to have defences available should they get in trouble out in the world? We cannot keep them locked inside, Harry has proven that many times now. And the training has proven without a doubt that their portkeys work. You could have told me about that before we started, by the way."

James closed his arms about his agitated wife. "Lily, sweetheart. It's not a perfect plan, but we know better than most that this is an imperfect world. Harry is not safe with Wormtail out in the world. Not to mention the danger to the Weasleys. They clearly have no idea there is a monster sleeping in their house every night. Is there a risk? Of course. But we've done all we can to minimise it."

"We have to do this ourselves," Remus added. "No amount of money can save Gringotts from Ministry reprisal if they were caught raiding a Ministry employee's home. They cannot act in our stead. The elves could get me inside, but the wards will react to a human crossing in ways they won't to elves. If they believe the rat just got free in the night and escaped, things will be much smoother in the long run."

"Alright, fine. I concede it's the best plan we have, but… those two are as good as our children as well. Mipsy is as close as Harry is likely to get to an older sister. And he has taken Nemea as his little one just as quickly. He treats them as family. If something goes wrong, he'll never forgive any of us. And I won't either."

Lily snuggled tighter into her husband and Remus watched his friends draw comfort from the other, wishing he had some of his own right about now.


Saturday 17th June 1989.

Harry woke with a start.

He didn't often have bad dreams, but occasionally his mind would dredge up some of the worst ones. That night in 1981 was the most frequent visitor, green light and screaming. Pain and loss.

Though he'd been far too young to understand what he'd lost at the time, in the years since he had definitely figured it out. It was now charred into his mind irrevocably.

Tonight's offender had been a more recent case though. And was the reason he was now searching the house with his magic. He always needed to see her whenever he had this horrible nightmare. Closing his eyes, Harry could still see the pale features and the enormous lifeless eyes in front of him, and it made him shudder.

His eyes whipped open as panic settled over his body. She wasn't there.

He closed his eyes again and focused harder, letting his link to the wards grow and pulse. Ever since the ritual, Harry's magic ruled this land and he could feel every scrap of magic inside its reach. And yet, still, there was something missing from it tonight.

Fear began to mix with the images of his dream, colouring his mind and setting his nerves on fire. What had happened? Where could she be? Was she hurt? Dying?

Harry released his grip on the wards and focused his mind inward, to the tether that had been present since his fifth year on this earth. It was still there, intangible, but still as strong and thick as ever. She was alive, but she wasn't home. His eyes caught the softly glowing clock on the wall, bright enough to read, but not enough to light the room. Three minutes past two in the morning. She should be here.

He leapt out of bed and grabbed a warm jacket from the wardrobe, wrapping it quickly about his form and letting his magic pull on the tether tightly. With a loud crack, he vanished and suddenly reappeared, somewhere he had never been before.

"Mipsy!" He whispered into the dark room, before noting her standing not a foot away.

"Master shouldn't be here!" She hissed back, Nemea standing to her side, looking at the bed that was slowly revealing itself to Harry's adjusting eyes.

The covers on it were shifting and drowsy noises were emanating from the occupant. Harry's arrival had been loud, especially in the still night air. The figure on the bed rose to a seated position and rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"Stun!" Mipsy hissed again and Harry and Nemea both reacted to the command, stretching a hand and knocking the boy back into his own bed linens, once more out to the world. He would not wake for hours with how frantic Harry's magic was right now. Not to mention Nemea's spell.

"What…?" Harry began asking, looking frantically about the bedroom.

"Shhh, be quiet." Mipsy looked quite cross as she waved her hand at Nemea.

The younger elf quickly moved to the dresser opposite the bed and stood before the cage containing a frantic rat. With a quick move of her lithe fingers, the rat became unconscious and she snapped her fingers, removing him from the cage and damaging the lock. Making it appear as if the rat had gnawed its own way free.

Harry was beyond baffled. His friends, his family, were stealing this boy's rat for some reason.

"Harry…" Mipsy hissed once more, holding her hand out to the boy as noises sounded from outside the door.

Harry entwined their fingers and was suddenly back in his room once again, the transport occurring much more quietly this time around.

"What on earth is going on?" He demanded as Nemea had not joined them. "You just stole that boy's pet!"

"Master Harry must calm down," Mipsy said, glaring at him in a very familiar way. Harry had seen it many times growing up.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled, the look taking a lot of his anger away. "I had a nightmare, I needed to see you."

Mipsy guided him to the bed and sat beside him, her arm going partway around his back, Harry had long since grown too large for her arms to circle him entirely. Harry leant into her embrace drawing comfort from her solid presence in his life.

"It was horrible." He sniffled.

"Which one tonight?" Mipsy asked, gently stroking his back.

"Car. But… it was you, not me." Harry's eyes flicked up to the elf's and he saw a familiar spark within, further clearing the sleepy image from his mind. "You followed me across the road and they hit you instead. I didn't know what to do. People were watching and you were going pale. I couldn't save you."

Mipsy tightened her grip on him and let him sob into her shoulder. She had always been somewhere between a surrogate mother and an older sister to him. Always there when he needed comfort and support, and he had raged at her moments before.

Harry spoke after several long minutes of sniffling silence. "Can you tell me what you were doing?"


He looked back up at her and saw a flicker of fear. "Why?"

"They asked Mipsy not to. You can overrule them if you choose, but I beg you to trust them, Harry. Your parents have their reasons. You'll know when it's right for you to know."

Anger began to boil in his gut once more. Harry knew it was wrong of him but he couldn't help but feel they didn't trust him as they were asking him to trust them. He shrugged free of Mipsy's arms and bounced onto the floor, pacing slightly as he did.


"Please don't ask Nemea either. She is no longer bound to them at all, but they've asked her not to tell. I don't know what it would do if Hermione countermanded that instruction."

Embarrassment flared along with the other hotter feelings as Harry tried to calm himself but he could not resist their build. How could they not trust him? The answer was obvious, he knew it even as he raged internally. He had often challenged their authority lately, knowing they were powerless to stop him. Remus had tamed his actions somewhat, but he was still testing his limits. They had good reason to keep something important from him, but it hurt all the same.

Harry stopped pacing and took several deep breaths, but they still didn't help. "I can't. I can't stay here with them right now. Not tonight. I'm going to stay at Hermione's house."

Mipsy looked like she wanted to deny him but she slowly nodded. "Very well. Please remember what I said, Harry. We all love you, remember that too."

Harry nodded once before grabbing the jacket Mipsy had removed while they were on the bed and he popped away.


"Wakey, wakey." The voice sounded far away, yet very familiar to the drowsy man.

He'd never felt so tired in his life. Or so sore. His entire body was aching from his toes to his missing finger. A phantom pain that had never gone away, not even in his other form. And something about that seemed important as well.

Sharp pain roused him fully as his left cheek began to ache far worse than the throbbing pain he had been focused on. The light hurt his eyes, beaming into them from up close while the rest of the area around him appeared to be in complete darkness.

"Waas goinon?" Peter yelped into the dark, fear coursing through his body. Adrenaline waking him now better than any coffee could ever hope to achieve.

When no reply was forthcoming, Peter focused on his magic and attempted to transform, knowing his rat form would be free of the bonds holding him within seconds. But his magic would not respond.

The bonds, however, did. They constricted his arms, pulling them tighter behind his back, making his shoulders crack painfully.

"I wouldn't do that again if I were you."

Peter froze again, the familiar voice sounding through the room. A voice that he had not heard in many years, yet sent a spear of ice up his spine.

"P…p...pro…" Peter mumbled, unused to his own mouth after so long being tended to by the prissy redhead.

"That's right,old friend." Came the reply, and directly in front of him, Wormtail saw something that couldn't be real.

Out of the darkness, a human form appeared, taking one small step forward and bringing the figure into another light source, the area behind him was still cast in deep shadow, but the features were clear. James Potter had returned from death itself to punish him for his betrayal.

"James… I, I never!"

"Silence!" A second voice speared out of the darkness to his right, making Peter jump, the chair leaping into the air with him thanks to the bonds.


"Yes, Peter. It's been a long time, hasn't it? Did you miss me?"

The werewolf slowly emerged from the darkness as well, leaving only the three of them visible in a sea of deep black.

"Am I… is this hell?" Peter whimpered, wetting himself in fear.

Remus stepped closer until he was millimetres from Peter's face. The amber-flecked eyes of the werewolf stared into his soul and Peter fought the urge to cry out in terror.

"Not yet." Remus enunciated, quietly but very clearly in the silent room. "But you will be soon."

"Remus… I… I never did anything…"

"Shut it!" Remus growled, setting his cheek aflame with pain again as his hand shocked across it once more.

Peter squealed in pain this time, casting his eyes about the room looking for some way out. Any way out.

"Why, Peter?" James asked, standing perfectly still amid the darkness, staring at Peter as he quivered and looked about. "Was our friendship not enough for you? What did he offer in exchange for our lives? In exchange formy son?"

Fear racked Wormtail as he soiled himself once more. So long he'd been hidden in comfort, safety. The redheaded lad feeding him and treating him like a treasured pet. The only thing he ever had to fear was the Ginger Twins who would try prototype potions on him if they ever got their hands on him and their mother's potion ingredients at the same time. And now all that was gone, only darkness and those he had betrayed in sight.

"That question you should answer, or things will get a lot worse for you," Remus growled, circling behind him.

Peter once again tried to make the change, screaming out loud as the bindings tightened again. Remus was there in a flash, hand on Peter's throat, squeezing tightly and preventing any further sound from escaping. "Don't!"

"Moony," James said calmly from across the room. "Not yet."

Remus released Peter and his whimpering filled the room once more. His entire body was aching both from the tight restraints and whatever was keeping him from changing form. Peter's mind was churning, searching for anything he could use as a means of escape, but there was nothing in the room but the chair and his former friends.

"My frien…" He cut off with a yelp as a loud crack rent the air and a small table appeared between himself and James. Upon it were a handful of items, only some of which Wormtail knew. A newspaper, a wand, and a quartet of stuffed animals.

He began to sob as he looked at the stuffed toys, recalling exactly what they had once meant.

"Yes, Peter. You remember those. You remember the day so long ago that we presented them to my son for his first birthday. How he wouldn't let them be apart, so we placed all four in his crib every night. How he would snuggle up between them, his four protectors against the night. How you made sure they failed to protect him."

James's voice became darker as he spoke, filling Peter with greater dread. He was trapped wherever this was, with no means of escape at the hands of two people he had severely wronged.

"I…" Peter cried, his chest heaving against the terrified sobbing.

"Yes?" Remus hissed, passing behind him once more.

"I'm sorry." Peter wailed. "You've no idea what he's like."

"Oh, I have a very good idea what he's like, Wormtail," James stated clearly, his eyes locked on Peter's quivering form. "I know exactly how cowardly and pathetic he is. How he'd attack a baby on the word of a drunken fraud passed by a vile bastard. How he was so scared that those words might be true that he came to kill a child in the night."

Remus was at his side again, hand on the back of the chair. Peter cried out as the chair shifted backwards, tilting dangerously under his former friend's grip. "WHY!"

Peter yelped in terror again, shuddering heavily as he was unable to look away from the vicious stare above him. "He offered me everything I wanted. I was weak!"

Remus released the chair and gravity took over. Wormtail grunted as his head connected with the rough stone floor, leaving him dizzy and in pain once more.

Remus mumbled to himself as he stormed about the room. "Coward." "Traitor." "Mole." "Deserter." "ARSEHOLE!" He shouted the last from above Peter's prone form.

"I didn't know. He promised such sweet things. Power, money, recognition…"

"And that was all it took for you to betray your oldest friends? To sell us out to a lunatic on an ego trip?" James howled from across the room.

"What would you have done!" Wormtail screamed in reply, unable to see James from his position on the floor.

"WE WOULD HAVE DIED!" Remus yelled into Peter's face. "We'd have gone to the grave safe in the knowledge that we kept our honour. And saved our family. Unlike you, you f*cking coward!"

"Remus, you know what it was like, living in their shadow."

"f*ck off!" The werewolf returned, walking out of the light, once more leaving Peter alone. Not alone, no. With James, who he still could not see from where he was.

"James… you don't know… I never meant for this."

"Up." Prongs commanded, and the chair complied, sending his stomach roiling as it righted violently, nearly tipping forward as the legs caught on the rough stonework. The contents of his stomach succumbed to inertia and left his body, half of it landing on his own torso.

As Peter finished vomiting up whatever he'd last eaten, he kept his head low. He was so sure that James had been dead that night. Lily too.

He'd checked for a pulse as she had shown him that one time and found none. But James had just cast magic to right the chair. Somehow, he was still alive and he was pissed. Not as much as Remus, or at least not that he was letting show.

"Prongs…" Peter spat, along with some of the residual stomach acids in his mouth.

"Don't say that!" Remus roared, reappearing from the darkness, face full of anger. "You've lost the right to call any of us that. You're out!"

Peter shied away as best he could. He'd seen Remus in the grip of the moon before, hairy and wild, but he'd never been as terrified of him as he was right now. And he was sure that should the man turn, James would not be getting between them tonight. When was the last full moon? How long had he been out? Was it a possibility?

"What do you want from me?" Peter squeaked, sounding more like his animagus form than the human he'd so long hidden away.

"The truth," James said, still glaring at him before nodding to the right.

A sound shuffled nearby and before Peter could say another word, darkness enveloped him once more.


Thursday 22nd June 1989.

"What now?" Amelia asked, leaning heavily back in her chair as Remus Lupin entered once again, a file folder in his hand just like last time.

"I believed I had made an appointment?" He said confused, though with a rather broad smile on his face.

"Last time you were here you threw an enormous spanner in my works and I still haven't managed to clear the damned thing out." She nodded towards the chair opposite her as the door opened again and two figures entered behind Lupin.

"I do apologise. I try to be as non-confrontational as possible. It was not my intention to mess up your day. Shacklebolt. Mad-Eye." Lupin stated, without turning around.

"Hell of a nose on you, Lupin." Alastor grumped from his place by the door.

"Comes with the curse I'm afraid. I've smelt worse things than you can imagine. Woken up in the forest a few feet from some of them."

Amelia eyed the young man before her as Kingsley took the seat beside him. Something was very different about Lupin from his last visit. She'd never known him to be so glib about his condition before either. Not that she had known about it before taking a role in the Aurors.

"Yes, the lads get twitchy any time your name appears on the schedule."

Lupin's smile slipped a little at that response, but a quick glance at the folder brought it back once more. "Yes, quite. But that's not what I'm here for and you're a busy Department Head, so I'll cut to it, shall I?"

Amelia nodded and watched as he reached into the folder and pulled out something she hoped to never see again in her life. Bone white and horribly jagged, the sharp-tipped wand that had murdered so many of her former friends and colleagues, and even some of her own family, was laid delicately on the desk before her.

"Where the hell did you find that?" She growled quietly, noting Moody now had his own wand trained on Lupin's back.

"Inhispocket," Lupin replied, placing a small moving photograph of a rat on her desk beside it.

Amelia leaned forward, slightly to the photo side, cursing herself for leaning away from the despised wand resting on her desk. She glared at the image as the rat moved back and forth in a small room, the camera far too widely zoomed to make out much detail until with a gasp she watched as the rat became a man that almost filled the tiny space. A long-dead man.

"For f*ck's sake, Lupin!" She moaned, leaning back heavily once more, hands coming up to her face.

"How?" The booming deep voice of her former partner asked.

"As I said, I've been looking for ages, and I finally found the lead that I needed."

Remus laid a newspaper article on the desk, hiding the evil wand beneath it. It was the same paper that was in the foreground of the photo of the transforming rat. The photo on the front was obviously the same and showed a family she was barely familiar with smiling up from the Hogwarts front lawn.

"The Weasleys?" Shack questioned.

"After I traced the rat, I had words with Arthur. Unbeknownst to them, their middle son found a rat in their garden in early January of 1982. It was a few months later when young Percy asked Arthur to fashion a cage to keep him in that the man became aware. Arthur complied, thinking that if the boy could keep it alive, it was as good a pet as he was likely to get.

"They'd hit a bit of a rough spot with the finances after the girl arrived, so they weren't buying any pets anytime soon. Wasn't until I saw that front page though that I realised the significance. And he was immensely grateful for me to remove that problem from his home."

Remus left out the part where he had stolen it in the night before he'd ever spoken to Arthur. They couldn't risk the rat becoming aware and escaping again. He was their proof. He smiled at her over the desk, a questioning eyebrow raised at her asking the obvious question.

"Yes. Alright." Amelia whined. "I checked. The form was right. How long?"

"Sirius was first. Mastered the transformation late in our fourth year. James managed his over that summer. Pettigrew took a few more months but had his down by Christmas."

"Impressive. Why didn't they register?" Shack asked.

"In the middle of a war? Why didn't they give away a major advantage to the Ministry that leaked information like a raging river?" Remus asked with a smirk.

Moody gave a short gruff laugh from the doorway. "Fair point."

"So, where is Pettigrew?"

"Somewhere safe. Somewhere with no small holes for him to scurry out of. If you can guarantee the same here, I'll bring him in."

"Really?" Amelia replied, co*cking an eyebrow.

"I want justice for my friends. The only way to prove that is for him to spill the beans. As you said last time, you can't take my word for it. I'm sure Moody is already thinking up a dozen tests to make sure it's really him."


"Sirius has suffered in Azkaban long enough. Peter can tell you the truth, so long as you can guarantee he can't escape your custody, I'll hand him over with glee." Remus finished.

Amelia took a deep breath, leaning back in her chair and looking at Lupin carefully. "You lot had quite the reputation at Hogwarts. If you're wasting my time…"

"If you remember our reputation, you'll recall I was also prefect. I was the respectable one." Moody scoffed from behind the man. "Fine, themostlyrespectable one."

Amelia watched him closely for several moments before her eyes dipped back to the table. She glanced back up with a curious smirk.

"You've known his location since you read this paper?" She asked.

Remus just nodded in reply, figuring he knew what her next would be. It had been two days after reading that paper back in April that he had first come to her.

"Have you had him all this time?"

"No," Remus replied. "The bastard was with the lad at Hogwarts. Until Friday." They had wasted no time in Peter's acquisition. Scooping him up the first night back at the Burrow.

Amelia considered him quietly again, and Remus knew she could see there were a few things he was leaving out. He had no doubt that she would be having words with Arthur. But the man had been so relieved when Remus had informed him that he no longer had a marked Death Eater living under his roof that he doubted any trouble would come from there.

"Give me a few days to make the arrangements." She said at long last. "Any other disasters you want to throw our way while you're here?"

"One disaster a day is more than enough for me these days, Amelia. I'll leave you all to your work. Good day."

Lupin stood and exited the room, his smile much brighter now than when he had entered. Amelia looked at the folder lying open on her desk and sighed. When she glanced up she noticed the doorway was clear and Shack was watching her closely. They sat in silence for several long minutes before she pulled an evidence bag from her desk and activated the enchantment with her wand.

She delicately pressed her wand to the tip and cast the spell to read its previous spells. Neither of them were surprised at the dark nature of almost every spell.

Using magic, she moved the horrible piece of wood from her desk into the bag and sealed it, unwilling to lay her hands on such a monstrous wand. As she placed the newspaper in a second bag, the two Aurors were distracted by a moody Alastor clomping back into the room and removing a soaking-wet invisibility cloak.

Amelia failed to contain the snort that escaped at the state of the man slumping into the chair opposite her.

"What the devil happened to you?" Shack asked.

"Wherever Lupin is holed up is a fortress. Those wards are more powerful than Hogwarts. Bounced me like a chew toy out 80 miles east of Azkaban like being swatted by the Hogwarts Express and a pissed-off dragon at the same time. My ribs still hurt."

Amelia didn't even try to contain the laughter as she watched Moody wring out his cloak and scowl at the water. At least this meeting had ended on a happier note.

Chapter 18: One Big Happy What Family?

Chapter Text

Wednesday 28th June 1989.

Amelia Bones stepped last from the interrogation room, the other Wizengamot members walking briskly away talking among themselves, most looking truly disgusted at what they'd heard.

She nodded to the pair from St Mungo's, who wasted no time in entering the specially prepared room. Amelia glanced through the see-through portion of the wall at the twitchy man as the healers began their assessment. Should it come back clean, this would have been the most successful interrogation she'd ever pulled off.

She'd had a hard time getting the Wizengamot to attend a trial inside the room, but there was no way she was letting someone who could become something as tiny as a rat out of there while conscious. The sentence had been delivered and, pending this assessment, Pettigrew would be making one final one-way trip to an island resort no one wanted to visit.

"He gave us everything we could have wanted and more." Shack boomed from her side, not drawing her eyes away from the scene within.

She only nodded in reply. "He was very cooperative," Moody added suspiciously from the far side of the observation space. "I hope you didn't rough him up before bringing him in, Lupin."

The glimmer in the werewolf's eyes belied the truth of his response. "I would never."

Amelia let a soft chuckle leap through her chest at the idea. She would have. That… she refused to refer to him as a man any longer. He was an animal of the worst sort. Pettigrew had shown no remorse for what he had done, and he had done a lot.

She had nearly gone at him herself when he had confessed to having been how the Death Eaters had gained entry to Edgar's home. Allowing them to butcher her brother's entire family. While Voldemort himself was still responsible for the death of her parents, the rat in that room had been responsible for gouging out a significant portion of her family.

"Shack, I don't trust these to an intern. See to it that they're entered into record immediately. We've got a trip to make this afternoon." Amelia instructed, handing the tall man the paperwork.

Silence filled the room after Shacklebolt's departure for several long minutes as the three occupants watched Pettigrew's assessment.

"How long did you have him before you brought him in, Lupin?" Moody finally asked from his corner, preferring whenever possible somewhere he could keep his back to the wall and his eye on everyone else. Unless there was a more obvious threat nearby, at which point he would face that while keeping his magical eye roaming the space.

"Bit over a week. Wanted this over as soon as possible." Remus mumbled his reply, glaring in disgust at his former friend.

"Did you coerce him? I have to know your reply for the record." Amelia asked, glancing momentarily at the man beside her.

"No. I may have put the fear of death into him. Or, the idea that I know someone very pissed off at him that might have escaped death." Remus smiled.


Remus turned and smiled at her, simply tapping the side of his nose once before turning back to the healers. The pair were clearly finishing up. All three tracked them as they stepped out, ensuring the door was sealed before stepping over to them. Alastor had put his finest work into that room.

Pettigrew was staying human for the foreseeable future.


"Clean." The Senior Healer replied, passing over his report. "In as perfect health as I could expect for someone who spent so long living as a rat. There is no sign of coercive substances, nor any lasting magical residue beyond his own transformation. So far as I can tell, the twitching is a side effect of such an extended experience as a rodent. They tend to be very twitchy animals. No evidence of physical harm either. My report is that he is one hundred percent in his right mind."

Amelia nodded as she read through the report. Everything matched what the healer was telling her, and confirmed the first assessment done the day he had arrived at the department. Once this was added to the paperwork Shack was already filing, they would have all the proof they needed to act on the injustice.

It was time to make a deposit and a withdrawal at Azkaban.


Sirius moaned as he was once more dragged from his cell and directed to the Warden's Office.

He kept his eyes trained on the floor, not caring much for visitors after the pain they'd drudged up the last time. With nothing for him on the outside, he still believed he was where he belonged, the renewed effect of the Dementors on the revived happy memories had taken their toll.

He grunted as he was roughly pushed into a chair by the guards and sat unmoving, ignoring everyone about him as he wallowed in his own mind.

"Mr Black." Came the familiar voice from the last visit. "You look terrible."

Sirius gave the barest hint of a smile. He'd always been close with humour, one of his best friends in fact, but he wasn't really feeling it right now.

"Very well, I need you to sign this please." Sirius glanced up as a document was placed in front of him and a quill laid down beside it.

"What?" He whispered.

"Your release documentation. Already signed by myself, the Minister and the Warden. It just needs your signature and you are a free man." Bones smiled widely at him as though she'd just given him the best present in the world.

"No, thank you." He replied simply, stunning everyone in the room.

"What? What do you mean no?"

"I'm right where I should be. Paying for my failures here is as good as anywhere. Not like there's anything to live for out there anymore."

The people gathered behind the desk all looked gobsmacked. A resounding clap of flesh on hairy flesh drew the observers' eyes upward and left Sirius with a throbbing pain on the back of his head. Turning to look behind at what had struck him, Sirius became certain he had finally gone off the edge.

"Get your sorry arse out of that chair, sign the damn form and get outside, or I swear I'll drag you out by the hair you mangy mutt! And that beach is not made of soft sand."

Remus Lupin looked better than Sirius could remember, the smile on his face a relic of their school days he hadn't seen in a long time. "Moony? Can you believe these loonies want to let me out? Look at me, I'm seeing the dead."

Remus punched him firmly in the shoulder making Sirius growl in pain as he grabbed the wound. "What the hell, Moony?"

"How many more is it going to take for you to accept I'm real? Now sign!"

"But you died. Me and James, we mourned you."

"You were misinformed," Remus replied, raising his hand once more. "You gonna sign, or do I need to break your nose again first?"

"Wait… if you're Moony, name the Marauders' Marks!" Sirius looked smugly at his friend as the other man paled.


"Then I'm staying,imaginaryMoony!"

"I hate you so much," Remus mumbled, barely audible even to Sirius sitting well inside the other man's personal space. "Crescent moon, arse cheek, pubes, ear."

"Can't hear you, Moony. I need details."

"f*ck you, Padfoot." The Marauder growled roughly, eyeing Sirius darkly. "Crescent mark on my left calf where Greyback bit me! A blotch on Pettigrew's left arse cheek. James's was a squishy diamond in his pubes, half an inch left of centre, hence why he always kept them shaved off. You just did it to match. And yours is behind your left ear, black as your soul and oval-shaped. Probably hidden under that mop you have instead of hair right now. Happy?"

A smile broke out on Sirius's face, the first since Bones had last visited and one of very few he'd worn in years. With a speed that none present believed him capable of, Sirius leapt from the chair, wrapped his not-dead friend in his arms and hugged him tightly.

"Oh, hell. It's good to see you too, Padfoot, but you reek. Get off me." Remus shoved the scraggly-haired man back towards the desk.

"How?" Sirius asked.

"We found Wormtail," Remus replied with a nasty grin.

Sirius's face soon matched his friend's. "He's alive? Can I see him?"

"Sign first," Remus said simply, pointing at the parchment on the desk.

Sirius twirled and grabbed the quill. Their audience watched as he signed the form. He had failed the Potters utterly, but if Moony was about he had something to live for, someone to live for. And someone to mourn with. Moony would understand their loss.

Without the Dementors sapping his joy, he felt freer than in years. He handed the signed paperwork back to Bones, who nodded to the man behind him. Not to mention the now-promised long-awaited reunion with the Rat.

"I'm not giving this back to you if you're going to see Pettigrew." Bones stated, holding up the evidence bag with his old wand inside. "In fact, maybe I should hang onto it until you've got a clean bill of health."

"Fine by me," Sirius said, twirling back to face Moony. "Take me to him."

Moony smiled at the change in his friend, seeing the spark that Sirius Black was known for resurging in his eyes. "Follow me."

Without waiting for permission or guidance, the werewolf led the pair down several corridors, ignoring the calls to stop from behind as they came to a doorway that looked far newer than those Sirius had passed on the way there.

"Do you like it? New addition. The old area for keeping animagi was in a sorry state. Runes carved into its walls, floor and ceiling make sure no one can transform inside that room. Completely animagus proof. A rat can fit between bars a lot easier than a dog, after all." Moony remarked, flicking open the mesh opening at face height.

Sirius stepped forward and noted the inside of the room was slightly different from the one he'd spent so long in.

Still carved from the dark stone, it was littered with runes and had no windows or plumbing of any kind. He crinkled his nose as he realised what that would mean going forward before his eyes settled on the lump in the corner. He smiled at it with demented glee.

"Hello, Peter." His tone of voice managing to be light and airy, yet full of undisguised malice.

The lump leapt at the sound and tried to curl further into the corner, clearly trying to hide from the doorway.

"Sorry, we haven't spoken in a while. I've been really busy being locked up in this hellhole. You know, after you betrayed us all. It really gets to you after a while. Padfoot helped a lot, but you won't get that relief. Moony tells me this room was custom-built for your form.

"I was so disappointed I didn't manage to kill you on that street. Thought you had taken that chance away from me for good. But knowing what you're going to suffer through in here, I think I prefer it this way."

Remus laid a hand on Sirius's shoulder and the scraggly man looked away for a moment. "Before I go, tell me why. Why you betrayed us all? Betrayed what we stood for.Killed my godson." Sirius yelled as he hammered on the door in fury.

Sirius was growling now, anger surging as he felt the urge to find some way inside to enact revenge. The lump simply whimpered and huddled deeper into the corner, screaming aloud as a shudder ran over his body. A shudder Sirius was intimately familiar with. One that came with an attempt to make the animagus transformation.

"Good to see these morons managed to get that one right," Sirius growled, realising that Wormtail wasn't going to say a word.

"C'mon, Sirius. He's finally getting what he deserves. Let's get started on the rest of your life instead of worrying about the rest of his." Even kind Remus had a vicious edge to his voice as he finished and Sirius realised how betrayed his other friend must have been feeling. He'd only had a few people in this world, and Pettigrew's actions had torn all of them away from him.

Sirius surveyed his long-time friend and finally noticed how worn he looked even at their still young ages. "Geez, Moony. You look like arse. What the hell have you been doing with yourself?"

"St Mungo's now, banter later, boys." Bones said, standing behind them, wand drawn as she gestured them away from the new cell. "He's not going anywhere for a long time. Not with his sentence."

Sirius grinned and wrapped an arm around Moony's shoulder. Justice for the traitor at long last. That was something he could happily live with, even with what it had cost.

"How about a shower first? It would be cruel and unusual to subject the healers to your smell beforehand." Remus commented, weaselling out of Sirius's grip once more, and setting the newly freed man laughing once more.


Thursday 29th June 1989.

Remus flicked the golden token into the air as he stepped into the small anteroom.

Life had taken a huge turn for him since the little elf had dragged his half-frozen and fully drunk arse out of that glacier. He had his family back again, and it was growing back to its former size once more.

"How'd it go?" Lily asked the moment she spotted him.

"Wormtail is nice and comfy in his new accommodation in Azkaban and Black is hitting on every nurse and healer that enters his room. Male, female and goblin."

"So, he hasn't been affected by his time in there?" James questioned, his eyes hungry for news on the man he considered true family.

"He stinks and he hasn't eaten properly in years, but somehow, he's still the same old Sirius Black underneath. I'll bet he has some nightmares and residual issues we'll need to work on, but he's still Padfoot." Moony smiled widely at his friends' painting and they cheered and kissed in celebration. "And that's something I wanted to talk to you both about."

The Potters broke apart and turned to face him, both looking curious at the sudden comment. "Natalie suggested something yesterday when I popped by and I think you should agree."

"What?" James drew out the word slowly, looking suspicious now.

"They're going away for a few weeks of the summer holidays. It's been planned for ages. Spain and France. They want to invite Harry along as well."

"I don't know," Lily whispered, James nodding beside her. "Albus is still out there. It's dangerous."

"I'm aware. You know I care about Harry as much as you both do, but we send him to school every week. We want him to live as normal a life as he can, but he's never really gone anywhere but here, school and the Grangers. I think the trip will be good for him."

"I agree he deserves some excitement and fun, but his safety has to take priority, Remus. All those places are now covered by the Manor's wards." Lily countered.

"Of course, but they haven't always been, and you let him go then. Which is why, with Hermione's help, Charlus told me how to make this." Remus held up an orb of stone about the size of a medium dragon's egg that had been concealed inside his bag. "This was made from the primary diamond wardstone. The magic those kids can wield is insane. Took a chunk right out of the middle and healed it back over like it was playdough.

"The more practice they get, the scarier they become. This will erect a portable version of the wards over wherever they happen to take it. Even worked in Azkaban. Didn't feel a lick of the Dementor's touch when we sprung Padfoot."

Lily eyed the orb closely, worry still clear on her features. "And if it gets lost or damaged?"

"We've categorically proven their jewellery works perfectly. All four have taken a trip back here unconscious half a dozen times. If they're knocked out, for any reason or by any means, they come here instantly. No side-along possible.

"Hell, it even worked when Richard knocked himself out in the shed two weeks ago. If they're conscious, who in this world can keep Harry and Hermione locked up? Besides," He added, raising the stone slightly higher, "this is Diamond, Lils. The hardest substance on earth, reinforced with goblin runes. Who is even scratching that without a lot of effort? Let them live a little."

"What's the catch?" James enquired.

"No catch. I've looked it all over. Their planned destinations are all safe magically and muggle. Mipsy and Nemea can tag along undetected with no problem. And those two need the holiday as much as the kids. And the bonus, it allows me to focus on getting Padfoot back to full capacity. Might even be good to go in time for August, or sooner." Remus had a cheeky smile as he said the last.

"Oh. That would be nice for Harry." Lily commented, thinking through their options. "We'd need to talk to the Grangers about this. I can't say yes unless I know more."

"Which is why they're coming over for dinner tonight. I'll keep the kids distracted long enough for you to talk. Harry's been remarkably good about all this cloak and dagger. Thanks to Mipsy, we know he knows we're up to something, and yet hasn't thrown a wobbly besides spending a few nights at Hermione's. I think he's earned a little freedom."

Lily and James conversed between themselves for several moments, keeping their voices too low for even Remus to hear a few feet away. "Fine. We'll talk tonight and see what is what. I promise nothing more than that."

"Deal." Remus nodded, flicking the token into the air once more and catching it smugly.

"What the devil is that thing, Moony?" James asked, his eyes tracking the small golden object.

Remus smiled at the item and held it up for them to inspect. "A gift from an old friend. Seems Mad-Eye still has trust issues. Found it in my pocket after leaving St Mungo's and Harry tells me something heavy bounced off the wards just after I arrived and ended up 10 feet underwater about 80 miles south-east of Azkaban. Any idea why your ancestor set the wards to dump intruders out there?"

James smiled maliciously. "Yeah. It's cold as hell. And as a bonus, ever since whichever one of them shifted it to Azkaban and its wards, they cannot apparate out. Unless they have a very specialised DMLE-authorised portkey on hand, they've got a hell of a swim on their hands. Given the wards go out 100 miles from the island.

"The wards here are so strong that the individual slips straight through those over the island. But then Azkaban's wards make for a hell of a time getting back out again."

Remus looked at the token with a smirk, happy to know that something so strong was keeping them all safe. "Remind me never to piss off Harry when we're at home."


Thursday 20th July 1989.

Harry Potter was having the time of his life.

Firstly, his parents had admitted they were keeping something important secret from him. And had even agreed that he would be told what that secret was before the summer was over.

But even more impressive than that was the beautiful clear water of the white sandy beach upon which he currently stood.

The reveal of information had been made conditional on his behaviour on this trip, but Harry was never going to play up with the Grangers ever again if behaving saw him visiting brilliant places like this. The beach was crammed full of people, the most Harry had seen gathered in one place in his life, in various states of summer dress.

Some were wearing colourful shirts, shorts and dresses that fluttered in the light breeze. All the way to the woman he'd seen earlier wearing so little he'd blushed and turned away thinking she was nude.

Today was to be their last in Spain before heading north into France for the second leg of the fantastic holiday, so Harry was cataloguing the many amazing sights they'd experienced in the country. From museums and aquariums, to ancient ruins, palaces and churches. To simple drives through scenery that almost put the gardens at the manor to shame.

He'd seen things he'd never imagined and tasted foods that had charmed his senses. It had hammered home to Harry just how little of this enormous world he was truly aware of and left him in a near-permanent state of awe and distraction.

Something that proved unwise around the Grangers since their introduction to half of the Marauders. Harry yelped as a bucket of cold seawater splashed over his back and drew his attention to the giggling girl standing behind him in a dark purple one-piece, a now-empty bucket in her hands.

"You're going to pay for that!" He called as he began to chase Hermione across the soft sand and into the crystal blue waters. Both screeching as water and sand went everywhere in their tussle.

Harry thought back to the day the pair had first truly met, laughing to himself and getting a mouthful of salty water as his brain considered that it had been sand that day that had brought them together as well. Though that sand had been far coarser than the light wispy sand under his feet now.

He knew that four sets of very relaxed eyes were watching them happily from higher up the beach, safe in the knowledge that the Orb was keeping them safe as they let themselves behave like children were supposed to.

"This has been the best holiday ever." Harry spurted, resurfacing after Hermione knocked him into the sloshing waves. A broad smile on his face, one that had almost never left it since their arrival in the beautiful country.

Hermione returned it with a small laugh. "Spain is great, but we've still got France to go. We've not been in years, but there is so much I cannot wait to show you!"

Harry beamed at his best friend before lunging forward, glomping her into the slightly deeper waters with a squeal and a laugh. He was so glad that Remus and Natalie had convinced his parents to let him come with the Grangers.

He wouldn't give this up for the world.


Monday 31st July 1989.

Sirius felt better than he could remember feeling in his life.

Over a month in St Mungo's had repaired almost all of the malnourishment damage that he'd suffered in his years in Azkaban, and he was getting along well with Robert in their sessions.

Moony had sat in on a few and he'd given him both metaphorical and physical slaps to the head, much to Robert's chagrin, for some of the garbage he was holding on his shoulders from the start of the decade. Robert was still trying to get him to accept he wasn't at fault, but Sirius knew the truth.

While he could technically leave and end the sessions at any time, they were conditional for his full clearance by the Ministry after his imprisonment.

The papers had proclaimed him a free and innocent man, though not for almost three weeks after his release, and most people he saw on the street no longer eyed him with fear and suspicion. But he still felt like he was going through the motions a lot of the time. It was fantastic being away from the Dementors full time, but Sirius was still holding so much guilt over what had happened to the Potters that some nights it felt like he was still trapped in that dark cell.

And some days held far worse significance to the man than others.

"C'mon, Moony. Where are we going?" he whined as his friend led him through a densely wooded area that seemed vaguely familiar. "I really don't feel like a run today."

"We're not going for a run and if you're going to be a spoilsport all day then maybe I won't bother with your surprise," Remus replied, looking at him over his shoulder.

"Surprises can wait for good days. Today is not a good day."

"I know, Padfoot, but trust me for five minutes would you," Remus called, coming to a halt at the edge of the trees.

Sirius huffed but stepped up beside his friend and looked out into what turned out not to be a clearing but a wide opening that led over gardens and up to a large stone house. A house that was tremendously familiar.

One in which he had lived for his final Hogwarts years.

Sirius's eyes went wide and a spear of fear went up his spine." Nope! No, no, no, no, no, no, no."

Sirius spun on his heel and began to rush back into the woods he now recalled only to hear a single word yelled from behind him. He was suddenly in a small room with doors at either narrow end, a large window looking out over the woods he'd just been inside, and when he turned about, an enormous painting empty but for two people he'd not seen in almost eight long years.

The man fell to his knees as they smiled at him and he sobbed heavily. The woman's doe brown eyes beheld him with a love he'd never seen from his own mother and stung as she held him in her gaze. "Hello, Sirius. It's been a long time."

"Hello, Dorea." Sirius choked out.

"Dorea? What happened to mum?"

Sirius howled in pain at the thought. The memory of his slip-up on the day of their graduation hit him hard after so long. He felt an arm slip over his shoulder and he glanced to his left to see Moony by his side, looking as morose as he felt.

"They wanted to see you. Their long lost boy."

Sirius nodded as he let the emotions he'd been hiding inside for ages out and found that Robert had been right again. Confronting the pain usually lessened its burden.

"I'm so sorry, mum," Sirius stated, a slight cheek in the final word. "I failed him. I failed them all."

"Bullsh*t, Padfoot."

Sirius looked up to see that two others had joined Charlus and Dorea in the massive painting. One hugged up to Dorea's side, looking at him softly with almost the same look as his surrogate mother. The other was lying on his stomach so that he was eye to eye with Sirius. The brown eyes matched his mother's but his hair was as wild and Potter as ever.


Sirius howled even harder and Remus held him tighter, pulling him against his body. The sobbing heaved his entire body as he could feel the gaze of his closest friend watching him break down.

Everyone remained silent and simply let him slowly work through his emotions. The feeling was so strong that it was god only knows how long before he was stable enough to even open his eyes. When he did, he found James now lying on his back, looking at him just the same.


"If you apologise one more time for that arsehole's actions, Padfoot, I'll reach out of this damn painting and slap you stupid...er." James cut him off loudly.

"It was my idea." Sirius countered.

"So what? We all agreed. I don't blame Lily or Harry or you. Only Wormtail and Voldemort. It's entirely their fault." James paused and rolled onto his front once more. "But it's bloody good to see you, Padfoot."

"It really is," Lily stated, drawing his eye higher up the painting. "Pops, some tea, please. Make it strong."

Silence reigned for several moments before the aged elf appeared with a full tea set. Sirius eyed the elf comparing him now to his memories and struggling to find a single new wrinkle. "Damn it Pops. Don't you ever age?"

Pops glared at him for a moment before passing him a teacup. "Good to see Master Sirius still hasn't grown up and learned that some things are improper discussion over tea."

Sirius couldn't help but bark a laugh at the elf. Given he was the one who had been left to clean up after James and himself so often during their school years.

"Nothing's off-limits with family, Pops," James added, standing up once more. "But some rooms are more comfortable for chats and tea. Meet us in the library, Moony."

Remus hefted Sirius to his feet, somehow managing not to spill his tea in the process and began guiding him through the halls. He'd not been in the Manor in years and everywhere he looked had memories he'd long since forgotten attached.

A vase the two terrors had knocked over and forced Pops to repair. A room they had filled with some horrible smell and forgotten about, catching themselves in their own prank a month later.

He laughed loudly to himself as he recalled the day he and Prongs had transformed and ran through the halls only for Prongs to get caught on half the doorjambs as his antlers had grown too wide. The longer he was away from the dementor's grasp, the more happy memories returned and filled him with joy, even if most were tinged with the pain of those easiest-to-recall memories.

When he was parked into a soft leather armchair, Sirius returned from memory lane and glanced up at the life-sized image of his former family smiling out at him. Many tears were shed and more than a few sorries passed Sirius's lips as he reacquainted himself with his true family. Hours passed and he was pretty much a babbling teary mess occasionally cackling with laughter when he felt a soft hand on his shoulder.

Before he could turn, Pops appeared and took the teacup from his hands. Confused, Sirius turned to see a black-haired blur standing next to him. Wiping his eyes clear of tears, he looked again and was struck dumb immediately.

Wild black hair even messier than his best friend covered the head looking at him silently, a pair of bright green eyes full of joy stared back sitting just above a wide cheeky smile that hadn't changed a bit since he'd last seen it looking up at him out of a tiny crib, babbling nonsense as the Marauders laughed at his tiny features.

Sirius rubbed his eyes again, certain he could not be seeing what he was seeing. His godson appeared to be standing next to him, his hand resting on his arm lightly. "Harry?"

"Hello, Padfoot," Harry replied simply, eyes not leaving Sirius's face. "Best birthday present ever."

Sirius leapt from the chair and had the giggling child wrapped in a firm hug in seconds. He was going to give the others hell for keeping this secret from him until now, though he could see the amusing angle, he had a reputation to enforce.

When he had woken that morning, he'd been saddened to see the date, believing he wouldn't be able to see the birthday boy ever again. Now he understood the smug look Remus had been giving him all day long.

Pulling back, he looked at Harry. "How would you like to have some fun and help me get these old coots back for not telling me that you were alive?"

"They did that to Remus too," Harry smirked.

Sirius turned to glare at the others who were all looking at him with innocent smiles on their faces. He tucked his arms under Harry's arms and hauled the little boy into his lap as he sat back on the chair and only then did he notice the nervous-looking girl standing behind his giggling godson.

"Oh, hello. Who is this?" Sirius asked, mind still whirling from the revelation perched in his lap.

"Padfoot, this is Hermione Granger. My best friend." Harry glowed as he introduced the girl and waved her closer.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mister Black." The girl stated, offering her hand.

Sirius laughed heartily at the address, feeling like he was looking at a young Minne McGonagall. "Pleasure is all mine."

Sirius shook her small hand and was surprised when she released his own to have Harry take the free appendage and haul her onto his lap as well. He glanced at the others in surprise to find them chuckling in his direction.

"They normally sit in that chair together." Lily offered as an explanation.

Sirius nodded in response and considered the pair sitting on him carefully. They seemed as perfectly at ease with one another as he and James had been after a few years at Hogwarts, so he assumed they had known each other a while now. And the fact that the little girl was in a house magically hidden from the world implied something fairly obvious in his mind.

"Given Miss Granger appears to be magical, where did you two meet?" He finally asked, shocking the others with his question.

Harry grinned. "School. But we just got back from holiday yesterday. And my party at Hermione's house today." He turned to the girl for a moment. "Sorry about that, too. I loved what you got me, but I've not seen Padfoot in a long time."

"Don't be. I'd be excited about seeing my godfather for the first time in 8 years too."

The conversation continued for hours, now covering some of the obvious holes Sirius hadn't noticed before where the others had clearly been avoiding speaking of Harry. He was so proud to hear that his godson appeared to be following in the Marauders' footsteps to a degree. It wasn't until both children began to loll against his chest that he realised how late it had become.

"Um, little help," He whispered, turning to glare at the clicking sound as he watched Moony lower a camera with a wide grin. "Oh, funny."

"Adorable," Lily commented, setting James laughing at the look on Sirius's face.

"Yeah, it's cute and funny, but we should get her home don't you think? It's improper for Harry to keep her out past midnight." Sirius quipped, with a wink that did not draw the response he had expected.

The others practically ignored the jibe as Remus walked over and hefted Hermione into his arms, the girl babbling softly as she was moved but refusing to let go of Harry's hand. Sirius stood and moved to take Harry aside, but the boy held fast just as strongly. Sirius glanced up at his friends to find them still smiling at the group.

"Well, she was always staying the night after the party. Looks like they're sharing a room again." Lily smiled. "Pops, if you would?"

The elf appeared once more and with a click of his fingers, Hermione was dressed in nightclothes. Remus stepped around him. "C'mon, Padfoot, I'll lead the way. Mind their arms."

He followed blindly as the werewolf led him to a room he couldn't recall having entered before. He watched Remus lay the girl onto the bed and helped him tuck Harry in beside her sleeping form, the two snuggling together as soon as the covers were laid over them.

"Is this common?" Sirius asked, eyes fixed on his slumbering godson.

"More than you'd think. James thinks they'll be together forever. Says it's him and Lily all over again. Lily likes to remind him that Hermione doesn't think Harry's a show-off that should go dowse his head in the Black Lake."

Sirius watched them silently for several minutes, afraid that if he walked away, that Harry would disappear. He was distracted by a patting sound and noticed Moony smirking at him from the end of the large bed, patting a dog bed he'd conjured atop the covers.

"Very funny." he jibed, ignoring his friend for a moment.

But as he thought about it, he decided ridicule he could live with. Changing into his enormous dog form, Sirius climbed onto the dog bed, poking his bum in Moony's face before settling down and staring at the softly moving lump at the other end.

Harry was alive and happy. And Sirius was home at long last.

Chapter 19: Black Hole of Family

Chapter Text

Thursday 3rd August 1989.

Sirius watched his best living friend glance up and past his shoulder as the group settled onto new ground, tucked neatly into a small unused alcove beside Flourish & Blotts.

This was apparently the biggest group they had ever brought to Diagon Alley at once and it was hard to find a place where they could all appear together. Usually, large groups flooed to the Leaky Cauldron. Only apparating into place when numbering one or two people max. Remus pulled the Orb from the bag at his hip and tapped a couple of the runes on its shiny surface.

Looking back past him once again as he finished, Remus saw something approaching that sent his eyes wide and had him tapping several more of the runes. Activating sound-dampening spells on the gemstone.

"Back into the alcove, kids to the wall." He hissed, making Sirius curious as to what was unsettling his friend. He turned in time to see the owl rear up and launch the red envelope at his face, ducking at the last moment and allowing it to fall to the street. "Answer it Padfoot, the Orb probably can't contain the full volume of an exploding howler."

Sirius glared at Remus briefly before nudging the twitching letter with his foot, causing it to leap into the air and rip open to face him. He braced himself as the howler zoomed right up into his face and the loud voice of the letter washed over them.

" SIRIUS ORION BLACK! I had thought better of you than this. I understand you've had a rough time of it when it comes to the Black family but I never thought you'd be so cruel to a child. You have exactly one day to reply to poor Nymphadora's letters or I am going to track you down and teach you exactly why the Black Sisters were feared as a whole at Hogwarts. Ignore me all you want, but she is an eleven-year-old girl who just wants proof her mother's side of the family is not only full of miserable arseholes. ONE DAY! "

The angry letter ripped and burst into flames. Scattering its ashes over the cobblestones in the middle of the group. A tiny sliver of the former letter flew away into the crowd once more, a delivery notice, meaning the sender would soon know it had been received.

The two children and the muggles in their group looked askance at him as Sirius digested what he'd heard. The voice was one he'd not heard in almost a decade, but he still recalled Andromeda's temper. She hadn't taken kindly to his present to young Nymphadora for her first birthday, not that he could recall what he had actually gotten the girl anymore.

He glanced up again as Remus cleared his throat and noticed the man wasn't looking at him, but over his shoulder, yet again.

Sirius turned to look out into the alleyway and found a pair of brown eyes looking at him with scrutiny and a little anger from point-blank range. The woman's typically wild Black hair was tamed perfectly into brown waves over her shoulders. Her arms were crossed, one hand holding a tiny sliver of singed paper. She was tapping her foot impatiently as she glared at him.

"Andi!" Sirius began with a big grin.

"Don't you 'Andi' me, Sirius Black!" She replied severely. "Three letters. Five if you include mine. What's your excuse? You've been out for over a month. Not bailed up in St Mungo's anymore either I see. Gallivanting about Diagon Alley. Well?"

"I didn't get any letters, Andi." Sirius winced as her eyes narrowed further. "Honestly. The healers wouldn't pass on anything that came for me. Said I wasn't well enough for mail. And where I'm staying right now is a little out of owl range. When did you get an owl anyway?"

"We didn't. I just sent that from the Owl Post Office across the street. Lucky I did, so I could catch you two in the act." Andromeda swept her eyes over the small crowd tucked into the alcove. Sirius shifted slightly to block the temporarily brown-haired boy behind him and her eyes fixed on him immediately. "Don't tell me you knocked some poor girl up before you got locked away!"

"No!" He yelped, blushing heavily at the laughter from the woman behind him.

She stepped past and offered her hand to Andromeda. "Natalie Granger. We're friends of Remus's." She stated, smirking at Sirius as Andromeda shook her hand. "This is my husband, Richard. My daughter Hermione. And…"

"Harry is my friend." Hermione chirped up, holding the boy's hand and looking at the woman defiantly. Sirius cringed slightly.

"Ah," Andromeda said, her face showing a burst of recognition. "I had been hoping to meet you again ever since your front page appearance. You've changed a lot since I last saw you, Harry."

Sirius winced as Harry stepped forward and offered his own hand to his cousin. The boy's disguised brown eyes, which made him look quite a bit like Hermione's brother, but he still had the unruly hair of a Potter if one looked closely, locked on the older woman's as he analysed her before speaking. "Nice to meet you. You look a lot like…"

"My elder sister? Yes. Though I'm told I lack the look of madness in the eyes and my hair is lighter." Andi replied with a smile, shaking his hand in response. "Shall we find somewhere quieter to have a chat?"

Andromeda replaced her gaze on Sirius who was now sweating as he worried how such a conversation might play out. He knew Andi wasn't like most of the Black family, but he'd been out of contact for a long time. People changed, after all.

"We're actually on quite the tight schedule this morning." Richard intervened, "Perhaps we might meet for lunch tomorrow? We'd love to have you all over for a chat. Members of Harry's family are so rare these days."

"Indeed." She replied, considering the offer for a moment. "That would be acceptable. Give this one time to get his brain working again it seems. Though I've not much in the way of hope for that given past experience."

Remus was apparently unable to contain his laughter at that remark and began howling from behind Sirius, something he would happily repay later on, but for now, got him out of trouble.

"Excellent. So, And...romeda. It was lovely seeing you." Sirius fixed her with his cheekiest grin, soon faltering as it clearly had no effect on the woman. "Um, guys, shall we."

Sirius's eyes flicked from one person to the next, clearly begging them to let this hell end yet they all appeared to be enjoying his struggle far too much. One of the downsides of being an irrepressible prankster was it occasionally bit you on the arse quite badly.

"Tomorrow, then. And you will behave with Nymphadora. None of that nonsense you pulled last time." With a polite nod to the group, Andi turned and headed for the Cauldron, Sirius finally letting out a breath of relief and whirling on his so-called friend. "Thanks for helping out there, Moony!"

"Hey, you are on your own with the Blacks. They're your family, not mine."

Sirius replied only with a glare, taking Harry's free hand and heading in the opposite direction. He was very much regretting his choice to take the family out shopping, and now he had a pending lunch date with his long-estranged family looming.

How could things get worse than this?


Friday 4th August 1989.

Harry sat in his favourite spot beneath the large oak tree, his fingers gently brushing over the downy feathers of his newest friend.

Beside him, Hermione was cooing over the small slightly squashed face of the part-kneazle kitten that Sirius had bought for her the day before as well. At first, Harry thought the large kitten was all bandy-legged and ugly, but several hours of listening to Hermione extol his many virtues the night before soon allowed him to see the ginger's positive traits.

He definitely preferred his own find though. While Hermione had been introducing herself to the kitten in her lap, Harry had felt a pair of eyes on his back. Sweeping his gaze over the menagerie he had finally located the tiny pure grey-downed fledgling watching him from the corner.

The moment their eyes had met, striking yellow to disguised brown instead of his usual green, he had felt a connection in his chest. She was achingly beautiful and held herself with a dignity that seemed so out of place in an owl her age.

Harry allowed the feeling to draw him in, soon reaching his hand out and jolting in surprise as the lithe bird gave a small hop, passing from the tiny perch onto his outstretched arm. The tiny figure weighed around two or so pounds and her eyes did not leave his own as the pair calmly walked back to where Richard was bickering with Sirius over who would pay for Crookshanks. Hermione finally looked up from her new pet to see Harry and she smiled openly at him.

The regal bird finally turned from Harry, facing her white mask at the girl now staring at her in awe. Harry could feel Hermione's magic reach out to the bird slightly, much as his own had done. He watched silently as the bird gave Hermione's outstretched finger a gentle nip before turning to him and giving a bark of approval. Harry nodded in agreement, he was quite fond of both his girls.

The adults had continued to bicker about payment rights for both animals but the children had been oblivious, far too lost in appreciating their newest friends. While Hermione's new ally had come prenamed, Harry was still searching his mind for something suitable.

Hearing a noise from the nearby back door, Harry glanced up and noted Andromeda watching them from the house. He briefly recalled their meeting the day before and he smiled at the woman.

She seemed kind enough and very familiar with Sirius's mischievous nature. He'd informed them as they shopped that Andromeda had been cast from his family for her choice to follow her heart and marry a muggleborn named Ted. He was currently inside with their daughter as the Grangers and Marauders determined if she was able to keep Harry's secrets.

Harry's eyes flicked between Andromeda and his owl and he noted several similarities between the females. Both had a regal bearing, both were very beautiful and both had a hidden strength he could feel under the surface. The comparison reminded Harry of a book he'd read a long time ago, describing some of the most famous people in what he now knew to be Andromeda's profession of healing.

"Hedwig," he whispered, drawing the eye of the two closest females.

The owl looked into his eyes for several silent moments rolling her head slightly. Harry held his breath as she analysed the word before she finally bobbed her head and straightened once more, giving an affirmative bark.

"I like it," Hermione whispered beside him, close enough in their usually snuggled position for him to hear her clearly.

Hedwig turned to face the girl and Harry was sure the bird appeared to be smiling, despite the impossibility of such a thing happening with the solid bone and keratin of her beak.

"Wow…" Harry's eyes flicked up at the new voice and he realised there were now several people standing quite close to where he was seated.

Andromeda was side by side with a man whose entire figure just yelled the word 'kind' at Harry's mind. He was as fair-haired as Andromeda's was dark and his soft body reminded Harry of how people called Santa jolly, though he wasn't nearly so rotund as the mythical man.

The Grangers were to the Tonkses' left and Sirius was one step closer than the rest, looking stressed yet hopeful in the direction of the girl standing closest of all. She was staring at her exposed arms as if fascinated by them.

The girl was only a few years older than Harry but she managed to look every bit the child of both Ted and Andromeda. She had the same soft kindness in her heart-shaped face that Ted exuded from his own while sharing her mother's poise and eyes. Harry smiled at her and her eyes squished for a moment, when they opened again they were now violet instead.

"Wotcher." She said joyfully, a quizzical smirk on her face. "Can you turn that thing off or not?"

Harry looked at her in confusion until he felt Hermione's magic recede away from him. He glanced at her and noticed a light blush on her cheeks and realised his own must have been getting away from him in their quiet moment.

He steadied himself and felt it pull inward once more. Leaving him feeling a touch colder now, despite the warm sunny day they were experiencing.

"Sorry, it does that sometimes." He apologised, standing up and walking over to the girl, Hedwig now settled on his shoulder. He glanced at the family arrayed about the girl and extended his hand. "My name is Harry."

The girl smiled back as she took his hand but was prevented from replying as Hedwig took the opportunity to hop along their arms to the girl's shoulder. Her bright yellow eyes stared into the girl's violet ones from a few centimetres away, neither blinking for a very long time.

At long last, the girl squeezed her eyes again and when they opened her eyes matched Hedwig's in every way. The owl turned back to Harry and barked once more.

"Hedwig likes you. So far she's been a wonderful judge of character."

"That's good to know. How long have you had her?" the girl asked, turning back to face him, two pairs of identical yellow eyes now watching him.

"Bit over a day." The girl looked surprised for a moment before she started laughing, finally releasing his hand.

"Harry," Andromeda said, stepping closer to the trio. "This is my daughter, Nymphadora." A flash of red coloured the girl's cheeks at the sound of her name. "She is your second cousin, once removed."

"Cousin is just fine. I've never cared for all this removed stuff. And please don't call me… that."

Harry smiled at the difference between mother and daughter. Andromeda's crisp tone and pronunciation versus the other's more easy-going manner. "Nym?" Harry asked.

The girl scrunched her whole face and Harry figured she hated the idea, but before he could speak again, her long mousy brown hair began to recede until it was barely past her ears and became bright pink. Her face was changing too, shifting to look less like her mother for some reason. When her eyes opened once more, they had returned to the violet colouring.

"That is so cool." He whispered, not realising he'd spoken aloud.

"Isn't it? I suppose Nym would be alright."

"Nymphadora is a perfectly acceptable name. I don't know why you make such a big fuss about it." Andromeda clicked from behind the girl, who did not blush this time, but Harry thought that may have something to do with how she changed her face.

"How do you do that?"

"The Black family is very old," Andi explained. "Almost as old as the Potters, and has entwined with many other families over the years gaining and sharing several descendant abilities. Nymphadora has inherited the family's long-buried metamorphmagus ability."

"Means I can look however I like, whenever I like." Nym smiled, raising her arm and allowing Hedwig to hop along it to Harry's shoulder once more. "But we're being rude. Nym."

The metamorph extended the now owl-free arm to the girl who had crept up beside Harry. "Hermione. Can I learn how to do that too?"

Harry laughed at Hermione's insatiable desire for new knowledge and skills. "Unfortunately not," Harry stated. "Metamorphs are only born. Just like I can't teach you how to speak to snakes. Magic is picky on some of its abilities."

Hermione frowned and Harry tried not to laugh, instead wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her close. Nym glanced at the two of them but smiled as Harry gestured her towards the tree and the three kids sat beneath its wide shadow. The adults dissolved away, some gathering by the barbeque near the shed, the others at the outdoor setting. But he still noticed the wary glances they cast their way.

"I think they're all worried we're going to eat you or something," Hermione whispered, drawing Nym's attention to the looks as well.

"Perhaps. Mum's always been on me to make more friends. I was pretty sheltered growing up until I managed to get a handle on the meta thing. Hard to send me off to a sleepover if the girl that wakes up the next day looks completely different to the one they tucked in." Nym laughed at what Harry felt was an actual memory, rather than a random example.

"Yeah," He said softly, eyeing Sirius and Remus. "I know the feeling of being coddled a bit too much. I appreciate it, it shows how much they care. But sometimes it makes you want to tear their hair out."

"Be kinda hard for you? Given…" Nym trailed off and Harry noticed she seemed wary of him now.

"Yes," he replied, the wide smile on his face settling the girl as he realised what she meant. "They're dead, but I still get to talk with them at home. Pops and Mipsy were great growing up and now I have the family paintings, and the Grangers, who are so great. Sirius and Remus are like a pair of wacky uncles. And now I've got cousins too. My family keeps getting bigger."

The broad grin on his face showed how much Harry appreciated every member of his broadening family. "You're like a singularity of family, Harry. The more you get and the denser it becomes, the more family it pulls in." Hermione joked, poking him in the side, setting all three laughing.

"So, I've met Hedwig," The owl preened herself at the attention, making Harry feel all warm as he watched her. "But who is this little cutey?" Nym asked, reaching out towards the ginger kitten crawling back into Hermione's lap.

"Crookshanks. He's just beautiful isn't he?" Harry bit his tongue, still not quite seeing the beauty that the girls did, but not wanting to upset either of them as well.

Harry doubted he'd ever understand girls properly.


Richard loved the smell of a good barbeque.

As a lifelong Brit, he knew they were a rarity. The grill they were currently standing at had been built at the house around Hermione's fourth birthday and had been used a grand total of twenty times in the intervening six years.

The two adults were often too busy managing their fledgling dental practice on days when it was nice enough to use.

Yet when the weather today had turned out so perfect, he'd quickly convinced Natalie to change their impending lunch to an afternoon barbeque. There was something special about the smell of charring meat in the bright summer air.

"They seem to be getting along well," Remus commented, sipping his beer.

"Harry has that effect on people." Richard laughed, turning the sausages. "Natalie has all but adopted him. You two as well, heaven help us."

Sirius stood by Ted watching the trio under the tree carefully. The few stories the man had told of his family made it clear where his unease originated, but from what Richard had seen of the Tonkses so far, they were good people. "Relax, anyone would think you were Harry's actual dad the way you act sometimes."

Remus spurted beer over the tidy lawn and began to cough deeply, Ted soon soothing his discomfort with a spell that drew Richard's attention from the grill long enough for a burning smell to waft upwards.

"Please…" Remus croaked. "Never put that image in my head again. Padfoot with children."

"Shut up, Moony. It could happen."

"Sure, and I might wake up tomorrow in remission."

Sirius made a rude gesture that got him a firm whack on the hand from the pair of tongs. "Not in front of the kids."

"Ow, you're as bad as Lily sometimes." Sirius groaned, rubbing his sore wrist. "Looks like it's my turn for another round?"

The other males nodded and watched as Sirius transformed and bounded towards the children. All three of them burst out laughing however when he stuck his head too close to the now cantankerous kitten and its sharp claws. The yelp Padfoot let out, set the entire yard full of laughter.

"I'll be honest, there were a lot of times when Hermione was growing up, I thought something like this would never happen. She just never seemed to click with the other kids. Then she met Harry… Talk about a whole new world."

"Meeting James was a similar experience for me. I was bitten as a child, so by the time Hogwarts came about, I had made my peace with the fact I was never going to have friends because of it. James wouldn't have it. He hounded me until I gave in. When they learned about my secret I was terrified it'd be the end."

Remus paused to down the remainder of his beer. "Turns out all it did was spur them all to master a difficult form of magic to keep me company. Harry has shown a similar stubbornness in his friendship with Hermione. I can't say for sure, but it feels like Potters bond early and for life. He'll never let them go."

"Dora seems to be fitting in well too." Ted offered, nodding along with the other men. "Her meta powers meant we often had to say no to her going out. This led her to rebel a lot. Which Dromeda never took well. They butt heads a lot, but I don't think I'd have it any other way. You can see it in her face right now. She's been hiding her Black features for about four months now. It's driving Dromeda mad."

The men all chuckled at the image that wrought. Richard liked Ted immensely. He was very quiet, often seeming to be absorbing all the information around him. But he had a spark to him that Richard was very familiar with.

"Kids, eh?" Richard said at long last as Sirius arrived back in human form with an armful of chilled beverages. That led to a quick toast to those who had brought them together today.


"I'd call today a success? Wouldn't you?" Natalie questioned as she picked up the soapy plate.

"Indeed. I worry about Nymphadora a lot. I've seen the darker side of our world from far too close for my liking, and I've let that colour my actions maybe a little too much where she's concerned. She's really chafing under my rule sometimes." Andromeda replied, finding the ritual of manually cleaning the day's dishes to be a good way to clear her mind.

"Hermione's getting to that age now too. And with magic, she's beyond what we could have hoped to manage alone. Harry's habit of building new family so easily has been a godsend. Without Remus and now yourselves, I think Richard and I would be going crazy trying to keep up with her."

"Why did we have girls?"

"We're gluttons for punishment?" Natalie replied and Andi laughed.

"Can you imagine if they'd been boys?"

Both women remained silent for a thoughtful moment before laughing loudly. "No, thank you. Girls are far less trouble." Natalie laughed.

"Yes. One Sirius in the family is quite enough. At least Crookshanks seems to have his measure already. Though kneazles are an excellent judge of character."

"Hermione had never asked for a pet, but the moment she saw that kitten she was gone for him."

"It's possible she's developing a familiar bond. A magical can feel it in their chest when they meet a potential familiar. I once had a sweet little cat of my own. She was much older when I met her though, she died a few years ago now. I can still feel a small space in my magic that she used to fill.

"Harry is most definitely forming one with Hedwig. It's a good thing he seems to like surrounding himself with strong confident women. Imagine if the only role models he had were Remus and Sirius?"

"Goodness, no. They're lovely guys, but sole parents of a little boy. I wouldn't wish that on anyone."

Quiet filled the room once again as the pair finished tidying up. It wasn't until the pair were seated at the kitchen table, watching the men chase the kids about the garden as they shared a tea that they spoke again.

"Your family..." Natalie began.

"Sirius is all I claim from that bunch these days. It's odd that the black sheep of the Black family are the ones who show basic human decency. Though I still sometimes wonder if my cousin has that." Andi joked, watching the man bound about as a dog once more. "I was cast out for falling in love with a man they found lacking simply for the fact his parents lacked magic."

"But the way you direct Nymphadora?"

"I know. It's hypocritical of me, but I know what it's like to be a woman in the magical world. And she'll face trouble from some simply because Ted is a muggleborn. Others will want to use her meta powers for their own gain. Or worse. The Blacks might be mad and bigoted, but they instilled many qualities in me that I can see the value of in such a world."

"Does it bother you that she's rebelling against it?"

"Not in the slightest," Andromeda commented, giving a wistful sigh. "The Black Sisters were a force of nature when we went to Hogwarts. No one crossed us. Bella has since proven why no one messed with her. But as much as it may not seem so to Nymphadora, I was once a wild child too. I think once she gets to Hogwarts, she'll begin to see some of my advice bear fruit. I hope she can find people like Harry and Hermione there."

"Yes, I'm so glad they found one another. Though it has led to some struggles I never thought I'd face as a mother. Like Hermione hiding in that library they installed. You can't open the door if you don't have magic, so no visitor stumbles in there. But, she likes to sulk in there knowing we can't get her out."

"If that's the worst she's doing, I'd consider myself lucky."

"Oh, believe me," Natalie said, watching the literal dog pile in the garden. "I do. Every single day."


Sirius watched quietly from the far corner of the bed.

Two pairs of yellow eyes watched him in return, one on the headboard and the other curled atop the softly shifting lump in the covers. The three children had continued talking and playing into the far late hours and the adults had caved to five sets of weaponized eyes begging for a sleepover.

However, unlike Hermione's sleepovers with Harry, this house now came with a guardian who wouldn't let him get any closer than the very farthest corner of the covers. He'd been so pleased to win the fight and pay for Hermione to own the little furball that had stolen her heart, but Crookshanks was insanely protective of the girl already. Sirius wiggled his tender nose softly as he considered the animal.

Sirius had never had a chance to form a familiar bond, not risking the pets his awful parents might have tried to saddle him with. Unless one considered his connection with James. The two had been the very firmest of friends from day one. Something he saw in Harry and Hermione more and more every day. It was one of the reasons he'd spent nearly every single night curled at the end of whatever bed Harry happened to fall asleep in.

That and the inescapable fear that when he closed his eyes, he'd open them to find hard black stone and no Harry.

The boy was his touchstone to what he was constantly assured was reality and not the final cruel trick of the Dementors. Sirius smiled to himself as he watched the once more brown-haired Dora roll in her sleep, disturbing Crookshanks from his position. He'd been afraid of letting Harry anywhere near his relatives, but he'd forgotten how much fun little Dora had been, even as a baby.

Andi had always been his favourite cousin, but after so long apart, he worried that things may have changed. He was happy to be proven wrong, and Harry now had as good as a big sister in the playful Tonks girl.

Though he was a little miffed that she could disturb the cat's rest without being assaulted, yet he would be whacked on the nose for the slightest misstep. It was like James's little ginger friend all over again. In fact, the animal looked uncannily like Nibbles but for the yellow eyes, instead of green.

Eyes which were staring at him once more and he let a throaty growl out of his throat at the glare. Perhaps he'd need to buy Harry a new broom so the lad could terrorise this one too.

His head spun at the soft laugh coming from the doorway and his body tensed to pounce when he spotted Andi watching him quietly.

"I didn't believe it when Natalie told me you did this. Remus is right, we need to get you a girlfriend, Sirius."

His eyes refocused on the children. So far as he knew, he had none of his own from before his imprisonment, and the healers had been unsure of his ability to have any now he was free. Not that he cared about continuing his family's deranged line regardless.

But it made him appreciate the little gift James had left him to care for all the more. He would do anything to keep Harry safe. No matter the ridicule it brought him.

He shifted back to human form, sitting cross-legged in the same space he had been occupying. "Harry needs me. I'll be here as long as he does."

Andromeda walked over, standing by the bed. "Needs you? For what, he looks perfectly fine to me?"

Sirius gave his cousin a cheeky grin. "Someone has to protect his virtue. Look at him, wrapped up between two scheming women. He needs me to keep him safe."

Andi laughed softly, getting a glare from Crookshanks as Hermione shifted under the covers. "Sirius Black, Defender of Virtues. That is a new one."

"I'm scared, Andi," Sirius whispered after several moments of silence. His eyes fixed on the woman beside him as he spoke. "Scared that this is all a painful dream. That I'll wake up in thatf*ckingcell. That he'll disappear. I failed him so badly once before, I can't do so again."

Andi placed her hand on his cheek, gently caressing the tears that had begun to fall. Before she pulled back and gave him a very light slap. "Good."

"How did you manage? How do you ever let her out of your sight?" Sirius asked, nodding at Dora as she muttered nonsense in her sleep.

"You don't, Sirius," Andi replied, a tenderness in her voice as she watched her daughter begin to snore softly. "You try your best, and you make mistakes. But you keep on trying. And you love them so fiercely that they'll hate you for it sometimes.

"They'll fight and argue and drive you mad. And I wouldn't give it up for the world. Nymphadora is a gift, and so are those two. We treasure them as such and arm them against the world while we can. Think you can manage that?" She finished, turning to face him once more.

Sirius took a few deep breaths to steady himself. He couldn't bring himself to admit the other reason he liked to curl up on Harry's bed as he slept. The few nights he'd woken from horrible nightmares to find Harry curled up in Padfoot's middle, hugging him firmly were one of the few things keeping him grounded right now.

The month of healers and talking had helped, but Harry made it real in a way no amount of talking could ever achieve.

"I solemnly swear." He whispered, turning back into Padfoot and resting his snout on the warm legs beneath the blanket. Just out of reach of the swiping claws.

Chapter 20: Decisions, decisions

Chapter Text

Friday 1st September 1989.

"Can't you just go next year instead?" Hermione asked, her arms nearly crushing the metamorph as she stood on the platform. "I'm going to miss you so much."

Nym laughed at the girl. The few short weeks they'd spent together this summer had hardly been enough to get to know one another, but they were already keen friends. It had been nice to finally meet people she could be herself with, whatever form that happened to be on any given day. And finally seeing that there was more to her extended family than crazy aunts and bigoted cousins was a relief as well.

Harry had certainly been surprising. The boy had an aura about him that was obvious even now as he stood a foot away. The disguise had thrown her a bit at first, as it made him look like Hermione's brother with the brown hair and eyes. He even held himself much like Richard had whenever they were anywhere but home. Slightly rigid and ever-alert to his surroundings.

His ability to drag people into his orbit was astounding. They'd not even spent a full month as friends and already she felt like he was the little brother she'd begged her parents for.

Hermione, on the other hand, was less of a surprise and more of a handful. The questions never stopped, but they were always interesting. The younger girl craved knowledge in all its forms, and Harry and the Family at large were terrible for indulging her habit. The once small closet in her bedroom was now a fully expansive library full of books on all different kinds of magic.

And yet, Nym still felt the girl was becoming family as well. She was absolutely right that Harry just drew it in, blood relation or not and then he treated you like family. He unconsciously yearned for it and the world yielded it to him in spades.

"I'm only going away till Christmas, Hermione. And just think of all the fun stuff I'll be able to bring back from Hogwarts!"

"But that's so long. And it's so far away. You will write, won't you? I know you don't have an owl, but Nemea will be happy to bring your letters."

Nym had to use her ability to buff up her arms in order to finally break the hold the child had about her middle. "Of course. As much as I can. I'm going to miss you all, too."

Her mother held herself in her usual stoic fashion, but the smile on her face was half proud and half saddened. Nym knew she'd pushed her luck with her mother a lot lately, keeping the Black traits out of her face. But she knew that her mother cared for her, despite the now stiff hug she was giving her.

"Work hard. You know these two won't be slacking off in your absence." Andromeda warned.

"Oh, hell no! I'm not going to be beaten by a pair of little kids. I'm going to learn so many new spells. Then I'll be able to help Sirius prank you all." Nym grinned as she hugged her father.

Her mother was always prim and proper, but her father was modest and unobtrusive. The type of man who could disappear into a crowd without trying. Yet when he got going, he was a barrel of fun to be around. His influence on Nym's manner and demeanour was obvious to anyone who truly knew the man.

"Be safe, be smart, have fun." He whispered in her ear, barely audible over the din of the crowded platform. "I love you, Dora."

"Thanks, Dad. Love you, too."

"Oooooh." Came the now-familiar teasing from behind.

Nym tried a trick she'd only recently perfected, not leaving her father's arms, she morphed her entire body so that she was now facing the sneaky Marauder who looked shocked to be face to face with her so suddenly. She probably looked incredibly weird with her body now backwards in her clothing, but it was worth it to see the shock on Sirius's face.

His wand was half drawn and despite the surprise in his face, he was clearly still up to mischief.

"Don't make me set Hedwig on you again!" Nym warned, a flash of fear appearing in her cousin's eyes at the memory of the one time he'd tried to prank the bird.

"I'll behave." He mumbled, returning his wand to his pocket. "Spoilsport."

"Ignore him. Make the most of Hogwarts. Explore, learn. Get in trouble from time to time." Remus whispered as he hugged her as well once she righted herself once more. This day had been on the horizon for so long that she'd been resigned to a simple farewell from her mother and father. But being part of the Extended Potters came with a lot of goodbyes and hugs. Something she had come to enjoy greatly. "But try not to get caught."

The werewolf winked at her, and she noted the slight weight in her robe pocket. Something she would have to investigate later once she boarded the steaming train. "Of course." She smiled in return, finding herself suddenly wrapped from the side by Harry's arms.

"I'll miss you, Nym. I don't like watching family leave."

"I'm not leaving." She replied, ruffling his hair. "I'm getting professional help to get one up on you for a change."

Harry pulled back and gave her a broad smile. It was still strange looking upon his unusual disguise, and the adults had been mostly tight-lipped about why the boy always needed to wear it in public, but she was getting better at seeing him underneath it.

She winked at him and gave an exaggerated wiggle of her nose just like Samantha from Bewitched, a show the kids had enjoyed watching together a few times in the past couple of weeks. Harry raised his fingers, poised ready to snap and she gave him a warning glare.

"Don't you dare!"

His grin was disturbingly reminiscent of Sirius as he lowered his fingers and tucked in beside Hermione once more, their arms reaching out the moment the pair were close enough to do so. A shrill whistle pierced the air and Nym took a deep breath. As much as she looked ready to go on the outside, her insides were churning with nerves.

Her mother stepped closer once more and whispered into her ear. "Relax, sweetheart." A name she very rarely used, much less in public. "Your hair is changing colours on its own again. Have fun, just remember to try and learn a thing or two while you're up there, too."

"Thanks, Mum."

"Now get yourself on board before you miss the train." Andromeda gave her a gentle push in the direction of the red carriages. The rare unmasked smile she gave was more encouraging than all the hugs in the world. Well, maybe not all the hugs, she thought, glancing at her newest friends.

"I'll see you all at Christmas." She yelped, hopping up into the closest carriage and letting the door swing closed behind her as the train began to slide forward. "And I'll write loads."

She waved at the Family staring up at her. Her stomach was still churning, but she was committed now. Off to the mythical Hogwarts to learn her place in the world.

Though she was already missing everyone, even though they were standing only a few metres away as the train began to chug and shift properly. She watched until the Family were out of sight before turning and walking directly into a surprisingly stocky dark-haired boy her own age, knocking herself back into the door.

"Bugger. Five minutes! Can I not go five flaming minutes."

"Are you alright?" The boy asked, holding his head where she had bounced off of it and extending his other out to her in the stairwell.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Happens all the time." She grumbled, allowing him to help her up.

"Well, that's… um. Sorry. My name's Cedric. Did you want to find somewhere to settle in?"

Nym considered him for a moment, his bright grey eyes watching her think. "May as well. Let's get this show on the road, then."

The boy looked puzzled by her comment but shrugged it off and headed off down the walkway, Nym following along behind wondering just what this year might bring.


Friday 22nd December 1989.

Harry was so happy to see Nym again that she had barely made it off the train before she was knocked to the platform by two babbling children. Her few short months at Hogwarts had yielded a few good friends already, but none had yet compared to the pair wrapped about her waist.

"Relax. I'm happy to see you too, but we're blocking the stairs. You don't want to be the one getting in the Twins' way." Nym advised, trying to return to an upright position without losing her newly acquired human carry-on baggage.

"Fresh meat, George, ol chap." One of a pair of smirking eleven-year-old redheads said from above their prone forms.

"Ideas, brother mine?"

"Leave them alone." A dark-haired boy warned, offering his hand to Nym and helping lift the three back to their feet.

Harry noticed that the smirks on the redhead's faces had not disappeared and the look in their eyes was far too reminiscent of one Sirius often wore. He made a note to watch them as they left.

"We missed you. Lots." Harry whispered to Nym, Hermione nodding her agreement.

Nym glanced at the boys behind her before whispering in return. "I missed you, too."

The three kids smiled broadly as Ted stepped forward and guided them away from the doorway where a large group was now looking out, frustrated at the blockage at their chosen exit and some wondering if they should just head back down the train to another.

"Where are the Tweedles?" Nym enquired as she gave her father a welcoming hug.

Harry grinned. "Grounded."

"What on earth did you do to manage that?"

"Not us," Hermione replied defensively. "And only one of them is grounded. Brought this one entirely on himself though. But there is something we want to try when we get home. An early Christmas present for you if it works." Hermione added as the small group moved towards the exit from the platform.

As soon as the whole group was inside, holding hands, Nym found herself transported not to the open area of platforms nine and ten at King's Cross station as she had expected, but to an expansive open garden she had not seen before.

"What the… Where are we?" She questioned, noticing the smiles on the faces of the others.

"Home," Harry stated plainly before running for the large house behind them. Nym was somewhat stunned at the size of it and Hermione stopped to wait for her at the entrance while Harry rushed into the library.

"We're back!" Hermione said as the two girls finally made it inside with Nym's head feeling dizzy from looking all around as they walked through the impressive house.

"Any trouble?" The painting asked as the others slowly filed in.

"Less than expected. Nym has a couple of guy friends it seems." Harry called, plonking himself in his favourite chair and watching as Hermione led a bewildered and slightly blushing Nym into the room. "We'll have to give them a talking to when she heads back again."

"Don't you dare," Nym warned before she caught sight of the enormous painting that covered the entire wall of the room. Harry grinned, so happy that Remus and Sirius had exchanged the large doorway-sized piece for this one in October. It allowed them to sit in with thewholefamily.

"Hello, dear. It's a pleasure to meet you again." Lily said, drawing the stunned girl's eye.

"I think we broke her," Hermione whispered as she joined Harry on their chair.

"To be fair, you were a little broken the first time I brought you here." Harry nudged in return.

"What?" Hermione replied indignantly, the smile belying the hurt she was feigning. "It's an impressive library. And it was my birthday."

"The best decision I ever made." Harry smiled.

The pair settled back and watched as Nym continued to remain still, staring at his extended family. It wasn't until her mother hugged her tightly that her focus was turned away from the wall. "Hello, Nymphadora. It's good to have you home."

"Home?" The girl wondered, staring about the large space.

"Figure of speech, dear. How was Hogwarts? Your letters were far too infrequent." Andromeda asked as she guided the young girl to a large leather couch. The few armchairs that had been there so long now proved insufficient in keeping up with Harry's growing number of regular visitors.

"It was… good. I'm sorry, are we all just going to ignore this? How did we get here? Whereishere?"

"You are seated in the library of the Potter family's ancestral home." Harry's grandfather explained, stepping forward in the painting. "The Potters have lived here for generations now. As for how you got here, that will be explained in a few minutes. Your mother demanded that she be the one allowed to explain what would happen."

Nym glanced at her mother and noticed a smile spread across the woman's face. "They did it to me. I had to take the chance to do it to you."

"Did what?" Nym replied, growing more confused by the minute. "What is going on?"

"As Charlus explained, this is Harry's home. He's lived here ever since November of 1981. The Grangers have been regular visitors for some time, but before he met Hermione, Harry only had the elves for company."

Harry grinned as the four elves popped in and greeted his practically adopted sister, introducing them all. "Mipsy and Nemea you have met. The others are Tybalt, Mipsy's twin brother. And Pops. he runs things around here."

"And don't you forget it, lad!" Pops cautioned.

"Ok… there is an 'and' though, isn't there?"

"As you know from their letters, we've been tutoring these two on some basic magic since you left. They still go to muggle school during the week, but we alternate weekends with Sirius and Remus and we each try to get them up to snuff on the things that magical children learn before heading to magical schooling. Make sure they'd be ready to go."

"Yeah." Nym drawled suspiciously. "The 'and'?"

"You're so impatient, Nym." Hermione chastised, giggling slightly.

"You can talk. You were up at five this morning begging us to go to King's Cross already." Remus chimed, walking into the room. "Hello, Dora."

The girl waved halfheartedly and turned on her mother, her hair beginning to redden. "Stop stalling and get to the 'and'!"

"Fine, I started the children on basic potions prep last month, and Harry being his excitable self knocked his cauldron full of hot water off the desk. Instead of splashing very hot water over the both of them, Harry snapped his fingers and the cauldron hovered back into place without injury."

"So, Harry can focus his accidental magic? That's the big deal?"

"No, Dora," Ted interjected. "Harry and Hermione both shared magic with Mipsy and Nemea respectively. As a result, the two can manipulate magic the way that the elves do, as well as channelling it through a focus like a wand."

"What!? That's so cool, you have to show me. Wait… is that how you…" Nym trailed off and Harry smirked, knowing she realised she was about to drop them all in it.

She'd been quite put out that she couldn't figure out how the pair had stuck Sirius to the top of their four-poster the morning after he had attempted to prank Hedwig the one and only time. As if the owlet's own revenge had not been enough punishment.

"After talking it over, and Sirius deciding to be an impatient child, we realised that adults cannot share magic with elves. We think it's only the immaturity of their magic at the time that let the process take in these two."

"Wait, Sirius is grounded for trying to share magic with an elf?"

"No, Sirius is grounded for almost killing Pops by trying it while he was sleeping," Harry growled.

He loved his godfather dearly, but Pops had raised him since he was a baby. Anyone who put his family at risk would face his wrath.

"Oh. Are you alright, Pops?" Nym asked.

"I am fine, miss. I have been dealing with Master Sirius since he was your age. It'll take a lot more than him to do me in."

"Doesn't mean I can't be angry," Harry mumbled, drawing a warning glance from the aged elf.

"The family has talked it over and, should you agree, there is an elfin who has volunteered to try the process with you. Only under close supervision, however."

Every adult eye in the room focused on Harry and Hermione, who blushed slightly but refused to drop their eyes. Nym sensed there was a story she was going to be getting out of them both later that night involved in the looks, but considered what her mother and father were offering her.

"So, what you're saying is that Dad isn't the one who brought us all here today?" Nym glanced at her father and he smiled back at her, shaking his head.

"Nope." She glanced over at Harry who vanished from the chair and was suddenly sitting on her lap, wrapping his arms about her stomach and squeezing tightly. "It was me."

"Cool." A moment later, Harry had returned to his own seat and everyone watched quietly as Nym considered the offer. Several quiet minutes passed before she nodded slowly, turning to face Andromeda. "Any side effects?"

"We can't be sure. Those two have been fine ever since, but it knocked Pops and Sirius out for two days. We've been debating back and forth for the last month about it, but it's your choice. We're as sure as we can be though that it is safe for you to try. It might work. It might not."

Nym considered her options again and Harry was practically bouncing in his seat, Hermione feeling equally agitated beside him. "Ok. How do we do this?"

"You don't have to do it right now."

"If age is a factor, may as well do it as soon as possible. What do I do?"

Andromeda stood from the couch but put her arm on Nym's shoulder as she moved to follow her. "Tuck in your feet and face the side." Nym quickly did so and was soon staring into the vibrant eyes of the elfin who had appeared on the couch.

Harry watched excitedly as Andromeda guided Nym through the process he and Hermione had explained to the adults in fine detail over the past month. Several minutes later, the elfin had taken on several of Nym's features, ironically maintaining the vibrant purple colour in his eyes, and things seemed to be as complete as they would become.

"How do you feel?" Andromeda asked, kneeling beside her daughter.

Harry felt it as Nym flexed her body and her magic back and forth for several minutes before frowning slightly. "I'm trying to find the right word… stable, I guess."

"Stable?" Her mother asked, curiously.

"I've always felt in flux. It's why I trip all the time, my feet change shape of their own accord. It made shifting easier but I don't really feel that anymore." Nym went quiet and squeezed her eyes tightly for several moments. Her hair went through all the colours of the rainbow and her body seemed to shift under her robes. "Still got it. Yet, I do feel different, but still me."

"Try Popping." Hermione practically shouted.


Hermione jumped up and rushed over to Nym, but Harry quickly interjected. "Hang on a minute, Hermione. Nym needs to give him a name first."

Hermione frowned but nodded and Nym turned to look at the elf who was watching her curiously. The metamorph cast her eyes about the room, lost in thought when she suddenly sprouted a wide grin. Her eyes flicked to Remus for a moment before she turned back to Hermione and the elf.

"I know. It's perfect. And Sirius will hate it. How about Romulus?"

Harry watched the elf consider the name, Moony groaning loudly from his chair. The elf smiled in return and nodded. "Yes. Romulus is good, Mistress."

Hermione jumped in place before hugging Nym tightly and quickly delivering a whispered crash course on how to utilise the teleporting ability. It took several long minutes before the girl was finally able to relocate herself across the room, to cheers from the gathered Family.

"Congratulations. Now try and levitate this book." Hermione appeared more excited by everything than Nym was, but Harry watched her closely. He could feel the girl's magic as she focused on the book and noticed the issue at the same time as Hermione's face fell.

"You can feel it too, can't you?" Harry asked, Hermione turning and nodding at him sadly.

"Feel what?" Remus asked.

"It didn't fully work. She can Pop, and it seems to have helped her shifting. But she doesn't have proper elf magic in her body to the level Hermione and I do. She still feels like Nym. Hermione felt different after. So do Mipsy and Nemea."

"You can feel all that?" Nym asked, still sounding stunned.

"Yeah. It was distracting at first, but now it's nice. I think it's why my magic sometimes goes off doing its own thing, like the day we met."

"You're not disappointed?" Hermione questioned, looking confused at Nym's reaction.

"Why would I be? Popping is the coolest. I couldn't do that before. I've side-alonged with Mum and Dad before. It sucks. Popping feels so much better. That's what threw me about how we got here, coz I didn't feel a thing. And it has made changing even easier. What's there to be sad about?"

Harry jumped off his chair and walked over to Nym, hugging her tightly. He pulled back and looked up at her face. His next words drew smirks from all three children.

"So, what new toys have you brought us for pranking Sirius?"


Saturday 13th July 1991.

Nym stretched out in her bed, yawning loudly as she felt the warm sunshine filtering through the nearby window caressing her legs through the covers.

Summers were her favourite time of year.

Her first two full years at Hogwarts had been a lot of fun. Her rivalry with Harry and Hermione had spurred her to study hard and kept her near the top of her year, something that bugged the Ravenclaws as most of them were being outclassed by a simple Hufflepuff.

The teachers would often question her quick grasp of the subject material and her burning drive to master that which she found difficult. Nym would simply reply that she wasn't going to be outdone by her little cousin, drawing odd glances from most of the staff.

The friendships she had built there were great as well. She was on very good terms with her entire house, often getting praised for not only portraying the classic traits of Hufflepuff house, but showing up the other houses and proving that the Puffs weren't all pushovers.

Cedric was her closest friend at the school and had been ever since the day that she'd quite literally run into him head-first on the train. The boy was as kind as her father and very approachable, and he was turning into quite the looker as he got older as well. That thought made Nym blush and she was very glad that neither the Weasley Twins nor Harry and Hermione were in the room to see it.

The redheaded terrors had proven to be great friends as well. Being in Gryffindor had kept them from spending as much time together as she did with Cedric and her fellow Puffs, but she found time amongst her studies to assist them with their fooling around.

Her high scholastic status kept her from suspicion when they managed to get themselves caught, and they'd even promised to share the secret of their success this coming year.

And yet, despite the joy she felt when at Hogwarts, she was ever so glad to be home again.

Today more than usual as a set of dangerously honed puppy dog eyes had allowed her cousin to spend the night. Letting that thought filter fully, Nym realised she was wasting the day with him and she threw off the covers. Hermione chided her for her messiness, but ever since Nym bonded with Romulus, he had been cleaning up after her. Be it at home or Hogwarts.

Nym skipped her way out to the kitchen to find the other three already sitting down to their breakfast. They had stopped waiting for her to rise during the summers before beginning as Nym was want to have a good lie in most mornings.


"Morning, Nym. Sleep well?" Harry enquired, making himself another bacon sandwich.

Nym nodded as a plate of her favourite breakfast foods popped into place in front of her. "Sure did. Thanks, Rom."

"I do wish you wouldn't let him do that." Her mother chided.

"He wants to do it, mum. Ask Harry if you don't believe me."

"We tied him up with magic-resistant ropes one morning to keep him from helping her," Harry replied, swallowing a chunk of his sandwich. "He nearly chewed through the ropes to get free. None of our elves has ever been quite so eager before. You must have passed more to him than he did to you."

Nym replied by simply poking her tongue at her cousin and chowing down on her meal. The family ate in peace for several long minutes before the pure white form of Harry's familiar swooped in the open window and landed delicately on the table between Harry and Nym.

"Good morning, Hedwig. Don't you look beautiful today?" The bird preened under the attention. Despite being a female snowy owl, she didn't have a single blemish on her feathers. Ever since she'd lost the grey down shortly after Christmas in Nym's first year, she had been pure white head to toe. Her beak and eyes being the only exceptions. "Were you hiding at Hermione's all night? Odd of her to use you instead of Nemea to send me something."

Nym reached out to take the crisp letter from the regal bird's talons but jumped back as Hedwig barked at her and fixed her eyes on Nym's hand. "Not mine? Then who?"

Harry tilted his head until he could read the fine green ink on the front of the envelope. "Me?" He asked, confusion colouring his voice.

That was quite the surprise.

Though it was public knowledge these days that Harry had survived the attack on his family home as a baby, he still didn't get many letters. Most of the fan mail they now knew existed went to the goblins who sorted it out and summarised it, for a small fee of course.

The few dangerous ones were explained to Sirius and Remus, who had made a game out of punishing anyone who tried to harm their wards. Though Pops and Tybalt often reigned in their more aggressive ideas.

The other oddity was that Harry was so rarely anywhere that mail could arrive to him in person. The magic surrounding his home, school and the Grangers blocked post owls from coming or going. Except for Hedwig. She was far too used to the wards over the locations to be bothered by them. Often spending weeks at a time perched in the massive oak tree in the Grangers' backyard.

Protections that were not present around the Tonks's home, as Harry was unsure if they could be spread another time as they had done at the Granger home. Nor had her mother and father been unhappy with the wards that they already had. They didn't need a fortress for a home.

Nym redirected her hand to gently stroke Hedwig as she gathered a few pieces of her favoured bacon and fed them to her. There was no faster way to Hedwig's heart than fresh crispy bacon. Nym's attention was refocused on Harry as he dropped his fork loudly to his plate. His face had paled considerably and he looked scared.

"Harry? What's wrong?" Her father asked, looking concerned at the boy's rapid change in demeanour.

"I forgot. I'm sorry. I have to go home. Hedwig." The bird immediately leapt into the air and landed deftly on Harry's shoulder a fraction of a second after his jacket was secured in place. His face was still pale and his eyes were flicking back and forth.

"Harry?" Nym questioned, stepping from her chair and in his direction only for him to flinch slightly as she extended her hand.

"Sorry," he mumbled before vanishing with a loud crack.

This surprised Nym more than anything. Having been popping about herself for more than a year now, she understood that the elven magic dulled the speed with which the air tried to fill the empty space left behind when they popped. That was why popping was nearly silent while apparition had its telltale sound. For Harry to make so much noise using the ability meant he was truly frazzled.

"We have to get to Hermione's now," Nym whispered, the sound carrying in the near-silent kitchen.

"What do you mean?" Andromeda questioned.

"Please. We need to go now."

Nym had never felt so worried for her cousin.

He had wormed his way into her heart within the first week she had known him, and their collective hijinks had normally meant that life was bright and airy around his extended family. But this morning he had looked truly afraid.

Her parents wasted no more time, ducking away to their rooms and reappearing only a few minutes later dressed well enough for their impromptu departure. Nym grasped both their hands and a moment later the three were standing beneath the mighty oak in the middle of the Grangers back yard.

"Hermione!" Nym yelled, rushing for the door and leaving her parents behind again. "Hermione have you seen…"

She paused as she burst into the living room and saw four sets of human eyes staring at her and one half-kneazle. Natalie and Richard were seated at either end of their long couch, looking at her with confusion. Hermione was tucked between her parents looking at her with a wide smile as she tended to Crookshanks's fluffy belly, the cat watching her curiously as well.

"Hello, Miss Tonks. How odd seeing you here this morning."

Nym tried to settle her heart rate as she looked at her stern Transfiguration teacher, seated in one of the leather armchairs and lowering a cup of tea from her lips. The smirk on the elder witch's face concerned the girl greatly as her parents finally caught her up.

"Andromeda. Edward. A pleasure. I do say this explains quite a lot." McGonagall swept her eyes back over the faces of the Grangers, the adults blushing slightly under her gaze.

"Hello, Minerva. What brings you by today?" Ted greeted, not allowing the presence of the witch to throw his unflappable nature, taking the armchair beside her and leaning in her direction.

"It's that time of year, Edward. Young Hermione has garnered a place at our fine educational institution. As she is Muggleborn and I am Deputy Headmistress, it is part of my remit to introduce her to our world, as you surely well remember."

Andromeda laid her hand gently on Nym's shoulder, helping her remove her heart from her throat after having run into the Gryffindor head of house in the home of her closest female friend.

"I was beginning to wonder why Miss Granger seemed so unperturbed by my usual efforts. Imagine my surprise to find she knows one of my very own students." McGonagall smirked as she took another deep draw of her tea. "Explains this lovely tea as well. I had thought I might be going mad, tasting Hebron's Brew in a Muggle home."

"A gift." Andromeda offered as she took the other armchair, leaving Nym to stand, still watching the scene before her silently. "Meeting Natalie had been a godsend. Far too much testosterone around the group, and I needed another mother to heart to heart with. Imagine our surprise when Hermione showed some accidental magic a couple of years ago."

"Well, magic is a strange Mistress. She will as she does." Minerva commented, finishing off her tea. "However, it seems that you are in expert hands already, Miss Granger. I do hope you will consider our offer. The questions you have asked me so far speak very highly of your inquisitive nature. That would serve you well at our school."

The green-robed witch stood and gathered her belongings, tucking her wand back into a pocket in her coat. "I shall, of course, forward along the other materials you requested, Mrs Granger. I wouldn't like you to think we're selfish at Hogwarts. Though I personally shall regret it deeply if your daughter chooses to head across the Channel.

"Now I just need to figure out where that beautiful alabaster darling took that other letter." She mumbled to herself as she checked to see if she had left anything behind before nodding to the two families. "Good day to you all."

The woman walked to the front door, the silence of the house allowing everyone to hear as she closed the door behind her and the crack of displaced air shortly after. Nym sagged as she let out a deep breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding since entering the room.

"Bugger me." She sighed.

"Language, dear." Her mother chastised. "That was a pleasant surprise. Even more so that it seems to clarify just what Hedwig arrived with for Harry this morning."

"Where is Harry?" Hermione inquired, gently laying a complaining Crooks on the floor. "Didn't he stay with you last night?"

"He did. But this morning Hedwig arrived with a letter identical to the one your father is holding and Harry became very concerned and rushed home. It was quite… odd." Ted explained.

"Concerned? Oh! Of Course!" Hermione shouted, jumping from the couch and earning a scowl from Crooks as he ducked away from her thundering feet.

"Hermione. HERMIONE! Argh, we best head to the Manor." Natalie said, standing and moving to gather the tea supplies only for Nemea to appear and whisk them away, a look of disgust on her face that Nym assumed came from the fact she had been prevented from preparing the tea by a need for a Muggle family not to have a house-elf prancing about the house in front of the woman responsible for introducing them to magic.

"What is going on? What's with those two?" Nym asked, feeling adrift in the storm of activity.

"Come on, dear. We'll explain on the way. Harry will need you both this morning."


Having taken far longer than she would have liked to change into something acceptable, Hermione popped into the Manor directly in front of Harry's bed, the boy clearly present under the balled-up covers. She slipped under the corner and was soon face to face with her hiding best friend.

"I'm sorry. I forgot, too."

Harry just nodded and let her hold him tightly. They'd become so caught up in the pattern of their lives it had completely slipped their minds that they were both eleven this year.

"I think our presence may be required soon. Between your exit and mine, some of the Family are probably in a bit of a tizzy."

Harry glanced up at her, his eyes were still full of fear. He had once managed to show her exactly how the pull on his magic so long ago had felt and she understood fully his fear.

There was no way that Albus Dumbledore wasn't thinking of Harry again right now. He was only safe right now under the cover of the Manor's wards. The pair lay there in silence, simply enjoying the other's presence for they knew not how long.

"I don't know what to do, Hermione."

She squeezed him tightly. "That's why we have the Family." She replied, using the nickname Sirius had given Harry's growing group after having been shown a few classic muggle movies at the Granger home. "You don't have to do anything alone, Harry."

The pair heard a rustling at the door and soon a third body joined them under the covers, only the face intruding into their space.

"What's going on here, Vincent?" Dr Doogie Howser asked, setting all three children laughing as Nym changed back to her normal appearance and shuffled further under the covers. "You gave me a fright running away like that, Harry."

"Sorry. It's a long story." Harry offered, with a weak smile.

"You don't need to tell me right now. I'm here to keep you company, not interrogate you. The parentals, on the other hand, are all chattering away in the usual place. But it's quite comfy in here, I'm happy to let them argue it out if you are."

Hermione smiled at the older girl, she always seemed to know how to cheer both of them up again. "Sounds good to me. As far as blanket forts go, it's not very roomy though."

Harry couldn't contain his laughter at the idea and Hermione felt his magic warming up again. It often reacted to his emotions like that, and the way that Hermione could feel it constantly made her able to read him like one of her favourite books.

"We have to go out there. This is something the whole family needs to decide." Harry explained, squeezing Hermione tightly before shuffling out from under the covers.

All three burst out into the light at the same time to find a panting dog standing in the doorway grinning stupidly, his eyes flicking cheerfully from one to the next.

"Not a word!" Hermione cautioned, positioning her fingers to snap and narrowing her eyes.

Padfoot barked back at them and tore off down the hallway, the sound of breaking crockery sounding down the corridor after him. The children laughed at the childlike man's antics and followed along slowly, repairing the broken vase on their way past. As one, they entered the library and squeezed into the empty chair that everyone knew belonged to Harry and Hermione, three being a very tight fit.

"So…" Harry said simply, tossing the offending letter that had triggered his panic attack onto the small coffee table in the middle of the semicircle of chairs. Hermione knew it would not have been immediate to Harry what it meant. He probably panicked once he saw the Headmaster's name written down on the letter inside.

Silence reigned for several minutes, the adults all staring at the envelope. Padfoot trotted over and lay at the base of Harry's chair, tucking his body under the boy's hanging feet.

"What are the benefits?" Hermione asked, breaking the silence. "You're already training us in magic. Will we learn any better going there?"

"Hogwarts is a wonderful school." Andromeda offered. "We wouldn't have sent Nymphadora there were it not. Every witch and wizard in this room has graduated from that school, no?"

"The school isn't the problem," Lily replied, tucked tightly against James in their painting.

"Dumbledore," James nodded, letting the word settle over the room.

"We still don't know what he wants with Harry. He appears to have been quiet since the ritual, assuming that Harry would eventually walk into his hands at Hogwarts, perhaps?" Charlus pondered aloud. "Should you go, we'd be handing you over for most of the year. While he can't keep you locked up, there are many other options he has available with you sleeping under his roof."

"I'm there." Nym squeaked and Harry smiled at her. "I can help."

"If you end up in the same house, that has merit. But if he sorted into Gryffindor. Most of the families in that house have some form of loyalty to Albus. Or he might go to Slytherin. Harry is quite cunning." Ted explained with a supportive smile at the boy.

"And you have the benefit of the fact no one associates you with Harry," Dorea noted. "Once that becomes public, you will face a lot more attention, Nym."

"We can't pull her out now," Andromeda said. "The law states once you start at a school you must complete at least OWL level there. There are a few loopholes, but it's too late to switch Nym out of there this year."

"I'm not overly fond of changing schools. I like it at Hogwarts. I have good friends there." Nym looked slightly torn.

"Minerva was at the Grangers this morning. Hermione's been offered a place as well." Ted commented. "She now knows we at least are friends with them. And we don't know what Garrick told Albus about that little trip the kids made. It's possible he could make that connection. Especially if we pull her out at the same time as these two refuse to attend."

The adults all became pensive, turning the options over in their heads as Padfoot placed his snout onto Harry's leg.

"Then I won't go," Harry stated plainly. He linked his fingers with Nym. "Keeping you safe trumps whatever I might learn there. If Dumbledore learns you know me, he might try to use you."

"Simple as that, is it?" Remus asked, smiling at him.

"Yes," Harry replied, locking eyes with the Marauder. "Family comes first. I don't want any of you being used because of me."

Harry turned and Hermione looked at him closely, inspecting him the way that Hedwig often did. She realised that his declaration could mean one of two things now depending on what she said next.

"Agreed." Hermione nodded. "Besides, we can learn faster the way we are now. We're already dealing with late second-year material in our weekend studies. Why start over? I'm looking forward to the extra subjects we'll be beginning this year. Plus, we have to keep the heat on Nym. She'll get complacent if we go to Hogwarts."

"Cheeky." The older girl laughed.

"You're sure, Harry?" Dorea asked, watching him carefully.

"Whatever it takes to keep everyone safe. I have a feeling I'm not leaving the wards for a while though." He replied solemnly.

"I guess it's a good thing you chose Wolsey Hall." Natalie smiled at the trio. "Besides it just being a fine school."

"Is there any way that we can figure out what he wants me so badly for?"

"We've been looking into it for years now, Harry," Remus commented. "Without anything concrete to work off, we have come up with nothing. We considered it might be due to your family's link to the Peverells, but he gave up the Cloak without a word according to the goblins."

"Can't believe he still had that. We could have used it back in '81." James grumbled.

"Bygones sweetie." Dorea smiled, patting her son's arm. "Let us worry about the future."

"So it is decided. We refuse." Harry asked, checking every face in the room, all of whom gave a slight nod at his glance. Hermione snuggled tighter against him and nodded into his neck. "I'll write my refusal letter then. Best to send it in and get things rolling as soon as possible."

"Me too. No matter what, you are never getting rid of me, Harry Potter." Hermione smirked against his ear.


Sunday 14th July 1991.

Minerva worked a crick out of her neck and reclined in her chair. She truly loved working in the school, passing knowledge to the younger generations, but sometimes the paperwork was a murder. Even with the assistance of magic.

She was surprised from her thoughts by a loud bark and turned to see a familiar white figure perched on her desk.

"Hello there. Brought back my letter, have you?" She smiled at the beautiful menace.

The owl observed her silently, the eyes seeming to look far deeper than the surface before she barked again and flew out the still-open window.

Minerva watched as the lovely bird flew off into the sky before looking down to see several letters scattered evenly across her in-tray. She couldn't recall how many had been in there beforehand, but she pulled one off the top wondering whom the bird had belonged to.

It was not the letter the scoundrel had lifted from her desk a few days earlier.

Had it been later in the morning, she might have reacted in time, but she'd been too distracted by the owl's amazing plumage to notice her claw absconding with one of the many acceptance letters.

As she flipped the letter open, she considered the return address. It was familiar as she had been there only the day before. The meeting with the Muggleborn girl's family had thrown her as they barely reacted to her usual tricks, forcing her to up her game several times.

Young Nymphadora's arrival had helped clear things up. Minerva had worried she was losing her touch and would have to finally pass the torch to Filius.

She opened the letter and unfolded the paper within.

Minerva frowned as she read the polite yet wordy rejection. The letter didn't even explain which school had trumped her own, preventing her from sending a return to try one last effort to convince the young girl to attend by explaining how Hogwarts bettered the other facilities.

Miss Granger had shown such promise that Minerva was loath to lose her elsewhere.

Placing the letter aside, she picked up the next in the pile and quickly divested the letter from its envelope. If her meeting that morning had surprised her, she didn't know the words for what she was feeling right now.

For years, rumour had circulated their world about the possibility of young Mister Potter having survived the attack that took his parents from the world. And both the Daily Prophet and Albus had confirmed a few years prior that he was indeed alive.

However, rumour was a far cry from seeing what was clearly the boy's own handwriting on the paper in her hands.

Sadness soon overtook shock as she read the once again politely worded rejection. Harry Potter had chosen not to attend the school his parents had. She felt a hollowness in her chest as she considered James and Lily.

The lad had proven a whizz in her favoured form of magic and she had expected to see him achieve great heights before her own former classmate had so cruelly cut him down. Lily had been a treasure to teach. So inquisitive and always seeking more information.

Minerva smiled as she realised just how much the girl she had met the previous morning reminded her of Harry's late mother.

She sighed heavily and returned the letter to its envelope. She had no idea why, but Albus had requested she forward any response from the Potter boy directly to him.

"Ranty?" She spoke to the warm summer evening air.

A pop to her right drew her eye and she smiled at the elf, draped in a crisp Hogwarts towel. "Please take this to Professor Dumbledore's office. And a refill on the tea, if you will."

Ranty nodded and taking the note in hand, popped away, leaving Minerva to the pile of paperwork still urgently requiring her attention before the new school year could begin.

Chapter 21: The Long Road Ahead

Chapter Text

Monday 15th July 1991.

Albus felt hollow as he read the letter for the thirteenth time.

The words had not changed and while they were overly polite and not aimed at him specifically, he could not help but feel responsible.

Harry Potter had refused to attend Hogwarts. What would the media do with such a sensational headline? He had taken so many hits to his persona in the past few years but none had the potential to be so devastating as this.

He placed the letter on his desk, removed his half-moon spectacles and ran one hand through his long beard.

"Where did it all go so wrong?" He asked the empty room rhetorically.

A long sweet trill answered from behind where his once again featherless little friend recovered from a burning. The sound called to the indecision inside of Albus and he stood, shifting to the wee bird and fed him a few Chilli Bites, Fawkes's preferred snack.

"What am I becoming, old friend?" He asked, confused by the bird's accusation.

Fawkes chewed his spicy treat before sounding off several more bright trills that ended with a long sorrowful call. Albus stroked the bird's bald head, feeling several bumpy points where the new feathers were beginning to grow through. He found himself looking inward at his friend's comments.

"Have I gone too far? That Harry fears me more than he desires to walk the halls so full of stories of his parents? What have I done?"

Fawkes chirped for almost a full minute, his tone wavered up and down while the final note seemed very accusatory.

"Do you think so? Perhaps I have lost sight of what is important." Albus gave the bird one final stroke before he stood straight once more and looked about the long-familiar room.

He had been headmaster of this fine school for almost thirty years now, and yet, he'd allowed his focus to drift in that time. His renewed interest in the Hallows, driven by witnessing the power of James's Cloak during the war, had distracted him once again, as it had in his childhood.

"You are, of course, correct, Fawkes. As always. Has it been hard?" he queried, glancing at the phoenix once more.

Fawkes trilled cautiously before giving a happy set of chirps.

"Rightly so. IamAlbus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts. That should be my priority once again." He said firmly, the decision was made.

Immediately he felt a weight lift from his shoulders he hadn't even realized he had been carrying as he once more let go of the past. And his vain search for an answer held on the other side of the Veil itself. After so long, perhaps it was easier to simply live out the rest of his days and find the answer once he joined them there. At least then he could do some more good on this side before he passed over.

He had, after all, done frightfully little in the past decade. So obsessed had he become.

"Excuse me, Headmaster." Eupraxia's portrait above the door drew his attention from his odd conversation. "A man is approaching. I believe he wishes to meet with you."

Albus sighed, rubbing the back of his neck to relieve the soreness that had arisen in it as he stared so long at the piece of paper. He quickly shifted back to his desk. "Thank you, Eupraxia."

A knock sounded throughout the room a moment later as he cast his eyes over the letter once again. "Come in."

The door swung inward and Bartemius Crouch wasted no time as he closed the distance between the door and desk, taking a seat before Albus could offer it, making the older man smile at the younger's continued rushed demeanour. "Bartemius, how are you?"

"Busy, as always, Dumbledore." The man replied shortly.

Albus gave a slight nod as he folded the letter on his desk. He briskly returned it to its envelope and placed it carefully in his third desk drawer. The drawer had a great number of special enchantments protecting its content, but in line with his renewed desire to do better, Albus applied several more with the Elder Wand before addressing Barty once more.

"How might I alleviate your burden?" He smiled.

Crouch passed a thick folder over the desk, the title of which surprised Albus as he flicked it open and read the cover page explaining the endeavour. "We've been trying to get this thing off the ground for years. I was working on it back as Head of MLE. And I am very much tired of things getting in the way. It was meant to be a celebration of our victory over You-Know-Who."

"Ourvictory, Bartemius?" Albus raised his eyebrow at the curt man. "Voldemort's downfall should be rightly credited to the Potters. It cost them greatly while we reap the rewards."

Barty's moustache twitched and Albus chose not to push him any further, he could see the stress he was under weighed on him enough already. "Yes, well…"

"You do recall, I assume, the reason this was cancelled in the first place?"

"Steps shall be taken, of course." Barty defended.

"Of course," Albus replied, with a knowing smile as he closed the folder without looking further. "But I am afraid that until they do, I will not have Hogwarts and her students subjected to the dangers it poses. I have recently been reminded that childhood is a most precious commodity and we should not squander it on their behalf. My answer shall be no until you can convince me otherwise."

Barty began to redden in response and Albus prepared for a vicious retort to come his way.

Instead, the other man simply grabbed the folder from his wizened hands and turned away, stomping heavily towards the door once again. "You know, I used to be respected. All that…nonsense. Black is just the most recent embarrassment. I thought you of all people… I'll be back, Dumbledore."

"I look forward to it, Bartemius. It has been a pleasure to see you as always." Albus smiled, one of the most genuine he could recall in several years. "Have a pleasant evening, and I wish you the best of luck with your efforts. The Tournament will surely be a fine spectacle once you get it all worked out."

Barty huffed once more and slammed the door as he departed.

Despite his eleven decades, Albus felt renewed with his revised attitude. He had failed the Potters resoundingly, especially Harry. They had only met face to face once, but the memory of the event now made Albus shake his head in dismay. He could see how his overzealous need for the Stone had ruined their meeting.

It was high time for him to return to the days when he could be proud of whohewas now, rather than his previous achievements. A man dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge into young minds.

That was, after all, why he became a teacher all those many years ago.


Friday 26th July 1991.

Harry felt that something was off.

He was happily tucked under the oak in the Grangers' backyard as Hermione leaned on his side and read aloud. He should have felt utterly at peace, but something niggled at the corner of his mind. Or was it his magic?

He closed his eyes and let his consciousness drift through his form, paying attention to each sense in its turn but found nothing that stood out. But when he seeped into his magic, he felt something nagging at the corners. He couldn't quite figure out what it was, but there was something new there, on the outside looking in.

Harry opened his eyes once more and swept them over the garden, yet found nothing out of place.

Natalie's tools were in the barrow by the small rose plot, where she had been at work earlier that morning. Richard was returfing the section around the shed after he had accidentally chewed it up with the fancy new ride-on lawnmower he had bought after he refused to let Nemea handle the garden and yard. That being the Grangers' favoured way to wind down on a weekend.

No matter where he looked, he could not find the source of what worried him. Was it the idea of being outside the Manor for the first time since the letters had arrived? He was sure it was something outside his own control but he couldn't identify it.

"Hermione." He whispered as he nudged her gently, barely breaking her focus on the book. "I'm going to take us to the clearing. Something feels wrong."

Her reading took an affirmative tone and within a moment, the pair were relocated to Harry's favoured hiding spot within the Manor's world. Back now pressed against the massive stone, he let himself fall into his senses again and was surprised to find the feeling was still there, but this time it had a direction.

Straight ahead of where he was seated. His eyes flicked open and he directed his gaze where he knew the source to now be hiding. A small bush at the edge of the clearing shuddered and Harry froze. Whatever was watching them had followed their elf transportation.

It could get into the Manor.

He nudged Hermione again and this time she stopped reading. He indicated the errant bush and the pair glanced at the other from the corner of their eyes. In another moment the book hit the dry grass and the pair were on either side of the bush.

"Please come out," Harry commanded.

A high-pitched squeak greeted them and a small dirty figure fell forward out of the bramble bush, looking worse for his short time inside of it. Harry realized that the creature wasn't as dirty as he'd first thought when he realized most of what he was seeing was an awful pillowcase, tied above the shoulders and caked in grime and blood, and now torn in several places.

The creature rolled onto its back and Harry finally took in the rest of it. It was a house-elf, slightly smaller than he was used to at a bit under three feet tall which stared up at him with big green eyes. There was a fear within that shocked the boy as he offered his hand to the wee elf.

"Let me help you up."

The eyes widened considerably and tears seemed to form in the corners, which confused Harry greatly. He felt Pops and Tybalt appear behind him but knew they were invisible to their visitor. He gestured for them to remain in place as he took the elf's hand and lifted him to his feet. "My name is Harry."

"Dobby knows who you is, sir. The Great Harry Potter is known to all elveses. Though many thought you were dead. Dobby always hoped it was untrue."

"Hello, Dobby." Harry greeted with a smile, Hermione copying him exactly. The elf twitched again and Harry found it very odd, he'd never seen someone react in such a way to politeness. "May I ask why you've been watching my friend and I? And how you came to be here?"

Dobby looked about frantically at the question, before he leapt back into the bramble bush face first, much to the children's surprise. "What are you doing?" Hermione asked as she fished the elf back out of the nasty bush and walked him a few feet away from it.

"Dobby cannot say." The elf twitched under her grip but she did not yield, worried he might make a run for it again.

"Please, Dobby. Sit, let us talk." Harry offered as he sat in front of the tiny figure. "Would you like some tea?"

Harry was amazed that the already enormous eyes could widen any further but they did. Dobby began to sob heavily and Harry stared between the elf and his friend in utter surprise. He took the moment to look Dobby over closer. He was covered in grime, much like his pillowcase, and Harry began to suspect he was a renegade elf, living wild since the death of its master.

He let his magic wash over the tiny creature and found that its magic seemed fully intact, so if it was free, it had happened recently. Using the link between himself and the elves behind him as a guide, Harry ran his magic over the elf's and noticed the tether to its master was still there, but it was very weak.

"Dobby, where is your master? Who is your family?"

The elf struggled in Hermione's grip and she loosened her fingers to prevent herself from harming him. He managed to slip free and he chanted through clenched teeth as he bashed his head against the ground. "Can't say. Can't say."

"Ok, you can't tell me then. Please stop hurting yourself." Harry could feel concern coming from Pops behind him. The aged elf had snuck closer until he was at Harry's ear.

"Be careful with this one Master," Pops whispered. "He's been abused by his family, badly."

Harry nodded and considered his options. Abused elves were a tricky issue. He had to be very careful with his questions if he didn't want the elf to hurt itself. "Dobby… Can you imply to me why you are here?"

The elf stilled on the ground and looked up at Harry. A tight smile began to form as he sat once more, clearly considering the question. "Dobby… has come to warn Harry Potter."

"Ok, then. I am warned. Can you give any specifics about the warning I should have?"

Dobby considered again before smiling more. "Dobby warns Harry Potter not to go to Hogwarts."

Harry smiled. "Deal."

"Terrible things will happen at Hogwarts. Harry Potter cannot be risked by going. Dobby will stop him if he must!" The elf popped to his feet at the declaration, looking fierce.

"Dobby, relax." Harry held his hand out to the elf. "I'm not going to Hogwarts. I swear."

Dobby looked at Harry's hand with a slight twinge of fear, but mastered himself and extended his own. Harry felt a jolt as the two shook. His initial assessment of the elf's magic had been wrong. It was very poorly underneath, but strong enough to put up a solid facade.

"Please sit, Dobby. I need to ask you something else." The elf complied, crossing his legs and looking straight at Harry curiously. "How are you feeling?"

The elf looked utterly shocked as if no one had ever asked him such a question in his life. "Dobby… Dobby is… Never in Dobby's life. So great. Dobby is fine, sir."

"Please be honest with me, if you can. I truly want to know." Harry let a warming finger of magic touch the elf who shuddered happily under its touch.

"Dobby is not well, sir. Master often punishes Dobby. Or makes Dobby punish himself. They do not care for Dobby." The elf-shot up again, but Harry used his magic to keep him in place, not hurting him but preventing him from running for the bush.

"Dobby, I forbid you to harm yourself in my presence." Harry's voice echoed with power and the elf relaxed deeply. Harry almost thought he had fainted, but the eyes brightened and were still looking between him and Hermione.

He loosened the grip his magic had and the elf sat once more. "Thank you, Harry Potter, sir. That feels much better already."

"Good. So there is danger at Hogwarts, something we already knew, hence why we're not going. Your master is a nasty man who mistreats you for no reason. And house-elves can apparently find us and come and go from here as they please?"

"That's not true, sir." Dobby squeaked, looking shifty all of a sudden. "Dobby managed to find the lady's house, for an elf the wards were obvious in the low magic place. They are very powerful. It took Dobby days to carefully cross them without being stuck. A wizard would not see them like elfs do."

"That's good, but how is it you followed us here?"

"Dobby… could feel sir searching for him. When you left, Dobby held onto your magic. You brought Dobby here with you." The elf looked like he was waiting to be struck.

"I'm not going to hurt you Dobby. I just want to make sure we're safe here. Could you return here on your own now?" The elf nodded, no longer able to maintain eye contact. "But could you have if I didn't bring you here first?"

Dobby shook his head fiercely which made his ears wobble wildly. "If you left without looking for Dobby first, Dobby would have lost you."

"Well, that's good to know. Now, is there anything we can do to help keep your master from hurting you?"

"Dobby is used to it, sir. It is the only life Dobby has ever known."

Pops's voice sounded in Harry's ear once more. "Order him to never punish himself again. It won't stop his master from harming him, but he'll be unable to do so himself. I have a feeling this master enjoys the idea of having Dobby administer his own punishment."

Harry glanced to Hermione, who nodded, indicating she had heard the comment too. His eyes drifted back to the elf who was holding his toes and rocking slightly. "Dobby." The two pairs of green eyes locked. "I forbid you to punish yourself, ever. No matter who gives the order. Do you understand?"

Dobby's eyes widened but he nodded. "I also want you to feel free to visit here if you need to get away from your home. But you cannot bring anyone else here without my permission first or tell anyone about us or this place. Is that understood?"

Dobby rocked excitedly. "Yes, Harry Potter sir. Dobby is very grateful."

"So," Hermione spoke properly for the first time during the encounter. "How about that tea?"

Dobby smiled widely in response.


Friday 2nd August 1991.

The more people that filed in the more confused that Sirius became.

He knew them all on sight, and many did not seem pleased to see him or his company present. The letter had been typically vague for the goblins, simply requesting he and Andromeda attend the bank today, with the requested documentation.

Most of the others present were lawyers, representation for those who 'could not attend' for whatever reason. Mostly likely imprisonment. Or sitting beside some unsavoury people from his distant past, which didn't leave Sirius feeling any better about the mysterious proceedings.

However, it was the most recent addition to the room that had him shift uncomfortably in his chair. The aristocratic sneer on the two adults as they noticed Sirius irked him, but it was the way the woman of the trio refused to even acknowledge the existence of the woman a few spaces to his right that really got under his skin.

He and Regulus had never been overly close, but he would have at least acknowledged his sibling's existence.

"The rabble they allow these days." Lucius scowled as he sat in his assigned seat only a few places away. "I feel dirty just sitting here."

Sirius stiffened but resisted the urge to snipe back at the foul git. He stiffened further when the small hand next to him tugged on his sleeve. He glanced down at the empty space, happy the goblins had accepted a few galleons 'donation' and allowed Harry to wear the Cloak they had recovered in the estate audit.

"Not, right now." Sirius whispered over the 'empty' chair. He really didn't want the Malfoy's aware of Harry's presence beside him. While the boy had not been listed on the summons, he'd learned how to use his eyes as a weapon far too well in the last few years. None of the adults could say no when the boy truly turned the green orbs on them.

"Now that everyone has finally arrived." Balrak hissed from the head of the table nearby. "We can commence. Mister Macmillan."

The tall solicitor tidied the papers in front of him and cleared his throat. "You've all been summoned today to attend the reading of the final will and testament of Arcturus Black the Third, Order of Merlin, First Class."

The surprise he felt at the announcement had Sirius turn to face his cousin. She was equally surprised to be present at such a reading, but upon second glance about the table, he noted several others his mother had unceremoniously removed from the tapestry in his childhood home. A building he still refused to enter since his release, and that his healer advised against a return to.

"As his funeral requirements have already been met, we shall skip directly to the estate distribution. To Cassiopeia," Sirius noted the aged woman near opposite him on the table nod. "The unused dowry has been deposited to your account as agreed. Arcturus wished to reiterate his disappointment in your failure to continue the family line, but hoped this amount shall 'see you out'. To Callidora, he offered commiserations on your loss, but wished to remind you of 'the dangers of choosing the wrong side'. Seventy thousand Galleons are to be transferred to your account.

"To Lucretia, you've kept to the family's ways and shall not be held liable for the failures of your grandchildren. One hundred thousand Galleons to you for your commitment. Alphard, at the request of our dearly departed Walburga, the client wishes you to 'return the thirty sickles you traitorous bastard, and hopes you die painfully'."

Sirius tried his hardest to contain the snort but he still caught his uncle's wink from across the table. He was glad to see his uncle did not hold him responsible or begrudge him the aid he'd given in Sirius's escape from #12 all those years ago.

"To Cygnus. Two hundred thousand Galleons and his hearty congratulations on mostly raising your family properly. Distribute it down as you will." Sirius rolled his eyes at the way his other uncle salivated at the reading. He truly despised that branch of the family tree with the exception of the woman to his right.

"And finally, the remainder of the estate and Headship of the Noble Family of Black," Lucius straightened in his seat and inflated, much to Sirius's amusem*nt. "Shall fall to the last surviving male heir able to sire children. His choices have been suspect, but Arcturus knows when it comes down to it, he will hold to the family ways. Accordingly, Headship passes to Sirius Orion Black."

Sirius nearly laughed as Lucius not only deflated but went bright red. A comical state given his usual pallor and hair. It took several moments for the reality of the statement to sink in. His grandfather had named him as full heir.

"What?" He practically shouted over the table, drawing every eye towards him.

"His instructions were very clear," Macmillan replied with a superior sneer. "Mister Black, clarified them several times before his passing. Pending the assessment from St Mungos that you are still capable of fathering children, the Headship falls to you. Should you prove incapable, it will pass immediately and irrevocably to Draco Malfoy, with Narcissa acting as regent until he comes of age."

Lucius glared at Sirius openly and the Marauder smiled at the way the man's hand twitched over the head of his cane. He was insulted at the very idea of Sirius taking what he had clearly assumed to be his right as Draco's father, showing he'd never understood the way the Black family worked.

Control of it would never fall to one who wasn't 'of the blood'.Toujours Purmeant more than just fine breeding to his demented relatives.

"Um, well… fine. Andi?" Sirius asked, turning to his cousin, an odd thought given present company were almost all his cousins to some degree.

Some disgustingly so. Given his own parents had been second cousins. Both descended from the children of the almost universally hated Phineas Nigellus Black. Whose brother Sirius was named for.

Sirius shook his head in disgust at the narrow nature of his family tree.

Andromeda reached into a file in front of her and retrieved the medical documents his summons had required him to bring. He had no idea what was required as they only revealed themselves to the Healer noted to perform the process, but it became clear now.

She passed the file to him and he tossed it in front of the solicitor. The tall man quickly read over it before tapping the unfilled section with his wand entering his details.

The goblin beside him quickly filled their own segment and passed them back to Sirius along with a very large folder that had been sat before the solicitor throughout the proceedings.

"Congratulations, Mister Black. You are now confirmed as Head of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black." Macmillan finished as he stood. "Good day."

He quickly departed the room and every Black eye in the room was fixed on Sirius. Many looked at him with undisguised hatred. He was the cast-out failed-son of the family and now he held power over every single one of them. "Bugger me." He mumbled, earning a sharp slap to the head from Andromeda and a glance down at the 'empty' chair.

The Malfoys all stood and with one last vicious glare in his direction and one to the nearby goblin warriors, stormed out without a word.

Most of the family followed suit, almost exactly to an action, until only those who had once been burned off the tapestry remained in the room. Alphard broke the silence at last when he broke out into hysterical laughter.

"My word," Andromeda commented, laying a light hand on the invisible figure between them.

"Tell me about it," Sirius replied.

A renewed tug on his sleeve drew Sirius's gaze down and he nodded. Harry came into view and Alphard stopped laughing promptly but smiled instead. "Oh."

"What's all that mean?" Harry questioned.

"It means Sirius is buying dinner tonight," Andromeda said slyly.

"You know what this really means, Andi." Sirius gave her a cheeky smirk.

"Don't you dare. I am quite happy being Andromeda Tonks. My father and sisters have made their opinion on my choice very plain. The family can be damned bar the few sitting in this room. Should Nymphadora choose so, you can do it to her."

Sirius just smiled in response and considered the young girl who had already had a prior engagement to attend. Keeping her from being present as Harry was.

Sirius was still overwhelmed though. He'd never seen eye to eye with his grandfather. But it seemed the man's narrow views of what was proper, and his need to continue the line, had rewarded Sirius in the end. Had he not been such a misogynistic prick concerned only with the continuation of the family name and line, Narcissa would surely have inherited everything.

"Just so's you know Siri, I'm not expecting you to pay me back. Just keep me in fine whiskeys 'til they do me in." Alphard laughed from his place opposite the three.

Sirius smirked at his uncle and tried to get his mind around what had happened. He wondered if he'd still have been named Head had the others not secured his freedom from Azkaban. He certainly wouldn't if his brother hadn't tried to turn tail and run from his Death Eater compatriots.

"I need a drink." He groaned as he buried his face in his hands.

He glanced between the fingers at the sound of laughter to his right and noted both his cousins laughing at his expense. "You know, I haven't valued the estate in a long time, but I bet I can buy a lot of pranking supplies with what's there." He warned.

"Bring it on." Harry quipped in return. "You really need to lift your game, old man."

Sirius narrowed his eyes at his godson and bit his tongue. Letting the words he wanted to say aloud echo through his mind instead.f*ck me.


Sunday 1st September 1991.

Nym settled into place on the long bench.

The sound of the surrounding students washed over her but could not shift the sadness in her stomach. Ced sat opposite her and tried again to coax a smile from her. Something he'd failed to do since they had changed into their robes on the train.

The sound of the doors opening drew her eye, but only served to further dampen her joy to be back at Hogwarts, for in that crowd of little firsties was a hole, two people in size that no one else even noticed.

"C'mon, Tonks." Dora Williams said from beside her. "Let's see what the new intake has for us. Hopefully some quality new badgers this year."

Nym gave the girl a hollow smile as the students stopped before the raised dais on which the teachers and the ancient Hat stood. Professor McGonagall swept her eye over the gathered students and gave a shallow sigh, something Nym found curious before she called forth Hannah Abbott.

The tiny blonde girl nervously stepped up to the stool and sat quietly as the Transfiguration teacher lowered the Hat. It took naught but a moment before her house grew by one. "Hufflepuff."

Nym clapped with all the rest, trying not to let the absence of her two favourite eleven-year-olds ruin what was still a special night for the other firsties. As Hannah passed them by, Nym put out her hand and received a cheery high-five from the girl. She redirected her attention to the Bones girl who was already at the stool and watched as it deliberated a moment before shouting again. "Hufflepuff."

"Oh, strong start. Abbot and Bones." Dora commented.

"Yeah, good kids," Cedric added, now watching the sorting closely.

Nym drifted as the process continued. Clapping politely when those around her did.

She dwelled on the decision the Family had reinforced. She knew Harry was doing this for her, but it didn't make his absence any easier. She had greatly looked forward to having him around this year.

It wasn't until the next "Hufflepuff" was called for, a Justin... something, that Nym refocused. The next name showed how close they were to the first hole.

Nym missed Hermione just as keenly as Harry. The girl was a whirlwind to study beside. She'd helped Nym grasp most of last year's revision work faster than ever.

The pair had devoured everything she had to offer. So, when the fourth name along from Justin was called as Greengrass, Daphne, Nym sank in her seat.

"Cheer up, Nym. She doesn't look like the kind we want here anyway. Let the Slytherins have her." Robin chirped.

Nym put up a soft smile, most of it due to her ability. A godsend for a troublemaker.

Her ability allowed her to put up a happy, or innocent, face when she really felt anything but inside. The next two joining her house spurred her to clap harder once again, but the calling of the other of her cousins in today's sorting soured her mood once more.

She watched silently as the pompous little twat strode to the stool like he owned the school. She could feel a couple of the teacher's eyes flick from the boy to her and back, and she realized what conclusion they had drawn to her previous vague responses.

They assumed this was the cousin she referred to when she bemoaned Harry's habit of nipping at her heels study-wise. Boy, were they all in for a shock.

Nym couldn't contain her laughter as the Hat screamed "Slytherin" to the rafters before it had even had a chance to muss up the ponce's prissy slicked-back hair. He smirked gleefully at the word and resumed his pompous walk towards his new house.

Draco made a big show of not turning her way as he passed, which only made it more obvious given the third-years were almost all perched right at the end of the long table.

Nym couldn't resist pulling a face at the Malfoy brat as she twisted her face into a caricature of his stupid father mixed with a pig snout. The others sitting around her laughed loudly and drew the serious eye of the Deputy Headmistress to her antics. A sharp glare was enough warning for Nym to return to normal, but the amusem*nt had managed to warm her up to Hogwarts a little despite everything.

It was another three new Puffs before she realized the next name that should have been called. Perks skipped past her happily, gaining another of her high fives. But every ear in the Hall was now fixed on Professor McGonagall. Clearly, everyone had done the math and, by the whispers and given his few newspaper appearances, were now expecting her cousin's showy arrival.

Nym snorted at the stupidity of it, that Harry would ever make a big show of something like that. She did note the slight frown on the Professor's face as she took a deep breath though.

"Rivers, Oliver."

The entire Hall seemed to sag and Nym cheered the poor boy walking to the stool in the suddenly depressive atmosphere. The puffs around her soon joined in and continued to support their newest member as he smiled. Oliver jogged past and claimed another high-five from Nym as he did.

She noticed Ced watching her oddly from across the table, but a slight shake of her head derailed him for now. She sighed when he turned back to the dwindled mass of firsties though.

This made it truly real. This would be yet another year at Hogwarts sans Harry and Hermione, and despite the presence of many good friends, Nym knew she would miss them more this year than she had in the previous two.

Chapter 22: That Potter Luck

Chapter Text

Monday 19th September 1994.

"Harry?" Hermione questioned as she looked at her friend's eyes. The look in them was similar to one he'd worn on this exact day six years prior.

They flicked to her own in response and he gave her a soft smile, but it did not dispel the indecision on his face. A face that had grown much in the passing years. Along with his ragged hair.

She smiled at herself as she gazed at his long unruly locks, most of it swept back into a dignified ponytail that was immediately undone by those strands too short or too forward to be caught in the band sticking out in all directions.

While her own hair had settled somewhat in the past few years as they mastered their magic, she loved that they both shared this oddity that would not be controlled.

"Is there something on my face? Icing from the cake, maybe?"

Hermione ran her tongue about her lips seeking any errant pieces of the delicious pale orange frosting. Harry's eyes were immediately drawn by the motion and she stopped, tongue still partially out and looked at him in confusion.

After almost nine whole years of solid friendship, she had thought herself a master of his face. Able to tell from the slightest microexpression just what was progressing through his head at any given moment.

The way that their magic shifted and entwined whenever they were within five hundred metres of the other helped aid her thoughts in the right direction as well. But today, everything about him was entirely new for some reason, and it puzzled the girl.

Hermione adored puzzles. She threw herself into them with the same vigour and single-mindedness that had helped the pair guzzle down course after course of advanced classwork. Both in their correspondence secondary studies where they were fast approaching their GCSE tests, and their magical studies.

While their rate had slowed upon adding all of the elective classes possible for self-study at home, she had devoured the new knowledge side-by-side with Harry, as both displayed a fervour their tutors had been astounded by.

"Are you ever going to tell m…" Hermione cut off suddenly as a pair of warm lips pressed to her own and her mind immediately stopped computing anything but the way they felt there.

Soft and yet firm. Warm and slightly moist. Tender, but hungry.

And with the same suddenness they had appeared, they were gone. Of all the things she had expected to receive on her fifteenth birthday, a kiss from Harry had not been one of them.

Hermione's eyes had closed somewhere during the short moment of bliss, but they shot open and her buzz was firmly killed as she felt the absence in the air around her.

The air was suddenly cold despite being perched on her bed in the home away from home. Her magic became frantic almost immediately and within a fraction of a second, her eyes no longer saw the wall of her Manor bedroom, but Harry's Clearing Stone and a frantically pacing Harry Potter.

A heat that Hermione told herself had nothing to do with the tingling feeling still surging through her lips had her stomping forward and grabbing Harry's shirt as he turned to face the approaching sound. Her fingers clamped onto the soft material and Harry's eyes widened. His lips moved to speak but before he could utter a word, Hermione crashed her own onto his and the pair were kissing once again.

As it was only the second time Hermione had kissed anyone on the lips, her technique was far from perfect. Both sets of lips remained closed and mostly just mushed against the other, but to her, this was utter heaven. Her senses were more prepared this time around and allowed her to better take in the experience as she felt Harry's lips twitching slightly as he pressed against her in return.

His arms went slack at his side for a moment before she felt them meet the sides of her torso and his fingers tightened almost as firmly as her own. She allowed her fingers to loosen as she tilted her head which allowed her to press closer to Harry's face, her hands slipped around him, one over and the other under his shoulders and, meeting again behind him, pulled the boy closer.

Their inexperience showed soon after as both pulled away at the same moment and took a deep breath full of air and the flavour of the other, panting lightly as Hermione realized she'd been so caught in the kiss that she had forgotten to breathe during.

"Wow," Harry murmured, his eyes now fixed on her own and Hermione wouldn't have stopped the smile that split her lips for all the knowledge in the world.

She nodded lightly, her uncontained hair brushing against Harry's cheek and she suddenly found herself embroiled in another firm kiss. She had gone from never having been kissed by anyone to her third in a matter of... she had no idea how long.

During the third kiss, Hermione found Harry's lips to be slightly firmer, and he gently used his own to free the lip that was slightly tucked under her upper teeth. She realized she must have bitten it during her panting recovery from their last kiss.

This kiss was shorter than the others but left her no less adrift in her own body. Sensations she'd never before experienced coursed through her mixing with feelings she'd long felt and others that were as brand new as the kissing. Her body sang and her magic danced, she never wanted it to stop. However, her mind was fast re-engaging and, as always, it had questions.

"Why?" She asked aloud, at last, the bright look on her face kept any sting from the short query from hurting Harry.

"Um…" He glanced away from her face bashfully. "Well, you see… Er…"

Hermione smiled at the boy she had been feeling drawn to more and more over the past few months, leading to one of the most embarrassing conversations of her life the night before with her mother and Andromeda, with occasional advice from Lily in the portrait nearby. She felt her cheeks flush at the memory and Harry's eyes were immediately drawn to the colour. Hermione unconsciously bit her lip again and noticed his eyes track that movement as well.

He swallowed heavily and took several steadying breaths before he tried to speak again. "I… er. It's… Argh." He growled, lowly, in frustration. "I happened to see Nym and Cedric on... during her birthday party."

Harry's eyes were suddenly unable to look at Hermione at all, something she found extremely endearing as he was giving it his all, futile as it was, the two still entwined together and she for one was not loosening her grip any time soon.

"Yes?" She asked curiously.

The lightness of her tone seemed to clear some of Harry's anxiety as he glanced back to her eyes for a moment, clearly seeing the mirth within before looking away again.

"Cedric led her away from all the adults and wished her a happy birthday and he…" Hermione could almost picture the moment, despite Harry's poor description, but she wasn't about to let him off the hook after he surprised her so thoroughly. She tightened her arms behind his back and the shock seemed to spur the final words from his lips at a slightly higher pitch than normal. "He leant in and kissed her."

Hermione took that as an invitation and silenced any further thought for several minutes with their fourth kiss. Four. In less than an hour. She'd gone from unkissed to four so quickly.

Harry's hands loosened on her waist and slipped behind her back, mirroring her own grip, just further down her body. This kiss too was short and firm, but Hermione loved it every bit as much as the several that had come before.

When she pulled away, she looked into Harry's eyes. "And that made you kiss me, why?"

Harry took several deep breaths before he answered, his voice cracking slightly as he spoke. "Nym… she's practically my sister, so I never thought of anyone kissing her. But as soon as I saw it happen, it made me wonder." He paused and his eyes fixed on hers, something in them catching Hermione's breath in her throat. "What would it be like to kiss you?"

"And?" She teased, intentionally capturing her lower lip this time watching his eyes shift up and down rapidly.

"Brilliant." He whispered in return.

Hermione giggled softly, enjoying how it made her body feel so closely wrapped around Harry's.

"Can I tell you a secret?" She whispered back, waiting for Harry to gulp and nod before she leaned closer, her lips at his ear before she spoke again. "I've wanted to kiss you for a while now, too."

Harry's body stiffened for a moment before he relaxed into her arms, almost jelly-like. Hermione tightened her arms again and the kissing embrace became yet another of the many hugs the pair had shared through the years. Her mind bounced between analyzing and replaying the kisses that had just taken place and considering her feelings from before and now after they had occurred.

She found them to be nearly identical, simply with a happier tinge.

Hermione had realized that she'd developed a crush on Harry somewhere in the past year and had become more and more aware of how he had changed from the tiny boy with the cute smile she had first met all those years ago to the tall and confident teen in her arms now.

A single thought managed to worm its way atop all the others and Hermione found herself swallowing hard, trying to clear the dryness that had suddenly afflicted her throat.

"So," she paused, uncertain of her next words, "boyfriend, what do you want to do now?"

Hermione tensed as the words escaped her and she strained her ears for Harry's reply despite his mouth being mere centimetres from her ear. His breath gently moving over her shoulder paused and she felt his arms tighten around her back.

"I'm happy to stand here holding my girlfriend for the rest of the day if you are." He whispered, a huge happy smile breaking out on Hermione's face at the words. "Happy birthday, girlfriend."

"Best present ever." Hermione pulled back and mashed her lips to her newly redefined friend and let the feelings wash over her anew as she lost herself in number five.


Friday 11th November 1994.

Hermione shivered slightly, the sun hidden behind the mild clouds did not provide enough heat to offset the light drizzling November rain that fell over the immaculate greenery of the hill upon which she now stood.

She tried to hide the surprise she felt as her neck tilted back and she gazed at the marvellous sight before her. Rough-hewn stone and mighty towers dominated her vision, despite their distance from the large structure.

When at last she managed to draw her eye from the imposing figure before her, they flicked to her left where Harry was gazing at the same sight, not with awe as she had but curiosity. "Harry?"

He stood silent for several moments, Hermione able to see the thoughts whirling through his mind. "I don't know."

"Should we go?" Hermione asked, uncertainly.

"I don't think we can." He turned to face her, his eyes not containing the fear she had expected to see. "I was aiming for the Oak, like always."

"You mean…?"

"Wasn't me. It was my magic that made the trip, and brought you along with. But the targeting info seems to be... out." His smile belied the nervousness she could feel in his swirling magic.

"What if I took over?"

"Maybe, but… whatever it is, it's coming from in there. Can you really not feel it?" The way his eyes gripped her own made her shiver, he had opened himself to her as much as he could, but still, there was nothing different to her. She shook her head softly.

Harry looked thoughtful for a moment before he reached out and grasped her hand and suddenly she felt something new.

Beyond her own magic which she felt all the time, lightly wrapped around Harry's presence that was there nearly constantly these days. A warmth that felt like a warning. It was far removed from the pinching feeling Harry had once shared with her, this felt more akin to a guiding light.

"Wow. You've been feeling that for days?"

Harry nodded. "Getting a little bit tighter each day. I think whatever it is wants to talk. That's why we're here."

"But what if it's…" Hermione trailed off, leaving the obvious unspoken.

"It's not. I'll never forget that feeling, and he's not here. Reach out, you can feel it, too."

Hermione was not as familiar with the feel of that particular magic as Harry, but as she searched, she realized it was absent as well. "And if he returns while we're here?"

Harry turned to face her, his intent obvious in his eyes. Without the fear to prevent it, his curiosity had won out. "I need to know what it is."

Hermione nodded softly, squeezing his hand to signal she was still with him regardless.

"Miss… Granger?" A curious female voice sounded from behind the two and Hermione whirled about, Harry remaining in place behind her, their hands still oddly linked. She could feel his body tense.

"Hello, Professor McGonagall."

"It's nice to see you again. You've grown since last we saw one another. How are your studies progressing?" The elder witch stepped closer, unfazed by the dreary Scottish weather, but paused when she noticed Hermione's defensive stance. "I mean you no harm, Miss Granger. Simply curious as to what you're doing at a school you declined to attend. Midterm, even. And within the bounds of its closed wards."

Hermione could feel Harry surge from one emotion to another behind her, so quickly she couldn't truly identify each one, but it distracted her greatly. "It was just…" She paused as a single emotion won out in Harry's fight and she turned to look to her left as Harry walked to her side once more, facing the professor as well.

"Me." He finished for her.

Professor McGonagall took a sudden breath and the surprise was plain to see on her face. "Professor McGonagall, meet my friend, Harry Potter."

"Of course. That hair… the eyes. Forgive me, it's been a very long time, Mister Potter. You look so very much like your father." The elderly witch said, a hint of melancholy in her tone, but her face seemed to lose a fraction of the severity it had borne since Hermione had turned.

Harry smiled at the woman, far more receptive than she'd expected, and Hermione relaxed slightly. "Except for the eyes."

The professor smiled in return. "Yes, those are all Lily." The woman paused as her smile faltered and Hermione's hand tightened on Harry's ready to get them both away if necessary. "I'm afraid I have news to impart to you, Mister Potter. I beg a moment of your time if you will."

Hermione flicked her eyes to Harry who was once more deep in thought. She tilted her head slightly as she saw the decision play out on his face and was surprised at the result. "Ok. But only with you. And Hermione comes too."

Professor McGonagall nodded. "Of course. If you will follow me to my office, we can have privacy and comfort as we talk. It's a bit on the chilly side out here today." The witch indicated the grey sky and continuing rain.

The two teens followed the elder witch inside, they tensed slightly as they passed into the large castle and felt the doors close behind them. Hermione noticed that Harry looked very distracted, his eyes wandered over almost everything as they walked, but she kept her attention tightly constrained to the two people she walked with.

She wondered at the absence of other people in the halls but assumed it must be during classes, being a Friday morning. When they, at last, reached the professor's office she held the door open and gestured for them to enter. "Take a seat, please. Shifty?"

Hermione felt the arrival of the elf before they appeared and was immediately captured by its wide blue eyes. The elf was taller than any she'd seen before, standing almost five feet tall. His scruffy hair was a lot like Harry's when it was short and he swayed back and forth from one foot to the other, looking unhappy to be stuck in one place.

"Tea for three, please." Professor McGonagall requested as she sat behind her desk. The elf vanished and Hermione glanced wide-eyed at Harry, whose expression matched her own. "I do wish that our first chat had been in regards to happier tidings, but we've been trying to get hold of you for days now."

The baffled expression left Harry's face as he focused his attention on the elder woman, not even flinching when the tall elf returned with a large tea set and poured out three helpings.

"Are you aware of a renewed event taking place at Hogwarts this year, Mister Potter?" He nodded and took a sniff of his tea before sipping it slightly. "Very good. Professor Dumbledore had refused to allow the event for several years. Stating that the measures the Ministry had imposed were insufficient to guarantee the safety of the students, but late last year the organising committee finally convinced him they were ready. And with the loss of the Quidditch World Cup finals to Italy...

"As such, Hogwarts is playing host to the first Triwizard Tournament since 1792. Something which I would normally be immensely proud to say. However, the first event of the Tournament, the Selection of the Champions took place on Halloween and, shall we say, all did not go entirely according to plan."

"How so? We heard it went swimmingly. The Champions are all good picks. I'd even considered coming to watch the Tasks." Harry enquired, enjoying his tea before and after speaking.

"Yes, as much as I wished one of my own had been chosen, Pomona is delighted her house has fielded our Champion. I am unsure who provided your information, but once the Goblet of Fire had chosen the three champions and they had moved to the antechamber, the Goblet expelled another name." The professor paused and Hermione could see a certain amount of dread in her eyes as she said the next word. "Yours."

The elderly witch locked eyes with Harry, who had frozen in place. Hermione's eyes flicked back and forth between the two several times before they settled on Harry as well. She could feel something hot build up inside of him as he sat perfectly still. Several silent moments passed before he gently laid down his teacup.

"Well, it's a good thing I'm not a member of one of the three schools," Harry replied coolly.

"Were it so simple. Professor Dumbledore has spent nearly every day at the Ministry with their best people looking into matters. But as it stands, a name being returned from the Goblet constitutes a magically binding contract. Unless we can find a loophole before the First Task on the 24th, I fear you will be required to compete. Or face incredibly dire consequences."

Hermione's eyes burned into the older woman, who at least had the good sense to appear truly put out by the burden she had just laid on her best friend. "How could this happen? Were there no safeguards?" She questioned, her own voice betrayed her growing anger.

"Professor Dumbledore himself secured the Goblet between its unveiling and the choosing. However, no one is infallible. Only Professors Dumbledore and Moody, Ministry officials directly involved in the Tournament and myself have been informed as to the truth of what transpired. Most just assume the final piece of paper was the Goblet completing its duties."

"Piece of paper?" Harry questioned.

McGonagall tapped her wand on her desk and a small envelope appeared under its tip. She opened the cream parchment to reveal a charred torn piece of paper which she slid across the desk. Hermione tensed as she saw her friend's name written on the ruined paper, as that is what it was. Not parchment as she had expected.

Next to her Harry's magic rippled outward, no longer contained as he glared at the offending scrap of paper. They both recognized it, though neither had seen it for three years. Harry's breathing accelerated and he seethed in his seat. Hermione laid her hand on his shoulder but it did not quiet his churning emotions and the magic matching it.

"How?" She asked coldly, no longer prepared to give these people the benefit of the doubt. "How is it possible that Harry was entered into this farce with the signature from the bottom of his Hogwarts rejection letter? Something that was entrusted toyou!"

The woman opposite them appeared quite unsteady, Harry's display had clearly caught her off guard and the venom in Hermione's voice seemed to worry her greatly. "I do not know Miss Granger. I received both of your letters. Albus requested any correspondence from Mister Potter be forwarded to him. Yours I filled in the rejection drawer personally. I did not see Mister Potter's again until the moment it came forth from the Goblet."

Hermione felt the strands of Harry's hair that had fallen free of his hair-band crackle as they brushed her skin. They could not stay there any longer. She swept the charred scrap of paper off the desk and pulled Harry from his chair, his eyes now wild and his magic fast slipping beyond his control.

"Harry!" Hermione called loudly, drawing his eyes to her own as she sent him a slight smirk. "We're leaving."

She noted the tiny flicker of recognition behind the boy's eyes as she wrapped her arms around his roiling body and with one last glare at the woman she had thought trustworthy, she popped them both to the middle of the woods by the Manor.

Where Harry's control slipped completely and a new clearing was violently created.


Nym loved the attention she received from most of the school, but the repeated backslapping had begun to leave a permanent sting in her skin.

She'd taken to finding excuses to get away alone somewhere, just to avoid the cadre that followed her about. The knowledge of the castle she'd garnered on pranks with the Twins aided her in losing them every time.

She hadn't expected, however, to find Tybalt standing watch behind the tapestry of Bynor the Blowhard. Nym paused in confusion and the elf wasted no time in taking her hand and whisking her out of the castle. She barely had time to register that she was now in the usual Family meeting place before a body glomped onto her with insane force. Had it not been for the stability her bonding had lent her ability, Nym was sure she'd be on her back on the floor.

"Hermione…" She chastised before she noticed the girl was standing by The Chair. Her eyes flicked down and she saw Harry wrapped around her looking terrible. "Harry?" The boy glanced up at her and she gave him a warm smile. "It's not even been as long as usual. You can't miss me that much already."

Harry gave a small laugh before he released the tight grip on her waist. He quickly grabbed her hand and dragged her to The Chair.

"Come on, Harry. We're a little big now to all fit in there." Nym told the boy before he gave her a firm shove into the chair.

"Two fits fine." He grumbled as Hermione took the place next to her before the fourteen-year-old boy climbed onto half their laps each, tucking firmly against their chests as he had done a few times since they had met several years before.

"What's going on?" Nym asked, concerned.

"We ended up at Hogwarts today." Hermione offered.

"And you didn't come and say hi to your favourite cousin?" She asked as Sirius coughed in the corner in protest.

"You were in class. And we hadn't meant to go." Hermione trailed off as she stroked Harry's long hair with her fingers.

"Nymphadora?" Her mother's voice pulled her attention away from the scene in her lap. "Can you tell us what happened before Halloween?"

Nym was confused, why would they want to know about all of that? "Um, anything in particular?"

"The security on the Goblet and the Selection ceremony." Her father clarified.

"Um, well. Dumbledore unveiled the Goblet in the Great Hall the day that the other schools arrived, I detailed that in my letter. The Goblet was moved into the Entrance Hall by a group of Ministry folk after dinner and the Headmaster cast a whole slew of enchantments around it. Flitwick narrated them for his NEWT students, but I was close enough to hear.

"Let's see, there was the Age Line, the Twins ran afoul of that and are still refusing to let Pomfrey remove their beards, but they are certainly impressive. A powerful shield charm that prevents anyone from just standing behind the line and throwing their entry in and a ward that keeps animals and familiars away.

"Three revealing charms that prevent anyone wearing a disguise while approaching and uncovers any name hidden on their entry so someone can't pretend to enter themselves but enter another name instead. Which apparently also worked on normal cosmetic concealment charms. As Phylis Whitehead found out when she didn't give it a wide enough berth." She leaned down and whispered the next bit to the teens on her lap, "her last name is pretty apt. And…" She racked her memory trying to recall the last few enchantments. "I can't remember the rest but there were about five or six more."

"Was a guard posted to watch the Goblet?" Remus asked.

"No, I didn't want the attention, so I snuck out to enter my name during the night. There was no one around the Goblet when I got there. But Dumbledore must have tied his charms to some of the elves. The Twins arrived as I was leaving, tried an aging potion, as they would have been old enough in April. Didn't work, they got blasted back and grew their beards and then Ranty showed up and gave out to them.

"She's scary when she gets going. They managed to lose her I assume as they haven't served any detentions for being out of bed, even with the evidence on their chins." Harry chuckled lightly against her chest and drew Nym's attention down. "Don't worry, I've commissioned some photos. They're never living those beards down. I'll send them with my next letter."

Harry simply tucked deeper into the girls' arms and remained silent, but Hermione silently thanked her.

"How about the selection? Congrats by the way." Sirius stated.

Nym nodded at her cousin and struggled to remember all she could about the ceremony. "That was on Halloween, which was annoying. I wanted to come home for the vigil. Sorry, Harry." The boy shrugged but gave no other sign. "The feast was first up, second one in a week, so I wasn't too into it. Mostly chatted with Ced and Dora.

"Professor Dumbledore definitely has a dramatic streak though, didn't bother getting everyone's attention once the meal finished, just waved his wand and all the candles dimmed. The Great Hall looks weird with them out."

Remus snorted and drew her eye, wondering just what the Marauders had done in a darkened Great Hall when at the school.

"Anyway, the Goblet started to flare during his little speech about glory and all that. Spat out Fleur's name first, she's the Beauxbatons Champion. Then me for Hogwarts." Nym paused as the family all gave her a cheer, making her blush and the two teens snuggled her tighter. "Then as I was heading to the antechamber, I heard Dumbledore call out Krum's name. He got picked for Durmstrang."

"Did the teachers seem agitated after that?" Dorea queried.

"Um, I dunno, I guess. Professor McGonagall was a little off but I guess she was just worried. The Tournament has had deaths before. And she's a good teacher. Dumbledore handed us all our entries, I've got it in the drawer by my bed.

"He did have something else in his hand afterwards though. And Crouch and Bagman seemed awfully agitated, but the Headmaster kept interrupting them. Why, what is going on? Why does this need a full Family meeting?"

"That other thing in Dumbledore's hand," Lily explained, "was an entry that came from the Goblet before it went out. Someone snuck through the enchantments and somehow convinced the Goblet to spurt out a fourth entrant."

Hermione lifted her right hand and Nym immediately recognized what was in it. A charred piece of paper, almost identical to the one she'd tucked in her drawer. With very familiar handwriting.

"Harry?" She tightened her grip on the boy who she now noticed was shaking slightly. "How?"

"We don't know. The enchantments Flitwick described should have made it impossible."

"So that's where Dumbledore has been lately? Ever since Halloween, he's been at the Ministry every day. I figured they were just finalizing the Tasks. Does he have to compete?"

"The Goblet of Fire is an ancient and powerful magical artefact," Ignatia called stepping forward in the crowded painting. "It was not originally made for the Tournament. Simply repurposed, given its ability to make the decision. The runes were altered to set the conditions and that was that. But the Goblet creates a binding contract with those whose names it ejects. However his name came to be entered, Harry is now contracted to the Goblet."

"There is nothing we can do?" James asked his ancestor.

"No." She shook her head sadly, glancing down at her last living relative curled in the lap of the two girls. "The Ministry cannot overrule the Goblet. If Harry doesn't compete, he will die."

Nym was horrified. No one had explained that the Goblet was so dangerous. She'd entered willingly but had she had all this information beforehand, she would have had serious second thoughts.

And now her cousin, as good as her little brother, was bound to compete as she was.


Albus groaned internally as he watched the argument continue to go nowhere. The rest of the organisers bickering loudly back and forth across the table.

Igor was demanding blood exactly the same as he had since the moment the Champions had been released from the antechamber. Olympe often fixed him with the same disappointed look he occasionally received from Minerva that left him feeling like a misbehaving schoolboy. Impressive given the number of years he had on the both of them.

Bartemius simply recited that the Goblet was absolute and there was no rule change that could be made that would circumvent its ruling. Ludo looked like a cat that had caught the canary, and Albus was sure he was already reevaluating his betting prospects for the event, despite the inappropriateness of betting on an event he had a direct hand in curating.

Fudge and his pink lackey sat at the opposite end of the table to Albus and surprisingly were remaining mostly quiet today, but they'd both made clear their disappointment in the committee's failure.

Albus couldn't figure out what had gone wrong.

He'd held the Ministry at bay for years before they'd finally brought him a satisfactory outline. He'd even convinced them that he would provide the protections for the Goblet and he'd given it his all.

There was no way he was going to let someone be shanghaied into the Tournament and yet, somehow, he'd failed a Potter again with his actions.

Worse still, none of them had found a way to contact the boy. They only had thirteen days left to inform him lest he suffer from the dire consequences of breaking the contract.

"Enough!" He finally said aloud, the tone of his voice silencing the entire table and focusing every eye on him.

"You've no place to silence us, Dumbledore. Security of the Goblet was yours to ensure." Karkaroff snapped.

"I'm well aware, Igor. Bartemius knows just how seriously I have taken the safety of our students in relation to this Tournament. But arguing about it for nine days now has gotten us nowhere. The boy's name came from the Goblet. We all know what that means. The contract is binding."

"So Hogwarts gets two Champions."

"Harry Potter is not a student at Hogwarts School." Barty countered. "If he were, this matter would be resolved by now. Surely there are records of his address somewhere in the Ministry."

"I've had the entire archive searched twice. Despite having numerous forms completed by the boy on hand, there is no current forwarding address listed on any of them." Fudge commented quietly.

"'Ave you contacteed ze Goblins? Perhaps zey can communicate with ze boy." Olympe offered the first useful suggestion put forward that day.

Albus noticed the way that the woman by Fudge's side bristled at the idea, but a glance from the Minister kept her silent. "I have begun the process."

"Process?" Albus enquired.

"The treaty is clear, Dumbledore." A sly smirk adorned the man's face. "We must honour its wording in communication with the Nation, after all."

"We can hardly wait out the ten-day waiting period, Cornelius. If Harry is not at the First Task on the 24th, we all know the result." Dumbledore warned, meeting the eyes of everyone at the table. Despite his own long and antagonistic relationship with the Nation, a boy's life was at stake through no fault of his own.

"Such is the way of politics," Fudge said.

Albus moved to argue further when a silvery cat leapt upon the table and stared straight into his eyes. No words came from the animal before it faded away, but Albus got the message. Minerva would not summon him back to Hogwarts from these proceedings unless it was truly urgent. "It appears I am needed at the school."

"Fine." Barty scowled, standing. "We're getting nowhere as usual."

Albus sighed heavily as he too stood. "Perhaps we should take the weekend again, to cool our heads. With luck, the light of a new week will bring new solutions?"

No one replied, but all left the table rapidly. Albus only had time to gather his things from the table before he found himself standing in his study looking at a frantically pacing Minerva.

A glance to his side showed one of the Hogwarts elves holding his robes, before popping off a moment later.

"Albus, thank goodness. I have good news." The relief on her face was palpable as he stepped past her and laid the physical portion of his current burden on his desk. "Harry Potter was here today."

Albus nearly wrenched something in his neck as he turned to face his Deputy. "What?!"

"I arrived back from Hogsmeade to find him staring up at the castle. I informed him of the issue with the Goblet. He did not take it well."

Albus sagged heavily into his chair. At least the boy had been notified. "What did he say?"

"Very little. He was most displeased when I showed him his entry." Minerva paused and Albus glanced up, noting a question on her face. "Did you do it?"

He managed to prevent the shock of the question from showing on his face. Yet another reminder of how poorly he had performed in the past decade, that Minerva of all people should ask him such.

"No, Minerva. I may have made a slew of bad choices in recent years, but no. I wish I knew who did though. They managed to not only gain entry to this office undetected but access to the most securely sealed drawer inside of it. I fear that we shall not like the answer to that question should we finally puzzle out the culprit.

"I am only thankful that they seemed to know what they were after. Young Draco's diary was not taken. That could have been truly disastrous. Just as if we'd not taken it from him on his arrival three years ago."

He placed his face into his hands and considered the black book. He had confirmed it had not been replaced, as that book truly worried him. If it was as he thought, they may have a lot more trouble on the horizon than expected.

"He looked well. The spitting image of James." Minerva stated, settling heavily into the chair opposite him, apparently satisfied with his reply. "But those eyes."

"Yes. Lily's eyes for certain. He sees far more than he shares, I'm sure. Will he attend the Task?"

"I do not know. He left in rather a poor mood." She cut off as with a loud crack a small envelope appeared on the desk in front of them both. Oddly, despite being on his desk, it was addressed to Minerva.

Albus raised his bushy eyebrow as the woman opened the letter and her face betrayed her feelings. "It would seem I am to attend a meeting at the Granger home once more. On Tuesday morning."

He tilted his head in curiosity at the odd comment, drawing a sigh from his old friend. Before she began to explain that Harry Potter had not attended their meeting alone.

Chapter 23: A Series of Firsts

Chapter Text

Tuesday 15th November 1994.

Minerva entered the room quietly, the meeting still running over in her mind.

She had reached the desk before her senses truly took in the figure sitting behind it. Her good friend and former mentor Albus Dumbledore, the man many considered to be the greatest wizard to have ever lived, was absolutely drenched, head to toe.

Her eyes widened as she took in his appearance. "Er… Albus?"

"As you may have noticed, Miss Granger's house is covered by quite an impressive set of wards. Wards that forcibly relocate interlopers out beyond Azkaban island, but just close enough to the prison that one cannot apparate back. It was quite the swim. I ache in muscles I had forgotten I even had."

"Surely that cannot have taken the entire time you were absent?" Minerva asked as she sat heavily opposite him. "You look as though you just came out of the bath, Albus."

"Ah, true. Had I not gone back and investigated the wards further. It seems they take prodding about as well as they do penetration. The second swim took far longer. I'm not as athletic as I once was Minerva."

She noted that his body was shaking quite badly. Only the way he had his hands clasped and rested on the desk kept them from doing the same. "Albus, you stubborn fool." She drew her wand and cast repeated drying and warming charms over her friend until he stopped shaking from the cold.

"Thank you, Minerva. It seems the old saying about curiosity is still very true." His voice was much firmer now he wasn't about to succumb to hypothermia. "I trust your meeting went better than mine?"

"Indeed, though your disappearance put me on quite the back foot. I have, however, learned what happened to Mister Black after his release. He and Mister Lupin were both in attendance. And neither were all that pleased that you tried to tag along uninvited."

"Ah, that would explain the wards and their reaction. For a moment I had thought it was Miss Granger herself that ejected me."

"Quite. They seem to hold rather a firm grudge against you for the actions that led to the Potter's deaths. It doesn't please me, but I have to ask it."

"When I asked you to start being brutally honest with me a few years back, I hadn't considered just how brutal that might often be." Albus sighed heavily. "I freely admit I made many mistakes back then, Minerva. But I did not lead them to die. I made preparations should such occur. Including investigations into who Harry might best be left with if the worst should come to pass.

"However, it was not my choice for them to hide in Godric's Hollow. I simply provided anything they needed to prepare their safehouse and encouraged the use of the Fidelius Charm. I did not conspire with Tom to bring about their deaths.

"They both weigh heavily on me, even now. More so after seeing Harry again. This time without a phalanx of armed goblins between us. Yet I felt more distant from him than ever."

Minerva eyed the man whom she had trusted more than anyone else on this earth. While that trust had been shaken a few times in the past few years, she still trusted him not to lie to her on matters like this. "Very well. Have you recovered from your own stupidity yet?"

The smirk that dressed her lips drew only a slight eyebrow raise from her friend. "Indeed, please do go on, Minerva."

She tilted her head slightly and passed the folder in her off-hand over the desk. "I had to agree to a few concessions. Especially after you left."

"Concessions? Such as?"

"Miss Granger's presence appears to be first and foremost for young Harry." Minerva may have been on the back foot for the entire meeting, but this second interaction with the two teens revealed a lot more than her first. "To be perfectly honest, the way he looked at her made him look more like James than anything else."

"From the long tirade that you gave me after receiving the girl's rejection letter, I have no problem granting such a request. Her presence sounds like it would be a boon to the school."

"Quite so. The Visitor's Lodge in Hogsmeade shall be made available all year long to Mr Black and Mr Lupin. They made matters quite clear that if they did not maintain free and close access to Harry, he would not be coming."

"Is that truly necessary? Do they not trust…" Albus trailed off as he caught her questioning glance. "Right, yes."

"The only downside I could see is anyone visiting for the Tasks might need to share depending on attendance figures. Yet there are ample rooms in the building that two more shouldn't task the system. Again, a small thing for them to ask. Given the circ*mstances."

Albus nodded and began reading through the forms she'd had signed by the adults. "I also managed to win quite the verbal argument with Andromeda."

This drew Albus's full attention once again. "Mrs Tonks? Why was she present?"

Minerva gave him a stern look before she spoke. "I learned on my first visit to the Granger home that they'd happened to make friends with the Tonkses. One of the things that made that visit quite so unique. It's perturbing to watch a muggle family act like the advanced magic you've just shown them is no more interesting than a clock on the wall. I had their coffee table dancing a jig and all Miss Granger wanted to know was which other schools and classes were available."

"Are you saying Andromeda suggested they not attend because of me? I cannot recall doing anything to earn that formidable woman's ire."

"I do not think so, Albus. I get the distinct feeling that Harry has known Miss Granger for some time. If Mr Lupin had bemoaned your past actions to the Grangers as he did to me today, I can see why they would be less than enthusiastic about sending their daughter into your 'clutches', so to speak. Not to mention Black's attitude on the matter, and he was freed long enough before the letters went out to colour their opinion on you."

"It seems I'm overdue for a chat with both Mr Lupin and Mr Black. Will Andromeda require residence as well?"

"She will not. It seems that Black and Lupin are both living off Sirius's inheritance and are free to spend all their time watching the children and laying about. Andromeda, however, still works full-time at St Mungo's like a proper contributing member of society. Though she will be bringing herself, Ted and the Grangers to every event. Another concession I felt no hesitation granting."

"Excellent, though I fail to see how that constituted an argument." Albus queried.

"That wasn't the argument. They agreed that it would be best for the children to be sorted and housed in the castle. None of them seemed terribly thrilled at the idea, but I successfully convinced them the social benefits to the pair would be worth it in the end.

"Though it pains me to admit that the look the children gave Andromeda may have been the deciding blow in the argument, rather than my compelling reasoning."

Albus looked at her closely and she knew he had ferreted out the but. "On the condition that you never meet with the children alone. Sirius or Remus must be summoned to the school if you wish to speak with either child. And there must be an actual reason beyond simple curiosity on your part."

His face and shoulders both sank at the statement. "It seems I have a very long way to go to regain their trust in me." Several moments of contemplative silence filled the air before he glanced back up at her once again. "There is something else?"

Minerva sighed heavily before she spoke. "Even though he has agreed to attend the school during his time here, Harry Potter will not be competing as a student of Hogwarts school."

Albus eyed her oddly as she continued. "He refuses to be 'party to stealing Nymphadora's thunder' I believe was the term he used. Given no school was given on his entry, I don't see how this would present a problem unless we make it one, Albus."

The old man fell into deep thought and Minerva could not read his expression. She occasionally wondered if that had been a part of the reason why he grew out his now impressive beard, given how awful it had looked on him for nearly a decade as it grew out.

"I agree. Will the boy accept our help in the Tournament?"

"Do you see him accepting any given the way he's responded to us so far? I believe that was his intention of having Black and Lupin nearby. But I don't see them taking advice from you very well at present either."

"So they'll be going into the First Task blind?"

"I don't like it either, but that is the very purpose of the Task, Albus. None of them are supposed to know."

"Very well." Albus sighed heavily. "Perhaps Alastor will have some luck with his investigation before it becomes necessary for Harry to compete. I do not think I could face the Potters in the next life should I be so responsible for sending their son to meet them."

Minerva considered that carefully. "No, I would not want to move on with their ire directed at me either."


Monday 21st November 1994.

Every eye in the Hall followed Harry and Hermione as the pair walked slowly toward the front of the grand room.

Whispers reached his ear and he thoroughly disliked the things that were being said. The number of people in this room who had apparently read those stupid stories was far too high for his liking.

They'd once been a topic of amusem*nt between himself and Hermione, but in the current situation, they simply reaffirmed his reasons for not having attended three years prior. The idea of being subject to such attention for so long irritated him deeply.

A sudden jab of magic touched his own and Harry turned to glance at the smile Hermione was giving him. He returned the touch lightly before turning to face the stern woman before him for the third time. The stool beside her and the Hat resting on it cemented the reality of the deal they had struck with her.

"Your attention please." The stern professor called needlessly, as there wasn't a single eye in the Hall that wasn't already fixed on Harry. "In an unprecedented occurrence, a fourth name has come from the Goblet of Fire. Most of you should recall this occurring on the night of the selection, but due to the individual in question not being a member of the attending schools, we decided to inform them directly before announcing it.

"As the Champions are aware, this also constituted a binding contract to compete in the Tournament. As such, we welcome two new students to our midst today, Hermione Granger and our wildcard entry, Harry Potter."

She indicated the two of them, but it was Harry's name that set the volume of the whispering into overdrive. While he'd featured in the paper a few times in the past years, thanks to his disguise, they'd never gotten a clear image of him to display upon it.

Now the students were getting their first true look at the rumoured Boy-Who-Lived and he was not impressed with them at all.

"Can we do it without the fanfare?" He mumbled, earning an elbow from Hermione and an amused glare from the teacher.

"They shall be attending classes for their age group while here, but are also self-studying other subjects, so please do not disturb them if you find them doing so. As such, the pair shall now be sorted, to find where they shall be spending their nights and classes. Miss Granger."

The tiny twitch to the elder witch's lips may have been a smile as she gestured Hermione forward and raised the Hat from its place. Hermione gave Harry a smile before she stepped forward and sat deftly on the low stool. The large Hat resting neatly on her bushy hair suddenly became animated.

Harry's eyes flicked with interest between his friend and the odd headgear, noting that despite the silence, she seemed to be having a conversation.

Suddenly, a rip near the brim opened and the hat shouted to the Hall.


Harry noted McGonagall seemed slightly disappointed as she removed the hat and Hermione returned to her place beside him. "You may join your housemates, Miss Granger."

"I'll wait for Harry, thank you, professor." She replied politely, crossing her hands in front of her and smiling at the woman. Her eyes gestured Harry forward.

Harry smiled back at her as he felt the weight of several of the glares that had been fixed on his back heat up and shift to his friend instead. He decided not to turn about but stepped forward before McGonagall could shout his name into the Hall again.

As he sat on the stool that was far too short for him, he made the mistake of looking up. Most of the faces were still fixed on his own and he chafed at the attention. He felt the odd Hat being placed upon his head and a new voice quickly drew his attention.

'Hello there, about time you arrived, Mr Potter.'

'Are you the Hat?'

'Indeed I am. You've quite the history tucked inside this head of yours don't you.' Harry tensed at the idea of someone reading his mind. 'Worry not, I do not share my charges' secrets, and the work you've been doing with the former Miss Black shall keep them from other interlopers. Though it's nice to see you got to grow under your family's tutelage despite the tragedy that befell you all. And you've found the only young witch I've ever seen more inquisitive than your own mother, too.'

Harry smiled as he looked at Hermione and he noted several of the faces in the crowd flick to his friend as well. 'Yes, she is pretty brilliant.'

'I was almost certain the moment Minerva put me on your head, but that settles it. Go on and join your cousin. I'm sure she's missed you.'


The collective gasp in the Hall was surprisingly loud, but Harry couldn't care in the slightest as he stood and passed the Hat back to the now obviously surprised professor. He grasped Hermione's hand and headed to the suddenly cheering yellow-trimmed house and within moments he was giving his cousin a firm hug.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, shorty."

"Hey, none of that, cheater." Harry retorted, remembering how she had used her ability during their most recent session at the door frame.

It didn't bother him in the slightest that girls sprouted towards the beginning of puberty and both his friends were currently taller than him, at least that's what he told the both of them. He sat with Nym on one side and Hermione on the other as the bench quickly reshuffled to allow them ease of entry to the house.

"So," The dark-haired boy opposite the trio spoke, "the famous Harry Potter." This drew Harry's eye and he recognized the boy as Cedric. "The mysterious cousin that has driven Nym to the top of the class?"

Harry glanced at the aborted blush on Nym's cheeks and smiled at his cousin. "You didn't really think it was Draco did you?"

The boy laughed and extended his hand over the table. "Nice to see you again, Harry."

This drew several of the nearby eyes from Harry to the other boy, most with shock at the idea their own dreamboat was somehow already familiar with the famous boy and had not mentioned it.

"So, is it always this eventful around here?" Hermione asked, tucking into the food that had appeared on the table.

Nym laughed at the comment. "Eventful? Hardly. Let's see, staff-wise... Kettleburn retired our fourth year and Grubbly-Plank took over with Hagrid assisting. The old Muggle Studies professor, Quirrell returned from his summer trip in our third year to teach Defence now that Burbage had filled his old job. But only for that one year before leaving to write a book.

"That's when Moody took things over. Apparently, he spent the entire summer hunting the source of the famous DADA curse. He must have found it too, because he's been teaching it ever since. He's still mad, but he really does know his stuff."

Cedric took over as Nym started on her own dinner. "There were a few rule changes in our third year too. Things pertaining to tighter security of the castle or something."

Nym nearly choked as she laughed aloud. She swallowed before explaining. "Should have seen whittle cousin Dwaco's face when they announced that just after his sorting. Must have been upset mummy and daddy couldn't send on some of his favourite toys. It was odd though, Dumbledore stood and apologized to us all before he made his announcement. And there was a marked change in the curtailing of bullying behaviour around the school. Which also ruined poor Draco's day."

"I'd say, the closest we ever came to this level of excitement," Cedric pondered a moment, "would be when Hagrid got Grubby's permission to introduce us all to Fluffy. No idea where he got himself a giant three-headed dog, but it's amazing. As big a pushover as Fang though, but it stays in the Forest most of the time."

"Did you really fight a chimaera?" A female voice from Nym's far side asked without warning, and Harry paused as he handed the salt Hermione had wanted to add to her dinner that he hadn't realized he'd picked up.

He turned to face the voice as Nym leant back, a cheeky grin on the metamorph's face. "A fan of those books are you…"

"Dora. Dora Williams. I'm a friend of Nym's." The girl provided as she blushed heavily under his gaze.

"Well, Dora." He smirked at his cousin who glared back at him with no heat. "Everything in those books is a complete fabrication. I don't need glasses for starters. My dad did, but not me. I've never battled any fiercesome monster for a damsel's hand." His own subconsciously entwined with Hermione's as he spoke. "And I really hope that you spread it about that I despise that utter rubbish and would rather not be asked about it every five minutes."

"C'mon, Harry, they're a laugh." Nym joked beside him, covering the now flushed face of her friend from view.

"Maybe to you." Harry snorted. "There is a reason I wear a disguise when I go out in public." He mumbled and returned to his dinner.

"Mister Potter, Miss Granger." A cheery voice sounded behind the pair and they turned to see the jovial head of Hufflepuff house that Nym had often spoken so highly of in her letters.

"Wotcher, prof," Nym smirked.

"Nymphadora." The teacher returned with a smile. "Here are your schedules. Minerva explained you may miss classes from time to time, but I suggest you attend wherever possible. I certainly look forward to seeing you both in Herbology. The First Task is on Thursday at 10 am, so if you need anything, either one of you," her eyes flicked between Harry and Nym, "my door is always open."

She beamed at the students before her and returned to the head table. Harry's eyes tracked her and when she sat he allowed his gaze to drift along the table, trying to put names to each of those seated.

Hagrid was obvious, the stories of his parents' time at Hogwarts included many happy times spent chatting to the jovial giant. Hooch also stood out with her bright yellow eyes. And Moody's face could be mistaken for nothing short of hamburger meat.

But it was the vicious look coming from underneath the greasiest of hair that informed Harry of the identity of his mother's former friend. He sighed and nudged Hermione, the movement imperceptible to anyone but perhaps Nym if she'd been watching. The girl looked without turning her head and rolled her eyes at him afterwards.

"You'd think after so long he might have grown up. Even Sirius managed it." She whispered to him.

"Good thing two of his favourite people in the world are now sleeping just down the road and have unlimited access to come and visit," Harry smirked in response. "Sirius is going to love this."


Tuesday 22nd November 1994.

"Harry?" Nym asked, glancing into the room the laughing boy had exited. "Why does Vector look like you petrified her?"

"I did nothing." He chuckled, raising his arms defensively. Hermione blushed under the amused gaze the two cousins fixed her with.

"It's not my fault. She's just surprised. It seems that taking Muggleborns from their world at eleven means she's never taught a student versed in higher-level mathematics."

Nym raised her eyebrow at the girl. "Meaning?"

"Apparently," Harry cut in, "studying mathematical analysis, geometry, calculus and the like prepares one well for taking Arithmancy at Hogwarts. Or as Hermione put it; 'Arithmancy is just maths applied to magic'." He stopped holding in his laughter at this point and leaned against the wall for support.

Hermione blushed deeper in response. "Honestly! I'm not sure why she's so surprised. They were studied side-by-side for centuries before the magicals went into hiding. Of course there would be overlap and similarities."

"Well, you broke her." Nym looked to the new girl who had just joined them. "Oh, hello."

"Nym, this is Padma Patil. She's going to join our study sessions after the Task." Hermione introduced the girl, in an obvious effort to redirect attention away from herself.

"Yes, if this," Padma pointed over her shoulder at the still vacant-looking teacher, "is any guide, I'd lose my rights as a Ravenclaw if I didn't take advantage. She hasn't moved in ten minutes now. I did glance at the notes she was quizzing you from though. They're sixth-year level questions."

The girl looked decidedly miffed at the idea the two newest students were so far beyond her in ability. Nym walked over and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Don't worry. I know how you feel. I've been trying to keep up with them for years now." She leant in and stage whispered the last. "They're freakishly talented, but great motivation."

Nym guided the girl away from the room, Harry copied her action with Hermione, still chuckling slightly as they walked towards the Great Hall for lunch. "So, did you leave our Head of House in a similar state?"

"No, turns out she already has her prodigy in Herbology. Longbottom is amazing at it. He agreed to study with us too." Hermione quieted as they passed the Weasley Twins having a chat with Peeves the Poltergeist and handing the cackling fiend a bag. "Whatever that is about, I want nothing to do with it."

"Come on, Hermione. I know you love a good prank." Nym nudged the girl beside her.

"I love pranking Sirius, because he deserves it, and it makes him happy. He's been through a lot. So I don't mind indulging him from time to time. Can you imagine if those four ever met?"

Harry shuddered and shook his head. "Please no."

Nym laughed at her friends. "Well, the Ministry did decide to cancel Quidditch the school year after the Quidditch World Cup. And that was the only thing those two ever focused on more than fooling about. I do miss being in Italy though. It was a beautiful place to hold it."

Harry chuckled. "Can you imagine if they'd held the Cup in England and then cancelled Quidditch? There would have been riots."

"There nearly were." Padma chimed in, Nym noticed the young girl seemed to be relaxing in her presence and gave her a soft smile.

"Those two were on the table in protest during the announcement." Nym and Padma laughed at the memory of Fred and George loudly hollering at their Headmaster.

"A feast is not the best time to be jumping on the tables either." Padma chuckled. "Anyway, I'll talk to you later."

The girl ducked Nym's arm and dashed away to the Ravenclaw table as the trio settled at their own. Nym waited several minutes in silence as Hermione began eating before bringing up her next topic of discussion. "So, when were you two planning on telling me?"

Harry looked at her with confusion but Hermione froze, mouth half full of food. "Tell you what?" Harry asked.

"That you're dating."

Hermione began to cough slightly around the food now caught in her throat and Nym smiled sweetly at the pair as Harry rubbed his girlfriend's back. "What makes you think we're dating?"

Nym looked at him with disbelief. "Please. You don't think I know you both well enough to tell?"

Hermione finally cleared her throat and croaked her reply. "No!"

Nym tried to keep her face straight but began laughing at the indignant look on Hermione's face. The girl quickly washed the offending food down with some water and cleared her throat several times.

"Fine, you're right. Hermione talks in her sleep. But only when she snuggles up with you, Harry." Nym pointed with her fork. "If you want to keep it a secret, maybe find somewhere better to spend the night than the common room couch."

Both teens blushed in response. "It wasn't like that!" Hermione whispered, clearly hoping to keep her private life private.

"Oh, I know. You two have always been total snuggle-bugs. What's wrong with the beds then?"

"They're too soft. I can't get used to it." Harry muttered, arm still rubbing Hermione's back.

"True, took me a while. So you prefer the couch then?"

"No. It's just… you are so frustrating sometimes." Hermione growled softly earning another soft smirk from Nym in response. "It's a little bit of homesickness, a little bit of the beds are weird…"

"And a little bit of you wanted to snuggle your boy toy."

"NYM!" Hermione yelped, which drew several of the other eyes at the table to her flushed face.

"Oh relax, Hermione. I'm just joking. Let's be fair, the way the two of you behave every day, all you two dating means is a little kissing has been added to the mix."

"Yes, well. Please don't shout it in the Great Hall. It's none of their business." Hermione jabbed at the meta with her fork.

"I know, but if you keep secrets from me," Nym eyed her in return, "expect me to fight dirty."

"Nym's right, Hermione. We should have told her. She's family." Harry gently calmed his girlfriend and Nym smiled at them both in return.

"I planned to, I just felt like it was something that needed to be conveyed in person. And we just haven't had a suitable moment since we got here." Nym could tell Hermione was embarrassed at being caught out and looking for excuses.

"Stop, Hermione. It's fine. I'm happy you two finally figured things out. It has been sort of a long time coming." She winked at the flushed pair. "Just keep me in the loop from now on, alright. And you can give me details later." She fixed her eyes on Hermione as she finished.

"Yes, fine. Can you please stop embarrassing me in the main hall now?"

Nym chuckled and Harry tightened the arm around her shoulders. "Never change, Hermione."


The remainder of lunch passed without incident and Nym went her own way once Tamsin pulled her off to their own Herbology class. The two new students walked hand in hand towards their next first class and Harry gave Hermione a light squeeze.

"You alright?" He asked his girlfriend.

"I'm fine. I just wish she'd brought it up in private. I know you saw the looks you received during our sorting. This will get out, I'm sure." She raised their joined hands slightly. While it had been common for them for years, the people around them were new to their habits and would surely believe what they liked based on the evidence at hand. "I just don't look forward to the gossip mongers."

"I agree. I don't care if people know, but I do care if they have a go." Harry pondered for a moment before continuing. "Like that Ravenclaw girl yesterday. She's got like a foot and a half on me, who knows what year she's in, but she was eyeing me like I was a piece of meat. It's disgusting."

Hermione nodded beside him as the pair finally stepped into the new classroom, the shutters on the windows from about halfway down the room keeping it dark enough at the front that the only light came from the scattered candles about the desks and shelves.

In a moment, Harry's wand was in hand as a beam of scarlet light soared towards the pair from the dark front of the room. Several of their classmates shouted and ducked aside as Harry firmed his grip on his wand and twisted his wrist as the red beam made contact with the tip. The light curled about the tip almost forming a ball as Harry let the momentum of the energy move in towards his body slightly, but with a move he'd perfected a few months earlier on Remus, he let the inertia carry the ball around in a small arc, very nearly touching his body, and flicked his wrist forward again.

The stunner now rocketed back towards the front of the room accompanied by a red and yellow spell fired from Hermione's wand. The moment the spell left his wand, Harry fired another stunner behind it and Hermione finished her volley with a lavender-coloured Leg Locker Curse. Four of the five spells splashed vibrantly against a shield that had been conjured, but when the second stunner struck the shield, it gave way and the Leg Locker struck true.

The oddest sound greeted Harry's ears as a wooden scrape preceded a rather loud curse before a heavy object in the dark half of the room tumbled to the floor. "Bugger it. That was good work, Potter."

"Identify yourself, or I'll keep firing." Harry retorted, wand firmly in hand as he noticed some of the nearby students were peeking over their desks and one or two had even drawn their own wands. Harry knew Hermione was keeping an eye on them so he focused his attention forward.

Several quick flicks of his wand had the shutters open and he noticed the dark lump shift on the floor in front of the teacher's desk. Dirty blonde hair flicked out of the old and battered travelling cloak, followed by a slightly familiar face that reinforced Harry's desire to keep his wand trained on the man.

"I promise you'll not come to harm, Potter. Nor you Granger. Needed to make sure you'd be able to keep up in my class." The lump slowly stood and Harry noticed the wooden peg leg with a clawed foot had been freed from the natural leg.

"Sorry, but I'll keep my guard up. I'm not fond of teachers who attack me before introducing themselves. You can ask my tutors how I tend to react to that."

"Don't need to ask the tutors. Can see for me bloody self. That was the whole point. Hell of a curse Granger. The other two?"

Hermione let her eyes flick to the odd man at the head of the class. "Vomiting hex and a cutting curse."

The gnarled man's one true eyebrow rose, the second missing and replaced by the fixings that kept his second swirling eye in his head. Harry felt a little nauseous just looking at it as it spun about the room before it came to lock on his face. The electric blue colour was disturbing in and of itself.

"A serious combination."

"I don't take to being attacked lightly," Hermione replied simply.

"Neither of you was attacked, but I am curious where those wands came from. They weren't up your sleeves and neither of you reached for them. That's a hell of a trick."

Harry remained silent as he stared down the odd man. Hermione refused to divulge their secret either and the man began to laugh, the smile stretching his face horribly, a lifetime of scars proving that they would be unwise to lower their defence in his presence.

"Good on you. Never reveal a tactical advantage to an unknown adversary. I like you two. Join your classmates and we can begin." Harry tilted his head curiously. "I'm done, you've nothing to fear from me but tough exams."

As neither of the two new students moved, he began to chuckle once more. "Finally some quality clay to mold. Hopkins, explain to these two who I am, would you? I need to adjust me leg after that dust-up."

One of the nearby Puffs slowly stood from behind his desk, eyeing all three wands carefully. "He's Professor Alastor Moody. Ex-Auror. He's been our Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher since our second year."

"I know who he is. But is it usual for him to fire curses at students randomly?" Harry asked his housemate.

"No," Sally-Anne chirped from her seat. "But we've never had a transfer student before."

"You can sit down. He's a little bit mad, but he's not actually crazy." Susan commented, having been the only one who hadn't ducked the firefight, her own wand being tucked back in her robes as she smiled politely and indicated a pair of empty seats next to the tense pair.

"I heard that Bones. Don't think your Auntie frightens me, girl." Moody chuckled.

Harry nudged his bag into place next to the desk and slowly sat, keeping a weather eye on the man who had his leg up on the table and was tapping it with his wand in several places. Hermione soon joined him, both of them with their wands still out and above the desk.

"Who taught you non-verbal spell casting?" Hannah asked from next to Susan, which appeared to be her usual place in their classes. "We're not supposed to cover that until sixth-year."

Harry glanced at her for a moment. "Our defence tutor is very good. And his assistant is very creative when it comes to testing."

Both girls nodded and everyone focused their attention forward as the sound of wood on wood sounded from the front of the class. Moody still had not put away his own wand, but the stories Harry had heard from his tutors about Mad-Eye had Harry sure the man would never disarm so long as he and Hermione had theirs out.

Nor would they lower theirs until the class was over.


"You can stop yer worrying, Albus," Alastor called as he burst in the doorway, his false leg echoed across the stone as he quickly covered the distance to the desk.

"I find that hard to believe, Alastor. About what do you think I can relax?"

"Potter. Granger, too. Tried to take 'em by surprise when they entered me class. Dunno where they were keeping their wands, but they had 'em in hand before the stunner even came close. And Potter returned it. Haven't seen that move in a decade."

"He fired his own spell back at you in class?" Albus asked, concerned.

"Aye, the lass too. Good spell choice. And perfect grouping. Tasked my shield to failure. But I mean he returned me own spell as well as following with one of his own. Whoever has been teaching those two has not been slacking on defence training. Expertly cast, good power, non-verbal."

"Non-verbal casting?" Alastor smirked. It had no effect on Albus as it did on most, leaving them shaken. "You're certain?"

"What was I doing before you asked me here, Albus? I've known Aurors less capable than those two. Stop fretting about it and worry about something you can change."

Dumbledore considered this news. He knew exactly who had been training Harry and Miss Granger. It seemed the Marauders may have considered the possibility of Tom's eventual return as he had and were ensuring Harry had the necessary tools. That Miss Granger, who had not been seen outside Harry's company since they arrived, was as skilled was a surprise, but a welcome one.

Relief spread through him at the thought that his past errors had not cost the boy his chance at either happiness or skill.

"Have you made any further progress on the Goblet?"

"None. It was definitely a confundus, but I cannot figure out when it was applied. It shouldn't have been possible to do once you put up yer spells. Whoever did it is good, Albus. Better than I've seen in years."

Albus sighed heavily. The same conclusions he had drawn. He was greatly regretting his belief that the Tournament was ready. He'd let the small niggling doubt remain unvoiced as he'd signed the approval, and now he was paying for it.

No, Harry was paying for it, which was far, far worse.

"You have made preparations for when the Tournament is over then?" Albus asked his old friend.

"Absolutely. I agree that thing is far too dangerous to be left in Ministry hands. The moment the last task is done, a set of old friends will take possession and ensure its destruction. The Goblet will be no more in a little over seven months."

"Good. I'm loathe to destroy such a storied artefact, but this has certainly proven it has outlived its usefulness."

"Aye." Alastor swigged a large gulp from his hip flask before he continued. "Future looks a lot brighter with those two in it though. This is gonna be a fun year, Albus. I'm looking forward to Thursday, more so after today's performance."

Albus nodded softly to his old friend's thoughts. Harry had proven an enigma at every turn. But he was still far more concerned about the boy's entry than the boy himself.

Whoever had managed to liberate the letter from his possession was a very dangerous threat, one that was still out there somewhere, and in only two days time, they'd have another chance at Harry in a far more public setting.

"I hope you are correct, Alastor. I truly do."

Chapter 24: The First Task

Chapter Text

Thursday 24th November 1994.

"Sirius, calm down," Andromeda instructed as the quartet walked towards the school as the supposedly mature man bounced about with excitement as Padfoot. A form he'd been in all morning as he dragged Remus out of bed and jumped all over herself and Ted the moment they'd arrived.

Sirius changed back to normal as he looked to Andi with a wide smirk. "It's exciting, Andi. We get to see Harry!"

"You saw Harry yesterday, Padfoot. And the day before. And the one before that." Remus deadpanned. "You know, when we were helping him plan what he could do for the First Task, depending on whatever it actually turns out to be."

"It's been hours, Moony!" Sirius whined. "I'm used to seeing him all day every day. Letting them stay at the castle was a mistake."

"Just because you've lost your favourite doggy bed doesn't mean that Minerva was wrong," Andromeda advised. "We've sheltered them too much. They need the chance to interact with people their own age, Sirius. They don't even do so in the muggle world anymore. Their school is great but learning by correspondence, they rarely see anyone their own age."

"That's true," Ted added. "Nym has loads of friends up there she talks about all the time. I don't think she'd be half the girl she is today had we kept her home."

None of their very true arguments calmed Sirius though. Half of his energy was simply due to seeing Harry again. But a large part was the anxiousness. In a few short hours, Harry would be facing something he could not help with. Something potentially lethal. A soft hand on his shoulder drew his attention to Ted looking at him knowingly.

"He'll be fine, Sirius. They both will. Whatever this Task is."

Sirius gave the man a wry smile. Ted was a good man and saw a lot more than he let on. He nodded and within a moment was a dog once more, both for the speed it led to his run to the castle and the duller emotions it offered that kept him from stewing on the fast-approaching unknown.


Breakfast had been a somewhat quieter affair than she had expected so far.

Hermione blushed every time that Nym smirked her way, the metamorph having found her snuggled close to Harry in his bed that morning, but had yet to tease her about it at all. She had been unable to sleep with the mystery of the Task looming over her boyfriend and had popped to him in the dark.

Harry had been lying awake himself and had welcomed her presence and the comfort that came with it.

Now, however, she had to deal with the giant black dog that was bounding down the hall towards them. One that proved constantly he had no concept of subtlety unless it furthered a prank. Hermione watched Harry stand only a moment before the massive beast hit him hard and sent them both sprawling. Only her familiarity with the lunatic and Harry's laughter kept her from leaping after him.

The pair on the floor drew curious looks from most of the other gathered students before the dog transformed and hauled the boy into his arms for a firm hug.

"Good morning, Sirius," Harry said, wrapping his godfather tightly in his arms. "You seem excited."

Hermione rolled her eyes at Nym, who mirrored the action. Sirius was always excited. His years in Azkaban had given him an endlessly positive outlook on all factors of life. Every day was something special now he had his family again. Though it hadn't taught him the value of restraint.

"I'm about to watch my godson own this stupid Ministry dog and pony show. No offence, Nym."

The girl just laughed at his comment as yet another well-wisher wandered past to offer them both luck for the Task. "Probably true."

"And how's my other favourite girl?" Sirius asked, turning to Hermione as he sat between Harry and herself.

"Fine, Sirius." She replied, poking her breakfast.

"Doesn't look fine to me," he whispered in her ear and gave her a knowing look.

Hermione hated that he knew her well enough to tell how frightened she was. But his wink convinced her he was in a mature enough mood that he wasn't going to out her feelings to the Hall at large. The sustained look allowed her to see she wasn't the only one who needed to stick close to Harry right now.

"Any new ideas about what this whole thing will involve?" Nym asked across the table.

"No idea here. Maybe Moony and Andi will have some thoughts. They should be here any minute."

The people in question stepped inside right as Sirius spoke their names and Hermione couldn't help the smirk that rose in response. Because stood right beside Nym's parents, were her own. She stood and hurried the length of the hall, trying not to run outright.

The hug she fell into immediately helped allay some of her worries as she sank into her parents' arms. She hadn't realized how much she would miss them being so far away. There would definitely be some ducking away from the castle for visits in the coming weeks.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Did you miss us?" Her mother cooed.


"How are the classes going? Keeping abreast of things I hope." Her father commented, ruffling her already bushy hair.

"Dad. Of course, we are. We're quite a ways ahead in most of them." She blushed again as she considered their aborted first Arithmancy class. "We may have broken one of the teachers the other day though."

Remus laughed loudly from beside her and she glanced at the werewolf. "I can believe that. You two devour knowledge like Sirius devours dinner."

The group slowly moved over to the Hufflepuff table where the students once more parted to allow the guests access to their house without a whisper of complaint.

Hermione wondered if she'd feel as comfortable in the large castle had they not joined the kindest and most welcoming house in the school. She'd already fended off several barbs from some of the other houses. And they'd only arrived on Monday evening.

She glanced across the table to find Nym squeezed tightly between her own parents and smiled brightly. Despite the unknown danger that loomed, having the Family here made everything feel a lot safer. Hermione was glad she wasn't going to be stuck watching the Task alone. She had their support to keep her from going mad as her two closest friends faced off against who knew what.

The hearty and happy breakfast continued for almost an hour before a voice interrupted them all.

"I'm sorry to interrupt." The Family turned to see Professor Sprout standing behind Harry and looking rather grim. "It's time for me to take these two down to the stands, I'm afraid."

Sirius leapt up and hugged the woman who had begun teaching at the school during his own time here. Hermione couldn't contain her laughter at the surprised look on the teacher's face. But it lessened slightly as she heard the whispered request.

"Keep them safe, Pomona."


Nym couldn't help but glance at the massive stands beyond the tiny tent that her head of house had led them both towards.

"I wish I could stay with you both," Sprout advised the two as she held the opening to the tent wide, "but the rules forbid it. Be safe. Glory only lasts so long after death."

As the two entered, Professor Sprout gave them each squeeze on the shoulder in support. "Good luck." She said with a tight smile before she allowed the cloth to swing closed and presumably departed, leaving them alone with the two foreign Champions.

"Morning," Harry offered.

The two looked up, taking in the pair standing by the opening. Fleur gave a very half-hearted wave from a hand that barely passed her hips while Krum just inclined his head in their direction slightly. Harry glanced at Nym from the corner of his eye and smirked.

The atmosphere in the tent was tense as Harry and Nym sat opposite Fleur on the benches provided. Nym felt her own stomach clench slightly around her breakfast. She and Harry still had no idea what was waiting for them on the other side of the second opening to the tent. She wondered how her younger cousin was holding up, given he hadn't even been present for the Wand Weighing two weeks beforehand.

She glanced at him again and was surprised to find he looked cool as a cucumber. He noticed her gaze and smiled widely at her. "Stop worrying. Whatever it is, it'll be over soon. Worrying won't help."

He gave her a soft jab in the belly and she twitched, glaring at him in return though it lacked heat as ever. "I know."

Her response was cut short as a swathe of people entered the tent preceded by a bright flash and a witch in horrid glasses Nym remembered well from the Weighing Ceremony.

"Hmmm, what have we here?" Rita Skeeter enquired as she loomed over the two, but she was soon cut off herself.

"There will be time for that later, Miss Skeeter." Mr Crouch called, as he stepped forward. As with every other time Nym had seen the man he was immaculately dressed, his hair styled to precision. It only became more evident standing between Albus Dumbledore in his bright robes and Skeeter in her truly abysmal crime against fashion. "Champions, gather here."

The four teens all stood and assembled in a half-circle facing the crowd of adults. Bagman was right behind the front three, staring at a bag in Crouch's hand like it was made of gold. "You four have been chosen by the Goblet of Fire to compete in a Tournament a long time in the making. Ensure you keep that in mind as you perform today."

Nym stifled a chuckle as she considered the choice of words. That they were nothing more than performers in Crouch's grand play and he'd be most disappointed in them if they failed to act accordingly. His pointed glare at Harry bookended his point nicely as he clearly disliked that something derailed his precious Tournament right from the off.

"We shall go from left to right, so Miss Delacour." Crouch offered the bag forward, a spell over the opening keeping any light from escaping its contents.

Fleur reached inside and with a yelp, pulled her hand back, now wrapped around a bright green growling figure that had her pinky in its jaws.

Nym was shocked at the sight of the small dragon scratching ineffectually at the French girl's fingers, and only another poke in the side from Harry reminded her the bag was in front of her now.

She reached inside and felt the squirming wyrms attack her fingers. It was by far the oddest sensation she had ever felt as they clawed and nipped at her, but their teeth and claws could not find purchase. Her fingers closed around the body of one and she withdrew it from the bag. Its bright silvery-blue colouring was beautiful, but Nym frowned at the shimmering number 1 tattooed on its chest.

She glanced back at Fleur's miniature dragon and noted a number 2 on its chest. Nym was going first. She was going to have to battle a dragon. Alone. With no chance to properly prepare. With nothing but a wand.

Panic gripped her body as reality settled over her. She was going to die.

A pair of firm arms pulled her tight and she looked down to see Harry still smiling at her. "Mr Potter. We're on a clock. Keep your displays for later and take your turn!" Crouch grumbled.

Harry released one arm from Nym's waist but kept the one behind her back as he casually reached into the bag and pulled free his own dragon figure. His dragon was entirely black, but the boy seemed utterly disinterested in it as he continued to hold Nym close.

She smiled in return and tried to settle herself as Crouch offered the bag to Krum, who withdrew a long slender red dragon.

"As you will note, all four beasts bear a number on their throat. This is the order you shall enter. You each begin at the sound of your respective cannon blast."

Ludo stepped forward excitedly. "Now worry not, you don't have to duel the beast. Each dragon shall be guarding a golden egg. The task is simple: retrieve the egg."

He smiled broadly at the four as if he'd simply asked them to raise one hand and wave. With a cheeky wink, the former Quidditch star spun on his heel and departed the tent, several others passing out with him, leaving the Champions and the three front members of the intruders into their tent.

"The task is not time-limited, however, we do have four of you to get through." The man glared at Harry again and Nym felt some of the fear recede, replaced by anger at this idiot.

Their lack of security had entered Harry in the tournament, not Harry himself.

"Anything else?" The girl snapped at the infuriating man.

Crouch held her gaze and somehow managed to huff in her direction without shifting his body at all. "No."

"Then you can all leave so that we can prepare."

Crouch clearly didn't like her snippy comment, but swung about and swooped from the tent without another word. Rita turned her eyes to Harry and Nym tucked the boy closer to her hip in response. As the reporter moved to strike, the Headmaster cut her off.

"Come, Rita. You have a task to report on. Perhaps a meeting with all the Champions can come afterwards."

Nym remembered well the many horrid stories that she'd heard of the Professor over the years, but she felt nothing but gratitude to him now as he guided the gaudy woman from the tent, leaving the Champions alone once more. She continued to stare at the flapping edges of the opening for several moments until Harry jabbed her again.

"Ow, stop that!" She scolded, glaring at his smiling face.

"You can do this, Nym. You're clever. And strong. Stop panicking and think. Don't distract yourself worrying about me either. Focus on your dragon!"

"You do know I'm almost three full years older than you? I'm meant to boss you around."

Harry smirked at her. "I'm up last, I've plenty of time left to panic. You could be going out there at any moment. So focus."

Nym gave her cousin a firm hug and let his comfort wash over her. He was right. She had to go out there and focus on the task. She had a fairly solid idea forming on how to do it too. She could do this.

A loud cannon blast made her jump and Harry pulled her tighter for a moment. "Be safe." He whispered as they pulled apart and for a moment she saw the fright in the fourteen-year-old's eyes.


Nym tucked the tiny model that was still trying its hardest to savage her hand into her pocket and pulled out her wand. With a single deep breath, she faced up to the opening and stepped through.


The absence of noise assaulted her ears as Nym stepped forth into the morning sunlight.

Surprise took over as she glanced about. She knew they were on one of the rocky cliff areas by the Forest, but the inside of the arena was so different from what she had expected to see.

While there were several mountains not that far from Hogwarts, the arena itself wouldn't have looked out of place among the Alps.

Sharp spikes of rock jutted up everywhere, leading down towards the edge where an enormous stand full of silently screaming spectators was hanging over the cliff. She was relieved to see the exit from the arena was down there by the base, so she wouldn't have to climb back up the rocky terrain with an egg under one arm and a pissed-off dragon at her back.

That thought refocused her as she realized that she couldn't see the dragon amongst the dull grey rocks. The model had given her to think that it would stand out, being blue and shiny. She tightened the grip on her wand and scanned the environment. All she could see was the craggy 'mountainside'. She took a step forward and noted several smaller rocks shift about her feet.

Nym considered them for a moment before she whipped her wand several times.

Now five little grey creatures darted about her feet. Two dogs, a cat and a pair of rabbits shifted about against the similar rocks. She frowned at her failure to complete the transfigurations fully but tried not to let disappointment distract her.

Five quick commands with her wand had the small critters rush out into the field of stone in different directions and she began to walk cautiously forward.

A few moments passed before a cacophonous thud drowned out the horrid screech of a rabbit and, finally seeing her dragon, she understood why the Short-Snout was described as silvery-blue. Somehow the dragon had managed to blend unmoving against the rocky terrain, and in that state had almost disappeared into its surroundings.

The open ice-blue eyes and stretched claw that had one of her stone rabbits trapped between vicious claws stood out now against the sharper terrain about its hunkering form.

Nym felt her heart rate accelerate, she was barely twenty metres away from one of the most dangerous predators on this planet. The fact the Short-Snout had fewer human kills to its name did not comfort her at that moment. She doubted many people were stupid enough to climb up into the Swedish mountains looking to raid their nests.

She ducked down lower, losing sight of the massive beast as she began to weave her way down the slope and tried to skirt the dragon's reach. She kept her eyes peeled for the nest as she moved but couldn't remember exactly what it would look like through the terror in her brain.

Her wandering mind stopped the same moment her actual wandering did as a wave of heated air came rushing at her from between the rocks. Followed immediately by the brightest blue flame she'd ever seen.

Without warning, Nym felt a tug on her stomach and she was suddenly somewhere else. She was staring into a hole in the rock face, several pinkish flower-like items poking up through the stone.

The lack of light in the crevice had prevented them from opening under the morning sun but they were highly beautiful. They had a shimmer to their surface that almost matched the scales of…

Nym's brain stopped and she looked at them again.

What she had first thought to be petals were, in fact, scales that interlocked over one another in an upward direction, coming to a rounded point at the top. The scales were pink, blue and lavender in colour, and she finally noted the shimmer of gold in between what she suddenly realized were eggs.

She smacked her forehead as she noted she stood directly in front of the very nest she had been looking to find. She shook herself at the obviousness of it, now she could see it. Nym was unsure just what she'd been expecting to find in a mountainous dragon breed's nest.

She wasted no more time as she grasped the golden egg from within the nest and pulled it free, trying not to jostle the other eggs in the nest as she did. She felt eyes lock onto her from above and as she tucked the egg under her arm she jumped from the small outcropping she was standing on to a lower one to the right.

A wave of superhot air rushed past her and she didn't dare look back to see the pissed-off eyes that were surely following her.

The stand was not far away from where she had ended up and she shuffled along the rockface, weaving between the towering spikes hoping they could protect her as she felt much cooler air swirl around her.

Unable to resist, Nym cast a glance back over her shoulder and finally saw the full figure of the Short-Snout as its wide powerful wings carried it up into the sky. It was enormous and beautiful and very, very angry.

The dragon had literally caught her with her hand in the nest and it was out for blood now.

Nym let a shudder run through her lower half and she felt the power in her legs grow. Muscles that would put a life-long mountain climber to shame developed and she dashed between the rocks, ignoring the looming shadow that darkened the path she had chosen.

A tight twist in her stomach resurfaced as another wave of hot air washed over the area she stood in. This time she recognized the feeling, though she'd never had her magic direct it alone before.

She popped back into place only a dozen metres from the opening by the stands that would see her free of this chase. Nym rushed for the exit and felt another wave of cool air as the angered dragon leapt back into the air. She could hear the frustrated anger in its growl as it chased after her once again.

As she reached the flat ground before the exit, she glanced over her shoulder again and saw the shimmering scales of the dragon's throat as it reared back once more. Fear surged with adrenaline as Nym gave everything she had to the muscles in her legs and she leapt through the opening only moments before it was bathed in bright blue flames.

Nym could feel the heat through the opening, but none of the flames managed to enter. She realized that there must be safety methods to keep the flames from ruining the stands and the spectators within.

Nym glanced at the golden egg still tucked under her left arm and smiled. It was over. She'd survived and achieved the goal of the task. She could relax.


Hermione released the vice grip she had on her parents' hands as Nym appeared above the stands, golden egg in hand.

The last she had seen the girl was diving in front of a wave of searing hot flame into a small exit to the arena. The adults around her had assured Hermione that Nym would be fine, but it was only the fact Nym was now safe in front of her that actually settled her nerves.

Hermione leapt from her chair and latched onto her friend tightly.

"It's ok, Hermione. I'm fine." The metamorph soothed, returning the hug.

Hermione smirked into Nym's shoulder as she let her heart rate slow. One of her friends was through this awfulness. "That was terrifying. I thought it had you a few times."

"Me too," Nym whispered in her ear.

"C'mon, Hermione. Stop hugging the victorious Champion." Sirius beckoned from his seat. "Let the rest of us have a go."

Hermione blushed as she turned about and faced the adults once more. Most of them were adamantly not looking at the two girls, their gaze fixed out over the edge of the stands. Hermione glanced in the direction they had been looking to see a strange sight.

"Wow," Nym mumbled as the pair took in the arena. What before had been rocky mountainous terrain was fast becoming a hilly grass-covered plain. Over a hundred wizards worked over the surface of the arena preparing it so that it would be closer to the normal territory in which the second form of dragon would nest.

"That is impressive," Natalie stated, looking slightly overwhelmed. Hermione wondered how she'd have taken it if today was the first magic her mother had ever seen.

"As you'll note," The once more magically amplified voice of Ludo Bagman shouted over the stands. "The next stage is almost ready to go and the judges have completed their deliberations. So before we bring out the next Champion, could Miss Tonks please step forward."

Nym glanced at the Family who all smiled supportively. She stepped past them to the long table full of foreign witches and wizards in various colourful robes. "Present."

"Nymphadora Tonks. The judges have assessed your very competent usage of Transfiguration and Illusory magic to complete the task and shall now each present your score out of ten." Hermione quietly coughed into her hand, covering the desire to laugh at the fact every one of the judges had seemingly misinterpreted Nym's performance.

"Jodie Forrester, Prime Magister for Australia, present your score. That's a nine."

A loud cheer went up from the crowd, mostly led by the yellow and black-robed students, but that was echoed by almost every student in Hogwarts attire.

Bagman continued. "Arnold Brown, Vice Minister of Canada, please present your score. That's also a nine." Another raucous cheer went up. "Madame Anastacia Lisov, Minister of International Relations of the Russian League, your score, please. A seven, thank you."

The cheering continued, filling the air despite the lower score, and Hermione could see that Nym was using her innate ability to keep her red cheeks from showing.

"Miss Gabrielle Caldeira, Headmistress of Castelobruxo. An eight, thank you, ma'am. And finally, Minaka Hirakata, fresh off the Japanese team's stint in the finals of the Quidditch World Cup, your score if you please. Nine as well."

The roar of the crowd grew even louder as Hermione tallied Nym's score and realized she was quite well positioned with forty-two points in the first task.

"A very respectable showing by our first champion out today. Congratulations, Miss Tonks. Please take your seat and we shall continue on to the next Champion." Bagman finished.

Hermione jumped and cheered with the Family as a blushing Nym turned back to face them. Forty-two points out of a possible fifty was a wonderful start. But the celebration was cut short by a resounding roar.

The girls spun on the spot to see twenty wizards departing quickly through a side entrance and a large green dragon growling at the sky, still slightly drowsy as she looked about the reformed arena. The next event was about to begin.

Sure enough, a second cannon blast sounded and several moments later the French Champion entered the arena through a concealed opening. Hermione and Nym carefully sat as they watched the Delacour girl sweep the enclosure with her eyes. It was hard to tell from up in the stands at the far side, but she seemed unable to see the full arena from her position by the entrance.

Fleur quickly dashed forward, surprising Hermione with the sudden movement. As she crested the first low hillock, a burst of flame shot in her general direction from the hunkered Welsh dragon, watching her closely as it circled its nest, all four heavy legs somehow whispering through the long grass.

Fleur eyed the animal and Hermione watched in awe as the girl began to sway, back and forth. Her shoulders and hips shifted in a light yet smooth dance. And then she heard the soft singing.

A light voice on the wind, almost coming from all around her, and drowsiness began to take hold. Her mind rebelled, knowing it was far too early to go to sleep. She'd only just woken a few short hours before. She didn't want to sleep. She needed to watch Harry perform.

The name Harry shot through her like adrenaline and the drowsiness passed instantly.

Fleur was still swaying and twirling through the grass before her, but the power of her spell had broken on Hermione. She poked her parents awake on either side of her but as soon as they caught sight of the French girl they slipped into dreams once again.

Certain that she wouldn't be able to keep them awake, Hermione refocused on the arena.

Fleur's spell had nearly put even the dragon to sleep, it was still watching her, but through only one near-closed eye as it tucked into the grassy plain on one side of the small dugout nest. The mottled brown eggs, flecked with green, blended well against its earthen surface, which only made the shining gold stand out all the more amongst them.

Daintily, the Champion approached, keeping her eyes on the now slumbering giant predator mere feet away from her. The dance slowed as Fleur carefully walked closer to the nest, but the voice still carried on the wind.

Fleur gently removed the golden egg from the nest and backed carefully from the rim. Her wand waved back and forth now, completely taking the place of the dancing as she retreated towards the exit, her eyes still fixed on the dragon.

Suddenly, a small girl a few seats away leapt to her feet and began to cheer and the spell over the crowd split, many jerking awake at the noise.

Bagman snorted loudly, his enchanted voice echoing over the stadium rousing those the small blonde girl had failed to and the sound swelled. By the time most had woken enough to see what was going on below them, Fleur had reached the exit and released her spell entirely.

She stepped out of the arena to confused applause as Bagman began to shout as if he'd been awake and commentating the entire time.

Hermione noted several of the judges roll their eyes at the exuberance of the man and she concealed a chuckle as she once again roused her parents. She was aided in her course when the Welsh Green in the field below roared awake and began to sniff about her nest.

The mighty lizard's tongue caressed each egg in turn and she only settled once she had confirmed none of her young were missing.

It didn't feel like it took Fleur as long to join them in the stands as Nym had, but that could have been Hermione's own nerves. As soon as she arrived, the small cheering girl launched at her and Hermione smiled.

Standing together, the resemblance was obvious and a small part of her yearned once more for the younger sibling her mother's condition had denied her. She felt a hand close over her own and turned to see her mother look at her with mild concern. Hermione blushed under her gaze and turned away as Bagman called on the judges to score the French Champion.

Hermione noted that every one of them looked wide awake, and assumed they must have stronger wards by their table, or that they'd been prepared once they saw Fleur begin her dance. But all had seemed impressed by her performance.

Fleur came away with four nines and a seven, which put her immediately in the lead and hard to beat on this event. Though Nym cheered the girl's score just as loudly as anyone else in the crowd, making Hermione smile at the elder girl's sense of sportsmanship and fair play.

The assignment of the scores reminded Hermione of the arena below and she turned to see hundreds of witches and wizards moving about the now undulating landscape as a team of thirty removed the once more sleeping dragon and her eggs from the enclosure.

It was some of the most impressive magic she had ever seen as the organisers converted the grassy plain into what appeared to be a dry river bed. Blades of grass merged to become brown and grey stones. Exotic plants she only vaguely recognized breached the roiling soil and sprouted along the river bed.

Her father gasped in surprise as a river suddenly swelled over the stony bed and rushed along its length, curving back and forth across the arena several times.

The transformation was nearly complete as the crowd of thirty keepers now guided a long slender red dragon into the arena. It looked almost like a giant snake with four powerful legs hanging limply below. A crown of golden spines rested back along the top of its neck but hung open below its sleeping face. Even in its slumbering state, a dull red glow could be seen inside its flared nostrils.

This dragon was different from the others they'd viewed this morning in that it had no wings visible on its body.

The rough-looking handlers laid the dragon along the riverbed and the smaller group stepped forward with the magnificent eggs. They, too, looked almost flower-like, a bright cherry colour that seemed to pulse every few seconds. Small filigrees swirled off the tips of the 'scales' and the thick gloves the handlers wore began to smoke slightly in the winter air, indicating how warm the eggs were.

As they tucked them into a small bowl in the bank of the riverbed, carefully formed to prevent any more than a light trickle of the river from entering, a cloud of steam arose.

The steam cloud widened over the area and was suddenly illuminated from within by dozens of yellow bursts. With a loud roar, the steam was lit even further by a bright burst of red flame that surged out the top and singed some of the nearby plants. Heavy footfalls could be heard, but the dragon and her eggs were very well hidden in the steam.

When at last the only sound coming from the enclosure was the rushing of the river, a cannon blast sounded.

The Family glanced as one to where they knew the entrance to be and watched as a gruff boy stepped through a 'boulder' and into the humid arena. His dark gaze swept over the environment and he cast several inaudible spells out into the concealed space.

A deep thrumming sound rose in the misty air, and Krum focused on the sound like a vulture. Gone was the grumpy indifference that she'd seen on him around the school. He was instead every bit the fixated champion seeker they'd seen in Italy and he had 'spied the Snitch'.

His wand was constantly in motion as he entered the lower section of the enclosure, and he would have disappeared into the heated mist if not for Krum's deft spell work clearing it away before him.

He soon arrived at the surging waters of the river but he did not advance. He stilled and appeared to be listening intently to something on the other side. A flare of light was the only warning the audience had before a mushroom-shaped fireball splashed against the shore, right where Krum had been standing only a moment before.

The Quidditch star had rolled to the side and sent a blast into the water that sent a surge of it up into the air, steaming as it quashed the side of the fireball closest to his body. He did not remain static upon rising and rushed towards some of the tall slender plants by the water's edge.

He climbed swiftly but when he was a bit over halfway up, the plant bent at the base and leant out over the river.

Hermione gasped as she expected Krum to fall into the surging water and be carried helplessly downstream, but the Seeker seemed to be prepared and as the plant descended, he shifted until he was standing on its length and used it as a diving board to cross the river, rolling as he landed on the nearer side.

What began as a light combat roll, devolved quickly into a lengthways roll into the underbrush as a second fireball exploded against the river bank.

Krum finally found his feet and fired a blind shot into the steam cloud. A roar and a renewed fireball were his response and he climbed to his feet.

He ducked in and out between the tall plants, tossing a new spell every few seconds in the direction he knew the dragon to be. The loudest roar of all sounded throughout the arena and Krum smiled. It appeared one of his spells had struck true.

He focused once again on clearing more of the steam away and as a result revealed not only his target, but the clearly angry red dragon that loomed above it.

The golden spines around the base of its neck were pointed outward and twitching violently. The nearest of the dragon's two eyes had swollen shut and was dripping some horrid yellow liquid into the river. Its remaining open eye was now fixed on Krum as it reared back. The mighty dragon roared ferociously, the sound so powerful that even in the stands, Hermione had to cover her ears.

The Bulgarian boy, however, just aimed and fired off a single spell, this one finding its target perfectly as it slammed into the dragon's second eye.

This eye also quickly swelled shut and crusty yellow residue formed over it until the dragon couldn't see anything. It howled with anger and launched several fireballs into the arena blindly as its entire body undulated and twisted. Its four large claws stomped back and forth in anguish and with a shock of realization, Hermione watched as its front left leg descended towards its own nest in its blind frustration.

A moment before the distraught mother destroyed her future offspring, a thick shield shimmered in the air over the eggs, visible not only due to the now trapped steam, but because it was so strong that it had distorted the air itself.

The dragon's heavy claw clanged against it and the huge lizard slipped on the uncertain surface and splashed loudly into the river itself. More steam soared into the air as the hot body of the dragon met the far cooler water.

As the steam began to obscure the audience's view once more, Krum rushed forward and divested the nest of its golden egg, with it tucked firmly under his arm he recast the powerful shield spell over the eggs and began to back quickly towards the exit.

The Champion was drenched in sweat and Hermione wondered how much of it was from the humid atmosphere in the arena and how much from powering such a shield to defend the eggs from their uncertain mother.

The dragon surged out of the river, her head rocked side to side and sprayed water in all directions. Her eyes opened and despite the remaining yellow residue, she could clearly see once more. Hermione assumed that the rushing river water had dislodged most of the gunk from her eyes. They flicked first to her nest but upon seeing the foreign magic all over it, she roared loudly.

The Chinese Fireball lived up to her name as she shot fireball after fireball across the enclosure.

Krum had to roll out of the way several times and he was only halfway to the exit when one struck close enough to send him flying through the air. He managed to retain his grip on the egg, but his focus slipped and the shield fell away.

The mother dragon howled happily as she noted the foreign magic was no longer obscuring her eggs and after a quick check, she reared up on her hind legs and roared. Towering frighteningly high above the thick branches of the facsimile of her natural forest home.

The audience watched on tenterhooks as the third champion regained his feet and no longer concerned himself with the nest behind him. He took off at full pace heading for the marked exit, this time, however, the enraged dragon gave pursuit, and this was her natural habitat.

It was amazing to watch the enormous snake-like movements as she wound her way rapidly through the slender plants. Her claws seemed to sweep across the foliage, always gaining on Krum as she blasted forward at an incredible speed. She had evolved perfectly for moving through the unusual plants. And it was no wonder she had no wings. The Fireball did not need them to fly through these trees.

In moments she was on Krum again and he fired a burst of water from his wand over his shoulder at the looming danger.

It wasn't skill that saved him though, as the humid air had made the ground treacherously slippery and he lost his feet several metres from the exit.

The searing fireball that had been trailing towards him instead soared over his prone figure and splashed loudly against the wooden walls of the stands, but they did not catch, as they had survived the bright blue flame of the Swedish dragon, so too were they warded against the Chinese dragon's flames.

The dragon roared her victory to the air, the sound painfully loud at their close proximity. Krum took the offered moment of reprieve and launched to his feet. He ran as fast as his legs would carry him.

The movement caught the clogged eye of the scarlet dragon that loomed over him, almost looking cat-like in the speed with which she tracked Krum. She reached out with a scaled limb and attempted to swat the nuisance that had dared enter her home. Krum ducked the swipe and with a final lunge, tossed his body into the exit and out of view.

The roar of the crowd almost drowned out the howl of victory the Fireball called into the air as she slithered her way back into the steam-filled 'forest'. Off to once more guard her eggs.

A mournful yowl soon followed as dozens of flares of bright red light splashed against the concealed creature as the dragon handlers moved in. She returned several volleys of fire, but each was smaller than the one before until a loud thud indicated she had succumbed to their assault.

Hermione felt bad for the mighty creature being used for the entertainment of a crowd without concern for her feelings. While the spectacle had been amazing to watch, she wasn't terribly impressed by the wizarding world she had seen so far.

By the time the handlers had the dragon out of the arena, a patched-up Krum who had a handful of scratches and bruises from his energetic movements through the dense foliage had arrived by the judges.

They seemed slightly disappointed at his appearance, and Hermione felt that the three sevens and two eights he received were slightly low for the effort he put into his attempt.

Not to mention his determination to protect the eggs from damage by the mother who would have been devastated had they been harmed.

But as Krum nodded to the cheers of the crowd and wandered off to who knew where, Hermione felt her chest tighten as she noted the new arena, now a mixture of the first two environments, was almost ready to go.

Harry was about to enter that space and face the dragon the handlers were currently moving into the area. It was larger than all the previous dragons, covered in dense black scales and looked tremendously dangerous.

As its purple eyes opened and began to examine its surroundings, a cannon blast sounded, and Hermione felt her heart stop.


Harry stepped lightly into the open air, soft green grasses crunching under his feet as he moved into the open.

The arena was full of rather sharp vertical shots of green-covered rock and hills. If he didn't know better, he'd have assumed he'd just been transported to the rocky peaks across the lake visible from Hogwarts itself.

The only factor that ruled this out for him was the warm humid air, highly irregular for Scotland this time of year. It left a dewey residue over almost every surface so Harry focused his efforts on keeping his footing as he moved further into the mountaintop maze.

He could see the wooden bounds of the arena down the slope, and the crowd within, but he could not currently see a dragon anywhere.

His heart was hammering hard at the thought that it could be anywhere nearby, or he might walk into a trap set by the enormous creature, but he held his nerve. As he'd told Nym all morning, panicking and worrying solved nothing.

A rending sound came from his left and Harry ducked behind a tall outcropping as the heavy sound of rock smashing its way down the face of the slope echoed about him. A burst of sustained flame lit the area to his left and he could hear the stone in that direction cracking and warping under the intensity of it all.

But the sound also gave him a direction to focus on. He gingerly worked his way through the rocks and sooner than he'd have truly liked, he beheld a large figure covered in rough black scales arrayed before him. The dragon was faced away from Harry and was eagerly shifting something back and forth across the ground.

As its large maw lifted away, Harry realized where the sound had come from. The dragon had smashed one of the raised peaks of stone out of place, leaving a small craterous shape that it had blasted with flame if its glowing red surface was any guide.

And it was now carefully moving the oddest shapes Harry had ever seen into the heated bowl with her jaws, delicately grasping each one in turn. They looked almost like some kind of tropical fruit, purplish in colour with green furry stripes that rose upward to a peak where the stripes curled outward like fingers.

Each of the fruits jiggled slightly once it was placed in the red-hot bowl of stone, and Harry twigged to the reality of what he was seeing.

They were the dragon's eggs.

He focused once again, this time tracking where the mother was taking them from and sure enough, as her head lifted away with another fruit inside, he noted the glimmer he'd been looking for. Harry glanced momentarily toward the stands to find himself obscured from view by several of the outcroppings.

He smirked as he loosened the grip on his wand.


Nym was on the edge of her seat as she watched her cousin move closer and closer to the enormous lizard that had just ripped a chunk of the mountain out of the way as if it were nothing.

Every fibre of her being wanted to rush in there and drag him away. He was too young and inexperienced to do something so insanely dangerous.

The crushing grip Hermione had on her hand was not helping to settle her nerves in the slightest, but when it loosened and the girl beside her began to laugh, she became truly concerned. Hermione had seemed nervous through each of the Champion's attempts, but she was now laughing near hysterically.

Nym's eyes flicked to the girl's parents, who were also looking at her with concern. "Hermione?"

Her eyes flicked back to the arena as she felt a burst of elven magic from that direction, and when she looked back at Hermione, two and two connected in her mind.

"HE DIDN'T!" She growled.

Hermione was unable to speak, but she managed to nod as she slipped from her seat and nearly pulled her mother and Nym down with her. Nym looked out into the rocky field and saw Harry emerge from behind an outcropping of rock.

He tucked his wand into his robes and approached the dragon in front of him, but suddenly Nym wasn't as concerned for him as she had been before.

That little bugger.


Harry smiled as he approached the mighty lizard before him. He made sure to kick a few of the loose stones nearby as he walked, to announce his approach, not keen to sneak up behind a mothering dragon.

He stopped, still a good ten metres from the creature as it turned its vibrant purple eyes to behold the interloper in its nest.

~Good day to you.~ Harry commented in the unusual magical language he had used many times over the years, amused at the fact the dragon was looking at him exactly as Nym did when he'd done something foolish, with purple eyes and all.

The dragon growled at him in return, a deep throaty sound that echoed all around him. Harry smiled at her before he bowed deeply.

~I know you're busy, but I just wanted to apologize for your being forced to be a part of this, because of my entry.~ He nodded in the direction of the eggs, still jittering in their warm home. ~I hope that they are all well.~

The dragon tightened about the melted bowl and concealed the eggs from view. Harry gestured that he meant no harm before the dragon gave a series of guttural growls and roars at him.

~Ah, yes. Well… I hadn't considered that. You can understand me though?~ The dragon glared for a moment before she gave a definite nod. ~Huh, that's fascinating. Well, forgive me for taking up your valuable time. I wish you and your clutch the best.~

The giant Hebridean dragon simply bowed her head at him, and Harry smiled as widely as he had all day.

He tightened his grip on the golden egg under his left arm and turned towards the exit, content to leave the mighty mother alone with her young. He'd even managed to turn a foolish blood sport into a relatively safe learning experience. He'd spent a long time in that tent alone wondering and worrying.

At least today hadn't been a complete wash.

A confused crowd looked on from above as he casually worked his way down the rockface and in through the marked exit.

The massive dragon tracked his progress the entire way, but did not move away from the brightly glowing bowl of stone she had created. Wrapped around her eggs protectively as the interloper left.

Harry had emerged above the stands and been glomped tightly by familiar arms before anyone in the crowd began to applaud, and he was fairly certain it was his godfather who had started it.

Though he no longer cared about the crowd as the girl wrapped around him pulled back and crushed her lips to his own in a very public and very welcome kiss. After hours of tension and uncertainty, Harry was finally experiencing what he considered heaven on earth.

When she pulled away, at last, the crowd was cheering even louder and he grinned as he looked into her brown eyes. "I guess that the keeping it quiet idea is over?"

She gently slapped his shoulder as he leaned forward and embraced her lips once more, only stopping the delightful kiss when a tap on his shoulder distracted him. Harry pulled away to find Nym looking at him with a smile.

"Once you've got your score, can we talk?" The older girl whispered.

Harry nodded to her as Hermione dismounted his midsection and the rest of the Family gathered about him, hugs and back slaps galore following as they shuffled him toward the judges.

All of the five foreign magicals were looking at him with confusion and a little bit of awe.

Harry ignored the booming voice of Bagman as he asked the judges to unveil their scores, but he was pleasantly surprised to find all nines shot from their wands.

"Why only nines?" Sirius moaned, quietly behind him.

"Because they can't figure out how he actually did it," Hermione explained. "They can't mark him down, because he finished flawlessly. But I'm sure they think approaching a nesting mother dragon is a little stupid, hence no tens."

Harry shrugged. "I learned something though. We long ago figured out that parseltongue can have an accent. But not to that degree. I couldn't understand a word she said besides MacFusty. Not even sure what that is."

"That's what it was? I could kind of understand you, but the dragon was unfathomable. I thought it was my inexperience." Hermione groaned.

"Nope, her Scottish accent is denser than uranium." Harry smiled as the Family wended their way through the baying crowd and out of the stands.

Chapter 25: Fame and Friendship

Chapter Text

Thursday 24th November 1994.

It wasn't for several hours after the event that Nym finally managed to drag Harry aside without well-wishers or Family getting in the way.

Even the Tournament stooges had taken a bunch of their time to bluster around telling them that the eggs contained a clue they needed to solve for the next task. When at last they'd managed to get alone, the only place she could find nearby to be alone was a broom cupboard.

As she closed the door, Harry looked at her with his eyebrow raised and a teasing smirk. "Nym…?"

"Shut it, nothing like that. I need to talk to you about the task." Harry nodded and sat on an overturned bucket. "Did you do it? On purpose, I mean."

Harry looked somewhat confused at her question. "Of course."

"I don't think it's fair. I know my magic did it too, but that was life or death. I'd be ash if it hadn't. But it's not fair on Fleur and Krum. If we have to retrieve something again, or a race...It'd feel like cheating, popping right to the finish line. Agreed?"

Nym sat heavily as she finished and stared at her cousin. It had been warring with her Hufflepuff nature ever since she'd stepped out of the enclosure. The two of them not only had an unfair advantage over their competitors, but they had both used it in the task. Even if it had been entirely subconscious in her case.

"I didn't think of it like that. I just saw the golden egg and figured why put myself in range of a very upset mother just defending her eggs? But I guess you're right. It's not really fair." Harry said, scratching the hair around his ponytail as he often did when he was thinking hard about something.

"We both know there is no regular magical equivalent to Snapping or Popping." He continued. "Well, apart from Apparating, and legally I can't do that yet anyway. And it's easily warded against." Harry sighed and Nym watched him consider the facts. "If I'm going to be a Hufflepuff while I'm here, I have to do it right. Loyalty, hard work and fair play."

Nym looked relieved and her shoulders sank. She'd been so concerned about how she was going to convince Harry to agree that she had nothing now that he had. "So… how do we do it? I mean, it saved my life in there. I don't want to stop that, I'm not dying for fairness."

"We can just agree not to, I guess. I don't want to be a cheat." Harry said with a shrug.

She considered his option for a moment. Her usage had been unintentional, and while Harry's had not, he understood the principle she was trying to uphold. She extended her hand to the boy and smiled. "Alright then. No intentional use of elf magic during the tasks then, unless we're in imminent danger. Agreed?"

Harry matched her grin and took her hand. The pair shook once before a spike of energy shot up both their arms and they pulled back in shock. "Ow!"

"What the hell was that?" Nym asked angrily.

Harry ducked his head somewhat sheepishly. "I didn't think of that. Because it is so instinctual, Elf magic can be very literal. I don't think it's a choice anymore. I doubt that our elven magic will work during the events even if we tried. Unless it's life or death for us."

Nym looked at her hand concerned. But she had to concede, this was exactly what she'd decided was required, now she just had no chance to go back on that. "Well, in for a knut, in for a galleon, I guess. Shall we go back to the common room and let Hufflepuff get their party on? It does pay to be right near the kitchens."

Harry looked at her with an expression she only saw when he was planning something. "Yes." He said with finality.


Ginny Weasley hugged her pillow tightly to her chest as she sobbed.

Dreams of almost a decade lay in ruin before the rest of her presumably long life. That morning she had been ecstatic, for the man of her dreams had finally arrived in her world earlier that very week. He'd sauntered into the Great Hall like a young Greek god, looking even more incredible than she'd imagined from her books.

His eyes were more beautiful than even her imagination could conjure up and his unruly hair looked like he'd just ruffled it before stepping in the door, despite the binding holding it swept back in a regal ponytail.

The first splinter of disappointment had struck when the boy hadn't come to her house as everyone expected. Surely the child of Lily and James Potter was a Gryffindor, and yet he was now housed with the Puffs instead.

A nice enough group from her experience, but housed far away from the Tower she called home. But Ginny wasn't concerned, he was still the closest she'd ever been to him.

She had spied him about the school, studying beside the girl he was always talking to and walking with. Ginny would hide amongst the shelves in the library and watch their quiet study sessions as they worked on odd subjects she didn't understand.

Their work ethic and studiousness had been impressive. Her twin brothers had made a ruckus in the corner of the library and neither one had flinched as the serious form of Madam Pince descended on the chaos and tossed Fred and George out on their butts.

But the girl that she had assumed was an adopted sister was now the one responsible for her shattered heart lying in pieces at her feet. Ginny's entire future had evaporated the moment the boy of her dreams had stepped foot onto the stands and the bushy-haired girl had latched onto him and kissed him fiercely.

The shock had kept her from reacting in the moment as everything she had ever hoped for dissolved out from under her. Several of the other girls she knew had hopes for Harry still seemed to be deluding themselves, that they maybe had a chance, but Ginny was close enough to the event to see the look in both their eyes.

She had only seen that look on four people before. Her own parents in those few moments that they managed to sneak for themselves, away from their seven children, and her friend Luna's parents before the worst had happened.

A deep and abiding love that conquered all and came out stronger.

Perhaps, come morning, she would move past her shattered future and see what this new world would mean for little Ginny Weasley, but right now she tightened her grip on her pillow and mourned the now obviously inevitable death of Ginevra Potter.


Hermione watched as her arm rose and fell gently, the swell of the chest around which it was draped comforted her after the day's adrenaline-fueled events.

Harry slumbered softly in her arms and she smiled at the stray strands of his unruly hair that had escaped the lighter binding he often wore to bed.

She'd been utterly terrified watching first Nym and then Harry face down their dragons. Nym had come close to being incinerated a few times, but her magic had kept her safe when the girl herself failed to do so.

Fleur had given her hope that dragons weren't quite as dangerous a bunch as people said they were, but Krum's athletic dance with his dragon had shown just how aggressive they could be as well. Especially when their nest was threatened.

While she'd felt intense relief that left her in hysterics upon feeling Harry subvert the challenge with elven magic, when he stepped toward a giant lizard perched over its nest, her heart had stopped.

Though she'd only understood some of Harry's side of the conversation that had transpired, thanks to his many hours spent teaching her to understand the odd hissing language that allowed him to speak to snakes and other reptiles, it wasn't until she had him back safe in her arms that Hermione was able to relax again.

Hermione flushed in the dark as she remembered the intense kiss they had shared, and the embarrassment that followed at having outed her own relationship to not only the school, but the watching world as well.

She had done her best to ignore the countless sets of eyes staring at her back as she looked into his joyful eyes.

While she knew Harry would have gladly kept it a secret for her as long as was required, he was obviously very proud to publicly call her his girlfriend. And had loudly done so for the remainder of the day.

He'd even used it to butter her up when he'd returned from his secret chat with Nym.

Hermione rolled her eyes again as she turned to her side, back to the stubborn idiot behind her. Today they had learned the level of danger this tournament put him in, and a few hours after they had both stood eye to eye with a dragon, her pair of loyal idiots had sworn not to use their elven abilities in the events.

She huffed into the cool night air as a pair of arms encircled her and a face buried in her hair once more.

Harry was still fast asleep but had followed her movement as he slumbered. She couldn't keep the frustration fueled as a smile covered her face. While it had been that way for years now, any time they slept in the same bed, it still warmed her heart to know he subconsciously sought her warmth and presence.

She wanted to be mad at him for his foolishness, but after several hours of stewing, she knew there was no point. Her own testing of their additional abilities had once resulted in a similar vow.

Hermione had unknowingly promised not to use her additional powers for a week to her parents after a stubborn argument and she'd had to be ferried everywhere by Nemea as her elven powers failed to work.

While her regular magic was completely unaffected in the slightest, the nuisance of being unable to pop at will showed the pair just how reliant they had become on the ability. Especially for access to the hidden Manor that Harry called home.

Sirius had of course taken advantage of the mistake, but she had given as good as she got that entire week, and the Marauder had a new respect for her prowess afterwards.

So, Hermione knew that Harry would still be able to tackle the coming tasks. He would not even be at a disadvantage compared to the competition. Even with his younger age. As his study partner for years now, she knew that he was far too skilled for that.

But she was still slightly miffed that they had just done it without consulting her first.

Hermione sighed heavily into her pillow. That wasn't the kind of friend or girlfriend she wanted to be. Harry was allowed to make his own choices, even stupid ones. But today had reinforced the terror she felt at the prospect of losing him.

In the past decade, they had spent far more time together than apart. Except for the few exceptions where one of them had been grounded, they'd barely gone an entire day without seeing the other the entire time they had been friends. Losing Harry would probably break her entire being in two.

The arm at her waist tightened and she shuffled back, deeper into its grasp. Harry's favourite saying echoed in her mind, that worrying solved nothing. She would sleep now, enjoying the time she could get alone with the light of her life. In the morning, she would tackle the problem, not by fretting pointlessly, but in her own inimitable manner.

Hogwarts's famous library would be getting a workout between now and February.


Friday 25th November 1994.

Cedric began howling with laughter as Nym blushed red even with her natural ability.

The sixth-year girl sank lower in her seat and jabbed her male friend in the stomach hard, ending his laughter immediately. "Shut it!" She hissed through clenched teeth.

Harry looked at the pair in confusion as he took a place across the lunch table before Cedric caught his eye and chucked his copy of the Daily Prophet to the boy.

The front page was a giant picture of Nym leaning on him in the tent before the task then suddenly switched to a picture of his kiss with Hermione. Underneath was a massive headline:Boy-Who-Lived: Confused in Love?

Harry raised an eyebrow at Nym as Hermione took the paper and began to read. The meta squeezed her eyes for a moment and her composure returned in full, with one glaring exception: a bright pink pig snout.

"Our lost hero's long-anticipated public return was marred yesterday by the frivolous actions of these girls. One of whom had the gall to kiss the stunned boy before the entire gathered crowd. The gall?" Hermione queried, her eyes shifting to Harry's.

He grinned softly at her and kissed her cheek, no longer afraid to show affection in public after Hermione's own headline-worthy effort the day before. "All the gall." He winked.

His girlfriend smiled in return as she refocused on the paper, a light pink dusting her cheeks. "It is the attention of his competitor, Miss Tanks, however, that has this reporter concerned." Nym glared at Cedric as he chuckled at the words. "Is the elder girl serious in her amorous approach? Their time in the tent already shows a familiarity beyond appropriate, and your intrepid reporter viewed the pair entering a Hogwarts broom cupboard during the post-task excitement. I'm certain many of our lovely readers recall the kinds of things the cupboards of the school conceal from public view, and I shall be keeping a close watch on the halls of Hogwarts, lest our hero be led astray by…"

Hermione cut off as a crack rent the air above the table. Harry smiled at the bright green and pink tie-dye toga on the wee elf now standing on the table amidst the platters of food, glaring about the room looking for something amiss.

"Rom!" Nym hissed. "Off the table! There's food everywhere."

"Rom cannot Miss Nym. Rom will protect his mistress."

"Protect her from what?" Harry's voice had an edge that few present had experienced before.

"Nasty letters. They've been coming all morning, Master. Some of them exploded!"

"Exploded?" Hermione questioned.

The elf nodded as Nemea appeared on the floor behind Hermione. "Some shouty and loud, others flinging yucky filth everywhere. Tybalt nearly got some in the face when the first one popped. Pops is very angry."

"He's not the only one," Harry growled, several of the nearby puffs slipping further down the bench when they caught sight of his eyes. "Can you deal with them safely? I don't want any of you getting hurt."

Rom grinned broadly. "Yes, Master Harry. We's very good at dealing with nasty mails."

The tension in Harry's shoulders lessened slightly at the elf's odd statement. They'd tried to correct him, but he was sure the elf did it at Nym's request, purely to give the girl a laugh. But the matter still bothered him. "Do you know who they are from?"

Nemea climbed awkwardly onto the bench between Harry and Hermione and stood looking between the teens. "Many people, they all say nasty things about Mistress and Miss Nymmie. Such vile things." The elf leaned in closer to Harry's ear and whispered. "Your parents are very angry."

"Do I need to go home? We can help you deal with it all."

Nemea smiled at him and shook her head, her broad ears flapping about. "Pops said no, 'Master is supposed to be learning today. He already had no classes yesterday, and he won't be using this as a way to get out of studying.' Is potions next. And Miss Andi is very excited to hear how it goes."

Harry stared briefly into the elf's enormous brown eyes, eyes that matched his girlfriend near exactly, and yet were so different at the same time. He nodded his acceptance, glad he had such a supportive family around him. He'd hate to imagine what his life would be like if he'd had to tackle it alone.

A soft hand caressed his back, drawing his mind from the hole it had begun to tumble down, and Harry glanced at Hermione, her eyes catching his own from around the wee elf.

He nodded to her and turned back to his lunch. He knew once his family set their minds to something, there was no changing it. Getting around it, maybe; but changing it, no. He did get his stubbornness from them after all. They would deal with the letters, and his elfin friends would keep watch on the girls and keep them safe at the school.

"I can't believe they're being so thick about all this. I've been happily telling anyone who will listen that Hermione is my girlfriend, and," Harry scowled at his next thought, "I'm sorry Nym, but I don't do the whole cousin thing. You'll have to find someone else."

Nym managed to look amused and shocked in equal measure and Harry knew she was hamming it up now. "But Harry, I love you."

"Oh, don't. Clearly this lot," Hermione indicated the newspaper again, "do not understand sarcasm. Or the dangers of inbreeding. Sirius has shown us the family tree. It's no wonder he's such a loon. His parents were just as closely related as you two."

Nym laughed at the girl looking a lot less embarrassed than when they had entered. "Some of these purebloods find cousins to be relationship goals, Hermione. The more they do it, the worse the damage gets and the less they see a problem with it. Hopefully, they'll breed themselves out of existence and we can all move on without them."

They all chuckled over their meals at the idea, even when things went a little bit wrong, life was pretty good for Harry Potter.


Hermione found Susan to be a delight to talk to.

The small girl was a bundle of energy, always up to talk about anything, and a sponge for information, much like herself. They had already spent a few nights up late discussing their respective worlds and now she led the way through the dungeons, her rust-coloured braid swinging merrily behind her as she walked in the springy fashion Hermione had only seen the bubbly girl pull off.

"Here we go. I can't wait to see how you fare in here, Hermione." Susan offered as she swung the door open and the trio stepped inside.

Hermione gave a light chuckle as she looked about before she glanced back at the girl beside her. "Good one."

Susan returned her gaze with confusion. "What?"

"Nice trick. I like a good laugh. Brewing potions in a dank unlit basem*nt. Very amusing."

"What do you mean?" Susan glanced about, several of the students already in the classroom were also taking note of the exchange.

"Oh, you're serious. A theoretical classroom then?"

Susan shook her head slightly. "Theoretical potions? All we do is brew."

"All we do is…" Hermione was now stunned. She refocused her gaze on the other students who were all nodding their agreement with Susan. She glanced at Harry who shrugged, a knowing look on his face.

Hermione observed the room closely. There were no windows; wait, no there were two, right by the ceiling in the furthest corner of the room, but the dull green colour beyond them indicated they were looking out not into the open air, but the depths of the nearby lake.

Her eyes noted the moisture gathering on the roof indicating some of that nearby lake water was seeping in, several of these points being over desks where some of the students were seated.

"Is there a problem here." A sallow voice called from the shadows, followed by a pale face melting from the darkness.

Hermione stared at the man as he approached, many stories making a lot more sense to her now. "No, no problem. Harry and I were just leaving."

The stoic face of the man changed immediately to a scowl that might have also been described by some as a smile. "Leaving? You have a class to attend, Miss Granger. Take a seat."

"No, thank you. I like my hands actually. Come on Harry."

"Where do you think you are going?" The voice was tinged now with something Hermione couldn't quite place.

"Somewhere to study that won't have our cauldron explode in our faces. The fact that Hogwarts claims to be the greatest school around is severely hampered by this being your potions facility. Completely moronic."

"How dare you?" The man stepped forward, pale hands showing from under his robes, one holding a wand in its grip. "I am a teacher of this school and you will show me the proper respect."

Hermione raised her eyebrow in response.

"Respect is earned, and if you hold classes in this abomination of a room, you deserve none. The roof is leaking contaminated lake water directly over several of the stations. At least half of the ingredient jars in that wonky cupboard are cracked and I can see twelve different ones from here that are stored side-by-side with compounds they react violently with." The students closest to the cupboard stepped away frightfully. "Not to mention that the complete lack of adequate lighting makes mistakes practically a given."

The scowl on Snape's face was menacing, and yet Hermione did not back down from him in the slightest.

"My potions tutor would have my hide if I were stupid enough to brew a potion in this room. That's only if I managed to survive the catastrophic intermingling of the moisture in the air or the improperly kept ingredients.

"So, goodbye, Professor Snape. We shan't be returning. Come on, Harry. We can work on that maths assignment until we can arrange proper potions tutoring again. At least that won't be a complete waste of our time."

Ignoring the vein popping over the angry teacher's eye, Hermione spun on her heel and grasped Harry's hand, pulling the boy from the room as he was so close to bursting out laughing that he could barely function. A blasting sound echoed out from the room behind them and Hermione heard Nemea's voice.

"Don't you dare, nasty boy. I'm wise to you. Leave my mistress alone! Snivelly!"

Harry's efforts broke down at this point and as a scream of POOOTTTTTTEEERRR! rang out from the classroom, Hermione popped the pair away from the dank corridor.


Saturday 26th November 1994.

Harry smiled as he wandered the random stone hallways.

Today he was a rather unusual sight, darting through them alone for the first time since his arrival. Normally he'd have stuck close to Hermione, but his girlfriend was currently in a meeting with the Deputy Headmistress and had asked to do so alone, so he'd taken the opportunity to explore.

As much as he had loved his home studying, Harry had been a little saddened he'd not had the chance to visit the famed Hogwarts before.

Years of stories from his family had painted its halls in such a light, that he had craved to see them someday. And now he had that chance, he wasn't about to waste it, as short as it may be.

Many times he found the castle leading him to dead ends and unused classrooms, making him wonder just how large a population this school could truly house. It also led him to wonder why the two visiting schools insisted on holding their lessons in their transportation rather than one of the many empty rooms tailor-made for teaching.

He'd even found his way through some of the more memorable secret passages he'd managed to locate from his parents' stories.

The one he ducked into now being his favourite story. The entryway concealed neatly behind a suit of armour kept it from view unless you ducked behind the suit.

Inside was a slowly curved incline that wrapped around and out of view as it rose upwards. Its position at the base of Ravenclaw Tower suggested where its upper reaches might have come out, but that was not why Harry was so happy to have found this one.

His father had told him the story of its discovery. He was out after hours, as he often was and had come across the Gryffindor prefect.

The prefect had just sent a few amorous Ravens back to their dormitory when he came up behind her. Taking her hand, he had whisked her behind the suit and unintentionally discovered the passage.

At first, she had been upset, but the reason Harry found this passage special is that it was where his parents had shared their first kiss.

James had finally gotten a yes to his long-winded attempts to date Lily Evans only the day before, and after a swimming day at Hogsmeade, the pair had agreed to continue dating. But it was in this very place seventeen years before, that his parents' relationship had truly begun.

A happy tear rolled down his cheek as Harry ran his fingers over the stone. His father had described the passage as magical. Its late discovery had been why it had never made it onto the Map, but his father had been glad it wasn't, as it gave him and Lily one place they could disappear to where not even the other Marauders could find them.

This became their spot in a castle filled with hideaways and romantic locations.

"I miss you, dad. Mum." He whispered softly to the empty space. As much as he adored the portraits, he knew deep down that they weren't truly his parents. Standing in this spot, even though he only knew about it thanks to those portraits, made him feel a closeness to his parents he'd never truly experienced before. "I love you."

A warm breeze gently tickled over his skin and Harry smiled in response.

His attention was drawn from the tenderness of the moment by a harsh laugh from beyond the opening. Focusing his attention in that direction, Harry moved towards the entrance and listened as he heard several footsteps and the sound of someone being knocked to the ground amid renewed laughter.

"Come on, Loony. Tell us something else funny. I need a good laugh today." A harsh boy's voice echoed down the hall.

Harry frowned and stepped right up behind the suit of armour, a position that allowed him to see several people standing in the corridor looking down at a small sniffling blonde girl on the floor. Oddly, the girl was wearing two left shoes.

Anger filled him at the sight and Harry snapped his fingers, creating several small noises with no source to distract the standing quartet.

"What's that? How'd you do that?" One of the girls squeaked, glaring at the girl on the floor.

She moved to stomp on the defenceless girl and Harry snapped his fingers again, sending the aggressor tumbling through the air to fall into a heap on the far side of the now giggling girl on the floor.

"Think that's funny, do you? Teach her a lesson, Eddie." The taller boy snarled.

A third snap had both boys' robes twist tighter about their bodies and hurled the two against the sides of the corridor. The prone girl smiled brightly and a peal of tinkling laughter filled the corridor.

The remaining bully standing over her was too busy looking at her cohorts to seem to care.

"Peeves?" The blonde asked the air, seeming far happier than when Harry had come upon the scene.

The comment fixed the last girl's attention back onto her prey. "The poltergeist? Nice try Loony, but you don't fool me. Most Ravenclaws are clever, unlike you, you freak."

The girl pulled her wand and gave it a swish through the air. But before she could incant a spell, Harry swiped both hands through the air and four wands soared free from hands and robes, clattering heavily against the wall nearby.

The girl looked at her hands in shock before scouring the corridor for the cause. The two boys had managed to wriggle free of their robes and were standing once more.

Eddie, who was nearest their wands, tried in vain to remove them from the wall. Harry pushed his hand and the wood began to sink tip-first into the wall. "Marcus. Mandy. Help, they're going in the wall!"

"What do you mean?" Marcus asked, stomping over the still-prone girl on the floor and knocking her about. "Get 'em out. Bel, stop shaking, get up and make her stop."

Mandy advanced on the girl on the floor and Harry'd had enough. He stepped into the corridor and cleared his throat. "Morning all."

Five sets of eyes turned on him, one with relief. "What do you want, Potter? Out showboating around the castle?" Marcus growled, giving up on retrieving the few centimetres of his wand that remained outside the stone.

"Just taking a walk, and wondering why my friend was on the floor." The blonde's eyes widened in surprise as Mandy began to laugh.

"Friend? You're friends with Loony. Yeah right."

"Lost cause then, that one. Some of us had high hopes when you arrived. Now I can see why you're in the duffers." Marcus said, advancing on Harry, cracking his knuckles.

Harry tilted his head at the older boy. "I was led to believe Ravenclaws were meant to be intelligent. You lot are really challenging that assumption. How about you run along."

"Not til Loony gives our wands back," Eddie growled, stepping towards the frightened girl.

Harry sighed and with a flick, his wand was in his hand. Two quick waves and all four bullies were now pressed tightly against a thick pane of glass he had conjured across the entire hallway behind the wee blonde. "Really challenging it. Who picks a fistfight with an armed opponent?"

Harry knelt beside the girl and offered his hand. "Are you ok? My name is Harry."

She looked up at him with wide silvery eyes. Harry felt like he was being assessed before she took his hand. "Luna."

"A pleasure." He replied as he helped her up. "Are you ok?"

Her eyes flicked from his own to the pile of bodies standing and pressing against the glass in confusion, then to their wands half-buried in the stone wall, then back to Harry. She nodded. "Yes, thank you."

"Good." He smiled brightly, and Luna mirrored him. "Now, for you lot." He turned to the bullies who were now all standing once more.

Marcus wasted no time in charging at him and Harry lazily moved his head at the right moment to allow the punch to miss him completely, Marcus overextended into the move and tumbled over as he hit nothing.

"Again with that? How did this one get into Ravenclaw?" He asked Luna, who was looking happier and happier with every passing moment.

With another flick of Harry's wand, Marcus slid back across the rough stone floor until he thudded heavily against the glass. The others scattered aside as his body landed between them and they all glanced up at Harry warily. The two girls turned and immediately began banging on the glass, but Harry was sure it would hold. It was about a foot thick and no banging by hand would crack it.

"I think you all should apologize to Luna. I don't like people messing with my friends."

Eddie stared at him, finally looking like the situation was sinking in. "What is this?" he asked, slapping his hand against the glass. "How'd you put it across the whole corridor?"

"Not as much fun when you're the one trapped and helpless, is it, Eddie?" Harry questioned as he took a step closer. "Maybe you can tell me why Luna is forced to wear two left shoes. I have a feeling you all know."

"I don't think it was their fault. The nargles like to abscond with my things from time to time. I ran out of butterbeer corks last week and they struck again."

Harry looked at the girl, she was smiling and seemed completely sure of her words. He glanced back at the four by the glass and saw the guilt in their eyes, and he immediately realized the truth.

"So…" He advanced on them again and the four cowered back against the glass once more. "Any of you know how I might get the nargles to return Luna's things?"

The look in Harry's eye had all four shuddering with fear. Few things angered him more than bullying, and these ones had apparently not contented themselves with merely roughing Luna up. "Anyone?"

"Please, let us go." Bel whimpered.

"We won't do it again." Mandy simpered.

"I'll… see what I can do," Eddie mumbled, his eyes flicking from Harry to Luna and back.

"Good." Harry flicked his wand and the glass vanished, leaving the four to tumble back onto the floor once more. "I'd hate to see what happens if they'd failed to return them by the time I escort Luna back to her dormitory."

All four shuffled backwards, trying to get as far from Harry as they could. Most had managed to get back to their feet by the time they'd reached the corner of the passageway, and without looking back they all took off down the adjoining corridor at a run.

Harry turned back to Luna who was looking at him with an odd expression. "You're somewhat of an enigma, Harry Potter. If I knew where my sum-solving ink was, I could try and work it out I suppose."

Harry smiled at the girl. "I like you, Luna." He offered his arm to the wee girl. "Shall we head to your dorms? I have a feeling there might be a nice surprise waiting for you there."

Luna tilted her head and gave him an analyzing look before she nodded and tucked her arm into his own. "Did you have a nice conversation with the dragon the other day?"

Harry chuckled slightly at the complete non sequitur as he led her into the sloping passage behind the suit of armour. "It was hard actually. Snakes I've no problem with, every one of them I have met loves a good chat. But that was the first dragon I've met. I think they're similar enough that parseltongue works, but she was from a set of islands with a very heavy accent. Turns out even parseltongue can have accents. I could barely understand a word she said."

Luna giggled at the comment. "The mighty brought low then. Having to make do like the rest of us. Mummy says it's good to be proven wrong every now and again."


"This is a nice passage. I never knew it was here. Is that how you appeared from nowhere? I thought maybe you could do it at will as your cousin did in her task."

Harry stopped and looked at the blonde. While she appeared to have a dreamy expression, he realized her silvery eyes saw more than most appeared to give her credit for. "I can actually, but it's a secret." Luna nodded and zipped her lips. "As for this passage, I heard about it from… well from my parents. I'll tell you another secret if you like."

Luna looked about before she nodded. "This passage is where they shared their first kiss. You could kind of say this is the place where my life first truly began. If not for this passageway, I might not be here right now."

Luna glanced at the passage and a look of awe filled her eyes. "I think that makes this my favourite place in the castle then."

Harry smiled in return as they continued up the slope. "Me too."

"I'm sorry you lost them. I lost my daddy a few years ago. He died trying to save my mummy from one of her experiments. But…" Harry allowed her a moment to gather her thoughts, not wanting to interrupt, but he tucked her arm a bit tighter into his own, "he only did it because I said I was worried. I'd had a really bad feeling all week and I thought something might happen to mummy. He managed to keep her safe, but he…"

"Yeah. It doesn't get easier. I have a portrait of them at home that I can talk to, but it still hurts every day. Being in here… it's the closest I've felt to them in a long time, even if I can talk to them every day."

Luna nodded softly beside him. After a moment of silence, she spoke. "Is that why you snuggle up to Hermione Granger all the time?"

Harry laughed at the blonde's lack of a filter. "Yes, that's one of the many reasons. I'm sure she'll like being your friend too if you'd like her to." Luna smiled and nodded again as they reached the end of the passage. It had looped around and around the tower, and Harry found himself wondering just how far up they had come.

The pair stepped out through a similar hidden entrance to the bottom and Harry found them at the end of a short corridor that curved to the left. "Wow, that's handy. I love it even more now." Luna mumbled as she walked forward, Harry following behind.

A moment later they arrived at a door without any handle or knob. Its wide blank surface was only broken up by a single bronze knocker shaped like an eagle emerging from the wood, the large bronze ring clutched in its talons.

"Good day, Simon." Luna smiled as she gave the knocker a single rap against the door.

Harry watched as the eagle came to life and looked at the girl before it. It glanced aside at him before its beak opened and it spoke. "What can fill a room but takes up no space?"

Luna tilted her head and smiled at the knocker. "Light. Bye, Simon."

The knocker nodded once before returning to stillness and the door swung inwards. Harry followed the girl into the room and was impressed at how airy and open it was. Being housed higher up the castle certainly had its benefits.

A quick glance through the large windows showed a wonderful view out over the lake and distant mountains. The domed ceiling full of stars looked slightly odd during the day but instilled the room with a calm that he assumed the studious Ravenclaws likely enjoyed.

"Hello, Harry. Touring the other common rooms are you?"

Harry glanced towards the voice and saw Padma sitting on a nearby couch. "Just helping Luna back here. We had a nice chat. This is very nice." He indicated the room around them.

"It's lovely, so much nicer than the rowdy Gryffindor common room." Harry gave her a curious glance. "My sister Parvati sometimes brings me in there. The decor is nice, but there is always someone making a ruckus. At least when I visit. Usually the Weasley Twins."

Harry nodded in understanding. He could see why that would be annoying to deal with day in and day out. While he did enjoy the warmth of the Hufflepuff common room, the Ravenclaw one had a sense of peace to it that the other seemed to lack when occupied.

A peace that was abruptly interrupted by four sets of thundering footsteps coming from the entry to the dormitories.

Two boys and two girls came to a stop several metres from Harry and dropped a pair of bags and a pile of odd bits and pieces on the floor. As they stood once more, several pops sounded out as Pops, Tybalt, Romulus, Nemea, and Mipsy all appeared just behind Harry.

The four bullies looked at the elves with shock before, with a glance at Harry, they quickly made for the exit to the common room and were gone without a word. He turned to a surprised Luna who was gathering her things from the floor.

"Helps to have eyes everywhere. Looks like that lot might be helping keep down your difficulties with nargles from now on, Luna."

Padma looked at him confused as the elves glared about for a moment before they too disappeared, but Luna dropped the right shoe in her hand and lunged at Harry, wrapping him in a tight hug. "Thank you."

"You're always welcome, Luna. Friends look out for one another. You can come to me anytime with anything, even if it's just to talk. And I'm sure Padma would be happy to keep an eye out for you in here. Won't you?"

Padma crooked her neck as she looked at Harry before nodding. "It was nice meeting you, Luna. But I have got an appointment with a very snuggly girlfriend to attend." Luna released him from her grip but her smile remained. "See you both at dinner."

With one last glance around the open room, Harry headed for the exit and his picnic lunch with Hermione.

Chapter 26: The Blissful and the Bothersome

Chapter Text

Sunday 27 November 1994.

Viktor palmed the handle of his wand as he walked down the pathway.

He'd seen some of the nasty things the students of this school did to one another when they thought no one was watching, and was not about to let any of them try it on him. Not that his own school was any different at times, but he had certainly learned the value of vigilance.

Yet that still left him confused as to why he was here right now at all. His Headmaster had seen the note and forbidden him to go, but something about it had caught Viktor's interest.

It could have been the summons to the Quidditch Pitch, a surprisingly well-built model for a school in his opinion, that had stirred a longing for his favoured pastime. He'd not sat atop a broom since the end of the World Cup and he missed the freeing feeling of flight.

Or perhaps it was the enigma of the sender. Many rumours filled the halls of all three schools about the boy. And curiosity was a powerful motivator.

"You're here! Excellent." Viktor spun and noticed the smile fell from the boy's face. "Ok, that's unexpected."

Viktor glanced at his now outstretched hand and noted he was holding his wand to bear. The dark-haired boy had caught him off-guard somehow as he had not seen him anywhere nearby as he approached.

So he had reacted as he would back at Durmstrang, where a curse would often be the first warning of danger. He looked back up and saw the girl who never left the boy's side had appeared as if from nowhere as well. Her fingers were twitching as she stared him down.

"You sent note." Viktor offered simply.

"Sure did. Seeing as how I got here late, I figured it would be nice for us all to have a chance to chat. International Magical Cooperation and all that. You did a great job against the Fireball, well, so I'm told. I couldn't see from the tent, as you know."

Viktor's eyes narrowed in confusion. His wand trained to the side as several small pops revealed a pair of tiny elves carrying brooms far too large for their bodies.

"Thank you, Nemea." The girl stated, taking the broom from the elf closest to her without taking her eyes, or her wand now, off Viktor, whose own was pointed at the tiny creature to her left. "Want to put that away? The plan was to have a friendly chat and fly together. You don't have to stay if you feel threatened."

"Pot, meet kettle." The boy whispered as he lowered the girl's wand and stepped closer. "Wrong foot I'd say." He extended his hand and approached. "I'm Harry Potter, it's a pleasure to properly meet you, Mr Krum."

Viktor smirked as he noticed the cleverness the boy showed. While his approach and tone suggested friendship, offering his right hand meant to shake back, Viktor would have to lower his wand.

"Da, wrong foot." Viktor tucked his wand away and took Harry's hand, shaking firmly. "A pleasure."

Harry smiled brightly and gestured the girl forward. "Viktor, may I introduce Hermione Granger, my best friend and girlfriend."

Viktor extended his now empty hand and the girl responded favourably, allowing him to offer a curt bow in greeting. "It is delight to meet you, Miss Granger. Forgive my tvitchiness, Ser Igor is good at making me little paranoid."

"I'll say." A new voice announced, accompanied by a slap on Viktor's back. "How's making friends going, shorty?"

Viktor glanced at the newly arrived person and recognised her at once. Another of his competitors, the girl with the pink hair. Her entire being exuded friendship in waves and Viktor felt it would be very difficult to be around her and not be cheered up.

"Getting a good look?" The girl smirked and gave him a wink. Viktor paled and immediately moved to apologize.

"Nym," Harry warned, though still smiling. "Don't tease my newest friend."

"What fun is life without a little teasing?" Nym winked. "Call me Tonks, or Nym if we'refriends." She finished, waggling her eyebrows.

"Eet seems I am ze last to arrive and you 'ave starteed wizout me."

"Fleur, perfect timing. I'm glad you all decided to come." Harry stated, stepping towards the blonde with his hand outstretched again.

"Any plans to let us in on why you invited us?" Nym asked following Harry's greeting of the French Champion.

"The same reason I showed up here at all. Friendship," Harry stated as if it were obvious, returning to the nearby elves and relieving them of their heavy burdens. "Thanks, you lot are the best."

He walked back over to Viktor and extended one of the brooms in his direction. "I know it's no Firebolt, but I'm sure you'll find it better than the school ones here. I'm told they are truly awful."

Krum paused as he assessed the broom. It was indeed not as magnificent as his team broom back home, but it was a very nice piece of hardware regardless. The shaft was a brilliant oak, shined to perfection. The strokes on the lacquer perfectly matched the direction of the grain as it curved to the rear. Each twig in the tail appeared carefully chosen for aesthetics, which would affect its performance compared to his Firebolt, but made for a much more aesthetically appealing design.

As he took the handle from the boy, Viktor smiled at the feel. This model had a slight weight imbalance to the rear which would allow for faster acceleration as your body accounted for the imbalance naturally. "A most impressive design."

Harry smiled even more and Viktor found himself intrigued. "Thanks, it belonged to my dad. He and his friends made a full set. If you don't mind using homemade brooms that is."

"I vould be honoured. Your father, he knew his stuff." Viktor said as he felt over the broom. The more he explored it, the more its homemade nature became evident, and the more impressed he became at its quality.

"Gryffindor Quidditch Chaser from 1974 to 1977. Everyone says I fly just like him." Viktor noted the wistful sound in the boy's voice. In a moment, Hermione was at his side and Viktor watched their interaction curiously. He could not hear what she was saying to him, but it made Harry's smile return in force. "Shall we? I haven't had a good fly since Nym left."

Viktor mounted the broom and with a deft movement was up once more among the birds and clouds. While the broom lacked the raw acceleration of his Firebolt, it was every bit as maneuverable. A true surprise for something made by a man barely out of school.

The air rushing about his face and body took with it all his worries and concerns about the Tasks ahead. As ever, being in the air was a freeing experience like no other.

He pushed the broom harder and found its rather low top speed quickly as he shot across the pitch. The twigs in the rear proved they were for more than just aesthetics as he found it to be the most stable broom he'd ever sat astride.

The Firebolt was raw power waiting to be unleashed, and as a result, always felt a bit like a wild animal ready to strike and toss you into the naked sky. Viktor, however, trusted this broom instantly.

His drifting thoughts centred as he noted he was not alone in his journey. The bushy-haired friend of Harry was at his heels gaining ever so slightly due to her smaller frame and weight. A smile filled his face as he took the challenge and set about trying to lose the girl, pulling some of his favourite seeker moves.

Yet no matter how he flew, she kept right on his tail the entire time. That was when Viktor realized not only was he not concerned with the upcoming tasks, but he was actually having fun again.

He deftly steered the broom about and headed for the trio hovering at the far end of the pitch, Hermione coming alongside him as he travelled, a broad grin on her face as well. Her size advantage saw her arrive moments before him, but it bothered him not a bit as he sat up on his broom in front of the group.

"Sorry, Hermione can be a little competitive. It's how she feels someone out. You should see her challenge Nym on an exam." Harry explained as the girl blushed beside him.

Viktor laughed in response. "Da, I am same. You haff good friends."

"Hope you don't mind if I count the two of you among that number now?"

"Oui, one can never 'ave too many friends," Fleur stated, before she shot off with Nym on her heels, the pair dancing through the air.

Harry laughed as Hermione drifted up beside the boy and Viktor watched with curiosity. The Headmaster had been concerned this was a ploy to undermine him in the competition, yet the Potter boy was as transparent as could be.

Viktor was going to enjoy being their friend.


"We own more brooms," Remus stated plainly, as he sat behind him.

Sirius ignored his friend as he watched the aerial display before him. Countless emotions stirred through his body. Nostalgia at the sight of the full set of brooms he and the others had crafted immediately after finishing Hogwarts in use once more. Longing to be up in the air with them enjoying the easy joy of a pointless flight. Sorrow at the thought of Harry needing him less and less as he made new friends and family.

"Stop whining. Harry will never not want you around, you stupid mutt."

Sirius turned to face Remus, his paws making a loud thud on the wood as they dropped from the railing. He transformed back and glared at his friend. "How'd you…"

"Know? You were actually whining, Padfoot. Your form is a lot easier to read than you are. Not that you're particularly difficult to read. This is why we agreed to Minerva's suggestion. The proof is in the pudding, wouldn't you say."

"I know, and I'm glad he's happy. But I worry. We lost so much time with him."

"And what lesson have we learned from that?"

"Never open up to a Marauder?" Sirius groaned.

"How about 'think before doing', and 'never give up on family'."

"I miss him, Moony."

"You still see him nearly every day!"

"Nearly! I used to see him every single day. He came to me for questions about James he didn't want to ask directly. I can't even slee… never mind."

Remus ruffled the hair behind Sirius's ear. "Awww, is Paddy missing his nighttime companions?"

"Yeah, never open up to a Marauder," Sirius growled, changing back to Padfoot in the seat and looking longingly into the sky.

"Don't pretend to be hurt, you stupid lug. You'd do the same if it were me. We all miss him, Sirius. That's the inevitable thing about being a parent. Be it biological or surrogate. Eventually, they all leave the den."

Remus began to pet him lightly as they watched the five children throw a quaffle back and forth, evidently playing keeping off the poor sod in the middle. Sirius couldn't contain the longing whine that escaped his throat.

"I know, Padfoot. Me too."


Monday 28th November 1994.

"Your attention everybody." Professor Flitwick called to the room, silencing the movement as the students prepared to depart. "As some of you may be aware, if you've done your research, the Triwizard Tournament consists of an additional event not restricted solely to the Champions; The Yule Ball."

Whispering immediately broke out among the children and Flitwick waited a moment to let it settle.

"The Ball is an event for all students fourth-year and above. A chance to mingle and have fun socially with our visitors and fellow students. It shall take place on the evening of December twenty-fourth, so those who wish to participate must decide whether they shall attend or be heading home for the holiday."

Further discussion spread at this information, but the whispering quieted faster than the first.

"As the event is a dance, you may invite a date. You may also invite someone from a younger year if you like. The Ball is preceded by dinner at seven o'clock, then dancing until we professors decide it's late enough. Curfew rules are obviously being relaxed for the evening, however," Flitwick paused and let his eyes drift across the students' faces. "Do not let that fool you into believing poor behaviour will be tolerated. I'm certain Mr Filch will be spending the next few weeks preparing the most horrible detentions he can muster for anyone caught dishonouring the school.

"That is all, you may leave early, or talk among yourselves. Mr Potter." Flitwick dropped down from his raised desk and walked over to where Harry was seated beside Miss Granger and Miss Patil. "Has Professor Sprout informed you of the event already?"

"Ah, no. Hermione had mentioned that several previous Tournaments had involved a dance. She didn't explain it in detail though."

Flitwick smiled at the girl to his right. "Well done, Miss Granger. I'm sad such a keen desire for research did not find its way to my own house. She is correct. However, there is a fact you may yet be unaware of. The Champions and their dates open the dance."

"And our attendance is mandatory, I assume?" Filius nodded in response and Harry simply looked at him for a moment before nodding himself. The boy turned away and took Miss Granger's hand. "I would do it fancier, but I want to make sure no one else asks. Hermione, will you accompany me to the Ball, and hopefully, prevent me from making a fool of us both in front of everyone?"

Miss Granger smiled openly and leaned over to kiss the young Potter on the cheek. "I don't need fancy, I have you. Of course, I'll go with you, Harry. Though Sirius will be upset we aren't coming home for Christmas."

"That's true. Professor, would we be able to invite our family to attend? If we're not going to be allowed to go home to celebrate with them, it seems only fair for them to be allowed to attend."

Flitwick sighed. "Unfortunately, this is not a school event, so we professors don't truly have a say in that, Mister Potter. You can ask the Tournament committee, but I am fairly certain the answer will be no. It wouldn't be very fair for the Champions families to attend but exclude everyone else. And if everyone were invited, well, we'd need a far larger Great Hall."

Mister Potter nodded, though the look on his face betrayed his true feelings on the matter. "Very well, we'll just have to figure something else out then. Thank you, Professor."


Harry finished gathering their things together and slung the bag over his shoulder. Hermione followed immediately with Padma quickly catching up as they wandered aimlessly through the hallways.

"Why did they have to choose Christmas Eve?" He mumbled as they moved.

Hermione wrapped her arm about his left and snuggled tighter to his side. "I don't know. But given how little intelligence seems to have gone into the Tournament so far, I'm not terribly surprised."

"I understand your frustration," Padma said, "We usually head back to India at Christmas to see the family we cannot visit throughout the year. Dad won't be happy we have to skip it this year, or how little warning we were given."

"At least you have the choice of not attending. I don't get a family Christmas because someone thought it'd be a laugh to enter me into this stupid Tournament."

Harry stopped, the girls alongside him as they turned a corner and nearly ran into a small blonde girl who was listening intently to the wall. "Luna?"

"Oh, hello Harry. I was listening for the Humdinger. Their singing is beautiful. But it suddenly vanished when I came down this corridor."

"That's a shame, I'd like to hear it sometime." Hermione offered the girl, who smiled broadly in response.

"Daddy was working on a way to record them, but…" Luna drifted off for a moment. "I guess I can ask mummy if she's made any progress with it recently when I go home for Christmas, seeing as I'm too young to go to the Ball."

Harry frowned at the mention of the holiday, both for his own difficulties with it this year, and for Luna's sake, not getting a choice either.

"I've got an idea." Padma smiled. "If you don't mind, you can go with me."

Luna turned her large eyes on the Indian girl and tilted her head slightly "You'd go with me?"

"Of course. You seem very nice. I'm not a big fan of any of the boys in this school myself. And we can talk about the Humdingers and things. I think it will be a lot of fun. Not to mention the faces on the snooty Ministry officials at two girls dancing together."

Padma and Hermione smiled broadly at the idea of messing with the organisers in return for their scheduling. "I'm sure Harry will even save a dance for you as well." Hermione finished.

Luna seemed to consider the offer for a few moments, her eyes drifting as she did. "Ok," she nodded. "So long as mummy doesn't mind spending one Christmas alone, I accept."

The waifish girl stepped up beside Padma and copied Hermione's hold on her arm, mirroring the image of her friends. "Excellent. Shall we head to the library?" Harry asked the happier group who nodded in reply and departed the corridor.


Tuesday 29th November 1994.

"Mister Black."

Sirius halted in place, a shudder ran up his spine as his mind warred with how to respond. Whether he should continue walking the hallway and ignore the voice or turn around and unleash his pent-up fury on them instead.

"You're a difficult man to pin down. As you were in your days here."

This comment only served to fuel his anger at the voice. How dare he refer to the times before his meddling led to Sirius losing everything he held dear in this world. He spun on his heel and beheld the face he'd spent so long avoiding, for their own safety, and at the urging of Remus.

"You've got a bloody cheek, Dumbledore," Sirius growled.

"So I've been told. How have you been, Sirius?" Albus replied plainly.

"How have I been?" Sirius asked, stunned by the gall of the question. "You care now? Not when I was tossed into Azkaban without even a 'how do you do'?"

"While I had nothing to do with your incarceration directly, I am beyond sorry that I didn't do anything to rectify it sooner. I did not know you were innocent of the charges that sent you there. The danger of playing one's cards too close to the vest."

"So it's my own damn fault? Is that what you're saying?" Sirius felt the blood boiling its way into his cheeks. Normally he was very good at hiding his feelings, but years of anger were coming to a head as he saw the man he felt responsible for all the hell he'd endured standing before him with a smile.

The smile vanished as the elderly man replied. "No, Sirius. Not in the slightest. Fate makes puppets of us all at times. What they did to you was beyond unfair. It took a far better man than me to correct those mistakes, and I will never be able to make up for having been party to your suffering."

"On that, we agree." Sirius snarled as he spun on his heel.

"We still need to talk, Sirius. I know you've received my notes requesting a meeting." Albus called as he approached the corner. Sirius had never been much for controlling his baser emotions, but Dumbledore was pushing all the wrong buttons today.

"Sorry, busy right now. Call my assistant and we'll reschedule."

"Too much television can be a bad thing, Sirius. I know you don't like me, and I've earned that ire, but you need to hear what I have to say."

"Like I said," Sirius whirled and faced the man once more, "I'm busy. Try later…"

"We both know that you are off to the Defence classroom, where you will transform into your animagus form and sit in the back of the fourth-year Hufflepuff class, quietly watching young Mister Potter absorb even more knowledge. As you did late last week as well."

"How did you…?"

"I am the Headmaster of this school, Sirius," Albus replied, looking at him as if the answer to his questions was blindingly obvious. "Do you really think I am unaware of who goes about its halls?"

"You certainly never seemed to know when we went here. Letting the bastard Death Eaters attack students in the halls." Sirius advanced on the old man once more, his anger now steaming inside.

"I have made many mistakes during my long life, Sirius. Some I will never ever be able to atone for. But I've had the error of my ways highlighted to me more than once in the past few years. At times very loudly from those whose judgement I've come to value, often more than my own. You will find my attention is now much more focused on the needs of my students."

"That must be hard when you're out of the school every other week at the ICW and Ministry." Sirius smiled at his verbal parry. Let's see the coot counter that one.

"It seems you are somewhat out of touch with recent events. If you followed the local news closer, you'd know I haven't been involved with the Wizengamot in three years. And I tendered my resignation to the ICW the summer before last. I was not doing any further good in those roles. My focus must be the students and the school. They are the future of our world."

Sirius was taken aback at the revelation. He knew Remus kept up with the news, but he hadn't thought it important to share something like that with the group. Or perhaps he'd simply kept it from Sirius alone, given his often volatile nature when the old man was brought up.

"I get it. All the better to spot upcoming talent and groom them for admission to the Order."

Dumbledore sighed once more. "My actions in the past have been poor, that is true. And I do understand your antagonism. You have a right to it. But no, that is not my intention. Children are a gift to this world, Sirius. I seem to have lost sight of that fact for a while. Our purpose is to provide them with the opportunity to embrace this world as they desire. My job is to create a place where they have access to the knowledge they require and the safety in which to study it so that they may build the world of their dreams when they leave.

"It seems that today we are at an impasse. You still need time, and we have some left to us before the worst might happen. Ask whomever you need, I have learned from my mistakes. Young Harry has nothing to fear from me anymore. I hope that, in time, you can see that."

And, with a frustratingly kind smile, the old fart turned and walked away. Leaving Sirius to seethe alone.


Wednesday 30th November 1994.

Harry sighed as he laid his forehead gently against the soft skin of his girlfriend's own. His heart still hammered heavily in his chest as he looked into her smirking eyes.

"Mister Potter? How can he…? Helena assured me…" The voice of Filius Flitwick came from nearby.

"I'm beginning to regret our decision to attend. Just when our snogging sessions start getting good…"

"I'm not going anywhere in a hurry, Harry. Go see what he wants." Hermione chastised, loosening her fingers from his ruffled hair.

"Fine." He grumbled in reply, fixing his rumpled shirt and stepping out from behind the suit of armour to find the excitable little professor scanning the hallway before glancing back down at a note in his hand. "Hello, Professor."

The tiny man gave a start and whipped around, stopping as he found his target. "Mister Potter, there you are. Helena had mentioned you seemed to be around here this morning. It seems I need a word with you."

Harry was slightly surprised at the changed expression on the normally jovial face of the charms professor. "About what exactly, sir?"

"It has come to my attention that several of my students have been having difficulties in their classes this week. When questioned, it came out that someone had taken their wands from them and was holding them to ransom."

Harry shook his head as he laughed softly.

"I'm not sure what you find so amusing about the matter, Mister Potter. Would you care to explain?"

"Let me guess. Bel, Eddie, Marcus and Mandy?"

Flitwick's eyes narrowed slightly. "Close, but not exactly. Miss MacDougal has not complained to me about such an issue. Should she have?"

Harry gave a sound of surprise at the news. "Odd. I didn't think she'd be the first."

"The first to what, Mister Potter? I'm going to need those wands returned quickly. And I think an explanation is in order."

"I don't have their wands, Professor. As Bel has already shown, they can retrieve them at any time."

"Retrieve them from where, if you aren't in possession of them?"

Harry smiled at the wee man once more and stepped seven paces further down the hallway before he stopped and stared at the stone wall, lifting his arm to indicate the surface. The diminutive professor quickly followed Harry as he moved. He opened his mouth to question Harry further before he made a comical double-take upon finally noticing several pieces of thin wood poking out of the normally bare stone wall.

"What in the blazes?"

"You walked right past them, Professor. They're all right where they left them."

The short man walked over to the wall and gave a firm tug on one of the wands. When the stone refused to yield it to him, he drew his wand and began casting spells. But after several minutes of spellcasting, not one of the three had shifted even an inch.

"What is this magic, Potter? I've never seen anything like it?"

"Family secret, I'm afraid," Harry replied, cheerily.

"Indeed. Well, undo it, please. And we'll be heading to my office for a chat about such behaviour."

"Can't." Harry offered in reply, no longer sporting the grin he'd worn since the discussion began.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I can't," Harry repeated, making sure to enunciate the words clearly. "The only way they're coming out of there is the way Bel did it."

"And what, pray tell, is that method? Students of Hogwarts are required to have a wand for classes."

"It's quite simple. They just have to apologize. Sincerely."

"Apologize? What exactly do they have to apologize to you for?"

"To me? They didn't do anything to me. It's Luna Lovegood they need to apologize to. I'm surprised Luna didn't mention Bel saying something to her though."

"Luna Lovegood? She is one of my Ravenclaws too. What do you think they have done to her?"

"I thought you said they had apologized and returned her things, Harry?" Hermione questioned, surprising Flitwick in the process as she came up behind him.

Harry gave a soft hum in reply. "They returned her stuff, yes. But out of fear, not remorse. Nor did any of them say they were sorry in any way before I left. It's been almost four days since and only one of them has apologized satisfactorily."

"And you are the arbiter of what counts for satisfactory?" Flitwick questioned, eyeing Harry with suspicion.

The boy sighed heavily. Up until now, he had quite enjoyed talking with the Ravenclaw head of house.

"No. Magic decides what counts and what doesn't. I may have cast the magic that holds them in place, but it's only the pride of those three keeping them from their wands. I cannot overrule the magic now it has been cast, just as I cannot rescind the magic that saw my name come out of a Goblet I've never even laid eyes on."

He walked over to stand beside the tiny professor and gently flicked the end of one of the handles facing him. "Look, Professor. Maybe I overreacted, but I've never been fond of bullies. Luna was on the floor surrounded by four older students heckling and threatening her, poised to do physical harm as well. And who had clearly done similar to her in the past.

"And, who I also soon found out were responsible for the girl navigating the school with two left shoes, among other lost possessions. I do not regret my actions. If you truly think they deserve punishment, I'll accept it, but I highly suggest you take a long hard look at some of the students in your care and how they treat their fellow housemates."

Harry turned and leaned against the wall by the wands and shrugged. "But if I see something like that happening again, especially to one of my friends, I will act." He finished defiantly, staring at the short wizard.

Professor Flitwick eyed him silently for a long time, neither of them breaking eye contact, the corridor silent but for three sets of quiet breathing and the flickering of the nearby torches lighting the hallway.

"Why are you here, Mister Potter?" The question took Harry by surprise. "You are clearly advanced beyond the fourth-year standard we're teaching you in all. I'm told far beyond in your elective classes, where you're both taking the advanced N-E-W-T levels. You are obviously coasting in my class at least. So… what was your purpose in attending?"

Harry smiled at the professor once more as he pushed off the wall and took Hermione's hand as she stood beside him once more.

"It's true, after the tutoring we've had, most of the standard classes are easy. But that allows us time to do that work while continuing to focus on our correspondence studies. We should both be ready to sit our GCSEs in most subjects come March." Harry grinned and Hermione beamed at the idea they were so close to such a goal already. "But really, apart from having to be here for the events thanks to an ancient death chalice, I'm here to make friends, Professor. To meet people in my own age bracket. And I'm already quite proud of the ones I've made in the last week and a bit."

"Making lemonade out of some pretty sour lemons, one might say," Hermione added.

The teacher considered them both quietly once more, intense thought clear behind his clever gaze. "Very well. I shall inform my Claws of the requirements to regain their wands. I shall not penalise you for your actions on this occasion, Mister Potter. So long as what you have said is true. But should you have any further such encounters with members of my house, please come to me."

"Happy to, professor." The boy smiled in response as the short man turned away muttering inaudibly to himself.

Chapter 27: Eggs and Potatoes


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Saturday 10th December 1994.

Harry sat heavily next to Hermione in the practically empty common room. "She said no."

"No?" Hermione responded. "Why?"

"She thinks it's unfair for us to work together on the tasks. I guess she wants to figure it out for herself."

"Nym knows I'm helping you? Why is she refusing to get help herself?"

"She's stubborn?" Harry replied, looking at her as if the answer were obvious.

Hermione huffed, knowing from long experience how stubborn all three of them could be once they made their minds up on a topic. She just wished this particular one hadn't popped up in regards to the tasks. She still hadn't found a way to get around the pact the two had made regarding their elf magic. "Fine... then, shall we?"

Harry nodded and Hermione waved her wand in a circle about the pair, casting every sound-dampening spell she could to prevent the cacophony that was about to occur from disturbing the handful of others milling about the comfortable common room on a Saturday morning. "Ready."

Harry opened the golden egg once more and immediately a horrible screeching sound emitted from the insides. Hermione couldn't make the slightest sense of the sound and after a few moments, Harry closed it once again. "It almost hurts to listen to."

Hermione nodded as she considered the solid-looking egg. "What do we know about sound? Intensity dropoff? Maybe being further away might help? But it seems unlikely. Sound propagates differently through various states of mass. Through a gas, it's awful screeching. Maybe we should try solids and liquids to see if it changes?"

"Sounds sensible. Though I'm not sure how we'd test solids. If the item we put it in is solid, how do we open it?"

"Well let's hope liquids work better first." Hermione joked, the second twirl of her wand conjuring a small wooden half-barrel on the table in front of them. A tight flick had water shooting from the tip of her wand and she had soon filled the container enough to submerge the egg. "Shall we?"

Harry carefully placed the egg in the water, taking care not to slosh the water over the sides. With a glance at Hermione, he twisted the clasp and the egg fell open again, but this time, there was no horrid screeching. What little sound escaped the water's surface sounded almost melodic.

"I'm never complaining about physics class again." Harry smiled at her.

"Agreed, though it's possible magic has more to do with it in this case. Can you make anything out? It sounds almost like music."

"Not from out here," Harry replied. He tucked his hair back and before Hermione could stop him had half his head submerged in the small space around the egg. A click of his fingers had a quill in his hand and without looking, he began writing crookedly across the piece of parchment laid out next to the bucket. As Harry wrote, Hermione read the words aloud.

"Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching, ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And recover what we took,
But past an hour — the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back. *

"Curious. Come seek us where our voices sound… Do you think maybe it's the Humdinger Luna was following? No… can't be that was above the ground. What can…"

"Hermione?" Harry interrupted, drawing her eye and nearly her laughter as he sat dripping from half his head. "Little help?"

He bowed his head downward and Hermione quickly siphoned the water away and back into the container on the table. "Sorry, you know how I get when I have a puzzle to solve." Hermione blushed.

"I do, and it's one of my favourite things about you. You're my little nerd." Harry teased and she gave him a gentle nudge to the shoulder.

Hermione quickly found herself getting lost in the deep green eyes locked on her own and she leaned in and kissed her boyfriend soundly for several moments, savouring the feeling of his lips on her own as she did every single time they kissed. Though they'd been doing it for months now, it never lost that spark of the first one that he had sprung on her, seemingly out of nowhere.

"Stop distracting me. This is important. We probably won't have much time to study over the break, and the Ball is in a few weeks' time. We need to focus. We need to go to the library and research magical languages. We need..."

"Hermione, the Task is over two months away. I'd much rather sit in this nearly empty room kissing my girlfriend for a bit than worry about it. We have the clue and it's been less than a month since we got the egg. Relax, and have some fun to celebrate."

Hermione blushed again as Harry leaned in and resumed kissing her, all other concerns temporarily falling away.


Wednesday 14th December 1994.

Albus Dumbledore smiled as he looked over the paperwork spread over his desk. Most of it works he had avoided a lot in the past decade, to the detriment of the school.

He glanced over the reports from the teachers. Filius had uncovered a rather serious case of bullying in his house and was now dealing with it accordingly. Almost a dozen detentions had been given out and several of his students were facing far worse punishment should he learn of any repeat offences.

Albus knew his wee friend had a temper when riled, but not a person in the school had seen it show since he started teaching at the school. The language used in the note before him told Albus just how upset Filius was over the situation.

The next set was less amusing, but just as important. Most of it was a stack of messages from Severus complaining about the wasted time spent travelling he could be using for brewing. Albus thought this greatly exaggerated. He had only moved the potions classes to the first floor of the castle after all.

Given the number of unused spaces on that floor, he had asked the other staff if they would prefer to move their classrooms as well, but all had declined. As they weren't as inherently unsafe as the former potions classroom had been shown to be, he was not overly concerned.

He sighed as he recalled the six separate meetings Severus had forced his way into following the altercation over the state of his classroom. Albus was furious with his former self for his lack of focus. Twelve years students had been forced to practice in unideal lodgings for the class as he allowed Severus far too much autonomy.

He was fairly certain that, were it not for the obvious signs they had both identified, this could have been enough to drive Severus from the school altogether.

Albus would regret it should such come to pass, but his commitment to the school had to come first. If the worst should come to pass, he needed to know this school at least was a true safe haven for those at risk.

This turned his mind once more to Sirius and their own altercation in the halls. The man still stalked the halls in his animagus form, something the children of the school had come to greatly enjoy after the first few cases of panic over a Grim being in the school. But he was utterly refusing to respond to any messages sent to him. Remus had returned his messages, unopened with a giant NO written on the front.

He pondered this dilemma for a short span, but no new options came to him. He would honour the bargain Minerva had wrought. Time was not yet so short that he needed to risk what tiny fragile amount of trust he may have built up.

Dumbledore placed aside these messages and looked at one of the true issues facing the school. He couldn't help but grin at the next task asked of him. Ranty had taken to sending messages highlighting her frustration.

Albus knew that the elves managed the greatest burden the school had to offer. Feeding and cleaning up after hundreds of children was no easy feat. And food shortages made their work even more difficult.

Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do in this instance to relieve the strange disease affecting their local source of potatoes. The ailment had halved the harvest of their farmers over the past few months. He made several notes to try and find some alternate sources until the disease was resolved.

It would not do for the children to go without their chips and mash. He would also dip into his own personal vault to continue funding their usual sources during their hardship. He had little need for money for himself these days, and certainly had enough to spare for those enduring such troubles.

Pomona's messages were far more enjoyable. Her classes were almost all excelling. The young Longbottom still received particular praise from the amiable woman in nearly every note. Albus was certainly glad the boy had found an area in which he shined.

His first few years at the school had not been the best, but he was certainly coming into his own in Herbology. Were Pomona herself not such a recent addition to the school, he thought they may be looking at their upcoming Herbology professor in the making.

She had nothing but glowing reviews for how her badgers were handling their newest additions. The fact that what was often seen as the least loved house of the school had managed to house two of the four champions of the Tournament had set their morale to an all-time high. And for the house that usually had the cheeriest temperament of the school, that was saying something.

The worst issue she had to highlight for her house was the handful of slightly snootier members who had taken the dual champion situation as a chance to form an air of superiority over the other houses. It had not yet come to a point where they would need to truly step in, but she'd had words with one or two members of the Puffs in private all the same.

Minerva's communication was mostly general administrative matters that simply required his signature to approve. He shifted them into a stack to read through in detail before he signed off on them as well. Nothing was signed these days before he was certain of its contents, even though he had absolute trust in Minerva's work, the buck stopped with him now, as it always should have.

Her few other messages were the same as usual, classes were efficient and progressing as expected, with one exception. Albus gave a hearty chuckle as the veneer came down whenever Minerva began to talk about the progress of one Hermione Granger. Apparently, the girl had a skill for the class she had not seen since Harry's late father's time at the school. The girl was a sponge for information. Irma had made several comments about her constant searching of the library.

It seemed Harry had found someone as ravenous to learn as his mother had once been. And he kept pace with her at the very least in every report placed in front of Albus. He sighed once more as he considered how badly his mishandling of the entire matter could have left things, but felt a small glimmer of relief that the boy was hale and hearty and keen to learn.

While he was eager to talk to the boy and speak with his 'Uncles' about certain matters, he was glad to be kept at a distance for the time being. It seemed Harry Potter was far better off without his interference at this stage.

Poor Septima had nearly had a breakdown after the first few classes with their new students. He had a feeling the woman would be taking a short break in the Muggle world over the summer holiday.

Dumbledore moved on and quickly worked through the remaining staff reports that amounted to mostly the same. He was very happy with the way the school itself was managing. If only the Tournament could proceed so smoothly.

He pondered for a moment before he set that aside as well. Alastor was investigating, and there was no one he trusted to handle it more. The first task had gone off well, despite the late addition of a fourth champion and dragon. He would simply have to hope the remainder went to plan as well.

Albus grabbed the pile of approvals he had set aside a few minutes earlier and began to read over the requisitions for the upcoming Ball.

Hopefully, the event would bring a little extra levity into the castle and help to quell some of his remaining disquiet over the Tournament.


Saturday 17th December 1994.

Fleur looked about with curiosity as she sat in the slightly swaying room.

Just arriving in it had already been an experience. While the Beauxbatons carriage was light and airy, just like their school, the Durmstrang ship had an air of menace to it. Or perhaps it was simply the lack of light in the cabin given the overcast Scottish morning and the tiny porthole windows.

Madame Maxine had been hesitant to allow her to attend the meeting. While she had no issue with the Champions meeting up, she didn't like the idea of sending her champion alone into the belly of the dark ship her rival school had arrived in.

But her hesitation was nothing compared to the heavy scowl worn by Viktor's headmaster. He stood atop the forecastle and glared ferociously. It appeared he was not at all pleased to be housing 'the enemy' aboard his vessel.

Viktor's simple smile at the foul man as they boarded and entered the cabin was priceless in her opinion. The brooding face he showed to the world belied the amiable man underneath, and she was very much enjoying getting to know her opposition as more than simply a challenger to defeat.

She cast her eyes about the room curiously, having never actually been on a ship of this sort before. The solid timber walls had a worn look to them, which she assumed was due to the abuses of the sea and its weather. Several small portholes allowed a view out to the Scottish countryside, but it was hard to see anything of merit sitting as far from them as she was currently.

There was very little in the way of decoration in the ship, it appeared to be mostly utilitarian in design. Where function trumped all. It made her wonder if the students had the kinds of accommodation the ships she had read about in stories were known for, or something more akin to the softer bunks of her own lodgings. Though a hammock might be easier to ride out the gentle swaying at night than a fixed bed would.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Nym landed heavily in the seat beside her. "Wotcher, Fleur."

"'Ello, Nym." Fleur returned with a bright smile.

If Viktor was a contradiction of appearance versus personality, Nym was the polar opposite. Her entire body screamed acceptance and friendship. Her oft restyled hair gave a window into her mood of the hour and her ever-present smile was so contagious it should come with a warning label.

"'Ow are you?"

"Alright, I guess. I think I slept the wrong way last night. Got a crick in my back this morning." The bubbly girl closed her eyes and breathed softly for a moment before her smile returned and she wiggled in her seat. "There, that'll hold it til it goes away."

Fleur smiled in return. "I am very jealous of you for zat."

"You're jealous of me?" The other girl's eyes bulged slightly at the idea. "Shall I fetch you a mirror? Not a guy in this school can keep his eyes off you when you walk past. Or many of the girls."

Fleur sighed dramatically. "'Ow I wish zey would. I cannot help 'ow I was born. Zough it did come in handy for dealing wiz ze dragon."

"True. I've been meaning to ask you about that. How did you send it to sleep like that? If it's not some family secret that is."

"Non, is no secret. If you recall at ze Weighing, I said my wand contains a hair from my grandmuzzer. She is a Veela. Zey have much magic zat works on ze concepts of emotion and control. I simply choose sleep razzer than arousal or aggression for ze dragon."

"Good choice. The latter would have made for quite the different sort of spectacle. And I doubt it would have gotten you any higher a score off of those judges." Harry greeted, joining the two at the table, Viktor sitting a moment later.

"Says man sitting in first place." The Bulgarian boy gently mocked Harry in reply.

Harry blushed heavily and his eyes flicked to Nym before down at the table. "Oui, 'Arry. 'Ow did you manage to acquire your egg? Seems we are sharing tactics." Fleur gave him a soft smile and the boy's blush deepened.

"I, er… got very lucky. The dragon mustn't have liked how the organisers had set out her eggs. She was moving them to a fresh nest she had created. Gave me an opening."

"Lucky…" Nym scoffed from her side, but Fleur kept her eyes on the younger boy. Something in his tale wasn't adding up.

"Yet, you had ze egg already when you approached ze dragon."

The boy was refusing to make eye contact with anyone around the table and Fleur began to feel as though she was pushing too hard. The silence about the table was growing increasingly uncomfortable but none of the four seemed willing to break it.

"Viktor!" A cheery voice broke the tension as another Durmstrang student approached the table. His thick dark hair nearly brushed the low ceiling of the room as he stepped behind Viktor and gave him a solid clap on the shoulder. "You've brought friends today!"

"Da, Ilian. I think you do not need introduction."

"Nyet. Who doesn't know the names of you all right now? You made impressive spectacle of the task. An honour to meet you all."

Harry blushed brighter still at the praise, and Fleur noted the elder boy's eyes seemed to linger on her as he swept them over the group. Nym, however, met the boy's searching gaze right back. A cheeky smile on her face as she leaned forward.

"Enjoyed the show then, did you?" She added a glimmer to her eye that made the boy look away from Fleur, and he suddenly seemed to realize he was leering.

"Ah, da. But you are busy. I shall leave you be." His eyes flicked back to Fleur once more, to which she gave her typical shallow smile, trying to seem ok with it when inside she hated the way her skin constantly drew her unwanted attention.

"So," Nym asked, breaking the silence as Ilian disappeared out the doorway, "how is everyone coming with their egg?"

Harry looked at her in surprise. "You said you didn't want to work on it together!"

"No, I said I wasn't going to work on it with just us. I don't see any harm in puzzling things out as a group. If everyone is involved it's not unfair."

Harry's head hit the table hard and Fleur looked at him in surprise. "'Arry?"

"You can be the most stubborn and difficultgit," He growled, looking back up at the smiling metamorph, "you know that!"

"And you love me for it." Nym winked.

Fleur looked to Viktor who was smiling, though she could see in his eyes he was just as surprised by the easy familiarity between their two fellow champions.

"Ignoring my pain in the butt of a cousin for five minutes," Harry said as he leaned back in his chair and rubbed his forehead, "Hermione and I sorted the clue out of the thing last week. How did you all get along with it?"

Fleur swept her eyes back to the youngest of their group in surprise. "Impressive. Did you recognize ze merfolk language, too?"

Harry glanced at her sideways. "Er, no. We simply figured that sound travels differently through certain materials. What was screaming in the air sounded totally different once you dumped it in a bucket. That's merfolk language?"

Fleur nodded. It fascinated her that the boy had come to the same result through such a different approach. While the merfolk language was well known to her grandmother's people, she realized that most other magicals don't have cause to hear it out of the water.

"Oui. My grandmuzzer made sure Gabrielle and I both knew all ze old stories. I recognized ze sound ze moment I opened ze egg."

The two glanced at Viktor who was looking away bashfully. "I… Da. Dmitri knocked it into bath."

The quartet all laughed aloud at the idea of Viktor reclining in the bath mulling over his egg. It helped to further lighten the mood of the group.

"Nym?" Harry asked cheekily, his eyes fixed on his cousin. "How did you do?"

The girl scowled at him in response and crossed her arms over her chest. "I was still working on it." She mumbled.

"HA!" Harry sang as he pointed across the table. "Knew it!"

"Oh, pipe down, shorty. I'd have figured it out eventually." She crowed in response, huffing in her chair as she leaned back heavily.

"So, we all know where ze task will take place?" Fleur asked the group, moving the topic back to the upcoming challenge.

Viktor nodded and pointed downward with two fingers. "Unless organisers plan to ship us elsevere, it vill be in lake."

"And we have to retrieve whatever trinket the organisers decide we'll miss the most," Harry added.

"Oui, zis was my belief as well."

"I was this close, I swear," Nym grumbled to herself again.

"Nym, cheer up. We're working on it together now, just like you wanted." Harry prodded from across the table.

"Yeah, sure. In the lake, something taken. I'm listening."

"The hour-long concerns me. Do you really think your Ministry vould take the item forever should ve fail to succeed in hour?"

"I zink not." Fleur pondered. She hadn't really given the clue much thought past the initial obvious points. Swimming had never been a preferred pastime of hers. "Surely it is just extra motivation. Zat Barty man seems to want ze Tournament to run a very particular way, non?"

"He's a real jerk," Harry grumbled quietly.

"He acts like you put your name in the Goblet just to spite him personally." Nym chirped, looking at her cousin softly. "Like you'd want to be in this Tournament for some mental reason. I mean, had I known all the details going in, I don't think I would have put my name in."

"Da. Dragons vas a surprise ven Headmaster told me."

Both Nym and Harry's eyes shot up and locked on the Bulgarian student, naked shock on their faces. "You knew?"

He co*cked his head in confusion. "Headmaster informed me three days before the task. On the night the dragons apparently arrived here."

Fleur realized what their shock meant. "Do you mean… Nobody told you what ze task would be?"

"No, not a one. Harry?"

He shook his head in response. "No. But I think they knew. Remember how shaken Professor Sprout looked?"

"Bloody hell. Who told you?" Nym asked her.

"Madame Maxine told me ze same night as Viktor found out. I assume zey both witnessed ze arrival. Surely your Headmaster would tell you?"

"Seems not. Not that he's allowed to talk to me anyway." Harry mumbled the last and Fleur was once more confused at the enigma of a boy.

She moved to ask a question but felt a gentle hand on her left arm. She turned to see Nym looking at Harry, but her fingers were resting gently on her arm, clearly advising her not to ask. She gave a slight nod in return.

"So," Viktor called, drawing attention to himself as Harry moped. "No Miss Granger joining us today?"

Harry looked up once more at the mention of the girl he spent the majority of his time with. "Ah, no. She said we needed time to bond as a group. Without any interference. She's in the library."

"Hermione alone in a library? We'll never get her back now." Nym joked and Harry's eyes lit up with mirth once more. "Any advances on the snogging front?"

And with that, his mirth vanished to be replaced once more with embarrassment and flushed cheeks. "Nym!"

"What? We're all friends here. Share the goss! I want details, shorty."

"I'm not discussing my relationship with Hermione in public, Nym. Drop it."

Fleur laughed at the easy camaraderie around the table. She was most grateful for her decision to join the Tournament with friends like these as her reward.

"I was unsure about joining ze Tournament, but I am glad I 'ave. Meeting you all 'as been a delight. I 'ave made more friends in ze past month zan in ze year before it."

Nym gave her a soft slap on the back and smirked. "Friends is what I do, missy. It's good to have you. Both of you." She smiled deeply at the three champions around the table and they all smiled in return.


Hermione wandered aimlessly as she continued reading the book in her hand.

She had searched all over the library and found very little on the subject of house-elves so far. It was annoying her greatly that she couldn't find some way to undo the deal Nym and Harry had made, but she would not give up trying, even if it took until June, she would find what she was looking for.

Her supersensory charm pinged and she looked up to find herself at a dead end. The charm was particularly useful in the ever-changing school, preventing her from walking into walls or off a missing staircase as she walked and read. But this time there was something additional in the notification.

She turned around to find half a dozen girls of various houses standing behind her, all with their wands drawn. She had expected something like this, but it still annoyed her that people needed to learn this lesson the hard way.

"Afternoon." She greeted them, tucking the book into the bag at her hip.

"Granger. You know why we're here?" The tallest of the group, a Gryffindor, asked.

"I have an idea, but why don't you spell it out for me?"

"We want to know what you've done and how to reverse it." A Slytherin girl who couldn't be more than twelve practically shouted.

"Then one of us can take Potter to the Ball, as is proper," Hermione smirked at this, given it was the tall Ravenclaw girl who had been creeping Harry out with her weird looks since the day they arrived.

"What I've done?" She questioned, intending to play dumb for as long as possible. It had been a while since she'd had the opportunity for a good pranking. Despite Sirius's presence in the school most days.

"Clearly you have got Potter under some sort of enchantment. Is it spellwork or potion?" The sole Hufflepuff asked, making Hermione's smile fall slightly. She had considered everyone in that house to be quite friendly.

She shook her head in response. "None that I am aware of."

"Stop playing dumb." The young Slytherin girl shouted again.

"Looks like she wants to play things the hard way, girls." An elder Slytherin offered the group. "This ought to be fun, as well as rewarding. Ready, Mudblood?"

Hermione saw red at the comment. Not only was it a foul term in its own right, but Hermione had also learned the story from Lily of how her once friend had said it to her. Hermione hated people who thought they were superior for such stupid reasons, and now she had cause to act.

"Alright," she feigned, "you want to know why Harry is with me?" The girls all looked at her and several nodded. "Very well. All it takes to date Harry Potter is nine years of close and committed friendship and love."

All the girls facing her looked stunned and she couldn't help but laugh at their faces.

"You stupid snot. I'll teach you a bloody lesson you won't forget."

Hermione's wand was in hand in an instant and she shot forward, wand digging into the underside of the tall girl's jaw, a look of fear on her face replacing the anger from a moment earlier.

The other girls quickly moved to surround her and she realized just how loosely this group held together. Not one of them was hesitating to attack, despite her position.

She shook her head slightly as she felt the first spell leave its wand and she popped out of the circle of girls, leaving behind a slight afterimage of herself in place, a trick Remus had figured out how to do when they popped during their defence tutoring, but that she was still having trouble getting right.

Not that it mattered in this case as a dozen spells quickly flew across the tight circle, passing right through the illusory image and smacking into walls and the girls on the opposing sides, sending several of them tumbling to the floor and others howling out in pain.

One had boils all over her visible skin, some of them looking ready to burst already, such was the vile intent behind the casting. Another had two black eyes and her nose looked as though she'd been in the ring with a boxer. Two more were out cold on the floor, most likely stunned. While the other two were quickly trying to reverse their extremely fast-growing teeth and hair.

"Idiots. The lot of you." The four standing girls all spun to see her now standing beyond them in the corridor, most looking afraid that they had no idea how she had managed to get there without them seeing.

"How did you…?"

"Quiet," Hermione growled, silencing them as they pulled back from her anger. "You had your chance to be smart. Now I'm talking. Harry is not bewitched in any way, but even if he were, he'd never look twice at people like you. Harry despises bullying. The Ravenclaws above all should know this." She directed this at the tall ringleader of the group. "Just ask Professor Flitwick how Harry treated the last lot he found running about the school.

"Harry is free to choose to be with whomever he likes, and if he decided to go with someone else to the Ball, I'd happily let him..."

"That's not going to happen." A familiar voice called out behind her and Hermione smiled. "You lot should pick yourselves up and head to the Hospital Wing before I really give you a reason to need it."

Harry stepped forward, a look of fury in his eyes as he looked at the girls before him. Hermione gave him a soft smile, and his expression softened slightly when he looked at her, but hardened instantly upon returning to the girls before him. He gave two quick jabs with his wand and the two passed out girls woke as well.

"I'll say this once. So listen carefully. Attack Hermione again, or any of my friends, and I will not be merciful as she was. Run."

His growling voice echoed through the corridor, magically enhanced and every girl gave a shout of surprise. They all tried their best to shuffle around the pair in the middle of the corridor before darting off out of the dead end.

Hermione rolled her eyes as she felt one last spell shoot out from behind the corner and rush at her back. She glanced sideways at Harry before she twirled on the spot, catching the mustard-coloured spell with her wand and launching it back into the face of the elder Slytherin girl, knocking her off her feet once more.

The girl screamed in pain as she twitched on the floor, Hermione was unsure what spell she had used but was definitely glad she hadn't gone with Harry's preferred power move of simply taking the hit and growling at his attacker in response. Something that Sirius and Remus found both amusing and terrifying in equal measure.

"You are a stupid one aren't you." Hermione laid her hand on a now furious Harry's arm and stepped forward herself.

"You really are. Do you honestly think I need Harry Potter to protect me?" The girl looked up at Hermione in fear despite her obvious pain. "You surely take Defence here. Ask Alastor Moody what he would consider your chances were in a fight between the two of us. Maybe then you'll understand how out of your depth you are.Finite."

Hermione cast the spell with extra power and was surprised to find nasty acne flared up over the girl's previously perfect face and her hair lost its sheen. Her spell had removed all existing spell effects on the girl and she couldn't help but laugh at the vanity of the girl before her. She turned away, no longer caring what the fool decided to do.

"And you! You were meant to be having a nice talk with the other Champions. I don't need you to come to my rescue like a knight in shining armour."

Harry smiled at her in reply. "I didn't. The meeting ended an hour ago. I was coming looking for you in the library when a new friend told me you were this way. I just happened to arrive in time to see you hand them their own arses. Which is very cute by the way. I really want to kiss you right now."

Hermione gave a slight huff as she looked at the boy, but she soon softened. She walked toward him and his smile broadened. Hermione made a show of puckering her lips, but as Harry leant in to meet her, she ducked to the side and their lips both met cheek.

"Mwah. There's your kiss." She smirked at the hurt look on his face before she broke out laughing. "Don't try the kicked puppy routine with me, mister, I'm still in a bit of a mood."

"Ok, ok. Later, maybe."

She chuckled again at her boyfriend's inability to get enough of her. It certainly helped to keep her buoyed throughout the day. "You said something about new friends?"

"Yes, she was in the library talking to Luna. It seems they have several classes together. Though she seems a bit of a quiet type."

"Hmmm, I look forward to meeting her then." Hermione smiled as she took Harry's hand and led him away from the corridor.


* Clue taken from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Chapter 28: December Blossoms

Chapter Text

Friday 23rd December 1994.

Filius growled softly to himself as the students assembled in front of him.

Expressions on several of the twelve faces clearly showed that many of the children before him still believed they were being unfairly treated. While he'd only had their side of events, he had been far more sympathetic. But the actions they had taken, often against members of their own house, were not something he would tolerate under his care.

The rest were moping unhappily, but he assumed that had more to do with the instruction he had given to have their things and meet him in the entrance hall no later than 8 am this morning. Which had meant a rushed morning and a harried breakfast that the last was only now coming from, trunk rolling along behind.

He swept his eyes over the assembly as several other students walked past, looking at the group with curiosity.

"You all know why we are here." He said firmly. "I have sent detailed letters home to every one of your parents, and they are all aware of why you are returning with the Express today. I hope you will use this time to consider your actions, because come the new term, there will be no more leniency for such behaviour in Ravenclaw House."

Filius glanced at Miss Sheringham, one of his former seventh-year prefects, and he sighed to himself. She looked the most livid of any before him, though that may have been due to having her prefecture stripped from her rather than the fact she would be missing the Yule Ball.

However, when he had learned she had led a group of girls to corner young Miss Granger in a corridor and attempt to curse the girl into staying away from Mister Potter…

In the five years he had been the Head of Ravenclaw House, he had never been so disappointed in his students. One whiff of fame had been enough for many of them to lose their heads and behave abominably.

"If everybody is ready?" He called to the group as he turned.

"No, I am not." Filius sighed again as he turned once more to look at the eldest student in the group. "This is ridiculous."

"Ridiculous is how you have behaved, Miss Sherringham. Youwere," he emphasized the word heavily as he turned, "one of my prefects. A position I awarded you out of trust that you would support and aid your fellow students. We do not reward misbehaviour, and the way you twelve have behaved is not something we accept at Hogwarts."

His eyes locked onto the tall girl and he continued. "Should you return in January, you will be expected to behave far better than you have so far. But should you find this stance untenable, you are welcome not to return."

Most of the anger seeped from the girl as she had clearly hoped her last-ditch comments might change his mind. But Filius was set, and Minerva agreed heartily. This behaviour was unacceptable for Hogwarts students.

If Albus could see that and begin ensuring he monitored the school better, how could Filius do any less? He hadn't even realized how hands-off he had become with his own house until this matter had risen, and he was going to correct that mistake fiercely going forward.

"Now, follow me. The Express will not be leaving without you all aboard, and I'm sure the handful of other students heading home will be most upset if you cause them to be late for their holidays."

He spun about and began to walk out of the Hall, the dejected group following along behind with the sound of dragged trunks echoing in the large space.


Saturday 24th December 1994.

Harry guided Hermione gently through the side opening to the large Entrance Hall, his hand delighting in the feeling of the soft fabric beneath his fingers as they rested on her lower back.

It had taken over a full minute for his train of thought to recover when he had first seen Hermione step out of the girls' dorm in the floaty blue dress she now wore, but it was so worth it to see her smile. Nemea and Mipsy had worked on it for hours, getting every detail just right to her specifications and it made her look even more beautiful than he already found her to be every day.

There were already dozens of students in the large hall, milling about and talking before drifting through the large doorway and into the Great Hall. He couldn't yet see any of his few friends in the crowd, so the two moved toward the doorway only to be stopped short by Professor McGonagall.

"Not quite yet, you two. The Champions shall enter together once everyone else is seated. If you please?" She indicated a small alcove to the side of the door and the two retreated into it, looking out over the other students.

There were many bright and varied colours of clothing amidst the group. From the Durmstrangs and their heavily furred cloaks and jackets in earthy reds and browns. To the silvers and golds most of the Beauxbatons boys and girls were adorned in.

A large portion of the Hogwarts students bucked the trend and were decked in what Harry could only describe as an old and tacky black tuxedo with a long tail that brushed the floor.

From the faces he recognized, most of these students hailed from the Slytherin House, and he considered this might be one of those pureblood tradition things he'd occasionally heard about while travelling the school. A tug on his sleeve had him turning to follow Hermione's gaze and he noted a pair of girls coming down the stairway from upstairs.

The first was in a flared yellow skirt that had a colourful repeated pattern of exotic flowers embroidered evenly across its surface below an identically coloured crop top with a similar pattern which was much tighter in its arrangement. Over her left shoulder and arm rested a see-through shawl of lighter fabric hanging down almost to the floor with her arm pointing down as it was now. A sliver of dusky skin peeked out from between the skirt and top and her right arm was completely free of fabric. A pair of golden earrings completed the look as Padma casually descended the stairs into the hall.

Luna beside her, however, was wearing a dress that screamed her personality all over the castle in spades. It was a shining silver in colour, covering from her collar to mid-calf above the absent shoes. The look on the girl's bright face showed Harry this was by choice rather than missing items though, so he didn't allow it to worry him tonight. Over the surface of the fabric was a pattern similar to Padma's, though hers were of varied animals that were animated and dancing over the dress all of their own accord. Harry only recognized some of the animals as they frolicked back and forth.

Rather than shiny jewellery to match her companion though, Luna had a pair of thin corks hanging from her ears. And a necklace made of very small but shiny yellow fruits that appeared to hover slightly above her throat as she walked. They gestured the pair over and were only given a slight glance by the Deputy Headmistress as they arrived before she returned to watching for the other champions.

"You both look lovely tonight." He offered as the pair stopped inside the alcove as well.

"Thank you, Harry. You look rather dashing yourself," Luna replied, smiling brilliantly as she took in his dark green robes and swept-back hair.

Hermione gave the two girls an overplayed look of shock and tightened her grip on Harry's arm. "Back off ladies, he's all mine." She joked and the four began to laugh quietly in their little private corner. "Looking forward to the dance?"

"Very much so. Mother was most approving of our decision. She made my dress herself. Parvati's is much more flashy, but basically the same. Hers is entirely red, though not made of nearly as much lace as she had originally asked mother to use. Sometimes I think she forgets we're only fourteen."

"We all try to grow up too fast sometimes." Hermione acknowledged and the others nodded.

Hushed whispering through the other students in the hall drew their attention as Fleur glided up into the entryway through the front doors. She too wore a silver dress, but hers shifted in the light all on its own, appearing to be made of some liquid material as it wove and flowed over her figure. Her silvery blonde hair was up in a complex bun of some sort that Harry couldn't figure out as she stepped forward and the crowd broke around her and her date, a boy Harry remembered seeing on their visit to the Durmstrang ship for lunch a few weeks before.

"Eevening," Fleur greeted with a gentle curtsey as she joined the group, not even needing McGonagall to direct her over. Evidently, Fleur had been to far more of such events than Harry or Hermione had.

"Hello," The four replied almost in unison, setting off a new spate of laughter between them all. "That dress is incredible," Padma continued, admiring the moving fabric.

"Oui. Maman and grandmere made it togezer. A nearly lost art of ze Veela." Fleur smiled at the group before she turned to the boy by her. "Zis is Alexi, 'e is from Durmstrang but 'is conversation is quite good."

"A pleasure." The boy greeted them with a tight bow, and they returned in kind as more muttering from the crowd drew their attention once again.

Another beauty of Fleur's calibre was standing in the entryway on the arm of Viktor Krum, and Harry was unsure which of the two was getting the most adoring looks. It made him very glad he'd spent most of his life out of the spotlight. He hated when strangers looked at him like that. With an air of practice, Viktor and his date soon made their way through the crowd and noted their position, joining them quickly.

With a sharp bow that clicked his heels together, Viktor silently greeted them all. The girl on his arm had fiery red hair that was held up in a similar style to Fleur's and her skin seemed to shimmer even more than her golden dress that appeared to also be made in the same style as the female champion.

Viktor pulled his wand for a moment and tapped it quickly against the air, the sound from behind him dropping off and drawing another raised eyebrow from the nearby Deputy.

"Much better. Good evening, I vould like to introduce you all to Mady..."

"Madeline!" Fleur called when she caught sight of the girl, drawing her eye with a smile. "When were you going to tell me, cousin?"

"And miss zat look on your face, nevair. Eet is good to see you, Fleur. Viktor tells me you did very well een your task."

"Cousin?" the confused Durmstrang champion questioned.

"Oui, my grandmuzzer is also her grandmuzzer." Mady smiled as she glanced over the group.

"Vere you going to tell me?" The boy asked softly.

Mady smiled at him and gave him a soft peck on the cheek. "You know I like to surprise you, dear."

"Oh, fresh." Nym's cheery voice broke over them as they noticed her standing there in the nearly empty Entrance Hall. "Love a good surprise, me."

The group parted to allow her to join but before anyone could speak, Professor McGonagall tapped the two Ravenclaws on the shoulder. "Inside girls, we'll be starting in a moment, now all the Champions are present."

She guided the two away and they waved before disappearing into the Great Hall. The eight remaining teens gave each other a slight grin as the conversation had been momentarily derailed by the interruption.

"Surprises," Viktor said to himself before looking up at the others. "If you don't mind, I have request." His eyes flickered to Fleur as he steeled himself for the next part. "Mady and I hoped to use tonight to officially announce… our engagement."

Fleur gasped aloud and her eyes fixed on her cousin with a look that demanded answers. "Sit wiz me, cousin. We'll talk zen." Mady replied.

"Surprises indeed." Nym laughed, drawing Harry's eye to her. He smirked at the dress she wore, a black thigh-length flared skirt over ripped black stockings, with wilted dark red roses over the bodice. It was very Nym.

He turned to the boy at her side and was stunned for a moment with surprise filling him now as it was not Cedric as he had expected. The boy on her arm was from Beauxbatons and seemed like he was out of his depth with the topics of conversation they had walked in on.

Harry gave her a questioning eyebrow and Nym just smiled in return.

Before any further discussion could be held, McGonagall was once again interrupting.

"Champions, gather round, please. You will be entering shortly, in a line if you will. Your name shall be called and you and your date shall proceed inside and to the table at the front of the hall. Dinner shall be first, then you will open the dance. Any questions?"

When no one replied, she waved a hand, indicating they should line up and with a couple of nods, Viktor took the front of the line and handed McGonagall a small sliver of paper. Upon reading it, the Transfiguration professor's eyebrows took another trip skyward and she glanced at the smiling pair before her. With a nod she watched as the others lined up behind, Fleur slotting in behind her cousin before Harry and finally Nym.

"We will begin momentarily." The professor smiled as she ducked inside the hall, their view being immediately cut off as a magical snowfall filled the large doorway behind her back.

Harry felt butterflies begin to squirm in his stomach. He hated this publicity stuff so much. And he felt slightly bad for hoping that the famous Quidditch star's big announcement pulled some of the stares he knew he would gather over the coming event. A soft hand squeezed his own and his eyes flicked to his partner, a gentle understanding smile on her face.

He took a moment to take in her beautiful gown and light jewellery and returned her smile. "You look beautiful, Hermione."

"As do you. Now be good arm candy and smile for the sycophants please, dear."

All four Champions laughed aloud at the comment with the two boys accompanying Nym and Fleur looking confused at the comment. But before either could ask a question, a loud voice called out.

"Honoured guests and eager students. Introducing Bulgarian Quidditch Star and Durmstrang Champion, Viktor Krum and his fiance Madeline Celice."

Loud whispers immediately spilled from the hall as Viktor and Mady grasped hands and entered looking far more regal in their movements than Harry felt he could hope to achieve. He smiled as he noticed Fleur's slightly reddened face as she tried to cover the fact she was still shocked by her cousin keeping something like that from her.

As Viktor made it about halfway into the hall, the announcer spoke again. "Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Beauxbatons Champion, Mademoiselle Fleur Delacour and her date Alexi Romanov."

Harry glanced at Hermione who appeared to share his surprise at the name. Both clearly wondered if the boy was related to the former royal family of Russia, or if it were simply a coincidence.

It would explain the vanishing of the last daughter from the public muggle record if she had joined a magical family. The pair refocused on the opening to the hall, now bare before them and Harry gulped as the announcer spoke again.

"Wizards and witches, introducing our Wild Card Entry and the Boy-Who-Lived," Harry growled to himself and Hermione tightened her grip on his hand, "Harry Potter and his escort Hermione Granger."

Applause louder than either of the previous Champions had received spread over the hall as the pair moved forward. Harry tried to glare at the announcer on his way into the hall but his eyes were instantly drawn to the incredible change the hall had undergone.

The floor appeared to be covered in ice, yet was every bit as grippy as the stonework tended to be normally. All the walls too were covered in a layer of ice, but there were patterns carved into the cold surface. Lions and eagles, snakes and badgers in countless combinations surrounded the walls.

The Hogwarts crest was proudly arrayed on the back wall behind two tables on the Teacher's plinth at slight angles so those sitting at them would face both each other and the hall at large.

The students were gathered around large circular tables with about a dozen seats at each that had replaced the usual long straight tables. Each had a small ice sculpture of a magical creature perched in the centre that moved and seemed to converse with the students gathered about it.

The delay of shock upon seeing the hall full of such grandeur had led both his fellow Champions to have made the walk to the front so almost all eyes had swung about to fix on Harry and Hermione as they stood stunned in the entrance.

He began moving forward and felt the stares follow his movements, so he distracted himself by further inspecting the hall. Winter vines draped from the upper reaches of the hall around the walls, dangling artfully over the walls and forming large columns in the corners.

The ceiling, as ever, showed the night sky beyond, but Harry wondered if the Ministry had performed a weather control ritual to get the perfect cloudless starry sky that still somehow had a light flurry of snow falling above the Great Hall.

When they finally made it halfway down the lengthy hall at their sedate pace, Harry heard the announcer speak once again. "And finally, introducing the Hogwarts Champion, Nymphadora Tonks," Harry couldn't help the smile on his face as he pictured the face his cousin would currently be sporting at having her full name shouted to the entire school, "and her date Jordi Barbero."

Harry glanced over his shoulder and saw Nym enter through the curtain of illusory snow at the far end of the hall, her face every bit as disgruntled as he had expected before she too noticed the decoration.

In the momentary glance, however, he now noticed that on either side of the large doors, the rear wall had enormous renditions of the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons crests on the left and right respectively.

He couldn't help but feel impressed at the amount of work the Ministry had put into changing the Great Hall of Hogwarts into a veritable winter wonderland for the event. His attention returned forward as he and Hermione reached the step up onto the dais that normally held the long teachers' table and the pair headed right to the half-empty table for the champions.

He smiled at his fellow competitors as they rounded the end of the table and took their seats beside Fleur's date, noting that the French champion was busy chatting with her cousin in French far too quickly for him to catch much of anything they were saying.

The chairs that had been provided were far more comfortable than the usual hard wooden bench and he got quite comfortable as he watched his cousin approach slowly up the centre of the hall.

A quick glance across to the other table on the raised platform showed the Ministry representation of Bagman, Crouch, a woman in the most garish pink dress and cardigan Harry had ever seen, and a slightly familiar man in dark robes that were horribly offset by his bright green bowler hat.

Bookending them on either side were Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall at the left and Karkaroff and Maxine to the right. Matching the eight seats that were arrayed on their own side.

When Nym arrived and sat beside Hermione, the man in the green hat stood and addressed the hall.

"Good evening all, and welcome to the Yule Ball. We at the Ministry congratulate our Champions on a marvellous showing in the first task and hope that we'll all enjoy the two remaining tasks to come. But for tonight, we are gathered for merriment and friendship. To that, I raise a toast." Glasses of a sparkling liquid appeared on all the tables in front of everyone and they all grabbed the glass to join the toast. "To our Champions and their schools. Best of luck to all."

Everybody took a swig from the glass and Harry was surprised. It had a similar texture to the champagne that Natalie had let him try on their last visit to France, but he could tell there was no alcohol in it. As the toast ended, a round of applause sounded throughout the hall and the man bowed before retaking his seat and everyone's focus was drawn to the small menu laid upon their plates.

Harry focused on his own and noted a very rich beef stew he found to be intriguing and he tapped it with his finger, but nothing happened. He glanced up at the table opposite them and noted the adults were all ordering their meals aloud.

He copied their action and immediately the menu vanished and a high-sided bowl full of steaming stew appeared on his plate, accompanied by a second smaller plate of buttered chopped up breadstick. His stomach growled at the sight and the table filled with laughter as the champions all heard the sound.

Harry glanced to his right and noted Hermione had gone for some sort of fish and vegetables while his cousin had gone for steak and chips. He smiled at them both and soon lost himself to the delicious texture of the stew he had ordered.

Harry leaned closer to Nym as they ate and whispered quietly. "So… going to explain there? I thought you were dating Cedric?"

Nym gave him a cheeky smile in return, swallowing before answering. "We kissed, sure. And a lot more." She said with a cheeky wink. "But we both think we're better off as just friends. I mean, he's my best friend after you two. But it seems he has a bit of a crush on Miss Chang over there."

Nym nodded to where her Hufflepuff classmate who was sitting with a beautiful Asian girl dressed in a dark blue dress covered in lilac flower petals. He seemed engrossed in conversation with the girl and Harry chuckled to himself at the sight.

"So, who is this then?"

"Jordi is a delightful chap who asked me out last night. Seems most people had figured the same as you. So, I said yes and we spent a few minutes in a broom closet to celebrate."

The poor Beauxbatons boy to her other side coughed and sputtered as he choked slightly on his food at her words. He glanced fearfully at Harry who simply smiled in return, knowing how much his cousin loved messing with people. Though he had no doubt the snogging in question had occurred as she said.

While it seemed Jordi was confident enough to ask her on a date, he wasn't quite prepared to deal with a conversation with Nym's family on said date. The meal progressed mostly in silence after that, with only Fleur and Mady continuing their discussion toward the end of the table.

Apparently, Mady was related to one of the members of the Bulgarian Mascots and had met Viktor during the previous Quidditch season. The pair had hit it off immediately and had secretly been dating for almost two years. Viktor had surprised her by asking for her hand the day of the World Cup Final, and Harry was mildly impressed they had managed to keep it a secret until now.

Dinner passed quickly into dessert, with another slim menu replacing the empty bowl and, with dancing soon to be on the cards, Harry decided to go for a lighter option. He placed his order and as before the menu vanished to be replaced by two thick biscuits that looked fresh from the oven, a glimmer of steam rising from the golden-brown surface. the chocolate chips embedded in the surface looked sufficiently molten and it was accompanied by a chilled dollop of whipped cream to the side.

He licked his lips and got a slight nudge from his right. Harry smiled at Hermione who was digging into her own fruit salad while once again Nym was biting into what looked to be almost a full quarter of a deliciously indulgent chocolate cake topped with strawberries and cream with an ice cream side.

Harry broke apart the warm biscuit before him and delighted in the smell as it wafted up to his face, the steam lightly caressing him as it whispered over his skin. Dipping the sharp edge into the cream he took a bite and his taste buds danced at the flavours.

He made a note to give the elves a visit in the morning and congratulate them on a job damned well done. The food had been sublime.

As the Champions all finished up their dessert the table was cleared once more with a single note appearing before them all instructing them to stand.

Both the Champions and the adults opposite stood almost as one and with a flicker both the tables they had been using were gone. The sound of chairs scraping against the smooth icy floor filled the air as the students copied them and within moments all the tables had gone.

In their place, long straight tables had appeared along the walls covered in finger foods and bowls of punch, all the ice sculptures that had been centrepieces were now spaced evenly along these new tables while a large empty space filled the middle of the enormous hall.

The sixteen on the dais moved forward, the champions following as the adults led down and to the side and with a final flicker of magic, the dais was no longer empty. A full set of instruments appearing atop it and a new set of adults ducking out of the side chamber at the back of the hall brought a rousing cheer from the students.

Harry recognized the Weird Sisters, though he'd never seen them in person before as they grabbed their gear and prepared to play.

Another tug on his hand had Harry's attention turn away from the now stage and back to the floor which the adults had quietly shooed the students to the edges of, leaving a large open space that the four champions moved into with their dance partners, ready to commence the second portion of the evening's frivolities.

As the band struck up a familiar tune, Harry smiled and pulled Hermione close, his hand closing on her own and his other lightly resting at her waist. Soon the world fell away as they began the dance and all that was left in their world was the other.

Brown eyes looked into green as the pair simply moved together. Harry didn't even have to think about the moves of the dance, and could have looked a fool to all the world for all he cared right now. All that mattered was he was sharing a school dance with his girlfriend.

This moment was one of a few he'd experienced recently that clarified why they had made the slightly dangerous choice to attend the school. Safety was good and all, but keeping himself locked away in the Manor hadn't prevented someone from entering him into the tournament.

While he may have been bodily safe, he wasn't perfectly so. And with their preparations and guardians on hand, they felt confident that they could have the experience that had been mostly kept out of reach, without risking their safety in any major way.

Something like a school dance might not be every fourteen-year-old boy's greatest delight, but in Hermione's arms, Harry found there was nowhere he would rather be tonight than right here.

A gentle bump to his side knocked Harry loose of the fantasy he had descended into and drew a giggle from his partner as he looked up to see two towering bodies wending their way across the floor. The large Rubeus Hagrid gave him a mortified look of apology that Harry simply returned with a broad smile.

The tales he'd heard of the giant man from his family made it clear he didn't have an angry bone in his body and he sometimes simply forgot how large he was.

Harry's eyes continued over the dance floor and he noticed it was a lot more crowded now as the other students had joined in. He noticed that a completely different song was playing and wondered just how long he had become lost in Hermione's presence, and how long he would have remained so had the Gamekeeper not bumped him on the way past.

As the new song ended, Harry found a familiar pair standing beside them as the students all clapped the Weird Sisters who were announcing a slight pace change.

"Having fun?" Luna asked, a broad smile on her face as she released Padma's arms, the pair having been waltzing about without a care in the world a moment ago.

"Very much so." He replied and with a glance to Hermione, offered the wee blond a hand. "May I?"

Luna smiled brightly at the two of them and Padma offered her own hand to Hermione. "You may."

They positioned themselves for another round of waltzing and were surprised when a far more modern sound spread out from the stage and the students around them began to hop and shift in time with the music. The four laughed together and switched to a foursome dancing like carefree children rather than the more strictly formed dances they'd been doing before.

They soon found the other Champions joining them and the larger group began to do some wacky dance moves, laughing and giving each other suggestions as the hours passed in the simple delight of spending time being foolish with people you called friends.

In fact, they were so busy having fun that they barely noticed they'd formed a slightly impenetrable barrier that managed to turn away the many fame-eyed people seeking dances with Viktor, Harry and several of the others.

Beyond their initial small group, only a handful of other friendly faces managed to break through the barrier, with the likes of their recent additions of Neville and Ginny managing to join the group, further swelling its ranks and strengthening the barrier against unwelcome approaches.

It was several hours of vigorous dancing later that a slightly exhausted group were informed the dance was over by the attending teachers and the students began filing from the hall through the suddenly small seeming cavernous entryway. Hundreds of bodies still taking quite a long time to funnel through the bottleneck. As most of the students had stuck it out dancing right until the end.

Which was how Harry came to be in the position Luna found him in right now. "Look at that, mistletoe."

Harry glanced up and there were indeed several pieces of the plant hovering about the crowd. It seemed they were set to hover over couples as he saw a second one above Viktor and Mady, who quickly followed tradition and kissed.

Harry turned to a smiling Hermione and leaned in, happily meeting his lips with her own and Harry thought it was a perfect end to the wonderful experience of the night. He couldn't help but smile when he heard Luna once more though.

"Good idea. Mistletoe is usually infested with Nargles, but they don't like to bother people who are too happy."

The boy smiled heavily as he pulled away from his partner and gave Luna a gentle hug. "Never change my friend. Never change."

Chapter 29: Obvious and Oblivious

Chapter Text

Sunday 25th December 1994.

Hermione smiled as the pair walked once more into the Great Hall, all the decoration from the night before vanished into naught but a memory.

The tables were already half full of students chattering away about their time at the ball and the developments that had arisen within. Hermione's mind, though, was still drifting over the chat they'd just finished with the Hogwarts elves a few minutes earlier and the gifts Harry had given them for their superb work.

She had to admit, the food from last night had been beyond incredible. Her taste buds were still relishing in the sense memory of the delectable meal.

"Hermione, Harry. Morning." The affable Gryffindor lad seated among the Hufflepuffs offered.

"Hello, Neville. How was your evening?" She replied as they sat opposite, next to a beaming Luna.

"Wonderful. Everyone is so welcoming," he smiled in return.

"You're easy to be welcoming with, Nev." Harry chuckled as he began loading a plate up with food. "From what I'm told, you are really blossoming this year, mate."

The Gryffindor blushed at the comment, unfortunately at the worst possible time as Harry's chronically cheeky cousin sat beside the lad. "Blossoming, eh?" She eyed the boy for a moment before continuing. "I can see it."

Nym waggled her eyebrows and Hermione shook her head at the incorrigible young woman. "Be nice Nym, he's not used to you yet."

The poor boy blushed harder still as his date from the night before settled in on his other side sitting opposite Luna. "Good morning, Ginny. You look rather radiant this morning."

The ginger blushed an almost equal shade to Neville as she glanced at the boy out of the corner of her eye. Her eyes flicked to Harry for a moment, but already she had lost the glimmer that Hermione had seen in them the first couple of times she'd sat with their group.

"It was lots of fun. I'm…" The girl trailed off, still slightly embarrassed by the company she was now keeping.

Hermione hoped that with time she would grow out of it. Harry leaned against her shoulder and laid his head beside her own. "Yeah. That was totally worth all the grief."

"No second thoughts then?" Nym questioned as she started in on her own breakfast as several more of their growing group of companions joined their table. Viktor and Fleur sitting without their dates from the night before.

"One or two." Harry winked before turning to the newest arrivals. "No one on the arm this morning, Viktor?"

He smiled but shook his head. "No, Mady could not stay on. Her family is travelling to America before the New Year. I shall not see her again before Second Task. Is vhy last night vas chosen for announcement."

"The papers this week should be good. Biggest announcement you could have made last night." Nym smiled.

"Dah." Viktor chuckled, getting a slightly dirty look from his fellow champion.

"I cannot beelieve zat Mady kept zat from me. We do not talk as often as we used to, but I zought we were still close."

"Ve told no one, Fleur. It vas big secret. Only our parents knew before last night. And even they were only told before I left for Tournament."

Hermione glanced at Harry upon the further mention of family, expecting to have to rouse his spirits at the fact they were being kept from celebrating the holidays as a family as they usually did. Instead, she was surprised to find him looking pensive, a look she had come to both treasure and fear in equal measure. As realization spread across his features, she felt a slight bit of trepidation before he locked his eyes on her.

She tilted her head in response and both were silent, completely unaware of the couple of stares they had drawn at the strange exchange. But within seconds, Hermione had figured out Harry's train of thought. And she thought it was genius.

"Question for you all. Who'd like to be at home with family for the holiday?"

Everyone nearby gave a slightly less than enthusiastic affirmative response, and Hermione smiled at her partner in crime this morning.

Luna sighed. "That would be lovely. Shame the Express left two days ago."

"The Hogwarts Express, yes. But there is another express that can get everyone home for a few days of family time." Harry offered.

Several hopeful looks turned to Harry and Hermione couldn't shift the grin on her face. "Shifty?"

A pop sounded and the extremely tall elf they'd come to like arrived behind them, unable as ever to remain completely still as he stood there. "Yes, young miss?"

"Is there somewhere out of the way we can gather as a group? Preferably not a classroom?" She paused and glanced at the number of folks already present and considered the few more they might wish to accommodate. "Preferably somewhere big."

"Of course. Seventh floor, opposite the tapestry of the tap-dancing trolls. Press your hand to the wall opposite and ask for a room as large as you need."

"Thanks, Shifty. Great work yesterday too." Harry added.

"Thank you, young sir." And with a pop, the elf vanished again.

"Well, you heard him. Finish up your breakfast, grab what you need for a few days at home and meet us there." Hermione finished, as she and Harry stood and headed for the door.

As soon as they could, they ducked into an unused secret passage and, holding hands, vanished from the school, arriving with looks of surprise among the living Marauders in the school's Hogsmeade lodgings.

"Morning, head home. We'll meet you there later." Harry informed the stunned pair, both frozen with their cutlery halfway to their drowsy faces.

Without further comment, the pair popped away again and were now facing the enormous tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy, covering almost the entire wall of this passageway, with the wall opposite almost completely devoid of anything that belied the normality of its existence.

The pair quickly stepped up to the wall and followed Shifty's instructions, asking the wall for a room large enough that all their friends could gather with supplies before moving on. In an instant, the wall began to change, forming a large doorway that looked quite similar to the one on the Great Hall, simply not as high.

When they swung the door inwards, they found a large space with a couple of couches by the wall and to Hermione's delight a small bookshelf in the corner. She dashed forward and began to look through the titles on the shelves and found they were all books she hadn't yet read.

Taking one down, she settled into the nearest couch and lost herself to the words within, storing away the wonderful new information in her incredible brain.

It was several long chapters later that she was interrupted by Harry and looked up to see all their friends were gathered looking at her with smiles on their faces. Everyone had a small bag by their side and Harry was watching her with a look she'd seen many times before. One that said he wanted to snog her senseless.

She blushed slightly and tucked the book into her pocket, intending to continue it later as their hands entwined again and they faced the happy yet slightly confused students before them.

"What is this room, guys?" Cedric asked. "This is an exterior wall. There can't be a room here."

"No idea. I'm sure Hermione already has plans to further examine it once we come back. But for now, everyone grab the hand of one of these elves." Harry paused as all their elves appeared in the room, not popping in as she had expected. "They'll take you where you need to go, just picture home clearly in your mind and let them take you. If it's a really long trip, you may make a pit stop on the way, but they'll get you there. I promise. Then we just return on the Express on the sixth."

A couple of the faces looked slightly unsure, but Hermione gave them a happy wave and in a few series of trips, the room was once again empty. Harry quickly wrote out a note on the nearby table and sent it off with a snap of his fingers as the others travelled away.

When only Nym, Harry and herself remained, the trio smiled and popped home to the Manor with a laugh.


Remus stared at the empty air near the table for several long minutes, his arm growing tired as it supported the weight of his breakfast hovering just before his mouth.

He was still throwing off the remnants of sleep.

While it had been a week since the full moon, his body was particularly stiff lately and it took far longer than he would like to properly awaken.

Not even the large pot of coffee that one of the elves had prepared had been enough to throw off the drowsiness, and now he was seeing things as well. "Sirius…"

"No, I saw that too. They looked far too bright and cheery for this hour. What is the hour?" His friend groaned, looking about the room for a clock.

Remus glanced down and saw his hovering food and at last let his arm drop back to the table, relieving the tension in his already sore shoulder. "No idea. Should have never let you convince me to spend last night drinking just because we weren't having a regular family Christmas."

"Don't try and pretend you've got a hangover, Moony. You're just grumpy. There is a big difference. I'm going to have a shower."

Sirius stood from the table, leaving over half his breakfast uneaten as he swayed his way out of the room and Remus tried to figure out why the kids would have asked them to head home. Due to the Ball, they would be spending the rest of the break at the castle. He groaned to himself and took another gulp of his coffee, hoping the liquid might soon help conjure some semblance of consciousness into his weary brain.

He soon gave up on that hope and stumbled his own way to the bathroom, hearing the shower running as his long-time friend tried an alternative method of waking up. Remus gave a slight chuckle as he shucked his robe and without a how do you do, stepped into the large shower behind his fellow Marauder.

"Shove down and pass the soap."

"What the f*ck, Moony?" Sirius growled, trying in vain to cover himself up. "Wait your turn!"

"Please, I've seen it before you jackass. This'll be faster." Remus chortled, nabbing the soap from the other man's hand and lathering himself up.

"Crossing a line here, mate," Sirius said, still trying to protect his modesty. A funny sight to anyone who spent more than five minutes with the manchild back at Hogwarts.

"Get over it." Remus hissed, chucking the soap back to his friend who reflexively caught it without thinking as Remus elbowed his stomach to get some purchase under the water, knocking Sirius back into the far corner of the small tub. "If you're just gonna stand there I'll be out of here even faster."

The hot flowing water helped alleviate most of the remaining aches in his body and he was soon feeling a lot more alert and refreshed. His brain beginning to better analyse the kids' behaviour. They had both seemed happy and in a rush to get somewhere. They probably ought to make their way to the Manor as fast as they could.

Once he was satisfied that he was clean, Remus turned to his friend who was still standing in the corner, half-covering himself and half looking like a transformed James in headlights.

Remus laughed to himself as he stepped out and took the nearest towel from the rack, quickly drying himself off as he headed for his room to dress. "Hurry up, Padfoot." He called over his shoulder as he departed.

It was almost a quarter of an hour later when Sirius finally rejoined him in the main room of their little flat fully dressed and giving him a very dirty look.

"Finished sulking now? We've a previous engagement to get to." Remus questioned his moody-looking friend.

"We're mates, Moony. But that is a step too far. Never again, you hear?" Sirius had a look Remus hadn't seen in many many years. And he finally had an idea what kind of prank James must have played on their mutual friend all those years ago that Sirius had adamantly refused to divulge.

"Relax, Padfoot. You're not my type. Can we go now?"

The now well-awake pair stared the other down for a moment before Sirius sighed and disapparated from the flat. Remus smirked before he too turned on the spot and vanished from the space, soon arriving in his room at the Manor. He found it the safest place to return as you never knew what James or Sirius might be getting up to in the halls of the home.

it didn't take him long to find his way to the family room, the name most gave the small reading room at the end of the library where most family chats went on.

The paintings looked on in rapt attention as Hermione regaled them with the tale of the night before. Of dresses and girl talk. Extravagant dinners and hours of dancing. Friends and laughter.

Remus couldn't help but smile at the two sequestered in their normal chair as Nym and her parents arrived as well and the family took their usual seats.

"So, you enjoyed yourselves then?" James asked from the canvas, smiling down at the children.

"Very much," Harry admitted. "I was worried when we agreed we should actually attend, and not just pop in for the events, but it has definitely been worth it so far. We've made really good friends. There are people there that I just click with, in ways I didn't when we were going to muggle school."

"Exactly." Hermione concurred. "I think we were a bit too mature for our old peer group." Sirius chortled from the corner at that, and Remus recalled him often calling Hermione older than they were. The girl just spared him a momentary semi-hard glance before continuing. "But people like Padma and Fleur, they get the need to learn and push ourselves."

"It's great."

"You've no idea. Hogwarts was good fun these past few years, but it's just so different having you there at last. I didn't realize how much I missed you not being around until you were there every day." Nym added, tucked between her parents.

"I'm so glad you're enjoying it." Dorea smiled at the youngins, before turning to Sirius. "Any further run-ins with him?"

He scowled for a moment before speaking. "Not again since, no."

"Run-ins? With who?" Harry questioned, staring at his godfather.

"Dumbledore. He wants tochat. I told him he could shove it. He hasn't come near you has he?"

"No. I can feel his magic and he's never come closer than at dinner times. Well, except in the tent before the First Task. But he didn't try anything there. Should I be worried?"

The figures in the painting shared several knowing looks. "You should always be wary, Harry." His grandfather offered. "We still don't know what he was after, or why he stopped searching for it once you refused to attend Hogwarts. He hasn't made a single suspicious move that we've been able to detect in the past three years and that almost worries me more than when he was gunning hard for the estate."

"Yes, be that as it may… It is Christmas. Can we talk about happier things today?" Remus chimed in, drawing smiles from most in attendance. "How were the presents?"


Friday 6th January 1995.

Minerva stood by the main doors, watching as the children filed up from the carriages.

She always tried to call this duty so that she could watch the youthful exuberance as friends met for the first time in weeks, as well as the bright faces of the first-years taking their second trip on the mysterious Thestral-pulled carriages.

It brought great joy to her heart to see the children in their element and helped reaffirm her reasons for being here as a teacher and an administrator.

Her mood broke slightly as the most recent arrivals jumped from their carriage and the small crowd headed up the slope towards the entrance. The last of the names on her list. She vanished the board and took up her usual stern stance as they approached.

"Mister Potter. Miss Granger. Welcome back to Hogwarts. A word, if you please." The professor gestured inside to a small doorway off the main Entrance Hall.

"Of course, professor." Miss Granger smiled as she and Harry waved to their friends and stepped into the room.

As she followed, Minerva tried her best to squash the smile that threatened to emerge upon seeing the two chattering as they passed her, still holding hands as they did whenever they had them free in their travels about the school. She was still sore that she'd been unable to convince the young Miss Granger to attend from first-year, even more so now she had arrived and shown her true potential.

The three came to a stop in the small room with a set of stairs leading off towards the boathouse. Minerva closed the door and turned to face the smiling pair. "Is there something you'd like to tell me?"

Mister Potter's face scrunched up in thought but he shook his head and replied. "Not that I can think of."

Minerva sighed for a moment before she continued. "I am very glad you both agreed to actually attend the school, and I know we gave you a great deal of freedom to come and go as you need. However, that freedom does not extend to you deciding to take a number of students from the castle with you. Especially not without the permission of their parents or guardian first."

The two children glanced back and forth for a moment and realization seemed to spread over Mister Potter's face. "You mean…?"

"Yes, Mister Potter. When we had over a dozen students suddenly missing come lunchtime on Christmas Day, students we knew had attended the Ball the night before including allfourChampions. Given Hogwarts is responsible for the well-being of all students in attendance, even the visiting ones. Well, needless to say, there was somewhat of a kerfuffle."

"I did send you a note. Didn't you get it?" Mister Potter claimed, looking rather distraught.

"Indeed, but only when I returned to my office. We professors do like to take a small break from sitting at our desks all day, every day during the holidays as well, Mister Potter. By the time I had found it, we had already sent off owls to all the families. Thankfully they all responded promptly and we confirmed where all but two of the students, you two, had vanished to. I would like to request that you inform me, in person, if you will be departing the school in the future."

"Of course, Professor." Miss Granger agreed. "We're sorry. It's just, sometimes we still get so excited we forget ourselves. It's caused a few problems in the past too."

The young girl glanced at Harry and the pair blushed heavily at some other remembered event. Minerva was unsure if she wanted to know, given James's habit of misbehaving and Lily's level of talent that Harry had clearly inherited. The possible options were virtually limitless.

"Yes, well. In future, either myself or your Head of House are preferable. Any teacher will do in an absolute pinch. Are we clear on this?"

"Very much so." The two replied in unison, slightly unnerving the elder woman.

"Good show then. Off you go. The term begins again on Monday and I expect you two to continue exceeding expectations."

Miss Granger smiled brightly and quickly dragged Mister Potter from the room. Minerva sighed again and hoped this wasn't the beginning of Mister Potter taking up the mantle and causing havoc across the school.

She wasn't sure she could take a new batch of Marauders at the same time as the Weasley Twins.


Saturday 21st January 1995.

Harry closed the book and rubbed his face.

Researching was always something he enjoyed, but his eyes were beginning to unfocus as they had been at it so long that day. Coupled with the fact that they had two viable methods already worked out and had even been practising the spellwork required to the point he could almost cast it silently, and he was left wondering why they were sitting in the Manor library at all right now.

"You've had enough, haven't you?" Hermione questioned as she glanced at him over the corner of her own book. Harry blushed slightly but nodded in return. "Very well. I suppose we've solved the breathing problem sufficiently."

Harry leaned back in his chair and smiled softly at the girl opposite as she packed her book away and snapped her fingers, returning both tomes to their place on the shelves.

"And the first batch of the gillyweed we ordered should be arriving next week. So we can test it out in the lake and confirm its properties. Neville seemed confident it would work, but there is debate about fresh versus salt water. If you haven't mastered the bubblehead enough to recast it underwater, we need to know the plant will be a sufficient backup."

"I know, Hermione. What's got you so bothered?"

The gaze she fixed him with was one he didn't often see from the girl. Uncertain was not a feeling he got from her often. "I still can't find a fix." She mumbled.

Harry sighed and reached out for her hand across the small table. "The deal is a problem, but you don't need to run yourself ragged looking for an out. We made a mistake. But we know from experience you still had full use of all your magic besides the elf abilities when it happened last time. I think we'll be ok."

"Think isn't good enough Harry. Last time you faced a dragon. What if they add more creatures to the lake? Ones that we aren't ready for?"

Harry stepped around the table and took her in his arms, relishing her warmth after hours of sitting nearby. "Nym and I have discussed how we worded it. We're certain that if it should be a matter of life or death, the magic will act on our behalf. It's done it before. All we promised was not to consciously use the magic to get ahead of the others in ways they can't replicate using ordinary magic."

He pulled away and pressed a gentle kiss to her hair. "If this task is as we expect, we have to recover something from the lake, there are only two forms of elf magic that would apply. Popping, which is absolutely cheating. We'd be in and out with our item before Viktor or Fleur even had the chance to get wet. Or Snapping. Same thing if we snap our trinkets into our hands, the only difference being that by Snapping even Nym and I wouldn't get wet."

"I don't want you to be in danger!" Hermione exclaimed, pulling him tightly and squeezing his ribs hard.

"I'm not exactly fond of it either. But there is a nasty ancient cup that says I must. Would you rather I cheated the others and won by a landslide? I know Nym is the most Hufflepuff of us all, but would you think that fair?"

"If it kept you safe. I'll take the shame." Hermione pulled back and looked into his eyes fiercely. "I can't remember a time in my life where you weren't the most important part of it anymore. If I lose you…"

"You won't lose me. I'm yours until you decide otherwise. I might be able to recall the time before we met, but there is little point when life is so much better with you in it."

"How can you promise that when we don't know how restricted you'll be on the day?"

"Faith," Harry replied simply. "Faith in you, faith in my magic, faith that neither I nor Nym would ever want to make a promise that would result in either of us dying. Elf magic is more literal than regular magic, but it's still driven by our intent. You know this. We couldn't make a deal that would result in our deaths. I cannot believe otherwise. But if you need reassurance, I'd be happy to spend the rest of the afternoon giving it to you."

Harry gave her an overdone wink and the morose girl couldn't help but laugh in reply. She squeezed him tightly again and pulled back far enough to press her lips to his own.

"Be careful, Harry. I know we had to forbid the elves to get involved in the tasks, given the Goblet might react poorly. But if I see you in danger in the second task… I cannot promise I won't get involved. I won't promise that. I'll risk the wrath of that stupid cup before I'll stand there and watch you get hurt."

"And people wonder why I love you. When it's so obvious." Harry kissed her again and let his feelings wash through his magic and his lips. Time seemed to vanish as he lost himself in her presence as she responded in kind.

Both were left panting slightly when they finally broke apart and Harry pressed his forehead against Hermione's, their eyes locked together. "Yours forever, Hermione. No stupid cup or tournament is strong enough to keep you from me. In this life or the next. Deal?"

Hermione nodded and kissed him fiercely once more. Whatever came, they would conquer it together.


Monday 13th February 1995.

Luna followed the tall elf silently through the corridors, a look of slightest confusion as he led her on a rather circuitous route but still refused to tell her just where they were going or why.

He'd found her alone in the back corner of the library and had now spent almost twenty minutes guiding her somewhere at Hermione's apparent request.

It had only been a very short few months since she had met the two new arrivals, but already she trusted them absolutely. Had anyone but they made this request, she would have been concerned she was walking herself into a trap of some kind.

At first, she had thought the behaviour of her housemates to be typical towards new students, but she had soon noticed that she was the only one on the receiving end of it. And then it had gotten even worse.

Until that day when Harry Potter had stood up for her. It had been quite the display, and yet he never bragged about it. He never asked for anything in return except for the chance to be her friend.

The tiny blonde smiled as she recalled the time that she had spent with the boy and his girlfriend since. Being included in their study sessions had led to her improving even further in her studies. Also greatly aided by the fact her supplies were no longer vanishing in the night. And she dared to believe that their other friends were also perhaps coming to see her as a friend in her own right as well.

A small ball of hope had been building within her over these past few months and it almost managed to cover the never-ending pain of losing her father all those years ago. Not that that would ever truly go away.

"Miss," Shifty called, drawing her attention and pointing inside of an open room. Luna tilted her head slightly as she glanced through the doorway, unable to see what awaited within beside the bookshelves on the far wall.

"Thank you, sir." She replied and stepped inside the room, which was surprisingly dark given the time of day.

Her eyes reacted slowly to the sudden addition of bright light in the room as the door closed behind her and her ears rebelled at the sudden shouting voices. But when her senses cleared, Luna couldn't help but smile brightly at the gathering before her, arrayed around a table covered in snacks, a giant cake and a large pile of presents.

Her gingered-haired friend stepped forward from the place closest to her and took her hand softly. "Happy birthday, Luna." Ginny offered as she guided her to a seat at the table.

Luna took in each face in turn and recognized most from the dancing group the night of the Yule Ball. While the three oldest champions were not present, all the younger students from the group were. As she sat, each one offered her a personal birthday wish and she was startled as they moved the presents forward towards her, smiling as she reached out in a surprised stupor and began unwrapping them.

If you'd asked her afterwards, she wouldn't have been able to tell you what a single one of the gifts was. Her mind was fully involved in enjoying the fact that people at the school had not only learned about her birthday, they had arranged a party for her and bought her things.

Luna Lovegood had true friends at last.


Tuesday 14th February 1995.

Harry ran in terror, the sound of countless footsteps thundering behind him as he fought his body to move faster.

He needed somewhere to hide and he needed it now. Fear, like he'd not felt before, was coursing through him, generating adrenaline in massive quantities, helping his muscles get him further from the approaching vultures.

He'd lasted a whole twelve minutes in the Great Hall before he'd had to run. It had taken all his willpower not to simply Pop away right then and there. But now he was approaching salvation. He dove into an alcove he knew concealed a hidden passage and without looking back, he allowed his magic to embrace the suppressed desire to vanish. With a whisper of magic, he thumped heavily onto the thick rug in the sitting room and exhaled.

He rolled onto his back and panted heavily, the running he'd just done more exhausting than any of the swimming he'd been doing with the other Champions in preparation for the upcoming task. But the task was far less terrifying than what he'd just left behind.

"Pay up!" A voice sounded into the air around him and Harry jolted in surprise. He leant up on his elbows to see his godfather holding a hand out to Remus with a huge smirk on his face.

"I thought you were better than this, Harry." Remus groaned, handing over a small bag to Sirius.

"That's because you were the quiet nerd of the group at school, Moony. You didn't care for girls until far too late, and you always let the furry problem keep you from acting on it."

"What?" Harry mumbled, confusion filling him.

"They bet on how long it would be until you ran screaming from the baying crowds." His father chuckled from the nearby portrait. Thankfully empty of all other family at present.

"You bet on me?"

"Entertainment can be light on around here now you two are at school all the time," Sirius explained, weighing the bag in his hand before tucking it into a pocket. "Besides, this was inevitable."

"Youbeton me?" Harry asked again, the disbelief filling him with anger. "How about warning me instead?"

"If you needed to be warned about this, you are not as clever as we all think you are, Harry." Remus offered gently, despite the accusation.

"How could I have foreseen that? I thought we'd sorted this out. I took Hermione to the Ball. I've been calling her my girlfriend to everyone who will listen to me for more than a minute since the day of the first task. Are they all stupid?"

"No, Harry. They're much, much worse." James called, now looking utterly straight-faced and serious. Harry gulped. "They're hormonal teenage girls. And you're famous."

Harry scowled as his father's countenance broke and he fell to the floor of the painting laughing once more, his supposed support group laughing along with his father as Harry fell back against the floor and groaned again.

"Whoever invented Valentine's Day is a bloody moron!" Another familiar voice filled Harry's ears and he glanced up to see a face he thought he'd actually be happy to see above him. Until he saw the expression on her face.

"I swear it's not my fault…" He tried to explain to his girlfriend as she towered above him, looking livid.

Her scowl lessened as she looked down at his proline form. "I'm not angry at you. I knewthatwas going to happen. You're Harry Potter. TheBoy-Who-Lived. They better hope I never find out who wrote those stupid books."

Hermione lumped herself down next to him, crossing her legs and tossing a pile of paper in her hands into the nearby fireplace, setting it ablaze with a click of her fingers.

"So, you're not mad at me?"

"No, Harry. I'm mad at the seven idiot boys who saw you run out of the hall and thought it was a good time to give me Valentine's cards."

"They what?" Harry's voice hardened and Hermione smiled at the look on his face.

"There's my Harry. I swear half the school are deaf or stupid. It seems subtlety doesn't penetrate their thick heads."

Sirius roared with laughter as he fell off his chair. Remus laughed too, but not heavily enough that he couldn't answer their questioning glances. "If you two think what you do is subtle, we've failed as instructors."

"What?" Harry growled.

"Harry, you spend almost every waking moment staring at Hermione longingly. You have for years. You two reach out for one another in your sleep. The first night Sirius returned to us, he tried to pull you two apart but you wouldn't be moved without the other."

"Honestly, Harry. It's been obvious to all of us that you two would get together for years. You two are the last to know in this instance, I assure you." James explained to the now heavily blushing pair.

"Well," Hermione asked, "if it's so damned obvious, why aren't they taking the hint at Hogwarts?"

"Because they're teenagers and you're both powerful, strong-willed and rather nice on the eyes. You're both a catch. And kids can be stupid. Teenagers even more so." Nym explained from the doorway, looking down at the two on the floor and flicking her eyes momentarily to the giggling Marauders. "Luna didn't get a chance to give these to you before you bothran away."

The metamorph walked over and handed them both a pair of brightly coloured cards with hearts on the front and the pair glanced at one another before opening them. Harry smiled at the message inside. He had worried for a moment that the younger girl had become as besotted as the others at Hogwarts, but she had simply written a rather heartfelt thank you for the lovely day before.

"She's lovely, Harry," Hermione said, looking happily at her card. "I'm happy you found her. But from now on, we have Valentine's Day in private, agreed?"

Harry nodded in reply and fell flat on his back looking up at the roof. "Agreed."

"Good," Hermione replied, joining him flat on the floor as the others continued chattering away. "Otherwise, people are going to be spending most of the day in the Hospital Wing."

Chapter 30: The Second Task

Chapter Text

Sunday 19th February 1995.

Hermione was quite pleased with her most recent find.

It was winter in Scotland, just about as far north as one could go, pouring rain in buckets. And yet she sat here now on the shores of the lake, not only dry thanks to her umbrella spell, but warm due to the most powerful warming charm they'd managed to find so far.

Luna hummed softly to herself as she sat to Hermione's right and watched the surface of the water. It had been about twenty minutes since the quartet had vanished beneath it and they were due to return any moment now.

"Do you think, after all the Tournament hype has died down, we could all go in and explore it someday?" Luna asked quietly, drawing Hermione from her thoughts.

"I don't see why not. We've got the required spells and knowledge. And it's certainly a worthy place to explore. Almost seven and a half miles long and who knows how deep. We know for a fact there are merpeople and a giant squid living in there. And that's just this end of the lake."

Luna's face brightened even further at the thought of unknown creatures living in its depths just waiting to be discovered. Since her father had died several years before saving her mother, the number of random creature sighting reports the Lovegoods received had diminished, but Luna seemed to want to travel the world once she graduated and find as many of the curious creatures as she could.

Hermione sometimes wondered if the creatures she described could even be real, but given she had spent a large portion of her youth believing dragons to be myth and legend only to watch her two closest friends face down one each only a couple of months before, she was a lot more open to fairytales and other myths nowadays.

"I think it would be a lot of fun to…" She drifted off as a pair of familiar eyes breached the surface and locked onto her, though no other part of the face came above the waterline.

Hermione chuckled to herself slightly as her boyfriend hovered in the water, looking very much like the story-tale version of the creatures he was out to locate in the deep water, gazing up at the land dwellers and plotting to entice them down into the depths.

After a few silent moments, his head fully breached the surface and Hermione knew the plant had run its course. Three other figures breached beside him and she smiled at the four Champions as they swam back towards the shore and pulled themselves out of the chilly Scottish loch.

"Definitely looks like fun." Luna smiled as the two stood and waited for the four to approach.

"A lot more fun with that warming charm," Nym called as she came closer. "I know I should be freezing right now, but I feel fine. Even this torrential downpour isn't bothering me. I could stay out in this all day."

"Da. I am used to the cold, but this spell. I think it will be very popular back at Durmstrang."

"Oui, zis 'as been ze most pleasant swim since we arrived. And I am used to ze waters of ze Mediterranean. I wonder 'ow long ze spell will last in zis weazzur."

"We can put it to the test," Harry suggested, Hermione now very wary of the smile he was sporting as he knelt down by the shore.

"Harry… don't you dare." She got no further before a loud splat sounded from Nym's back and all three older Champions just stood there in surprise. When Nym turned to face her attacker, Hermione noted a large glob of sticky mud slowly sliding down her wet back.

"You didn't!" Nym growled, diving for Harry and sending the both of them sliding on the soft edge of the lake, both coming up far muddier than they had been a moment beforehand.

As Nym knelt up, Harry's hands became visible on either side of the tall girl and another two loads of mud shot away from the pair, soaring at the other two Champions who were unable to move in time to avoid the ammunition splattering against their swimwear.

"Oh ho. Is on my friend." Viktor chortled as he swept down, grabbed two big handfuls of mud and raced over to where the cousins were wrestling on the shoreline. He dropped both hands onto Nym as she sat on Harry's chest, the resulting impact spreading the dirty payload so that it dripped around her form and onto Harry giving Viktor a doubly successful effort.

Hermione shook her head as she stood and was surprised to feel a small glob smack into her right thigh. She turned and saw Luna standing there a giant smile on her face and a very dirty right hand. "You sneaky…"

The older girl released the umbrella spell, no longer caring about the falling rain and she grabbed her own fistful of mud and began to chase the wee blonde girl as the sounds of battle raged on the shore.

She caught the waiflike child as she dived behind Harry, making Hermione's shot go wide, but splattering the front of her robes as she landed in the soft wet mud of the lakeshore regardless.

Another shot connected with her back and Hermione spun again to see Fleur standing on the high ground preparing a second volley with a broad smile of her own. Hermione gave a wicked grin and stood quickly, dodging the second attack which hit someone behind her and dashed the short distance to the French witch, not bothering with ammo this time as she simply tackled the surprised girl to the muddy ground as well.

Fleur quickly managed to wriggle free of her grip and get back to her feet, dashing away towards the even muddier figures by the water's edge and Hermione followed, now planning to get Nym and Harry who had flipped positions, with Harry now looming over his cousin as she tried to fend off his extremely mud-laden arms as he plastered the mud all over her front.

Hermione grasped two big handfuls as she approached and slopped them over Harry's unaware head, covering both him and Nym in a substantial amount of the substance and making Luna and Viktor laugh at the looks on their faces.

They all froze as a throat cleared behind them and the group turned as a muddy unit towards the sound. Professor McGonagall stood there, her own umbrella charm keeping the rain off her typically neatly robed form.

"I do hope none of you are planning on going back inside like that. Mister Filch would be devastated should you spread that all over the castle."

Hermione blushed and tucked her filthy hands behind her back as she tried to hide the evidence from the stern woman, but her eyes bulged out in shock as a ball of wet dirt soared past her vision and splattered across the thick front of the professor's robes. The group gave a collective intake of breath as the teacher looked down at her front and gave a slight twitch at the corner of her mouth.

Her eyes shifted upwards once more and with a deft flick of her wand, which didn't even break the umbrella spell, a large portion of the lakeshore lifted up and dumped over Harry's prone form, covering him from head to toe in the thick gloopy substance.

"My apologies, Miss Delacour, Mister Krum. I seem to have gotten a little on you there. A delightful game, Mister Potter. Your father and his friends enjoyed a round or two themselves. Do clean off before coming inside. I wish you all well in your preparations."

As the teacher turned and walked away, a second flick of her wand cleaning her robes, the group turned as one to look at Harry, who was now almost buried in a pile of mud, but still grinning like a lunatic.

He reached out and Hermione leaned down to assist him up, but instead found herself pulled down into the sticky mud and with a cackle of laughter, the game was on again.


Friday 24th February 1995.

The knot in Harry's stomach had been growing all morning.

It had begun as a small pinch in the back of his abdomen, that had Harry thinking he'd slept the wrong way once Hermione had gone off to her own room for the night. But as time had moved forward and he'd gotten dressed and joined the usual group for breakfast, he found it getting stronger and spreading throughout his torso.

To add to his worry, Hermione was still not here. She'd not waited for him in the common room, and that was odd enough, but now he was here in the Great Hall he could see that she was not around. And worse yet, none of the others had seen her anywhere in their own travels to the large hall.

He wasn't too worried, he could still feel her presence nearby but was having an unusual amount of difficulty pinning down exactly where she was. Harry grabbed several pieces of her preferred toast from the table and, without a word to the others, headed off towards the library.

Perhaps she was simply trying her best to find an answer to his foolish promise before push came to shove at ten o'clock when the task was due to begin.

The small knot however became a tight clenching when Madam Pince confirmed that Hermione had not been in the library since she was kicked out right on curfew the night before. Something that had apparently confounded Professor Snape who had been waiting nearby hoping to find her out after hours and yet had not been able to catch her in the act.

Harry focused his magic inwards and followed the feeling that always led him right to her. Even without a defined location, he should be able to pop to wherever she was holed up and find out why she was hiding from him, today of all days.

She had been upset when he had begged her not to stay with him last night, as he was certain whatever the organisers were planning to take would be taken then, and he didn't want her getting in trouble for being found in the boy's dormitory.

As he settled his mind, he followed the connection, but still could not locate the other end. When he tried to pop to it regardless he found a stern negative response from his magic and panic set in as realization dawned.

It wasn't a trinket.

His movements through the school had confirmed her location was outside of the building and fear threatened to overwhelm him as he considered his options.

Without any further thought, he popped to the only other place he could think of. Surprised shouts greeted him as Harry looked up at the family gathered at the dinner table in the small flat Remus and Sirius had been occupying since his arrival at the school.

The tether in his magic now pointed back up at the school, confirming Harry's worst fear as several unclear voices washed over Harry's panicked face.

"HARRY!" Sirius finally broke through as he felt a firm grip shake him out of his mind. "What's wrong?"

"Hermione's missing." He mumbled, voice so quiet he doubted if even Sirius had heard.

"Missing how?" Remus questioned, stepping over to join them.

"I can't find her in the castle. She's been missing all morning. No one has seen her…"

"Can't you find her?" Natalie questioned, kneeling beside Sirius and laying a gentle hand on Harry's shoulder. The soft smile she gave him hurt almost as much as the feeling in his chest. She was expecting him to find her little girl, but Harry knew now that he could not.

"No." He whispered. "I can't reach her."

"What? How?" Andromeda queried, standing behind the adults in front of him. "We've never been able to keep you two apart before."

"Because… me and Nym…" Harry was terrified. Not only was she in danger, but he was responsible for her being stuck there.

"Harry, take a deep breath and talk to us. We can't help if we don't know what's going on." Natalie smiled again, and Harry felt his shame grow.

"She's what I'll miss most. She's in the lake. They've taken her."

The shame and terror slowly twisted in Harry's chest and took on a new form as the adults digested what he had just told them.

"Well, that was obvious to anyone with eyes. You've told anyone and everyone who'd listen what she means to you." Sirius smirked, giving his arms an encouraging squeeze. "Pop on down there and get her out. If it's part of the task they can't stop you."

"That's exactly why I can't," Harry mumbled once more, drawing odd looks from the crowd.

"Why not?" Natalie asked softly.

"I can't use elf magic in the tasks. Nym and I promised. It would be cheating. So we made a deal. And now…"

He felt tears begin to well in the corner of his eyes and the feeling in his chest churned once more.

"They've taken her. Taken my friend. And I can't pop to her, because she's part of the task now." The churning in his chest heated and began to coalesce into something entirely new. "They've taken her." Anger began to tinge his voice and he stood taller than before.

"Harry?" Remus's voice felt distant now as his focus shifted back up to the school.

"They… THEY TOOK HER!" Harry shouted and with a surprised gasp from the adults, he vanished once again.

He was lucky that no one was present in the Entrance Hall when he arrived with a crack, his usual calm demeanour gone, replaced entirely with the angry visage he reserved for those who crossed him and his family.

These idiots had taken Hermione down into the lake, and from the way Natalie was talking, they hadn't even bothered to get her parents' permission to do so. He stormed once more into the open hall full of students and quickly located the other three Champions.

"You three. I know what they took. It's already down there." He puffed as he rushed up to them all.

"Good morning to you too, Harry. Breakfast? We'll be going for a swim soon and it's advisable not to swim for an hour after eating, you know." Nym quipped in her usual fashion.

Harry turned his eyes on her and her mood shifted instantly. "What… what is it?"

"Hermione. She's down there. And probably people important to all of you, too." He explained without preamble. "We have to gonow."

The other three immediately nodded, none caring for food now that they understood the stakes. The two foreign attendees seemed to be considering just who might have been taken as their own hostage and by the looks on their faces, he didn't think they were liking the answers.

They all ignored the odd looks from the confused students still eating as the four exited the castle together and headed for the lake past the trickle of students already heading out to the stands to wait. "You're sure, Harry?" Nym asked as they passed a group of chattering Hufflepuffs who waved at them as they passed in the cold morning air.

"Positive. I…" He glanced around and noted there was no one within earshot. "I can't pop to her. You know what that means."

Nym went white, something that was nigh impossible given her ability and Harry knew he'd hammered the reality home to the older girl.

"Let's go get her then."

Harry nodded as they quickened their pace, the other two Champions hot on their heels.


Amelia yawned as she stretched her back while the trio of new arrivals headed off to their assigned locations.

She glanced over to the stands and rolled her eyes. Some of the students had already started filling it and the workers still hadn't finished it. Assembly had been completed the afternoon before, but they were still working on it adding flags and decorations. Pointless minutiae she couldn't care less about.

Her job was simple, keep the attendees safe. She had three-quarters of the Auror force on site today, spread throughout Hogsmeade and the grounds of the school. Despite having been instructed to arrive at dawn, some were still filtering in even now.

She was very glad she had assigned Moody to handle the deployment in Hogsmeade for the day. She'd still be down there herself with the rate these idiots were moving and the task was due to start in a little over an hour.

A quiver shot up her spine and Amelia spun on her heel to find Alastor approaching from behind, wand drawn and a smirk on his face.

"Good to see a few years in the big chair hasn't lost you yer edge. Village is set to go. Seems word went out an hour ago that you'd assigned me as a third party for setup. The last few arrived five minutes ago looking like they well remembered my last visit to the Academy."

"Glad I could make your morning, Alastor. Formations good?"

"Aye, they've got Hogsmeade covered, lass. How bout these lazy bastards?"

She sighed as she watched three of the Aurors she'd just sent to guard the stands lean against its structure chatting away to one another. "You're sure I can't convince you to come back? Academy standards aren't the same with you here."

"I'm sure. I actually like it here. Don'thaveto spend all my time looking over my shoulder. Plus, give me a few years and the standard will be up across the board. Get 'em early, Amy." He said with a wicked grin.

"Please tell me you aren't putting firsties through the usual wringer you used at the Academy?" She questioned, staring at the old man.

"No, not firsties." Both his eyes avoided her gaze as he stepped back towards the nearby tree.

She chuckled as she shook her head at the man's behaviour. At least it meant this generation might actually have a bit of backbone and talent if they joined her corps. Unlike the idiots currently standing guard over the new dock that the organizers had installed which was to be the launching point for the task.

A point four figures were fast approaching. Figures that not one of them seemed to have noticed in the slightest.

"Move!" The youngest of the quartet demanded trying to rush past them and onto the dock, only to be stopped by two of the Aurors putting their arms in the way at the last second, seeming utterly surprised to see someone there.

"Oi, whatchu doing? Dock's off-limits til the task starts. Stands are over there, kid."

The young Potter boy fixed the Auror with a stare that looked wrong on his small face. "Move, now!" His voice was almost icy and he didn't raise it at all. It slightly chilled her that such a young man could fill his voice with such anger.

"You deaf? Stands are over there. Only Champions on the dock, and not until the task is ready to start."

"We are the Champions, you blithering moron!" The Tonks girl hissed, her complexion ruddy as she stood behind Harry.

"Good fer you. Tasks not started yet. Sod off and come back later."

The girl laid a warning hand on Harry's shoulder as Amelia sighed heavily again, glancing over at Moody who had both eyes fixed on the encounter, but didn't have his wand trained. Instead, he had a grand smirk on his face and seemed to be enjoying the show.

He noticed her gaze and his smile grew as he nodded back towards the group. Great, she thought. Teachable moment?

"Eef you do not move, we shall be forced to move you." The French Champion added.

All three Aurors laughed as they looked at the four children before them and Amelia rolled her eyes. This lot needed some serious work on how to handle the public. While keeping people off the dock was the command she'd given them, mocking the Champions was certainly not what she had in mind.

"Last chance," Krum growled, and Amelia could no longer stand and watch.

"Trouble here?" She asked as she approached, just out of the eye line of all the Champions.

The three Aurors straightened. "No ma'am, just following orders."

"Move," Potter whispered.

"No!" Clemens replied again. "It's not time yet!"

"What is the problem, Mister Potter?"

"My girlfriend is down there. And if these idiots try keeping me from her any longer, I'll kill them."

The Aurors' faces collectively fell at the perfectly delivered threat. The boy hadn't raised his voice or made any silly gestures. Just delivered the line as though he truly meant it while staring them down. She doubted Moody could have delivered it and sounded any more sincere.

"Now see here, lad. You can't be threatening an Auror like that!"

"I didn't threaten an Auror. I threatened three. NOW MOVE!"

The boy raised his voice for the first time and Amelia could feel the pulse in the air from here. "You really think that this can work?" She questioned.

"Yes." He replied, quietly once more.

"Wasn't asking you." The Aurors and older Champions all turned to stare at her in surprise. "This lot each faced down a fully grown nesting mother dragon alone and they all won. If the idiots running this show have truly taken 'what they'd miss most' and you're the only thing standing between them and it. Do you really think you can keep them from it?"

She smiled at the Aurors before her who seemed to realize the magnitude of the threat that stood before them and finally drew their wands. Which was apparently the final straw for Potter.

Out of nowhere, a wand appeared in his hand and with a growl he swept both hands from right to left. With a wave of purple energy, all three Aurors were tossed like leaves to the left, landing hard. Before any of them had hit the ground though, the boy had waved the wand a second time and a bubble formed over his face. The two silent spells from the youngest of the competitors had even Amelia surprised.

"sh*t, grab on or get left behind," Tonks shouted as she too conjured a bubblehead charm and shot off down the dock after the boy.

Amelia watched as the other two followed suit and Tonks fired a lasso spell around Potter's waist, the shimmering rope of magical energy wrapping around his core, the two foreign Champions following on auto-pilot. They each cast a lasso of their own that wrapped around each of the boy's legs. Her confusion mounted as the spells didn't seem to bother the charging boy as he leapt into the air and cast one final spell.

"Accio mervillage!"

The power she could feel in that spell chilled her as he shot into the water like a dart and realization settled over her.

"f*ck!" She moved back from the water and tapped her badge, sending a message out to all the attending Aurors. "Task has begun, get everyone along the lakeshore and prepare to levitate any debris that breaches the surface. We're going to have large chunks of stone coming up. If the water surges, combine shields and hold it back."

She felt Moody come up beside her again, face far less amused this time. "When this is over, you and I are going to have a chat about that boy, Alastor. I hope like hell that village has good foundations."

He nodded in return and they both faced the lake, wands at the ready.


Harry was beyond angry at this point.

Hermione was in danger because of him and people were getting in his way. He could feel the pulse in his magic getting stronger as he descended through what he knew from personal experience to be freezing cold water, but he didn't care right now. His anger was keeping him warm and Hermione needed his help.

He felt the muscles in his legs and stomach twitch occasionally under the pressure he assumed came from his fellow Champions as his wand drew him ever onward.

Water and unknown particulates rushed past his face and he thanked the power with which he had cast the bubblehead charm as it acted not only as a breathing source, but a buffer against what would have been a series of very painful impacts at the speed they were achieving.

Out of the darkness came a large looming shadow and Harry prepared to fire a spell before he recognized it as stone and he used a burst of unformed magic out of his left hand to dash to the right around it, having to push harder at the last moment as the tension around his body and limbs kept him from moving as far as he had hoped.

The chunk of rock looked as though it had been shaped as it rushed past but he refocused his attention downward. Thankfully, wherever the mervillage was located, it didn't take him directly through some outcropping of rock, all that was ahead of him was open water as far as he could see. With the exception of the occasional additional chunk of rock shooting up past them.

A small corner of his mind wondered how the merfolk could launch such heavy objects upwards through the water, but that was a query for later. He could see the lake's bottom coming into view below him now, dark reeds flickering in the gentle currents and when he looked forward once more, a much larger looming shadow formed. The village was directly ahead.

He called his magic to his hand once more and as the buildings became clear, used it to maneuver as he twisted and turned and shot between them, up an alleyway that seemed to lead further in. He picked up speed as he zipped between the buildings and it felt like a weight had been lifted off of him.

Harry had to dodge a few pieces of buildings that jutted out beyond the norm, but soon he was free of what he assumed were houses and was now in a large open square with a giant statue at its centre.

He had no time to take in the design though as the spell finally ran its course and he twisted hard against the bindings, moving quicker than expected as the bindings no longer seemed to be there, bringing his legs to bear as he impacted the ground hard.

An enormous cloud of silt and debris filled the water around him and Harry groaned at the pain in his legs from the impact. But he did not let it distract him now. He was close, the call in his magic was stronger than before. Hermione was here somewhere.

Harry moved to stand but was knocked free of the lake bottom as a loud shudder travelled outwards and several groaning sounds filled the water around him. He turned in the water but could not see any immediate threat in the clouded vicinity. He closed his eyes and found the thread that led him to Hermione when he popped and noted it was now behind him.

He turned to face the feeling and dug his feet into the thick goopy soil. With a thrust of his wand, he conjured a stream of water and waved it in front of him to clear the debris from his sight. A strange hissing began to sound all around Harry, but he paid it no mind as he could once again see the large statue in front of him and his blood chilled while his anger peaked.

Hermione was tied to that statue and the sight of her there would never leave him as long as he lived.

Her skin was pale as ice in the deep dark water and her hair shifted in the gentle current stirring the water around her. She could have been sleeping, but there was no discernable movement of her chest, so could just as easily have been dead. A thought Harry immediately regretted as she now looked to him like a corpse tied to a rock at the bottom of a lake and Harry's anger boiled.

He wasn't even sure what the spell was, but magic pulsed up his arm and through his singing wand. The rowan wood relished in the enormous amount of energy it channelled and with a groan the entire statue imploded, tossing the poor hostages about but releasing them all from their bonds.

Harry felt a hand touch his shoulder but it immediately released and he launched forwards, his feet coming free from the lakebed with a squelch and he sailed through the water towards his goal.

At long last, after hours of worrying, Hermione was back in his arms again.

But he did not relax. She was still not responding. Her body felt cold in his arms and she was limp against him. Turning in the water, he pointed his wand downwards and forced another jet of water from his wand, gradually propelling him directly upwards, he hoped.

Harry could feel his magic seeping into the girl in his arms, trying to warm and wake her from her slumber but nothing seemed to have an effect. After what felt like ages, he finally breached the surface and felt a pair of familiar arms instantly grip him tightly.

Relief filled his body as he blinked away the pain of going from dull to bright and noticed a pair of brown eyes looking into his own.

"Good morning, Harry." Hermione smiled before she leaned in and gave him a gentle kiss.

Harry felt the knot of tension he'd been holding all morning break and he pressed into the kiss as well. "I was so afraid."

"Wish I could say I was. All I remember is going to sleep last night, worried about you and wishing I could hold you in my arms. Apart from being freezing and wet, this is still one of my favourite ways to wake up."

Harry couldn't help but laugh at his girlfriend as he gave her a good look over checking for any lasting damage from her time below. When he was finally satisfied she was okay, he turned in the water and shifted Hermione onto his back.

He could see the other three Champions all had their respective hostages and were already helping them out of the water and onto the dock. Harry grinned as he got another kiss on the cheek and an amused voice sounded in his ear.

"Giddyup seahorsey."

He smiled as he tucked his arms up under Hermione's bottom with his wand pointed behind them and used the same stream of water to push them forward, though not at nearly the same frantic pace as before.

By the time they arrived, all six of the others were out of the water and Fleur and Krum reached out to help them both from the water. Hermione refusing to let go of her piggyback ride.

"That vas most impressive, Harry. But you made something of a mess." Viktor chuckled as he helped him to his feet on the dock.

Harry looked around to see what he meant and saw the large chunks of rock that had soared past them in the water had been going fast enough that they'd breached the surface of the lake. And they weren't rocks, but large chunks of the merfolk village that his anger-fueled summoning spell had wrenched free of their structures.

He blushed slightly as he noticed several Aurors were still levitating one of them over to the far side of the lake where the Giant Squid was collecting them and disappearing beneath the waves.

"Well, serves them right," Hermione growled from her place on his back and Harry nodded in agreement. Had they taken some foolish little trinket, he'd have been content to take his time in retrieving it.

"It seems, Madame Bones 'eard your spell and arranged ze Aurors. Zey managed to catch all ze pieces zat we dodged. Zough Nym took an 'it to 'er shoulder. Ze nurse is fixing 'er up right now." Fleur explained, a tinier version of the girl latched onto her waist and looking about fearfully at the gathering adults at the far end of the dock behind Moody and an unfamiliar woman.

Nym was seated nearby, a water-logged Cedric sitting next to her as the school nurse tended to the girl's shoulder, but she looked alright, so Harry allowed his eyes to drift further.

Just behind Krum where he stood at the end of the dock with Harry was his fiance who looked a lot less fancy dripping freezing lake water rather than dressed in veela finery. He gave her a soft smile which she returned as he caught sight of movement approaching down the dock.

While Moody stood at the far end, wand drawn and keeping anyone from coming closer, a woman was approaching who he thought could give Professor McGonagall a run for her money when it came to the looking stern stakes. She lifted a monocle that was affixed to her robes to her eye and swept it over the scattered Champions and their hostages before coming to a stop at the group and fixing her eyes on Harry.

"Well, that was a rather impressive show of magic you all just gave us." Harry recognized her voice from before he'd tossed the Aurors aside, and now he noticed the badge on her robes, he paled slightly at the idea he might be about to face the music for his rash actions. "A shame that half the audience hadn't even managed to sit down before you returned. Barty had spent a fortune on a tracking… I believe he called it a camera, to follow your progress and relay it to the crowd."

"So the plan wasn't just to have a crowd staring at the surface of a lake for an hour outside in February. That's a relief." Nym chuckled from the floor.

"Quite." The woman replied. "Mister Potter, I wondered if I might have a word?"

"And you are?" Hermione queried from her place atop Harry.

The woman smiled at them softly, breaking the stern face she'd borne so far. "Yes, my manners are lacking there. I am Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. I was here to ensure the security of the task. Was here for the last one too, but didn't actually get to see most of the action then."

"Neither did I. But I'm told these three performed spectacularly." Harry smiled at his fellow competitors.

"Of course. So, that word?"

Harry shrugged and Hermione gave a light chuckle at the movement. "Go ahead. I've nothing to hide from this lot."

Madame Bones glanced at the other Champions, several of whom still had their wands to bear as though they didn't trust her at all right now. Harry certainly didn't blame them.

While she seemed amiable enough, this woman did work for the same group who had just kidnapped his girlfriend, what looked like Fleur's sister, Krum's fiance and Nym's closest friend outside the family. Madame Bones pulled out a notepad, leaving it hovering in the air and set a quill on it with a tap of her wand.

"Alright then. For starters, what on earth motivated you to summon the entire mervillage?"

"The person I care about the most in this world was at the bottom of this lake tied to a statue for the entertainment of a crowd. I wasn't letting her stay down there any longer than necessary." Harry deadpanned, not letting his eyes drift from the woman's face as he spoke.

"Not a fan of swimming?" A couple of the others laughed at the comment, but Harry did not. He was still wary of exactly where this conversation was going and he felt his skin heating again with anger as he was reminded of just how dangerous this tournament could be. "But why summon the village?"

"That is easy." Hermione chimed over his shoulder. "If you need to get to something, or bring it to you, but have no idea how it is secured, would you summon the item you wanted, or the thing holding it?"

Madame Bones looked at her in confusion, so Harry clarified for her.

"I knew Hermione was being kept down there. But was she inside a structure? Was she tied in place? If tied, was it by the foot? The hand? The neck? What would have happened had I summoned her and she was chained to something by the throat? I could have killed her while trying to save her."

Bones's eyes widened as she considered that as Harry continued. "I knew that the merpeople were involved in the kidnapping, due to the clue, and that the group living in this lake did so in a village. I assumed it would be secured to the lakebed in a manner that would make it a good anchor point.

"If you try to summon something that cannot be moved and pump enough magic into the spell, you get pulled to it instead."

Harry shrugged again as he explained what he had considered at the time to be patently obvious. He felt Hermione's arms tighten around him and her smile at his neck as she pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. "My clever little hero."

He blushed in response. "Did you consider that parts of that village might not be as secure?"

"No, that was a surprise. It does make a lot more sense though than the idea that the selkies had formed some form of underwater trebuchet and were lobbing giant chunks of stone upwards through the water."

The others laughed at his face as he stated this, and even Harry had to laugh at the ludicrousness of the idea that had occurred to him on the way downward.

"Very well. Almost have what I need. There were two occasions, very close together where the water surged heavily. The Aurors managed to contain it at this end so there was no damage. But, what caused them?"

Harry turned to Hermione, who nodded to him before he turned back and sighed. "I think, can't really confirm, but think that maybe the village wasn't as well secured as I thought. Once I impacted the lakebed, there was a significant shifting of it under me once the summoning spell ran out. I think…"

He looked bashfully at the others on the dock before continuing. "that I may have lifted the village a few centimetres off its foundation. The up was gradual, the down was sudden."

Harry ignored the surprised looks directed his way as he continued. "The second one, if I had to guess, was probably when I released the bonds of the hostages."

Nym fell over cackling with laughter as Madam Pomfrey gave her a foul look, picking up the hand she had been healing for burns. "Released the bonds. Harry, you vapourised the whole statue."

"Non, eet was still zere. 'E turned it to dust in ze water. But it made quite ze shockwave."

Madame Bones looked shocked as she stared at the words on her notepad. "Well, yes. I suppose that would do it. Not intentional. I think that should be all I need for now."

"Happy to help." Viktor chimed, holding Mady's hand as the Champions came down from their collective mirth and glared at the woman.

"Quite." She replied and with a nod, she tucked her supplies away and headed back up the dock.

Hermione once more snuggled tightly against Harry's back and he felt her lips at his ear. "Have you calmed sufficiently now?" He pulled away enough to see her face and gave her a curious look. "Harry, you're dry. You were so angry that your magic was giving off heat."

He glanced down to check and noted that she was right, his clothing was completely free of water and his skin had a red tinge to it.

"She's right," Nym added, standing in front of him. "That's how I burned my hand. The water was boiling off of you when we caught up down at the bottom of the lake. After you managed to shake us off by zipping between the damned buildings, you maniac."

Harry blushed again, but their comments led his thoughts back to the fact Hermione had been taken from her bed. "Can you cover for us?" he asked his cousin. "We've somewhere we have to be."

"Sure thing, shorty. Go have yourselves a snogging session while I get teased mercilessly for Cedric being what I'd miss most."

Harry and Hermione smiled at the meta as she gave herself some extra heft, enough to keep them hidden from the adults now coming down the dock and without another thought, they disappeared into the air.

Chapter 31: Aftermath

Chapter Text

Friday 24th February 1995.

Hermione closed her eyes and relaxed against Harry's back further as she felt his magic well up in and around them signalling their favourite form of travel.

There was none of the squeezing of apparition that the adults used when they needed to be taken somewhere. No nausea-inducing spinning and yanking on the stomach that the portkeys created as they were dragged from point A to point B.

Were she not still a little damp and uncomfortable, Hermione could have fallen back to sleep during the translocation. When she opened her eyes again, however, she was still surprised.

She had expected to see portraits and books, the familiar trappings of home, but they were surrounded by carved stone walls covered in shelves on one side and weapons on the other.

Over Harry's shoulder, she could see a familiar face staring back at her with surprise evident even on his goblin features.

His eyes narrowed slightly and he mumbled to himself in the guttural throaty sounds of Rhovak.#How many times have I told them…#

"Apologies for barging in, but we have a problem," Harry stated, stepping towards the desk without greeting Farkor in any form, leading Hermione to dig her knee into his side. "Sorry, how are you, Farkor?"

"I'm fine, Mister Potter. Miss Granger. What problem is that? Surely you should be preparing to partake in the second task right now."

"The task is over. I'm what was taken." Hermione replied, finally letting go of Harry and sliding to the floor. It felt weird to have cold dampness at her back contrasting with the warm mostly dry robes at her front. It felt as though she had laid down or her back in a puddle, and then stood up.

Though she was far from cold. Harry's magic was cocooning her entire form, even now as she stepped away from him and his body followed her. Hermione doubted she would be going anywhere without him hanging on in some way for the rest of the day at least. And that warmed her more than enough to ignore the residual water.

"Taken? I'd not have thought you would consent to such a thing." Farkor queried, looking at her anew as if assessing her all over again.

"She didn't," Harry growled, his skin reddening once more. Hermione laid her hand on his arm and pushed him into a chair, settling herself once more in his lap and holding him closely.

"We think that I was taken directly from my bed. All I recall before waking at the surface of the lake was going to bed the night before."

"I'm not sure I understand. I've witnessed your abilities on several occasions. In combination with your portkeys, I'm not sure how someone could take you against your will."

"And therein lies the problem," Hermione added, finally realizing why Harry had brought them straight to the goblins. "We've tested the portkeys time and time again. If we lose consciousness, we go. But what would happen if someone stunned us while we were already asleep?"

"Why would anyone do something so cowardly?" The goblin asked aghast and Hermione realized the problem.

"You've never tested them against such a thing, have you?"

She could feel Harry's anger rising again and she tried to settle him without breaking her gaze on Farkor. The goblin wasn't averting his own gaze in reply, but she could see he was considering the concept for the first time.

"While we may take the opportunity for subterfuge whenever possible in banking, with interpersonal disagreements, a goblin holds honour higher than any other trait. To willingly attack someone in their sleep… They would be subject to the worst punishments we could contemplate. So, no. We've never even considered the idea that someone would be taken while sleeping."

He let loose a torrent of what Hermione assumed to be expletives she still did not know in the goblin language before he settled and stood from his place. "Give me a moment, I'll fetch someone with greater knowledge about the magic. Feel free to freshen up while I'm gone."

"Could you also summon a healer?" Hermione chirped as the goblin passed them, pausing for only a moment to nod before he exited the room, clearly needing the journey to wrestle his own anger at the foreign concept rather than simply sending a summons.

"A healer? You said you were fine." Harry asked.

"I am, but you are burned all over from your anger. We left before Madame Pomfrey could look you over."

"I won't apologize for that."

Hermione smiled and kissed his forehead. "I'd never ask you to. But I still need to know you've been fixed up. I don't like seeing you in pain any more than you do me."

"It doesn't hurt."

"Because you're still angry. You haven't come down yet. What are you holding onto that's upsetting you so much?"

Hermione threaded her arms around his shoulders and drew him to her chest. He sighed heavily and pulled her tighter as he breathed in her scent. "You don't know what it was like down there. When I saw you..."

Without warning, Hermione felt a flash in her mind and suddenly she was surrounded by deep green water with very little light. Particulate and silt floated all around her as she spun and a jet of water from her wand cleared the water around her, revealing her own form floating in the darkness then rapidly getting closer only to be replaced a moment later with something she had never seen before.

Red hair splayed out on the floor in a halo around a familiar face that also looked wrong. The green eyes she knew so well had none of their shine, and her face was even paler than usual. As the flashes passed, she understood Harry's pain.

She pulled him close and stroked her hand through his hair. Somewhere in the morning, he'd lost the binding she'd gifted him a few years ago that he usually used to contain the hair into his preferred ponytail, and was now hanging loose.

"I'm alive, Harry. I'm so sorry you had to see that. We'll talk to the family and see what we need to do. But I'm here, I'm not going anywhere without you."

Harry began to sob softly into her form, and Hermione let him, cradling him against her as he let go of the pain he'd been hiding since the moment he saw her seemingly lifeless form in the lake.

It both thrilled and chilled her to learn he had associated that sight with his mother. That he loved her as deeply as he did the woman who gave birth to him, but that he now had a memory in his mind that linked her to his mother's death.

Hermione sat in place, gently stroking Harry's hair and allowing him to finally stop and deal with all that he had felt that morning, but had been avoiding in order to remain strong enough to find and rescue her from the lake.

Their solemn reverie was broken by the sound of the door opening and within a second she felt Harry calm himself and wipe away the tears on his face. She loved him to bits, but he was such a boy sometimes.

The goblin healer was an imposing example of the species, and she wondered if he had once been a warrior in the race before something turned him to healing.

"Bloody hell, did you boil yourself or something?" He asked, taking in Harry's very red skin.

"Pretty much exactly that," Hermione replied with a smile on her face at Harry's groan.

"Alright, hold still and I'll get to work. Usual payment method?"

Harry nodded and held Hermione gently as the goblin began setting up his gear and casting the required healing spells and incantations. Hermione watched with her typical fascination at how the goblins had mastered their magical arts.

It also made her chuckle to herself that the Ministry considered them no threat these days as they were forbidden to wield wands, something that the goblins thought would be nice as an option, but clearly did not need in order to pose a threat.

The group lost track of time as the process continued and were only broken from their thoughts by a loud pounding sound coming from the hallway beyond. A giant familiar black dog came bounding into the room, overextending and slamming heavily against the stone wall under the shelves, knocking several books free before righting itself and hobbling over.

Harry chuckled lightly at the limping figure as it approached. "Looks like he might need your touch before you go, too." Padfoot placed his head on Harry's free thigh, getting a warning glare from the goblin in the process, and stared balefully up at the boy. "I'm fine, Padfoot."

The dog whined loudly, and Harry began to scratch his favourite spot just a few inches behind his neck, making the dog's eyes roll in pleasure. Hermione continued to stroke Harry's hair in a similar fashion and it was to this scene that the rest of the Family and Farkor returned.

"If you're nearly done. I've come with visitors that were making a scene on the bank floor. Apparently, you two weren't at home."

"You gave us quite the fright, Harry," Natalie said, kneeling beside the group at the chair. "Popping in and out like that."

"By the time we managed to get dressed and down to the lake, the Champions were all dripping on the dock and you two had vanished," Remus added, standing behind the chair and resting a hand on Hermione's shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"I am fine, I was out through the whole thing. Some form of stasis spell that was broken by contact with the air."

"Any ideas?" Andromeda questioned the small figure beside her as the female goblin stepped up to the group and fished Hermione's portkey up from inside her partially sodden robes.

She cast several spells over the small pale stone, tapping it occasionally with a thick fingernail. The surface tinted with several colours as the woman worked before she let it fall from her fingers, seemingly satisfied with the results of her tests.

"A few of the minor charms could do with updating. The cleaning charm in particular is beginning to wane, but the portkey itself is still functioning perfectly. What is the problem you're having with it?"

"Would I be correct in thinking the way it works is by sensing a change in body chemistry?" Hermione asked, the adults in the room looking at her curiously.

"Indeed. Though the specifics of that magic are trade secrets. I will not reveal how." The woman replied, looking almost affronted at the young girl cutting to the heart of how their secret magics worked.

"Would you say that stunning puts the body into a similar state to sleep?"

"Again, yes. Magically they're almost identical. Why?"

"So if someone were stunned while asleep, would the portkey activate?"

The woman's eyes bulged and a low growl began to emanate from her snarling mouth.#You bastard! You should have told me!#

#Please answer the question.#Harry interrupted, surprising everyone in the room but Hermione with his guttural vocalization. "What, we deal with the goblins a lot. So we thought it would be worth learning Rhovak."

"Rhovak?" Ted queried from his place by the door.

"You wizards call it Gobbledegook," Farkor growled. "Most offensively I might add. Gibberish. Just because you can't understand a language…"

"To answer your question," the enchanter said, "no. I do not believe that the portkey could sense such a mild change in body chemistry."

"So we have a problem. We either need far more sensitive portkeys, or we're not going back to Hogwarts. I won't have us being at risk in the open." Harry stated firmly. "Looks like we're going to be spending some time at home again. Are you ok with that?"

Hermione smiled at the boy beneath her. "I'm always ok with spending time at home. As long as we're there together. I will miss our friends though. We've never had anyone so close outside the family before. I really like them."

"Me too, but family comes first." Their eyes locked and the world around them became unimportant as they lost themselves in one another. They probably would have stayed such for hours had Padfoot not barked between them and drawn them back to reality once more.

The pair glanced at the arrayed family which even Nym had now joined and sighed. "So, I guess it's explanation time then."


Amelia shoved the crotchety old man into the chair facing the desk and walked quickly around, taking her place in the one behind it to his booming laugh. "Make yerself at home."

She resisted the urge to blush at the fact she had requisitioned his desk from the man as she collected her notes in front of her, trying to settle her mind after the oddest morning she'd had in a while. "Talk."

"'Bout what?"

She glared at him and both his eyes remained firmly fixed on her. This was the part she hadn't been looking forward to. Alastor had always been a good man, but he wasn't one for idle chit-chat.

"About the fact that a fourteen-year-old student of yours can bring enough power to bear to rip apart the merfolk village with a single spell. How he can silently cast in his fourth year. What the hell he used to toss a trio of Aurors aside like they were leaves on the wind."

Moody smiled in response, his face stretching horribly and reminding her of just how much the man had put of himself into his former work. "Not me you wanna talk to, Amy."

"Explain that. You're their defence teacher, are you not?"

"Not really. Those two are so far ahead in my class it's ridiculous. They could test straight into the Auror program tomorrow if you let them. Day one I tried to take 'em by surprise and they not only returned me own spell, they cast several of their own that overwhelmedmyshield.

"As long as they don't disrupt the class, I'm happy ter let them do their own thing. They come to me when they have a difficult problem or questions about high-level theory. But other than tha'..." Moody shrugged.

"You truly think they're both on that level?" Amelia questioned, trying to find fault in his advice from what she'd seen and coming up with nothing that could contradict it.

"The pair of 'em could pass their NEWT in Defence right now." Alastor's grin was wider than she'd seen it in years.

"You knew he would take apart those three idiots, didn't you?"

"Course. Though, with the way they didn't even notice the lad til he scolded 'em, I think a few of my sixth years could have taken that lot. Useless."

"Right." Amelia leaned back in her chair rubbing the occasionally sore elbow she still retained from her time on the beat. "According to the Champions, he disintegrated the entire statue the hostages were tied to. With one spell."

Moody simply shrugged as if that was no surprise at all. "They took what Potter values most in this world. Big mistake."

Bones refocused on Alastor. "You think she's that important?"

"I know that if any true harm came to that lass, the boy would burn the world. But good luck trying. She's a shade slower to pick up a new spell than him, but I swear she's got even him beat for power. Gets the theory on a deeper level too. Think that's why she takes longer. Needs to analyse the spell in her own way first."

"You think they're a threat?"

Moody's laughter filled the room and the man actually clutched his stomach in reply. "Jesus, girl. I haven't had so much fun in years. That lot are only a threat if we make 'em one. That boy came here for two reasons. Because the Ministry decided that a lethal binding artefact was a good arbiter for a children's competition, and because he wanted to make friends. But if you wanna lose a war, go ahead and make 'em yer enemy. Me, I'm quite happy to sit back and watch this one."

"You have an awful lot of faith in them."

"Not at all, I'm just old enough to know when I'm thoroughly outclassed. If the Ministry wants to push their buttons, tha's their funeral."

Amelia took a moment to think about what Alastor was telling her. If what he was saying was true, the Ministry was either in big trouble or had just dodged one hell of a bullet. "Top right drawer, lass. Pour two."

Her eyes flicked back to the gnarled man before she opened the drawer in question with her wand and withdrew a large bottle of unlabeled amber liquid. "You'd let me pour you a drink?"

"It's my grog and I've been stood side-by-side with you for the past three hours. You're not polyjuiced and I know you well enough to know you're not an imposter. Now pour."

She smirked and poured out two generous helpings before returning the bottle and taking a sip from her own glass. The burn helped to settle her nerves even further.

What she was hearing was incredible for two as young as they were. But it seemed the Ministry was coming closer and closer to pushing the pair into direct conflict with them. They would need to proceed carefully to avoid an incident.

"If you're not responsible for getting them to this level?" She left the question hanging.

Alastor downed half his glass in a single gulp and leant back in his chair, relishing the flavour for a moment before he spoke. "Black, Lupin and the Tonkses. I don't know who teaches 'em what, but they're definitely the ones who've been tutoring the two for a good while now."

"Great, extremely powerful teens taught by people with an axe to grind against the Ministry."

"You're not listening, girl. All of 'em are willing to live and let live. They just want to do it on their own terms. The only risk to the Ministry is if they keep poking the damn dragon. The third task better not involve the kid's family in any way or he might just call enough enough."

"Think that Black will meet with me if I ask?"

"Right now? After what happened this morning, not a chance. He's been avoiding Albus for months, and it's really starting to irk the old man. He thinks he has important information to give them, but instead of just giving it over, he wants to deliver it in person. Yet another reason I'm not going anywhere. This place is too much fun to leave behind."


Saturday 25th February 1995.

Minerva glanced at the parchment in her hand as she walked the hallways.

The now familiar handwriting only ever seemed to bring bad news to her desk when it wasn't some form of extra-curricular essay or question. She was so focused on the writing she almost didn't notice the body about to collide with her own until it was too late. Her heightened senses that her animagus form gifted her were all that kept the impact from occurring.

"Bartemius. You seem in a right hurry today." She questioned, taking in the figure before her who it seemed was also seeking entrance to the Headmaster's Office.

"I've been summoned. On a weekend no less. Like I don't have enough to be dealing with right now."

Minerva gave a knowing hum in response as she folded the letter in her hand. "Very well, shall we?"

She indicated the open statue and Barty nodded briskly before heading upwards. Minerva gave a slight shake of her head as she considered the harried man. The students of the school considered her a strict harsh taskmaster, but she wondered how they might receive being taught by someone so ruthless as Barty Crouch.

She took her time ascending the stairs but still found herself arriving in the midst of whatever meeting Albus was holding today.

"Come in, Minerva. There is no need to hang about in the hall." Dumbledore offered.

Minerva followed his request and moved inside. She was surprised to find that Barty wasn't Albus's only visitor today. Arrayed before his desk in various states of standing and sitting were the Minister and his forever tag-along, Barty, Ludo, and Amelia, with Alastor tucked off in the corner.

Albus gave a frown as he noticed the letter in her hands. "I take it that this is a communication that is of import to our discussion. May I?"

Minerva considered a moment before she nodded and passed the letter to Albus, taking up a place behind his shoulder as he read it for himself, her eyes watching the assembled Ministry members who seemed to become more impatient with every moment.

"I see. And who could fault them? It only adds further weight to what I wished to discuss. I have spoken with the Mer-chieftainess Murcus. She is most displeased with the result of yesterday's task."

"I am well aware of her complaints, Dumbledore. The pile of issues relating to the second task have been growing on my desk all morning." Barty growled.

"Yes, well, the damage to their village was considerable, including the loss of a statue of great importance to their society."

"The damage to their 'village'" Dolores interrupted, "was the fault of the Potter boy, or so the Champions all claim."

"You are the ones in charge of the Tournament. That makes the actions of the Champions your responsibility, Dolores. The unfortunate other side of power. More importantly, though I am loath to suggest the issues of the fine denizens of the lake are unimportant, was thekidnappingof two of my students without even the courtesy of a notification, along with two foreign citizens accosted on British soil."

"Yes, yes. The Delacours are making their displeasure quite plain. I don't need you harping on about it as well." Crouch nearly yelled. His normal demeanour cracked and an almost demented look took its place.

"It seems that you do. You personally made me assurances, Bartemius. How many times did I say no to you? That what you had planned was too risky for students of my school to be involved? Nowhere in the edition I signed off on did you list human," Dolores gave a quiet huff, but remained otherwise quiet, "hostages as a requirement of the second task. I would never have agreed to it."

"They were not kidnapped, Dumbledore." Cornelius finally spoke. "As the Ministry in charge, we have the authority to change and adjust the plans for any event we run without prior notification."

"Not if it involves my students you don't, Cornelius." Albus didn't raise his voice, but Minerva could feel the anger in it and noticed that a few of those before her seemed to sink back before it. "I've spoken with Mister Diggory and he was never even asked if he would consent to be involved. Given Mister Potter's reaction, I think we can all see it's obvious Miss Granger wasn't.

"You took two Hogwarts students from their beds without asking them, their parents, or myself. Miss Celice was accosted the moment she arrived on the school grounds by no less than four Aurors. I will not tolerate that behaviour."

Minerva tried to maintain an emotionless visage as she watched the man she had grown to admire resurfacing in full and taking grown adults to task as if they were still students of the school themselves. It was a far cry from the inactivity of a few years prior, and it gave her hope that the future of the school was once again bright.

Barty adjusted his jacket before he spoke. "Sorry you're upset about your kids, Dumbledore, but I'm a little more concerned with the other two hostages. The French have lodged formal complaints with the ICW regarding the girl's involvement, and Krum's publicist is causing all kinds of trouble in the press over his fiance's presence in the lake. Two of your students being inconvenienced does not rank highly on my pile of issues right now."

Albus simply sat staring at Barty, his hands clasped in front of his face, icy blue eyes delving deeper into the ragged man. A lesser person might have cowered under the gaze, but Barty had come through the You-Know-Who trouble with his head held high, with the one glaring exception. He would not buckle under a simple stare.

"It troubles me that you're in a position of control over the tournament with an attitude like that, Bartemius. I will make myself perfectly clear on this right now. No student of this school will be further involved in any part of the Tournament without my full knowledge.

"And by full knowledge, I meanfull. I want a complete breakdown of the third task and all that it involves. I will assess any risk to the children, and should it not satisfy me, it shall not occur."

"Albus…?" Minerva asked with worry in her voice. The Tournament tasks weren't the sway of the Goblet the four Champions were bound by, but the timeline was. If they didn't compete by the twenty-fifth of June, the Goblet would take its payment.

"Worry not, Minerva. I would not risk their subjugation to that fate. A last-minute task can consist of anything. A simple quiz would suffice if it came to that. But I will not have the Champions or any other student at this, or the visiting schools, subject to risks like they were in the previous task."

The old man swept his eyes from one person to the next, and Minerva could feel the weight of the stare even where she stood behind the man.

"This is not optional. I will fight you to the bitter end on this if I must, but what happened yesterday was utterly unacceptable."

"We can't tell you everything. It would be unsportsmanlike. You could tell the Champions." Ludo reached for anything he could find to counter Albus's ultimatum.

"I should think you all know me better than that. My concern is their safety. I am already aware that you plan to create a maze in the Quidditch Pitch. This much was clear in the initial documentation. But after yesterday's performance, I no longer trust that full disclosure was given to me in those documents. Such a lack of oversight will not happen again."

Barty's face was beginning to twitch. "There was no risk yesterday. The merfolk agreed to their involvement and to host the hostages. Now they're haggling over reparations for damages. The stasis was cast on each hostage by the best Unspeakables. None of them were in any sort of actual danger. The merfolk committed to that."

"If there was no danger, there was no need to use people at all." Minerva snapped at the man.

"Minerva is correct." Albus said firmly. "Either one of us could have transfigured for you a perfect likeness of the desired hostages. With zero risk of a child waking underwater. It would still have yielded the implied danger to the Champions without putting four additional people, none of whom agreed to be a part of these events, in actual danger. No plan survives contact with the enemy, Bartemius. You know this better than most.

"There were countless safer options available to you. You chose poorly. I will not allow that to happen again. As for there being no danger, what precautions had been taken to reinforce the stands should the lake swell during the task? As we witnessed twice yesterday?"

Minerva watched every one of the organisers fail to meet Albus's gaze this time. "I thought as much. You claim to have prepared for any eventuality, but had it not been for Amelia's quick thinking yesterday, you could be dealing with a much greater fallout today. I consider us all beyond lucky that someone had the idea to set the dock away from the stands.

"Had it been directly in front of them, the Aurors would have had a much harder time preventing the debris from causing injury. If this is the standard that you all find to be acceptable, then the third task is looking like it will need a major overhaul before it is allowed to occur on these grounds.

"You are dismissed. I have my own issues to deal with in regards to yesterday's farce."

"Now see here…" Fudge mumbled.

"I said, you're dismissed. Good day, Cornelius. I'll expect the full outline on my desk by March."

Albus stared the four task organisers out of the room in silence, every one of them glancing uncertainly at Amelia as she remained behind.

"You may take a seat if you like, Minerva." He said, still looking at the doorway.

She availed herself of the offer and took the seat beside Amelia quietly. Alastor, however, was anything but quiet as he clomped closer to the desk.

"And tha's the other reason." He chuckled, confusing Minerva and drawing a questioning eye from Albus. "You know how long I've waited for that bloody stubborn sod to pull his head out his arse? This is where the action is at Amy, watching theGreat Albus Dumbledorefinally being bloody great!"

Minerva swung her eyes to the elder man and noticed a light blush underneath the thick whiskers on his face. "Indeed. I'm not sure where you disappeared to for so long, but it is good to have the real Albus Dumbledore back in charge of the school."

"Yes, quite, but it's talk like this that gave him a big head to begin with. Shall we focus on more important matters?" Albus redirected with a light sigh. "The day I turned things about was the first time Barty approached me with the Tournament. I said no back then because nothing significant was being done to ensure the safety of the Champions and the crowd. I truly thought they'd made amazing progress in the last few years.

"The first task was immaculate. Even with the late addition of the Hebridean to the mix, they brought it off without a hitch. And having the models be emergency portkeys to the medical tent was a stroke of genius. Even if they proved unnecessary. But this…"

"I've done what research I can. They made no provision against what occurred yesterday. Though to be fair, do any of us really think we could have foreseen what happened yesterday were we in charge of the task?" Amelia left the question hanging in the room and all four seemed to contemplate it.

"Potter was pissed. Not tha' I blame him. I'd'a done far worse had someone taken the thing I care most about. Those three Aurors are lucky they only got a couple of broken bones from a bad landing." Moody chuckled darkly. "Though, where they landed, they're even luckier Amy was quick on the uptake. Coulda been a trio of Auror pancakes had one of those chunks landed on 'em."

"Well, we shall have to wait and see if Mister Potter will ever trust any of us again." Minerva scowled. "The two of them will not be returning until they can assure themselves of their safety. And I cannot blame them. Taken from their bed without so much as a by your leave."

"The worst part is I can't charge them with anything over it. The way the Tournament rules are written, the Ministry is immune to prosecution for anything to do with it. Lest litigators come afoul of the power of the Goblet. The best we can hope to do right now would be to make a fuss in the papers like Krum is."

"The Goblet will only be a problem until July." Albus offered.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means tha' dangerous hunk of timber is finally going to be destroyed," Alastor growled. "I can't believe they're still using an artefact they don't even remember the origins of to choose entrants in a children's tournament."

"That is a relief to know. But it doesn't change the legality of what they did. The rules and the laws relating to them are clear on that.Technicallythey've broken no law for which I can charge them due to it being Tournament-related. As much as I would love to do so. You didn't see the looks on those kids' faces when they were about to begin. They were truly afraid they were going to lose their hostages.

"Potter looked half-mad flicking between anger and grief. The worst I can do right now is give Fudge a serve for misusing Auror staff without my prior consent or notification. All four involved in Miss Celice's abduction are on administrative leave until I can decide what to do with them."

"Ever since Halloween things relating to the Tournament have been going awry," Albus added quietly and the others all turned to him. " I fear something far greater is pulling the strings here. At first, I could put it down to our own negligence, but these things keep happening."

They all sat in silence as they considered the implications. That someone could be influencing some of the highest-placed figures in the Ministry enough to corrupt the Tournament. What else could they be influencing without them noticing?

"Alastor, Amelia. Whenever possible, I would like you to keep an eye on Barty. I know the Tournament is a burden on his shoulders, but he seems more out of sorts than that should account for. I'm worried that may be where our outside influence is making its inroads. If we can help the man, we must. But we cannot let whatever it is interfere with the final Task. Until that is completed, those four at least are in imminent danger."

"Aye. I'll keep both eyes open. If he's here, I'll be watching. And I'll have my friends do what they can elsewhere."

Amelia looked as if she was seriously considering the conversation. "I'm head of my Department, Dumbledore. I'm not sure what kind of time I can devote to it personally."

"I'm not asking you to tail the man everywhere, Amelia. Simply be vigilant and take note of odd behaviour. "

"I believe I can agree to that. And I will continue to see if there are any loopholes with which we can act once the Goblet is out of the picture. With any luck, we'll find something we can use."

"I'd rather not leave any of this to luck. I don't think any of us here believe that Mister Potter's entry into this was a coincidence. If there is malicious intent behind the Tournament, then it's not just young Harry at risk. All the Champions are under threat. And I will not stand aside and let harm come to innocents just to save face."

"I think that is something we can all agree to." Minerva finished, letting the silence fill the room once more as they all considered the coming months.

Only a gentle trilling from Fawkes broke the silence for some time to come.

Chapter 32: Rebuilding

Chapter Text

Tuesday 28th February 1995.

Luna hummed as she navigated the hallways.

She had been simply following her feet for the past few hours as they guided her on unfamiliar paths through the giant building. it was one of her favourite ways to whittle away an afternoon, simply seeing where whimsy would take her on any given day.

Her cloak and jumper were still a little damp from her jaunt outside about thirty minutes ago in the lovely Scottish afternoon drizzle, but it didn't bother her. The warming charm that Hermione had discovered kept her warm regardless of how damp her clothes may have become.

"Hello, Luna." A voice came from beside the suit of armour she had just passed.

Luna spun on her heel and saw a pair of faces she had missed a lot over the past few days. She rushed forward and before either of them could say a word, she had them both in a firm embrace.

"It's good to see you too, Luna," Hermione said as she rubbed the wee girl's back. "How have you been?"

"Alright. Lonely, but ok." Luna replied, letting the hug deepen.

"No one has been giving you any trouble have they?" Harry enquired and Luna couldn't help but smile.

"No. They're still afraid of you."

Harry sighed as he tightened his grip on her. "I wish it was because they truly regretted what they had done. But if fear is what it takes…"

"Harry…" Hermione warned softly.

"It's alright. I know most of them find me weird."

Luna finally pulled away from the pair and looked up at them. "You aren't weird, Luna. You're unique."

"A different word for the same thing. It really doesn't bother me. Not anymore."

Harry glanced at Hermione and Luna could see the anger he was trying to hide from her. It made her feel so lucky to have someone she could not only call a friend, but who was utterly unafraid to call her one in return and keep her safe.

"How are you two?" She asked, trying to distract Harry before he went on a currently underserved rampage. "I assume you didn't just pop in to see me."

Hermione sighed and turned to face her front-on. "Luna, spending time with you is a delight."

"But you aren't just here to see me," Luna replied plainly, not in any way hurt that they might combine purposes with a visit.


"I don't mind. It just makes sense to make one trip. Are you allowed to tell me what else you're doing today?" She asked, eager to know what had brought them back to the school.

"Of course we can, Luna." Harry smiled. "We're going to visit the mervillage. To apologize."

"I'm sure they'll be pleased. How are you feeling after the Task, Hermione? It must have been strange being down there so long."

Luna could see the smile spread across Hermione's face and it made her own grow in return.

"It wasn't that bad for me actually. I don't remember anything after I went to bed that night until Harry pulled me above the surface."

"Oh, that's good then," Luna replied, stepping close to Harry and taking his hand softly. "And it's a good thing we've such a heroic friend in Harry."

Hermione gazed at the now-blushing boy and smiled. "Yes, that is very true."

Harry suddenly glanced up and stared down the hallway Luna had come from, his face taking on a far sharper edge. "Someone is coming."

He looked at Hermione and she nodded, taking his other hand and Luna was swept away from the hallway, finding herself standing with her two friends in the school's boathouse, the now heavy rain thundering against the tiled ceiling. "That is fun. Do you think you could teach me how to do that?" She asked matter-of-factly.

"I would very much like to, Luna. But I don't think it works once you get to a certain age. I've never seen it work on someone older than eleven."

"Ah, poo. Oh well. Did you come here so you can get to the mervillage easier?"

Harry and Hermione looked at each other with a smirk and Luna smiled brightly at them both. She liked that they had no trouble keeping track of her train of thought as it rushed from one station to the next.

"Not really, but that is a good idea. I just figured no one would likely be here on such a rainy day."

"Quite clever. It has been raining like this for several hours now. I'll bet most people are tucked away inside. I suppose that I should let you both get to it."

"Luna, we don't have to leave right now. We really did come to see you as well." Hermione explained.

"I know, and it makes me very happy that you did. But the merpeople are in a bit of a state at the moment. The Ministry is ignoring all their complaints. You can come and see me again before you go."

Harry looked at Hermione and Luna could see an idea forming on his face. "Harry," Hermione said, her voice low and accusatory.

"What? I didn't do anything."

"You're thinking it though."

"You're the one who said… it was her idea."

"Just ask already, we both know you won't be happy unless you do."

Hermione rolled her eyes at the boy as he turned and smiled at Luna. "Want to come with us?"

Luna paused in surprise for several long seconds, simply staring at Harry with her wide eyes. "Come with… to the mervillage?"

"Yep. Hermione and I can do the bubblehead charm for you. And we've lots of spare Gillyweed from the Task just in case. You told Hermione you wanted to explore down there, and classes are finished for the day."

Hermione sighed as she pulled a pad of paper from her pocket and began scribbling a note. Luna looked back to Harry and nodded quickly, amazed that they'd be willing to let her come with them. Hermione finished her writing and tapped the piece of paper which changed into a paper bird and began flying agilely through the heavy rainstorm, back up to the castle.

Luna watched it deftly dodging the raindrops as it went before she turned her attention to the elder girl curiously. "We promised Professor McGonagall we'd notify her the next time we borrowed a student."

Luna nodded with recognition before turning back to Harry who had knelt down in front of her and had his wand poised near her chest. "Ready?"

She nodded rapidly, her scraggly and still-damp hair flapping about. Harry grinned as he tapped her wand and she heard him mutter the incantation. He also handed her a small handful of a sticky green weed. "Remember, just in case."

Luna nodded again and felt the odd magic around her face wobble slightly. She glanced at Hermione to see the girl had cast the spell on herself and was elongating her feet into flippers. She turned to Luna who held up her bare left foot to the older girl and watched excitedly as her own foot extended out, almost tickling as it grew. Once her left was adequately sized, she held out her right and the process repeated.

She flapped heavily over to the edge of the dock and saw Harry standing there with long flippered feet and a bubble over his face too. He held out his right hand and she took it firmly, feeling Hermione grab her other hand.

Harry briefly tapped her head and then Hermione's, making her feel even warmer, before he stood up straight once more and stared out over the water. They stood there in silence for several long moments before Luna glanced between the other two and realized they were waiting for her to be ready.

With a smile and a laugh that echoed in the bubble, Luna stepped off and jumped into the water, the others following right behind with a splash.

The world immediately became muted heavily as the water pressed in on them and Luna kicked her legs sharply, nearly popping back out of the water due to their effect under her.

She slowly found the sweet spot and began to hover gently in the water, turning about to see the boathouse from underneath for the first time ever.

"That's so cool." She whispered and felt a slight shudder in Harry's arm. She turned to face him and noted he was giggling as he watched her.

Luna blushed slightly before she scrunched up her face and stuck her tongue out at the boy, drawing a bigger laugh that sent bubbles spurting through the flimsy pocket of air on his face and soaring up to the surface.

Looking up reminded her to look down, and Luna swept her eyes into the dark depths below. She was not afraid of the dark, nor afraid of any creatures that might be in the waters below. And even if she were, she knew that no harm would come to her while in the company of Harry and Hermione.

With a renewed sweep of her lengthened feet, she turned in the water and began heading out of the small cove under the boathouse and down into the lake itself.

Harry and Hermione easily kept pace with her, both still holding her hand tightly as she headed out further into the deep lake. Before too long, Harry gave a slight tug on her arm and pointed that they needed to head further to the right. Luna allowed Hermione to aim them and continued kicking softly as they calmly soared through the depths.

It was an experience Luna doubted she'd ever be able to adequately describe to anyone, though she knew she would be writing an enormous letter home to her mother tonight trying her best to do so. Not only was she exploring the Black Lake, but was doing so with two very good friends.

This was turning out to be one of the best days she had ever had.

At their languid pace, it took almost an hour before the rocky buildings of the mervillage came into sight, several dark figures hanging in the water in front of them, all of whom were armed with long sharp pikes and tridents.

Luna felt a sliver of fear lick through her body at the sight, but both hands tightened on her own and gave her renewed courage to keep going.

As they approached, a trio broke off from the waiting crowd and approached them slowly. Two of them were tall green-coloured men with long powerful scaled tails. Each carried one of the two types of jagged weapons, though theirs looked to be made of a finer and stronger material than some of those still behind them.

The third figure was quite different, however. She was clearly someone important to the merfolk and was wearing some sort of weeded sash over her bare scaled chest. A jagged crown of stone and kelp was woven into her snakelike hair and her eyes were fixed on Harry.

The human trio stopped in the water and allowed themselves to go vertical. Harry squeezed her hand before he let go and Hermione pulled her a little closer in the water, placing her free hand on Luna's shoulder as Harry swept slightly forward of the two girls.

He raised his hands to the approaching merfolk and bowed his head as they came within reach. He put both hands together and touched his chest lightly before placing the palms flat to one another and bowing to the woman.

"We can speak underwater, Harry Potter. Though your attempt at rudimentary communication does amuse me slightly."

Harry waved his hand near his face and the bubble over his features tightened significantly, now practically flush with his skin. "My apologies, I am woefully ignorant of your customs and ways. I hoped to make right what damage I may have caused in my haste the other day."

"You have been sent by your Ministry?" the mermaid asked.

"No. I've not spoken with them in many days. They stole my girlfriend. If I were to see them right now, I would be hard-pressed not to attack them for it."

The scaled woman stared at Harry carefully for several long moments. "You came of your own accord then?"

"I wronged your people. I would like to make up for that. Neither of my friends could resist the chance to visit your magnificent village when they learned my intentions."

Luna shivered slightly despite the powerful warming charm as the powerful woman locked her in her gaze before sweeping her eyes to Hermione.

"This one has been here before."

"Indeed I have, though last time I was unable to see very much." Hermione offered and Luna noted her bubble was much tighter too.

The mermaid stared between Harry and Hermione several times before she spoke again. "Your Ministry has been ignoring our requests. What amends can you offer, young one?"

"Firstly, I'd like to fix any damage I may have caused. I was somewhat frantic last week and did not consider my actions greatly before I made them. I needed to rescue my friend as fast as I could. Consequences be damned." Harry replied.

"Very well. You will be watched. But if you truly come to help, we are not so proud as to refuse aid."

The woman spun in the water so quickly that Luna wasn't sure she hadn't imagined it. With a single flick of her powerful tail, the woman was halfway back to the larger group in a moment and Harry drifted back over to where they were hovering in the water as the two mermen watched him closely.

"Looks like they're willing to accept our help, but be sure not to make any sudden movements and be careful where you point your wand if you want to help," Harry said to her directly.

Luna nodded softly as he took her hand once more and the trio slowly followed the retreating mermaid deeper into the village. She noted several large chunks of stone were missing from a good number of the houses and she recalled the massive pieces of rock that the Giant Squid had been returning to the lake after the Task. She could not help but be impressed by the amount of power Harry must have used in his spells during the event.

They soon arrived at an empty square and Luna felt Harry tense up as he stared into the middle of the open space. Hermione released her hand and quickly swam past Luna, coming to rest looking at Harry.

"I'm right here. I'm ok, you're ok. Calm yourself."

Luna felt like she was intruding on something as Harry closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. He opened them again and looked over Hermione's shoulder to the empty water before nodding. Hermione shifted to Harry's left and took the boy's other hand as they approached the mermaid who was once more hovering in place watching them approach.

"This was a place of great importance to my people. The image of Atargatis holds power in these depths, and you destroyed it." The woman growled, and the faces of the gathered seemed to take on a more monstrous appearance for a moment.

Luna felt the fear spike once more at the sight and she tightened her grip on Harry's hand.

"I am very sorry. If you have a replica of the image, I will try my best to restore it."

Those gathered facing them seemed taken aback at his offer. "You truly think you can achieve this?"

"As I said, I wronged your people. I wish to make amends. Where better to begin than an icon central to your people's faith? Though I will certainly need Hermione's help."

Luna watched silently as a few of the merfolk whispered amongst themselves before a single one darted off into the darkness. Several tense moments passed as those gathered stared at the human trio, gently hovering in the water.

Luna couldn't contain her curiosity as she kicked softly, casting her eyes about the open square. At its farthest bounds lay more houses, some also missing pieces, while others had coverings of kelp and weeds that made them look even more beautiful than the bare stone.

Before she could inspect much else, the mermaid approached, also wearing a strange form of sash over her chest, but this one was almost bleached white. Luna found herself wondering how such a thing was possible when the mermaid stopped in front of Harry and held out a small foot-high piece of stone.

A second glance showed it to be a sculpture of a mermaid. The tail curved to the right under her outstretched arms, and had the finest detail around the scales of its sweeping length. The upper body was entirely smooth and defined as some of the sculptures she had seen in Greece on the travels with her parents as a small child.

The face though, caught and held her attention ferociously. The face was both incredibly beautiful and unfathomably powerful, frightening and caring all at once.

The face and body of a god captured in a moment in stone.

Harry turned to Hermione who extended her left hand slowly. The mermaid watched her cautiously before she handed the girl the icon. Hermione held it up to her face, appearing to take in all the fine detail all around the small piece. "How tall was it?"

"Er," Harry paused, clearly thinking carefully. "It was about fourteen times your height."

"That's a lot of stone, Harry. Something of that size will need a lot of material to work off."

"I know. I feel terrible."

Hermione returned the statue to the waiting mermaid and turned to Harry, pressing her lips softly to his cheek. "I know." She turned back to the mermaid. "Would it be possible to have access to unworked stone? Probably… I'm unsure of your size or weight measurements."

"You wish for stone enough to build the icon anew?" the mermaid asked curiously, her voice raspy and high at the same time.

"Something like that."

The mermaid gestured another forward from the crowd and a merman quickly approached. This one seemed younger than the others and was not armed like a large portion of the rest. "Take them to the quarry storage."

The merman nodded and signalled for them to follow as he headed off to the north. The trio tried their best to keep up with his rapid pace and Luna was very grateful for the flippers right now.

As they soared above the buildings of the village, she began to see the true extent of the damage. So many of the houses had at least a small chunk of rock missing, allowing her to see inside. Some even had eyes looking back out at them, tiny figures huddled within.

Luna felt Harry's hand firm up again and she noticed he was looking in the same direction she had been. But she had a feeling this anger was directed inward. Hermione must have done something to draw his attention as he turned to the other side and a moment later his hand slackened once more.

They quickly arrived at a series of outcroppings not far from the mervillage where large chunks of stone were laid about in the silt. Luna was amazed at the size of the material and impressed that the merfolk were able to maneuver such large blocks about.

Harry turned to Luna and nodded at her, his hand loosening fully and she let him go as he pulled his wand from inside his robes.

Luna pulled her own but was unsure what to do as Harry and Hermione moved a little closer to the stone, the merman to the side watching them both carefully. With a synchronised swipe of their wands through the water, all the large blocks on the lakebed lifted up, rising higher and higher into the water.

Luna was stunned at the sheer power her two friends were capable of utilising before the spell broke and the blocks fell to the ground once more. Luna swam forward as Harry and Hermione stared at one another, seeming to be communicating something as when Luna arrived, Hermione quickly swam off back towards the village.

"What's wrong?" Luna asked, realising that her bubblehead had not been adjusted to allow her to speak clearly underwater.

Harry turned to her and smiled, apparently understanding what she was asking regardless. "We can lift them all, but there are a lot of houses between here and the square. I'd be mortified if we lost focus over the village and caused more damage."

"Then how?"

"Our secret." Harry held one finger up to his mouth and made a shushing sound that spurted bubbles out around the finger and made Luna giggle.

Harry twitched upright in the water and turned back towards the village, responding to a signal that Luna could not see. He turned back to her for a moment and gave her a wink before he swam over the stones and turned back towards the village.

Luna watched silently as Harry tucked his wand back into his robes and spread his arms wide. His fingers were splayed outwards and Luna thought she saw movement between the open digits. The water seemed to shimmer around Harry's hands before, with a sudden movement, Harry's arms swept inwards and he clapped loudly in the water.

Luna felt herself yanked forward momentarily before she could right herself against the sudden current and when she glanced up once more, all the stone was gone.

Harry once more seemed to respond to an unseen signal and swam quickly over to where Luna was hovering in the water. She looked at him curiously and he smiled in return, taking her hand once more and making a big show of clicking his fingers.

Luna surged around in the water, taking in the fact that she had once more moved locations without warning. Harry's smile grew as he gently directed her downwards and she saw Hermione below them, hovering over all the large chunks of stone now deposited around the centre of the large square.

Luna glanced back to Harry who gave her a shush signal once more before he joined Hermione and the two linked hands and pulled their wands once more. Harry's in his left and Hermione's in her right hand.

Hermione looked over her shoulder at Luna and gestured for her to swim back a little and the girl did, watching in fascination as the two began to swish their wands through the water in mirrored actions.

The two moved in perfect harmony as the stone beneath them began to crack apart and drift upwards, coming together again in a new shape in the water in front of the two. As their arms moved up and down, back and forth, the object began to take shape and Luna realized they were reforming a larger version of the small statuette they had been shown earlier.

Luna felt the water around her move and turned to see several members of the merfolk crowd who had joined her position closer to the action and were also watching in awe as the two worked in unison.

As the work continued and more and more people joined Luna in watching, she felt the water in front of her heating up. She extended her hand and noted that the closer it got to the pair, the warmer it became. She realized they must have been channelling an enormous amount of power to accomplish their goal.

It took quite a while, but eventually, the statue was fully formed once more and Luna watched from the crowd as the merwoman who had greeted them swam forward to Harry and Hermione. The pair twisted slightly at her approach but continued to weave their wands gently through the water.

"How is it?" Hermione asked and the merwoman swam around the statue from top to bottom, even ducking under the still levitating bottom of the tail on which Luna assumed it would normally rest.

"It's perfect. How?" The merwoman questioned as she rejoined them.

"We work well together," Harry replied cheekily.

"If you're happy with it, we'll let it set and place it down."

The merwoman nodded and the pair swept their wands upwards together. A sound of cracking stone filled the water and Luna saw water being jetted out of tiny gaps she had not even noticed in the stonework as the giant icon knitted itself together.

With a final slow downward sweep of the two wands, the statue came to rest heavily on the lake bed and the people around Luna clapped and cheered at the sight of their renewed holy symbol.

"I know it doesn't make up for ruining the original, but I hope it helps a little." Harry nodded to the merwoman who looked back at him curiously.

"It does. And it shows my own manners have been lacking. I am Mer-cheiftainess Murcus."

The pair bowed their heads at the chief merwoman and Luna echoed their efforts. "I am Harry Potter, as you apparently know. This is my girlfriend, Hermione Granger. And our good friend," Harry gestured to Luna, "Luna Lovegood."

"You are a most unusual human being," Murcus replied.

"I get that a lot. But, we have to get Luna back up to the castle at a reasonable hour." The boy glanced into the water far above before checking his watch and looking back up at the Mer-chieftainess. "We will come back shortly to finish helping repair the houses."

Hermione bowed to the woman once more and swam over to where Luna hovered, now surrounded by merfolk. "Making more friends, I see," Hermione noted as she arrived.

Luna glanced at the surrounding merfolk and smiled, an action which they cheerfully returned. She noticed the one closest to her had been the one who guided them over to the quarry and gave him a slight nod which he mirrored.

"Guess so." She replied, the sound still muffled by her regular bubblehead charm.

As they floated in place, Harry came over to them, a small pale cat hovering beside him that looked oddly familiar to Luna. "Looks like visiting hours are over, I'm afraid. We have to get you back or risk a rather severe scratching next time we go to Transfiguration."

Luna nodded and turned to the assembled merfolk, waving happily at them as Harry gently took her free hand.

Luna turned back to see Hermione reverting her feet to normal and with another sudden change, she was once more in the air, the bubble over her face popping and allowing her to breathe the clear Scottish air again.

"That was wicked." She said plainly, the three dripping onto the dock heavily.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Harry smirked again as he too drew his wand and glanced at Hermione.

"What?" Luna asked, unsure of the cheeky look on her friends' faces.

"You're all wet. Can't have you going inside like that. Filch will have a heart attack." Hermione explained and she lifted her wand.

"Ok," Luna said.

Suddenly the two wands pointed at her feet began to blow comfortably warm air over her figure and the two friends stepped back to get a better angle as they swept them up over her body, Luna giggling happily at the feeling as the water flicked off and her clothes whipped about in the moving air.

When they pointed towards her face, she closed her eyes and her giggling increased as she felt her hair flapping in the streams.

As the air lessened and she opened her eyes, she felt warm inside and out now that she was dry. And for having spent a wonderful afternoon exploring with her two closest friends. "That was fun."

Harry stepped over and laid his still-wet hand gently on her shoulder. "Yes, it was. We'll have to do it again sometime. I'd give you a hug, but…"

Luna stepped forward and wrapped him in her arms for a moment, not caring that it undid the drying effect they had just treated her to. "I don't mind."

She felt Hermione's arm on her shoulders as well and Luna let herself fall into the comfort of having such wonderful friends. All too soon the pair pulled back and Luna smiled at them.

"We'll come by when we can. Hopefully, we won't have to stay away for long." Hermione noted as Luna stepped back.

"I look forward to it."

"If anyone gives you any trouble, call for Tybalt. He knows to come if you call. And will bring us if needed." Harry added and Luna felt even happier knowing that even in their absence they were ensuring she was watched over. The letter to her mother was going to be epic tonight.

"I will." She nodded lightly. "Stay safe."

"We will." The pair smiled and raised their hands, fingers readied to snap and Luna knew what was about to happen after the few times they'd done so today. "Bye for now."

Luna waved at them as she heard the snap and a moment later she was standing in Professor McGonagall's office, staring at the stern woman who was trying her hardest not to let the extreme surprise she was feeling show on her face.

"Miss Lovegood. I trust you had a productive afternoon." The professor asked.

"It was wonderful. The merfolk seem much happier now."

"Merfolk?" The professor's voice cracked and she lost the war with her face, the surprise now plain to see.

"Indeed. But if you don't need anything, I am a bit hungry. I'll head off to dinner now." Luna explained, smiling brightly at the elderly woman.

When Professor McGonagall said nothing further, Luna turned on her heel and began humming the same tune from earlier as she skipped out of the office and into the hall, wondering what she might enjoy for dinner after such a glorious afternoon of fun.


Albus adjusted his belt as the grate opened and allowed him out onto the second level, most of the wide space filled with desks separated by low partitions.

Several Aurors were busily working away at their desks but most of the floor was empty as he strolled through the bull pit. His brisk pace soon brought him to the line of offices he was seeking and he noted Auror Dawlish standing beside the water fountain.

"Dawlish. Is she in?" He greeted plainly, nodding to the nearby door.

The young Auror glanced at him before his eyes flicked to the door and he nodded silently. Albus returned the nod and headed for the door, ignoring Dawlish as he tried to tell him he couldn't just walk on in.

The door swung inwards and the woman at the desk inside looked up at him in surprise, eyes widening.

"Miss Everett. I'm glad you are here."

"Professor Dumbledore. To what do we owe your visit?" Senior Auror Everett replied, gesturing to Dawlish to settle.

Albus stepped towards the desk, not letting his gaze drift from the woman's face. "I am here to inform you that, due to your actions, you are hereby officially banned from setting foot on Hogwarts grounds going forward."

Everett's eyes widened and her mouth began to flap silently. "What is going on here?" A stern voice came from behind Albus, though he did not turn, recognizing the owner.

"I was simply informing your Senior Auror that her actions had seen her banned from school grounds," Albus informed the Department Head.

"Her actions?" Amelia asked, stepping over to the desk as well, her eyes fixed on the Auror behind the desk.

"Yes. I've interrogated the portraits around the Hufflepuff dormitories and it seems Miss Everett here is the one who entered the female dormitory and came out a few minutes later levitating the unconscious form of Miss Granger. I know for a fact that Miss Granger, nor her family were consulted regarding her involvement in the task. I will not tolerate such behaviour at Hogwarts, especially from visitors. As such, she is no longer welcome on the grounds. Hopefully, this doesn't interfere with your work, Amelia."

Albus finally pulled his gaze from the fish-out-of-water face before him and turned to see Amelia was glaring at the Auror with a great deal of anger. "None whatsoever, Dumbledore. It seems we will be having a meeting of the management staff of this department about taking orders from outside the chain of command."

Albus smiled softly at the formidable woman. "Good to know such instructions did not come from your office. Good day, Amelia."

"You can't…" Everett finally spoke before being immediately silenced by Amelia, both magically and through the intimidating look in her eyes.

"Sit down! Auror Everett. It appears your status has just come under review. Have a nice day, Professor." Amelia said as she stepped even closer to the desk, towering over the retreating figure on the far side.

Albus walked quickly to the door and noticed Auror Dawlish standing by the opening, glancing furtively inside. "Dawlish," Albus stated simply as he walked back off towards the elevators, every eye in the bull pit now following him closely.

The stares made him uncomfortable again these days and Albus hated that he had become so used to the fact people naturally deferred to him due to actions he had made decades prior. He tried to shrug off the feeling as he walked confidently away from the office, several raised voices now emanating behind him.

His rage at the events of the Second Task had cooled slightly, but he was going to make absolutely sure that any further interaction the Ministry had with Hogwarts was vetted and approved, and most of all, didn't put any of its students in danger. The others were right that he had allowed events to go to his head and corrupt him.

But that Albus was gone now. The man he once was had resurfaced and he was done with games. If people wanted to see the Great Albus Dumbledore at work, he would give them something worth watching.

A man committed to his charges.

The elevator grate closed in front of him once more and he clipped the number four on the panel. Now to try and get the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures to get off their butts and resolve the very valid issues that the merfolk had with the Ministry after the event.

Albus sighed as he realised the damage was not caused by the Ministry, but he'd be damned if he let them off here. They were responsible for the Task even existing. But more than anything, this event had solidified Albus's need to speak with Mister Potter, while at the same time making it pretty certain the boy would never want to speak to him ever again.

He shook his head softly as the elevator came to a halt once more and cleared the thoughts from his mind, this was going to be far more difficult than his previous appointment.

Chapter 33: Politics

Chapter Text

Tuesday 7th March 1995.

Harry bobbed in the water, buoyed by the joyful amusem*nt in his soul as he watched dozens of mercalves flitting about the large square.

It had taken a few trips and several days, but the repairs were now complete and the village was a far brighter place with the merfolk once more back to normal.

Hermione zipped back and forth, using her wand to send out a surge of water strong enough to propel her forward, but not so hard that it would harm the children chasing her or put her out of their reach.

The display had been going on for some time now, with the children occasionally catching up and Hermione twisting her wand to send herself into a tight spiral like a figure skater, the water from her wand gently washing the giggling kids away in its turbulence.

Harry couldn't help the smile that grew on his features as he watched and noted just how big a difference there was in the village compared to his first two visits. During the first, he had been so frantic in his search for Hermione that he had barely taken any note of either the village or its inhabitants.

On the second, they had been sure the merfolk would be holding a grudge against him and it was only Luna's cheerful presence that had allowed him to forget that until they had been approaching.

The once stern guards who had clocked their approach through the water now leant against their tridents and pikes, laughing at the jovial display rather than carefully watching their every move for further betrayal. Harry sighed as he considered how mistreated the folk must have been by the Ministry for their distrust to be so complete.

"It is nice to see laughter in this place again." Murcus chimed from beside Harry, stirring him from his own thoughts.

Harry smiled at the thought before he spoke. "Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face."

He turned to the mermaid beside him and tried not to let his smile broaden at the surprise evident on her face, the gentle current tossing her wild, dark green hair about her shoulders.

"It's a quote, by Victor Hugo. Based, I think, on a saying they have on the surface. Laughter is the best medicine."

"You are an odd human," Murcus replied, still eyeing him with her brilliant yellow eyes. "I personally prefer Wilde's version.Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is by far the best ending for one. Though I will add, you are a Harry who clearly understands what friendship is."

It was Harry's turn to hover in the water gobsmacked. In his youth locked away in his home, he had practically drained the library of content in his yearning to learn and find new experiences. Meeting Hermione had only further fueled such desires, so it was not uncommon for random literary quotes to be bandied about the Family or the Manor. But he had never expected to hear them from someone at the bottom of a lake.

"I was not always the Merchieftainess of this village, Harry Potter. In my youth, I knew a man from the surface who was actually quite a lot like you. Curious, powerful, and a little odd. He shared many of your finest literary works with me on quiet days in the small boathouse that leads to the school." Murcus smiled at Harry, her yellow teeth matching the colour of her eyes, but the gesture only calmed him.

Harry's eyes flicked back to Hermione who had been overcome by the horde of children and was now continuing her journey but with a troop of children hanging off her body as they swirled through the more open water together.

"It's important to find someone you can connect with like that."

"She is very important to you," Murcus noted and Harry nodded in reply. "I apologize for our part in her detainment."

"I don't blame any of you. If not here, they'd have found somewhere even more dangerous to hold the hostages. Having gotten to know your people, I can't think of anywhere safer she could have been."

Murcus gave him a solemn nod and silence drifted in the water between them, only broken by the laughter coming from the surging mass of bodies that seemed to be growing in size.

"If I may," Harry asked softly after several quiet minutes, "this man, is he still around?"

Murcus turned to face him once more and grinned openly. "He still visits from time to time, though it's rare for us both to have the time to read. He's usually far too busy being the Chieftain of the school."

Harry's smile dropped and his eyes shot in the direction he could feelthatmagic coming from. The mermaid he had befriended was also friends with Albus Dumbledore himself. Would she… his thoughts attempted to run wild but he quickly squashed them down, forcing himself to consider before coming to conclusions. Surely he was not always the man Harry had met in the bank.

They had attended the school from November to February and not once had Dumbledore attempted to violate the conditions of their attendance. Not that Harry was eager to rush up and have tea with the man regardless.

"You have conflict with the man?"

Harry glanced at the Merchieftainess and tried to quash the feelings that had risen with their discussion. "A little."

Murcus smiled again and Harry was even more confused. "I can understand that. He changed a lot as he grew older. Sometimes I wonder if the man who visits is anything like the one I knew as a foal. But he is working on that. He, like you, is aiding us in our difficulties. While you rebuild, he pleads our case in your Ministry."

"Does he ask anything in return?" Harry felt the words spill forth before he could contain them, but the mermaid simply smiled.

"He does not."

"Murcus?" Another voice called from behind the pair. The mermaid turned and nodded at the guard. "Ministry officials approach."

Harry's eyes shot to Hermione who had just shaken loose the laughing children, but he could see her face drop even at this distance and she quickly started in his direction. "We should leave."

"You don't have to go. They surely won't stay long. They never do." Murcus said to him before turning back to the guard. "Get the foals inside and summon the guard."

The merman nodded and shot off towards the children trailing behind Hermione looking uncertain. Before they made it halfway, the guards gathered around the square joined the one who had delivered the message and started corralling the children back down and into the houses.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked as she arrived, pulling up tightly against Harry's side.

"Ministry is coming."

"This is an improvement," Murcus explained. "They've not actually come down to us in almost twelve years."

"They can't see us here. We should go home." Harry sensed the tiny undertone of fear in Hermione's voice. While he was certain they could take whoever was coming in a fight, there was no telling what sort of damage that would do to the mervillage's standing with the Ministry.

Harry nodded and Murcus's smile vanished. "A shame. Visit again soon, please. Your presence has been a delight."

Murcus was quickly joined by half a dozen well-armed guards, one of whom handed her a wreath of kelp Harry now knew to be the symbol of her standing in the village. One she never wore among her people as she preferred to simply be one of the group, but she always wore when outsiders came.

"Of course," Harry replied, offering her a wry smile in return.

Two more guards approached from further out in the water. "It's Diggory and Tombes. With a group of four others." The front guard explained as he joined the growing greeting party.

"Farewell," Harry nodded to the group and turned back to Hermione, noting the small glint in the girl's eyes.

With the usual instantaneous change of location, Harry found himself dropping through the air, his eyes flicking downwards to correct his fall when he saw a shaggy-looking figure beneath him, laid out on a couch snoring.

Instead of trying to avoid the figure, Harry grinned and belly-flopped from a foot or so above onto the figure, startling them from their slumber with a great wet slap. Sirius's eyes shot open as the air rushed out of him but his eyes immediately found Harry's and soon they had the same look that Hermione's had a moment before.

Harry rolled to the left as they connected and let his body drop wetly onto the floor, quickly rolling aside as a pair of legs kicked over the edge of the couch before shifting form and Padfoot rushed over and began licking his face over and over. Harry couldn't help but laugh at the ticklish feeling combined with the awful smell of dog breath.

"Ew, wet dog!" Hermione groaned from nearby, drawing the dog's attention.

The girl shrieked as Padfoot stood and leapt at her, knocking her to the floor as well and giving her the same treatment he had been giving Harry a moment before.

Harry sat up and watched as his godfather attacked his girlfriend's face and smiled at the shrieking laughter she gave as she tried to fend him off. After a few moments, Harry snapped his fingers and Padfoot whined slightly as his licks stopped making contact with his target as he began to rise into the air, now dripping all over the carpet just as badly as the two teens.

"Sirius! What have you been doing? You're dripping water everywhere." Harry's mother's voice sounded from nearby and he glanced towards the nearby portrait to see her looking at his godfather with her usual frustration at his pranking habits.

Padfoot whined again, clearly in his own defence, the doleful doggy eyes flicking to the two teens who were even more soaked than he but were currently avoiding any talking to. The man reformed in the air, his feet still a couple of inches off the ground as he turned to the painting. "You always blame me, Lils."

"Usually with good reason, Padfoot," James added as he walked into the frame. "Put him down, Harry."

Harry smiled as he snapped his fingers again and Sirius lightly touched back down onto the floor, holding his side slightly. "Sorry, I wasn't expecting to arrive like that," he explained, his eyes flicking to a smiling Hermione.

"She's worse than you lot were." Lily moaned as Hermione stood and gave a classic Marauder sh*t-eating grin, waving her wand a few times to correct the transfigurations and dry herself off, though she did nothing to clean and dry Harry or Sirius.

"I've no idea what you mean." She chimed as she danced from the room to get changed, leaving the four others to chat.

"I take it that things went well in the lake?" James asked, settling into the chair in the frame and pulling Lily onto his lap, drawing a shake of her head in response.

"Pretty good. All the repairs are finished." Harry noted, pulling his own wand, correcting his feet and drying himself off, while still leaving Sirius dripping wet. "We had to leave because the Ministry arrived. Looks like they're finally doing something."

"The Ministry has never been particularly rapid at anything but covering its own arse. Who were the Merfolk going to complain to?" Lily grumbled.

"Mister Diggory was one of those coming down. I thought he was fairly high up in the Department for Regulation and Control?"

"He is. Surprising that they'd send him." James nodded.

"Maybe…" Harry drifted off as he considered what Murcus had told him. "Murcus seems to think that…"

"What is it?"

"Murcus is friends with Dumbledore. She thinks he has been ruffling feathers at the Ministry in their favour. Maybe he forced them to visit."

"They never mentioned that before," Lily growled and James held her tighter in place.

"They didn't really this time. We were discussing other things and it just came up. She does say he's different now though."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Sirius grumbled. "He never did a damn thing to clear my name. Even though he had to know I'd never betray any of you."

"You're home now. It doesn't matter." James explained as if it resolved the matter.

"Hermione's right, dad. We can't stay here forever."

"Why not? Lily and I have been perfectly happy here. Even Sirius loves it here."

"Sirius loves it wherever Harry is." Lily corrected and his godfather grinned and winked at the boy. "So long as the portkeys aren't one hundred percent effective, you have to stay here though."

"I know. But magicals can live for a long time. I think I'd go mad if I had to spend my entire life locked up in here, scared to leave because of one man."


"Look, I'm not saying I want to go anywhere right now. I'm saying we need to sort out this Dumbledore stuff so that we have the choice to do so."

Silence overtook the room for several moments as the others considered his words. "It's not right, you know." Sirius finally broke the stillness. "I was meant to corrupt you into a right little terror. Instead, you're more like your mum than the rest of us. Being all logical and intelligent."

The Family chuckled as Harry noticed movement by the door, a bushy head of hair glancing around the doorframe but remaining out of view of the others for the moment. He sighed and turned back to the painting.

"These last few days have proven her words though. I didn't mind it when I had no idea what I was missing out on. But now... I miss my friends. I miss the lessons, even though most of the time we were self-studying in them anyway. I know what's out there now. I can't let one man scare me away from living my life."

"Maybe it's time then." Remus chimed as he walked straight into the room with only a momentary glance at the figure outside and plonked down on a nearby chair. "We've avoided him for months and so far he's followed the rules we put in place."

"I don't know if I can sit in the same room as him and not want to rip his throat out just yet," Sirius growled.

Remus glanced at his friend and his forehead crinkled in surprise before he gave a sniff and recoiled. "Bloody hell, Padfoot."

He pulled his wand out and flicked it at the other man several times, drying him off and leaving him smelling less like a wet dog and more like a bouquet of daisies, Sirius's least favourite flower, as they made his animagus form sneeze.

"Oh, very funny, Moony."

"Where is your wand, Sirius?" Harry asked the sulking man as he landed heavily on the couch, which still sounded wet.

"It's in my room. I was having a nice rest so I didn't need it."

Several chuckles sounded from Remus and James as Sirius worked himself into the wet cushions and laid back.

Lily tried to return them to the topic. "I still don't want Harry meeting him. I don't trust him."

"No one said anything about trusting him, Lils," Remus replied. "There is a gulf between trust and listening, though."

"Better you than me." Sirius snarled as he closed his eyes.

"No one should meet with him alone," James stated, staring at the still form of his once best friend. "And if Harry isn't going, that means someone else needs to go with Remus."

"Bite me, Prongs," Sirius grumbled and the others shook their heads.

"It's moot for now anyway." Harry interrupted, hoping to keep them from snapping at one another pointlessly. "It'll be hours before we head to the bank again, and so long as the portkeys aren't secure, we're not going anywhere regardless."

"I'd be a lot happier if they'd work within the wards," Lily grumbled.

"So would I mum. But we've proven the changes to their sensitivity make them now consider anything covered by the wards as home."

"I know that. I don't like the idea of you being outside unprotected. Especially not when people are intentionally knocking you out while you sleep."

"There is nowhere outside these wards I feel safer than that bank. The goblins are trustworthy so long as we pay them."

"And if someone else pays them more?" James enquired. "The Potters were never the richest family out there, son."

"Then Hermione and I will rain hell upon them for betraying us. And they know it." Harry replied, deadpan and ignoring the light chuckle from the hall. "I think at this point the money is a courtesy. They like how much chaos we cause as much as they like the money. Plus this is a personal insult to them. That someone would use something they consider underhanded tactics to bypass their magic… They want to fix the portkey even more than we do."

"Just be cautious, that's all we ask," Lily added softly.

"I'll try my best. If not for me…" Harry trailed off.

The Family went silent and Harry heard the slight intake of breath from the hall and he knew that Hermione was biting her lip in that way that drove him nuts.

"I'm going to go get changed. We can talk more later." Harry stood, stretching the muscles that had stiffened due to lack of use in their morning of swimming rather than walking.

Without further comment, he left the room and Hermione took his hand as he exited, leading him to his room and a sound snogging.


Wednesday 8th March 1995.

Crouch landed heavily in the chair across the desk as Cornelius adjusted the papers on its surface.

The man looked even more ragged today than ever. Even when he had been dealing with the mess of the war, the man had not looked this dishevelled. Cornelius thanked his lucky stars that he had inherited a time of peace.

"They refused," Crouch growled, tossing a folder onto the desk and ruining Fudge's careful stacking.

"Refused?" He asked as his assistant closed the door that Crouch had left wide open in his loud entrance.

"Tombes says they claim to have repaired the damage. They even showed him some of the structures. No idea how they did it, but apparently they are as good as new."

"Isn't this a good thing then?"

Crouch eyed him carefully before he shook his head. "No. It means they're asking for something else as recompense now. Had we just fixed the damage it would be over."

"Something else? They made demands?"

"Not to us directly, but Dumbledore has been in the building several times this week, most of it spent in the Derc. Probably pushing for additional rights at this point."

Cornelius paled at the idea. He didn't have anything against other races, not to the degree his often polarizing Undersecretary did, but giving the merfolk additional rights may not sit well with some of his better-off constituents.

"Do we have anything else we can offer?"

"I've got nothing right now. And the French are still making a fuss even after the concessions. I haven't even had time to review Ludo's changes to the Third Task yet."

Fudge rubbed his face in his hands as the reports continued to bring in bad news. This Tournament was supposed to show the quality of his time as head of the Ministry. To show the world he was a good leader and hopefully drum up some extra support. Instead, it had turned into a nightmare with a media circus to boot.

"At least the Bulgarians aren't making any more fuss." He offered, hoping to soothe the other man and get him back to work keeping the heat off of Cornelius's shoulders.

"Small mercy. It looks like Dumbledore is going to get his way. I've had several of the foreign Ministries we were in talks with rescind their tacit approval to borrow some of their creatures. At the rate we're going, the hedges are going to be the only threat left in the maze. Some spectacle that will be."

"Surely there is some way we can put a stop to this. Or spin it in our favour?"

Crouch eyed him directly. "I've got nothing. You?"

Fudge sank into his chair.

Perhaps he could trouble Dolores with figuring out something while he weathered this storm. "This is not good Barty. You promised me a Tournament we could be proud of. Something that would make everyone forget about losing the World Cup to Italy. This isn't what I had in mind when you said they'd have too much to think about to worry about the Cup."

Crouch glared at him, looking about ready to curse him for his words and Cornelius recoiled slightly in his chair. "I'll talk with the Unspeakables. Maybe they can give us some alternatives for the final task."

The gruff man stood and without another word, stormed out of the office, once more leaving the door swinging behind him. Cornelius noticed his assistant eyeing him through the opening, along with several of those gathered outside his office awaiting their own meetings with the Minister.

Cornelius nodded to Rebecca who gestured the next person in as he took a sip from his tea and tried to ignore the looming disaster that he felt was on the horizon.


Monday 13th March 1995.

"Your tea is lovely as ever, Hagrid." Albus complimented the large man as he set his large cup back on the hulking table. "And I'm glad you baked up some more of these rock cakes. Fawkes loves them."

Hagrid beamed at him and he chose not to mention that the bird used them as gizzard stones. It was always a nice break to come and visit the giant man. His enthusiasm was inspiring.

"Your welcome, o' course, Professor." Hagrid replied as he sat opposite him, "What is it you wanted to talk about?"

"I'm afraid that circ*mstances have aligned in such a way that your expertise will no longer be required for the final task." Hagrid's face sank slightly and Albus felt bad for the man. "Several of the countries the Ministry had petitioned to provide creatures for the maze have rescinded their offers after the debacle the second event became."

"Sounds like all the more reason to let me offer what I can." Hagrid offered, smiling once again.

"Indeed it would be, but in this case, I too am refusing to allow the use of dangerous creatures in the task."

Hagrid looked at him confused and Albus sighed before downing a bit more of his tea. It was one of his favourite parts of visiting Hagrid, as the enormous cups the man used meant a nice large serving of the delicious liquid he was rather proficient at brewing.

"After the way the second task went, I am vetoing anything I consider too great a risk for the Champions or the audience. We have been incredibly fortunate so far, Hagrid. But this Tournament was once banned for a very good reason. I prefer not to tempt fate on the final stretch."

Hagrid nodded softly along to his explanation and sighed himself, the large lungs of the man blowing about several of the small doilies stacked by the large teapot in the middle of the table. "Right you are, sir. I just let me enthusiasm run away with me."

"Enthusiasm is a wonderful trait to have, my friend. Wilhelmina has suggested that we split the years between you next year. If you think you'd be able to handle the upper-year classes on your own, that is?"

"O' course, Professor, sir. I'd be thrilled." Hagrid's joy was palpable and he very nearly knocked over the massive table as he practically jumped in his seat.

"That is a relief. She has indicated she doesn't much care for dealing with the rowdier creatures at her age. While she is thankfully still a long way from retirement, she has suggested you might handle those classes better anyway.

"Though I must impress upon you that your performance will still be monitored," Albus noted, with a glance over his glasses at the excitable man. "The Ministry would like any reason to rescind your provisional wand rights given your former undeserved expulsion. It has been wonderful not having to fill new positions every year, and I would hate to have to start again now." Albus mused softly with a calming smile.

"Course." Hagrid nodded furiously and Albus smiled at the large man's obvious excitement.

Albus couldn't help but notice the resemblance to another of his favoured former students. "And do remind me to arrange a time for you and Newt to meet up when he returns to Britain next year. I am certain the pair of you would have a great deal to discuss."

The half-giant's dark eyes bulged humorously at the offer of a meeting with a true giant of his favoured field and Albus nodded slightly before returning his attention to his tea once more, savouring the tasty beverage.


Thursday 23rd March 1995.

Lurlor passed the probe over the softly breathing form and ignored the sound of the door opening behind her.

Almost a month she had been at this now and it was truly beginning to irk her that she had not achieved her goal.

#So this is them?#

Lurlor rolled her eyes and tried to ignore the unfortunately familiar voice as she continued checking the reading. The boy had not yet achieved the required state.

#What? Are you in a mood again?#The voice asked again and Lurlor growled in her chest.

#Go away, Gugkoff.#Her low voice rumbled through the quiet room but did not seem to penetrate the thick skull that came into view.#I'm busy.#

#I can see that. Busy pandering to these bloody humans.#

Gugkoff glared at the boy before her with a nasty smile. He raised one hand and dragged his first claw across the soft skin of the boy's cheek.

Lurlor fixed her eyes on him and she made sure he noticed her hand twitch towards the knife on the table. He withdrew his hand and raised the palm in her direction.

#I am not pandering, I am doing my job.#She replied, hoping to get him to leave quietly so that she could continue that work.#As you should be.#

#Not many humans are looking to make a deposit at this hour, Lurlor. You know that.#

She growled again and turned back to her probe, trying to ignore the nuisance. He turned away from the boy and moved over to the girl, a soft light snoring coming from her as she lay in place beside the boy. Lurlor hated to admit that she found it somewhat cute.


The snoring gave a start and Lurlor looked up to see Gugkoff had prodded the girl in the stomach. She openly growled at him again and the goblin turned to face her, looking somewhat surprised at her reaction.

#Alright. Claws off it is.#

The interloper stepped away and the girl settled once more, but Lurlor noticed that her disturbance had practically reset the boy's progress as well. At times she hated how in sync the pair seemed to be. The slightest disturbance of one often woke the other.

#What do you want?#Lurlor grunted in Gugkoff's direction without boring to actually turn to face him. She was becoming very tired of his random visits.

Gugkoff turned to face her, a look of surprise on his face.#What I've always wanted. I'm a goblin of good standing. We would make a good pairing.#

Lurlor rolled her eyes and turned away from the ignorant twit. She had denied his advances numerous times over the past decade. Apparently, the moron was still not taking no for an answer.

A good trait in the bank upstairs, less so when dealing with someone with as little patience as she had for socialisation. Lurlor preferred peace and quiet in which to study and develop their race's unique forms of magic. With which she had always been extremely gifted.

She attempted to go back to ignoring the sod and focused on her work, which the prick had now delayed once more.

Several minutes passed in near silence as the boy settled once more before she felt a figure behind her and her urge to stab at it soared.

#You don't deny it.#The voice hissed past her ear and Lurlor lunged backwards, knocking the annoying bastard to the ground.

#I don't waste my time denying impossible things.#

#You bitch. You'd rather stay down here and nurse your little humans?#

#I'd rather die you miserable piece of dragon dung.#

Lurlor turned her back to the prone goblin and refocused on her work. It had been weeks since the humans had brought the issue to their attention and she had yet to figure out how to fix the issue. These interruptions were hampering her work considerably.

#What the hell is so important about them anyway? They're just humans!#

Gugkoff brushed himself off and approached the table once again.

She sighed at his persistence and glared at him once more.#They're paying us, you cretin.#

The other goblin coughed out a harsh laugh and Lurlor noticed the change in the boy's status once again, anger beginning to surge through her at the interference with her work.

#Humans. They think that solves everything. Look at them. Pathetic weak little creatures. Take away their wands…#Gugkoff closed on the boy again, brandishing his claws.

Lurlor rolled her eyes and with a quick flash of her hand, Gugkoff was pinned to the side table near the boy's head by her family dagger.

The goblin howled in pain and all three humans in the room woke up with a start. The boy immediately spotted the interloper and moved to cover the girl. At the same time, the assistant who had been snoring in the corner shot out of his seat, his wand waving in all directions before he noticed the howling goblin.

#Do not interfere with my work, you pathetic little worm.#Lurlor growled as she approached the struggling figure.#I'll have you punished severely for this.#

#You'd side with humans against your own kind?#Gugkoff gurgled and he tried to pull his hand free of the jagged blade of the dagger.

#No, you f*cking idiot. I side with the Gragnar. Not only are we being paid for this service, but they are personal acquaintances of Ragnok himself. When was the last time you held court with the head of our kind in this country, you stupid scum?#She advanced on his struggling form.

#So that's why you refuse me? Not close enough to the top for you?#He called back in the age-old call of a bruised male ego. Attempting to hurt her with words now that she had upstaged him physically.

#No. I refuse you because you are a weak, uncultured, pathetic excuse for a goblin. Were you not good with numbers, you'd have been reassigned to the pits years ago. You see, what flies on the surface often dies quickly underground.#Lurlor stated plainly.#The magic I work on now is centuries old. Forged by some of the finest goblins in our history. I make true change for the Nation. You pander to wizards who think you exactly the worthless piece of dung that you are.#

A soft chuckle from the girl drew her eye for a moment and Lurlor recalled that the pair on the table both understood their language. She tried not to let that recollection show as she turned back to the feeble struggling worm on her hook.

#The perversion of that magic is an insult to our kind. I seek to redress that balance so that we may remain proud of our work. You fetch gold for people who would see you broken and dead in the street, laughing as they pass. Which of us truly betrays our own kind? Now get out and never return, or I'll sever any reason you might have to find a mate and mount it to your f*cking desk.#

Lurlor yanked the blade from Gugkoff's hand and the goblin howled in pain as she twisted it on the way out, further damaging the idiot's hand. He glared at her for a moment but quickly seemed to finally make an intelligent decision and rushed from the room.

She turned to face the humans and noticed wide smiles on the younger pair on the table. Without warning, she tossed the dagger again and it shot into the seat of the chair her wizard assistant had been sleeping on. She stared at him for a moment before speaking.

"You are not being paid to sleep. Do so again, and you'll face my wrath."

The boy finally failed to contain his laughter when he glanced over his shoulder at the wizard's face and both the figures on the table began to chuckle. Lurlor rolled her eyes and headed for the nearby potion's cabinet. There was no way either of them was in a fit state to get back to sleep unaided right now.

Lurlor would be sending a formal complaint about Gugkoff to her seniors. He had basically made tonight a wash for her research.

She quickly handed the teens a pair of bottles, hoping the potion might get them back to sleep in time for her to make at least one attempt tonight.

"Drink. We've work to do, and you two need to be asleep for it to be achieved."

The boy tossed his back without a word but the girl smiled at her.#Cheers.#

Lurlor remained stoic, but the wizard looked confused that the girl spoke in the guttural Rhovak.

#Sleep, please.#Lurlor replied as the pair laid back down and entwined their hands, both quickly falling under the effect of the potion. Lurlor eyed the wizard who finally moved to return his wand to his pocket and started to walk around the circular room, apparently in an attempt to remain awake, his eyes flicking to the dagger in the chair on each circuit.

Lurlor allowed his movements to drift to the back of her mind as she picked up her probe and hovered it over the figures once more slumbering on the table. She had to wait for the potion to clear and hope that normal sleep remained once it did.

Otherwise, her complaint would be a lot worse if that worm had cost her an entire evening of work.

Chapter 34: Tests, tests, tests

Chapter Text

Wednesday 29th March 1995.

Harry stretched his stiff muscles.

Hours of sitting in the same position scribbling away the answers to his GCSEs hadn't been overly kind but at least they were done. Normally he loved studying, but exams were always stressful. Especially with his study buddy's neurotic habits.

He turned to face the jittery girl walking beside him and smiled as she mumbled under her breath, reassessing her answers as she always did after such an event. Harry reached out and took her hand in his own and her focus shifted to his face.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked.

"Nothing. Everything's exactly as it should be." He smiled.

"I know I messed up something. I can feel it."

Harry pulled the worried girl closer and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "I'm sure that you aced everything. As per usual."

"Harry…" She grumbled in reply.

"We've spent just about every waking moment since we left Hogwarts studying for these exams. I know that you've done your best. As have I. We can't ask to do better than that. Worrying about it won't change the grade."

Hermione sighed as they walked, but her jittering ceased. "I know."

Harry allowed her to walk in silence, casting his eyes around the empty playground. "It's sort of weird being back here again." His eyes drifted over to the sandpit by the swings and he couldn't help but smile and did some quick math in his head. "One hundred and ten months. Do you remember?"

Hermione's eyes flicked to his face before they tracked his gaze. Hermione blushed as she recalled the day they had first spoken by that very sandpit. "Of course I do. I've changed so much since then."

"Yes and no. I don't think you've changed much really, just come out of your shell. And you're still just as voracious a learner. But I'm very glad you decided to speak to me that day. My world changed when I met you."

Hermione blushed at the statement. "Stop it."

"Gosh, can you imagine if we'd been in there with Thomas Mitchell? He'd be in his last years by now. The look on his face when he realized we were taking the same exams that he was…"

Hermione chuckled at the thought of their once tormentor's face and Harry smiled as her body relaxed and the sound ran through him in the nicest way. "Harry!" She moaned cheerily.

"Got you to stop worrying about your answers, didn't it?"

She smiled at him and gave his cheek a gentle kiss. "Yes. Thank you." She paused for a moment before speaking again. "To redirect from you trying to distract me by making me blush; we've got our next session tomorrow night."

Harry glanced at her as the two walked towards the gate that led out onto the road that had been the site of one of the biggest changes in his short life all those years before. As they walked, he considered the changes the goblins had arranged after the intrusion on their last session.

"I was thinking that we could change the process slightly, even though it might slow things down." She glanced towards him and Harry could see an unspoken question in her eyes. He gave a soft nod and gestured for her to continue. "Maybe, it would be best if one of us stays awake while Lurlor runs the tests on the other. I don't much fancy being so defenceless, even if Lurlor and Ragnok assure us they have posted other guards and security this time."

"Same. I nearly blasted that goblin into the wall the other night."

Waking to find a screeching goblin pinned to the table less than a foot from his face had been quite the shock. If he hadn't had the urge to defend Hermione first, he'd have probably caused them no end of trouble with the goblins after he instinctively turned one of them inside out in his momentary panic.

"Me too." Hermione paused and Harry noticed the smile grow on her face. "But I really like Lurlor."

Harry's smile grew as well as he recalled how the enchanter had taken the foolish goblin apart verbally, and the vicious damage she had done to its hand. It was a lesson he would personally remember for a long time.

Don't f*ck with a goblin unless you intend to finish it.

"Yeah, she's great."

"So? Do you agree?" Hermione questioned as they passed into the large parkland that they had spent their early years playing in after school. A cricket clinic was in process on the large open pitch to their left as they walked under the beautiful green tree cover.

Harry considered it for a moment. It was a good idea. And even though he knew Hermione was every bit as capable of defending herself as he was, he still could not shake his desire to protect her. Especially when sleeping.

A holdover from the aftermath of the ritual she'd helped him undertake so long ago that had only been reinforced by her kidnapping a month ago. Seeing her prone form on the floor of the ritual space, and swaying in the currents of the lake chilled him in a way nothing else in this world had ever done.

"Yeah, it sounds like a great idea." He affirmed, swearing to himself to do a better job of protecting those he cared about from now on.

He took her hand in his own and the pair smiled as they silently walked under the cover of the powerful wards back to Hermione's house.


Thursday 30th March 1995.

Hermione climbed atop the carved stone plinth in the centre of the room.

She once more had to prevent herself from asking Lurlor just how the goblins managed to work and enchant the stone to be so comfortable, though she supposed it would be necessary if its purpose were for sleep studies. She ruffled in her bag for a moment before she pulled out an enormous tome from within.

Harry looked at her strangely from over by the door where he was talking at the new guard Ragnok had placed within the chamber. She knew he was talking at rather than with them as the guard could not speak in response to what he was saying. All of the guards they had been assigned tonight were Ragnok's own personal Gragnar Guards.

She simply smiled in return as the guard nodded to Harry and closed the door, hiding the other two Gragnar Guards stationed outside in their polished dragon-scale armour. Their presence was comforting after the previous incident, but she was still set on following the plan she'd talked about with Harry the day before.

"What are you doing with that?" Harry asked as he joined her on the wide pillar of stone.

"It will help me stay awake. Lay down." She replied, gently patting the stone as she held the enormous book under one arm.


"Lurlor says you've been the hardest one to get the necessary reads on, so you get to go first. Apparently, you react poorly if my sleep is disturbed, so we're taking that variable out of the equation." Hermione smirked widely at Harry's confused face.

The tall goblin beside the plinth nodded to Hermione's comment as she prepared her probes, but otherwise ignored the exchange, as Harry blushed slightly. Hermione could tell he was embarrassed at being difficult, even if it wasn't intentional on his part. She adjusted her position, getting comfortable and crossing her legs.

She gently patted the surface of the stone once more.

"Come on, Harry. Lurlor's time is valuable. Let's not waste it."

"Fine." He grumbled in return and laid on his back on the shimmering dark stone surface.

As he lay back, Hermione pulled his shoulders closer, resting his head in her lap causing Harry's eyes to flick to her face. She smiled softly down at him and held the book out above his head, blocking the already diffuse light from above from his sight. A soft tap on the spine of the book opened it as it now hovered in place, allowing Hermione free use of her hands.

"HEY!" Harry growled, shifting onto his elbows and catching sight of her face around the book. "I wanted to read that one."

"I know," Hermione replied simply, pushing him back down and unfastening the replacement binding she had bought for him after he complained about the wind tossing his hair in his face since the second task had taken his old one somewhere into the depths of the Black Lake. "That's why I picked it."

Harry looked at her in confusion and she rolled her eyes. "I know you, Harry. If I picked a book you had already read, you'd be lying there remembering it in your mind instead of trying to get to sleep like you're supposed to. This way, you have no idea what's on the pages and that will leave it to your imagination. Once you tap into that, falling asleep should be much easier."

Hermione almost felt the deep grumbling chuckle from the goblin beside them but she just focused on carding her fingers through Harry's messy hair. It comforted her to toy with it, feeling the soft black strands warp gently around her fingers and she knew from experience that it was calming to have someone do it to her.

"You can be so bossy sometimes," Harry grumbled one more time as he settled back onto her lap and she heard his breathing lighten as he let himself relax into her touch.

Hermione pulled one hand free of his hair and pressed a kiss to her fingers before gently laying it on Harry's lips. "I know. Sweet dreams, Harry."

She began reading the book before her, her mind only half on the task as she continued to play with Harry's hair. She could feel his body slacken under her touch as he drifted quickly into sleep and Lurlor was soon beside the pair running her probe back and forth.

Hermione tried to ignore the goblin as she continued her actions, allowing herself to fall deeper into the knowledge she was absorbing.

She gave a start though when she felt a sudden absence before her and her magic reacted rather poorly, stretching out from her body on its own and lashing out in one direction in particular, two loud thuds filling the previously quiet space.

"HARRY!" She shouted suddenly as she realized his hair was no longer around her fingers and she couldn't sense his magic in the room.

#Calm, girl.#Lurlor instructed firmly, her clawed hand holding Hermione's arm as the panicked girl turned to face the goblin. "It worked. Give it a moment."

The other clawed hand held out the book to her from where it had fallen to the stone top as her magic had reacted to Harry's departure and Hermione took it, pulling it to her chest hoping it could relieve some of the panic she now felt at the unannounced vanishing of her source of comfort in the underground chamber.

With a crack, Harry reappeared on the table, Tybalt holding his arm and his body looking to all observers as if he were asleep. But Hermione could feel the effect of the stunner on his magic. It was discomforting to see him like that, and Hermione understood a little better the way Harry must have felt upon finding her in the lake.

"Had I been informed how truly close the two of you were, we'd have taken better precautions." Lurlor chimed as she circled the plinth no longer looking at the pair on its surface. "Can you set this one to rights?"

Hermione tore her eyes from Harry's softly breathing form and noted Lurlor was standing above a crumpled human figure on the floor. The Gragnar Guard standing beside it chuckled softly at the sight. Hermione was confused but she complied, reviving the still figure.

"What! What the bloody hell was that?" The now frantic man crowed as he burst to his feet, searching for the wand that had come loose as he fell.

"CALM DOWN!" Lurlor growled harshly and the guard hammered his spear into the floor filling the room with a sharp crack that caught the wizard's attention. "Such is to be expected when you attack someone's mate unprovoked."

"Mate? Attacked? I cast a stunner like you asked me to."

"Yes, you did. Now be quiet. You may sit." Lurlor pointed to the chair that still had a chip missing in the upper surface from where she had embedded her blade during the previous session and the wizard shook his head.

"I'll stand."

#What happened?#Hermione quietly asked Lurlor as the goblin returned to Harry and began shifting her second probe over his figure, recording the changes that his body had undergone during the test.

#You did.#Lurlor replied, not looking away from her work as she waved her hand over a small palm-sized stone tablet and the results raised out of its surface.#Your magic was caressing his body as your hands were his hair. When he suddenly disappeared, your magic reacted, assaulting the one who cast the spell.#

Hermione blushed and turned to the twitchy wizard. "I'm sorry."

#Do not apologize.#Lurlor said in her usual firm tone.#It is an admirable trait to care for one so deeply. You should be proud.#Lurlor noted as she glanced up from her work and gave the girl a smile that was only slightly disconcerting in the dull light of the chamber. "Though, perhaps we might ask someone with whom you are closer to provide the stunning magic for the remaining sessions."

The wizard slumped in relief at the idea he wouldn't be tossed about again but the moment he caught sight of the glare Lurlor was fixing in his direction he straightened once more.

"Tybalt can ask dog man. He is always so anxious when you are away." Tybalt offered, smiling up at Hermione.

She tried her best not to giggle at the affectionate name that Remus had instructed all the elves to call Sirius by. One of several the pair used to needle the other when they were in a foolish mood. "I'm sure Sirius would love that."

"You can wake him now," Lurlor stated and Hermione moved her hand towards Harry's face only to find it held fast in the goblin's clawed grip once more. "Not you, him."

The wizard paled again as his eyes flicked to Hermione and he very slowly drew his wand.

#Your magic is clearly too entwined. I need you to keep it as separate as you can during the tests.#

Hermione nodded and focused on Harry's face as his eyes opened and he blinked away the drowsiness as he returned to his senses.

"Is it morning?" Harry asked as he glanced up at her face and Hermione blushed slightly. "What is it?"

Harry pushed up onto his arms and Hermione's eyes flicked to the wizard in the corner before she answered him.#I'll tell you later.#She turned to Lurlor. "Does this mean we're nearly finished?"

Lurlor gave her a look that instantly quashed the hope that had risen within Hermione.

"We've succeeded once for his deepest sleep state. We've still several more to go. And we have to replicate all of it for you as well. So, no. But it is a big step in the right direction."

Harry glanced up at her and shrugged before he shuffled back into place and laid his head once more in her lap. Hermione smiled at him and with a snap of her fingers, the book was back in place above him, opened to the page she had been reading.

Her fingers once more slipped into the strands of Harry's black hair and he closed his eyes with a contented sigh as they fell back into the procedure once more.

Lurlor stood to her right waiting for the stunning magic to lessen enough to continue while Hermione took steadying breaths, attempting to calm her rapid heart rate which was still quite a bit higher than normal.

This might be a lot harder than she had expected it to be.


Friday 31st March 1995.

Nym stared out over the lapping grey waters and sighed to herself.

So lost in her own thoughts that she jumped suddenly when she felt a hand touch her left shoulder.

"Bloody hell." She yelled, turning to face the half-shocked, half-smirking face of Fleur Delacour. "Warn a girl would you."

"Ve did. You vere lost in thought." Viktor offered from her right.

Nym glanced between the two for a moment before her eyes fell to the wooden surface under her feet, the dock from the Second Task that, unlike the stands, had not been removed after the conclusion of the task. "Yeah, just thinking."

"We know. We miss zem too."

"Who?" Nym asked before cringing inwardly at the look Fleur gave her. "Yeah, well."

"Is tough, being alone all year. Durmstrang isn't the kindest of places to be so. But Hogwarts seems to have its share of bad sorts too."

Nym chuckled softly at the comment, thinking of herothercousin and his nasty behaviour.

"You can say that again." She paused for a moment, considering before she spoke again. "It's weird. I didn't have many friends as a kid. Took me a long time before I could control myself enough to be around others without copying their traits. It wasn't until the year I started here that I met anyone I would call a friend."

"Being different ees difficult. I 'ave been looked down on my entire life for eet."

Nym glanced at Fleur and softly smiled, understanding the loneliness it brought. "Their loss."

The French girl replied with a much wider grin and her eyes flicked over to where Viktor was standing.

"Cannot say I can relate on that. I had normal boring childhood. Fame, however. Makes you question everyone around you constantly. There are very few people I can just stop and talk vith like you all. The veeks between the First Task and the Yule Ball vere awful."

The girls could not help the light laughter that escaped at the horrified look on Viktor's face. He looked like he'd been to war, not dodging date requests.

"You think is funny? You are both famous now, too. Trivizard Champions."

The pair looked at one another and this time the laughter was good and proper, Viktor joining in as well and helping to lighten Nym's sour mood. It was several moments before the trio calmed enough for someone to speak.

"It's weird though. I have real friends my own age, you two certainly. But I feel their absence more than ever now. Before, it was just the way things were. I was at Hogwarts and I'd only see them during the holidays. Why is it so different with them?" Nym asked the others.

"Family ees different." Fleur offered simply.

"Da. The love of family feels different to that between friends."

"And you now know what eet ees you were missing."

Nym considered their advice. It was true that before this year she had become used to Hogwarts as a place without the pair. It was where the other half of her life was contained, kept separate from her home and family by the distance.

But having not only Harry and Hermione here, but the family coming by constantly had shattered the divide.

"Vhy do you not go to them?" Viktor asked simply.

Nym turned and stared at him with a look dripping in sarcasm. "I'll just jog on over, shall I."

"We are not so unobservant, Nymphadora," Fleur replied. "We know you can do what zey do."

"What they do?" Nym asked, taken aback.

"One moment, they are on dock. The next, they are gone. Right as the organisers and judges come over." Viktor stated as if it were obvious.

"And zey did not dive back in ze water. My seester was looking right at zem when zey left. She has many questions, but I have convinced her to stay quiet." Fleur added at the look of horror on Nym's face.

"It is secret, no?"

Nym looked back and forth between the two for a moment before she sighed. "Yes."

"Good. You don't need to tell us how. But we appreciate restraint."


"You do not use it in ze tasks, no?"

"Er… no, not anymore."

"Anymore?" Fleur queried but Viktor smiled with realisation.

"So that is how he did it. Clever." Nym swung to face the boy but was puzzled by the pensive look. "A most devious strategy. Pulled off in front of everyone."

"I promise, we don't do it on purpose. After Harry did that, we agreed not to."

"Nym." Fleur placed her hand back on the panicking metamorph's shoulder. "We are not accusing."

Nym was thoroughly thrown now. She had been out here alone for an hour or so idly daydreaming, and the others had caught her out in their biggest secret. "I…"

Viktor too placed a calming hand on her other shoulder. "Relax. Please."

Nym slumped to the heavy wooden beams making up the dock's surface. For seven years she'd kept the secret, and now it was out.

"We won't tell." Fleur offered, sitting slightly ahead of Nym and turning to face her, back to the water.

"How are you not angry?" She questioned as Viktor mirrored Fleur's position to her right.

"Vhy vould ve be angry?"

"We cheated!" Nym blurted, blushing afterwards.

Fleur and Viktor glanced at one another, smirking. "Ees zere such a zing as cheating when facing a dragon? Eef I could 'ave collected my egg without approaching, I certainly would 'ave."

"And me? I did it twice!"

"On purpose?" Fleur asked softly.

"Well… no, both times I was about to get toasted by the dragon."

"Cannot hate you for that. My magic has acted of its own to keep me safe in matches. And as ve learned since, no one told you about the dragons. You vere first and had to formulate a plan on the spot. I think you did incredibly."

Fleur nodded her agreement as Nym slumped heavily backwards, banging her head rather hard on the timber surface and growling at herself. She didn't know whether to be relieved that her new friends didn't hate her, or livid at herself for her carelessness. The others sat in silence, unmoving as she gently rubbed the back of her head where it had impacted the wood.

"Mum is going to kill me."

"She will 'ave to go through us."

"And Harry," Viktor added.

All three chuckled at that as they knew that was a much greater obstacle than the three of them combined. The three sat quietly, listening to the sound of the water lapping against the pylons of the dock below them, Nym letting her thoughts float about with the sound.

"Go. We weell cover your absence." Fleur said, startling her again.

Nym leant up on her hands, looking at two of the best friends she'd managed to make. She smiled at that fact and her odd habit of finding friends in the most unusual circ*mstances.

"Fine. You've convinced me." She lay back on the dock and carefully looked over the horizon, confirming no one was watching. "I'll be back soon. And thank you."

With a quick thought, she disappeared from the dock, the sound of the lake vanishing to be replaced by a light conversation a few rooms away. Nym stood and walked out of her room, heading for the sound. Inside she found the people she was looking for.

Hermione noticed her immediately, given she was standing opposite Harry facing the door, and smiled at her. Harry and Sirius seemed unaware of her presence, so she simply walked over behind them and wrapped Harry in her arms, relishing in his presence for a moment.

"Hi, Nym. Missed you." He said, without turning.

"How do you do that?" Sirius asked.

"The easy way, I can feel the difference in the magic of people I'm familiar with. And Nym is the only other person we know who feels even close to me and Hermione. The harder way, her footsteps sound different to you and Remus clomping around."

Hermione chuckled at the look on Sirius's face as he analysed whether he was being insulted or not.

"Hogwarts feels wrong without you two now," Nym said as she tightened her hold on her cousin.

"I know what you mean. It feels wrong being away." Hermione said.

"How goes the process?" Nym asked, letting Harry go and wrapping Hermione in a firm hug instead.

The girl chuckled in her arms. "It's fun. We actually were about to talk to Sirius about a suggestion Lurlor had."

"Oh?" Sirius replied, sounding excited. "Do tell."

The four sat, Harry and Hermione sharing their usual chair as Sirius and Nym sat opposite.

"She thinks that we might make faster progress if we had a familiar source of magic for the tests." Hermione smiled softly at Sirius but Nym could tell there was something slightly mischievous to the look.

"I'll do it." Sirius almost shouted, exactly as Nym and the others knew he would. Anything to spend more time with them was good in his book.

After his incarceration, the whole family knew that they were his tether to reality. That all of this wasn't a long dream caused by the Dementors waiting to be twisted and pulled away at the last moment.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked. "It'll be long nights awake just staring while we sleep. It is sleep testing after all. And Lurlor is a hard taskmaster. You do not want to fall asleep on her watch."

Harry smiled at his godfather and Nym was stunned at how the elder man was missing the quite obvious signs the pair were giving off that they were holding something back. She resolved to ask them for details the moment Sirius was out of the room.

"Yes. I need something to do. Even if it's sitting around watching you sleep."

"Gods you sound creepy sometimes, Padfoot," James said from the nearby portrait.

"Shut up, Prongs." Sirius returned, not looking away from the teens.

"If you're sure. We'll arrange it next time we're going in. It will be early next week. Make sure you're ready." Hermione explained.

Sirius jumped up and looked to the portrait in the corner. "Come, Prongs. We've preparations to make."

Sirius shot out of the room and James sighed and followed. "Padfoot, you won't be pulling any…" His words cut off as he departed the frame.

"Alright, you two. Spill." Nym demanded the moment the sound trailed off. "What are you planning?"

The two teens smiled sweetly but Nym fixed them with a knowing look.

"Alright," Harry replied, shaking his head at her persistent glare. "Turns out when someone randomly casts magic at one of us while sleeping together, maybe the other's magic instinctively fights back. Lurlor thinks having a familiar source will reduce the likelihood…"

"Or at least the severity," Hermione added.

"Yeah, but if it doesn't, can you think of anyone who'd take it better than Sirius? He'll find it hilarious. And spend all his time sitting there trying to think up ways to get around it."

"So you're doing this to cheer him up?"

"Not really. Lurlor truly thinks it will help. We had our first proper success last night." Hermione said.

"And Sirius is much happier with us all back here at home again for now," Harry added. "But that won't last forever. We need to start figuring out what we're going to have him do once we finish all our schooling. We can't all stay here inside together forever. We'll go mad with boredom. Or kill one another in an ever-escalating series of pranks."

"So what? This is a job interview to get him working at Gringotts?" Nym asked, chuckling at the very idea of Sirius working.

"No, I don't think that would work long term."

The three laughed for several minutes at the premise of Sirius sitting at one of the teller desks serving one of the pompous pureblooded idiots like Lucius Malfoy.

"It was Lurlor's idea, and Sirius is nothing if not creative. If there is some way to get around the portkey while we're sleeping, he'll think of it." Harry finished as they all calmed once more.

"That's good thinking." Nym nodded, settling in to chat with the pair.

It was a far happier Nymphadora who popped back into a side room off the Entrance Hall a few hours later before ducking across the space to the Great Hall, smiling at the two Champions sitting with her other friends at the Hufflepuff table chatting away.

She had needed this a lot more than she had admitted to herself.

Chapter 35: Goofing Off

Chapter Text

Thursday 6th April 1995.

Sirius smiled as he laid the final steps of his plans into place in his mind.

This was going to be a lot of fun. Not only was he able to be with the kids during their testing, instead of sitting at home worrying all night like the others. But he would be the one tasked with 'attacking' them in their sleep. Something he'd not done since the Hedwig incident of '89.

He shuddered slightly at the memory of the tiny owl's revenge. Those yellow eyes were truly haunting when you earned Hedwig's displeasure and her claws… he had learnt his lesson well enough to never toy with the bird again.

Not to mention that the way nine-year-old Harry had looked at him afterwards had affected him far deeper than any disappointed look his mother, surrogate or biological, had ever fixed him with. Being stuck to the roof of the canopy bed and left there for two days, trapped out of sight of the nearby portrait while Harry and Hermione had spent the time at the Grangers, had simply sealed the deal.

His attention was drawn from his memory to the plinth as the two teens settled into place, Harry seated with Hermione reclining against him. Apparently, after Harry's first success at the previous session, Lurlor had wanted to try the same particulars on Hermione and see if they could replicate it quickly.

Mostly though, Sirius was simply glad to be out of the house with the pair again.

He certainly loved Potter Manor even more than he hated Grimmauld Place, but after the experience of freedom and nostalgia he'd gathered over the past few months, even a nice house began to look a little like a cage. And Sirius'd had quite enough of being locked up.

While he could always come and go as he pleased from the Manor, it never felt as fun getting out and about without Harry or the others alongside him.

He closed his eyes for a moment and assessed that relationship. His godson had done more to cement him in reality after his release than anything else. While Padfoot had kept him sane in Azkaban, Harry convinced him that he was outside its walls.

At times he lapsed, wondering how long before the delusion would collapse and he'd find those dark stone walls around him once more. But a single hug from Harry could ward it off for days, if not weeks.

"Shhhh…" Harry whispered, Sirius now adapted to notice his godson's voice like a radar found his eyes tracking the boy's subtle movements once more. "Sleep."

Harry was running his fingers gently through Hermione's wild hair and Sirius smiled that Harry was likely going to make the Potter family's hair issues even worse if the two ever had children of their own.

James had embraced the family trait fully, playing it up as part of his dashing charm, and somehow a little of that had rubbed off on Harry as well. He had kept his hair longer, around shoulder length since he was ten, something about making it easier to manage.

But between stories from his father and Sirius's own influence, he was sure that Harry felt it gave him a sophisticated look as well when he tied it back.

With Harry's focused attention on her hair, Hermione's breathing slowed quickly and Sirius was sure she was fast asleep within half an hour. He had seen both teens sleeping many times as his most common sleeping place was still perched at the end of their bed.

The ridicule had stopped a year ago after even James had seen what comfort it brought all parties and he had finally grown bored of mocking his mate. Sirius had Harry nearby, his touchstone keeping him settled. And Harry loved having his godfather nearby on the odd occasion he woke from a nightmare.

Sure, Hermione did the lion's share of the actual comforting, but Sirius was buoyed by the fact Harry always gave him a firm hug before the pair settled back to sleep once again.

Sirius was drawn from his thoughts once again as a rock hit him in the chest and his hand shot up to prevent it from tumbling all the way to the floor. He glanced in the direction he believed it had come from to see a frowning Lurlor watching him as her eyes moved to Hermione and back.

He nodded and drew his wand, the plan replaying softly in his mind. He'd spent days perfecting the ability to cast two spells simultaneously just for this specific task and now was the moment of truth.

Sirius took a deep breath and noticed Harry was watching him out of the corner of his eye as he continued massaging Hermione's scalp. "Stupefy."

The maroon-coloured spell left his wand and quickly hit the sleeping witch and just like that, she was gone.

The shimmer of a portkey was the only change before Harry was left holding only air between his fingers. Even though they both knew it was coming, Sirius still felt a stab of pain at the look of loss on Harry's face.

He knew the boy was fighting the instinct to follow her, even though he knew she was now lying on her bed at the Manor, Remus and Nemea watching and waiting to ensure her safety during both legs of the trip.

Seconds ticked by and Harry's discomfort grew. Sirius began to feel a little bad for his godson and wondered if his prank had upset the process. He was about to speak when a slight pop rent the near-silent air of the small chamber.

Hermione's still sleeping body had returned with Nemea holding her hand softly, but its skin was a bright pink colour, exactly the pink Hermione had once threatened to change Sirius's animagus form.

Harry's hands quickly found their way to Hermione's shoulders while his eyes turned immediately to Sirius. The marauder smiled at him, his eyes bright with the typical mischief he carried and brought anywhere he went, yet Harry did not actually speak to reprimand him for his actions.

He turned away and faced the goblin woman who was frantically scanning Hermione with the occasional dark glance up at Sirius as well.

After a few moments, the pink colouration disappeared, leaving her looking as normal as ever and Lurlor finished her scans. "Wake her." She snapped sharply.

Harry's eyes flicked to Sirius for a fraction of a second once more before they locked on Hermione, the boy leaning forward so that his face would be the first thing that she saw upon waking. Sirius cast the spell to remove the stunner and Hermione quickly woke, her eyes locking on Harry and a smile spreading across her face.

Without a word passing between them, Hermione gave Harry's face a gentle touch before she turned to glare directly at Sirius.

Yet there was a depth of mirth there that he hadn't expected to see so soon after she woke. While so far as he knew no one had told her yet of the manner of his prank, he knew that she would have expected one.

He gave her a cheeky smile in return and Hermione gave a light chuckle before she turned away and covered her mouth as the laughter built. Sirius was once again uncertain why she was so pleased before he moved to place his wand back in his sleeve and noticed that his own skin was now an even brighter shade of pink than he had turned Hermione.

Shock spread through him for a moment as he wondered when and how the pair had reversed his efforts back against him. Harry had not spoken or moved his hands at all, and yet Hermione had been asleep the entire time.

How had they managed it?

"How?" He asked, looking up at the pair who immediately broke down into intense laughter. Even the Gragnar guards were shuddering slightly at his condition.

"You really thought we weren't absolutely expecting you to pull something?" Hermione asked.

"Of course. I knew you'd expect it. My question is how you did it. Neither of you actually cast a spell. I know what it looks like when you two cast. Even your other magic."

Hermione's smile widened and she looked up to Harry. Neither spoke a word, but he knew that they were communicating. They couldn't directly hear one another's thoughts, he had asked Harry about these odd moments a few times, but they were so intimately familiar with one another that they could still pass general feelings and ideas without a word.

The pair refocused on him and Harry moved to talk before Lurlor interrupted.

"You might be paying for this, but my time is still valuable. You can discuss this foolishness on your own time."

Sirius moved to speak, but the severe look the goblin gave him in return quickly quelled the desire. He sat back down and watched as Lurlor softly discussed the result with the two teens before Hermione once more settled into place and Harry resumed gently stroking her hair, sending her once more to sleep, though this time it took somewhat longer for her to drift off.

Harry would occasionally glance in his direction and begin to chuckle softly to himself, but Sirius was too busy focusing on the memory of what had happened to take too much notice.

The kids had escalated their casting ability without him noticing if they had managed to pull off such a masterful reversal. He barely even noticed the next two larger stones that were tossed into his chest, casting the required stunner without much focus at all.

How on Earth had they done it?


Sunday 9th April 1995.

The beetle darted near silently through the corridors of the ancient school, flitting between sappy couples wandering about hand in hand and the study freaks who were perched in every spare quiet corner studying frantically even though the exams were still months away.

None of which interested her in any way at all. Nothing this lot was doing was the slightest bit newsworthy.

The most newsworthy of all was frustratingly absent. Since her first nugget of genius where she had managed to catch the famous child departing a broom cupboard with another of the champions, she had been unable to lock him or his permanent tagalong down long enough to garner any extra inches out of the biggest mystery of the modern wizarding world besides banal nonsense pieces related to the Tournament itself.

She settled on the wall for a moment, catching her breath as she watched the corridor empty, most of the children far too bothered with frivolous things to waste their time standing about indoors on a bright spring day. And yet, the sound of skipping soon met her tiny ears and the blonde child of her former competitor came into view.

Normally, Rita would ignore her and move on to something far more interesting, but for once the girl was not alone.

She was skipping between a pair of students, one Gryffindor and the other Ravenclaw, as they moved up the corridor. Rita knew of the boy, he was the child of the Addled Aurors. But the darker-skinned girl was unknown to her. Still, the three of them wouldn't even warrant a mention in the paper at all, much less be the front-page headlines she so eagerly craved.

Rita was about to flutter off in search of more fascinating topics when the blonde suddenly charged forward and glomped heavily onto a pair that had certainly not been there a moment before.

A pair that she was a great deal more interested in.

"Nice to see you too, Luna. Neville. Padma." Harry Potter greeted as the tiny girl jumped from him to the brunette beside him.

"You stay away too much." The blonde replied, barely stepping back far enough to allow the others she'd been walking with to greet the newcomers.

"I know, we're sorry," Granger added as the group stepped back into a small circle. "But at least it hasn't been wasted time. We finished our GCSE studies. Just waiting on the results now."

"Hermione has been near frantic waiting to hear back." Potter lightly joked and the brunette went red at the gentle ribbing.

"How are things here?" The girl said in an attempt to refocus the discussion as Rita carefully moved closer to the group, hoping that at last, she might garner another story out of the most famous lad in their world.

"Quite boring without you two. All of my classes have been frustratingly mundane. And I'm learning magic." Padma replied.

"Neville?" Potter asked.

"Things are good. The Twins have stopped trying to get me to test their stuff. I'm not sure what you said to them."

"I didn't say anything, I put them in touch with someone who appreciates a good laugh just as much as they do. Hopefully, he can help reign in a few of their showier aspects."

Granger gave a disbelieving chortle. "Not likely. He'll probably make them worse."

"True. He was talking about finding property for them in Diagon once they finish up next year. Should be interesting. What about you, little one? I trust everyone is being nice?"

Potter focused on the tiny blonde, giving her hair a slight ruffle as she smiled brightly at him. "Yes. And the nargles haven't stolen anything in months. Even though you aren't around."

He smiled at her in return and glanced at the girl Rita assumed to be of Indian descent. "It is nice and quiet in the Nest actually."

Some cryptic message seemed to pass with the mention, but Rita was unable to discern it. She would see about looking into it later on. For now, she was focused on getting closer.

It didn't seem like the group was about to discuss anything openly that would make for interesting news. But if she could get aboard Potter or Granger, she could follow them to wherever he was hiding.

That at the least would be front-page news. And who knows what else she might find at such a place.

She allowed the chatter to drift to the back of her mind as she settled softly into the bushy hair of Potter's forever companion and let her mind drift over the accolades and awards such a revelation might furnish her.

Rita only turned her mind fully back to the teens when she heard footsteps leaving and noticed the three students were departing.

"I'm glad that Padma is still watching out for her. I was worried that, in your absence, her bullies would resume taking advantage. Luna is too innocent at times." Granger said as the three disappeared around the corner.

"I know. Seeing that lot messing with her made my blood boil. I just want to wrap her up in bubble wrap and keep her safe."

"You've never had much tolerance for bullies. Remember Mitchell? Or Robinson."

Potter gave a soft chuckle at the memory of the events. Rita wondered how she might go about uncovering the story behind them and bringing it to light. Either way, it would be an easy spin to make.

Either Potter would come out the shining knight everyone believed him to be, defending the innocent. Or an overly harsh and violent aggressor. She wasn't sure which would sell better. Likely the former with Potter's current public persona being what it was.

"Shall we go? Your parents had something they wanted to show us." Potter asked, and the brunette nodded, waving both her hair and by extension Rita, around rather violently.

Given how thick and bushy it was, Rita had to focus all her energy on remaining attached.

With the slightest soft pop, she felt displacement take hold, but it was unlike any form of magical travel she had experienced before. Unfortunately for Rita, even those other forms were far nicer than what happened next.

Something hit herhard!

Every inch of her body was suddenly sore as though she had been hit by one of those motor vehicles that the muggles used to get about. She quickly noted that her form had dropped and she was once more in human shape, but she didn't even have time to analyse how that had happened before she was painfully cold as well.

Thick churning waves tossed her about as she panicked. She was underwater and couldn't tell which way was up. She gave an involuntary shout and bubbles shot out of her mouth. They darted past her eyes and her mind made the link that air moved up in water.

She surged after the bubbles, her every muscle already screaming in pain from whatever had struck her.

After a few moments of struggle against the surging currents, she broke the surface and took in a deep gulp of near-frosted air. Dense dark clouds menaced her from above as the rough surface of the water tossed her about. She searched in her now ruined robes for her wand, angry as she realised that her glasses had fallen loose and were now likely somewhere deep in whatever blasted stretch of water this was.

Pulling it free, she tried to focus her mind on her apartment, and when she moved to turn into the apparition, nothing happened.

She remained in place, being tossed back and forth by black waves of freezing water. She cast a warming charm on herself, dispelling some of the chill and proving that magic worked wherever it was she had been discarded. She tried to apparate once more, and this time she felt something foreign and sinister squeezing her back in return.

Rita had never felt anything quite like it, but her main concern was the mouthful of disgusting saltwater that she was now spitting out. She was beginning to have trouble keeping above the surging waves with the strain on her already tormented muscles.

She jabbed her wand at a space above the churning waters and a simple wooden boat appeared atop the surface. Without delay, she hauled herself inside and slumped on her back in the middle of the plain conjuration.

It did not help with the growing nausea as the waves still tossed it to and fro without mercy, but at least she wasn't struggling to keep her head above water.

As she sat up and moved to think of her options, even the boat proved unsafe in her current location as a particularly large wave crashed down over the top and she was once more drenched in water. Spitting out the second mouthful of the dirty salty brine, she cast a shield charm over the boat and quickly tossed out the water that had gained entry.

Rita was worried now, wherever she was, she was in trouble. While she could cast simple enough charms, it seemed any form of transit magic wasn't working. She couldn't even get the boat to begin piloting itself in any direction.

Angry, soaked and without seemingly any other recourse, Rita conjured a pair of oars and despite the complaints of her muscles, began to row the boat slowly away from the point where she had landed. Using her wand, she identified north and set off in that direction hoping that eventually, she would find land. Or that her ability to apparate away would return.

Potter was going to pay for this. No more nice reporter.


Hermione stopped as the pair arrived back in her garden and looked around at the air.

She had felt something bounce off the wards at the exact moment they had returned. Harry immediately noticed the concern on her face as she looked about herself.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Something just tried to follow us home. Something from Hogwarts." She replied.

How could something have followed them? The only people who knew they were visiting today were the trio they had just left. None of them would have told anyone else of their arrival.

Harry stepped over to her and placed his hands gently on her upper arms. "Focus, Hermione. Do you remember feeling anything odd?"

She stared into his eyes for a moment before she closed her own and tried to extend her senses over her recent memories. Looking for anything that might have been there that she didn't immediately notice as odd at the time.

There was a lot of magic all around them as they stood in the corridor chatting to some of their closest young friends. But that was to be expected at Hogwarts. The building itself was infused with centuries of it, and there were hundreds of students running through its halls at any given moment.

And yet, something was slightly off about the feel of the hallway. There was more magic there than there should have been. "Something is… there's too much."

Hermione opened her eyes to see that Harry's were now closed as he too was running over his memory of their departure.

"You're right. Something extra, more than just Hogwarts and the five of us in the space. But I can't see anything. I don't feel anything invisible, but there is something familiar about the texture of it. Familiar, but different."

He opened his eyes and their gazes met once more. Hermione felt a flicker of heat at the intensity of Harry's gaze, so focused was his thought when examining a recent memory, but she quickly squashed it down. She had more important things to worry about.

She took a few deep breaths and closed her eyes again, but this time she did not dive into her mind but stretched out her senses into the present.

The familiar warmth of the wards around the property filled her up and she felt the connection she had to the tree and the petrified dragon egg Heartstone buried within its roots.

The immense magic of it would be overwhelming if not for her long and comforting link with all its aspects. Feeling the strands and waves of magic it wove in and out of the house and land around her, she plucked lightly with her magic on the individual pieces, trying to ascertain which of them had been stressed most recently.

"Definitely an intruder. Human. Magical. They ended up in the usual place." She said aloud as she assessed the feeling left behind by the impact. "There it is. The imprint is an animagus. But not one I can remember meeting before."

When she opened her eyes again, Harry looked mildly angry. "Every time I think things might be becoming somewhat normal… We'll have to be more vigilant. Maybe use that room the elves showed us if we go back."

Hermione pulled him close and wrapped her arms around his body. It aggravated her that Harry seemed unable to simply have a normal life. No matter what he did, people would always fawn over him and want to know more about his private life.

"I'm sorry, Harry."

He pulled back from the hug and smiled at her. "Don't be sorry. My life may be complicated, but you are by far the best thing in it every day of the week. I'll never be sorry that you asked me that question so long ago. I remember it as clearly as anything. 'Why don't you stand up to him?' We've both come a long way since then."

"That is true. I can't believe I used to be that frail worried little girl."

"Not anymore. You're my powerful warrior princess. Keeping me safe from the masses at the door. Be they nasty animagi or teenage girls who can't take a hint."

Hermione smiled at the compliment. "You are mine. And I'm not giving you up to anyone without a fight."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Harry paused for a moment before he looked straight into her eyes. A serious intensity was now visible in his gaze. "I love you, Hermione. More than anything."

Her smile grew wider and she looked deep into his eyes as she replied. "And I love you, Harry. Through everything. Against all the world. Forever."

The pair leaned in and kissed softly, sharing the intense moment intimately between them before she pulled back and the moment passed, being just another Sunday afternoon at the Grangers once more. She glanced over to the nearby kitchen window to see her mother watching them with a smile before the blush rose on her cheeks and she looked away.

"Let's go. I sense some ribbing is coming our way." She said softly and allowed Harry to guide her inside, letting the residual feeling of that kiss wash away the last of the concern from the attempted intruder.


Friday 14th April 1995.

"Alright. That is it, I am done." Remus stated as he marched into the forest of a nursery, still heavily overgrown from Harry's early efforts at controlling his elven magics.

Harry and Hermione looked up from where they were tending to some of the smaller plants to face the werewolf. "He is drivingmeinsane. Please, tell me how you did it so I can at least look at him with a smug face whenever he asks me."

The teens both paused for a moment before laughing out loud at the attempt and Remus frowned at their reaction. He had expected it, he was a consummate prankster himself after all, but it was still not what he'd been hoping for.

"Sirius. I can feel you there. How did you get a hold of my cloak?" Harry asked the empty air just outside the doorway Remus had come storming through a moment before.

"Bugger." Padfoot groaned, almost too soft to hear but for Remus's enhanced hearing ability.

The werewolf heard the familiar sound of the ancient enchanted fabric sliding off his friend, but the soft yelp indicated it was not by Sirius's hand that it had been removed. The shimmering material shot past Remus's shoulder and into Hermione's hand and Sirius was revealed to the world once more.

"Hi." He offered pathetically and Remus rolled his eyes. He had told Sirius that such a boneheaded scheme wouldn't work, but they were bored.

"OK, so that didn't work. Knew it wouldn't. But come on. He is being truly insufferable." Remus pleaded.

"That is so unfortunate," Hermione replied, smirking as she rolled up the cloak and tucked it into Harry's pocket. "Our teachers would be most upset with us if we just gave you two the answer. How will you ever learn better if you don't figure a puzzle out for yourselves?"

Remus's stare narrowed as Hermione parroted one of his own teaching mantras back at him and Sirius snorted behind him. "You have a real cheek sometimes, Hermione."

"She really does. Isn't it great?" Harry praised and the girl blushed softly. "This isn't even a particularly difficult puzzle to figure out."

Harry turned back to face the small white flowers growing above deeply black stems, tending to the slight form as it twitched occasionally at his touch. Remus was proud of how advanced the pair was that they were easily handling plants that generally would have been NEWT level or higher, and how the two had tamed this room even if it was still thoroughly overgrown from his outburst so long ago.

In fact, Remus wasn't entirely sure that the two teens weren't occasionally adding a little more wild magic to the mix just to keep all the new seedlings growing just as eagerly.

Beside Harry, Hermione gave the white petal a light pet before she turned to the dittany in front of her and also returned her focus to the task at hand, once more ignoring the man-children begging for answers.

Without warning a purple spell flew past Remus's arm and he watched as the spell hit Harry in the back, something the boy had to have noticed. And yet, Harry did not turn. He didn't seem to react in any way as his hair changed colour to match the spell that had been cast.

When Remus turned to berate Sirius for his childishness, he froze as the man's hair had also changed colour and was currently making its way through the entire rainbow over and over.

"Er…" Remus was at a loss for words. He had heard the initial story of how the kids had somehow reversed Sirius's prank on him during the tests last week, but now he was witnessing it first-hand.

Neither of the children had made any move to cast a spell via any of the means he knew them to be capable of doing so. They had long ago mastered silent casting, but they still needed to move their hands or wands in order to allow the magic to leave their bodies to achieve the desired effect. And yet, without his knowledge as their tutor, they had somehow developed beyond even that limitation.

Remus turned back to the pair "Seriously? As your teacher, how?" He begged with exasperation.

Hermione's head dropped and Harry began to laugh as Remus turned back to face them. A strangled shout from the doorway indicated that Sirius had noticed how they had once more turned his spell back on him and he charged off down the hallway to the nearby bathroom and its large mirror.

"It's easy. The same way we knew Sirius was standing there." Harry replied as though that explained everything fully.

"Please. This is wonderful magic. I have to know how you do it. Is it something the rest of us mere mortals can achieve?" He ribbed as the two before him chuckled at his constant references to them being so much more than human at times.

"Maybe. It's been so long since either of us has felt magic normally, you'd have to experiment for yourself to be sure." Hermione replied as she finished tending to the dittany and turned to face Remus once more, leaning back against the table holding the plants. "You can feel the magic of others, yes?"

Remus nodded. He was not as adept at it as the kids were, but during their training, the adults had all noticed how the kids could often sense where a spell would be coming from by sensing the caster themselves. They had tested their own ability to do so and had noticed that when they really focused, they could indeed sense the presence of magic around them and follow its trail.

The answer whacked Remus in the face and he actually gave a start at how rapidly it had come to him. Hermione noticed the change in expression on his face and simply tapped her temple twice before she rounded the table and began tending to something on the far side.

"That is… fascinating. Incredible even. Down the trail of his own spell. And yet… invisible to the eye. Can it be done without taking the first spell?"

"Not that we've managed yet." Harry offered softly and Remus heard the stomping footfalls of his friend returning from the other room.

"Alright. I surrender. Please remove it." Sirius said as he re-entered the room and Remus lost all remaining control.

He burst out laughing at the sight of his best friend who was now entirely different colours from head to toe. They continuously changed from one colour to the next, seemingly at random, but each article of clothing and piece of skin and hair was different to the one next to it at any given moment.

It seemed that, not only had the kids figured out how to return a spell of their own down an incoming spell's trail, but they had also infused this one with resistance to removal. The more Sirius had tried to undo the spell, the worse its effect had become.

"Mercy, please," Sirius begged as the teens both turned to look at him and suppressed their obvious glee.

"Mercy. If you stop asking. If you can figure it out for yourself, we'll let you know if you're right. But we aren't going to tell you how to cast spells on people without moving or speaking. We aren't stupid, Sirius." Harry explained.

"I wouldn't use it on you!" He rebutted, drawing even stronger laughter from the now doubled-over Remus and a knowing stare from Harry. "Yeah, I didn't believe it even as I said it."

Hermione snapped her fingers and Sirius returned to normal. "Were you always such a sore loser?"

"Yes. Yes, he was." Remus said as he finally settled somewhat from the giggling fit he had been suffering through. "Don't pout at me, Padfoot. You know it's the truth."

"Fine. You all win. I'm going to commiserate my loss with James. At least he is nice to me." Sirius grumbled dramatically as he departed once more.

"I love him to bits, but he is such a drama queen," Harry said after a moment before he joined Hermione on the other side of the table. "Neville was right though. These are thriving with that new mix. I think I'm going to have to bring him here during the holidays. Get his advice on some of the other problem cases."

"He really knows herbology in and out. It's as natural to him as popping is to us. Now that his confidence is growing, I can't wait to see what he comes up with later on. There is a spark in him he was so afraid to tap." Hermione added.

"Just remember to ask your parents before you go bringing any more friends around. I don't need to listen to any more Lily rants because you've snuck someone in again. We can modify memories now." Remus informed them, having heard about the infamous birthday surprise where Harry had brought Hermione to the Manor for the first time.

"Of course," Harry replied sweetly and Remus didn't believe the two words for a moment. He was well experienced at spotting James's habit which Harry had evidently picked up.

He sighed and turned from the children, heading for the kitchen. "I need a drink. And people wonder why I never had children of my own. Such a handful."

Though he was incredibly proud of the both of them for their new discovery.

Chapter 36: Preparations

Chapter Text

Sunday 16th April 1995.

Sirius surged into the library, face sullen and concerned enough to quickly draw every eye, though Hermione had clocked his face the moment he had arrived.

"We might have a problem." He said, holding aloft the Easter copy of the Daily Prophet, which once more bore a large picture of Harry on the front page.

This time, however, it wasn't a simple candid shot from amidst a crowd, or a flattering image of the daring saviour back to protect the world from new threats. This was clearly meant to be inflammatory in nature, and matched the headline Hermione could see above the image;What is Potter hiding?

Anger immediately began to build in her chest and before anyone could speak, Hermione snapped her fingers and the paper was in her hand. Drawing a complaint from Sirius in the process.

The picture of Harry, she now noticed, wasn't actually a photograph at all, but an artist's rendering that was incredibly lifelike in nature, if one didn't know Harry Potter in the slightest. His eyes were wrong in nearly every way, and the look in them made Hermione's stomach crawl with the wrongness of it.

Thankfully, the awful image took up the top portion of the page almost completely, so Hermione quickly folded the paper in half, ignoring the foul image and focusing on the words underneath instead.

"After a period of silence, your intrepid reporter returns with a special report so important it warranted the bump of the usual Easter festivities. In my short absence, dear readers, I have been researching the life of the supposed Boy-Who-Lived during the years in which he remained unaccounted for.

"A winding trail it has taken me on, through countless records in the depths of the Ministry, but I was amazed at what was found. Or more importantly, what was not.

"For months now, the youngest Potter has been back in the public eye, and yet not once has he come forward to tell his story. We are left to assume that the published works, clearly an effort of the boy's own imaginations, are the truth by which we must judge him."

Hermione glanced up at Harry with a raised eyebrow and he simply shrugged in return as she leant back down and continued reading aloud. "While the author has never been officially unveiled, my investigation leads me to conclude the boy in question made the most of weary hearts after the atrocities of the war and decided to cash in on the mystery of it all.

"In attempting to get the full story, I sought to track Potter down to the even more mysterious location in which he has secreted himself for all these years, and to which he vanished once more after the events of the Triwizard Tournament's Second Task. A task in which the once lauded champion was the apparent cause of untold damages to the innocent and already oppressed merfolk of the Black Lake.

"Is it any wonder that the teen has disappeared from the public view once more after such a destructive display? It was in my efforts that I found myself cast away by dangerous and despicable wards of a highly concerning nature. If innocent bystanders are to be subjected to such treatment, and the Boy-Who-Lived treats those he considers inferior in such a manner, should we really be looking to him as a saviour?"

"Boy, she's really gone off you now, Harry," Remus said with a smirk.

Harry shrugged again. "At least now we know who bounced off the wards a week ago. Rita Skeeter is an animagus. Which, given her name does not appear on the registration list at the Ministry, we can assume is an illegal form. And has to be quite small in order for her to have gotten close enough to ride us into the wards without either one of us, or the three we were talking to, having noticed her at all."

Hermione nodded as she considered the idea for a moment before her eyes fell once more on the derogatory article. "I am certain that the Ministry will want to investigate the nature of these wards and how Potter continues to retreat behind them whenever public perception begins to turn away from his favour. I can assure you all that I will continue to investigate these issues until the truth is brought to light."

Hermione lowered the paper and cast her eyes over the family gathered in the portrait and room around her. The Potters seemed slightly concerned at the article and were whispering amongst themselves with the exception of James who was watching his son closely. But Harry's eye was on his godfather who it seemed had not read the article before rushing into the room concerned.

The once solemn face he had worn upon arrival was beginning to crack and Hermione now noticed that Harry was slowly counting under his breath, stopping the moment that the man-child cracked and laughter filled the air. Every eye turned to watch Sirius cackling with laughter before switching to Harry to see if he was concerned at Sirius's response.

Harry turned to Hermione and with a wry smile, he spoke. "A whole eight seconds. I'm impressed."

Hermione returned the smile and turned back to the others. "She seems a vindictive sort."

"Very much so. Rita has always been sensational as an author. She runs on infamy." Remus explained. "If she is not on the front page, she is having a bad day in her view. The trouble is that her articles always contain enough of the truth to stand up to mild checking. So the public tends to believe her when she spins a barrel of lies or conjecture amongst them as well. This could be a problem."

"It's only a problem if anyone tries hurting my family again," Harry growled and Hermione noticed the elves had joined the group at some point during her reading, though none appeared to be harried or showed evidence of dealing with another onslaught of hate mail directed at them. But that could be due to them receiving this article sooner than the previous one.

"You needn't worry about that happening ever again," Remus said with a gleeful smile.

"What did you do?" Hermione asked, leaning forward at the look on the Marauder's face.

"People greatly underestimate the utility of a house-elf. Their ability to recognize and trace magic is quite astounding."

"You sent them after the people who sent all the nasty letters?"

"Not at all. We just had them identify them." Remus replied, with a smile that never boded well.

"Then we sorted them into groups of severity." Sirius added, "And Moony, Prongs and I decided on a worthy reply. The nice ones got a thank you, and some even got a few of the rarer flowers from the gardens here. The others varied from simple itching powder that Moony perfected in our fourth year to undiluted Malaclaw venom on a biting envelope for the foul bastard who tried to send Hermione undiluted bubotuber pus."

"I checked in on our favourite the other week. According to the neighbours, he hasn't been seen outside in months."

"What on earth did you do to that one?" Hermione asked, slightly appalled, but also thankful that Harry's family would go to such lengths for her.

"He is extremely superstitious. So…" Remus offered up and it was Harry who caught the dangling thread.

"You didn't, did you?" The boy asked, and Hermione looked at him confused. "Right, we skipped divination in our proper studies. I only know of this from researching their forms while we were considering giving the process a try. Sirius Black has an animagus form that is a large, very large, black dog. There is another such dog in folk legend."

"The GRIMM!" Sirius growled, really rolling the R and extending the M out until it devolved into a chuckle.

"And by that reaction, Sirius almost certainly went to visit this person in his form. Just how theatrical did you make it?"

"Oh, we gave it the full works," Remus explained with glee. "Waited for the new moon to make sure Padfoot was as menacing as possible. Conjured up a mist to drift out through the trees. Waited until three in the morning before we made a racket on his back porch. Sod came shaking out of the back door, wand first. Gave a meek shout of 'Who's there' before Sirius leapt out from the rafters of the porch."

Sirius was on his side on the floor laughing at the memory now, and Hermione was stunned at the lengths the pair had gone to for one single punishment. "What did he do?" She asked, concerned that the wizard had attacked Sirius, though his present hysterical state seemed to indicate he had not.

Remus gave a slightly evil smile before he continued. "Oh, he promptly shat himself. The whole load, right then and there in his pyjamas, and all Padfoot had done was growl. Dropped his wand from his quivering hand, and managed to break it himself as he rushed back into the house, slamming the door behind him. Sirius sat at the back door for about half an hour, scratching at it to really sell the bit. Then we got bored and came home."

"You don't think that was a bit much?" Hermione asked.

Sirius sobered up rather quickly at that comment and turned to face her. "You didn't see what he wrote to a fifteen-year-old girl."

Hermione shuddered and decided she never wanted to know. Harry quickly snuggled her tight against him and she welcomed the warmth as his magic enveloped her tightly.

"Let's just say he well-earned such a reward." Remus half-growled as well and the mood in the room lost the jovial tinge it'd had moments beforehand.

The heavy silence remained in the air for several long minutes before being broken by an unusual sort. Hedwig soared in through the open doorway and landed deftly on the back of the chair Harry and Hermione were once again sharing. But oddest of all was the letter clutched in her left talon.

Hermione could count the number of letters Harry's other favourite lady had brought him in the past five years on her left hand alone, and one of them had brought him such terror he'd run and hidden in his bedroom until his friends had dragged him out to deal with it.

Harry reached for the letter, pausing for a moment before he actually took hold of it and Hedwig let go, fluttering down to settle on Harry's lap. The boy idly reached out and began to gently scratch her favourite spot, just between the feathers on her back, between her wing joints.

Harry stared past the latter into his owl's bright yellow eyes and seemed to communicate with Hedwig without words.

"You're sure?" He asked aloud and Hermione couldn't help the smile that spread on her face as she watched them. Harry adored Hedwig, despite her never really getting much chance to be a post-owl. But even she could see the reply here. Hedwig was assuring Harry that this letter was safe.

He gave a soft sigh before he dug his finger into the seam and popped it open. Unfurling the parchment within, he started to read the handwritten note within and his face moved through several different emotions before Hermione gave him a gentle prod in the side.

"What?" He asked, looking away from the letter for the first time. "Sorry. It's… here, I'll read it aloud."

He shifted back in the chair and Hermione allowed him to snuggle tighter against her, wrapping one arm about his shoulders as he settled in to read.

"Dear Mr Potter,

"My name is Edward Markbourne and you will certainly not remember me, I am sure, as you couldn't have been more than a few weeks old at the time.

"I am a father of two wonderful girls who have filled the last twenty years of my life with joy. Why I tell you this is because I only still have them both thanks to the valiant efforts of your parents, James and Lily. They probably won't recall me either, we only met a grand total of twice, but both times left an impression on me.

"Both times involved them, and the other members of the Order of the Phoenix, saving my life from attack during the awful war of the 70s. During the second such event, you and my daughters were both present. It was a horrible experience as they attacked a muggle shopping centre my late wife loved to frequent. And it was there that my dearest wife died at the hands of those monsters.

"Not a day goes by that I don't miss her terribly, but I am forever thankful that your parents managed to not only avenge her death, but protect my girls when I myself could not.

"And it is that which leads to my letter today. I have considered writing this several times, but could never find the words. However, Thomas at Obscurus has told me that Rita Skeeter has been sniffing around the past week, asking questions about a series that I authored under an alias. And that never bodes well for innocent folk. So here I am, explaining myself to you at long last and hoping you can forgive my actions.

"After Rachel died, the girls were distraught. They spent many a night waking from terrible nightmares of masked figures taking them from their beds, or worse. I tried many things to help them settle back to sleep, but nothing ever seemed enough to do the trick. Even the end of the war wasn't enough to settle the two, but it did bring a story to my ears in a pub one evening.

"While out with my best friend drinking after a particularly rough Halloween, we had the chance to overhear a rather drunk Rubeus Hagrid telling all about the attack on the Potter home. If you have met the man, I am sure you can understand he meant no disrespect or harm by it. Hagrid is a man who wears his heart on his sleeve, and it was broken that night. The only ray of light in his dark tale was the lack of a body of the child of the Potters. Something most of us thought nothing of at the time.

"It wasn't until three days later, when my youngest, Rebecca, woke from another horrible nightmare that my mind made a decision. And so I told her a tale. A Tale of the Boy-Who-Lived. A child so powerful and so good that in his crib he had defeated the darkest wizard this country has seen in centuries. Of how he protected the small and the weak from those evildoers who might seek to harm her. It was you, and only you that managed to chase away the terrors that haunted my daughters in the middle of the night.

"And so, that became a ritual in our home. I would tuck in my two girls and tell them a story of what the Boy-Who-Lived was up to. How he was keeping the world at large, and them specifically, safe. Thomas heard the stories a few times and he begged me to write a few of them down. Said they were magnificent and would sell like mad.

"Having just lost my job, the money spoke louder than my conscience and I agreed. And now, here we are. A decade later people are still reading them, still drawing comfort from the stories of the hero of the wizarding world. And without once ever considering what these stories might mean to you.

"Rebecca is at Hogwarts now. In her final year. She tells me that she hasn't spoken with you directly, she's too afraid of what you might say to her. But she has told me that from what she has seen you are a truly good person, and that you voiced your dislike of the books on your very first night in the castle. For that, I apologise unreservedly. As you can hopefully see, they were never meant to harm anyone, but to bring hope and comfort to those who had been so long without it.

"I hope you can forgive me for my transgression. I have arranged a meeting with Thomas and another much more trustworthy journalist for Tuesday morning. We shall reveal my role in the books and hopefully head off any efforts by Rita to defame you using them, as I am sure she will try. And I thank you for whatever it was that you and your family did to rid the world of the evil of You-Know-Who and his cadre of sycophants.

"Sincerely, Edward."

Harry leant back as he finished reading and the room was quiet as everyone digested the story they had just heard. Hermione, however, focused only on Harry.

She knew he did not much care for the books. The idea he was out slaying dragons when all he wanted was a normal life didn't thrill him. And she had recently discovered that the fact the damsel in each case was never enough like her was another nail in the coffin for his thoughts on the topic.

She blushed lightly as she recalled the night he had confessed that fact to her only a short few months earlier. That 'Hermione Granger was the only damsel Harry cared to rescue, and most of the time she was strong enough to get herself out of trouble and sit there waiting for him to arrive'. She had soundly snogged him that night.

"Harry?" She whispered softly, watching his face and trying to discern his reaction to the letter.

"I guess I can understand where he was coming from. I can't begrudge someone for wanting to lessen nightmares." He said, looking at her in return with a sly smirk. "We should not have watched that show."

"But if we had not, I'd have not learned about magic until Professor McGonagall arrived."

"HA!" James yelled, loudly from his place in the painting, staring down at the snuggled pair. "As if."

Hermione looked at him curiously, unsure of what he meant. The Professor had arrived the day after her letter and had certainly been the first magical person she recalled ever intentionally telling her about magic as though it were their job.

"What Prongs is trying to say, Hermione, is that Harry would definitely not have been able to keep that secret much longer. He already used his own magic to bring you here, what was it? Two months earlier?" Remus explained.

"Knowing Harry as we all do, he would have spilt the entire secret to you well before your ninth birthday, sweetheart." Lily finished. "We'd have been mad at him for it without you showing signs of magic first, but he'd have done it for you."

Harry was bright red by the time his family finished explaining just how bad he was at keeping secrets from her, but Hermione smiled and gently kissed his cheek. "I'm glad he doesn't keep important things from me."

"You deserved to know," Harry mumbled and she smiled even further.

"So, you don't hold any ill will towards him then?" She asked softly.

Harry shook his head. "There are still a few horrible things in my own memory I wish I had a way to dispose of. That day in the bank, you floating underwater tied to that statue, and the night…" Harry trailed off, but everyone in the room knew he was referring to the night his parents died.

Hermione held him closer, allowing him a moment to gather himself once more. "We should send a reply." She whispered and he nodded once more.

"I'll write one later. I don't want to move at the moment." Harry said and snuggled against her tighter, something Hermione was more than happy to allow him to do as the adults in the room discussed matters amongst themselves. Life had settled back into a normal rhythm and with the progress they were making with the goblins, they would soon be safe enough to re-emerge into the world.

Something she looked forward to more than she thought she would only a few short months ago.


Monday, 17th April 1995.

A knock at the door drew Albus's attention away from the three-eights of a letter he had been drafting for the third time.

It was unusual for the paintings not to warn him of an approaching visitor, but not unheard of. A quick glance showed them all to at least be pretending to sleep in their frames.

"Come in." He said softly.

The door swung inwards and the overly excitable figure of Ludo Bagman stepped inside, leaving the door open behind him. Albus scrapped his letter as the man approached, the paper curling up into nothing before the other man even reached the desk.

"Afternoon, Dumbledore. The particulars of the Final Task." Ludo said brightly, handing over the rest of the paperwork Albus had requested after the Second Task. "It's been a nightmare making the needed changes, but… here we are."

Ludo took a seat opposite him and began to gaze around the room silently, much like most of the young children who were sent to the Headmaster's Office did when they arrived. It was a sight like no other and had been since long before Albus had been a student of this school.

He ignored the other man for a moment as he began reading through the documents in detail. All dark creatures had been removed from the listings, as had any of class XXXX or higher. Though Albus doubted they would manage to get the lower listed nuisance creatures from the other countries required, given the sorry state of Britain in the eyes of the global community after the farce in February.

"Thank you, Ludo. I'll be having the rest of the staff look over these enchantments to ensure they find them to be up to standard."

"Now, come on, Dumbledore…" The other man began to argue before Albus cut him off.

"Ludo. I will not be moved on this. The safety of the Champions is the only priority at this stage. It has been four hundred years since all three Champions have made it physically unharmed to the final task of the event. We will not allow ourselves to fail now, will we?" He asked rhetorically.

Ludo sagged, unable to meet his eye, and Albus shook his head imperceptibly, worried at how much the man seemed eager to have the added danger in the events. Would likely have made for better odds.

How Ludo had managed to make it all the way to becoming Department Head with his known gambling issues was too much for Albus to try and discern right now.

"Give me the week and I shall have your answer," Albus said, leaning back in his chair. He noticed that Ludo was rather twitchy today, not that he hadn't been for years. He was a man who wished he could be back up in the air on a broom rather than attending boring meetings and arranging the games.

"Very good. We've already set about growing the hedges. There is one slight tweak we made, it's in the notes there. These ones can rearrange and shift. But," He sighed as though this part was a major imposition, "they cannot attack the Champions anymore. So they've come down to a navigational challenge only."

"Very good," Albus said, mirroring Ludo's earlier statement. "Was there anything else, Ludo?"

For the first time in the meeting, Ludo met his gaze and the pair shared a silent moment before the other shook his head. "No. We're ready to proceed with the setup once you give the go-ahead. I assume you will be sharing all of this information with the other Heads."

Albus suppressed the slight grin that wanted to form at Ludo's eagerness to allow someone else to take some of his workload off his hands. "Indeed, I will personally inform them of the changes. We need their approval as well, after all."

Ludo sagged at the reminder that the Ministry was now basically in charge of the event in name alone. "Right, right. Well, I'll leave you to it. Plenty to do after all. Preparations to make." Ludo said, standing and spinning about.

"Have a nice day, Ludo," Albus said as the other man passed out the door, swinging it closed behind him.

Albus gave a heavy sigh and swung his eyes over the paintings on the wall once more, noting a lot more partially closed eyes and fake snores than before the meeting. It was a struggle at times living with walls covered in old gossips. While they could not break the confidence of the Office of the Headmaster, they sure loved having a good chat amongst themselves whenever he wasn't looking.

He looked back down at the pile of paperwork and sighed. This would have to take precedence for the time being.

The immediate safety of all the Champions took priority over the long-term safety of one who had already proven extremely capable in his own right.


Wednesday, 17th May 1995.

Draco sat back on the bench at the Slytherin table, casting his eye over the Hall and the many chattering and eating children.

The constant noise of the room irritated him to no end. He wished that he could curse a few of them and get them to shut up. Especially the stupid mudbloods, but the changed rules after his first year had greatly curtailed his efforts to teach those filthy fools a lesson or two about the state of things.

His eyes drifted to the Teachers' table where the man responsible for the change sat watching the school like a ruler observing his kingdom.

He hated Dumbledore with a passion, as the man had been personally responsible for confiscating an item Draco's father had entrusted to him in his first year. When he'd informed his father that it had been taken before Draco could even settle into his dormitory, his father had been most displeased. He had been meant to slip it to some undeserving mudblood and watch the excitement. Instead, it was gone for good.

And yet, this year, father had been quiet. Told Draco to be watchful but make no moves of his own. Even the most mundane of ideas was to be run past his father before he would be told not to do it as things were far too precarious right now for such behaviour.

Draco bristled at the unfairness of it all. His entire life he'd been told how much better he was than others. How his pure lineage made him superior, and he had proven it time and again. Anyone who crossed him soon learned the price of such impudence.

And yet, now his father had leashed his ability to show their visitors just how superior they were here in Britain. Especially that animal the French had brought along as their Champion.

His anger rose as thinking of Delacour reminded Draco that the stupid Goblet had picked his own disgusting cousin as Champion of his own school. Not only was she a pathetic half-blood child of a mudblood, but she was also the daughter of someone who had been cast out of the family by his great-aunt Walburga.

Draco had really been hoping that the damned blue dragon would sink its teeth into the fool and remove that stain from his family for good.

Instead, she had made it through both tasks so far unscathed. All four of them had. This Tournament was supposed to be dangerous, that was why he had been forbidden from entering by both his father and the rules.

Not that he'd have let the rules keep him from trying. He had already begun planning ways to get his name into the Goblet when his father had messaged him and forbade him to even try.

So now he had to watch as the disgrace of the family got all the attention.

In fact, such was becoming the norm for the Malfoys in the past few years. The disgust he felt at being reminded of the insult he'd received only a few weeks before first attending this place still rankled in his stomach. How had great great uncle Arcturus made such a wildly stupid decision?

Black was a blood traitor of the worst sort. A convicted criminal, not that Draco really minded that part, but still he should not have even been in the running for the Headship of the family. A headship that was Draco's very birthright, as he had often been reminded through the years.

His attention was drawn from his brooding by McGonagall briskly walking down the middle of the hall and up to the front table. The woman had been annoyingly cheery all day and Draco wanted nothing more than to see her day ruined.

However, it would be his own that would be further worsened as the noise of the students skyrocketed and his eyes were drawn from the Deputy Headmistress back to the front of the Hall.

Instead of something to brighten his day, the only thing that could further ruin it walked in, to be immediately grasped by his cousin in a pitiful display of 'family'.

Potter had returned.

Like most, he had been curious to meet the so-called Hero of the Wizarding World. He knew the stories of the Dark Lord and his quest to cure Britain of its diseases, and yet the boy being harried by the Puffs right now had supposedly defeated the man as naught but a child.

Of course, Draco knew this to be nonsense. No child would defeat a fully grown wizard, especially not a half-blood with a mudblood for a mother.

But curiosity was a strong emotion. Only made worse by his father's strict instructions to stay away from his cousin. It irked Draco that so many of his cousins were polluted by filthy blood, and two of the worst offenders were now being celebrated as Triwizard Champions.

As the three settled back into place at their house table and the noise died down slightly, Draco considered the group.

Potter, of course, was central to it, most hanging over one another trying to speak with him. On his left as usual was his other cousin, far too cheery at the fact Potter was back in the school, a sentiment shared by so many of the sycophants seated around him. And lastly, as ever, was the mudblood at his right hand.

Had Draco ever considered disobeying his father's instructions to stay away from Potter, this would have put an end to them for good.

It wasn't bad enough that Potter's father had sullied a long and pure line by marrying a mudblood, but the boy associated nearly constantly with this nagging little nuisance of one as well. He heard the stories from others about her supposed magical prowess, but Draco knew they were the over-exaggerated rumours of children.

Everything around the supposed Boy-Who-Lived was exceptional and overblown. Of course, the person he chose to date, a thought that nearly brought up Draco's dinner, would be 'just as powerful as he was'.

Draco looked at Crabbe, seated at his own right hand and how the idiot was still scarfing down food. Draco scowled at the sight and slapped the fool on the back of the head, drawing a confused glance from the idiot with a tart half shoved in his mouth.

"Get up. We're leaving." Draco said, indicating for Goyle at his left to stand as well.

The two followed his movement and Draco ignored the stares of his fellow housemates as he serenely walked to the end of the Hall, ensuring he didn't waste another glance in the direction of the duffers and their ridiculous 'Champions'.

Whatever his father was involved in, Draco would be requesting he be allowed to be involved. This could not be allowed to continue.

Muggle lovers and blood traitors being celebrated all over the school was really beginning to irritate him, and Draco found his wand arm twitching at the idea of showing them their proper place.

Chapter 37: Revelations

Chapter Text

Saturday, 20th May 1995.

Harry looked at the large wooden house as he and his friends quietly approached.

Neville and Luna had decided they would tag along, and he had missed them a lot during the time away from the castle. Hermione squeezed the hand she had been holding since they had left the common room and gone to find the other pair for the trip and Harry allowed her presence to calm him further.

He didn't expect this meeting to be as painful as the one with Professor McGonagall that had led to his presence here in the first place, but the very idea of the questions he had for this professor was already stirring up memories he usually tried his darndest to forget.

As they finally approached the house, they noticed the large figure digging about in the garden to its right.

Having completed their Magical Creatures studies the year before, with a couple of trips to meettheexpert in all things magical beasts, Harry hadn't had much cause to even get this close to the giant man fussing over several enormous cabbages.

Rubeus Hagrid was a gentle bloke according to everyone Harry had ever spoken to about him, but he currently held information about the darkest night in Harry's short life, and after Edward's letter, Harry needed to know more.

"Good morning, professor," Luna said, redirecting Harry's once more spiralling thoughts and drawing the attention of the man in front of them.

"'Ello there. Ah, Mister Potter. I thought you might come for a visit at some point, given how much trouble your father and his friends caused me when they were here." Hagrid smiled at the group. "I see the rumours are true, you do go everywhere with the young lass. I assume that this is Miss Granger?"

Hermione gave a polite nod in response as Hagrid looked over the group. "And Miss Lovegood. Not quite up to my classes just yet. But Willy says you're quite the creature enthusiast. Even told me of a few I hadn't heard of before myself."

"Daddy was a big fan of magizoology before he passed. Mum says she humoured him a lot, and I'm not sure what that means, but she always looks wistful when she says it. Or when someone sends in a new sighting for the Quibbler. Though she only publishes it twice a year now in Daddy's honour."

"Right. Sorry to hear about that. He was a wonderful man, your father. As were both of yours." He added, turning to look at young Neville. "Frank was a right bugger when 'e was your age. Always causing mischief."

"You knew all of them?" Hermione asked curiously.

"O' course. I've been the Groundskeeper here at Hogwarts for almost fifty years. Only been a professor for a few. Seen many a youngster come and go through these grounds. You tend to remember certain ones more than others. Didn't hurt that..." Hagrid trailed off for a moment, seeming to see the students for the first time again and thought better of his statement. "No matter, how is it I can help you?"

Harry swallowed hard before he spoke for the first time all morning. "We were hoping we could talk. About Halloween 1981."

Hagrid's beady black eyes seemed to lose their sheen all of a sudden. "Oh. Are you sure you want to hear about tha'?" He asked.

Harry steeled himself and set his face. "Yes. I need to know."

Hagrid gave a deep sigh and scratched a spot in his thick beard as he looked at Harry oddly for a moment. "Very well. Best come inside. Shouldn't talk about things like that out in the open. I'll make us some tea."

Hagrid quickly led the foursome inside and Harry was momentarily distracted by the enormity of everything inside.

It made sense that a man of Hagrid's size would need larger than usual furnishings and the like, but seeing it was still odd. The students quickly took up seats at the massive table Hagrid was assembling a tea set on. The man quickly filled a kettle with water from his wand and gave the outside a tap, setting it boiling in moments.

With a slightly careless wave of his wand, the kettle rose into the air and poured out five enormous cups of tea, occasionally spilling a bit off to the side of them as he absently looked in the cupboards for something. He eventually turned back to the table as the kettle settled back on the tabletop and he placed two plates of biscuits on either side of it as he too took a seat.

"Help yourselves. Made 'em myself, o' course." Hagrid smiled, the gesture lighting up his face and Harry knew the man didn't have a cruel bone in his body. Something that helped further settle his nerves at the upcoming discussion.

"Thank you, Professor," Hermione said, reaching for one of the biscuits and dipping it into her tea before taking a bite. Harry could see that even with the absorbed liquid, the biscuits were quite hard as Hermione tried chewing hers softly.

Perhaps baking wasn't Professor Hagrid's strongest suit. Copying his girlfriend, Harry took a small bite of a liberally softened biscuit and swallowed it down to help lubricate his once more dry throat.

"So." He said softly, drawing the attention of the entire table and a further squeeze from Hermione. "I heard recently that you were there the night my parents died."

"Yes and no. I wasn't there when it happened. I wish I had been. Might have been able to do something about it." Hagrid replied, looking forlorn.

"Then how did you…?" Hermione asked, trailing off at the end.

"Well, if you want the story. It's best told from the beginning." Hagrid took a large gulp of his tea and his eyes seemed to drift from the table as he began to speak. "Back when… You-Know-Who was about doing his thing, I was asked to be a part of the Order of the Phoenix."

"Dumbledore's vigilante group."

Hagrid's eyes flicked to Hermione at the matter-of-fact statement, clearly confused about how a muggleborn girl knew details like that.

"Tha's right." He shook his head of the question and moved to continue. "I wasn't the only one. Both of your parents joined up as well. The Potters were fresh out of Hogwarts with their friends. And the Longbottoms already well-established Aurors, the pair of them. Alastor, er Professor Moody that is, was in it too. We fought the Death Eaters wherever we could, but we had limited success. Things looked bleak if I'm to be honest…"

Harry watched the man silently. He knew all of this already, of course, having been told many times by Sirius and the others about the previous war during both their studies and in stories of the times before his family was broken apart.

"Tha' night. Well, you two might have missed it this year. Every year, Halloween at Hogwarts is a bit of a big thing. We decorate the castle and have a big feast. It's been an important day for magic for a long time. Tha' night wasn't any different.

"A typical school day, with kids playing up and needing disciplining. In particular, the eldest Parkinson boy had severely injured two other students, and Professor Dumbledore was dealing with it when he was informed something had happened. Not sure how he knew, but he couldn't leave the school.

"So he asked me to go. I was the only member of the Order at the school at the time besides Professor Dumbledore himself. I wasn't going to be much help with the students, but I could absolutely go help a couple of friends. He gave me a portkey to Godric's Hollow and I left immediately. By the time I got there though…"

Hagrid trailed off, lost in his own memory before Luna made a sudden noise as she cut a biscuit in two, the sharp sound of the knife on the plate jolting the large man back to the present.

"Sorry." She whispered with a small smile.

"S'alright. They're hardy. Anyhow, I could hear cars and bikes heading away, one of 'em even looked like that big unwieldy thing Black used to ride, but I rushed over to the house. The door was blasted in, but it otherwise seemed mostly intact from the front. James was inside, lying in the lounge. There was debris everywhere, so I know he fought hard. He loved you so much your dad did. You can be certain of that."

Harry smiled brightly at the man, if there was one thing Harry was absolutely certain of it was how much his parents loved him. "Thank you."

Hagrid nodded before he continued. "Upstairs was your mum. Died in front of your crib. Fought to the last by the look. The room was a mess and there was a big hole blasted through the roof and the outside wall. You-Know-Who was a wreck in the corner, but… there was no sign o' you but a bit of blood on the mattress in the crib. I was too late to be of any help."

"It wasn't your fault, Professor," Neville said, contributing for the first time. "The Death Eaters were bad enough, but this was," he paused for a moment, "Voldemort himself. There was nothing you could have done."

"I could have helped fight him off. Given the other two time enough to get away. Still not sure why he attacked them that night. There wasn't even any sign of his followers being there like normal for such an attack. Suppose Lily and James had messed up his plans a few times. Even duelled with him as a pair a couple of times. It was a sight to see, James and Lily back to back or side by side flicking spells all over. They were a fierce pair of fighters."

Harry smiled again as he recalled the few times his parents had demonstrated such skills in their frames. Facing off against one another to show proper duelling techniques or against other family members to show how easily a large battle can go from organised to chaos.

They were a fearsome duo. Of that, there was no doubt.

"What happened after that?" Harry asked softly.

Hagrid seemed to jolt out of a memory of his own at Harry's words and his black eyes focused on Harry tightly. "Well… I couldn't just leave them like that. I took your mum and dad into their room and laid them on the bed. Tidied them up as best I could. They deserved that at the least. For freeing the rest of us of that monster for good. I might have cried by their bedside for a bit because the next thing I knew Professor Dumbledore was there.

"He picked me up and set me right. Thanked me for coming like I did and told me I could do whatever I pleased for the rest of the weekend. He'd already summoned the Aurors and he'd help them finish up. I took him up on the offer and headed to a little watering hole in Harrow that we'd all gone to one time. Celebrating a win we had over those buggers… It was rough those next few days, before it really sunk in that it was actually over."

Harry laid his small hand on top of Hagrid's own massive one on the table and drew his eye once more. "Thank you, professor."

"Call me Hagrid. E'ryone does. And you're welcome. I wish I could have done more to help them."

"You did plenty. More than most people. You helped stand up against Riddle and his fools."

"Riddle?" Hagrid asked confusedly. "What's he got to do with it?"

Harry glanced at Hermione in confusion to see her shrug in response. "Tom Marvolo Riddle. The man who would become Voldemort."

Hagrid shuddered at the name, something Harry hadn't noticed before when Neville had said it. "No, that can't be right. He was… I went to school with Tom Riddle. He wasn't nothing like… was he?"

"I'm surprised you didn't know," Hermione said. "Harry and I researched the topic heavily as soon as we were old enough to understand the mechanics of it all. It's quite an easy trail to follow if you know where to look. Tom Marvolo Riddle drops off the face of the Earth and suddenly Lord Voldemort pops up in his place with followers made up of people who used to follow Tom around?"

Harry continued in her place. "Remus was also able to trace the family names. Marvolo was a member of the Gaunts who were members of the 'Sacred Twenty-Eight' for all that rubbish matters, which isn't much. But a lot of those families ended up following Riddle.

"On the other side, we aren't certain, but timeline-wise, the murder of the entire Riddle family in Hangleton shortly predates Tom's rise. All were mysteriously killed in ways the muggles couldn't ascertain. The youngest being Tom Riddle who lived a stone's throw from the Gaunt's rundown shack nearby."

"And Riddle was raised at Wool's Orphanage from the day he was born after his mother died giving birth to him. She named him and that was it. Marvolo for his grandfather and Tom for his father according to the notes with the birth certificate." Hermione finished, seeming a little sad at the loss of even more parents to the tale of Lord Voldemort's vanity.

Hagrid looked gobsmacked by the information they had just imparted to him and Harry figured that they would get no more from him today.

Harry smiled as he stood, and the others matched his movement. "Thank you for the tea and biscuits. And for telling me. A lot of adults would try to 'protect me' from such information, but knowledge is not harmful in and of itself. We'll leave you be."

Hagrid looked up from his thousand-yard stare at the table. "Right, yes. You be off. Come by anytime for a chat. I'd best be… Gotta see Professor Dumbledore about a thing or two. You all pop along and have fun."

In his hurry, Hagrid preceded them all from his own home, leaving the door wide behind him. Harry shook his head softly at the action, pulling the door quietly shut behind him as they left the house. It seemed like they had imparted more information to Hagrid, and seemingly now to Dumbledore, than they had received in return.

But a small missing piece of the worst night of Harry's life and a few of the oddities he'd encountered growing up were now in his possession.

"You good?" Neville asked quietly, placing his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Yeah. I'm good." Harry replied, and the group moved away from the wooden house, off to enjoy the rest of their weekend.


Wednesday, 24th May 1995.

Nym listened intently to Viktor as he described some of his lesser-known moments from his meteoric rise onto the Bulgarian national team.

Their current destination had spurred the Champion to share with the group, but Nym was confused when he suddenly cut off mid-sentence, staring ahead in disbelief. She followed his eye-line and let out a gasp herself as she finally saw their destination, previously hidden behind a small hill.

The towers had been visible for some time, poking up over the surface, but the angle of their approach had concealed the body of the stadium until this moment, and instead of the typical green lawn of the pitch, there were crisscrossed patches of what appeared to be hedges growing up out of the ground.

Nym heard Harry sigh next to her before he continued forward, now obviously resolved to something she was as yet not privy to. As they all quietly approached the bouncing figure of Ludo Bagman, he finally caught sight of them and waved them forward.

"Good, good. Was wondering if you'd gotten lost. Barty is still under the weather, so it falls to me to give you the information for the final task." He said buoyantly, overly excited by the competition as he had always seemed to be.

"Are all ze people working in your Ministry zis stupid?" Fleur asked blatantly, knocking the wind out of Ludo's enthusiasm instantly.

"What now?" He asked, confused.

Fleur just waved her hand at the stadium behind the man and he turned to look at it before swinging back, still apparently speechless.

"The World Cup was this year," Harry stated. "It was almost held here until England made it into the finals, even though we were knocked out in the preliminaries. An event so complex that it only occurs every seven years. And yet, in that same year, you cancel Quidditch at Hogwarts for the entire year so you can grow some hedges for a month or two before the year lets out."

Ludo was still speechless and at this point, Nym was trying her hardest not to laugh at the fool. "The Head of the Department for Magical Games and Sport everyone. How do you think the League will take it when they learn this was why you lot cancelled Quidditch? Do you have any idea how many people in their seventh year right now want to go on to play in the League?"

"What do you mean?" Ludo asked.

"You cancelled the matches," Viktor growled. "Meaning none of those students haff been able to practise their craft. None of the League scouts could come to games. I vould not have made my national team had my government made such choices."

"But… we needed the stadium" Ludo meekly rebutted, not sounding convincing at all.

"Why?" Nym replied. "You lot built stadiums and stands for the other two events. Why did you need to use the pitch for this one? It's just a maze."

"Exactly!" Ludo latched onto the final word, seeming to believe he was back on track. "You will have to enter the maze and find the Triwizard Cup at the centre."

"Which couldn't have been done over on one of the hillsides nearby why…?" Harry asked, knocking Ludo off-balance once more.


"I think Fleur was right. Whose idea was this?"

"Mine," Ludo said meekly.

"And you were once a professional beater?" Nym asked with a smirk. "You'd think someone with your background would do anything they could not to cancel Quidditch."

"Precisely," Fleur said. "Just hold ze games closer togezzer. You could have completed ze draw by now."

"There is a spot just down there, in a small valley that would be perfect for a maze with large stands on either side for spectators," Harry explained, pointing down into the valley nearby. "Or a compressed draw as Fleur suggested. Instead, you lot courted a school-wide rebellion by cancelling the most popular sport they play. Fleur's right, you're all stupid." Harry finished roughly turning on his heel and beginning to walk away.

"Wait. I haven't told you the rest of the Task." Ludo called at his back and Nym shook her head.

"We're the best and brightest of our respective schools according to the Goblet of Fire. Not children," Nym paused, glancing at Ludo one final time before continuing, "or Ministry employees. We can figure it out."

"But…" Ludo mumbled one last time, cutting off as Viktor stepped right up to the man, giving him the dirtiest look Nym had ever seen on her fellow competitor, one that would have rivalled the ones the man's Headmaster liked to cast about, before storming after Fleur and Harry.

Nym grinned at Bagman, now totally deflated, not bouncing about like an excited child before she too followed the others, jogging to catch up to Harry, who was not heading for the main school building.

"Vhere are ve going?" Viktor asked, an angry tone to his voice still.

"Just checking exactly how stupid that lot are. My new friend will know the answer, I hope."

Nym recognized their destination when it came into view over the small hill and she wondered how the massive wooden structure ever really remained hidden given its size. "Hagrid?"

Harry nodded and they approached the cabin in silence. He gave a firm rap on the door and excited barking came from within.

"Settle down, Fang. I'm glad you're back, but calm down. Who's there?" Hagrid asked, swinging the big door open. "Oh, it's you lot. Come in, come in."

The giant man waved them inside and the four champions slipped past the big figure and settled around the table inside.

"I'd offer you some tea, but I broke my kettle this morning when Fang got back from the vet, and he must have buried one of the pieces. How can I help you?"

Nym turned to face Harry, unsure of what he hoped to get from the jovial giant.

"We wanted to know if the Ministry asked you to provide any creatures for the coming Task," Harry asked, deadpan.

"How'd you know about that?" Hagrid asked with shock. "You're not supposed to know about the Task."

"Bagman just told us." Nym corrected. "It's a maze, in the middle of the Quidditch Pitch, which is the reason Quidditch was cancelled all year instead of having a compressed draw, or inviting the three schools to field a team each and have some friendly matches."

Viktor growled openly at the idea he could have flown during a match this year but it was taken away from him by abject stupidity.

"Oh, well. I guess I can tell you then. They did ask me to, at the start of the year. But Professor Dumbledore came by a couple of months back and said that it wouldn't be required anymore. Shame, Fluffy was looking forward to it."

Nym blanched at that. "Fluffy? You were going to put Fluffy in the maze?"

"Don't you worry about Fluffy. He's a right pushover."

"Maybe for you Hagrid. He's your pet. How does one deal with a Cerberus in the tight quarters of a maze with only a wand?"

Hagrid leant back and seemed to give the question some serious thought. "I suppose that would make it more difficult. But Fluffy's easy. Just play him some music and he falls right to sleep."

Harry looked at Nym in disbelief. "So you aren't providing any creatures or spells for the Task now?" He asked, glancing back over to the giant.

"No," Hagrid replied dejectedly. "Even had a few of Aragog's kids lined up, too. The smaller ones mind. The big ones get a bit too rambunctious these days."

"I don't zink I wish to know what zis Aragog or its children are," Fleur said, looking paler than usual.

"Ah, I've had Aragog since he was a baby. Be more than fifty years now. Had some good times with tha' ol' chap." Hagrid replied, leaning back as if lost in those memories.

Harry and Nym locked eyes and she could see him tamping down the panic within. She realised what he was thinking, as bad as that all could have been, it was now no longer something they would need to deal with.

"So it's just going to be a regular maze then?" Nym asked.

"Well, not quite. There will be enchantments to be overcome, but that's not going to be nearly as fun as some of the creatures they'd been planning to pop inside. They'd lined up a sphinx. Do you know how hard it is to get them out of Egypt these days?"

Harry nodded and Nym knew that he understood exactly how hard such a thing was. It had been in Egypt that he and Hermione had first met with Newt Scamander during their Magical Creature studies. The famous man had been advocating for the very legislation that now so prevented their export when they had met him.

"Anyway, I probably shouldn't be telling you all any of that. My mind runs away with me when I get excited, and some of the creatures on that list. I'd have given anything to see some of them up close." Hagrid said wistfully.

"Perhaps a summer abroad vould be good for you," Viktor suggested. "I know ve have several enclaves in my home country vhere you could see such beasts."

"I'd love to, but it's expensive to travel like that. I live a simple life here as you can see."

"If you want to go overseas, I'd happily pay for it for you. Consider it repayment for the trouble of asking then reneging on needing your expertise in the Tournament." Harry offered.

"I couldn't ask that of you," Hagrid replied.

"You didn't, I offered. Plus, you told me what I wanted to hear on the weekend. That was important to me. I'd be happy to do it. I'll have Sirius come by and you two can figure out where you'd like to go. He'll make it happen."

Hagrid looked amazed at the generous offer. "Still, who'd look after the school? I am still the groundskeeper."

"I'm sure the grounds can keep themselves for a month or two." Nym smiled.

Hagrid looked torn for a moment as he considered the offer before a wide smile broke behind his thick beard. "Oh… alright. Tell Black he can come by and we'll talk. I won't promise nothing, but I'll have a talk with him."

"Excellent. You're going to love it, I'm sure." Harry said. "We'll leave you to ponder where you'd like to go. Unfortunately, right now, I have some homework and an antsy girlfriend waiting back in our common room."

"Yes, and we all know which of those is more dangerous to ignore," Nym said with a laugh at Harry's expense.

"Oh shut it you. Thanks for seeing us, Hagrid."

"Anytime, you lot. Anytime." The man said, as lost in thought as the last time Harry had visited.


Friday, 26th May 1995.

Albus slowly climbed the final spiralling steps leading up to his study, weary from a very long day.

Discussions with the Tournament Committee at the Ministry had been exhausting as they had attempted to squeeze concessions from him before everyone fully signed off on the Final Task's design.

Ludo had also moaned throughout the meeting about the lack of respect the Champions had shown him when he had informed them of the upcoming task, and Albus had to admit he had struggled to keep from openly smiling at some of the things they had said.

Many of their suggestions had been offered by his own staff when he had announced the Ministry's desire to cancel the sport for the entire school year.

But the heaviest weight was the fact that Barty was still absent from the meetings. It was unusual for the man to take personal time. In the past decade, he'd taken less than four weeks of personal time away from his jobs, and hadn't even done so for his wife until the final few days of her life. For him to be absent for over a month was unheard of.

Albus had visited his home and the man was well enough to come to the door and send him away, yet could not be involved with the preparations of the final task of the event he worked so long to arrange.

The whole thing left a bad taste in his mouth and Albus worried about what these portents might mean. Couple that with the conversation he'd had with Hagrid on Saturday, and Albus was completely off-kilter right now. How the young Potter had managed to track down all the information on Tom that he had himself was baffling. He had even done so while remaining hidden from the world at large.

This thought focused his eyes towards his desk where he had prepared a letter outlining the few aspects he personally knew of Riddle's life that Mister Potter had not shared with Hagrid. Such as his suspicions about how the dark lord might have truly escaped his death in the end, though he had yet to find actual proof of such. only rumours of movement in the east the past few years that had him concerned when viewed with activities stirring here at home as well.

He stepped over to the desk and unsealed the drawer on its right side. Every charm and enchantment was intact as he unwove them to allow it to open and he lifted the envelope from inside.

Were he not bound by the concessions, he could deliver the letter personally. But he was still forbidden from speaking to either child alone. And Sirius was still refusing to see him at all, more so after the incident involving the Second Task.

He sat heavily in his chair, laying the letter down on the surface of the desk and sighing heavily. He did not like that things were progressing outside his line of sight. Albus could feel that something was coming, and his intuition said it was related to Tom and the boy.

His eyes flicked to his Pensieve as he considered reviewing the words that had so long ago bound their lives together.

So many times he had reviewed them, considering whether the prophecy had been fulfilled all those years ago. Tom had most certainly been vanquished, if only for a time. And he had no real proof that his spirit had remained tethered beyond his suspicions about the Diary he had yet to find a way to destroy.

His eyes drifted down to see it still tucked in the same drawer in which he had secured the letter, shimmering under a shield of his own devising.

He would not take the same chances with it after the screw-up with Potter's rejection letter. This drew his thoughts back to the new letter once more.

Albus wondered whether sending it via one of the school owls would technically violate the agreement he had made. He did not want to risk aggravating them all now, not when it appeared he might finally be getting close to being able to have them trust him once more.

A soft trill from Fawkes drew his mind back to the present and he turned to face his long-time companion. The bird was looking at the nearby window and Albus followed its gaze to see a pristine white owl perched in what he was sure had been a closed window. The second bird was watching him intensely as if analysing him.

"Hello. Can I help you?" He asked, noting that several of the figures in the frames about him seemed perturbed at his habit of talking to birds.

The owl leapt from the sill and soared about the room, coming to land deftly on his desktop and began to stare into his eyes once more. It was the most beautiful snowy owl he had ever seen, and yet there was a deep fire in the eyes that now watched his every move closely.

It broke eye contact and turned its head sharply, noting the position of his wand lying on the desktop a few inches from the letter.

The owl glanced back up at him for a moment and he wondered just what was running through its mind, slightly frustrated that legilimency had no effect on animals. The bird took a sudden hop forward and bent down, grasping the letter on the desk in its beak and rising up, preparing to take flight.

Albus reacted, his hand sweeping up his wand and preparing to cast when Fawkes chirped sharply at him.

He was shocked, Fawkes had not been so short with him in some time, but the message was clear. His friend wanted him to put the wand down.

"What is in that letter is highly dangerous, my friend. It cannot be allowed to leave."

Fawkes gave a strong series of chirps and squawks, each with a tone of required obedience he had never heard from the phoenix before. But his companion was certain that this bird would take the letter where it needed to go.

Albus stared at the bird on his desk as it matched his gaze in return, not flinching in the slightest at him having drawn his wand. It was not the slightest bit afraid of him simply tilting its head to one side as if giving him a questioning yet bored look.

"You will see this letter safely to Harry Potter?" He asked, feeling stupid for asking something of a bird for the first time in his life.

The look he received in return would have put Minerva to shame. The very idea that this bird would fail at her purpose had insulted her deeply. The bird's eyes flicked to the two words finely scrawled on the front of the envelope and managed to roll her eyes at the question he had asked.

She managed to bark at him in reply without dislodging the letter in the slightest and then she bent down and shot up into the air once more, sweeping once around the room before zipping over Fawkes's head and out the window.

Albus swallowed heavily as he glanced at his friend and wondered if he had done the right thing. The suspicions he had outlined in that letter would be disastrous if they fell into the wrong hands. But what was done, was done. The owl was away.

"I hope that you are right, my friend. For all our sakes." He said, laying the wand on the desktop once more and interlacing his fingers. "For his sake too."

Chapter 38: The Third Task


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Friday 26th May 1995.

"Come on, Harry. She's going to beat you again." Sirius teased, firing off another spell as Harry fell to his knee under the continuous assault.

"You say that like it would motivate him, Padfoot. He'd probably just be too busy being proud of his girlfriend to be upset at all." Remus added, along with a spell of his own.

Harry tried to ignore the back and forth that the two remaining Marauders tended to tally between themselves to stave off the boredom of being the ones on the outside during this process. It was relatively easy to do as he was busy keeping his body from collapsing under the sustained weight of the effort.

His arm was burning intensely, not only from the constant flow of highly charged magic surging through it, but from being held extended for such a long period. Sweat flowed down his forehead, occasionally getting into his eyes and causing him to blink it away. Every muscle in his body was yelling out in pain from the effort required to keep this up.

He felt something new approaching the very edge of his magic and realised that the range of that ability had shortened considerably during the exercise.

"Black. Lupin. What are you doing?" Came the voice of Professor McGonagall from somewhere behind his godfather.

"Training," Sirius replied simply, firing off another stunner at the field Harry was projecting outwards.

"Training? Training what?" The professor asked again and Harry could hear her footsteps in the grass as she walked closer. "Mister Potter?"

Her voice seemed oddly confused at first, but Harry soon heard a wave of fiery anger in it instead.

"Stop. Stop this now. Look at the boy."

"He's fine Minerva," Remus replied, firing his own stunner at the shield Harry was still struggling to maintain.

"Fine?! Look at him. He's about to pass out." He heard her coming closer and finally felt the need to waste some of his remaining energy on speaking up.

"Don't worry, professor." He groaned out painfully. "I'm alright. I'm nearly there."

He glanced up at the girl seated just outside the range of his shield whose brown eyes sparkled at his comment. She nodded knowingly and shook the stopwatch in her hand, ensuring he could not see the hands on the front side. "Almost." She said plainly.

"Almost where, Miss Granger? What is going on here?" The professor demanded.

"Training," Sirius said simply once more.

"Explain now."

"It's stamina training, Minerva," Remus explained, at last, not stopping his carefully spaced assault on the shield. "Harry conjures the most powerful shield he can and we take turns attacking it. Stunners only, so that when it collapses, no actual harm befalls the one inside. And we see how long they can maintain it."

"Are you mad?" Professor McGonagall asked in disbelief. "Sustained magical draw like that is tremendously dangerous. What if he is unable to compete next month?"

Harry heard the concern in the professor's voice and he appreciated it, but he was determined to finally beat the Family's record. He was so close now, he was sure of it. Judging by the smirk Hermione was wearing while timing him, he had to be very close. But he could also feel his energy waning. He would not be able to keep this up much longer.

"It is alright, professor. We've been doing this for years now." Hermione noted from in front of him. "And Harry is a bit of a glutton for punishment. He's determined to set a better time."

Harry's vision was blurring, but he could clearly picture the smug smile on his girlfriend's face at that comment. Even if he couldn't see it for real right now. He focused himself inwards more, allowing those around him to drift away as he willed his body to last. She'd been holding that little trick over him for some time now and he needed to prove to himself that he could do just as well. Not that she ever did so in a malicious way. Harry loved the fact that Hermione was the only person who could not only keep up with him magically, but occasionally beat him as well. They were a team in everything they tried, and their magical strength was no different.

"I'm afraid I cannot allow this on school property. Other students are watching. If they try this, they could severely injure themselves." Professor McGonagall said and Harry could feel her raise her wand.

"No." He said firmly, flicking his wand in the direction of her voice, sending a disarming spell out through the field he was holding up, feeling the field lessen in strength around him as a result. "Don't interfere."

"Minerva. Please step back." He heard Nym's mother say, having apparently returned from the urgent task that had called her away from her own stint attacking the shield an hour earlier.

"Andi. Surely you don't encourage this?" The Professor pleaded.

"Min, I've been watching over Harry's health for the past five years. In that time he's taken this challenge nine times. He is always completely fine afterwards. Tired for a day or two, certainly, but he'll be back up and running in about a week tops."


"Do you seriously believe I would allow those two to bring either of these children to harm? Nymphadora has taken the test three times herself. And I'm sure you've seen the benefits in her spellwork." Andromeda explained.

Harry heard movement to his side where the two women were talking, but he could no longer spare the energy needed to properly track the movement. Every one of his senses was retreating inwards under the sustained pressure and some were beginning to fail outright. But he could still see the haze of familiar brown eyes watching him and that was enough to keep his strength from failing him entirely.

"Look at him. I have to stop this." Professor McGonagall said once more, now sounding as though she was a hundred yards away instead of a few feet.

"No." Harry sputtered. "I'm good. I can do this."

He heard Hermione sigh from in front of him before she spoke. "This test has a Family record of two hundred and seventeen minutes. Harry has been determined to beat it for a long time now. And my Harry can sure be stubborn when he puts his mind to it." She finished with an audible smirk, despite the tinge of frustration in her voice as well.

Hearing her call him her Harry buoyed him slightly though, and allowed Harry to push past the wall he had been dragging himself against for some time now. But he knew he wasn't going to be able to maintain this for much longer.

His body was drained, too tired to even protest anymore. And dark spots were beginning to form in his vision. His determination was the only thing in him that remained strong.

And yet, it would not be enough. He felt the crack form in his magic, on the side facing his godfather as it always did. Moments later, he felt Remus's spell tear through the wobbling fabric of his shield and he collapsed to the ground. Still awake, but utterly drained, Remus's spell having gone wide.

He could hear voices around him, but none of them made any sense to his exhausted mind. He barely noticed soft arms pulling him up from the grass and tucking him against a chest that he knew should be familiar to him. Strong fingers swept through his hair and the blackness retreated ever so slowly.

It seemed unconsciousness would not take him today.

"Congratulations, Harry." Hermione's voice came, softly breaking past the miasma of senselessness he was floating in. "You did it."

He could hear a tinge of mirth in her voice and he realised she must be talking about the record. "I… did it?" Harry tried to say but heard only slurred nonsense come out of his mouth.

Hermione gave a tinkling laugh in response and the sound sent a charge of energy into his body. It was that which allowed him to notice she was feeding him some of her magic in a clear attempt to bring him back around.

"Yes, Harry. You are the new Family record holder."

He gave her what he was sure was a dopey grin, his body still refusing to properly respond to his thoughts before he simply allowed himself to drift. The feeling of the arms about him and the magic slowly feeding into him from all sides were the only things he was truly aware of.

"Move. Move, let me have a look at him." A new voice said and Harry felt a new magic rush against his body. It didn't feel anywhere near as nice as Hermione's did, but he was far too tired to resist. "Are you all mad? He's completely exhausted. It will take him weeks to recover from this."

"He'll be fine, Madame Pomfrey," Hermione explained from somewhere above him. "The worst we've ever had was my own attempt when I was twelve."

"Twelve?! You've been doing this for years?!" The woman asked with incredulity, and Harry felt himself smile at the fact his brain could even recognize such a word in its current state.

"Yes. All that happened was I passed out and didn't wake up until the next day. And I was back to being fully fit in less than three weeks." Hermione explained matter-of-factly, and Harry was thrown back into the memory of that evening. He was terrified that the effort had killed her, and it was only the fact he could feel his magic flowing into her, and her extremely weak magic pressing back against it that kept him from going completely mad with grief.

"I think," Ted said, having apparently arrived sometime since Harry had lost the ability to clearly see, "that we will have to accept this new record as the limit. I don't want to see either of them try and beat it again. Minerva and Poppy are right. This is dangerous."

"I'm ok with that if you are," Hermione whispered into his ear and Harry gave another goofy smile in reply.

"Move your hand girl. Let me give him this." The nurse said, now much closer.

Harry felt something press against his lower lip and Hermione held him firmly as some fluid came out of the object and into his mouth. Harry felt it building up against the back of his mouth, unable to swallow and he was about to cough when Hermione's magic wound about his throat and relaxed the muscles, allowing the fluid passage into his body.

He still coughed slightly, but he did not spurt all of the potion back out again. A few moments passed before he felt a surge of heat within and his ears burned for a moment. When the feeling passed he felt slightly better. Able to see clearer shapes in the blurriness and the darkness had receded entirely.

"My goodness. Even that did barely anything. He hasn't got enough magic left in him to work off of. He needs rest for the entire weekend. No magic of any kind."

Harry felt Hermione nodding and he tried to match her movement, with no idea how it looked to those gathered about as his weak muscles tried to make the rather complex motion.

He felt someone prise his wand from his weak fingers and he did nothing to try and stop them. He simply lacked the motor skills right now to open his fingers and allow them to take it. Hermione's arm tightened about his body and Harry was ready to fall asleep right then and there.

The pepper-up potion the nurse had provided hadn't had enough of his own internal magic to work with to prevent the exhaustion from winning out.

He could hear the others moving about but one conversation held his attention as he felt himself drifting.

"He's as stubborn as the both of them. I'm so proud of him." Sirius noted.

"Once he recovers," Remus added, "he'll be more than ready to face whatever might come in that maze, no matter how long it takes. That was the point of doing the test today."

"As long as he fully recovers before the Task." Ted queried, sounding concerned for Harry in a way that made him appreciate the caring man a great deal.

"He will. Hermione was much worse than this when she set the record." Remus noted. "Poor Harry. He was so distraught."

Harry snuggled deeper into the warm embrace and looked up at the person in question. He saw Hermione's only slightly blurry face above him. She was biting her lip in that way that normally drove him mad, but right now he could do nothing but admire her beauty as she looked down at his face. He lifted his right hand, heavy as it was and gave her cheek a gentle squeeze.

He felt her magic grow slightly warmer as it permeated his form and he relaxed once more into the feeling. But he was distracted from his impending slumber by another feeling fast approaching. His senses had begun to stretch outwards again and this feeling was one he had sought out earlier in the day only to find it absent.

He opened his eyes again and saw the white form circling above and he smiled, this one actually properly forming as his mouth muscles began to obey instruction once more. "Hedwig."

Hermione looked up and saw the bird approach, pulling up at the last moment and coming to rest on her free shoulder, perched opposite Harry. And she had a letter clutched in her beak.

"Hello, Hedwig," Hermione said and the adults all fell silent.

"Good girl." Harry slurred, and Hedwig preened at the praise before she dropped the letter onto Harry's unmoving stomach.

"Er, Sirius," Hermione said. "Can you deal with that? I'm sure Harry won't mind you reading it. He's a little busy right now."

Harry felt his head flop slightly as he tried to nod in agreement. "You can tell me what's in it later." He said, still unsure of how much of the sentence made sense even as his faculties slowly returned. Though he could feel someone remove the letter from where it had been deposited.

He instead tucked tighter into Hermione's arms and closed his eyes, feeling Hedwig hop off his girlfriend's shoulder and onto his stomach, snuggling against him as well. He allowed the tired feeling to take over and within moments was fast asleep the current Family champion.

Perhaps, if she were to try again now, she might set a higher record, but it mattered not who was actually on top. They had both achieved double what anyone else in the Family had ever managed.

And Harry was absolutely fine with her as his equal.


Wednesday, 31st May 1995.

Sirius watched his godson cautiously.

The boy ate slowly, but he seemed to have recovered well from the exhaustion of Friday's test. When you watched carefully enough, you could still see a slight shudder in his movements compared to his normal utter surety.

He felt bad for succumbing to Harry's begging, allowing his need to please the boy to override his desire to protect him. Even during the test, he had warred between the pride of seeing Harry shatter his previous best attempt and the terror of something going wrong. A quick glance around the quiet table showed Sirius was not the only one watching Harry closely.

"I think I'm looking forward to next week," Harry said, breaking the odd silence.

"Me too. Tofty sent back approval today, so we know we have permission. And if it goes poorly, we can always try again in a year." Hermione agreed, smiling at Harry as she did.

Sirius could not hide his pride in the achievements the two held together, taking such tests in spite of Harry's permission to skip the exams by want of being a Champion.

Thinking on it, he was sure he'd have taken the free pass and been done with it, using the time to kick back and have fun rather than studying when he didn't have to.

But that wasn't what had him hesitating tonight. The other adults around the table all knew what he needed to do, but he still wasn't sure he was ready to talk about such things with Harry.

"So," Hermione said, glancing at each of the adults in turn. "Are you going to spit it out or what?"

Sirius flicked his gaze to her for a moment before his eyes returned to Harry, who was watching him with a cheeky smirk. "Come on, you know how Hermione gets when you withhold information."

"I'm not sure you are ready to hear this," Sirius replied.

"Sirius Black, thinking we might not be ready for something? Now I definitely need to know." Hermione said, though her mother placed a hand on her arm quietly. The girl turned to face her and gave her a curious look.

Obviously, the two children were more perceptive than he'd given them credit for and knew they were all dreading something.

Sirius sighed before he spoke. "It's about the letter."

Harry nodded and spooned another mouthful of peas into his mouth. Seemingly unfazed at the revelation.

"It's from Dumbledore."

Harry paused in his chewing for a moment, a quick sideways glance to Hermione the only other reaction before he shrugged and continued chewing. With an exaggerated swallow, he leaned back and looked straight into Sirius's eyes.

"He was bound to send one eventually, given you kept giving him the runaround."

"Seems he wrote this shortly after your first trip up to Hagrid's," Remus said, laying the parchment on the table.


"And he has a lot of information about Riddle. In fact, he's sure that Riddle is still alive out there somewhere. And that he's getting stronger."

Harry again glanced over to his girlfriend, who gave him a supportive smile in return, though Sirius could see that she was clearly more bothered by the information than Harry was.

"Good for him, I guess. I assume Dumbledore didn't actually spell out the why or hows of why he thinks that Riddle is a problem? Sharing information isn't really his style after all."

Andi looked at the boy before she spoke up for the first time all night. "No, he did not. Only that his connections lead him to believe that whatever form Riddle now takes has managed to return to Britain."

"And that he seems to think the Third Task might be exactly the kind of chance he is looking for to strike at you," Ted added.

Harry gave a soft sigh and sat back in his chair, eyes drifting from one face to the next as he watched the reactions of the entire Family, but Sirius only had eyes for his godson.

Harry was taking the news remarkably well. They had all been worried that he would be terrified, much like he was told the boy had been when Albus had tried to use magic to track him down all those years earlier.

"I always wondered. My memory isn't perfectly sharp, I was only fifteen months old at the time. But even through the pain, it felt like something survived in that room besides me." Harry replied.

Hermione quickly took his hand and Sirius smiled at the unending support the girl provided Harry. He knew that no matter what happened, she would stand by him until the end. And she would give hell to anyone trying to bring it about.

"But either way," Harry continued, now looking over to where the five elves were perched at the end of the table. "I am making this a command. You are all forbidden to interfere in any way."

Several of the faces around the table looked like they wanted to speak up, but Harry held up his hand. "Please let me finish. Ignatia was very clear. Anyone deemed to be interfering by the Goblet could be subject to lethally harsh reprisals. I will not have any of you risking that to save me. Until the Tournament is over, I want you all to swear you will not get involved."

The five elves looked amongst themselves before Pops stood on his chair and faced Harry. "I would gladly give my life to save yours, Master Harry. We all would."

"I know that, Pops. And I love each and every one of you far too much to allow you to do so. Swear now that you will not come anywhere near me until called by me and me alone that day. From the moment the Task begins, I am off limits. No matter what. I need to know you will be safe if I am to be ready to deal with whatever the Task might bring. Even more so if there is a risk of outside interference."

The elves stared at Harry and the adults clearly wanted to intervene, but the boy's magic had filled the room and was pressing down on them all. Sirius couldn't even feel the connection to his animal form right now, and he was slightly stunned at how much power Harry was bringing forth so soon after his trial.

"Swear it," Harry repeated, staring straight at the elves.

Pops's shoulders sagged and he nodded. "As you command."

The other four elves echoed the statement and Harry turned to face the adults as well. "All of you too. I'm sure the maze will be protected against easy entry, but I know it won't stop some of you from trying."

"Harry…" Richard said, immediately drawing the boy's gaze. "You can't ask the people who love you to stand by and watch you get hurt."

"If I can't trust them to stay away, I can't enter that maze. I will not risk any of my family being subject to that stupid cup." Harry growled. "I know it's asking a lot, but I have to do it."

"I swear," Remus eventually said, breaking the intense atmosphere, and triggering a series of similar comments from Andi, Ted and the Grangers.

Harry turned to face Sirius and he felt the full weight of the boy's presence upon him. It went against every desire in him to make the promise Harry wanted. He had promised James and Lily that he wouldn't fail their son again, much to their displeasure at Sirius's suggestion he was solely at fault for Harry's solitary early life.

"Harry. I promised." He said, meekly.

Harry's eyes did not move and Sirius felt a piece of him break as he hung his head in shame. "Alright. I swear. I won't interfere."

The weight of Harry's magic vanished and Sirius let out a sigh of relief. But immediately followed it with a light sob. A moment later he looked up as he felt arms wrap around him. He could see Harry standing beside him, looking far less daunting than he had moments before.

"I love all of you for caring so much. I'm sure it sounds arrogant, but I know I can handle the maze. So long as I don't have to worry about your safety while I'm in there."

Sirius leant into the hug for several moments before the pair pulled apart at the same time. He looked into Harry's eyes and saw one last thought burst forth. Harry suddenly turned to glance at the only person at the table who had not agreed to his terms. He opened his mouth but was beaten to it by the person in question.

"No!" Hermione said with a resolute force to her words. "I will not, Icannotmake that promise. You don't know how hard it was watching you approach that dragon. I can't do it again."

"Hermione. I need you safe."

"I don't care! I need you. Do not ask me to promise that. I can't do it. If you need me, I will come. That stupid Goblet can take its chances with me." She said, her hair whipping about her head, the girl's magic was so unsettled by the very idea.

Harry let out a resigned sigh. "Alright. You win. But please try your best not to." He pleaded softly.

Sirius tried not to laugh. It was amazing that Harry could press every one of them into bowing to his will, but Hermione would never break under the weight of his expectation. She was his equal in everything, and had been for as long as Sirius had known the girl. She was fierce and determined. And she loved Harry more than any of them.

"As for Dumbledore," Harry said, returning to his seat and taking Hermione's offered hand once more. "After the task, we'll have to meet with him. This has gone on long enough. I won't live the rest of my life in fear of him. I need to face him for the sake of my own sanity. But for now, my focus has to be the Final Task."

"And if Riddle does try something?" Remus asked.

"Then he will see exactly how well all of you have taught me since I put him down the first time."

"Harry," Hermione warned.

"I know it sounds co*cky, but I believe in the training you've given me. Especially with Hermione by my side, I don't think he stands a chance."

Sirius sighed. "It's very co*cky. But I suppose that is what we get for how we've brought you up."

"Pops brought him up better than that." The elf said from the end of the table. "There is no shame in running away from overwhelming odds."

"I don't plan to encounter him at all, Pops. But I won't lie that a big part of me really wants revenge for Mum and Dad. Riddle is responsible for a lot of damage. Living in fear that he might come back doesn't sound like how I want to live my life."

Harry sat back in his chair and Sirius observed him quietly. Harry had grown a lot from the tiny tot in the crib playing with the four Stuffed Marauders. Even from the wee boy of nine, whom he had met again years later, Harry had become quite a powerful and headstrong young man.

He was beyond proud of him.

"Alright then. I will send a letter back to Albus to arrange a meeting for a week after the Task, to give us time to properly celebrate."

"To wash away the sorrow of being beaten by my little cousin you mean," Nym said with a cheeky smile from the far end of the table.

"Shut up, Nym. You've got just as much chance of winning as I do.

"Sure I do, shorty. Sure I do." She said as the Family returned to their meal, most of the weight from earlier was gone, but Sirius still worried about his godson. Though he thought to himself that worrying was what he was supposed to do.

It was what James and Lily had entrusted him to do.


Saturday, 24th June 1995.

Fireworks burst in the red-tinged evening sky, colouring the rolling hills around the school in washes of colour as they formed unusual shapes and words.

Some appeared to be dragons, some merfolk, some resembling the two cups central to the competition.

Nym saw Hermione shaking her head at the sight and she knew the girl was trying not to voice her opinion that it was all incredibly overdone. But this was it, the Ministry's last chance to rescue its reputation after the horrible fallout of the second task.

A strong finish and no one would remember the sham that event had been.

Her eye flicked to the other side where Harry was flanked by five elves and she knew that he would never forget, no matter what happened tonight. Nor would he ever forgive those involved in Hermione's kidnapping. So great was his displeasure, he had forced them all to spend the past week sleeping in the Manor.

He was not allowing them to involve anyone else in this farce.

As the whole family slowly approached the Champions's entrance to the Pitch, Harry suddenly stopped and Nym turned to face him, the rest of the family slowing and watching as well as the boy took a knee in the middle of the group of elves.

"Gather round please." He said softly and all of the elves soon obeyed, forming a semi-circle in front of him. "I know you all promised already," He said, glancing at the stadium already full of cheering people, "but I need to hear you all say it again. Do not get involved. Do not come to our aid, or cast any magic towards us until the Tournament is officially called closed. I cannot focus on the task if I'm worried one of you might come afoul of that stupid Goblet. So, promise me."

Nym watched silently as each and every elf locked eyes with Harry and nodded. Even those who technically no longer had to obey Harry agreed and he gave a slight sigh of relief.

His eyes flicked up to Hermione and the girl shook her head. "I've told you several times now. I will not sit there and watch you being hurt. So if you want me to stay out of that maze, don't get hurt."

Nym grabbed the other witch and pulled her into a firm side-hug. "That's our Hermione for you." She said with a chuckle, and the adults nodded in agreement, though the two Granger parents looked at one another with concern at the fact they knew they could do nothing to prevent Hermione from following through on her promise.

Harry stood and faced the two before he stepped up and gave Hermione a soft kiss. "I guess I just have to accept that. And try to keep myself safe."

He turned to Nym and she poked out a cheek with a smirk and Harry gave her one in return as he pressed a soft kiss to her cheek as well.

"You be safe too. We're supposed to be competitors. I can't be pulling your arse out of trouble all night."

"I am still three years older than you, Harry. Don't be so co*cky." She replied jovially.

Even though she knew he was probably correct. He had bounced back completely from the Stamina test a few weeks earlier and if anything was even stronger and faster than when he had gone into it. Both of them had trained hard for whatever they might face between those hedges.

"Come on you lot, they won't wait all night," Remus said from the front of the group.

Harry looked like he wanted to say something in response, but instead, he simply took Hermione's hand and gave a steadying sigh. "Might as well get it over with."

The group advanced on the gate, once more guarded by a handful of Aurors, but this time none of them spoke or tried to stop their advance. Not even when Harry purposefully strode past them with Hermione still in hand, even though only the Champions were supposed to enter.

Nym gave a laugh as she took both her parents by the hand and followed suit, knowing that Sirius and Remus would handle getting the Grangers inside as well.

The entire family came out of the dark tunnel and into the brightly lit staging area leading into the now twelve-foot-high hedges and the sound of the crowd was deafening above them. She could see the tiny faces looking down from the seating in the towers, likely the expensive seats for the event as they would give the best view down into the maze, but it was the stands down lower full of baying students that most drew her eye.

Almost every Hogwarts student had some form of yellow on their forms, supporting the two members of Hufflepuff House for the event. The main exception appeared to be the Slytherin contingent all decked out in red funnily enough as they supported Krum. On the opposite side to the Krum fans was a wall of blue as those who wanted to support Fleur had come together.

The other two Champions had gathered their own small groups under the supporters draped in their colours and Nym realised why the guards had not said a word as they all entered.

Krum was standing with Madi and people she assumed were his parents, though the boy's Headmaster was nowhere to be seen.

Mirroring him across the clearing, Fleur was holding her little sister Gabrielle's hand as the tiny girl hopped about excitedly, waving to the cheering crowds who would increase in volume for a moment every time that she did.

The Tournament organisers and foreign judges were all gathered over by the large platform in the centre of the clearing that she assumed would be used for the final presentation after the event. While the first to grab the Cup in the maze would apparently win the event, the judges were there to deal with any last-minute cheating or foul play. Though Nym had no idea how such adjudication would be dealt out once they were inside.

When the Champions noticed that they had arrived, Krum and Fleur walked over to join their rather large group compared to the others.

"Wotcher." Nym greeted them, and Gabi gave her a bright wave in reply.

"'Ello. Best of luck." Fleur replied.

"Indeed, may best Champion vin," Krum said simply.

"Any ideas how this sideshow is meant to go down?" Nym asked, the family remaining mostly quiet behind them as they talked.

"Well, they couldn't really figure out how to score the second task, given several of the judges weren't even present when you lot arrived back at the dock. I say we all pick an opening each and head in together." Harry suggested.

"You vould sacrifice lead?" Krum asked with a confused look.

"Why not? We all know how I got that lead." He said with a slight glance at a blushing Nym. "If anything, I should be penalised."

"Non. Togezzer sounds fair to me." Fleur said with a nod. "I like fair."

Nym nodded her agreement. "I'm all good with fair." She felt a shudder of dread at the idea that her need for fair all those months ago may come to bite her or Harry in the arse tonight, but when it came to dealing with her fellow competitors, it was clearly the way to go.

"Alright then. If we start together, what say we let the points choose who picks first?" Harry suggested.

"Of course, you pick the method that lets you pick first," Hermione said softly, squeezing Harry's hand softly.

"Just throwing out ideas." He defended.

"Da. Go ahead."

Harry and Nym both looked to Fleur who simply nodded her agreement. "OK then. Any thoughts?" Harry asked, looking at the family.

They looked amongst themselves before Natalie turned and pointed to the second opening from the left. "Use that one." She said in an oddly even tone, despite her smile.

Harry glanced at the faces of his gathered friends and family and when no one disagreed he nodded. "Sure. I'll take opening two. Fleur."

"Four. I'll start over zere." She said, pointing to the final opening, the one under her assembled crowd of fans. Her sister jumped in excitement and gave the fans another wave, setting a renewed cheer through the group.

Nym smiled at the girl and considered her options. One and three were left, one would put her directly beneath Krum's baying crowd, several of whom she knew did not like her one bit. She could see her less favoured cousin in the crowd shouting Krum's name. She didn't feel like dealing with that before dealing with whatever else came in the maze too.

"Three." She said firmly.

Krum nodded silently, accepting his position at opening one under his own cheering fans. "Da."

The entire group shuddered as a loud voice suddenly filled the air around them and they turned to face the platform upon which the organisers now stood. The judges and a few professors that had been in that group could be seen disappearing into the nearest stands to head up to the specially prepared viewing area towering over the maze.

"Welcome everyone!" Bagman shouted, his amplified voice painful given that they were so close to him. "Tonight we hold the final task of the Triwizard Tournament." He paused, allowing a roar of applause and cheering to fill the air. "For the first time in centuries, all of our Champions have successfully completed the first two trials and thus earned the right to compete in the third task."

The three groups all backed away from the platform and headed towards the entrance they had chosen, trying to ignore Bagman as he hyped up an already excited crowd of people.

Harry, Hermione and Nym came to a halt in the space between their openings and Hermione turned to face them both, speaking only loud enough to be heard over Bagman's waffling in the background.

"Are you both ready?"

"As I'll ever be," Harry replied, giving her cheek another soft kiss.

She smiled at him brightly before she turned to face Nym. "I'll be alright. We've practised as best we can. And there are no crazy dangerous creatures in there. We should be fine."

Hermione nodded before turning to face Harry directly. "I don't care if you don't win. I want you to come back to me safe and whole. I don't need you to be victorious to love you."

I know." Harry smiled at her and the pair leant in, their foreheads touching as they stared into one another's eyes. "I love you, Hermione Granger."

"Don't say it like that." She chastised quietly. "It sounds like a goodbye. You are not allowed to say goodbye right now."

Harry leaned in and kissed her softly. "I love you. And I'll be snuggling you tightly tonight after all this nonsense is over. Keep these arms warmed up. I'm going to want a long quiet relaxing snuggle session after. Deal?"

Hermione brightened at the premise. "Deal."

The pair sealed the pact with another kiss before the group was once more disturbed by Bagman.

"Champions. Gather here." He called, his voice no longer amplified. "We must discuss how you will proceed."

"We will all enter together," Nym said. "We've already decided."

"Wait, that's not how this goes." He replied, turning to the others behind him for support, which a few gave half-heartedly.

"Well, that is how we'll be doing it. Unless one of you wants to interfere and risk the Goblet's wrath to stop us doing so." Harry said with a vicious smirk that had Nym trying not to laugh.

"Seems sound to me, Ludo." Madame Bones said, standing slightly apart from the remaining group from the Ministry.

"But…" Bagman looked over the champions, who simply watched him in return, all four with smug looks on their faces just daring him to challenge them. "Whatever. The Triwizard Cup is in the centre of the maze. It has been charmed as a portkey so the first one to grasp it will be returned immediately to the platform here and declared the winner. And it has been enchanted so thatonlythe first person will be returned.

"Making it impossible for you to draw as two people cannot grab a portkey of this type together. Understood?" He said with a smirk, as though they had finally figured out how to force the group to stop working together and be fully antagonistic towards one another.

The four Champions glanced at one another, two of them rolling their eyes at the effort before they nodded in unison.

"Alright. Take you places and we will begin at the sound of the cannon." Bagman said, still looking thrown by the Champions uniting to mess up their final task. "The rest of you need to leave now."

The Champions's various family members quickly hugged their respective charges and best wishes were bandied about before they were slowly cleared away, leaving one Champion standing in each opening.

Waiting to begin the final challenge.


Fleur wound her way between the imposing hedges.

From the outside, they had seemed a normal maze, but once you stepped inside, all sound vanished and a weight settled over your body coming from the darkness thrown between the impossibly tall barriers on either side. Time lost all meaning and she couldn't tell if she had been in here for an hour or five minutes.

Even trying to recall what turns she had taken left her feeling dizzy and lost. This was by far the worst experience of her life to date, but she was not going to let it deter her from her goal. While she was glad she had met and befriended her fellow Champions, she was still determined to lay her hands upon the Cup in the centre of the maze.

She paused as she heard a clicking sound coming from somewhere above her in the maze, her eyes scanned the area she believed that it had come from but found nothing. She cast a few revealing spells but there was no change in the heavy air.

Fleur took a few careful steps backwards and stopped as she heard the cracking sound of plant life underfoot. Glancing down, she noted that there was a ragged hole broken through the base of the hedge, and when she peered inside, she could see normal light and a sliver of cheering sounds reached her.

Something had forced its way through the hedge here and left the plant broken and open. The question was, had that something broken in or out?

The clicking sounded again, far closer this time and Fleur looked back up and froze in horror. The already dark sky above had now been completely blocked from view by the dark carapace of a giant black spider.

It was leering down at her, dozens of eyes fixed on her. Acidic-looking venom dripped from its massive fangs.

Fleur shook off the shock of seeing the terrible beast and shoved her wand upwards, casting the most powerful light spell she knew of. The beast howled in pain as the light filled its many unclosing eyes and the giant monster retreated back up the walls, its legs clicking furiously as it backed away.

Fleur took the opportunity and rolled away from the beast, regaining her feet and turning to face the monstrous spider. There weren't supposed to be any creatures within the maze, but she guessed this was the thing that had broken through the hole she had uncovered.

Even greater dread settled in her stomach as over the back of the mighty spider, she saw movement and noted several smaller spiders shifting to the sides and dropping from the carapace.

Each was still the size of a small dog, and Fleur knew this wasn't going to be easy.

Fleur kept the light spell going, as it was all that seemed to keep the larger spider at bay, instead focusing her efforts on the smaller ones as they advanced. She searched her mind for spells that would be useful but kept coming up short. She didn't know any simple spells that might do the trick, and the beasts were getting closer.

Resigning herself to the fact she would be forced to kill them, Fleur straightened her back and pulled her arm back.

The closest spider lunged forward expecting an easy kill and instead, it exploded violently as the powerful blasting curse struck directly on the advancing jaws. One moment it was there, the next it was everywhere.

The larger spider roared in anger at the death but remained beyond the range of the intense light.

Fleur lined up her next shot and fired another powerful explosive curse into the body of one of the smaller beasts. After three of the five smaller spiders were destroyed, the larger one seemed to decide that the pain was secondary. This nuisance needed to die.

It charged forwards, eight legs clacking against one another as it advanced along the hedges on either side, keeping high above Fleur. She saw its intention just in time as several of the legs pulled away from the sides.

Fleur spun and flicked a lasso at the hedge at the T-intersection ahead and used it to yank herself forward, flying several feet onto her stomach as the ground behind her rumbled loudly at the impact she had just avoided.

Thankfully for her, the blindly falling spider had just crushed the two remaining smaller beasts, but now Fleur was on her back, and the spider was advancing at ground level; its teeth clicking violently as it approached.

Knowing she could not outrun the beast, Fleur took aim at the joint of its foremost leg and fired another blasting curse. it struck true and the beast roared in pain as its front leg fell off. Fleur took the chance as it reared back and rolled to her feet, dashing towards the intersection and rushing around the right fork.

She confirmed the new passage in front of her was empty before she turned and prepared for the beast to follow. In her right hand, she energised the explosive curse she would fire, and in her left, she channelled her grandmother's natural magic. A magic she had only used twice in her life before now.

She felt the tingling of the flames build in her arm. As she saw the black body of the giant spider break past the edge of the intersection the flames burst to life around her fingers for the third time.

Surging both arms forward, Fleur unleashed the two forms of magic.

The curse struck another leg joint and a second leg fell free of the monster's body, but the veela fireball struck true.

The flames went into the beast's jaws and exploded. A thick miasma of blood and tissue sprayed out of the now thoroughly broken maw and the beast howled in pain. It stared at Fleur for a moment but she forced a second fireball to form in her left hand and the beast seemed to finally decide this meal was not worth it.

The creature turned, still taking up almost the entire intersection and moved to rush down the first passage once again, but Fleur was not willing to risk it sneaking back up behind her if she became distracted by something else in the maze.

She released the fireball and it tore another massive chunk of flesh from the carapace, leaving a smoking crater in the beast's hide. She followed it immediately with the most powerful explosive curse yet, striking true at the hole she had just made in its body.

The spell struck home and the beast howled in pain before the sound became mournful and it dropped to the ground, legs still twitching as it tried to drag its body away from her. It did not make it far before giving a horrid whine and falling completely still. The entire exoskeleton was now cracked and dark blood leaked out from every open space.

Satisfied the beast would not be following her ever again, Fleur turned and continued her trek through the maze.

Now far warier of her surroundings than she had been to start with.


Viktor jogged down yet another passageway, seeming no different from any other he had journeyed through that night.

He had initially tried to keep to a preset pattern, hoping to find his way deeper into the maze, but what appeared to be straight passageways somehow seemed to wend and wind in on themselves in unusual ways. Coupled with his inability to remember more than a handful of the turns he had taken he was now completely unsure of which way he needed to go.

He was grateful that the issues with the Tournament had kept the creatures out of the maze. He was never very good at dealing with animals, preferring to leave that to others, and he was certain that had he needed to deal with them in these tight and twisting pathways, he would have been held up considerably.

Krum paused as he heard an unusual sound under foot and he glanced about to see what had changed. It took a moment before his mind put the clues together and he realised that he was looking at the grass on the wall to his left, a thick golden mist weaving in amongst the green blades.

He leaned closer, being sure to avoid breathing any of the mist in and he swept the tip of his wand through the strange substance.

It diverted around the moving object as one would normally expect, and yet Viktor still felt as though something wasn't right. He stepped away from the grassy wall and heard the strange sound again. He looked down and shock finally took over for a moment as he realised that the wall was not covered in grass. He was now somehow standing on the hedge wall.

And having stopped moving, the thick viney branches of the hedge had begun to sneak forward, extending around his stationary feet, trying to trap him in place.

He flicked his wand and a wave of energy cleared the slow-moving vines away. Taking stock of his odd predicament, Viktor had an idea when he looked to his right and saw naught but open sky. He took four quick wide strides upwards and reached the edge of the hedge, able to peer over its top and see the maze stretching on into the distance.

Steeling himself for the high probability of disappointment, Viktor took one step back before he pushed forward once more and he jumped out over the peak of the hedge. The moment he passed into free space, gravity righted itself and he felt himself being pulled back towards the ground once more.

His quick reflexes allowed him to correct in the air and he landed once more, now standing atop the hedge, looking out over the maze from a far more advantageous position.

"Krum has found a way to top the maze. Incredi..." Bagman's amplified voice came to his ears for a moment as he reached the apex of his jump and Viktor realised he had momentarily popped above whatever enchantment was keeping the sound from penetrating the maze itself.

However, he could still not see anything but the empty open sky above the maze, so he didn't bother looking, instead focusing his attention on correcting his course.

The central clearing was not hard to see from up here, and he soon had his mind on a path that would allow him to continue above the plant life, winding his way towards the centre. With a satisfied smirk, he ensured that none of the tiny fibres had begun pinning him down again and Viktor took off at a run along the hedge top.

He made good time, taking the right and then left walls as he quickly and carefully made his way inwards, deeper towards the final goal. A glimmer of light shone from within the clearing as he got closer and he found himself transfixed for a moment.

A moment he could ill afford up here as he took his eyes away from his footing and the hedges below split apart. With the speed he had been running, and nothing now underfoot, Viktor tumbled off the hedge and back down several feet into the maze. He managed to cast a cushioning charm below his body before he impacted the ground, but it still hurt when he collided with the grassy surface once more.

He groaned in pain as he stood and looked both ways down his once more restricted path. With a sigh, he turned right, hoping it would still lead him on this quicker path into the middle.

A slight limp in his stride from his unfortunate tumble back into the confines of the dark and silent maze.


Nym ran quickly around another right, hoping that her method of sticking to the same turns would keep her on track.

So far she had managed to find her way into and out of half a dozen dead ends, but none had halted her progress as she kept her wand dragging against the hedges to her right. So far she had needed very little magic to continue pushing onwards, only having to overcome two enchantments that she could not simply run past on her travels.

Sweeping around the next corner she sighed as she found herself at another dead end, but shaking her head, she quickly swept her hand forwards, keeping the tip of her wand skipping over the leafy hedge beside her and found herself once more looking at a dead end.

She paused and looked over her shoulder to find hedges now enclosing her on all sides. Somehow her dead-end had become a cage of plant walls. She was trapped in place. A thick dark mist covered the ground and thick dread welled up inside.

Nym felt the panic settling in as she sensed the mist slowly rising up her legs. How was she going to get out of here? She had already tried attacking the hedges directly, but they were far too dense to blast her way through.

While she had seen the hedges shift a few times since entering, she'd never expected them to be able to completely block them in like this. Nym began to wonder why she had even bothered to enter herself into this dangerous Tournament. She wasn't remotely equipped for such a task.

She was horribly unworthy.

That's what happens when one is impatient, Nymphadora.A voice sounded from the plants around her. Almost as if the foliage were speaking to her.

"What is this?" She said back, a tremble in her voice.

You need to understand your place in the world, Nymphadora. The eerie voice said once more, and she could almost feel a malicious laugh to the sound.

But something in the back of her mind kept her from falling completely into panic. There was something so familiar about those words.

Why do you never listen to me, Nymphadora?

"Mother?" She whispered to herself as the knut dropped and she recalled her mother saying all of those things to her throughout the years.

Never with the deeply disturbing lilt that the odd voice was delivering them in, but each of them were from moments where her mother had become exasperated with her behaviour. In her youth, she had enjoyed messing with her mother and what she had deemed to be antiquated beliefs.

But as she had gotten older, Nym had begun to understand some of where her mother had been coming from.

Several overlapping voices sounded out in the dark square of foliage she was trapped in and Nym closed her eyes and ignored the sound. Focusing on the true memories instead. Seeing her mother's disappointment, but also seeing the love and care beneath.

Her mother loved her dearly and she only said these things to help a wayward child find their way in a cruel world.

The cacophony of sound around her began to fade, eventually disappearing entirely. Nym took several more steadying breaths before she opened her eyes, noticing that the dead end had opened once more and she was now staring ahead at a Y-junction.

She let out a deep breath and quickly pushed forward, putting as much distance between herself and the horrible experience she'd just endured.

The moment she exited the small space and its black mist, she felt immensely better, the weight of that experience lifting immediately and Nym smirked as she renewed her efforts to win the Tournament.


Harry shivered as the night deepened around him.

The already dark spaces between the hedges seemed to close in tighter about him as he jogged through the maze. Even the stars above seemed to be losing their lustre as he turned another corner.

And that was when he froze. In front of him was something he had only read about until now, and from the stories his godfather told, something he had never wanted to meet in person.

It hovered in place, a dark ragged cloak dragging over the frosted grass below. Deep rattling breaths sounded from the other side of the dark figure and Harry felt the cold darkness tightening around his body.

He lifted his wand and cast the spell that Remus had taught him after Sirius had first told him such monsters existed, leading to a solid week of nightmares, but it only formed a wispy shimmering shield in front of him. He closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to clear the horrible effects of the monster before him, but regretted it immediately as he saw the memory of the first time he'd set foot in the Merfolk village burning before him.

Harry's heart rate soared, thudding heavily in his chest as he fought the despair the image brought forth, helplessness building within his body as he felt himself succumbing to the weight of the pain.

"No." He growled softly to himself and he reached out with his magic, quickly finding what he needed in the other direction.

The soft fingers of Hermione's magic entwined with his own and he could feel her concern in its warm touch. He tried to send a calming response back as the last thing he needed right now was for her to decide he was in danger and pop to his side.

She began to push warmth through their interweaving magic and Harry used the contact to wash away the horrible vision the beast had conjured in front of him.

It was replaced almost instantly with Harry and Hermione, wrapped in one another's arms in the clearing, lips meeting for the first time as an official couple. The feeling of her magic wound around him both in the memory and in real life and Harry felt the dark cold fall away.

He opened his eyes and stared at the evil creature.

It had turned at his words and was now drifting closer to him. But Harry was no longer worried by its presence. He took several deep breaths and pulled his wand back, allowing his feelings for Hermione and his family to swell within him and he smiled as he brought his wand forward once more.

A giant pulsing light erupted from the tip, fuelled by the joyous emotions Harry was currently awash with. It perched on the ground between him and the Dementor ahead. The enormous feline figure stood as tall as Harry on all fours. Hermione had been fascinated by the massive shimmering form that his patronus took on. After several months of research, often spent curled up with the shining feline, she had informed him that it most closely matched the giant Rapa panthers of Peruvian myth. Something Mr Scamander had been fascinated by when he had been shown their patronuses.

Facing the enemy it growled deeply and scratched at the ground, leaving short scrapes on the surface of the grass-covered ground.

Kitty, as Harry had affectionately named the form, sunk into an attack pose and lunged forward, tackling the cloaked figure easily to the ground. Without hesitation, it began to rip and tear into the monster with tooth and claw. The most horrible screaming Harry had ever heard came from beneath the mighty patronus as it continued to savage the dark creature.

The Rapa opened its jaws wide and took the Dementor's entire head inside the spectral maw. With a mighty crunch, crushed the horrid skull to nothing. Kitty reared back, holding its defeated prey tightly as it shook the limp figure back and forth with a victorious growl.

Harry let out a breath of relief as the horrible feelings that the beast had spawned in its proximity began to fade completely. Pushed away even faster by the presence of his patronus still being fuelled by the connection he was currently sharing with Hermione.

He turned to face where he could feel her sitting and pushed a feeling of deep and abiding thanks and love towards her, smiling when he felt a similar feeling pushed back in return. He turned and noticed his patronus was still savaging the now-dead figure of the Dementor and every few moments a wisp of light would escape the dark cloak, disappearing into the night.

As he walked past the bright cat, Harry turned and ran his fingers over the smooth flank of the mighty beast. "Good girl." He said softly and he was sure Kitty smiled in return as he continued forwards, feeling much better now the dark feeling had cleared from the air.

Harry paused again as he turned the corner, though this time for a very different reason. Perched before him, in the middle of a large clearing with half a dozen different entrances, was a glowing silvery blue Cup set upon an ornate marble pillar.

The Triwizard Cup that was the goal of this final task was there before him, and there was no one else in sight.

Surprise filled him at the idea he had beaten the others to the centre and a wave of guilt struck him at the idea he was only here thanks to his actions in the first task. One of the others could have chosen this path and been the one now standing on the verge of victory.

Harry felt a push come towards him from the link he had not detached yet, Hermione clearly sending him a feeling of comfort in response to his unease. He couldn't help but chuckle at her trying to push him to take the Cup. Even if she wasn't certain that was the cause of his hesitation. She only wanted this awful game to end and to know he was safe once more.

He glanced about the clearing, stepping closer to the pillar. Harry looked down each of the passageways leading into the open space and still he saw none of his fellow competitors. He wondered for a moment if he should wait, but he recalled Bagman's comment from earlier.

Even if he did, they would not be able to share the victory. Only the first one to touch the Cup would be taken to the stage.

Indecision warred within him and he spun in a circle again, peering into the dark pathways leading back into the maze and he realised that he really didn't want to have to walk out of there. He saw his prowling patronus poke its head out from the passageway he had entered through and give a wide, toothy yawn. He sighed and turned back, facing the shimmering Cup and finally made his choice.

Stretching out his left hand and grasping the handle of the Cup closest to him, Harry felt the awful hook behind the navel magic of the portkey engage and whisk him away from the maze.


A/N: The Rapa is an entirely fictional species of giant panther from the Matthew Reilly story Temple.
They stand about 5 feet tall on all fours and can take down a grand caiman in a fight, or crush a human skull in their jaws in a single bite.

Chapter 39: Rough Landings

Chapter Text

Saturday, 24th June 1995.

Hermione felt her stomach drop and suddenly there was nothing underneath her body.

She fell through the air, the dark ground rising rapidly beneath her form and she squeezed her eyes tight. She focused on righting herself and, with the sharpest pinching feeling she'd ever felt when using the ability, she popped.

Opening her eyes, she realised she hadn't ceased her fall, only switched her angle from perpendicular to parallel, right before her body finally made contact with the ground.

Having kept her downward momentum into her new direction, Hermione landed hard and had the wind knocked out of her. She struggled to regain her breath as she rolled along the ground, being further battered and bruised with each passing moment.

Her body continued to tumble for several rough metres before she collided back first with something very solid and at last came to a painful stop, her back pressed against the cold surface of whatever had finally ended her crazy fall.

Before she could catch her breath a pain, unlike anything she had ever felt in her life, filled her body.

Every single part of her, from the follicles of her hair to the very tips of her toes screamed out in agony. She had no control over her body as she twitched, convulsing against the surface she had crashed against and time ceased to matter as her entire world reduced to nothing but pain.

In desperation, more instinct than rational thought, Hermione pulled her magic about herself in the vain hope she might cloak or shield herself from the source of the pain, maybe even squash it with her strength. Yet all it did was make the pain more intense. She tried to scream but no air passed her lips, her lungs burned as she couldn't breathe and black spots began to float across her vision.

Only as she let her magic snap away, both the shroud she had made and some of the pain retreating from her, did she realise what was happening. She wasn't in pain.

Harry was.

The realisation that Harry was in trouble managed to focus her mind, a goal to accomplish meant she knew what to do. Knowing what was wrong, what was happening, was the first step to solving it. No matter how much it hurt she pulled in a ragged, rattling, breath. And a second.

It was just pain, it wasn't her pain, it was something she could handle.

Hermione pushed a sliver of her magic into her fingers and snapped them. No relief came, but she had hope that the silencing spell had worked, and even as she rolled onto her stomach and let out a scream she heard nothing.

Pushing up against the ground she managed to rise to her knees, every part of her resisting even the tiniest of movements, but she would endure it. Harry needed her.

While the pain had not lessened in the slightest, her resolve grew in opposition and she sat back on her feet and looked about herself for the first time.

She was in a dark and misty graveyard. Headstones peeked out of the shimmering surface of the wavy mist and a glance behind her revealed that one such headstone had been the solid object that had stopped her fall. There was no obvious source of light in her line of sight and glancing up revealed an overcast sky that looked like it was threatening rain.

Hermione screamed silently as she forced herself to her feet, every shift of every muscle sending sharp spikes of pain throughout her form. Each step was worse, the impact against the ground sending shots up her legs and into her back. But she could feel the direction Harry awaited and she needed to get to him.

Anger began to build inside, both at her body for succumbing, and whoever was responsible. She was determined to make them suffer for whatever they were doing to her and Harry.

She tried to focus her magic on Harry and pop to his side, but the moment she pulled on it, the pain increased tenfold again and she fell to her knees once more. Thankful that her single spell so far had worked, and the howling scream she had let out at the spike of pain had not carried through the night, Hermione began to drag herself forward, not bothering to stand again.

Harry was ahead, that was where she would find her relief and assist him in avenging themselves against whatever force was responsible for their pain.

For several long and agonising minutes, Hermione dragged her body onwards, feeling Harry's presence draw ever closer. Several more spikes of agony shot through her, some related to her own actions, but most seemed to come at her from ahead. Each of those only fueled her need to move faster.

At last, she heard the screaming over her own blood rushing in her ears.

Harry was close, and he was in abject agony. Hermione had never heard him make a sound like it in her life and the tone of it immediately cut through her deeper than anything she had felt until now.

Resolve spiked and she pushed her body harder. She was nearly there, and whatever was affecting the pair of them, Harry was feeling it much worse than she was.

A flickering firelight became noticeable from the area in front of her and Hermione glanced in that direction, but she couldn't make out detail through the tears of pain filling her eyes. Only blobs and blurs of what she figured were more headstones, shiny under the new source of light.

Ever onwards she moved, the pain only increasing as she drew nearer, but she would not surrender to it. She had a purpose, and as Harry and the Family had told her on numerous occasions, a stubborn drive that would not quit.

Hermione came to a final headstone and looked around it, finally seeing the source of the flames only for them to go out and a cloud of black deeper than the already dark night around it billowed up from where it had been.

She blinked her eyes several times, trying to clear the tears and allow herself a clearer view of the space ahead, and almost immediately wished she hadn't.

Harry was in front of her now, strapped to a giant figure of Death carved from stone. Held in place by what appeared to be barbed wire, he was twitching violently in silent pain as he endured whatever was truly causing the deep agony they both felt.

Three figures moved about the open space in front of Harry. Two were in black robes, their hoods raised covering their faces as they stepped over to the third figure. A figure that had formed out of the cloud of immense blackness that had replaced the flames.

The third figure turned and Hermione felt utter revulsion when she saw the face. Whiter than a skull, with wide, livid scarlet eyes and a nose that was flat as a snake's but with slits for nostrils. The eyes immediately focused on Harry and a perverse smirk twisted the face even more than normal, the lack of lips making it all the more disturbing.

"Robe me." The figure whispered, yet the command carried clear across the space.

Hermione noticed at the command that the figure was completely naked, their bones poking prominently out from every part of their body. She also noted with disgust that the figure bore many similarities to the Ken dolls some of the other girls used to like playing with so much as children. No navel was visible on the stretched pallid skin of its stomach and down below was blank and flat as an unused canvas.

"My wand." The voice commanded again, and the only thing whiter than its skin was handed to it from under the cloak of the figure on the left, the figure bowing as it passed the item over.

The wand was as twisted as its owner, pale bone white and looked as though it had been intentionally warped and sharpened to a dangerous point. An emotion finally came through on the sickening face, one of fond remembrance and Hermione felt her stomach churn once more at the idea of the things that wand had done in the past.

Thankfully before she could dwell on the matter, the bony figure's other hand shot out and grasped the left arm of the bowing figure. It responded with a shout of discomfort as the third figure twisted its arm and pressed the tip of its wand to their arm. The now kneeling figure screamed in pain, but Hermione was unable to continue watching as a new even sharper lance of pain spread throughout her body.

She rolled onto her back and screamed into the night air, her body trembling uncontrollably, all chance of rational thought lost to the intensity of the pain.

At long last, it seemed to pass and she began to notice her surroundings once more. Her mind was foggy after the last surge of pain and it took a moment to recall where she was, so powerful had it been. Her mind managed to focus and she remembered that Harry was in danger. Right behind her.

She rolled over, once more forcing her mind to master her rebelling body and saw Harry kneeling in the dirt.

Half the statue he had been tied to and the snapped remnants of his bindings lay on the ground behind him, a lance of white energy passing from his extended arm out past the edge of the headstone she was still behind.

Harry was free.

If she could focus her magic enough, she could pop to him and get them both away from this pain. She tried once again to utilise the ability, but again when she pulled her magic about her body, the pain increased immensely and she lost all focus required to use the power she had obviously come to rely on too much.

Unable to make a quick escape, she instead summoned her wand to her hand and made ready to lunge out from behind the granite block. Harry was exchanging spells and she would not leave him alone against his attacker.

Unfortunately, she had noticed he seemed every bit as sluggish as herself, and as she moved to stand and join the fight, a flash of green light splashed over Harry's form, having just missed his own spell mid-flight. Harry stuttered for a second before he fell in what seemed to Hermione to be slow motion.

She had done all the reading necessary to recognize the spell that had just covered Harry's form.

The Killing Curse.

Emotional agony rapidly overpowered any physical pain she may have been feeling as she screamed at the night once more. The one she loved had just been killed in front of her very eyes. She had been too slow, too weak to save him. Her body shook with the violence of her scream and her eyes remained fixed on Harry's form.

He had fallen flat on the dark earth, his face turned slightly towards her. She could see his eyes, the green eyes he had inherited from his mother.

Green eyes that moved and seemed to see her perched there grieving over him. Green eyes that blinked and focused on her.

The pain she was feeling vanished as she realised that Harry was moving. He was alive. And he looked both happy to see her and incredibly pissed off. A feeling she mirrored.

As their eyes locked, she could practically hear his thoughts in her head as he asked if she was ready. She tightened her grip on her wand and nodded.

There was no phantom pain running through her anymore, though her body still tingled. But it was second now to her burning need for vengeance. Harry may have survived the dreaded spell, but someone had still cast it at him. She was going to see that person pay with their life.

Harry's arm shot forward and a bright spell launched from the tip. Hermione turned to face the direction he had sent it and noted the large headstone she had been concealed by was sitting between her and his target.

She smirked and whispered a polite apology to the spirit of Sandra Townsend as she lined up her wand and cast an extremely overpowered banishing curse at the solid stone. It wrenched instantly free from the small metal pins holding it in place and launched at ferocious speed into the midst of the laughing crowd of black-robed figures.

Three of them took the impact directly and they dropped instantly, the sound of cracking bone incredibly loud in the otherwise still night air.

Hermione knelt in place and lined up another shot, a blasting curse rocketing from her arm as she noted Harry rising in her peripheral vision. His arm was a blur as he cast spell after spell, some she recognized and she realised he was pulling no punches.

Screams of pain began to come from the crowd as more and more of their number dropped, out of the fight for good. Hermione vanished the entire rib cage of the first one to track her direction and lift his wand. The figure instantly screamed in pain and dropped, clutching at his chest as it swelled outwards, the weight of his own body now crushing the formerly protected organs that sustained their miserable life.

Her position on her knee gave her the ability to dodge easily once they finally came to their senses and began to fire spells in her direction. Not a single spell came even close to landing on her and she silently thanked the training that Sirius and Remus had hammered into them.

Countless hours of training with Harry at her side had prepared her for just about anything, and now the robed figures were seeing the full extent of her wrath pitted against them.

Leaping to her feet after a smooth roll to avoid three simultaneous green curses, she noted Harry in front of her exchanging spells directly with the figure she assumed to be Riddle. And Riddle was beyond angry. For every one spell he managed to fire in Harry's direction, Harry rebutted with four.

Harry was a blur of motion and Hermione felt a swell of pride towards the boy she loved.

She stepped quickly forward, falling into step beside him and they finally felt right again for the first time that night. This was a position they were used to when duelling all four of their teachers. One covering any oversights in the other's defence.

Both raining pain and agony back at those who had wronged them this night. And Hermione had been wronged plenty.

With the new clarity of who they were fighting, Hermione lost any desire to pull her punches. Death Eaters behind Riddle began to fall screaming in pain as limbs were severed, bones vanished, and torsos exploded under the furious weight of her anger.

While Harry kept Riddle completely focused on him, she had free reign to teach these bigoted bastards exactly who they had decided to f*ck with.

Seeing that Harry had begun to push Riddle closer to his crowded followers, Hermione smiled and pushed an immense shard of magic into her elder wand. A spell she had practised a few times but never had the chance to try in a skirmish formed at the tip, white-hot before she raised her arm and swept it down across her body. Piercing hot flame leapt from the tip, extending outwards as the flame whip grew through the air.

She directed the tip across Riddle's body, but the dreaded wizard was fast enough to dodge her spell.

However, the Death Eater directly behind him hadn't even hoped to see it coming and the spell made contact with his collarbone, slicing deeply through the flesh as if it weren't even there.

His howl of agony was short as the flames carved down and into his right lung, splitting his body apart. She pulled sharply on the shaft of her wand and the whip came loose of the figure and with a twirl she flicked it to her right, carving across another three of the Death Eaters in front of her that had foolishly rushed forwards.

All three fell screaming as the violent flames tore easily through their mere human flesh and the tip nearly scraped over the stunned figure of Riddle who was now standing alone in front of the two.

Hermione had to suppress her desire to laugh as her whip dissipated into the air as Riddle watched agape, his eyes flicking from the two of them to the now mostly absent right arm he had been sporting.

Hermione realised that Harry had managed to use her flashy distraction to his advantage and must have blasted Riddle's wand and arm into pieces. The satisfied smirk on Harry's face said it all as he moved to bring his rowan wand to bear once more.

Fear filled Riddle's eyes and before either of them could act, the coward vanished into the air with a powerful crack. The only sounds left in the graveyard were the groans and agonised screams of the Death Eaters scattered about them on the ground.

Hermione ignored them instead turning to Harry and latching onto him hard. The adrenaline that still coursed through her body gave her usually firm hug an even deeper strength, but Harry didn't complain as he held her back just as tightly.

"Never do that to me again," Hermione said and Harry gave a soft laugh.

She pulled back and gave him a stern look, ready to give out to him for mocking her. Instead, she watched as he softly tapped her cheek with his wand.

"Try now, love." He said and Hermione looked at him confused for a moment. "You obviously silenced yourself."

"Oh," Hermione replied, recalling what seemed like hours earlier when she had used all her strength to try and silence her screams of pain upon first arriving at the graveyard. She had never lifted the spell. "Thank you."

"No, thank you. When I saw you perched behind that headstone, I lost it. Riddle had to die. I could see the pain in your eyes at having seen me hit with that spell."

"You did a pretty good job of that. What did you do to his arm?"

Harry smiled. "He tried to dodge that marvellous whip of yours. Ran right into the most powerful blasting curse I've ever used. He didn't turn as far as I had hoped, so it only hit his right hand instead of his torso."

"Shame. Now we'll have to track him down and finish things." Hermione growled in annoyance.

"Speaking of, you sure did a number on this lot," Harry said, turning to face the screaming figures on the ground. He twirled his wand and all of theirs shot up into the air, pulling free from the few hands still trying to repair the damage Hermione had done to them. "I might have hit two or three with misses or deflections. And there was one I managed to redirect a killing curse into, but you…"

Harry pointed to the one Hermione recalled vanishing the ribcage of, as he banished the collected wands into the ground nearby. "Oh, yuck. That one is beginning to look like a human puddle."

The figure was face down on the ground, his mask had come loose and part of his face was now visible, though he was silent unlike many of the others. His upper torso was slowly expanding outwards as gravity squashed the no longer rigid part of his body flatter and flatter under its own weight.

Hermione gave a sound of disgust and turned away, unable to look at the disturbing sight of her own handiwork.

"The screaming is beginning to grate, though," Harry said harshly, not sparing a single ounce of sympathy for those they had savaged in their attack. These were people who flocked back to a man like Riddle at the first opportunity and had tried to murder two schoolchildren in cold blood. "Give me a hand."

Harry raised his right arm, wand in hand and Hermione matched the movement, understanding his intent. Together, they pooled their magic and with a downward sweeping wave, his to the left and hers to the right, the pair cast a wide stunner over the field. All the bodies immediately ceased moving and silence once again filled the night air.

"That is so much better." She said, taking relief at last after who knew how long of agony and adrenaline.

Hermione closed her eyes and just allowed the cool air to fill her lungs and help slow her heart rate. After a few moments, she opened them again to see Harry levitating the Triwizard Cup over to where she stood.

She gave a soft smile at the sight. "Looks like Nym was right."

"Shut it. I even tried to give them a chance, to make up for the First Task, but they were taking forever. Just don't touch it, ok. It's the portkey that brought me here."

"Yes, and your magic yanked me along for the ride again. I'm glad it did though. I'd have been livid if you had died here without me."

Harry smiled at her and took her free hand into his own. "I always need you, Hermione. Even when I don't, I still want you as well." He leaned in and kissed her firmly.

Hermione relished the warmth of his lips. The cold dread of having seen him 'die' in front of her still hadn't left her, and might never truly be gone. Harry still told her he had nightmares of her under the lake. And she knew he still recalled the last time he had seen Riddle before tonight with almost perfect clarity.

Harry pulled back suddenly and he was immediately alert.

Hermione once more matched his stance and she listened carefully in the now still air. There was definitely something odd to it, a strange sound they had not heard before under the moaning from the wounded Death Eaters. A scraping sound coupled with a soft whispering she was struggling to make out.

"What is it?" She asked Harry silently.

"I think it's a snake. A big one." He replied and Hermione focused harder on the whispering.

~Master?~ The voice said, drawing nearer as it did.

Hermione braced herself and allowed her senses to sharpen. She willed her mind to filter her hearing, to allow the minimal evening background noise to fade out so she could listen for unusual sounds. Her eyes swept back and forth across the ground, searching for anything that moved in the darkness.

"There," Harry whispered, and she followed the direction his magic indicated.

Her eyes bulged as she saw the size of the enormous serpent now wending its way out from between the legs of the shattered statute of Death. It stretched out across the thick grass of the graveyard. She was completely unfamiliar with its breed, but there were very few snakes in the world that grew to this size. She was instantly on guard though, this one looked venomous, so being bitten would be a very bad idea.

The pair waited in silence, neither facing the creature directly as they allowed it to fully emerge into the space. The snake seemed to see the prone bodies of the Death Eaters and Hermione's stomach turned at the sound it made.

~Dinner… thank you, Master.~

It picked up its pace as it shuffled rapidly towards the downed figures before it stopped suddenly. Harry and Hermione both stood ready to cast if it turned as it sniffed the air with its tongue.

The stillness of the night had kept them covered from detection, but the snake was now close enough to detect their scent.

~Live prey.~ It whispered as the head swung to face them and it barred its long dripping teeth.

~Not a chance.~ Harry replied in parseltongue, bringing his wand up.

Hermione swung to his left and cast, pinning the snake down with a series of conjured U-shaped pins. With her quick movements, she managed to pin the snake down along most of its length before it could strike, and Harry followed up by firing a blasting curse straight into its open mouth.

The snake roared backwards as the spell exploded in its mouth but it had survived the attack. Hermione was surprised at its resilience, but she continued pinning it in place, adding more pins every time more of its winding body laid back upon the grass. She began to fire the pins into the ground at obtuse angles to help keep the creature trapped and she could hear it becoming frustrated at their efforts.

~Master! Help me.~ It whined into the night as it snapped forwards at Harry who thankfully remained just out of its restricted range.

Hermione focused hard and conjured a new pin right behind the beast's head and brought it down with all her might. Her magic fighting the tensely wound muscle of the mighty snake managed to wrench it towards the ground and suddenly the effort lessened and she noted that Harry had conjured a pile of bricks over the snake's head crushing it down.

She seized the advantage and pinned the length behind the head down with over a dozen spikes and she panted as the creature fought with every last one of them. But when she pulled back, every few inches of the snake was now pinned to the ground by her shimmering spikes.

Harry vanished the bricks and the pair looked in silence at the now fully restrained length.

The creature hissed into the night air, but they seemed to be nothing more than screams of anguish as neither she nor Harry seemed to discern any real words in the howling.

Harry sighed at the struggling beast and took a moment before he aimed just behind the head and cast. The powerful cutting curse struck true and bounced off the worming flanks of the creature, leaving a deep scar in what was left of the statue it had not fully cleared before they had attacked it.

"What the hell are you?" Harry asked redundantly, looking to Hermione for help.

Help she could not give. She'd never seen such a resilient beast before in her life.

Harry sighed again as he turned back to the captive snake. "Sorry. I had wanted this to be painless. But I guess I have no choice."

He closed his eyes and Hermione felt him pulling his magic inwards intensely. She had never felt him use so much magic in a single spell before and she even felt some of her own being incorporated into the forming ball of energy.

After several long moments of this, Harry opened his eyes and flicked his wand, his arm pointing directly above the beast's head.

Hermione flinched away at the intense light of the superheated rock material Harry had conjured directly over the snake's head. The heat caused her to take several steps away as the restrained snake struggled frantically under its bindings.

Confused and agonised hissed screams could be heard beneath the thick goopy material that was incinerating the flesh of the creature as it settled over it.

She reached for Harry and pulled him back, feeling the guilt that filled him at having to so brutally dispatch an animal like that. "I didn't want to have to do that."

"I know. But it wanted to kill us. And by the sound of things, it was with Riddle in some way." She said, hoping to allay some of his anguish. "It seems that he truly corrupts anything he touches. Anything except you."

She stared into his eyes. Hermione could tell by the shadow cast over his face by the rapidly cooling molten material thanks to the wide bushy hair on her head, that she was blocking his view of the now silent snake still struggling beneath the bindings. As snakes did when you removed their head. Harry stared back and she saw both a weight she'd never seen before and a lightness as well.

"What is it? You're different somehow."

"It's going to be a long story."

"I am not going anywhere, Harry Potter. You are stuck with me for all time." She said, gripping his free hand in her own, her magic mirroring the move and wrapping tightly about him as well. Just in case he might think of running as he did after their first kiss. She was going with him wherever he went.

"I know." He said back with a smile, his magic wrapping her back in return, proving he wasn't going anywhere. "But perhaps we should clean up and get back first. The rest will want to hear it too, and they must be going frantic right now with you vanishing in front of them."

"Do you think the Task is finished?" Hermione asked, glancing at the Cup that had apparently signalled the end of the competition sitting by the figure of Death.

"I'd rather not risk bringing them here. You're unharmed so far, but our magic has always been so entwined, maybe the Goblet just can't tell the difference anymore."

"How can we be sure?" She asked. And I guess we should probably tell someone about all of this. But who?"

Harry paused and gave the question thought for a moment before he seemed to come to a conclusion that had eluded her. "Bones. She wasn't bad before and after the Second Task. And Remus spoke highly of her help in getting Sirius free. I think we can trust her."

"Are you sure? I don't recognize most of them," she said, flicking her head in the direction of the now-silent Death Eaters, "but that one at least is Macnair. Remember what Mr Scamander said about him?"

"I won't risk one of the Family. She's the head of the law department. If not her, then who else?"

Hermione considered it for a moment before she nodded. "I suppose you're right."

Harry gave her a soft smile. "Your turn. Kitty's already had some fun tonight."

Hermione smiled openly at the simple cute name that Harry had given to the massive feline beast that he conjured whenever he summoned his corporeal patronus. She well recalled the looks on Sirius and Remus when it had burst forth from Harry's wand for the first time and nearly knocked them both on their arses with its impressively solid shape.

It had taken her weeks of research to find anything that remotely matched it in the animal kingdom, the closest she had come being the legendary Rapa cats of Mesoamerican myth. A massive pitch-black jaguar-like species that supposedly stood taller than a man while on all fours and were supposed to be legendarily vicious.

Calling one Kitty had left her in stitches.

Hermione allowed the memory to fade away as she focused her mind, keeping the joyful feeling of that day in her chest as she conjured her own patronus. Dawn shot forth, landing on all fours deftly and sweeping her head back and forth looking for prey.

Hermione marvelled once more at the mottled rosettes covering the side of the slinking snow leopard form as she turned to face her master in the absence of obvious prey.

"Hello. Please bring Madame Bones here." Hermione said, imparting the message with their location rather than the spoken word given she had no idea where exactly they actually were.

With a twist of her wrist, the image shivered and leapt into the sky vanishing quickly into the distance beneath the imposing clouds.

"Those look like it's going to rain soon. I hope she doesn't take too long." Harry said and Hermione turned him to face her once more.

"She probably won't, but I at least need the quick version. Please."

Harry sighed before he conjured a small loveseat facing away from the carnage and settled the both of them into it. He seemed to be reviewing his experience in his mind and deciding what he needed to share now versus the full tale later.

"You remember the ritual?" He asked eventually. Hermione nodded quickly. She would never forget the weight of that experience. "I think I met her. That weight we felt. Properly this time. In a way. I understand why some people personify magic as a woman now. Even though it looked nothing like a person to me, it had a feminine feel to it. And..."

He paused once more and took a deep steadying breath, "...I met my parents."

The glow in Harry's eyes was so intoxicating at his words that Hermione couldn't help but lean in and kiss him. Sharing the warmth between them as she caressed his lips with her own. But before she was properly done with the sensation, her mind intruded as she properly realised what he had just said.

"Your parents?" She said as she pulled away suddenly.

Harry now looked bashful and was avoiding her eyes. "Yeah. As much as I wish I didn't have to say this to you, I think I really did die there for a second."

Hermione grasped his face and turned him to face her, both of them cast in deep relief by the intense light coming from the still partially molten rock, looking into his eyes and seeing the truth of his statement within.

Harry looked both joyful and saddened by the experience he was recounting to her and Hermione wrapped him tightly in her arms, crushing them together as Harry seemed to understand for the first time what he had actually just endured.

He began to sob quietly into her shoulder and Hermione ran her hand up and down his spine, allowing him the time to work through his thoughts and emotions. She couldn't imagine what he was feeling right now, her own emotions were a wash of just about everything she had ever felt. The pair remained there, wrapped in one another until a sharp crack rent the quiet air.

"What the bloody hell happened here?" A female voice yelled.

Hermione pulled back from Harry, checking his face as she did and noticing that the vulnerability he had just shown was once more hidden behind his mask.

"Later then." She whispered as she turned and stood, facing the newcomer they had only spoken to once before.

"Hello, Madame Bones."


Amelia paused mid-sentence as a shimmering cat-like shape formed in the air in front of her.

While she was well-trained enough to recognize a patronus when she saw one, this was a form she had not encountered before. It coalesced properly forming a fully corporeal shape and she thought it might have been some form of large snow leopard.

She quickly cast a muting charm around her and the patronus, blocking the sound of the crowd so that she could better hear whatever message was so important. However, no noise came forth, as she had expected from a patronus sent in such a way.

Instead, the cat simply perched on its hindquarters and stared at her intently. In that impatiently impertinent way that only cats could. She could feel something in its gaze, but she was unsure what.

Amelia stepped one pace to the right and the eyes followed her exactly, clearly indicating she was the intended recipient, yet the beast did not speak. Merely yawning once before continuing to watch her.

"Right." She sighed, figuring that the feeling in the gaze was a location and she was being summoned. "Looks like I need to be somewhere." She said, turning to Moody who was watching her and the patronus closely. "Things are going smoothly here so far, but don't take that for granted. And make sure you keep an eye on those bloody Dementors. I cannot believe they brought some of them here for this."

"You don't get to tell me what to do anymore girly. But go. I'll keep these wankers in line." He replied gruffly.

Amelia shook her head at the former Auror and turned to face the cat, which had now stood once more as it seemed to realise she was ready to go.

She tapped her wand to the badge on her chest, then pressed the tip into the misty form, tying her personal DMLE portkey to whatever location the creature was here to provide.

With one last glance at Moody, she tapped the portkey again and prepared herself for whatever she might see. And she wasn't even close to ready.

Amelia was stunned.

Arrayed before her were over a dozen cloaked figures, some with obvious Death Eater masks visible, all of them unconscious and in some varied state of injury. Her eyes caught sight of one that appeared to have deflated entirely, his chest squashed flat as though it had been crushed by a giant boulder that had since been vanished.

"What the bloody hell happened here?"

Several of the figures were missing limbs and one of the closer ones had been cleaved mostly in two from neck to navel.

And perched quietly in front of it all, in front of a cosy little loveseat were two teenagers who, apart from being somewhat grubby and bearing a few tear tracks on their cheeks, looked untouched by comparison.

"Care to explain?" She asked, looking at the two.

"Hello, Madame Bones." The Granger girl said as the two turned to face her properly.

"No, no!" Amelia replied, waggling her finger at the pair. "You don't get to summon me to a mess like this and just go 'hello'. What happened? How are you two even here? You should both be back at Hogwarts."

"Well, you see," Potter started, "when one is kidnapped, they tend not to be where they were supposed to be."

"Kidnapped?" She asked, ignoring the sarcasm in his reply.

He nodded and pointed to the glowing Cup at the end of the loveseat. "It was a portkey, exactly as Bagman said it would be. Just didn't bring me to the platform. Came here instead. And was immediately attacked by two masked assailants. They might be in that mix there. Might not."

"And what exactly happened to that lot?" Amelia asked, nodding at the still figures.

"They tried to kill us," Granger answered with a perfectly straight face, the tone chilling her despite her experience and reminding her of Potter's perfectly delivered threat before the Second Task.

"We don't take well to that," Potter added, and neither of them looked in the slightest bit sorry for having savaged what appeared to be a flock of Death Eaters.

"Just a shame some of them got away," Granger said, obviously hoping to do so under her breath, but in the cold quiet air, the sound still carried.

Amelia's gaze flicked back and forth between the stationary bodies and the two who claimed to have made them so. "Alright then. Wands. I need them both right now."

"Why?" Potter asked, tightening his grip on his wand.

"Because I am currently here alone investigating your claims. I will not have two armed assailants at my back while I check that lot. And even if you're telling the truth, I need to take them temporarily and check them for evidence at the least. So hand them over."

Granger turned to the boy and placed her hand on his shoulder. The pair locked eyes but did not speak a word for several long moments. Amelia wasn't sure if she had made the right choice, but she needed to see the status of the Death Eaters to continue.

"Fine," Potter said, flicking his wand into the air and grabbing it by the tip. He held it out in her direction as Granger spun hers on the flat of her hand and extended it out, handle first.

Amelia nodded as she took them both and pulled an evidence bag from her pocket, tucking them inside for the time being. She would return them after testing the spells used. She would not be responsible for failing to check that on a case ever again.

With half an eye on the pair, she walked over to the bodies laid all about the tombstones and saw that some were indeed still breathing. Though very few were free of any obvious external wounds. Almost all were missing a limb of some sort and she had trouble keeping her feet with all of the blood slickening the grass.

She even noticed that some of the body parts appeared not to be from injuries, but to have been splinched and she shuddered at the thought of what those two must have done to inspire such fear in their enemy. Even with the signs of it all around her.

As she passed, she unmasked and uncovered the left arm of each one with her wand. Confirming the presence of a very visible Dark Mark on each, she counted off the names of a significant number of those accused of crimes in the last war, but who had managed to buy or cajole their way to freedom.

She was disgusted to learn that several of their number were even Ministry employees. Though none here were from her department, she made a mental note to enforce a check as soon as possible.

The human pancake was Walden Macnair, a real bastard from the Derc who she had always thought enjoyed his work disposing of dangerous creatures far too much. As she returned towards the children, she noted the body closest to them, the one they had cleaved from throat to stomach right the way through the entire torso.

This one, too, was still alive, though barely. The cutting implement had torn through his right lung as it passed and the figure was slowly choking to death on their own blood. She flicked her wand and the mask vanished, showing the still face of Lucius Malfoy frozen in a look of utter terror.

His lower face and his usually pristine hair were now stained red by the blood that was leaking from his mouth and Amelia was torn.

She hated the bastard, for sure, but this was a hellish way to die. And with a wound that severe, die he would.

"Right. Every one of them is a marked Death Eater. So your story sounds plausible at the least. Why are they here? They orchestrated a kidnapping of you for revenge after all this time?"

The pair looked at one another and Potter shrugged. "They were here at the request of their master. Tom Riddle."


"Voldemort," Granger said clearly.

"He's dead. I've seen his wand hanging in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

"This wand?" Potter said, raising his hand and causing hers to twitch on her wand as several fragments of a pale thin wand rose into the air beside her.

Amelia recognized the pieces as being from the wand on display. "How?"

"He took a blasting curse to the hand. Shattered the wand and about, I dunno," Potter said, turning to face Granger with a questioning look.

"I'd say about two-thirds of the entire arm. It was above the elbow for sure."

"You blew up Voldemort's arm?"

"I was aiming for the chest," Potter growled. As if disappointed by the 'failure'.

Amelia sighed as she looked at the pieces and pulled another evidence bag from her pouch. She held them under the pieces and Potter waved his hand again, dropping them into the bag. She tried not to focus on the utter precision with which the boy could evidently cast wandless magic, meaning taking his wand had meant nothing for her safety.

Sealing the bag, she stepped over to the pair once more. "This is going to take forever to clean up, you do know that?"

"The aftermath wasn't really a concern while dodging Unforgivable Curses," Granger said firmly.

"At least you dodged a few," Potter mumbled and Granger took his hand.

"You need to stop doing that."

"It was only a cruciatus curse. And after that pain earlier, it barely even tickled. Plus, it's fun watching them sh*t themselves when it doesn't work." Potter finished with a wicked smirk that chilled her more than she was willing to admit.

Amelia watched the back and forth, still unsure what to believe when it came to these two. "We need to talk about all of this. I need the full story from both of you, especially why you are even here Miss Granger. But I need to get people here cleaning things up first. Some of them might actually survive long enough for trial. Do you know somewhere we can all talk it out securely?"

"Depends on who 'we' is," Potter replied.

"Well, if Voldemort is truly back, we'll need those most likely to stand against him. I would suggest Alastor Moody, probably the best Auror in recent history. Took down about a fifth of all the Death Eaters killed during the last war. I would hope, your family. And Dumbledore to start."

Both their faces fell at the last name and Potter's eyes became dark once more. "He is not welcome in my home."

"Your home? I was asking for somewhere to talk."

"There is nowhere more secure than Harry's home. But he's right. Albus Dumbledore is not welcome there. He'd never make it past the wards. Not with Harry this upset." Granger said, comforting the boy beside her.

"What is with you and Dumbledore? He's the only one Voldemort refused to actively engage in the last war. We will need him on our side for something like this."

"It's personal. And we haven't had a chance to hash it out with him just yet." Granger said, still focusing on Potter.

"Well, be that as it may, I still suggest he be present. In fact, I would suggest we meet in his office. It's the most secure place at Hogwarts, which itself is more secure than the Ministry, given we apparently cannot be sure who there might be a bloody Death Eater." She said, waving over her shoulder at the still figures.

Potter glanced at Granger for a moment before he turned back to her, resolute and Amelia expected a firm refusal after his previous reaction.

"Fine. But we need to know that the Tournament is over first."

Amelia was surprised, both by the agreement and the condition. "I am afraid I'm not part of the committee. I can't say for sure. For the purposes of the security the Aurors are providing, I was told that the competition ended once the Champion with the Cup stood on the platform. Everything after that is standard award ceremony pomp."

"I don't feel like being the centre of attention like that right now," Potter said. "And it still feels like I can't use mine." He turned to face Granger. "Can you summon the Cloak?"

Granger smiled at him, raising her right hand and setting Amelia's nerves going again. With a snap of the girl's fingers, a sleek cloak appeared over her outstretched arm and Amelia was stunned at the move. That was beyond the wandless magic of anyone she'd ever seen.

"How did you do that?"

"Family secret," Granger replied, pulling the cloak up and draping it around the pair who partially vanished under it. It was clearly a powerful invisibility cloak.

"We will wait for you in Dumbledore's Office. And we'll make sure the whole family is present. Bring whoever else you need, but we will be prepared to defend ourselves if necessary." Potter said firmly, staring her down once again.

Amelia weighed her options before she gave a slow nod. "Alright. I shouldn't be too long."

Granger flicked the edges of the cloak around them fully and they disappeared from view. A moment later, the Cup vanished as well before Granger reappeared alone by the side of the conjured couch.

"Right, only one person. Stupid portkey." She closed her eyes and vanished again, with none of the usual signs of apparition or portkey usage.

"What are those two?" Amelia muttered to herself as she felt the oppressive weight of her location settle in without the distraction. "Right. Best set this to rights."

She raised her wand and tapped her badge, summoning a patrol to her position. Hopefully, it didn't take her hours to get out of here.

Amelia needed answers and that pair seemed to have most of them.

Chapter 40: What Comes Next

Chapter Text

Saturday, 24th June 1995.

Harry felt the solid timber of the platform beneath him and blinked at the intense light all around him, flooding in through the Cloak after so long in the darkness of the graveyard.

The nearby band began to play, some enchantment on the platform indicating to them that a Champion had arrived. But his immediate concern was the fact Hermione was not by his side.

He could still feel her, but she was hundreds of miles away. He gathered his magic and went to pop to her side when he felt her move, suddenly she was much closer, but on the other side of him. He smiled and focused his magic, leaving the Cup on the platform and popping away from all the noise.

He welcomed the near silence of the office.

Hermione stood before him, looking around in wonder at the paintings and trinkets lining every surface. Harry snapped his fingers loudly and every painting froze in place, several looking at Hermione with surprise and two on their way to running from their frames.

"Nosy bastards." He said, stepping out from under the Cloak and opening his arms knowingly.

Hermione had obviously heard him snap his fingers and had lined up her hug before he'd even become remotely visible, slamming into him with force. Harry welcomed the comfort of her embrace, his body still sore from the exertion they'd just put themselves through, but mostly he felt relief.

His elf magic was working again, meaning the Tournament was officially done.

"Figures the Cup would leave you behind when I actually wanted it to bring you along." He said softly into her bushy hair.

"We weren't as tightly wound this time. I was on tenterhooks from the moment you stepped inside that damn maze. My magic was reaching out for you the entire time. Makes sense it would hold tight when you moved away from it. Not to mention you grabbed me back just beforehand."

"Yeah, some arse brought a Dementor into the maze. Sirius is right, they're awful."

"Oh, so that's the fun Kitty had?"

Harry nodded, a smile forming as he recalled his enormous patronus savaging the horrible creature. "Sure did. Ripped the monster to pieces."

"Good. But as much as I want to just sit here with you for now, I'm sure everyone is worried. As I said, I didn't announce I was going. I didn't even have a chance to gasp. One moment, I would have been sitting between them, the next… gone."

Harry nodded again and he pulled away from his girlfriend reluctantly. He gave a soft sigh before he leaned in and kissed her gently before pulling back and speaking. "Elves to me."

The sound was almost deafening in the confined space of the office as so many bodies pushed the air out of the way, none of the elves focusing a drop of their magic on keeping the noise down.

The voices started immediately, but with everyone instantly talking over one another and bodies piling into the hug, it was impossible to hear any one person over the others.

"Quiet. Please." Harry yelled and the others fell silent, though the pile of people and elves that he was still calling a Family hug did not change. "We're both ok. And I'm so glad to see you all."

Harry felt Sirius ruffle his hair and he smiled in the direction of his godfather.

"We have to talk, fast. We may not have privacy here for long." Hermione said.

The others took the statement as an invitation to look around and several of them let out sounds of concern upon realising where they were.

"Don't worry. They're all frozen. And that one doesn't look to be in any kind of a hurry to dob on us." Harry said, indicating the fiery bird sitting nearby watching them calmly.

"Fawkes," Remus said. "That's Dumbledore's phoenix."

"Why are we in his office? What is going on?" Sirius asked.

"We ran into a little trouble after Harry took the Cup and we asked Amelia Bones over to help sort it out. She obviously has questions and wants Dumbledore to be a part of them, given his role in the last war. And there is no way Harry's subconscious is letting him through the wards into the Manor right now."

"So, meeting in enemy territory?" Remus mused.

Harry gave a sigh and looked at his gathered family. "Not anymore. It's going to be tough, but unfortunately, he was right. Riddle is back. Though he's missing a good chunk of his followers already, and an arm." He finished with a smirk.

Hermione gave him a soft kiss on the cheek and the Family looked at the two properly for the first time since they had arrived. Harry looked at himself and noticed the dried blood all over his shirt from where the barbed wire had torn into his skin as he struggled against it.

There were two particularly bad marks from where he had managed to snap the wire and get free.

He snapped his fingers and the dried blood and dirt vanished, just leaving the ragged torn holes in the fabric and the quickly healing wounds beneath.

"Don't think you can just snap away the evidence and avoid talking about that," Natalie said, watching him closely.

"I'll give you all the whole story in a minute. But I really don't want to have to tell it a dozen times, so can it wait until everyone is here?"

The adults seemed to want to push matters, but they must have thought better of it. Both their children were standing before them under their own power, alive and intact. And pushing had never been a good way to get information out of Harry in the past, so they all nodded their agreement.

That was when Harry noticed the absence in the crowd around him. "Where's Nym?" He asked, also noting her parents were nowhere to be seen either.

"Nym was still in the maze," Natalie said, holding her daughter tightly. "And I heard Andi say no as we all popped away."

Harry turned to face Romulus and noted that he was uneasy. "Rom?"

"Miss is in the maze. Lady Andi asked not to come, but Rom had to obey." The tiny elf said.

"I'm sorry. You can go back to them. Bring them as soon as they're ready." Harry said.

The elf was gone almost before the command was given and Harry turned back to face the Family. "We were gone for a while. Is she ok? Surely she should be back by now."

"She was doing great when I left," Hermione noted.

"We were somewhat thrown once Hermione vanished without any explanation," Remus said softly. "The Grangers were a little frantic for a bit, but I kept an eye on proceedings on the screens. Nym made it to the centre about five minutes after you left, at the same time as Krum only to find a disappointed Fleur already standing there. I figure the three of them will be most of the way out by now."

"She was uninjured from what we could tell in the stands," Sirius added. "Ran into a few weird enchantments by the look of things, but nothing too taxing for her."

Harry felt relief at knowing his fellow Champions were ok and he went to sit when he realised there was no furniture behind him in this place. With three quick claps, several long couches formed along the wall and he sat in the centre of the middle one, the Grangers soon joining him tightly despite the size of the couch. Hermione and Natalie held him tightly from either side and Richard had an arm about his daughter on her other side.

The Marauders and the elves took the couch to the left and once they were all seated, Harry closed his eyes and allowed the moment to catch up to him once again.

He let his senses drift and he soon felt Nym's magic way over at the Pitch. He wasn't familiar enough with Krum or Fleur to truly know their magic, but Nym was not alone. And she was quickly approaching Andi, Ted and Rom. She felt drained, but so did Harry after his experiences tonight.

He wondered just how long Bones might take in her efforts as he stretched the scope of his senses and he was surprised by the sudden arrival of a presence in the room with them. He opened his eyes at the startled shouts of his family and noted the stern-looking Auror standing before them, dusting herself down.

She turned to face them all and rolled her eyes when Sirius and Remus waved to her with their usual smirking faces.

"That was quite a mess you two left behind." She said, her eyes flicking to Remus once again. "The Healers have managed to stabilise four of them. Reversal are tracking another three. But the rest are dead, or soon will be." She said, tucking her wand into her coat and grabbing one of the hardback wooden chairs from in front of the desk in the middle of the office. "Though, apart from the pieces, I've been unable to confirm He was there so far." She added, with a firm look at the teens.

Before any of them could reply, they all heard another loud crack and an old man appeared between them all. He glanced at Amelia before he stormed over to the desk. "Amelia. Surprised to see you here. Whatever it is will need to wait. They've gone too far now. Bringing those monsters here."

"You'll get no argument from me on that, Albus," Amelia replied, looking at the man as he dug in his desk for some paperwork, slamming it onto his desk and beginning to fill in the sections. "I'm covering security and the idiots never even told me that Dementors would be something we'd need to deal with. A good thing we had a patronus refresher during Azkaban training last month. Most of the force can at least manage a shield."

"Well, the children most certainly cannot. While the stands held the effects at bay while they were in the maze, they all rushed out once the Champions emerged." Albus growled, still seemingly unaware of the crowd to his anger. "The teachers are holding the effects at bay for the moment, but Cornelius is being stubborn."

It wasn't until a soft pop sounded to Harry's right that Albus looked up, but by then, Harry's attention was taken up by the four figures standing there. Nym looked well. Tired and grimy, but ok. He was too tightly held on both sides by Granger women to stand, so he just waved at his cousin.

"Wotcher, Shorty. Or should I say speedy?" Nym said as she and the Tonkses noted the rest of the family were sitting and made use of the remaining empty couch.

"Ah," Albus said softly, now aware of the company in his office. He held the tip of his wand near his mouth and summoned a wispy cloud of silvery energy. "My office."

The wisp shot out the door and vanished from view as Harry's eyes settled on the man for the first time in what felt like forever.

It had been some time since Harry had been so close to the man, the several months of proximity had worn away his magic's habit of physically flinching every time he was near.

In fact, the second to last time they had been this close was when he had intruded upon the meeting that had resulted in Harry coming here at all back in November. Harry had frozen upon feeling the man's magic in the room with them and Hermione had reacted instinctually, ejecting him from the wards around her home.


The only other time they had been this close had been in the tent before the First Task, where the man had redirected Rita Skeeter from the obvious desire to interrupt their preparations for what would be a perilous activity in and of itself. It had been a close thing that time, but he was far too focused on Nym and her panic to worry about Dumbledore.

Harry felt the energy in the room focusing on him, the others were all watching him out of the corner of their eye to see if he could endure the experience. He swallowed hard before he gently squeezed the two Granger hands holding his own and nodded slightly.

"Who did you just summon?" Remus asked, turning away from Harry and looking directly at Dumbledore.

"An ally. The one who allows me to ascertain why all of you are currently sitting in my office, which I believe I left locked." He said, flicking his wand at the door and the mechanism shifted, indicating it had just opened.

The ancient blue eyes drifted from one face to the next, but Harry knew that none of them would give anything away.

Even the muggle Grangers had practised occlumency with Andi to her satisfaction, given the aid of their black stone bracelets at twisting a magicals vision away from their eyes. It would not prevent a determined legilimency attack with a wand, but was powerful enough to prevent passive attempts at getting into their minds.

And nothing could save Dumbledore from Hermione if he raised his wand against her parents.

Silence filled the room as Harry stared down the man he had once considered the greatest threat to him. The ancient face was not as closed off as their first meeting, he could feel emotion coming from the man and he truly was angry. Though the surprise was coming through clearly at present as well.

Another whirl of a portkey finally broke the stalemate as Moody landed and shook his head to clear the awful feeling a portkey left a person with. Bones went to speak, but the gruff man held up his left hand and fished something out of his coat with his right. Flicking open a flask, he took a long draw of whatever was inside and gave a grunt of relief as he lowered it once more, his body shaking off a feeling of disgust.

"Better. Bloody dementors." He growled, tucking the flask back into his jacket and grabbing the back of the chair nearest Bones, though he did not sit in it, instead dragging it loudly over the stone floor until it was resting against the wall. Only then did he turn and sit, now placed so that he could see every figure in the room and the door as well. "So…" He asked, head flicking between the two groups.

Harry looked around as well, everyone that Bones had suggested and that he cared about was present. He supposed that it was time to tell the story.

"Alright..." He said softly, his voice still carrying in the room over the sound of whirring devices in every corner.

"If you'll wait just a moment longer. He should almost be here by now." Dumbledore said, giving Harry a smile that actually had a warmth to it this time.

Harry was still wary of Dumbledore, but something had definitely changed since their first meeting in the bank so long ago. He gave a curt nod and turned to Hermione instead, leaning against her until their foreheads touched. She gave him a tight smile, her eyes looking into his own and Harry found some more relief from the aches still running through his body.

He was draped in her magic and had been since the moment he had arrived in the office.

She was subconsciously massaging his body, trying to push away the remnants of the pain he had been in and he was immensely grateful. While he could handle the pain, no one sane truly enjoyed suffering when it could be avoided.

He was startled from their little moment as the door banged loudly open and a dark figure entered. Sirius immediately shot up from his couch and pulled his wand, earning Harry's attention. He spun to face the new person and recognized the figure as the school's potions professor. The man scowled and moved for his own wand as his eyes locked on the movement across the room.

"Severus. Stop." Dumbledore commanded, gesturing the professor over to the desk. "We have much to discuss."

"Not with Snivellus we don't," Sirius growled, and Snape twitched at the name.

"Sirius, we have bigger issues than your schoolyard grudge."

"Curse each other later. I have waited long enough." Bones said, turning to face Harry. "It's time I got the full story."

Snape finally turned away from Sirius and walked around the desk, coming to stand behind Dumbledore where he could easily keep an eye on the people on the left couch. Sirius did not look away as the professor moved and it wasn't until Remus yanked him back down that he sat once more, wand still in hand.

"Fine, but I'm watching him," Sirius mumbled, and Harry gave a smirk at his godfather.

"My turn?" Harry asked and noted several nods from the adults, all of whom were now fixated on him, all except Moody, whose eyes were travelling over the still portraits, smiling oddly.

"Ok. From what you were saying, I'll assume you could all see into the maze, so I don't need to retell all of that. It was surprisingly easy. The path I took was winding, but it was easy enough to keep track of my direction. So I made good time."

"Wait, what?" Nym asked from his right. "I couldn't remember which way I was facing for the life of me. I kept getting turned around, even while using Hermione's maze trick."

Harry turned to look at his girlfriend and she shrugged. "The easiest way to navigate an unknown maze is to lock your hand to one face. If you keep that hand on the same continuous face you will almost always find your way through, even if it's not the most efficient route."

Harry nodded as he considered the ploy, not bothered that his girlfriend had been giving his cousin tips on how to beat him. "That's a good idea. But I didn't need it. The direction was pretty straightforward. Ran into very little that caused any trouble until right near the centre. But Kitty made short work of that beast." Harry turned to face his godfather. "One less to worry about."

Sirius looked at him and smiled as he realised what Harry meant. "Good."

"It sounds like either one of the paths was significantly easier, or Miss Tonks's path was made intentionally harder," Dumbledore said, musing to himself more than the room. "How did you choose who would take which path?"

Harry turned to the woman holding him and he gave her a soft smile. She returned it, but there was something wrong with her gaze. He turned back to Hermione and she nodded, she had noticed it too now that they were thinking to look for something.

The pair raised opposing hands and clapped them together, causing Natalie to blink suddenly.

"What," Natalie said, confused, looking about. "What was that?"

"That was probably the imperius curse," Moody said confidently. "Seems whoever is running this nundu show figured Potter would listen to your advice."

"I thought the bracelet would protect against that," Hermione said, looking at her father concerned, seeking the same odd look in his eyes, but clearly not finding it.

"We've never tested it," Harry replied and he gave Natalie a side hug, one the woman returned eagerly.

"It was the oddest feeling. This voice in my head just kept repeating 'Take the second path'. I can't even remember when it started, but it stopped once you made your choice." Natalie explained.

"Another crime to add to tonight's list." Bones said, a hovering dictaquill beside her noting it down. "Wish we had a way of tracing who cast it. But for now, we don't. Best to continue."

Harry gave her a stern look, not very happy at the way the woman was brushing past the mental subjugation of a woman who was as good as his own mother. But he could see the non-Family members were all eagerly awaiting the rest of his tale. So he gave Natalie one more tight squeeze and looked back at the floor, allowing his mind to drift back to the maze.

"Once I made it to the Cup, I waited. I was hoping the others might be nearby and we could figure out a way to tie. It would be a nice upset for the Ministry for all the trouble, and the best way to celebrate the cooperative spirit the Tournament is meant to inspire. But after several minutes, it seemed they weren't close. I wasn't feeling eager about having to walk back out, given…" he trailed off and Nym smirked at him. "Doesn't matter.

"I could feel that Hermione was worried too. She wanted me out of the maze. So I took the Cup and the portkey activated. But I didn't end up in front of the maze. I was in a graveyard and there was no source of light anywhere nearby. I was about to try and leave when I was knocked to the ground as my whole body was filled with pain."

Hermione tightened her grip on him and he knew she was remembering the feeling. He had felt her magic still holding to his own throughout, but he could not stop the agony from leaching out. "I'm sorry." He whispered as she turned his face to her own and gave him a light kiss.

"Not your fault. And it was nothing I couldn't handle. Not when you needed me."

"It was more than I could handle. I couldn't move. I couldn't use my magic. I was trapped in my own body."

"That'll be the cruciatus curse. Evil spell." Moody said, his magical eye flicking to the left and Harry had a feeling it was looking at Snape.

"No. They used that later. That one hurt, but it was nothing like this." The adults all looked at him surprised, having clearly all made the same assumption that Moody had. "This was so much worse. Every cell was on fire and frozen at the same time. The next thing I knew, I was tied to a statue and someone was chanting nearby. I could barely focus on anything, some of the words came through but none of it made any sense. I was lost in a sea of agony."

Hermione and Natalie tightened their grip on him and Harry drew strength from his family as the feeling echoed in his magic. The pinch of Dumbledore searching for him had nothing on the memory of the pain of tonight.

"Eventually, the pain got worse."

"Worse than that?" Sirius said, pain audible in his voice at hearing that his godson was in agony and he could do nothing to help was clear to all that listened.

Harry nodded. "Yes. That was when I saw the eyes. Thirteen years it had been since I'd last seen them. Looking at me with the same demented glee. Heartless, evil red eyes, more like a snake's than a human's. I was still unable to move, but I wanted to hurt him. I wanted to punish him for taking my parents from me. I wanted to kill him."

Someone over by the desk gasped, but Harry ignored them and continued. "They left me tied in place, and I felt several different magics try and torture me. That was the cruciatus curse, but I barely felt it. The other pain was already so overwhelming. That's when I heard his voice. His threat. And I lost control."

"What threat?" Hermione asked softly.

Harry turned to face her again, tears in his eyes as he recalled the words. "He threatened to find you, and bring your broken body before me."

Remus gave a chuckle that broke the tense atmosphere. "Idiot."

The others glanced at him, but he simply waved at Harry with a big grin.

Harry took a deep breath and tried to continue.

"Remus is right. I became so furious that I snapped whatever bindings had me in place. I was still in immense pain, but I had a focus now. Riddle needed to die so that you would be safe. My wand was there in my hand and I just started casting. I could barely feel my magic, but it was enough to fight. Firing off anything and everything that came to mind. I was good. But Riddle was too much with the pain as well." Harry glanced at Hermione as she braced herself for his next words. "That was when the killing curse hit me."

The entire room somehow managed to get even quieter. They all knew that spell and what it could do. What it should do.

"It wasn't like the first time." Harry continued. "Back then, it hurt. Even though I could still feel Mum and Dad there keeping me safe. When it hit, it was bad, but nothing like the pain from tonight. And it was over so fast. Just a soft throbbing in my head and not feeling my parents anymore.

"This time, it was like falling asleep. All the pain instantly vanished."

Everyone was utterly silent, listening on tenterhooks as Harry described the impossible from a first-hand perspective, twice.

"And suddenly, I felt them again. Mum and Dad." Harry said, looking up at Sirius, who was crying as he watched Harry in return. "I looked up, and there they both were, looking down at me with smiles on their faces."


Hermione felt her mind shift and suddenly she wasn't in the office anymore.

She was surrounded by a white expanse extending out in all directions. She spun in place and noticed that something was shimmering in the brightness. Something even brighter than the white space in which she stood. It observed her without any obvious sign of eyes, or even of form, but it did not speak or move in any way.

"Mum. Dad?" A familiar voice came from behind her, and Hermione spun on her heel. Harry was there, lying on the ground in pale robes, two figures standing over him in similar attire.

"Hello, Harry," James said, his voice breaking as the boy leapt up and wrapped his arms around the man. "It is so good to see you son."

Lily wrapped the pair up and for several long moments, silence reigned as the Potter family was reunited in this odd place. "We're so incredibly proud of you, Harry."

"I miss you so much," Harry said, sobbing.

"We miss you too," Lily said, finally pulling away and leading her two boys over to a couch that appeared from nowhere. "Unfortunately, we don't have terribly long here."

Hermione walked closer and was startled as she realised the bright shape had shifted and was now beside her, watching over the meeting in silence. Whatever it was felt somewhat familiar, but she couldn't place why. She focused back on the Potter family and she saw the moment that Harry noticed the entity.

"What is that?" He asked, his parents both looking up as well.

"We don't rightly know," James said, "but I'm pretty sure it's how we're all here. It wants us to tell you a few things. Though it is even worse than Albus at explaining anything. At least he uses language."

"Can I stay here?" Harry asked, and his parents smiled down at him, wedged tightly between them.

"Of course you can, Harry," Lily explained, "if you truly want to. But I think that you might reconsider once we tell you this bit. See, you and Hermione, and your habit of constantly consciously and unconsciously intertwining and sharing your magic since you were six years old, has bound the pair of you together."

"I doubt it's possible anymore to tell where one of you ends and the other one begins. You have woven your souls and magic together so completely that you've become soul-bonded." James added.

"Which means that if one of you truly dies, the other will probably follow along almost immediately." Lily finished, and Hermione was stunned at the fact that Harry had chosen in that moment whether the both of them would live or die. "Perhaps the bond isn't quite that advanced yet, but even if it isn't she is alone back there right now."

"Alone in a cold, dark graveyard surrounded by Death Eaters."

Harry straightened at that, and Hermione felt a swell of love for the boy. She could see the change in him. One second he had been wondering whether he should stay here with his parents, but the moment they had reminded him she was in danger, there was no choice anymore.

He even lost some of his solidity, as though he was already partway to going back.

"That's our boy. But there is still more we need to tell you." Lily said, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead.

"Sorry," Harry mumbled, bowing his head.

"Don't be sorry for that, Harry," James said. "We didn't die for you so you could join us at fourteen. We want you to live a long and happy life. You and that wonderful family you've built. Thanks for getting Remus and Sirius out of their respective prisons too." Harry just nodded in reply.

"Listen closely, Harry." His mother said, and he turned to face her. "You survived tonight because all those years ago, Voldemort had a small piece of his soul shear off and lodge in the scar he gave you. It's gone now." She pointed to a misshapen red smear streaking its way away from the family looking like a large scarlet slug of rotting meat. Harry scowled at the disgusting sight.

"That was inside me?"

"The soul is not so physical, sweetie. It both did and didn't look anything like that when it was inside of you. The important part is that it is out now." She ran her fingers softly over the space where he knew his scar lay. "That is what was causing you so much pain. It was leeching off of you, trying to get back to the rest. And it was trying to take your magic with it."

"It is also why you can choose to go on living," James said. "A one-time killing curse protection. Though your tie to Hermione certainly helps as long as she is alive as well. The loose soul took the damage, so you are still alive down there and can wake up. You can go back to that wonderful girlfriend of yours. We can feel her, you know, even here and now, wrapped around you tightly. That's how much she loves you, Harry."

"Treat her well, and make sure you tell her how much she means to you every day. She is quite the catch, sweetheart." Lily added and Hermione felt her face flush deeply at the praise from Harry's family.

"There are more of those pieces. They need to be destroyed before Voldemort can truly die. We think that's what this thing," James indicated the presence, "wants doing. I guess it's not happy Voldemort is messing with the natural order."

"Ideally, find someone else to do it. Help if you must, but stay safe, Harry. We love you dearly, and for that reason, we do not want to see you here again for a very long time. Is that understood?" Lily asked, squeezing him tightly.

Harry nodded. "I promise."

His mother pulled back and turned his tear-streaked face to hers. "We love you, Harry James Potter. More than words could ever convey. And we are so proud of the man you are becoming."

"Give them hell, son. Take no prisoners, and live a better life than we did. We will always be watching, and we'll be here when you're done. Manymanyyears from now." James said happily holding his boy in his arms.

"And one last thing, if you would be so kind as to pass along a little message for us, we'd be ever so grateful," Lily said as the memory faded and Hermione felt herself back on the couch in the arms of her own family.

Released from sharing the memory Harry had immersed himself in.


Harry glanced back up as Nym spoke.

"Only you, Shorty, could accidentally manage to form a bond of the most ancient and pure magic we know of. I always wondered how the two of you were so close."

"Huh?" Harry replied, looking at his cousin in confusion.

"You weren't listening quite closely enough there, Nymphadora," Andi said, an almost proud look on her face as she looked over at the centre couch. "HarryandHermione, that's what Lily was saying. Always sharing their magic, consciously and unconsciously. Always reaching for one another at every moment. Bathing in each other's magic all day and night. You two have wound your very essences together."

Harry glanced at Hermione and she smiled at him in return. He could see she didn't think this was in any way a bad thing, and he could feel her magic winding tighter around him even now. She was happy, more than happy at the explanation.

"I can't think of anyone I'd rather be bonded to."

"I thought soul bonds were supposed to be ordained from on high?" Ted asked.

"Superstition," Andi told her husband. "That presence Harry described. He's described it before during our lessons. When he described the ritual they underwent." She finished, reminding the children.

Harry nodded, now sure of it after reliving the memory over again. He could see that Hermione had also made the same connection. now, too The hovering presence had been the same one that had judged him to be of age. The same one that had been so heavy that Hermione had passed out under the weight of it.

"The how of it has been lost to time," Andi continued, "but there was a period where a soul bond was considered the highest form of love. Though it was incredibly difficult to prove one had occurred until death. There is no greater commitment to another person than to tie your soul and life to theirs. For when one of you dies, the other will follow. Every single recorded bond has been that way."

"So be careful." Harry echoed his parents' words. "I promise." He said, looking into Hermione's glowing brown eyes.

"A marvellous mystery of magic, but if we can continue? There are a dozen dead and wounded Death Eaters needing explaining, if you don't mind." Bones said, returning them all to the topic at hand.

"Sorry," Harry said, wiping his eyes before he settled back into his memory of the night just passed. "I opened my eyes, and there she was. Crouched behind a headstone, crying. She stopped and I could feel her there, all in and around me like never before. It was even better than being in the arms of my parents. And that's when I remembered where we were.

"What that lot were planning to do. I stretched my arm in their direction, and I cast. It wasn't even a spell. Just anger and a need to hurt them. Whatever it was exploded." Harry said with a smirk, recalling the feeling of bodies being flung apart.

"We need to pay for Sandra's headstone to be put back. It was ever so handy, though." Hermione said. "I banished it into their midst as hard as I could and I saw several of them fall."

"That's what made that cracking sound? I'll bet that hurt. I jumped up and Riddle spun to face me. He tried to force me back down, but without that piece of him inside me, I had full access to my magic now."

"Bet that put the fear of death into the fool," Moody smirked.

"He certainly seemed to be on the back foot now. I suppose failing to murder someone twice would leave a person a little put out. I could feel that Hermione had the Death Eaters covered, so I focused on Riddle. I batted aside anything else that came my way, but my eyes never left his. He wasn't going to get a chance to fulfil his threat." Harry growled.

"Sure sounds like you've proven our estimate wrong," Ted said quietly.

"How so?"

"When you beat Hermione's couple of year-old record, we figured that she could have probably set an even higher one now. But I don't think anyone can outdo what you did there. You were in so much pain that you couldn't even feel your magic, even unconsciously until Riddle threatened her. You broke your bindings and started duelling him."

"He's right, Harry. What I felt through your magic, I could barely crawl it was so painful. I cast one spell and it nearly made me pass out. You overcame that. Your resolve is incredible." She said, pressing a kiss to his lips once more.

"No one is taking you from me. Any of you." Harry whispered. "Riddle struggled to match my spells now. And I saw more and more of his followers fall as limbs came free. Even redirected a few of Riddle's spells into his peons."

"Incredible that you can stand against him. I have fought Tom in the past, and he is a formidable duellist." Dumbledore said. "I'm not thrilled to hear you dealt with his followers so brutally though."

Harry turned to stare at the man and moved to speak when several other voices beat him to it.

"Never start a fight," Ted started.

"If you find yourself in a fight," Remus continued, "be firm, and fair, but do not toy with your opponent."

"Should you find yourself in a fight to the death," Nym added, "do not hold back."

"And make sure that the other side is the one doing the dying. The Family Rules of Engagement." Andi finished.

"As we've been taught since we first purchased our wands," Hermione said finally.

"You do not think that a tad excessive?" Dumbledore asked, his question directed at the adults.

"We fought a war as young adults, Dumbledore. And we lost." Sirius growled. "Lost because we didn't take the fight truly seriously. We will not allow our charges to make our mistakes."

"Damn straight," Moody said, toasting the Rules and taking another strong swig from his flask. "The only safe enemy is a dead one."

"I don't like the idea of killing anyone," Harry said, drawing attention back to himself, "but I am not going to die for fair. We came close tonight. A foolish promise could have been the death of me. Sorry, Nym."

"Don't apologise to me," she replied, blushing in embarrassment. "I should be apologising to you. I nearly got you killed because I felt we cheated."

"I agreed in principle. And it worked out in the end, but going forward, I am not pulling my punches with those people. A pair of teenagers showed up in that graveyard tonight, and full-grown adults who bought their way out of trouble last time wasted no time in trying to murder them both and bring back a violent psychopath. People like that will get no quarter from me."

Harry finished firmly, staring down the old man behind the desk across the room.

"As the law enforcement officer in the room, I will remind everyone that there is no limit on the level of magic allowed in self-defence." Bones said, looking between the two and getting a nod from Dumbledore. "Having said that, some of what I saw on your wands… What you two seemed to have done tonight... Immensely powerful explosive charms. Advanced cutting curses. Macnair has no ribcage, for pity's sake. It's just gone. He was crushed to death in minutes under the weight of his own body, but it would have been a slow and painful death."

"You made it work?" Sirius said excitedly.

"Yes," Hermione replied, smiling at the eager man. "In the heat of the moment, the method became clear. And not one person I cast that spell on sent another one in our direction after it hit." She finished, facing Bones straight on.

"I'm not judging here, yet. Just stating the facts as I saw them. Please, continue."

Harry shrugged and started again. "Once Hermione was at my shoulder, things were just like our practice fights. We covered each other as we cast our spells at the enemy, though this time we didn't stick to prank spells. Riddle did manage to get one spell through, a cruciatus curse, but after the pain of earlier, it wasn't even a slight tickle and didn't slow me down at all."

"I still wish you wouldn't take spells like that. It always makes me panic for a moment."

"In this case, it inspired you. Why don't you tell them?"

Hermione gave him a look before she turned to face Andi. "I finally pulled it off in a fight. A flame whip spell."

"Really? Congratulations dear. That's quite the achievement." Andi said, a broad smile on her face.

"The whip nearly hit Riddle, but he was fast enough to avoid it," Harry explained. "But it caught the Death Eater behind him in the shoulder. Ripped him open. Thinking back on it now, I think he was one of the two who tied me up."

"Lucius Malfoy." Bones said simply. "A very rich man who certainly won't be buying his way out of this."

"Why not?" Snape asked from the corner, speaking for the first time during the discussion.

"Because that whip opened him up from neck to navel. He is dead. Or soon will be if he's still somehow hanging on." Bones replied, staring at the professor.

"A quick flick of her wrist and Hermione caught the three that foolishly charged at us too," Harry said. "But I saw Riddle's shock and took advantage. Another blasting curse, aimed for where I thought he would stop in his evasion. I misjudged. Only managed to catch him in the hand instead."

Bones pulled a bag from her jacket. "Remember when you handed that over to me, Lupin?" She asked, shaking the pieces before placing the bag on the desk.

"Seems like forever ago now. Pettigrew had it on him when we found him." Remus noted. "I guess he must have been nearby that night."

"Not that it will be causing any more harm now. Damn fine work there, Potter." Moody said with a twisted smile.

"Interesting," Dumbledore said, staring at the pieces. Harry wondered what the man found so fascinating, but he did not elaborate. "Please, do continue."

Harry scowled at the mysterious man, but did so regardless. "After that, Riddle ran away, now missing about two-thirds of his right arm. We stunned the Death Eaters to stop the noise and were about ready to rest. That's when the snake came calling. We managed to subdue it, but it was oddly resistant to magic," Harry said, turning to Hermione who squeezed his hand.

He could feel Dumbledore shift forward in his chair at that statement, and Harry wondered what the old man was thinking now.

"We tried several spells that should have killed her quickly and easily. But none of them worked. I had to go for absolute overkill." Harry explained. "Conjured a ball of rock and filled it with energy. Turned it into a ball of molten rock which crushed and burned away the head."

"And what happened next?" Dumbledore asked, seemingly very interested in this part of events.

"What did you think would happen to a creature with its head buried in white hot molten rock?" Harry growled. "She died."

Dumbledore leaned back, looking pensive for a moment before he reached down and used his wand to open a drawer in his desk. The moment the spell connected with whatever wards had been protecting its contents, Harry shot to his feet, a deep growl leaving his chest as he snapped his fingers.

Hermione was beside him in an instant and with a snap of her own fingers, Dumbledore was suddenly forced back into his chair at the odd angle, unable to move.

Harry's spell had shifted an item from the drawer, and it now hovered in the air in the centre of the room. He was almost sick as he felt the now familiar darkness inside the pages of the slowly spinning book. It was evil and he wanted to burn it to ash, but he could feel filaments of magic branching off of it.

He turned his eyes from the book to the frozen Headmaster, looking at him out of the corner of his eyes. "How do you have one?" Harry demanded icily.

The Headmaster twitched, and Hermione snapped her fingers again, the man's long thin wand suddenly appearing in her hands as the other adults in the room finally seemed to realise what the pair were doing and began drawing wands of their own.

"SIT!" Harry shouted, his flaring magic forcing them all back into place before he stared at Dumbledore again. "Why do you have a piece of Riddle's soul!"

Snape managed to draw his wand and stepped forward, but Harry ignored him, noting as Sirius stepped between him and the professor.

"Try it Snivellus. I will end you."

"Everyone calm down." Bones demanded, still trying to get out of her seat. But she was unable to stand under the pressure from Harry's surging magic.

Harry stepped closer to the frozen Headmaster. "I said, how do you have a chunk of Riddle's soul? Hermione, let him speak."

Holding the slender wand tightly, Hermione snapped her fingers again and Dumbledore nearly fell out of his chair. "Stand down, Severus."

"What?" Snape growled, clearly wanting to curse the man before him.

"Stand down. This is not why we are here. Tom is the enemy, not Potter or Black. Put your wand away."

Sirius gave a gleeful smirk as he waved his wand in a downward motion in Snape's direction.

"You as well, Sirius. I mean none of you any harm. Not that it seems I could even if I wanted to." He said, looking forlornly at the wand now held tight in Hermione's grip. "It was confiscated. Almost four years ago now. A student tried to bring it into the school. The dark magic was detected and it was taken from them." Dumbledore explained as the former school rivals stepped back and Harry moved closer.

"Why have you not destroyed it? You clearly seem to know what it is." Andi asked.

"Indeed I have my suspicions. And I have tried. Multiple times. It seems such creations are not easily damaged."

"I can feel others," Harry said, staring at the book in disgust. "One of them is close."

"Albus." A new voice called as the door opened once more. In stepped Minerva McGonagall, who immediately froze upon noticing the odd gathering of people. She noted the wand in Hermione's hand and shook her head before focusing back on the Headmaster. "Fudge is coming. He would not take no for an answer, and he…"

She trailed off as everyone in the room felt the change. Harry's eyes shifted to his godfather who had almost returned to his seat when the feeling struck and he immediately dropped in place, shifting into Padfoot and quivering on the floor.

Harry raised his right hand, his fingers closing around his wand as he spun to face the open doorway, heavy footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs and a cold dread followed in their wake. "Dumbledore. Dumbledore!"

"YOU BROUGHT THEM INSIDE!" Harry shouted, utterly pissed at the mounting stupidity on display. "THIS IS A SCHOOL!"

Hermione took a step forward standing beside him as the two raised their wands and cast in unison. Two bright blurs shot from their wand and the pair uttered a single word together. "Kill."

The two bright spectral cats shot forwards, the large Kitty quickly outpacing the smaller Dawn as they shot through the doorway as the figure reached the top.

It gave a cowardly squeak of fear as the solid patronus rammed into it, knocking it to the floor and sending the lime green hat in its hands flying. Using the prone figure as a launchpad, Kitty leapt forward and took the cloaked figure at the top of the steps in its jaws, crushing it as momentum carried both tumbling down the stairs, crashing into the pink-clad fool following along behind the first person.

Dawn savaged the next dementor with her razor-sharp claws, hissing at the beast as she disembowelled it without mercy.

Kitty finished savaging the one in her mouth before she rose and targeted the next in line. With another fearsome leap, Kitty took two more figures to the ground and ripped them apart, Dawn once more leaping over her and joining the fray.

High-pitched screams of terror left the hollow mouths of the monsters as they were utterly destroyed, and everyone in earshot quivered in fear at the sound.

A few moments passed once the stairwell fell silent before a heavy padding sound could be heard heading back up the stairs. Kitty crested the top of the stairs once more, several scraps of dark cloth hanging from her teeth as she came to stand over the still-quivering figure on the landing.

Harry could smell something awful coming from the man as he stared into the spectral jaws now spreading wide and stretching towards him.

The pink-clad flaky behind was lying unconscious on the stairs, judging from her angle, and the fact she wasn't reacting to Kitty's back paw standing heavily on her twisted leg.

Kitty leered at the pitiful man who had brought monsters into the school building, her actions showing Harry's immense displeasure at him. Dawn appeared over Kitty's shoulders, having obviously climbed atop the larger cat and now she lay flat on Kitty's back, settling along her neck, peering over her head and occasionally swiping her dangling paws at the terrified figure.

Harry turned to face his godfather, who was looking at him curiously as Andi, Remus and Ted conjured patronus shields around the dog. Harry stepped closer, looking into the dog's big brown eyes and he knelt beside it, pulling the dog into a tight hug.

He didn't know how long he stayed there, but when he felt human arms replace the animal figure, he pulled back.

"Thanks, kiddo," Sirius said, smiling at him. "Oddly enough, feeling those beasts again has done more to convince me that this is all real than anything else. I understand now that something so dark and evil could never have come up with all the great moments we've shared since I got you back."

Harry smiled at Sirius and pulled him into another hug, not caring that his patronus was still tormenting the man who had brought those monsters close enough to Sirius to begin with. But before long, his mind returned to the issue at hand.

Those creatures had solidified the reality of what was coming in his mind.

"Back to the matter at hand, we all know what we have to do next." He said plainly.

"We do?" Bones asked in confusion, still obviously stunned by what she had just seen. Her wand held loosely in her hand as she stared out the doorway.

"After that, it's not obvious?" Hermione asked the adults curiously.

Most of their audience seemed baffled by the statement, and Harry sighed. "Riddle's next move will be against Azkaban."

"Agreed," Dumbledore said softly and the others still looked confused.

"He lost how many Death Eaters tonight?" Hermione asked Bones.

"At my count, six dead. Another seven were seriously injured or splinched so badly they needed Reversal to correct it, but are likely to live. Though they'll be going directly into custody the moment Reversal are done. Two that could go either way."

"Huh," Harry mused. "So only Riddle and two others actually managed to get away by my rough count."

He turned to Hermione who nodded in agreement. "Given that means he's lost almost his entire force of free agents, he needs to rebuild his forces fast. The single greatest concentration of Riddle's natural allies is the prison."

"Eleven of his Death Eaters currently reside there," Dumbledore said, "along with almost three dozen former associates and a slew of other malcontents with a grudge against society. And the Dementors will gleefully join him the moment he offers." Dumbledore finished, drawing a curt nod from Harry before he turned to Hermione.

"I don't want to leave Sirius right now. Can you please go and get him?" Harry asked softly.

She nodded again, snapping her fingers and summoning the Orb to her hands before she vanished into thin air.

"How does she do that?" McGonagall asked no one in particular.

"The portkey wards had to be adjusted for tonight's event. I have not had the chance to adjust them back yet." Dumbledore explained incorrectly, though Harry felt no need to correct him.

Hermione returned a moment later with a stuffed animal in her hands, the Orb once more safely tucked away. She smiled at him as she handed over the tiny figure and Harry then held it out to Sirius.

"Keep this safe. He's going back the moment Riddle is dealt with. But I am not risking him going free again." Harry explained, and Sirius looked at him confused before he inspected the stuffed animal closer.

A wide grin spread over Sirius's face. "Is he conscious?"

"Not right now. I stunned him so he wouldn't hear what we discussed, but he'll wake in a few hours. Though he won't be able to move. Play nice Sirius." Hermione said with a smirk at the man.

"Oh, I have just the perfect spot for him. I'll make sure he doesn't get away again." Sirius growled gleefully.

"What is that?" Bones asked, trying to see the figure in Sirius's grip from her poor angle.

Hermione turned to face her, wand still in hand and Bones looked surprised to see the second wand she had taken from them was liberated from its secure bag. "We couldn't take the risk that Riddle would set him free. Not after what Remus went through to catch him the first time."

"Wait, that's…" Bones looked at the pair in disbelief. "No portkey could have gotten you in there so fast."

"I didn't use a portkey," Hermione said plainly.


"You do not need to know right now," Remus said, covering for the two children. "Suffice to say that the moment it is safe to do so, Pettigrew will be put back in the same cell. Though you may want to inform the guards of his absence so they don't sound the alarm."

"Is there any way to prevent the Dementors from joining Riddle?" Harry asked, directing the question to Dumbledore, as the only one who seemed to understand the gravity of their current position. Even if he had failed to destroy the filthy book still hovering in the air nearby.

"Not that I am personally aware of. He will offer them free reign to feed as they like, something the Ministry cannot counter. Though, before tonight, I was of the belief that they could not be killed either. Something you have achieved twice now."

"Who taught you to cast the patronus?" Moody asked gruffly, more curious than anything.

"Remus," Hermione explained. "After Sirius told us what they were like, we had nightmares about the Dementors. It was tricky, but we got it in the end."

"Got it in the end." Moody laughed. "Half the Ministry can't manage that spell. Much less do what you two just did."

"Given the state of their education for the past twenty years, I'm not surprised." Hermione retorted, gaining another chuckle from the gruff man.

"Yes, well, the curse has proven rather difficult to shift." Dumbledore countered.

"That's because it is tethered to something. Something I never actually managed to find." Moody growled, finally seeming upset at something during the discussion. "Tracked it as far as the seventh floor, but could never actually locate the damned thing. Just erected a massive ward to keep its effect to a minimum."

"You mean it's still there?" Hermione asked, turning to Harry with a knowing look.

Harry glanced at the book, still hovering in midair slowly spinning on its axis. "It could be. There is definitely one here. I can feel it. But I'm not quite sure where yet."

Dumbledore sat forward once more. "One here?"

Harry glanced at the man and was reminded that the floating one was found in his possession. "Yes, another one."

A thought occurred to him based on the timing Dumbledore had explained and Harry called out. "Dobby."

A crack sounded and the tiny elf appeared in front of Harry. "Hello, Harry Potter." It smiled at him.

"Hello, friend. Remember the message you wanted to give me all those years ago?" Harry asked, and Dobby nodded. "Did it have anything to do with that?"

Harry pointed at the book and Dobby turned, jumping in surprise when he saw the obviously familiar artefact.

"Yes, that is it. Master's nasty book." Dobby spun back to look at Harry. "How did you find it?"

"It was confiscated," McGonagall said. "But how is it you know about it?"

"Dobby," Harry said, considering the events of the night and what Bones had told him, drawing the elf's eye back to himself. "What happens to an elf when its master dies?"

Dobby's eyes widened for a moment before they shut tightly and he appeared to concentrate on something hard. The elf gave a loud gasp and shot at Harry, wrapping him in a firm hug. Before Harry could react, the elf let go and shot at Hermione, who caught him deftly.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." The elf kept repeating.

"It's at its weakest. He must be close. Come here Dobby." Harry instructed.

The elf let go of Hermione and scuttled quickly back to stand before Harry. He raised his hand and waved it slowly over Dobby, inspecting the thread that kept him tied to his family.

A family Harry now realised to be the Malfoys.

As Lucius lay dead or dying, the already weak connection was even weaker. If left in place, it would shift to the cruel man's heir within the next few hours. Harry wrapped one hand around the thread and with the other, he chopped through the air, all his magic concentrated on his hand as it cut through the wavering connection.

The thread severed, but it immediately wrapped around Harry's hand and followed it as it continued downward. The tiny elf shuddered several times, seeming to be having a fit before he fell forward into Harry's surprised arms.

"Dobby? Are you alright" He asked frantically.

"Dobby is ok." The elf said softly, shaking in his arms. "Dobby has never been so happy. Thank you, Master."

Harry pulled back and looked at the elf and he could see that the severed thread had latched onto him, meaning Dobby had joined his family as well.

"Oh, I hadn't meant for that to happen. But, welcome to the family, Dobby. We're happy to have you."

"You can't do that." McGonagall gasped, watching in disbelief. "An elf can only be freed by their master."

"Well, Dobby's former master was a bastard. And now he's almost dead, the connection was weak enough to break. He deserved so much worse than what you did, Hermione."

She nodded her agreement, watching Dobby and Harry closely. "Please tell me he went slow," Hermione asked Bones, who looked completely gobsmacked by what was occurring in front of her.

The woman simply nodded, unable to speak right now.

"Look, this is all taking too long," Harry said, gesturing for Dobby to sit with the other elves. "Riddle is back, and you lot need to move to stop him now. Before he frees his strongest supporters."

"We?" Dumbledore asked, looking at Harry once more.

"Yes, you. The adults. People in positions of power and responsibility. The head of law enforcement, the head of Hogwarts and the head of the Ministry itself. You should have dealt with all of this last time around. My parents died to give you all a reprieve, and what have you done with it?

"At least thirteen Death Eaters showed up tonight, the moment he called them. We have given you what you need. Advance warning that Riddle is back, heck we even took a significant chunk of his allies away from him for you. Make the most of it."

"I am afraid it is not so simple as that, Mr Potter," Dumbledore said, looking pained as if he truly did not want to part with the information he was about to reveal. "There is a proph…"

"We know all about the stupid prophecy." Hermione interrupted, drawing a shocked look from the ancient man.


"Does that really matter? The point is we know." Harry stated. "We liberated the orb from the Ministry years ago." Dumbledore blanched and Harry scowled. "Yeah, I'd be worried if I were you too. Not many people with the initials APWBD. Tell me this, did you knowhegave it to Riddle when you employed him here?"

Harry's eyes flicked to the dark figure curled in the corner who had not moved in some time. Minerva spun to see where Harry's eye led and her face fell. "Albus. Tell me you didn't."

"Severus has been, and yet will be, invaluable in our efforts against Tom," Dumbledore replied, not looking at the woman.

Harry's scowl deepened and suddenly he was across the room, both of Snape's wrists in hand as he twisted them forcefully, using his magic to augment his strength as he dug his fingers into the flesh hard.

The sallow man yelped in pain and fell to his knees under the augmented assault, Harry tightening his grip around the man's right wrist until the wand he was clutching fell loose.

Harry could feel Hermione at his back, holding the adults back if one should seek to interfere right now, as Harry looked down at the man in disgust.

"Somehow, despite what they know you did, both of my parents want me to pass you a message." Harry leant in close, making sure his face was all that Snape could see. James Potter's face and Lily Potter's eyes staring into the man's broken soul. "Grow up."

Snape looked immediately taken aback. "What?"

"You heard me. Grow up. Stop taking your own self-loathing out on the world, on your students." Harry scowled at the man in disgust, but he had promised to pass the message along. "If it were solely up to me, I'd end you right now for what you have done. For what you have taken from me. The only reasons you're still alive are the fact you weren't at that graveyard, and that my parents want to give you a chance. Both of them.

"Waste it this time, and nothing will protect you from them when you finally pass from this world. My mum in particular has some fun ideas ready to repay you for what you've done. And I will be more than happy to be the one who sends you to them."

Harry kicked the man's wand away before he vanished back to the other side of the room where Natalie quickly wrapped him up in her arms and Harry allowed some of the night's tension to flow out into the motherly embrace. He was becoming very tired of people looking to him as their saviour when all he wanted was to be a normal teenage boy. Something he could at least pretend to be in the woman's loving embrace. He just knew that Natalie would be glaring at those who had driven him into her arms.

It also showed how loathed the man was by most people in the room now that neither Moody nor Bones reacted to Harry's blatant threat in the slightest.

"Be that as it may, we still have to deal with the matter of tonight. And what exactly you seem to expect of us going forward." Bones said, trying to direct the topic back onto the right course.

"We expect you to do your jobs," Hermione stated, her hand gently rubbing Harry's back as she addressed the adults. "Prophecy or not, we are children. If Riddle is foolish enough to challenge us, we will end him. But you are the ones who have the power to act to reduce his threat now. Remove the Dementors…"

"We can't do that." Fudge squeaked from the doorway, where he had crawled slowly under the growling watch of Kitty. "The voters would have me strung up."

Harry turned out of the embrace and stared at the fool who was still staring up into the spectral jaws above him.

"You have two choices. You can continue to be a witless coward, and become known as the man who stood aside and let Voldemort," Harry used the made-up name intentionally, watching the Minister squirm and squeal at the term as Kitty growled, "run rampant across the country once again. Or, you can grow a backbone and stand firm.

"Be the man who stood strong against the tyrant. Go down in history as the Minister who prevented the war before it could even truly start. Without an army of Death Eaters and Dementors, Riddle is just a man. Destroy all of those," Harry pointed at the black book once more, "and anyone can kill him. Even you."

"But… but…" Fudge mumbled.

"This is not my fight. I will protect me and mine. But children should not fight wars. Fix your mistakes." Harry finished, glaring at Dumbledore once again. "Now if you lot don't mind, I'm exhausted. Between the maze and the graveyard, and all of this… I need a nice long lie down."

Ignoring the protests, with a thought Harry popped himself and the woman still holding him to the safety of the Manor, knowing Hermione, Nym and the elves would handle the others. Perhaps they could discuss more tomorrow, but for now, he needed sleep.

And the company of the one person who would always stand beside him, no matter what.

Chapter 41: Morning After

Chapter Text

Sunday, 25th June 1995.

Hermione drifted slowly through the shallow depths of rest as her brain began to notice things around her once more.

The dull light through the curtains. The soft and distant cries of the animals that had been brought into this bubble gave it life beyond just the Potter family. But as she floated through that state one thing immediately woke her properly as she felt the absence of warmth around her, both physical and magical.

Opening her eyes, she saw the figure stepping through the doorway, treading quietly out into the hallway beyond. She sat up and rubbed away the last of the sleep, tucking the loose strands of her wild hair back over her ears and out of her face.

Why was Harry creeping around the house?

She climbed out of his bed and followed him quietly, the boy making his usual path to the library where they soon learned what happened to the rest of the family the night before. Every seat was filled with their family, human and elf, and they were all fast asleep.

Even the people in the picture frame were slumbering, most having found a comfortable chair or surface to rest on. Harry softly stepped past the sleeping people and stood before the large frame containing his extended family.

His left hand stretched out and realization settled over Hermione as she moved closer.

She knew that he could sense her there, but she remained quiet as his fingers ran over the surface of his painted father's sleeping face. Even from her position behind him, she could feel the shift in his emotion and the tears that accompanied it. Harry was crying for his loss once more. Hermione felt pain, shared through their bond once more, but this time it wasn't agony, it was grief.

For so long now, the two of them had understood that the figures in the painting weren't truly Harry's parents' souls. That was not how the magic of portraits worked. Some errant sliver of the soul might touch the paint as it crossed the threshold, but after last night, Harry now knew for certain that these two people were not his parents, and he was heartbroken at the loss.

He had been too young when they had originally been taken away. One moment they were playing, the next, they were raising him from inside a painting. But after last night, he finally truly understood the absence and, for the first time in his life, Harry was finally mourning for his parents.

Hermione's arms wrapped around Harry as he pressed his fingers harder into the paint and sobbed physically, though still remaining quiet enough to not wake those behind them.

"I'm sorry, Harry," Hermione whispered into his ear, pressing a gentle kiss to his damp cheek.

Harry simply nodded and pulled his hand away as the pair noticed that James had woken under Harry's touch.

"Harry?" The man asked quietly, his movement enough to wake the woman resting on his chest as well.

The images of the two Potters rubbed their eyes as they sat forward and looked at their son staring at them, tears filling his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Lily asked, and Hermione could see how much the woman wished she could reach out of the paint and touch her child.

"You really aren't them, are you?" Harry finally said, grief filling his voice.

Hermione gripped her boyfriend tighter as his body began to heave with heavier sobs, and both the figures in the painting seemed to sag somewhat in response.

"No, Harry." His father said softly. "We are but a memory of them. Though by the sounds of it, you got to meet the real deal last night."

Harry nodded in reply, his fingers reaching out again but pausing part of the way to the picture.

"We are as close as one can get to the real thing in this world after death. But while we aren't the true souls of them, we are still your parents, Harry." Lily said, smiling softly at him.

Harry looked up and Hermione felt the confusion in him at the statement. But she understood the comment.

"Harry," she said, drawing his attention, "who raised you?"

Harry's eyes flicked to the painting for a moment before he glanced over his shoulder at the sleeping elves.

"They did." He said, indicating both the picture and elves.

"Exactly." She said with a knowing smirk.

"Harry," Lily said, drawing his eye back to the two Potters in the painting. "We might not be the ones that physically gave birth to you, but we did raise you."

"Surely you can think of us as your adoptive parents at the very least?" James said, kneeling so that he was looking up at Harry's downcast face. "We both love you dearly, and we've given you everything we could. Hoped that we raised you right."

"From what the others told us about yesterday, we certainly succeeded there," Lily added.

"They're right. They are still your mum and dad, Harry." Hermione reassured him and Harry sniffled a few times, the sharper noise echoing in the space as he wiped away the tears that stained his cheeks.

Harry nodded again before he stepped out of Hermione's arms and right up to the surface of the painting, hugging the canvas and the figures within.

Hermione tried to hold back her own tears. She knew Harry longed to touch his parents, and last night he had been given that chance after so long, but now he was back here in the real world, and they were once more beyond his reach.

She wanted to do something, anything to lessen the pain Harry was feeling.

A hand on her shoulder drew her attention and Hermione noticed her own mother standing beside her. Natalie smiled at her, a sliver of pain keeping the gesture from being its usual comfort as she knelt behind Harry and tapped his shoulder. The boy turned and when Natalie opened her arms to him, he fell into them and began sobbing softly once more.

Several more figures in the painting seemed to have awoken at the sounds. James and Lily held each other tightly as they watched their child taking comfort in the arms of another mother. Neither begrudged Natalie the fact that she could hold their child when they couldn't. They were both immensely grateful that Harry had the Grangers. And that they'd been a part of his life for so long now.

Sounds of movement behind her indicated to Hermione that the others had risen at the sounds as well, and were now watching Harry unload some more of his pain from the events of the day before.

Hermione stepped over and wrapped Harry between herself and her mother, knowing that their embrace was not the same as what he had experienced the night before, but it was the best they could provide.

His sobs slowed as they held him and eventually, his breathing returned to normal. She could feel the pain lessen in his heart, but it did not vanish altogether. She was sure it would be there until the day Harry finally crossed over for good. But until that day, she would be there for him, beside him.

"I love you, Harry." She whispered into his ear and she felt the smile that drew from him.

"Evidently. So much that you're stuck with me forever now." He said sarcastically as he pulled out of the embrace.

"I'll admit, that little tidbit was a surprise," Natalie said, gently wiping some of the renewed tears from Harry's face. "But you've been a part of our family for so long now, I don't think it changes anything, do you?"

"No," Harry replied as he stepped back and noticed everyone was now awake and looking at him. "Sorry."

"Harry, do not apologize for your tears," Ted said firmly. "You went through so much yesterday, I think a little crying is allowed. It would be even if nothing occurred. Emotions are your right as a human being, do not squash them down and hide when you hurt."

"You're handling all of this a whole lot better than I think I would," Sirius said from his position slowly sliding off Harry and Hermione's usual chair.

"Maybe it just hasn't really sunk in yet?" Harry said, looking at his godfather before his eyes drifted over the others. "I suppose, now everyone is here and awake, that we all want to discuss what happened yesterday a little more," Harry said quietly.

Sirius, who was almost falling out of the chair already, transformed into his animal form and quickly jogged over to the longer couch on which Moony was now sitting, having shifted up from where he had been draped over the full length of the seat.

Harry nodded to his godfather and he and Hermione quickly took their usual seat, facing the family.

"You don't have to if you don't want to," Nym said, sitting in the only other single-seater chair. "But we're here for you if you need us." She reassured Harry.

Hermione slipped her arm behind Harry and tucked the pair of them closer together. She could feel the difference in Harry here compared to the office the night before. Then he had been holding back, trying to keep his guard up around those he still did not fully trust. But here, he was opening up properly and she could feel the roiling surface of his emotions swaying from one feeling to the next.

She tried to use her own feelings pressing into him to help settle his nerves and she felt the thanks returned from him.

"I have a question," Sirius said, drawing the room's attention. "What the hell were you two thinking?" He said, directing his attention to the painting. "Giving Snivellous another chance?"

Hermione felt Harry chuckle at the statement, Sirius still seeming to accept the painting as the real deal.

"Don't look at me." James defended.

"I have a feeling, for Dad, it was a bit of a prank from beyond the grave," Harry explained. "Being the magnanimous one letting go of the grudge. I suppose being dead realigns one's priorities. It was the very last thing they asked of me. As though it wasn't terribly important, but seems as how they had the time…"

"I can't speak for the dead," Lily said, her eyes on Harry who smiled back at her, though there was still some obvious pain he was suppressing. "But I don't think I can ever forgive him for what he's done. I've not been able to hold my son in thirteen years thanks to him. Maybe the afterlife provides some level of perspective we lack. If he even thinks of crossing you, send him on. Do not take a chance with him."

"Well, we don't really need to go back to Hogwarts at all now exams are over," Hermione noted. "And even if we did, we don't take his classes regardless. We've no reason to be alone with him. Given the quality of his teaching, I don't see any reason why we would interact with him at all."

"He definitely has the Mark. I could feel it when I delivered the message. It reeks of Riddle." Harry said.

"Speaking of Riddle, just how much damage do you think you did to him last night?" Sirius asked excitedly.

"Well, he's certainly missing a big chunk of his arm," Hermione said with a vindictive smirk. "It was quite the sight to see him looking down at it in disbelief before he ran away with his tail between his legs."

Harry looked at her and gave her a soft smile, but the blush on his cheeks indicated he was a little embarrassed by the praise. "Come on, Harry. If you can't be proud of that, what can you be proud of?"

"I guess. Just wish that I had aimed it better. This might all be over if I had."

"Don't do that to yourself, Harry," Andromeda said. "You performed admirably last night under the worst circ*mstances imaginable. Both of you came back to us alive and intact. That is the most important factor."

"Not to mention those stupid soul containers he has mean he wouldn't be gone even if you had. I can't believe there is one in the bloody school." Remus muttered angrily.

"Two," Harry said darkly.

"I can't believe Albus had one just tucked away in a drawer," Charlus said from the painting, indicating how much the adults had discussed matters after they had disappeared to bed.

"I want to go back there and rip it to pieces. But what if we can use one to find the others?" Harry asked the family.

"Very little is known of soul containers these days." An ancient Potter Hermione didn't know the name of said, not moving from their seat in the far back of the painting. "There are various ways to make one, but not many would have any knowledge of the ways. Riddle was schooled in England during the early forties. I would say the most likely form of container he'd try and forge would be a Horcrux, given that timeline and locale."

"There are different types of that horrible thing?" Natalie asked in disgust.

"Surely you've heard some of the stories of the ancient pharaohs and their obsession with immortality?" Dorea said. "It was antithetical to their culture's general beliefs, given they believed that the gods would ensure they were reborn if they followed certain paths in life. But a pharaoh was the ultimate power on earth at that time. So their slaves would do whatever the mighty rulers commanded of them."

"From there," Rosalie Potter continued. "Roman and Greek invasions and explorations of Egypt would have certainly led to the spread of such concepts. And there are many such myths that come from the East as well. Attempting to evade death is a tale as old as time. And magicals have put far more research into that topic than almost any other."

Charlus nodded before continuing. "The only case I know of where someone officially and legitimately succeeded without innumerable amounts of death was Flamel and his Philosopher's Stone. He'd be, what, somewhere in his late six hundreds by now?" He finished, the question addressed to the rest of the painted family.

"It was one of the ancient Greeks," Andromeda continued, "Herpo the Foul, who figured out Horcruxes specifically. And he shares many similarities with Salazar Slytherin, whom we know Riddle considers himself a descendant of. He was also the lunatic who figured out how to birth a basilisk."

"Ironic, really," Sirius said. "Given that it was that very basilisk's venom that was used to destroy his Horcrux. One of the few known ways to destroy one."

Remus looked at his friend oddly, having never heard him discuss such foul magic before. "Don't look at me like that Moony. You've seen the home I grew up in. You can't even imagine some of the books my family has on such topics."

"Perhaps it is time for a trip down memory lane then. Some of those books might come in handy." Ted added, watching the Marauder closely.

Sirius sighed heavily and Hermione knew he was considering the pros and cons of a trip back to the home in which he had grown up.

Before Dorea and Charlus had accepted Sirius into their home, he had lived in London, in a horrible place where his family relished in their darker leanings. And made his life miserable for simply being a decent human being in a family of scoundrels.

"I'd really rather not, but if mum is truly dead, odds are high only someone of the blood could even hope to open the front door right now. I'd hate to think of what would happen if any of the Grangers were to touch it. She was off her rocker long before I ran away. Even you'd probably be at risk trying, Andi. And who knows what Kreacher is like without her bossing him about just as he likes."

"We can come along and help with Kreacher," Hermione said, finally pitching back into the conversation.

"No!" Sirius said firmly. "Neither of you have ever dealt with insanity of the like my family deals in. It is far too dangerous."

"What do you mean you can help with Kreacher?" Ted asked. "Surely Sirius would be the one to command him now, as Head of the Black family. The elf cannot disobey orders given by his master."

Hermione glanced at Harry and he gave her a nod. "We've been thinking about Dobby." She said, noticing the newest elf in their midst sit up at the mention of his name. "Long before Harry broke his bond with the Malfoys last night, he countermanded orders 'rightly' given by Dobby's master. And Dobby obeyed them."

The family all turned to look at the wee elf, who immediately shrank down under the intense scrutiny. "It's alright, Dobby. You won't come to any harm here. You know that." Harry said, smiling in his direction.

"Do you know why you were able to ignore commands from your master?" Sirius asked, curious now.

"Master Harry gave me instructions not to," Dobby said.

"But at the time, Harry was not your master?" Charlus asked.

Dobby seemed unable to say why, so Hermione stepped in for him. "Harry and I think that it is because we possess elf magic. It must give his instructions some additional power that the normal bond lacks."

"You mean to say you believe that you could countermand instructions given by any master to their elf?" Lily asked, looking fascinated at the possibility that her son might be able to single-handedly free those poor enslaved elves practically, if not entirely magically. While it was true that the Potter family owned their fair share of house-elves, a lot of those were rescues from other horrid families that they had taken in over the years. And theynevermistreated them. Especially not for their own sick pleasure. But many other families were not so kind.

Harry glanced at Hermione for a moment and she shrugged. "We've only ever done so with Dobby. The only other house-elves we have even met are those that serve at Hogwarts, and they are required to follow student instruction when it isn't against the rules." he paused. "It's not something I'd bet my life on, but we can certainly see if it's an option."

"I won't bring that mad elf here," Sirius said plainly. "If you want to, we can find somewhere safe out in the world to test your theories, but so long as he has never been here, he cannot sneak others in. I do not trust him."

Hermione had only ever garnered snippets of what Sirius's life had been like at his former home, but it seemed that his mother had delighted in using her elf to deliver mistreatment to her son whenever he displeased her. Hitting him herself would have been too much like a muggle, but having it delivered by magical proxy made it okay.

"A matter for another time then," Ted suggested, clearly sensing Sirius's discomfort at the topic and changing it accordingly. "Perhaps we might talk about this fascinating ability your patronuses seem to wield. I've never seen one so solid that it could hold a man down before."

Harry and Hermione blushed heavily at this. Ted might not have realized, but due to the nature of the patronus charm, the question had an intensely personal answer.

"What?" Sirius asked, with a wicked smirk spreading over his face upon noticing their cheeks.

"Down boy," Remus said, gently grabbing Sirius by the shoulder and pulling him back onto the couch, while offering a pitying look at the two teens. Having been the one to teach them the charm, he understood how it worked, and how the pair had come to understand its depths further than most. Like with all their studies, it wasn't enough to simply learn a spell. They always needed to dissect it and figure out how it worked. Which allowed them to do some of the insane things they did with magic. Twisting the purposes of a spell to their own ends in the casting.

"It's alright Remus," Hermione said, looking at Harry. His sigh was all the confirmation she needed. "We think it's due to the source we use. Most people use a powerful memory to fuel the charm. We don't."

The adults looked confused, none so much as the Grangers and Remus seemed to notice.

"The Patronus charm is a powerful form of defensive magic that uses a caster's innate joy in life to produce a shield of sorts against negative emotion and magic." He explained to the muggles. "The more powerful and pleasant the memories and emotions driving it, the more resistant the resultant shield becomes. With sufficiently powerful sources, the charm changes from a shield to a corporeal form. Kitty and Dawn are those corporeal forms for Harry and Hermione. My own is a wolf."

"While the shield form can hold dark creatures at bay," Harry noted, "a corporeal form can actually attack the Dementor, or other negative sources directly, instead of just being defensive. But usually, that simply drives the source back. In the case of Dementors, it seems to cause them pain to be that close to such pleasant thoughts given how they feed on such negative ones."

"What do you mean?" Andromeda said, surprised. "Everyone knows that Dementors feed on happy memories."

Hermione smiled. "Everyoneknewthat Sirius was guilty, that Harry died with his parents. Not everything that everyone knows is always right. Especially not if Sirius is correct."

Everyone turned to face the former inmate, who gave her a nasty look in return. "You'll pay for this."

"I know it hurts to think about, but It's important they know, Sirius." Harry defended, and Hermione didn't need to look at him to feel the glare he was giving his godfather in defence of her.

"Fine. After Bones's first interview, she stirred up all kinds of things that I'd forgotten. Many happy memories I'd not seen in years. But every single one of them was as crisp and clear as the day it had happened. If the Dementors had been feeding on those memories, they ought to have been damaged."

The adults looked stunned at the statement, but Sirius continued. "Once they put me back in the cell though, the bad ones returned. And the good turned sour." He paused, panting at having to remember his time in that prison, but Hermione knew last night's exposure had finally solidified his belief that he was free. "The Dementors must be feeding on how we feel when dark emotions rise to the surface. Their very presence brings them out in us. It would be a terribly inefficient method for them to feed on happiness if their presence alone suppresses it in their prey."

"And the Patronus should be a smorgasbord of those feelings for them to gorge themselves on," Hermione added. "Instead, it drives them away. Happiness hurts them, and a patronus is the most concentrated form of that which a magical can conjure. That's why it hurts them."

"I thought they were meant to be teaching you," Nym said with a broad smirk.

"They did. We just don't stop questioning once someone gives us an answer." Harry admitted. "There is always more to learn."

"How has no one ever realized that before?" Andromeda asked in disbelief.

Hermione shrugged as she replied. "Because no one in the magical world ever cared to ask those with the most experience." She nodded towards the former prisoner. "They found an explanation that fit the evidence they saw and went with it. Why research further when doing so involves exposing yourself to Dementors if you already have a viable defence? Sirius didn't understand it either until we asked him more questions about them."

"That's my girl," Richard said proudly and Hermione beamed at the praise. Her parents had always encouraged her intelligence, and meeting Harry and his family had only increased her desire to learn.

"We think..." Harry offered slowly, glancing at Hermione for her assent, which she gave. "Our patronuses are the way that they are because we don't use happy 'memories' to power them. We use the way that we feel for one another to do it."

Realization dawned on the adult faces at why the pair might have been reluctant to share their secret now. Given how immensely personal the driving energy must be. To admit it aloud, even to family, would be tremendously embarrassing.

"I thought you didn't know you felt that way until Hermione's birthday," Nym smirked, never one to miss an opportunity to tease the couple.

Hermione flushed brightly, but Harry only tightened his grip around her. "No, that's when we admitted it aloud."

"Regardless," Remus said, coming to their aid once more. "Such a powerful source of blatantly pure emotion… If happiness causes them pain, imagine how much damage pure love can achieve."

The defence left the teen couple even brighter red in embarrassment and Hermione hoped the chair might swallow them both. If she had been any less secure in her feelings about Harry, she might have popped away to avoid any further embarrassment.

"Ignore them. I love you and I'm proud to say it." Harry whispered in her ear and Hermione felt the anxiety of their relationship being the topic of discussion lessening. "Until last night, we've never had the opportunity to test them against a real Dementor. Honestly, when I encountered one in the maze, I was glad I managed to cast it at all."

Hermione snuggled tighter against him, recalling the feeling of panic from Harry before he drew comfort from her presence. And the feeling of thanks and love he'd returned to her afterwards.

"Do you think you'd be able to kill the rest?" One of Harry's ancestors asked from the family painting.

"Sorry, Archer, not by ourselves," Harry replied, and Hermione wondered what this one's story had been, as the man seemed especially disgusted by Dementors. "Maybe if a large enough group came to help."

"But none of us can do that," Nym said.

"Not to kill them," Hermione said. "If last night is any guide, it's not instant. Kitty and Dawn need to physically attack them, one by one. There is no way that the Dementors would simply stay put and wait for us to slaughter them all one at a time. They would surely rush to attack us directly while our girls destroy them. It would take a massive force of other patronuses to keep them contained. And it would be incredibly draining."

"I don't think I could stand to be that close to them ever again," Sirius admitted.

"Not exactly surprising," Richard said. "I couldn't see them, but I felt awful last night. I wouldn't want to seek that out again either."

"And you suffered in their 'care' for seven and a half years," Natalie added.

"I doubt that the Ministry would let us right now, even if we could," Harry said, and Hermione recalled Fudge's reticence to remove them the night before.

The family fell quiet.

Hermione wondered what else they could do to ensure the safety of their friends and family. She wasn't eager to fight these monsters, but last night had certainly proven that she and Harry could if they needed to. And she didn't feel right sitting back and doing nothing.

"I really don't want us to have anything to do with it, Hermione," Harry muttered from beside her and she knew he had figured out her thoughts.

"Can we not though? As they pointed out, we can kill Dementors. We can certainly take a few Death Eaters. We both felt the awful magic and soul in that book, and you can feel the tendrils it gives off. At the very least, we need to help."

"I don't want either of you going anywhere near this sh*t," Sirius said, sitting forward protectively.

"You were right last night. You should leave the adults to sort it all out." Remus agreed.

Hermione felt slightly chastised. It wasn't often that Sirius and Remus played the voice of reason in the family.

"And if we do nothing and people die when we could have helped?" She asked. "How do we live with ourselves afterwards?"

"Better remorseful and alive, than heroic and dead," Andromeda said quietly, showing a rare glimmer of the upbringing that sent her to Slytherin.

Lily gave them a soft look as she spoke. "Please promise us you won't do anything rash, without discussing it first."

Suddenly both Harry and Hermione were shaking their heads resolutely.

"Uh-uh. No. Not again." Hermione growled.

"Exactly. I learned my lesson after the Second Task. I'm never promising anything like that ever again."

"Why not?" James asked from the painting.

"You don't know what I saw in that lake. I will not give up any weapon in my arsenal in order to make people feel better." Harry said, resolute in his defiance.

Hermione just held to him firmly, trying to reassure him that the image from his nightmares would never repeat itself.

"Harry's right," Nym said. "My sense of fair play could have gotten him killed last night. If this really is going to be a war, we'd be fools to promise not to use all in our power to ensure we all survive."

Ted was ever the mediator, leaning forward as several of the others looked ready to rebut.

"Alright, let's all simmer down. None of us wants the kids involved. But if they should happen to become involved, can any of you say they'd be better off being hamstrung? You all remember Harry's face that morning."

Hermione had been told about Harry's trip to locate her, but she didn't know the specific details of the entire trip. Harry had only ever summarized it for her due to the pain of the memory.

"Point is, in this case, it doesn't matter," Hermione said defiantly, recalling a similar event that had occurred in this very room many years before. "Fact of the matter is, unless we choose to, there is no way you can stop us. Best to help us prepare than to simply forbid and hope we obey."

Natalie stood and walked over to the teens, kneeling in front of them. "Are you saying you'd disobey us if we asked you to promise that?"

"We're saying don't ask, and we won't have to lie," Harry said simply.

"I made a more important promise already," Hermione said to her mother. "To be with Harry no matter what. As much as we think it's all nonsense. Dumbledore and Riddle believe in the prophecy, and the prophecy says Harry will be involved. If he's involved, I'm involved."

Natalie's face was inscrutable, but Hermione held her nerve, not looking away.

"I'm very proud of you sweetie," Natalie said. "Perhaps, one day you'll understand what it's like to see your child warning you that you can't keep them from danger. But maybe, if we all work together to solve this, we can all make sure you never have to."

"James and Lily suggested that perhaps you both help with finding Riddle's soul. Surely that would be safer for now than sending you out to fight battles." Remus said, trying to find a way to please both sides of the argument.

He had been dealing with the children longer than any of the other living human magicals, and he understood just how impossible it was to stop them when they set their minds to something. Even though he had missed Hermione's big moment by a few days.

Natalie bowed her head, still perched in front of the teens and Hermione lifted her mother's face. "Neither of us wants to rush into danger, Mum. But we won't swear not to if it comes to it. I will not sit safely by while you or Dad are in trouble."

"Alright then," Natalie replied, standing up and hesitating for a moment before she sat on the arm of their chair and left her arm wrapped around Hermione, resting on Harry's shoulder. "How do we find these monstrous things?"

Hermione noticed that with her mother's decision to acquiesce, her father too seemed to accept she would not be kept from matters either. "I assume Natalie and I won't be of much help. I only felt the desire to write in that stupid book."

"Really? I didn't feel anything but Riddle's soul and the tendrils." Harry noted and Hermione nodded that she too had felt no such compunction.

"It was incredibly strong," Andromeda said. "If not for everything else going on, I might have been tempted."

Hermione turned to Harry with concern in her eyes. "You don't think he has…"

She knew Harry understood her question and his face fell slightly. But after a moment, his surety returned. "No. There was no taint on his magic but his own."

"Who?" Sirius asked.

"Dumbledore. He's had that diary for four years." Hermione explained.

"You know what is weird," Harry said. "He's had that diary just as long as he had my letter. I think we can all agree he'd have stored them close together. Whoever entered me into the Tournament had to have broken into Dumbledore's desk, but they left behind an actual piece of Riddle's soul?"

"Perhaps they didn't know what it was?" Lily offered from the painting.

"It has his name stamped on the back," Hermione said, "but perhaps his followers do not know his true name."

"Harry," Ted said, drawing the boy's eye. "You said you thought you might be able to use one to find the others. Can you explain that for those of us less observant than you?" The man finished with a wry smile.

Harry glanced at Hermione before he spoke. "I can feel Riddle's soul on anything it has touched. I never knew what it was all these years, but having it inside of me for so long means I can practically taste his magic now, whenever it is near me." Harry said, his voice full of disgust and Hermione pulled him closer, willing her warmth into him. "I could feel actual tendrils of it extending away from the diary. One very thick one, which I assume leads back to Riddle. The others I have to assume lead to more containers."

"You said one of them was close," Natalie said, and Harry glanced up at her, nodding. "How close?"

"It is definitely within the school."

Hermione felt a niggling thought tickle the back of her mind, but it was proving hard to catch. She allowed the discussion to filter away and tried to focus on locking it down. Rapid flashes of memory came to her mind, snippets of the conversations had last night and this morning.

Tracked it as far as the seventh floor, but could never actually locate the damned thing.

And a feeling from six months beforehand. When the pair had popped back to the school in preparation for their holiday trip, passing through the enchantments that protect the ancient building, there was something far newer in there as well. A powerful ward.

One she had felt again on her many returns to inspect the mysterious room.

She opened her eyes and found the others looking at her. "What's wrong?" Harry asked, likely having felt her epiphany and fallen silent.

"I think I know how to break the curse." She said with a smirk, before she grasped Harry's hand tightly and the pair popped out of the room to the startled shouts of the adults.


Alastor Moody groaned as he sat heavily in his chair.

The morning so far had been quiet, just the way he preferred it. Being a weekend after the exams, and a few days before the end of term, he had no more classes to teach this year, and was just preparing to consider changes to his curriculum for the next one when a loud pop startled him out of his chair, wand up.

A red stunner was already hurtling his way and he battered it aside before he noticed where the shot had come from, seeing two figures standing there, both with their wands pointed in his direction, though not held on him directly. The cheeky smirk on the boy's face indicated just where the spell had come from.

"Wakey wakey, professor." The boy said, and Moody tried not to let a smile show on his face.

"Potter. Granger. Wanna explain attacking me in my office."

"You weren't attacked, sir. Just making sure we came to the right person. Wouldn't want you to be unable to handle it. But we still don't react well to being threatened by a wand." Granger said, staring at his own raised wand.

A war raged inside of him for a moment before the ex-Auror did something he'd never done before. He lowered his wand while others held theirs against him.

"What do you want? It's a Sunday. No classes today." He asked, noting that the pair had mirrored his lowered defence, though he doubted any of them were any less prepared for a fight if needed.

"Hermione figured something out," Potter said, glancing at his girlfriend.

"Is that so? Out with it girly."

Hermione smiled. "How would you like to remove that Defence Against The Dark Arts curse?"

This surprised Alastor even more than their sudden arrival. He was already well aware of their ability to come and go from the school at will, no matter the wards that should prevent such a thing from being possible. But he'd spent every single summer since taking this position searching for that damned anchor.

"Aye, I'd like that a lot."

"Then follow us," Granger said, turning away from him in a way that had Potter raise his wand slightly once more, watching Alastor closely.

The number of people in this world that Alastor trusted could be counted on one hand. But given what these two had accomplished this year, and the fact that Albus seemed utterly sure that both would be vital to the defeat of Voldemort, he considered perhaps it might be time to add the second hand.

One finger on it at least.

He tucked his wand into his robes and nodded at the boy, following Granger as she ducked from the room. As Potter fell into step beside him, Moody noticed his wand was once again absent, and he sorely wanted to know how the boy did it. Being able to perfectly conceal a wand was a hell of a boon in a fight.

Granger led them on a rapid path through the school, ducking into secret passages that, without his eye, Moody wouldn't have even known existed. Yet these two had discovered them in only a few months in the school. His impression of them grew with each encounter.

Before he knew it, they were on the seventh floor, staring at a blank wall opposite a tapestry of a moron and some trolls. A quick assessment showed him that they were nearby to where he had lost the trail and erected his ward to weaken the curse.

That had taken a lot out of him, even with Albus, Filius and Minerva's help.

"Well?" Alastor asked the pair, and Potter just smirked proudly at his girl.

Granger stepped up to the wall and pressed her hand against it. Closing her eyes, Alastor once again had to suppress his reaction as a door appeared in the wall under her hand. It was a big, two-sided thing with large brass banding. Almost as impressive as those on the front entrance of the castle.

He glanced at Potter, being careful to slowly pull his wand and keep it from pointing at the girl. He cast the spell he had found the most success with when tracking that damnable curse and immediately got the strongest response he'd ever received. Whatever it was tied to, was in that room.

"I think you and me need to have a bit of a chat." He said, staring at the grinning teenagers.

Chapter 42: If You Know, You Know

Chapter Text

Sunday, 25th June 1995.

Tom Riddle woke with a start.

The first thing he noticed was pain. Not quite the same pain that he had felt that night so long ago. He doubted anything could ever compare to that pain. But his new body ached all over. All except for his wand arm.

He raised his head, ignoring the pain that the movement added and looked at his arm. Or what was left of it.

The terror that had subsided as he lost consciousness returned in full. At first, the boy had seemed so weak and useless. Simply twitching in agony. Not even paying attention to him as he had explained his newest victory to his assembled followers. And then, Voldemort had threatened the girl.

Potter had broken free of his bindings so violently that it surprised him. And the boy had even managed to give the mighty Lord Voldemort a challenge for a few moments. It had been thrilling. To finally have an opponent worth his time, however short it proved to be. And for a moment he considered that there truly may have been some truth to the prophecy that had led him to Godric's Hollow so many years before.

Fear had driven him then, and it had seemed to have proven true. His body had been destroyed and he was left abandoned by his supposedly loyal followers for a decade.

But then the boy had been captured and subdued so easily, by a pair of the simplistic morons that tied themselves to him for power. After the stories his spy had sent back from Hogwarts, he had expected better.

And then the boy had stood up once again. The second time he had survived the Killing Curse. And Tom had felt true soul-deep terror when he turned and saw Potter standing there. After all of his many efforts to cheat death, had his prophesized enemy found a way to actually achieve it?

He closed his eyes and saw the events again in his mind. The way the boy had fired off immensely powerful spells. As if the little duel they'd had when he threatened Potter's girlfriend had been a mere warmup for the child.

Voldemort could feel his fodder falling behind him as they pitifully attempted to intervene, and then the girl joined out of nowhere. That had allowed Potter to focus solely on him, forcing him to reduce his focus to the boy as well.

A mistake that had cost him dearly. The girl's flame whip had nearly hit him. But the boy's destructive cursehadhit him. Destroying not only his loyal wand, but most of his arm as well.

The only saving grace appeared to have been that whatever spell the boy used had not left Tom bleeding wherever he had landed.

Ignoring the pain and the memories, he glanced around to try and figure out where he was. Somehow, these walls seemed familiar.

Tom stood, glancing through the nearby window and he was filled with disgust as he recognized the view. Even if it had changed substantially in the last fifty years.

He was in Tom Riddle's old room at Wool's Orphanage.

A growl of anger ran through him as he turned from the window and noticed a child asleep in the nearby bed. They had not woken at what must have been his sudden and noisy arrival. But the child only held his attention for a moment.

What truly piqued his interest was the slender length of wood sitting on their side table. A wand.

It angered Voldemort even further that this horrible place still played host to magical beings. That the muggles still tossed them aside, as his own parents had done to him. That nothing had changed in the muggle world in the past half-century.

He hated them. Pathetic insects playing at power while those with true power hid themselves away.

Stepping over to the side table, he grasped the wand with his left hand, feeling his immense magic quickly subdue the new link the child had forged with it. They must have only recently acquired the wand, by the feel of it. And while not as good a match as his true wand had been, this would suffice for now.

Tom tried to focus himself on the magic he now needed to cast. Something that had been so easy the night before, but that now needed actual effort on his part.

He raised the wand to eye level before he closed them once more and channelled his magic carefully. This could only ever be done once, and therefore must be perfect.

The great and powerful Lord Voldemort could not be seen to be broken and fallible.

Slowly, he swept the tip of the wand over his right shoulder and down the length of what remained there. Continuing past the point of jagged torn flesh. Feeling the magic flow out of both the moving wand and the ragged, torn flesh that had been left behind. Slowly but surely covering the wound.

Further down the wand moved, and the magic shifted and flowed into the new construct from both sides. Past the wrist and onto the hand, he felt the fingers forming at the end of the new 'flesh' he had created. Only stopping once the very tips of the fingers had solidified.

Opening his eyes, he looked at the construct. The marbled flesh shimmered even in the dull light of this awful room. He clenched the fingers and watched as they precisely obeyed his commands. As he had intended, this construct had truly replaced his missing limb, as Lucius had witnessed last night when he had been gifted a similar prize for his efforts in returning his master to a proper physical form.

Though Lucius had been given a gift that befitted his nature. A true silver tongue. It amused Voldemort to think of the man wielding its intense power against those who would stand against him. Strengthening Malfoy's already wicked abilities to convince lesser minds of Lord Voldemort's cause.

But most of all, Voldemort had enjoyed the sounds of the man's screams as Macnair had ripped the original from his mouth. It filled him with joy to see how eager his followers were to brutalize at his instruction. And he sorely needed to return Bellatrix to his side.

She had a true gift for brutality that few others could hope to match.

Leaving behind such thoughts, he noticed a pair of eyes were now watching him closely. Flicking from his face to the impressive construct at his right and then to the small wand in his left hand. The child had awoken.

"What are you… that's my wand, mister." The tiny child said, sounding both awed and scared at the same time.

They must have woken in time to witness his incredible feat of magic. A chance to see a true wonder. Watching as Lord Voldemort weaved the greater magics of the world in front of them. A gift that not many could claim. But one that also needed to be balanced.

For life was not full of wonder. It was hard and cruel unless one managed to bend it to their will.

"Not anymore.Avada Kedavra." Voldemort replied in a cold voice as he flicked the tip of the wand at the pathetic child's face.

Pleasure ran through him at the feeling. To see the pitiful life flee the shocked body as his magic ended their existence for good. Something he would need to practice before attempting it on Potter once again.

As his thoughts returned to the boy once more, Tom realized that he lacked something vital in this battle. Severus had been caught that night before he could acquire the complete wording of the prophecy. Meaning that there was quite possibly important information contained in those words that he lacked.

It was the only explanation for how the boy had survived two attempts on his life by the most powerful sorcerer in existence. Something Lord Voldemort would not allow to happen a third time.

He would need to have the full prophecy, and there were only two places he could get such information. He seethed as he considered that after the disaster of last night, both would likely be equally as difficult for him to achieve. But the Ministry would still be the easier goal.

He would just need more fodder in order to ensure success.

Meaning he needed somewhere to recover and recall his forces. He would need to carefully consider his options. But he had a few places he could check for suitability. And one he would need to be careful checking if things had gone as poorly as he thought they had.

But before he could do even that, these four walls needed to come down. Permanently.

Tom looked around the pathetic place that had once been his home. A place where he had learned the truth of the world and all its vicious cruelty. A place where he had uncovered his true power. A place that others might seek out in their efforts against him.

A place that must burn.

He grinned maliciously as he cast the spell at the bed, watching the hungry flames take his most recent victim in their ravenous embrace before they spread quickly to the walls, growing in power as they went.

Not being a truly magical location, they would burn out rather quickly. But Voldemort figured he had forced enough of his own considerable magic into them to destroy this horrid place for good.

Switching the newly acquired wand to his true wand hand, Voldemort turned in place and left behind the destruction he had wrought.

He had work to do.


The large double doors closed and Harry plonked down on the loveseat that Hermione had conjured for them, facing Professor Moody in his own simple wooden chair.

"Right, you two. Start talking."

"What would you like to know?" Hermione asked, a smile on her face.

Both of Moody's eyes fixed on her and Harry laughed at the look on his face.

"We asked one of the house-elves for somewhere out of the way to hold a gathering. They told us about this place." Harry explained.

Moody's gaze flicked between them both. "That simple, eh?"

"It really was." Hermione continued. "We asked, and they told us where to find it. Once we used it the first time, I realized it was something quite unique. I've returned several times since Christmas, inspecting it. Trying to learn all I could about it. Though, I will admit to occasionally becoming distracted."

Harry held in the laugh that built as he recalled the five times he'd had to pop into the room and physically remove his girlfriend who had become lost in the reading of some esoteric knowledge the Room had provided her. Which she had learned could not be taken from the Room itself. Ceasing to exist if they were removed.

Instead, he just snuggled tighter to her.

"Quiet you! Anyway, the Room provided quite a lot of detail once I knew what to ask for. But I was still curious, and began trying to see if there were any rooms stored in it somehow."

"And how exactly does it work?" Moody asked.

"Ah, to tell would take a lifetime," Hermione replied, and this time Harry could not hold in the laugh. "Stop it. There are runes from about thirteen different sources. Layers of arithmancy done in five different forms of math. Levels of transfiguration and conjuration that would give the most well-versed professors at this school a headache just to consider them. I will not pretend to understand 'how' it works, yet. Just that it does. And I have isolatedsomeof the ways that it was built. To understand how it all interacts safely and smoothly…"

"Right. So assuming that, given we're all sitting in here, it works... what is this place?" Moody asked, gesturing to the room around them, piled high with junk in every direction.

"The ghosts and elves I have asked refer to it as the Room of Hidden Things. The elves often use it to dispose of damaged items the school refuses to just get rid of for some reason or another. Judging by the few personal effects I can see from here, students have been using it to hide their shame for some time as well."

"And this?" Moody said, making his wand ping as it sat on his lap, resolutely pointing into the depths of the Room itself.

"We didn't know that was here," Harry said, turning to Hermione.

He'd felt her make some connection before they had suddenly left the Manor. Something that they would likely be firmly reprimanded for later on, regardless of the quick Patronus message he'd sent off before entering the Room. But he didn't know exactly what she had figured out.

"When we found this Room, and on each of my subsequent trips to it," Hermione explained, "I felt new magic around it. It wasn't until this morning that I recalled what you had said last night. That you 'tracked it to the seventh floor, but couldn't narrow it down further than that'. Knowing what I do of this room, I knew that if it wasn't open when you were searching, your efforts couldn't lead you to it.

"Being that it somehow resides within the exterior wall, the results of your spells most likely lead you to the nearest tower facing towards this one." She finished with a smug smirk.

Moody seemed to consider their location for a moment before he nodded. "Yes, actually. The south tower was where I lost track every time. Eventually, we erected the ward across the entire floor. Took meself, Albus, Minerva and Flitwick four days to cast it."

"And that is why you remain after three years," Harry stated plainly. They'd researched the supposed Defence Against the Dark Arts curse of the school before choosing to attend. Wanting to be sure it could not affect Harry. "No one has lasted more than a year teaching the subject before you erected your ward."

"And even with it up, you were probably looking at a nasty accident happening sooner rather than later," Hermione added.

Moody seemed to consider their logic. Before he tapped his wand again and another ping sounded. "Then we should stop woolgathering and find this blasted thing."

He stood, vanishing the conjured chair. Harry glanced at Hermione, who nodded and stood, vanishing their seat with a snap before they summoned their wands once more and prepared to enter the detritus of a thousand years.

"Onward," Moody said.


Cornelius Fudge was pensive as he watched the three figures opposite him arguing back and forth.

Matters were as dire as they had ever been under his tenure in this office. Two of his Department Heads, those involved in the farce that the Triwizard Tournament had become, had both disappeared last night.

Albus and the Potter boy were insisting that You-Know-Who had returned, and while not parroting their belief in the same, Amelia was certainly trying to garner his approval to throw the book at every single person still alive after last night's incident in Little Hangleton.

Which, he was told, was a disturbingly small number of those that had supposedly been present.

Dolores was being her typically abrasive self and was the cause of most of the arguing, simply refusing to consider that You-Know-Who could ever hope to return to the living. And wanting to hold the boy responsible for the destruction of seven Dementors under the command of the Ministry.

Not to mention the injury to her body and ego. Only one of which had been righted since then.

And even with all of that resting on his mind, all Cornelius could see when he closed his eyes were those enormous spectral jaws descending slowly towards his face. He'd never felt such powerful magic before in his life, being a rather average caster himself.

Even the few cases of incredible magic he'd had the opportunity to see from Dumbledore or the Unspeakables had been nothing like this. That patronus had weight. Not only physical weight, that had held him down to the floor, but magical weight that had pressed on him heavily.

Had the boy so desired, last night could have been the end of his life.

Normally, when he felt this adrift on a matter, Cornelius would reach out. Dumbledore's argument was well known, but he no longer had the more moderate opinion of his long-time friend.

No, Lucius Malfoy now resided in the morgue at St Mungo's. His entire upper torso ripped apart by a single spell if the healer's report was to be believed. Vengeance for a man he had trusted so long was not to be had either. Amelia had tested every single intact wand found in that graveyard.

Every single one of the masked figures' wands had cast the Unforgivable Curses last night. On a pair of teenagers not even past their OWLs.

Cornelius was no bigot, he cared not for someone's heritage, only their strength of will and whether they could help him further his own aims. He was proud of his Slytherin sorting. He had made the most of his ambition, reaching the highest seat in the British government.

But to willingly torture and murder children… It disgusted him utterly.

And yet, overtly supporting the Potter lad worried him too. It was very clear to Fudge that he could not hope to control the boy. Last night's demonstration had cemented that in his mind. Powerful things seemed to happen around the child, and Cornelius was unsure if he wanted to be anywhere near any of them.

"Would you SHUT UP!" Amelia said firmly, directing her words at Dolores, who had turned red.

"Dolores, please. Everyone, quiet." Cornelius said, unsure of what they were currently debating, but knowing his Undersecretary as he did, he was sure she had said something vile to so upset the DMLE Head.

Albus was infuriatingly silent as he stared at Cornelius. His habit of seeming to look right through him annoyed the Minister. He wanted nothing more than to ignore all of this and go back to the normality of his role. War was not something he ever wanted to revisit.

His time during the previous war in Magical Accidents and Catastrophes had been bad enough. Some of the things he had seen gave him nightmares still to this day. He never wanted to see such horrible sights again. And yet, that is exactly what Albus was promising was inevitable with You-Know-Who's supposed return.

"Are you certain?" He finally asked, the question aimed at Albus.

"Certain? No. I was not present, Cornelius."

"That was Voldemort's wand in the graveyard," Amelia argued, and Cornelius hated that he flinched at the name.

"How can we be sure? It is utterly destroyed." Dolores rebutted.

"I took the pieces to Garrick Ollivander this morning for identification," Amelia stated. "He has confirmed beyond any doubt that this is the wand belonging to the terrorist known as Voldemort."

Fudge twitched again but tried to hold his focus.

"Then obviously the boy stole it for his theatrics," Dolores argued.

The three others turned to regard her before Albus spoke. "You truly believe that a fourteen-year-old boy managed to infiltrate this building, all the way to the Auror office on the second floor. Stole a wand mounted on a wall in plain view of the busiest room in the department, completely unnoticed, and snuck back out.

"Arranged for a group of fully-grown adults with their own free will to dress up as the very Death Eaters they were once accused of being, every single one that was found 'innocent' of said crime during the last war. Tricked them into attending a graveyard in Northern England during the time of the final task of the Tournament. Convinced Ministry officials in charge of said Tournament to redirect the Triwizard Cup portkey to this graveyard, and somehow knew he would beat all three of his rather talented competitors to this Cup in order to attend this farcical event so he could then murder a number of them in cold blood?"

"This is the conspiracy you believe this child facilitated?" Amelia asked, a broad grin on her face having it laid out so clearly.

Dolores went even redder and Cornelius knew he needed to end this here. He drew his wand and cast a silencing charm at the woman. "Enough, Dolores. Seeing events laid out like that, it seems improbable in the extreme for anyone, even someone of Potter's fame, to arrange such an occurrence."

"Well," Amelia said, looking a bit embarrassed herself. "Someone did manage to steal that wand from our Department. I double-checked last night. They left behind a replica."

Dolores seemed to smirk as though part of the events of her fiction were proven true.

"But even if Potter could be linked to the theft, how would he ever convince people who manage to avoid prison time for their alleged actions once to behave like Death Eaters now?" Amelia finished.

"There is only onereasonableexplanation forallof the evidence before us," Albus said simply, still looking at Cornelius.

He wanted to rage against it. To deny the possibility. But the more the others spoke the more the truth became undeniable.

"Perhaps the…" Cornelius paused, "Death Eaters," he finally admitted, even to himself that some of those he'd been associating with were truly evil, "arranged events. You identified a few of their number as members of the Ministry did you not?"

Amelia looked surprised at this turn of the conversation from him. "Yes. Walden Macnair was the highest placed within our ranks. But a few more were regular visitors of the Ministry."

Cornelius was thankful she did not elaborate on who or why they visited.

"I suppose that it is possible for one of them to have exchanged the wands during such a visit. While it is a well-travelled room, I have not assigned a staff member purely to watch a display piece."

"So it is possible that this was a Death Eater plot to enact revenge on the child who lost them their prestige at the end of the previous war." Cornelius offered, desperate to find an answer that did not mean that war was at his doorstep.

"Cornelius…" Albus said.

"Please, Albus. He can't be back."

"I have had little interaction with Harry Potter since his return. You witnessed our first encounter after the events that orphaned the boy yourself. He has no love lost for me. But he came to me last night to confess the return of a man who could plunge this society into a dark age the likes of which we have never seen before. As much as I wish it were not true, we had lost the last war. Had Voldemort not attacked the Potters, and failed... none of us would be here right now. I am certain of that."

"Worst case scenario, Minister." Amelia added, "We prepare for a return of this Dark Lord, and it turns out he has not resurfaced?"

"Panic at the least. No one will want to believe this sort of thing. He was dead."

"Voldemort was never dead, Cornelius," Albus argued, the flinch once again irking the man. "He claimed numerous times to have conquered death before his defeat. But defeat is not death."

"There was a body!" Cornelius argued.

"And Dementors remove souls from bodies all the time. We have the unfortunate knowledge that a body and a soul are not so permanently tethered together as the muggles seem to believe. There are several foul magics in this world that can allow a soul to remain once disconnected from its body."

Cornelius sagged in his chair. He considered his options for a moment. Relishing in the quiet as the others allowed him time to think.

"What if…" Cornelius squeaked, sitting taller in his chair and clearing his throat. "What if I met with him?"

"Potter?" Amelia asked.


Albus sighed heavily. "I may not be able to arrange such a meeting, Cornelius. As I have said, the boy does not seem to trust me."

"I can," Amelia noted. "But it will need to be somewhere the boy feels safe."

Her eyes flicked to Albus for a moment and Cornelius considered his options. He would have preferred to have the boy come to him, but if he was going to sort all of this out and decide how to proceed, he needed to speak with the source of the information.

"It's not that I don't trust his word, or yours, Albus. But what you are asking…"

"I ask nothing more than you prepare for the possibility, Cornelius. We cannot refuse to act. As Harry said last night, if we do not act, we hand the country to Voldemort."

Fudge closed his eyes at the name, only to see those jaws once again.

"See what you can do, Amelia. I will reserve judgment until then."

Dolores looked appalled that he was even considering this, and he knew that he would be listening to a long and irritating rant from that quarter soon. But the evidence was compelling.

And he would not go down in history as the man who allowed… You-Know-Who to conquer his country without a fight.


Harry looked about excitedly at some of the 'junk' that had collected over the centuries as Hermione inspected some closer, Moody standing impatiently behind them as they paused yet again deep in one of the many alleyways.

It was a goldmine of hidden gems.

Ancient brooms that appeared to be in pristine condition. Tables and chairs of so many ages past. Piles of old potion ingredients that had long since gone off. Or worse, that had snuck free of their jars and begun to grow in the depths of the piles.

"It's fascinating," Hermione mumbled, inspecting a piece of equipment used by healers about three hundred years prior that like most in here, had been summarily dumped once its usefulness had vanished.

"I'm sure it is, but we've got a task to be finished," Moody grumbled.

Harry could feel Hermione's eye roll, even though he wasn't looking at her. He found it amusing as this little field trip had been her idea. And he doubted that, even with them having sent off a Patronus message indicating that they were fine and at Hogwarts, the Family would refrain from tracking them down for much longer.

They'd been gone for hours now.

"He's got a point, Hermione. We were here to find something specific." Harry noted but did not push the girl to finish up.

She sighed heavily before she stood and waved her wand over the spot, leaving a bright marker high above the pile. The third such one she had prepared.

"Fine. But we're coming back to check more of this out."

"You've been able to summon this room for months now. Are you telling me you never actually explored within after doing so?" Harry enquired as they once more began to follow Moody through the pathways.

The occasional ping from the man's wand was the only sound for a few moments. "We were always busy with other things. I figured I didn't have the time."

Harry smiled at her and vanished his wand, taking her hand in his own. While their present location and company weren't exactly what most would consider romantic, Harry found simply being in her presence was more than enough. And when she pouted at the loss of a chance to learn, Hermione was utterly adorable in his eyes.

"Stop that and focus." She whispered, tightening her grip on him in direct opposition to her statement.

"If you two are done," Moody said dryly. "We're close."

Harry glanced up and saw the man double-checking a massive troll towering above them. Harry could see the poorly hidden seams where it had obviously been taxidermied. He really hoped the creature had been dead at the time, but with magicals, you never could quite be sure of such things.

"This way." The man said, turning right and continuing as the ping became louder again.

Harry released Hermione's hand and summoned his wand back. The moment he had stepped past the troll, he felt it. The room had been so massive, and their target so deep within its maze, he had not been able to sense it until now.

But Moody was right. There was a shard of Riddle's soul nearby.

He sped up, quickly coming even with the professor, before ducking ahead of him at a light jog. His senses were sickeningly covered in the sensation and he wanted to find the cause so that, this time, he could end it for good.

"Down here," Harry said at the next intersection, pointing down the left path before rushing forward again only to be stopped a moment later by Hermione popping into place in front of him.

"Slow down. We'll find it and destroy it. But do not rush off alone. If what the others said is true, this thing could be extremely dangerous." She said, looking into his eyes.

He glanced past her as she turned and noticed a low but wide cabinet in front of him that appeared to have been attacked by acid. He took a few steps closer, but his senses were drawn, not to the cabinet itself, but to something else nearby.

Turning on the spot, he traced the ickiness of the feeling washing over him and paused as he came to stare at the pile opposite the cabinet. Sitting a few feet from the bottom was a tarnished tiara with a large blue gem in its centre. Looking for all the world as if it had been simply discarded with a flick of the hand as its former owner had wandered down this alleyway.

"Step back, kids," Moody said, joining them cautiously.

Harry stared at the item and began to notice some of the beauty of it. It was shaped like a bird, the central stone being the body with a head raised above and draped wings making the body of the decorative headpiece. And yet, to Harry, it could never truly be beautiful again. It had been befouled in the most atrocious manner.

"Riddle is a monster," Hermione whispered, staring at the item in disgust. "That's the Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw. And he corrupted it."

Her anger was clearly evident in her voice. And Harry brushed his arm against her own in support.

"You were right. That's what the curse is tethered to. So..." Moody paused as if considering how to deal with it now.

Harry did not wait for him to puzzle it out. He raised his wand and swished it downwards through the air, a thick and powerful cutting curse passing through that air between them and the pile, striking the diadem dead on before rebounding backwards at them.

Hermione had a shield in place in the blink of an eye and the reflected spell clanged loudly against it.

"Guessing you've made up yer mind," Moody said, his wand up but surprise still evident in his eyes at the two spells that had been cast before he had noticed, given his focus had been on the cursed object before them. "One moment though. Are we sure havin' a second one won't help find the others?"

"Perhaps, but it doesn't matter," Hermione said firmly. "It is a shame, having to destroy such a wonderful artefact, but it has to go. We can't risk anyone else but us seeing it. They'd likely be too tempted to preserve the historical artefact."

"You don't want to keep it for yourself?" Harry asked, cheekily knowing her penchant for learning outstripped his own by some margin.

Hermione turned to face him and leaned in for a chaste kiss. "I need nothing in this life but you."

"Focus," Moody growled.

"Alright, but yes I'm sure," Harry replied, answering Moody's question more firmly. "Not only is it the tether for this curse, but it contains some of Riddle's soul. For either reason, it needs to be destroyed. It will never again hold its true magic. He has ruined it for all time." Harry growled, now angry at the monster once more. "Now how do we do this? I put a lot into that curse."

"Step away, and use that shield of yours again, girly," Moody said, backing over to the pile opposite and adjusting his pose.

Hermione shuffled back and conjured a powerful shield ready to deal with whatever spell Moody was about to bring to bear. Harry just watched the diadem, sitting there silently, resolute.

A cone of bright blue flame shot from Moody's wand and caught the diadem at its centre, washing over half the pile, and spreading outwards for several seconds before Moody ended the curse. Harry quickly used his own wand to contain the flames licking at the far side of the alleyway. Quickly suppressing them everywhere but around the impact point.

But as the nearby flames grew dark, all three of them could still see the diadem, now looking even shinier, as if the flames had cleaned it instead of damaged it.

"Bugger. This could be tricky."

"I have an idea," Harry said, flicking his wand at the junk under the diadem, dislodging it and causing it to fall to the stone floor of the walkway at their feet. "Conjure us some stone above it." He said to Moody, stepping around the object and pulling Hermione with him so that they now stood looking down the alleyway at Moody on the other side of the diadem.

"You think the same will work on this too?" Hermione asked.

"The snake was resistant to magic like this. Presumably, Riddle cast those protections on both. It was enough to end her." He said, though the very memory of what he'd had to do sickened him. "And I will feel no guilt over doing so here. But I reckon that it will take both of us to get this hot enough. Living flesh versus solid silver. You're not going to want to look at the stone once we're done." He finished, directing the final warning at Moody.

Moody nodded, swirling his wand in the air for a few seconds as stone began to coalesce out of nowhere, as though assembling from some unseen, microscopic gravel in the air itself. As it did, Harry and Hermione grasped their respective wands with both hands.

The pair began to gather all the magic in their bodies in preparation for their next act, even though it was not a spell in the traditional sense.

"If this doesn't work, run the other way, fast," Harry warned once more as Moody stopped moving his wand and simply held the now small boulder of conjured stone aloft, directly above the sinister artefact. Harry estimated it to be about two feet across as the professor nodded once, the man's eyes not leaving the diadem.

"Seriously, professor," Hermione said. "Look away."

Moody glanced up at them as the pair snapped their wands forward, channelling every ounce of energy now in their bodies into the stone.

For a moment, it remained a dull grey colour, before it quickly seemed to shimmer in place. A dull red glow began to emanate before it quickly shivered as the molecules within the stone became more and more energetic as a result of the power the two magicians were pouring into it. The air above the stone began to haze as it too was heated rapidly by the escaping thermal energy.

Without warning, the dull red burst into a bright glaring red before it moved upwards into orange and soon was glowing a yellowish white.

Harry had to turn away, but he continued to push energy into the conjuration. He could feel Hermione had ceased feeding the object and had instead cast a powerful tinted shield between them and the stone, lessening the light and heat that was searing their bodies even at this distance.

He could see the colour of the light searing across the pile of garbage pass from the blinding white into an even more powerful blue.

Had it not been for Hermione's shield, they'd have been at risk of catching alight themselves. Harry heard a splat as the now molten substance dropped as Moody lost control of his spell before Harry heard something underneath shaking. Walking even further away from the intense heat and light, Harry cast a second shield spell between the burning object and them and he finally felt a level of relief from the intensity of the molten mass.

"Ow." He said plainly to Hermione, both resolutely avoiding looking anywhere near the mass in the centre of the alleyway. Though, even the reflected light bouncing off the other dull and dusty gathered objects still hurt.

He conjured two pairs of thick sunglasses, handing one to Hermione and the pair placed them on, reducing the intensity of the light to the point where they weren't in pain, even with their eyes shut.

Harry could hear some of the nearby pile catching alight under the intense heat radiating off the pool of rapidly cooling matter dowsing everything nearby with intense levels of light and heat pouring off the molten stone.

"Do you think that will have done it?" Hermione asked as the light began to dim once more, the energy in the stone being impossible for the small object to retain for very long.

"I certainly bloody hope so. I don't want all of these things to be impossible to destroy. Even this is a somewhat unreasonable method."

Suddenly, there was a loud pop and Harry glanced back towards the mass, squinting even with the two dense shields and the glasses. He could see a space in the centre of the molten mass where something had built up a bubble within. The bubble had popped and now some of the molten material was splattered about, some of it sliding down their shields and he was very grateful they had been there. The liquid stone still looked extremely hot and would have done some serious damage to their flesh if it had hit them.

But most importantly, he did not see a solid outline blocking the material still on the stone floor. And the dirty feeling that he had felt since passing the stuffed troll diminished.

The diadem underneath had been destroyed by the intense heat. He sighed with relief and raised his wand again, conjuring a stream of water in the air above the mass and sending a geyser of steam into the air as it poured down over the site.

Hermione quickly joined him, casting hers over the right side of the pile, dowsing the many burning items now sloughing slowly down the angled mass as they lost integrity.

They were both relieved to see a third effort covering the left-hand pile, indicating that they had not incinerated their Defence professor by accident. The resultant heat and light the stone had given off were far more intense than Harry had expected, but he supposed that he and Hermione were both extremely powerful in their own right, and they had put a lot of energy into that tiny mass.

When at long last, the sound of boiling water finally stopped, Harry lowered his wand and waited as the water lapped at the edge of Hermione's shield. Trapped between the two ruined piles and the magical barrier.

"Professor?" He called over through the air that was no longer full of the sounds of rebelling natural forces, even if they weren't natural in origin.

"I'm alright, Potter." Moody's voice came from the now immense dark of the room. "Just stay where you both are for now. Once this steam clears, we can vanish this water."

Harry simply sighed in relief as Hermione conjured a new love seat, and the pair dropped heavily into it, snuggling tight together in their exhaustion after such immense effort. Soon, they would see whether it had all been worth it or not.

Though Harry was optimistic, given how much cleaner the air already felt.


Alastor raised his wand, noting the clearly burnt skin on the back of his hand that would warrant a trip to see Poppy afterwards.

He cast the spell silently and watched as the air currents that he was conjuring began to push the mass of steam held between his own shield, and the one he knew the other two must have conjured, upwards and away into the depths of this fascinating room.

He was still trying to digest what the pair had done. He'd never felt anything that hot in his life, and he'd been near a few moronic dark wizards that thought they could control Fiendfyre in the middle of a battle.

Not one of them had needed to be taken into custody afterwards.

The oppressive heat in the air began to lessen as the steam cleared and Moody quickly checked over his other extremities. Noticing that his face felt particularly warm to the touch. How much energy had they pumped into that stone that he felt like he'd been sunbathing in the tropics for a week after only a minute or two of exposure?

The air around him finally cleared of steam and Alastor vanished his shield, allowing a rush of water to flow out from behind the barrier. A quick upward slice of his downwardly angled wand had the hot water part around him as Moody took a few steps closer.

He focused his magical eye on the pile of cooling slag sitting in the middle of the walkway. He could detect no magic within the remnants lying there, though he could see the occasional glint of melted silver amidst the still-cooling stone.

"You two alright back there?" He asked, still not able to see the pair as the other side of the walkway became too dark to see a few feet from the slag.

"Yes. Do you want us to vanish the water yet?" Granger asked.

"Suppose that we could." He replied, lifting his wand again to try before several loud snaps came from the darkness and the water almost entirely vanished.

Several items that had been at the waterline in the piles fell the rest of the way to the floor. Moody just shrugged as the darkness down the walkway vanished and he realized the pair had cast their shields to be opaque, obviously as protection from the heat and light that bloody thing had put out.

He smirked when he noticed that their skin was bright red, just like his own. But otherwise, the pair appeared to be fine.

Alastor focused his attention downwards and he cast the same spell he'd used several times that morning. Only this time, there was no response. The curse on the Defence position had been destroyed along with that bloody headpiece.

"Nicely done. That's one less thing ter worry about heading into the coming trouble."

"It worked?" Potter questioned.

"No more curse," Moody replied happily.

Potter closed his eyes and seemed to be trying to feel for something in the air. Eventually, he opened his eyes and smirked.

"Yep. The only soul shard left in this school is the one in that idiot's office." His voice darkened as he ended the sentence and Granger stepped closer, grasping the lad's hand.

"So, what now?" Moody asked the two. Ignoring the blatant dig at Albus. Even if the man had gotten his sh*t together, he'd still made many mistakes, even recently.

"Now we go home and face the music," Granger said oddly.

"You really do need to stop and explain sometimes," Potter said, prodding the girl with a smile.

"I know." She replied, blushing. "Thank you for your assistance, professor." She finished with a nod before the pair just vanished into thin air once again.

Moody could not stop a hearty chuckle from escaping after the pair. They were an absolute riot of fun. And had made this a year to remember. He pulled his flask from inside his jacket and guzzled the sweet cool liquid within. That too, brought a smile to his face.

People had been theorizing for years about what he kept inside of it. They would be surprised to learn that it was nothing more than water that he gathered himself. Just to be sure that there were no surprises snuck inside.

Couldn't be too careful when dealing with criminals, or the Weasley Twins. It had only taken two weeks for him to learn that they were a pair that needed careful watching. Not that he did anything to stop their antics, only to keep himself from ever being their target. Most of the time, they were quite amusing.

Alastor shook off the memories and looked around at the damage from their efforts. He certainly hoped that none of the other anchors were going to be this difficult to sort out. But as his eyes drifted over the piles of garbage, he found himself wondering how he might utilize this wonderful room for his classes next year.

It just might come in very handy.

Chapter 43: Heading Home

Chapter Text

Monday, 26th June 1995.

Sirius watched from the doorway.

The now numerous Potter elves fussed over the two children, applying the burn cream to their bodies before they would be allowed to return to the school for the final day.

Their sudden return to the Manor the afternoon before, covered in mild burns had everyone concerned, and soon the full story of their day had been revealed. The effort required to destroy these abominations was proving to be far beyond what any of them had expected, and Harry had planned to begin researching in their library upon their return from Hogwarts later that day, in the hopes of finding a safer method.

But that had spurred a line of thought in Sirius that he had hoped to avoid for a long time to come.

As he had suggested to the others the morning before, he had found references to foul magic like soul anchors in his own family library as a younger man. In books so horrific they had given him nightmares of the worst sort.

And yet, it seemed like those books might now hold the key to Riddle's final destruction. Even more importantly, they might be critical to keeping Harry from needing to be involved at all.

But those books were all contained in the second-last place on Earth that Sirius wanted to go. Number 12 Grimmauld Place. As with the 31st of October 1981, Sirius had no fond memories of that place. Only pain and ridicule. The only reason it wasn't number one on his list was its lack of Dementors.

He had, with the help of Harry's ever-growing family and the surprise visit from the Dementors on Saturday, finally come to terms with his freedom from the imprisonment that had been a full fifth of his life. And the majority of his adult one.

Was it finally time to face his remaining demons in the dark and dismal halls of the place Walburga had called home?

He was drawn out of his thoughts by arms wrapping around him.

"Cheer up, Sirius," Harry said, smiling up at him, though much closer to his face than when he'd first returned to them. Having grown quite a bit over the past six years. "We'll be back at King's Cross before you know it. But we have to take the train home with our friends at least once. And you know that this might be our only chance to do so."

Sirius smiled at the boy and ran his hand through the lad's messy hair. In some ways, he was the spitting image of James at that age. But the longer he lived with them, the more Harry had come to be his own man in Sirius's eyes.

"I know, kiddo. But you know I miss you when you're gone." He said, lying to cover what he had really been worrying himself over. And there was still enough truth in the statement that Harry would believe him, rather than questioning him further. "I'll be waiting to see you off the train."

Harry gave him a firm squeeze, which Sirius returned. Soon the lad would be even taller than he was, if he kept up this growth rate. Something he knew Harry didn't really worry about with both the girls currently being taller than him, thanks to their being older and further through puberty. He was still only fourteen after all.

"Go on. I'm sure your friends are waiting." Sirius said. Putting Harry at arm's length for a moment and having a good look at him.

"Bye, Sirius," Hermione said, giving a snap of her fingers and then vanishing a full two seconds later with a smile on her face.

Harry looked up at him with his own smirk, before he shook his head and popped away to the school as well. Leaving Sirius alone with several elves, all of whom were trying their hardest not to look in his direction.

Sirius couldn't help but smile at the fact that Hermione had clearly done something to his appearance once again. He could see why Harry adored her so much. And he knew she did most of it for his own benefit. To try and distract him when he got too caught up in his own head.

It certainly helped to ground him. And for now, he could be worried about figuring out how to clear whatever spell she had cast.

There was time yet to worry about heading back to the hell of his childhood.


Luna sat quietly on the bench seat, simply enjoying the pleasant atmosphere of being amongst friends.

Hermione had migrated from sitting beside her to sitting fully on Harry's lap by this stage, so she had plenty of room to herself. Nym, Padma and Neville sat opposite them for the moment, chatting away with the happy couple in the corner.

So far, it had been a very different experience than her last few trips on the Express.

There was a palpable air of joy in the compartment. Even after Dumbledore's rather gloomy end-of-term speech warning them all to be vigilant, which had drawn a smirk from their Defence professor, and to strengthen their bonds of friendship and family in the coming months. Preaching unity against possible dark futures.

A heady topic to bring to bear over students still celebrating the completion of the Tournament. Yet it hadn't brought down her little friend group.

They had still been quite chipper while saying goodbye to the surprisingly large number of new friends they'd all made with the students from the two visiting schools. Even Luna had befriended a few and was saddened to see them go, knowing they would not be returning the next year.

Watching their magical carriage and ship disappear into the distance as they completed their own trip down to Hogsmeade had left a few of the Hogwarts students rather pensieve. Yet, despite being involved in the events in question, Harry was just happy to spend time with those around him now.

Luna smiled to herself.

She knew that Harry hated being noticed for his fame. But his every action made him a beacon around which people gathered. Even some that she would rather not deal with.

"Alright, you lot," Nym said, standing up. She was certainly not in that latter group. Luna found her to be a ray of sunshine wherever the elder girl went. "I'm off for now. Got to go and say goodbye to my other friends as well. I'll see you later."

"Thanks, Nym," Hermione replied with a smile.

Harry nodded in his cousin's direction. "If you see any of the others on your travels, let them know where we are. And that they're welcome to join us if they like."

"Will do," Nym replied, slipping out of the compartment and heading down the train.

Luna very much liked the Tonks girl and was glad that she would be returning the following year to take her NEWT exams. Meeting Harry had changed her life so much, and she was sure to talk her mother's ear off to no end once she got home tonight about all the incredible things she had seen and done this year.

Thinking on all of it, she had fallen out of sync with the conversation still going on amongst the others when the door to the compartment opened and Luna and Padma turned to see who it was as Harry and Hermione laughed at the joke that it seemed Neville had just told to them all.

Standing there was someone who definitely fit in the rather not deal with category. The smarmy boy had occasionally taken the opportunity to make Luna's life hard if they should meet in the corridors. But being from Slytherin house and in the year above hers, she didn't often encounter Draco Malfoy or his constant companions.

He glared into the compartment with a self-righteous sneer on his face and his eyes rapidly locked on the two figures in the far corner.

"Potter." The boy said, the sneer colouring the word as he harshly popped the P of Harry's last name.

"Yes?" Harry asked, not bothering to look around Hermione who was blocking his view of the doorway.

Malfoy seemed to seeth at what he must have perceived as a slight on his person, rather than Harry's refusal to upset his girlfriend's seating position to look at a stranger. In much the same way that Luna had seen students doing with the pet cats that seemed to command the Ravenclaw common room. One poor second-year boy had burst into tears when one of them had refused to vacate its position atop his homework assignment. It had taken two prefects to calm the boy back down again.

"You've had it easy this year. Mother still thinks that I should keep clear of you, just like Father commanded all year. But I'm through being silent. And you're going to pay for what you have done." Malfoy spat, quickly losing his usual composed demeanour.

"What did I do exactly? And who are you?" Harry asked, sitting slightly straighter, but still not making any real effort to look past Hermione.

Luna wondered, not for the first time, if the pair were more in sync than even she thought truly possible. It seemed as though Harry was sensing or seeing Malfoy through Hermione's eyes. She could feel both of them tracking the figure in the doorway precisely, even though Harry wasn't truly paying him that much attention.

"The paper might be trying to keep it all quiet, but I know the truth, Potter. I know you were responsible for my father's death."

"Your father? Huh, right. You must be Malfoy." Harry replied, still not moving to look around Hermione. "Pity about all of that."

"Pity!? You murdered my father!" Malfoy raged.

"Did not."

This seemed to take Malfoy by surprise as he lost some of the red sheen that he had been building up.

"Mother sent me the report as proof. I know it was you." Malfoy snapped.

"Actually," Hermione interrupted, drawing the scowling boy's eye, "it was me. Your father attempted to murder us. We responded appropriately."

There was no malice in Hermione's statement. Luna knew that they weren't the type to hold the sins of the father against the child. Neither of them would hate Draco simply because Lucius had sought to kill them. But Malfoy was not the sort to take an insult lightly.

"You. That's impossible." He spat back, and Luna rolled her eyes at the stupidity of the refusal. Having interacted with the pureblooded brat a few times in the past, she knew exactly what he was finding so unbelievable about the statement.

Luna shook her head slightly as she gently opened her robe and withdrew her wand, unnoticed by the three figures in the doorway.

"Typical lying filth. My father was a great man. There is no way that a disgusting little mudblood like yo…" Malfoy started before he suddenly went silent as Harry finally surged to his feet, Hermione still carefully wrapped in her boyfriend's arms, but also slipping across his hip to angle towards the door, preparing to bring her own wand to bear.

But Harry did not move to do anything further once he caught sight of the look on Malfoy's face, the first he had even looked at the intruder. The previously pompous boy was both stunned and in agony, though seemed extremely confused as to why. Luna looked up at his confused face and twisted her wand slightly, digging the old Lovegood family curse she was casting even deeper into the unguarded flesh of Malfoy's lower torso.

"Don't insult my friends." She offered softly as Malfoy folded in the middle.

His hands dropped to his groin as he fell to the floor, banging his head hard against the polished timber surface. The two hulking figures who had been so intimidating behind Malfoy now seemed utterly confused as to what to do, before they both tried to rush through the doorway at once, jamming themselves in the opening as they could not fit through together.

Luna ignored them, knowing that her friends would take care of any threat from there. She gently nudged Malfoy onto his side with her foot so that he could see her face as she continued to embed the ancient curse into his body.

"I don't tolerate bullies like you anymore. Now, be a good little boy and leave us be. If you can't handle a tiny little third-year like myself, you have absolutely no chance against anyone else in this compartment. We'll see if you can improve your behaviour next year. Then maybe, I will remove this curse. If you do not…" She left the sentence unfinished as the curse fully settled into place and Malfoy gave off a pitiful whine of pain.

"Luna," Harry said, no sense of reprimand in his tone. "You didn't need to do that."

He seemed almost proud of her if anything.

She smiled. "Just doing the world a favour."

"If you try one at a time," Neville said, looking at the hulking idiots still trying to simultaneously squeeze through the door, "you'll have more luck. Then you can take that away so we can finish the ride in peace."

Luna noticed that both he and Padma had drawn their wands as well and were tracking one of the two figures each. Something that they finally realized too. Crabbe slipped through the doorway as Goyle watched Neville track his face precisely with his wand.

It seemed that without Malfoy to give them instructions, and with physical violence not an easy option with their opponents already armed and ready, the two were actually intelligent enough to just bend down and lift Malfoy between them. It made for a very pitiful sight as they dragged the moaning child between them down the corridor. His feet dragged along the floor behind him as the gorillas caused him further pain as his body shook along every joint and bump in the floor.

"What did you do to him?" Padma asked as Neville closed the door and Hermione calmed her still slightly red boyfriend.

"A very old family curse. Harry gave me the idea, actually." Luna replied, tucking her wand over her ear and into the wild mess of hair running down her back.

"I did?" Harry asked, seemingly confused.

Luna smiled at him, noting that he and Hermione had once again returned to their previous seating arrangement and were both looking in her direction.

"When we first met, you showed me it was possible to set an enchantment to break based on preset conditions."

Harry smirked as he recalled the event too. It had taken another two weeks for the final one of her tormentors to retrieve their wand from the wall. And none of the teachers had been lenient on Belby in their classes once Professor Flitwick had explained the reason for the wand's absence. And the simplicity with which it could be retrieved.

Luna had learned a lot that day. Including the fact that the professors had indeed cracked down considerably on bullying in the school. But that they couldn't act if they didn't know it was going on. Their crackdown had only led most of the bullies to become smarter about how and where they executed their crimes. They tended to avoid acting in places that were commonly patrolled, or that had paintings that could report their actions back to the professors. At least, the ones with any brains had. Some were not so intelligent.

"What condition?" Padma enquired, obviously enthralled at the possibility of some new arcane knowledge. Especially the kind dealt out by their two friends.

"Remorse," Luna replied. "If he sees the error of his ways and feels remorse for what he has been doing, the curse will break on its own."

"And just what did you curse him with?" Hermione asked, looking at her proudly.

Luna shrugged. "As I said, it is a very old family curse. From around the time we first took the name Lovegood."

Most of Luna's few encounters with Malfoy during her first years at the school had been focused on him mocking her for her perceived dottiness. Or her father's magazine and death. However, she had accidentally stumbled on him abusing other girls around the school in far more physical ways. While her oddness had kept her from ever experiencing his perverse habits first-hand, so far as she knew, others had not been so lucky. And with his ever-present guards, she was never able to intervene. Not that she really had the courage to do so before she had made her new friends this year.

To make matters worse, the couple of times she had tried to help by asking the girls about it later, they had acted as if they had no idea what Luna was talking about and had mocked her in return. Memory charms made someone like Malfoy very dangerous indeed. Thus she found cursing him with painful impotence every time he experienced arousal to be a fitting punishment.

Luna was prevented from dwelling on those memories when she felt a pair of arms encircle her, and she looked up to see Hermione holding her firmly. Having shifted off of Harry to hold her tightly instead.

"Thank you for defending my honour." The elder girl whispered, squeezing Luna tightly.

"You are my friend," Luna replied.

She would do anything for her friends.

Hermione gave her one last tight squeeze before she pulled back. There was an odd silence in the compartment for a few moments before Harry summoned his wand and silently conjured a small table in the middle of the compartment.

"Shall we play a game? Now I have my lap free for a moment." He joked, and Hermione gave him a gentle knock with her shoulder, but remained between Harry and Luna on the bench. Her arm draped across Luna's shoulders, filling her with a sense of warmth and comfort that she normally only felt with her mother.

Neville reached into his pocket and laid a set of cards out on the table, all five of them shifting to better reach the play area as Neville prepared the game.

"Oh, by the way," Harry said, looking over at Neville. "I got permission to bring you to visit the Manor."

Neville looked at Harry curiously as he dealt the cards around the group.

"I wanted your advice on some of the mixes we've been using. And to show you my greenhouses. Get an expert opinion." Harry finished.

Neville blushed bright red at the comment, but they all knew it to be true. He was a natural herbalist. Even Professor Sprout had learned a thing or two from the boy, and he was still only fourteen. Everyone seemed certain that Neville had an incredibly bright future ahead of him.

"You're going to love it," Hermione said, smiling to herself and Luna wished she could be invited to see as well.

"And the rest of you will also be getting invites as soon as I can manage it as well," Harry added, as if he had read her very thoughts. "Just need to finish clearing the dates with your families. You should receive a few letters or visits from Remus and Sirius this next week or so."

Padma seemed as stunned as Luna felt.

"Just keep an eye on them both whenever they're around," Hermione warned. "Sirius especially has a bad habit of not knowing when to stop fooling around."

The brunette picked up her cards now that the game was set and Luna found herself even more intrigued about what her holidays might hold in store.


Tuesday, 27th June 1995.

Draco Malfoy was livid, and sore.

He tried not to move as he lay atop his enormous bed. Every time he did, the agony would surge through his core. The fact that his mother had no sympathy for him either was especially galling.

First, she hadn't even bothered to collect him from the filthy muggle station. Instead sending one of their elves, as if he were an infant not to be trusted with his own safety. Then, once he had arrived home and shared the tale of his humiliation, she had chastisedhim. For violating their warnings to avoid Potter. She didn't even react when Draco had informed her of the mublood's claim to have been the one that killed father. It was as if she didn't even care that his father had been murdered by some uppity mudblood. And that she was terrified of Potter for some unfathomable reason.

She had simply floo-called a healer to come and look him over and then had retreated to her own chambers the night before. Reiterating once more that he should leave the pair well alone. Though her concern seemed oddly focused on Potter, given the bitch was supposedly the one who had killed his father.

Earlier today, the Ministry had added insult to his injury by informing them that his father would not even get the decency of vengeance. Some trumped-up charges of kidnapping, attempted murder and performing a dark ritual had been laid against him posthumously, preventing any kind of retaliation against Potter and his whor* through any legal channel as the two were claiming to have acted in self-defence. And the DMLE were buying that pathetic story. Even if Draco tried throwing some of his fortune around, it would get him nowhere. It didn't matter that his father had been cleaved in two according to the report from St Mungo's.

A sharp spike of pain distracted Draco from his seething once again, as it had all day long. He tried his utmost not to touch the affected area, as that only made it hurt more.

The healer had been less than useless.

All he could tell was that there was a curse in place. But he could not identify or remove it. Handing Draco contact details for a curse breaker at Gringotts, he had departed. After ensuring the collection of his fee, of course.

The bastard hadn't even done anything.

It was as if the name Malfoy no longer commanded any respect.

All his life, Draco had been told how special he was. How his name and blood meant he would one day be feared and respected in equal measure. That the mudbloods and blood traitors would quiver beneath his heel at his pleasure. Free for him to do with as he pleased.

And in a single weekend, that had seemingly vanished.

His mind whirled through all the options still before him. He must have vengeance for the wrongs that had been visited upon him. Lovegood would suffer for what she had done. And Potter would watch helplessly as Draco killed his little pet in front of his eyes.

Draco had no idea how he would achieve these things, but he knew that the balance had to be restored.

This nonsense had gone on long enough.


Hermione could feel Harry's frustration building as they ate.

Though, it was admittedly difficult to tell where his ended and her own began. The furtive looks they had been getting all day led to only one conclusion. The adults were hiding something from them again. Something they felt would upset the two children.

While she knew they only did it out of love and concern for Harry and herself, it was still annoying to experience the uncertainty surrounding them.

"Enough," Harry said, finally snapping. "Out with it."

Her boyfriend locked his eyes on Remus, as he tended to be the one that news filtered into the Family through. But Hermione was surprised when her father responded instead.

"After your little disappearing act on Sunday," He started, and Hermione felt a blush colouring her cheeks after the discussion that had been held on her impatience, "the others didn't want to tell you. There was a fire in London on Sunday. Several people are believed to have been killed."

Hermione immediately calculated what they had been thinking. There was only one reason that they would conceal such an occurrence from the two of them. They were worried Harry would feel guilty. And only one individual could have been responsible if that was their concern.

"Riddle," Harry said simply, speaking aloud the thoughts she had just experienced. "You're all worried I'm going to think it's my fault for not stopping him at the Graveyard."

Hermione laced her fingers into his hand, but he did not turn to face her, keeping his eyes fixed on the others for the moment.

"It had come up as a possibility, yes." Hermione's mother noted.

Hermione couldn't help the smile that grew on her face. It was often obvious that her parents had the longest history with the pair of them. They had known Harry for almost a decade now, and had seen him in all kinds of different states. They were usually better at reading him than Remus or Sirius managed. The two Marauders often having difficulty separating the boy from their experiences with his father.

"I would assume, Wool's?" Hermione asked.

It was the only location they knew Riddle had a connection to in London. The place where he had been raised before he set out into the world to complete the transformation from Tom Riddle into Voldemort. Though, in her opinion, that transformation had only been a physical one. From the research they had done on the man, Tom Riddle had always been a monster.

Finally, Remus nodded. "Yes. Although the orphanage was shut down sometime in the late sixties. When the government closed most of them. But a pair of lovely squibs bought it. They fixed it up and turned it into a foster/group home for wayward magical youth. Squibs that were cast out of their families. Young magicals that lost their memory or way due to accidental magic. Anyone that the system at that time didn't protect."

"How many?" Harry asked.

"About three dozen kids were living there," Natalie said. "And an assortment of adults as well."

"They took in anyone who was down on their luck." Richard continued. "Folks who lost everything thanks to Riddle's war. Others that were thrown out of their families for flukes of biology. People who no longer felt safe in their own homes. So long as they were willing to help care for the children they would have free room and board for as long as they needed."

"Even in the muggle world, the place was fairly well known," Natalie added. "It was held up as a shining example of the way that fostering and group homes were better options than orphanages. Being in the middle of London didn't hurt either."

Harry finally looked over to Hermione and she noticed several emotions swirling both in his magic and his eyes. But she was happy to note that the guilt he was feeling wasn't overwhelming.

"Fiendfyre?" He asked again.

"Riddle has never been all that subtle in his messages," Sirius said, seeming to understand that the Grangers were not going to hold back information when asked. "Unfortunately, as you both know, that makes identifying anyone, or even numbers inside, virtually impossible."

Harry sighed and she squeezed his hand softly in support. "I knew he'd do something horrible. I just didn't expect something like this. Not so soon."

"Harry," Remus said, drawing the boy's eye. "This is not your fault."

A small smirk appeared on Harry's face. "I know that. Even if I had destroyed that homunculus, Riddle wouldn't be dead. As long as the anchors are intact, he can't be fully killed."

"That's why we got Moody's help," Hermione said, once again defending her impulsive decision to rush off to Hogwarts the moment she'd connected the dots.

The looks she got in return were the same she had been receiving for days now.

"Riddle has always been a monster," Harry said, diverting attention away from her once again. "We know that better than most. Not only have we suffered his attention, but we have done the research. So long as he lives, all of you are in danger. Please," he pleaded, especially focusing on her parents, "stay within the bounds of the wards."

Natalie just stood up and walked around the table, kneeling beside Harry and placing her hand on his arm. "We'll do our best. But you need to stay safe too. No more rushing off without a word. Can you promise me that?"

Harry's eyes were locked on her mother, but she could feel the query in his magic. They were both very wary now when it came to making promises of any kind, lest their magic perhaps interpret the wording differently to how they might be thinking.

She sent him supportive feelings through her own magic, knowing that they would do whatever they had to if it came to protecting those they loved.

Harry took a sharp breath. "We'll do our best, too." He said, and she could hear the smirk in his voice.

Her mother closed her eyes for a moment and Hermione knew that she wanted to wrap them both in bubble wrap and tie them into their beds. When Natalie opened them again, Hermione knew she had accepted their vague assurance.

"Alright." She whispered, sitting up in the chair next to Harry now.

Hermione looked back at the others, who seemed equally dissatisfied with their lack of a firm promise. "Is there anything we can do to help?" She asked.

"I've already committed a chunk of the Black fortune to help any relief efforts," Sirius stated, smiling cheekily as he continued. "The best way to spend my horrible family's money is on those that they hated most."

"Can you rebuild it?" Harry asked. "Keep our names out of it, but have it rebuilt in honour of those lost. It sounds like they did incredible work."

All the adults smiled at Harry and Hermione felt her love for him strengthen even more. He was such a kind person. Despite his odd and slightly spoiled upbringing, he still cared deeply for other people.

"I think that's a fantastic idea, Harry," Richard said.

"I'll speak with the goblins, and see what we can do," Remus added.

Harry sighed again. "And given Fudge's lackey has had Madame Bones move that meeting he wants to next week, Hermione and I will be doing our tests over the next few days."

"I'd still feel better if you let us come along," Richard said.

Hermione smiled at her father. "I would like that, but what we plan to do borders on a ritual. It's going to be hard enough to keep the regular visitors away. If we start adding exceptions, we'll only weaken the warding."

"Just be safe. I know the elves will be there, but… be careful." Remus said.

"We will," Harry replied and the tension that had been in the air before had now almost completely dissipated.

But Hermione could still feel the uncertainty in Harry's magic. He wanted to keep them all safe and away from the war that was brewing. But he knew that Riddle wanted him to be a part of it, and would find ways to keep dragging him in.

It perplexed her as well and she was going to find a way to keep Harry safe. No matter the cost.


Wednesday, 28th June 1995.

Lord Voldemort carefully approached the rundown shack.

It had taken him several days of careful watching before he had even been able to get anywhere close to it. Thanks to the Aurors crawling all over the area after the events of Saturday night.

He had been forced to hide in a cave he knew of in the area. Relegated to the shadows and thievery as he recovered papers from nearby bins to try and find any news. None of his followers were nearby for him to use to call the rest. And while the Daily Prophet had happily reported the death and capture of a number of those who had heeded his call, they had not named them either.

Meaning he had no idea whether any of their homes would have proven a haven enough to hole up in for the moment. Or a trap just waiting to close on him. While he had not been named in any of the articles, that did not mean that the brat hadn't informed the Ministry of his return. Without knowing for sure, Voldemort was being as cautious as possible.

Finally, earlier that very morning, the last of the Aurors cleared out of Little Hangleton. Clearing the path Voldemort needed to the wooded area now completely ignored by the nearby muggle town.

It would have been simple for him to crush any who stood between Lord Voldemort and his goal, but that would have confirmed his return and alerted the Ministry to his presence when their Aurors did not return. And raised questions as to what he was doing back in the area again so soon.

The safety of what he now sought relied mostly on the obscurity of the location. It had been decades since he had been anywhere near this wretched hovel. And time had not improved it in any way. The exterior was decaying badly, and the plants nearby now encroached upon it heavily. But his enchantments remained as strong as the day he had laid them in place.

He smirked at the particularly nasty nature of many of the spells he had left to defend the awful place. Any unprepared visitor would be ruined by much of the work laid here. Though a good amount of the spells were subtle enough to go unnoticed until it was far too late.

Riddle casually picked his way through the openings that he had left for himself. Quickly approaching the door that still bore the dead snake nailed to its surface. A remnant from his fool of an uncle. The last remnant of the pitiful family that had once called this hovel home, who now resided in the island prison instead. A remnant that would be destroyed for good when he marched through those halls to free his most loyal.

The dead creature started as he approached and locked its hollow eyes onto his own.

~What is most important in life?~ It hissed, asking the question he had left to secure the entryway. Not only protecting it via the enchantment, but via the talent that only he possessed.

~Power.~ Voldemort replied in parseltongue, allowing his magic to flare against the door, and the dead creature fell lifeless once more.

He nudged the doorway open and scowled at the smell that emanated out. The stench of decay filled the air. Food that even the stasis charms hadn't been able to sustain this long. Timber that had begun to rot away thanks to the leaking roof above. The smell of rodent corpses dotted about the dark corners of the hovel.

Several of the many rituals that Voldemort had put himself through over the years had greatly improved his senses, but even a dullard would have been overwhelmed by the smells in there. It was a sign of his incredible will that he could push the sensation aside as he stepped carefully across the floor to the far corner and the hidden space under the floor.

A complex chain of movements with the new wand had the floorboards peeling open like a twisted imitation of a flower blooming, revealing the small golden box within.

Riddle slowly swept his hand above the box, feeling the power of the enchantments he had laid down a lifetime ago. Unlike the protections outside, these were meant to encourage a seeker to grab the box and open it. For if someone had already made it this far, they would likely be expecting a sinister trap.

So Tom had left something more suggestive.

Opening the box, he smiled as he beheld the ancient symbol of his destiny within. The link that proved his mighty lineage adorned the black stone atop the pristine golden band. The family ring that he had rightfully taken from those no longer worthy of its majesty.

He did not need to confirm the spells on this, though. The moment he laid eyes upon the container, he could feel the piece of his soul within. Intact and tethered to this plane. It was a welcome relief to know that his efforts remained in place and that he retained his defence against the ever-present spectre of death.

Voldemort now had the peace of mind to begin enacting his greater plans. The incident with Potter had momentarily shaken his surety in his own power. But with his contingency confirmed to be intact, he could be somewhat bolder in his approach. Safe in the knowledge that should something go awry again, he could still return once more. Though he would not be foolishly so. Disembodiment was not a fun or entertaining experience. Nor was it something he wished to endure again any time soon.

He closed the box and replaced it under the floorboards. A feat no other should be able to achieve. They would be subtly compelled to wear the ring. And a suitable fate would await any who dared to do so.

For the moment, Riddle was satisfied. He knew that two more of his anchors were currently beyond his reach. For Bella had gleefully informed him that she had secreted Hufflepuff's Chalice in her wedded family's vault, deep in the bowels of Gringotts. Getting there without her or one of the two Lestrange men, all of whom he knew were utterly loyal to him, would require an army to deal with the creatures. And he was not so desperate as to need that for now.

And the ancient Diadem of Ravenclaw still sat unnoticed within Hogwarts herself. Protected by the very old fool who thought himself Lord Voldemort's equal and enemy. Much to the unending dismay of the foolish ghost who had led him to it, and was now bound so that she could never speak directly of its location to anyone. It made him smile to know the old man unknowingly kept a part of him safe.

And that it fueled the curse he had left behind when the fool had denied him a role at the school. He could only imagine the world he may have created by now if he had been allowed to share his wisdom with so many eager young minds.

Lucius had already paid for his carelessness with the diary. Something that had nearly cost the pompous fool his life. But instead had only cemented the man's role as the sacrifice in the ritual that had restored his master to glory.

That would need replacing at some point. But Tom needed time to consider his options for that one. He would need something significant to use as the container. But he already had several deaths he considered might be worthy of use for its recreation. He was done using muggles and beggars for such things.

Unfortunately, he had not detected any trace of Nagini in his time around Little Hangleton. And she was not responding to his attempts to bond with her mentally. This concerned him slightly, but with so many intact Horcruxes, it was not yet necessary to panic about her absence. It would not be the first time she had wandered off on him. He would never again make the mistake of creating a Horcrux out of a living creature with its own free will.

He would check the cave later. As it was a far more arduous process to get past its protections. And it was secure by nature of its obscurity. Voldemort had needed to know that the Ministry had not stumbled upon the Gaunt home as they conducted their pointless investigation. He knew they had been here before, and it was vital that he ensured the obscuring charms still kept them away.

But none knew of his experiments in the cave all those many years before.

Voldemort felt a perverse sense of joy as he recalled the events that had taken place. Bishop and Bensen had never been the same after his fun there. And they had not been allowed to live long enough into adulthood to ever tell another soul of what he had done to them that day. He had murdered them both shortly after he left Borgin and Burkes.

The pair now resided back in the cave for all time. Their decaying corpses amongst those defending his soul in that place.

Opening his eyes and leaving the pleasant memory behind, Tom stood and cautiously approached a cabinet in the back corner of the shack. The child's wand has sufficed for the moment, but it was a poor match for him overall. Succumbing to his overwhelming power reluctantly, and due to his prodigious will rather than working with his magic as his former wand had done. It had always been so eager to aid him in his actions. This one felt like forcing a human head through a brick wall.

Unlocking the cabinet, he reached his marble hand inside and withdrew another wand. One that had once belonged to the man for whom he had been named by the pitiful woman who had birthed him.

It was still not a good match, but was far better than the one he had freed from obscurity at the hands of the child. Instead, he placed it into the cabinet. A trophy of his good works. A reminder of the death of the last of his youth and the weakness held there. Lord Voldemort was beyond such weakness now, but he did so love to reminisce.

He resealed the cabinet with his grandfather's wand and retreated carefully from the shack. He would likely not have cause to return again for another several decades. Then only as a reminder of his immense power. Not out of any sense of belonging or familial attachment.

The hovel only remained as a sign of his majestic heritage and as a safe resting place for his soul. Were it not for those extraordinary points of worth, he would have demolished the place himself. But for now, it remained protected.

And now, he had an army to rebuild.

Chapter 44: Testing the Waters

Chapter Text

Friday, 30th June 1995.

"The array is active." Harry heard Hermione say from the other side of the bluestone ring.

He sighed softly as he looked at the large upright stones nearby. They were around the same size as the incredible black stones that kept the Manor safe and secure in its little bubble. Though these were far older. Having been placed on this plain almost four and a half thousand years ago.

Harry knew his family history well, but the records did not go back nearly that far. For all he knew, members of his family could have been involved in placing some of these stones in place. Going back so far, he would be connected to nearly every family alive in Britain today. Magical or muggle.

"Right. Let's get in position." He replied to her, letting his voice carry now that the runic array they had spent over a day preparing, and hours placing, was active and projecting a silencing effect and a repelling charm that would work on more than just muggles.

Stonehenge was a well-known and travelled site, so sneaking in and placing the runes had been hard enough. It had been difficult just learning how to make themselves invisible as the elves did. But making a ward that could keep the collective consciousness of the entire world from thinking about the site for a few hours while they executed their plan was the real effort.

He smiled as he recalled Hermione's rampant study that had allowed them to prepare this effort so quickly. He adored watching her learn. Seeing that eager fire burning in her eyes as she devoured new information always made his heart hammer harder in his chest. And he was delighted to watch her throw the professors for a loop when she asked such complex questions about their fields of study.

Professor Babbling had certainly lived up to her surname when Hermione had shown her the planned array. The woman had even assigned them a project as homework to report how it worked and any new information that they learned during the practical test. She had wanted to attend in person, but they had been forced to decline.

While more and more people had learned their little secret, it was dangerous for too many to know the details. That would put a target on her back. And Harry simply refused to put others in danger like that.

"Harry?" Her voice came from right at his side and he looked up into those bright brown eyes. Visible even in the dim light of early night. "Are you ready?"

He nodded and the two shifted over to stand by the massive recumbent Stone 80, looking north-east over the plain.

Holding Hermione's hand, Harry took several steadying breaths as he allowed the magic of the site to begin filling his body. While even in the magical world today, no one truly knew the purpose of this megalithic structure of stonework, everyone knew that the site held incredible magical energy. Energy that their ritual would now use to aid their efforts.

Opening his eyes, Harry felt his hair crackling with the accumulated energy inside the massive circle.

"Keep our secrets and come forth." He said, Hermione matching his words perfectly at his side. "We command you, all elves come to us and remain in the circle."

A cacophonous crack rent the quiet evening air as a massive amount of air was suddenly and violently displaced by hundreds and hundreds of house-elves appearing between and even on the massive stonework around the site. Harry was momentarily stunned, not by the fact their ritual had worked, but by just how many elves there were out there.

But his stunned disbelief soon gave way to anger as he saw how many of those elves looked as ragged and mistreated as Dobby once had. He would be keeping those behind for a little bit longer tonight and ensuring they had the same commands he had given Dobby all those years earlier.

A significant number of those present bore the markings of Hogwarts. Several hundred of them were dotted all about the groups assembled before them. And yet, some elves looked as if they were even better kept than those from the school. It helped to see that there were people who kept their elves as family, as the Potters did.

Harry smirked as he noticed that his own elves and elfin were all present as well. But they had listened well and had spread amongst the others so as not to all gather immediately at his feet.

Finally glancing that close, Harry noticed a few of the most ragged-looking elves he'd ever seen. Releasing Hermione's hand, he knelt down and gently guided some of the magic of Stonehenge into their weak bodies. He thought they may not have even been conscious, and only the sheer power of the ritual command they had sent out had pulled their magic to him.

The idea that he may have hurt them further by their efforts upset Harry deeply, so he focused his attention on driving as much healing energy into their bodies as he could.

When the last of the elves gasped aloud and opened its eyes, he sat back on his heels as they slowly sat upright once more.

"Are you alright?" He asked, one of the elves looking up at him with something akin to longing.

"You helped Tinny?" The wee figure replied, their voice sounding almost unused.

"Of course." He replied and noticed that Hermione was once more matching his position before a slew of elves that she had obviously energised as well. Though they had both been careful to only use the ambient magic of their location and not their own. "Can I get you anything? Food, water?"

Tinny smiled at him and rolled onto her knees, bowing her head to him in response. "You are truly great, master."

"No. You don't need to do that. I should not be thanked for common decency. Your masters should keep you better. Did they do this to you?" He enquired, helping the elf back to a sitting position.

All of the elves he had energised nodded in reply. Though some still seemed to be fighting a compulsion not to respond. Harry could feel the magical tethers leading off the elves branching out in all directions. Some of them were strong and pulsing with energy while others were extremely weak. Practically failing on their own, but the reason for that near failure angered Harry further. It was incredibly tempting to sever those weak connections here and now.

His anger boiled in his stomach and he instead focused on using that power for something constructive. They had a purpose tonight, and it wasn't time to forcibly free the slaves before him just yet. Tonight had mostly been a proof of concept. To see whether Dobby was unique amongst elves, or if they truly had the power to override the commands of their masters.

Harry snapped his fingers, letting the pulse of magic ring out over the ancient site as food and water appeared across the plain.

"Please, eat and drink. We mean none of you harm, so long as you do the same in return. We just need to talk with you all for a bit. When you are ready." He said, standing up and helping Hermione to her feet.

The two stepped back and found themselves resting against the altar stone behind them. It was humbling to see all of the elves chattering and interacting before them. Several appeared to be experiencing reunions as they hugged and cried together. Others were simply sitting in place curiously observing their fellows and snacking on the food Harry had provided. While a small few were directing glares in their direction instead.

"There are so many," Hermione whispered in disbelief.

Harry followed her gaze and saw she was looking over the stone behind him. He glanced that way too and saw even more elves gathered over there. The entirety of Stonehenge was covered in house-elves. It was hard to be sure from where they were standing, but they probably extended as far out as the original bank and ditch that was the first known activity on the site. And the edge of the ward they had created for the night.

"I promise, once Riddle is dealt with, we will find a way to fix this too." He said to her softly. "I think we've proven tonight that we might have the power to do so for good."

"I don't want to let them go back to those awful people. You felt how drained they were."

Harry nodded in response. Many of the elves would be staying back for a while with them. "I know. We can protect them. But freeing them all is something we need to think about. We know better than most their requirements. We will have to make sure that whatever method we use does not harm them in the long term."

They watched in silence for an unknown amount of time before the elves began to sit once more, and almost every one of them fell silent. Focusing their attention inwards to the two human magicals that had summoned them forth.

Harry could see the occasional twitch in an elf as they looked to the horizon, obviously hearing a command they were presently unable to follow. It both pleased and horrified him that he had somehow overridden those commands. And it worried him when he considered just how badly a wrongly worded freedom could be for them.

They had thought that to be possible after his experiences with Dobby. But the fact that these poor souls were so irrevocably bound to others' whims was a problem that needed to be resolved for good. The bond should be made by choice, not by force. And it should be possible for them to leave if their masters were cruel or unreasonable. Or for any other reason that the elf desired. Free will should be a right for all sapient life.

But their time tonight was limited. They could not keep attention off of such a well-known monument for long. And there were night guards that would soon be challenging their ward.

"So, er… Thank you for coming." Harry opened, trying to ignore the fact that his unique magical oddity had compelled them to follow the command.

Although he and Hermione had discussed what to do while preparing their ritual, he was still somewhat unsure where they should begin. He glanced at Hermione who smiled at him and he felt a sense of peace extend over to him through her magic. He took a deep breath, allowing the feeling to wash through him.

"Well, I guess the first thing is unfortunately a little harsh. We must command you not to speak of anything you see, hear or are commanded tonight with anyone else without our express advance permission." He said and he could see the command wash out from him like a wave over the thousands of elves present.

Seeing it in action over them all made him extremely glad that the magical world had a foolish taboo against bonding with elves as he and Hermione had done. This was a level of power that no one should have over other sentient creatures.

A comforting hand found his own and Harry used it to centre himself again after the incredible and horrible sight.

"Next, we command that you do not bring anyone we have not vetted in advance to any of the locations protected by Potter or Peverell magic. I know that by us summoning you here tonight, you can identify the feel of our magic by now. We are preparing an enclave in southern Wales where any elves can come and go as they please, but it's not quite ready yet.

"Thirdly," Harry began, taking another calming breath. "We command you to never again allow your masters to harm you." This command swept through the Salisbury Plain like a shot of adrenaline, before leaving a majority of the tiny figures looking completely at ease. More than half the elves seemed to sag with abject relief at the freedom to not only ignore such commands, but to resist them entirely. A sight that only further fueled Harry's anger.

"You have free reign to figure out ways to make it look like you have acceded to your master's awful wishes for the time being, but I forbid you to harm yourselves or allow them to harm you."

It was beyond empowering to feel the commands settle over the elves, and Harry hated the way it made him feel. Having such absolute control over other lifeforms was disturbing. He would probably need a long bath to help soak away the ickiness that was left behind after every command, even though the commands they were issuing helped the elves avoid their masters' despicable desires.

"How's that? Did I forget anything?" Harry asked Hermione. The unavoidable rush of issuing the commands was affecting him badly.

"You did really well. My turn?" She asked with a soft supportive smile.

Harry nodded and watched as Hermione stepped forward and began to speak. He listened at first, as Hermione explained the other things they wanted from and for the house elves. But soon he found his attention drifting to the feelings in his magic.

As it did whenever he lost focus, it had spread outwards from his body. And it was gently rubbing over the magic of every elf in the space. Feeling their own and testing the edges. Getting a feel for each and every one of them on an incredibly personal level. He was still conscious enough of what his magic was doing to ensure it let go of each one as it moved.

There was a reason they had chosen to do this outside of the Manor and its protective Bubble of powerful wards. He did not want some random Death Eater's house-elf being able to slip them inside the wards of his home. Their place of safety.

Not that he would be unaware. Harry's connection to the wards was extremely deep in his magic. He could feel every time that someone passed in or out of the Bubble. Be it Sirius and Remus via magical means, or the Grangers through the magical doorway he had provided years ago. And even when he was away, like now or at Hogwarts, Harry knew that he could eject people from the wards.

Sirius had once asked him to do so, as he was curious what it would be like, but Harry had refused. Just comfortably living within their grip, Sirius did not feel the true weight of the wards. And having now compared their weight to places like Gringotts and Hogwarts, Harry knew that coming afoul of them was dangerous.

Not to mention he wasn't entirely sure he even could rescind permission to someone so central to his life. Someone he loved dearly. The wards would surely know he did not mean for Sirius to be removed from his life, and likely not even eject the man.

As Harry's magic slid across the outer edges of the elves, he felt overwhelmed once again by the sheer number of them. And the colour of some of the magic he felt. It felt nothing like the magic of those here in England, but it did remind him of the magic he had sensed during their few visits to other countries around the world. So powerful had the ritual been that they had quite possibly summoned every single house-elf on Earth. There were tens of thousands at least. Once numbers became so high, it was hard to be certain of them with only the human brain, so he couldn't be sure of his figure.

At least it bore promise for the idea that he and Hermione could truly free them all, once and for all.

"Do you understand?" Hermione asked, drawing his attention once more as his magic receded back into his body. That line meant that their purpose was nearly fulfilled for the night. And he needed to ensure his magic was not touching any of the elves when they left.

All of the elves nodded and a large number vocalised a positive response.

"Very good." She said, before turning to look at Harry for a moment. He gave her a warm smile and she turned back. "Any of you that are feeling weak, and we know who you are, so don't try to hide it. Please remain behind. The rest of you are free to return home now. Remember our commands. If we have any further need of your services, we will call. Stay safe, and stay vigilant."

Unlike the simultaneous arrival, the house-elves now began to disperse slowly. Some popped away the instant Hermione permitted them to do so, even before she had finished speaking. Others took a moment to simply enjoy the atmosphere of the highly magically-charged site in which they sat before they too departed.

Still more were hugging once more and saying their goodbyes to old friends and family they had long been separated from by the nature of the house-elf bond. It took almost twenty minutes for all those who were departing to leave. Harry was happy to note that none of the Hogwarts elves had remained, indicating that none of the students had been taking advantage of them.

But there were still several hundred elves dotted around Stonehenge, watching Hermione and himself closely. Harry could feel that most of these were the ones with the weakest magic and bonds. Though with a couple of exceptions, these bonds were far from failing on their own. And those exceptions were due to the health of the elf, not the master or bond.

Harry once again reigned in his anger at the people who would intentionally harm others in that way. He did not want to frighten the elves due to his anger at others' actions.

He walked over to the nearest elf and sat down in front of them, allowing his magic to wash them in the ambient energy of the site once more. It cheered him back up to watch the colour return to their features as the elf's tiny body absorbed the magical energy, recharging their own drained reserves.

"How are you feeling?" He asked softly.

He was no longer surprised when the elf did not seem shocked at his question. He knew that Dobby had inadvertently spread the word of their first meeting amongst the community of elves. It seemed that they expected such behaviour from him nowadays.

"Bitsy is feeling much better now, thank you." The tiny figure replied. His clothing was certainly cleaner than most that remained, but their energy level was severely diminished. Whoever their owner was, a question Harry knew not to bother asking, they were seriously overworking Bitsy.

"Would I be correct in assuming that you are very busy at home?" He asked the elf, who looked away to the horizon for a moment before they nodded slowly. "I thought as much. I want you to do something for me. For the next little while, until I say otherwise, if a job is too big for you to manage safely, I want you to call for one of my friends here."

Harry gestured to the Potter elves that were now walking amongst the other seated elves, handing out food and generally tending to them as he and Hermione were. While they could not issue commands to the other elves, it did not hurt for them to socialise with them.

"They will come when they can, or send one of our few elfin if they're currently busy. They will help you manage the load until we can find a more permanent fix. Does that sound good?"

Bitsy looked at him oddly before glancing at the wandering elves. Eventually, he nodded. "Bitsy can do that. But what if the master sees them?"

Harry smiled at Bitsy. "Don't worry. My friends are extremely good at going unnoticed. I will also reiterate, you are not to harm yourself or allow yourself to be harmed. No matter what your master says or wishes. Understood?"

He could see the command settle over Bitsy and the elf nodded once more. "If things at home become overwhelming, call for one of the elves. They will take you somewhere you can be safe and recuperate. We want all the house-elves to be safe and well. Someday soon, we will ensure it. By force if necessary. You need to stay safe until then. Deal?"

Harry offered his hand to the tiny figure and he took it gingerly. Harry was careful to keep his elven magic out of the shake, but he still felt the shock of his personal magic making the accord with the elf's now much stronger magic.

"Excellent. Eat and drink your fill. Feel free to talk with the others if you like. You can return home again once you are feeling up to it."

Bitsy nodded once again and Harry stood, giving them a slight wave before turning to look for the next nearest elf that Hermione had not already helped. There were still hundreds of them to see.

This was going to be a long night. Hopefully, the ward held until they were done.


Saturday, 1st July 1995.

Narcissa Malfoy was utterly terrified.

Which was a truly new experience for the woman. Not once during the first attempt to bring this country to its senses had she ever felt fear like this. A bone-deep terror that filled her entire being.

Many considered her nothing more than a trophy wife. The beautiful woman on the arm of an influential, although practically speaking unemployed, man. The eye candy he used to warm his bed and bear his heir. Only a select few ever saw the truth of her character.

She was not the second-best choice contracted out to the Malfoys by her family when her older sister had betrayed them all by marrying the mudblood. Narcissa had been Lucius's intended bride from the very beginning. They had clicked while they were still at Hogwarts, bonding over their shared beliefs and rather dashing features. It had not taken Abraxas long to approach Cygnus with the marriage proposal that had seen them wed shortly after her eighteenth birthday.

Although her sister's betrayal had sullied the announcement and spurred the rumour, Narcissa had been truly happy during that time. She and Lucius had joined the Dark Lord's ranks and together with her true sister, Bellatrix, they had sought to bring a golden age to their homeland.

They had been on the verge of victory when that disastrous Halloween had struck. The Potters had somehow diminished the Dark Lord through ancient magics. And while she and Lucius knew him not to be truly gone at the time, the Dark Lord did not seek them out for aid then and there.

Instead, she had been forced to hide her true nature. Blend into society and it's disgusting need to play nice with the mudbloods and muggles who should be no more than their slaves. If the mighty magicals deigned even to allow them to live at all in their world.

While she was good at concealing her desires, better even than her husband, she did make sure to raise their son correctly. She had done away with the boy's nurse the moment he was eating only solid food. Done away in a manner she had since been denied after the events of 1981. But even the thought of dispatching the nosy little half-blood didn't cure her despair now.

And it was a Potter once more that had her so concerned.

The past year had been so promising. Somehow, Barty Crouch Jr had survived his imprisonment and apparent death in Azkaban, the fortress that still held her sister captive for daring to be loyal to the Dark Lord. And he had come to their doorstep with a horrid creature that turned her stomach to behold.

But she was also able to sense the presence of the Dark Lord in the shape. And its words filled her with the hope that soon they would once more embark upon their noble undertaking to purge the magical world of the lesser beings and take their true place atop the pile.

Months of preparation, politicking by both Lucius and herself, and corralling the nigh untamable thirsts of Macnair had led to the previous Saturday evening. She had not been permitted to be present during the ritual itself, though she of course knew the particulars. Lucius had never been able to keep anything secret from her.

The two men would prepare the space while Barty ensured the boy would be the one to arrive. The enemy that had caused the delay in their victory would restore the Dark Lord to power once more. And when she had finally felt that long absent burn in her left arm, she had followed the feeling immediately.

Narcissa had been one of the first to attend their restored leader. And his new form had been even more glorious than his old one. Shimmering with power in the cold night air. He had informed them of what had happened in his exile. How even without form he had grown stronger. And how he would now prove his power over the Boy-Who-Lived.

She had watched with delight as the Dark Lord taunted and toyed with the child. The stories that Draco had sent home in his letters confirmed their suspicions that the boy was nothing special. While admittedly more powerful than the general filth that filled the once noble school, he appeared to be no more than a spoiled brat riding his fame undeservedly.

The group of Death Eaters had cheered when the bright green spell had struck the boy as he cowered, kneeling on the ground, panting under the assault of the Dark Lord. It was admittedly impressive that Potter had held up so long, but Narcissa had seen the Dark Lord lay waste to a dozen Aurors before. She knew he had been toying with the child.

Potter's body had fallen limp and their celebration had begun as they congratulated the Dark Lord on his return to power.

Only for that celebration to be interrupted by a blast of energy shattering the bodies of Goyle and Avery mere feet from her and something solid crashing through Jugson, Mulciber and Nott before disappearing into the darkness beyond.

Narcissa had turned to see the Potter boy stand once more, a cold anger present in his eyes that chilled her through to the bone. She finally understood the moniker the child had been given. No one had ever defied the Dark Lord that way in her life. But here he was, a child she had watched die standing defiant before them, raising his wand.

That was when the terror had first settled over her. It had filled her magic and whisked her quickly away from the graveyard. And that was the second cause of her fear.

She had betrayed the Dark Lord. Abandoned him to the fight out of concern for her own well-being.

The Dark Lord most assuredly still lived. She could feel his might thrumming in the Dark Mark on her arm. But he had not yet summoned her forth to pay for her treason. He had made no obvious moves of any kind so far as she could see. There was the possibility that he had burned down a building full of filth in London on the morning after his return, but Narcissa could not fathom why he would have singled out such an otherwise unremarkable site to demonstrate his power.

The news that Potter had torn through those who remained only mollified her slightly. She had survived whatever wrath the boy had let loose, but the Dark Lord would have an accounting from her, of that she was certain.

Draco's near-constant whining about his condition was nothing compared to the concern she bore over when that accounting might come. She did not know how to explain her cowardice. Or what she could offer that might placate the Dark Lord so that he might not torture her until she was left a powerless, mindless lump of flesh.

She tried to quiet her thoughts as she apparated back into the atrium of her impressive home. A place she and Lucius had purchased shortly before their wedding. Leaving the elves to properly furnish it for them. To have it ready for their wedding night.

And yet, those happier memories were now tainted by the fear that gripped her every waking moment and twisted her dreams into nightmares.

It took her a moment to notice the smug boy standing at the far end of the hall, watching her silently.

Perhaps the curse breaker the boy had summoned had been successful. Narcissa had not seen him standing so easily in days. Whatever the Lovegood girl had done had caused him tremendous pain. But in her present condition, she had no hope of removing it herself. Even if the Lovegoods were poor excuses for magicals, just like the Weasleys her husband had so despised.

"Welcome home, mother," Draco said, a slight smirk on his face. "It's about time. We were getting worried."

Narcissa took a steadying breath before she stepped towards the boy. While it was good to see that he was on the mend, she had greater concerns than his whining today.

However, she paused as she parsed what her son had just said.We?

She tilted her head in confusion as Draco stepped into the dining hall to the right. "Come on, mother. We should not keep our guests waiting."

"Guests?" She asked, now growing angry that her son had invited strangers into her home without her permission. Everyone she knew was presently missing after the debacle of the previous weekend. She had already checked their homes and none of them were in. She was just returning from checking another one now, only to find the home just as empty as the others. "Draco, you should have checked with me before letting someone into our…"

"Hello, Narcissa." She froze as the icy voice rang across the large hall as she entered, her eyes refusing to glance at the far end of the room where the voice had originated. "Young Draco here had been wondering when you would return."

The Dark Lord's voice had the unique ability to sound calm and cool, and yet convey absolute power and ferocity all at once. Narcissa could feel her heart hammering away in her chest as she felt her body finally turn towards the Dark Lord.

There he sat, perched at the far end of the table in the chair reserved for the master of the house. A place Lucius would never again sit. The cold pale skin of the Dark Lord glimmered in the firelight, and his hard red eyes were entirely fixed on her.

"He has been so concerned for you this week. He tells me that you have been distant and seem troubled. Does Lucius's death truly weigh upon you so much?" The Dark Lord asked, slowly standing, the move graceful and sinister in equal measure.

"I…" she mumbled helplessly, unable to form words, so heavy was the terror now gripping her mind and body. "My Lord…"

"Crucio." The Dark Lord incanted, as if it was nothing. Narcissa felt her body clench and twitch at the same time.

Every fibre of her body screamed in pain. Her very bones were on fire, the marrow within boiled and surged like lava. Her muscles were overwhelmed and she was barely cognizant enough to realize she had fallen to the floor.

Suddenly, the pain stopped. Her body continued to ache, but no new painful sensations were filling her form. The thrumming blood in her ears slowed and she could hear the soft footfalls approaching her.

"You were there, were you not, Narcissa?" The Dark Lord whispered, though the power in his voice carried it to her nonetheless. "You were present when Lord Voldemort explained that he does not forget. He does not forgive. You came when called, ready to join the fight. That was what you all promised."

The spots in her eyes cleared enough that she could see the Dark Lord standing a short distance away. Standing behind Draco as he watched. She could not read the boy's face at all. Her mind was still too scrambled by the pain signals from her entire body to focus on such minute detail.

"Instead, at the first sign of danger, you fled. Betrayed your dear husband to die." The Dark Lord continued, almost whispering the sentence into Draco's ear he was so close to the boy. "Betrayed me.Crucio."

The pain returned in full. It felt as though her muscles were trying to snap her bones all at once. Even her organs were in pain, shifting and surging about under the force of the Dark Lord's magic. Her lungs were the only part of her body that seemed to function properly, providing the air needed to scream her agony to the world. Her voice was already hoarse from it. And yet, the pain endured.

She had sworn her fealty and then fled anyway. This was the reward for her cowardice. At least, what tiny fragment of her mind still functioned prayed that this pain was her punishment. Narcissa was completely unaware of how much time was passing, only the immense agony.

The pain stopped once more as the Dark Lord lowered his wand. Narcissa was still conscious, but it was a close thing. Her mind was foggy, unable to cope with all of the pain being reported by her body. She was barely even able to fathom that words were being spoken nearby.

Her head lolled about, loose on twitching muscles she no longer had any conscious control over. Her eyes eventually fell on two pale shapes nearby and her brain tried to clear the fog away so that she might understand who they were. She blinked a few times and the pale shapes took actual form. Her son and her master.

"Does it anger you, Draco? To learn the truth." The Dark Lord whispered, his eyes fixed on her as he spoke to her son. "To know that she left your father to die. His death was horrible to witness. But she fled long before his end came. Perhaps, if she were not so weak, she could have helped me to save his life."

Narcissa's eyes widened, but she could make no other movements. No words would form in her throat, only a pitiful gargle of the spittle she had begun choking on. The Dark Lord was working his most powerful magic on her son. And she could see by the look in his eyes that Draco was listening.

"Do you not want vengeance? To show those who wronged us their place."

Draco nodded, his eyes still fixed on Narcissa.

While pregnant, Lucius had suggested their child might one day join the Dark Lord's ranks. Take his place at their side as they broke the world apart and remade it anew. A perfect paradise formed by the Dark Lord and the Malfoys. And yet, now, the idea filled her with dread.

She loved her son, as she had truly loved her husband. But she knew his power. His skill. He was no match for what little she had seen of Potter the other night. This would certainly be his end.

The Dark Lord placed the pale fingers of his right hand on Draco's shoulder. "Show me your resolve, and Lord Voldemort will make it so."

The hand slid slowly down the boy's arm. As it passed the elbow, Narcissa became aware that Draco had his wand in his hand. The Dark Lord guided his arm to lift and extend and now her son was pointing his wand at her.

"Prove your worth to me now and I shall Mark you for all time as one of mine. My most trusted. I shall teach you the power to break your enemies and punish your slaves. Prove to me that you are worthy of Lord Voldemort."

Narcissa could not speak, but she tried anyway. She didn't know what she wanted to say. Even now, on the floor of her dining hall, twitching from the torture she had endured. But no words formed on her numb lips. Only pitiful sounds of despair and anguish.

"Crucio," Draco said, and pain split her mind once more.

Chapter 45: Breakout


A/N: Mild Trigger Warning - The second scene of this chapter features somewhat graphic content involving bodily fluids and misuse of the cells required for childbirth.
The chapter title tells you what happens in that section, so it is kind of skippable. But if you're squeamish, it might be best to skip it.
This is one of those moments that, in my opinion, earns the rating. For creepy and disturbing behaviour more than gore itself.

Chapter Text

Sunday, 2nd July 1995.

Hermione felt the oddest sensation as she sat in the nursery.

She and Harry had been there all morning. Perched on a nice comfortable plush rug, just bathing in their magic in silence. The deeper they fell, the further it spread and they could both feel the new connections that they had made the night before branching off in every direction.

As they concentrated on each branch in turn, they could feel the magic of the elf it led to come into sharp focus. The tiny thrum of energy filling their wee bodies was like a heartbeat, giving them an idea of how the elf was feeling. And whether the mistreatment that some had endured was continuing.

So far, not one of the elves had shown any signs of allowing harm to be done to them. But touching the magic one by one was a slow process. Especially given their care to ensure they did not leave a path to be followed back to them as they worked. They had both been doing so since shortly after breakfast and yet Hermione theorised they had only touched less than a fraction of a percent of the number that had attended the ritual.

For they were not only checking on the elves and the fresh links, but using those links for another purpose.

It had been Andromeda who had first suggested it. After seeing how intimately linked Harry and Hermione were to the Potter elves. Even those that were not so completely bound to them as Nemea and Mipsy. Harry had long been able to feel things through their magic. It was one of the ways that he was so immediately comfortable around Remus.

Sure, he remembered meeting the man from when he was a baby. But he had been able to feel Remus's magic playing at the edges of Tybalt's from the moment the elf had located the man. He had just been young and inexperienced enough to have no idea that was what he had been feeling at the time. Busy as he was with Hermione that day. Especially during the nightmare incident and all that followed it.

Even brushing past that memory made her shudder and she felt a little bad as she felt the magic of the elf she was observing shudder along with her. Harry's magic immediately wrapped around her as well, even tighter than it already had been, but she quickly sent him a reassuring reply, so he wouldn't snap out of his own explorations.

With their magic entwined as ever, they had not double-checked a single elf. In moments like this, they felt as one being with two minds. Able to do two things at once as they explored the world through their shared magic.

It brought her comfort to know he was there, even if she knew their dependence on one another was perhaps a little bit unhealthy by most mental health standards. She no longer cared. Hermione Granger had completely tied her magic, soul and life to Harry Potter. Willingly and long before she had even realized the power within her was magic.

She did not regret that unconscious decision for an instant.

As she gently pulled her magic away from the elf she had been watching, she felt Harry's magic do the same. The enhanced sensation of what was around the tiny figure disappeared from her awareness as well, and she was once more only in the Manor, wrapped in Harry and the powerful wards of the property.

Hermione sent the feeling of happiness and warmth that the sensation filled her with to Harry and felt his entire being smile joyously in reply.

She adored her parents. Even more so now after the short separation they had endured upon her first sharing with Nemea. They were still a rock for her to hold onto whenever she needed to steady herself. And yet, this was home.

Surrounded by Harry in the place where his entire family's magic had dwelt for generations. She was a part of Harry now, and the Potter magic embraced her as if she were one of their own too.

The sensations were so bright that they momentarily overwhelmed her and Hermione opened her eyes. Allowing the feeling of the world outside to fall away as her magic retreated back into the room itself.

Harry's eyes opened as well, fixing on her. "You ok?" He asked, his intense connection to her assuring him that she was only distracted and not hurt in any way.

She smiled brightly at him. "Yes. Just a bit overwhelmed by everything."

While she did not speak aloud the exact feeling that had been responsible, Harry still knew what she was referring to.


"Don't be," Hermione replied, knowing he had a bad habit of apologising for things that were not always his fault. "It may have been unconsciously, but I tied myself to you willingly, Harry. Even knowing everything I do know, even with the threat Riddle poses, I would do it again in a heartbeat. Being occasionally distracted by the sheer breadth and power of you and your family's magic is a small price to pay for what I have gained."

Harry's gaze grew even more intense at her words and she washed her magic over him, a sensation of her feelings for him filling every molecule of the energy. Harry shuddered under the feeling and she soon was awash with a similar wave of energy coming from him in return.

They often became lost in one another now that Magic itself had revealed the truth of their connection to them in Harry's vision. Neither of them regretted the choice, and they had spent just as much time revelling in the feeling of their bond as they had research, sleep and other subjects since the eventful climax of the Tournament.

Time lost all meaning to them as the pair sat there, eyes locked as they created a constant circle of energy and emotion, churning in and out of their bodies. It was only the approach of other magic encroaching on the ever-widening dome of energy that snapped them out of their loving trance at long last.

Hermione finally managed to tear her eyes away as she sensed a figure standing in the doorway and she turned to see Ted standing there, watching them both in silence.

"Hello, Mr Tonks." She said cheekily, knowing the man preferred them to simply call him Ted.

He nodded, not acknowledging the cheek. "How goes it?"

With the Hogwarts year now ended, the three youths had all the time in the world to hang about at home and do as they pleased. But judging by his extremely neat outfit, it seemed that Ted had been called into the office today, despite it being a Sunday.

The man was a whizz at the law, and Hermione had picked his brain on several topics since the Tonkses had joined their growing Family. But she definitely wanted to ensure whatever job she eventually had gave her weekends off.

"Good," Harry replied. "Andi was right. We can feel them all if we try. Though, whether that is a result of the ritual, or just something we could have done anyway… I guess we'll never be entirely certain. Focusing on them allows us to sense the environment around them. I can feel the diary if I touch one of the Hogwarts elves. But only when they're close enough. They need to be within the grounds. Even Hogsmeade is too far."

Harry sighed once more at the fact a man he had once feared so intensely had been nursing one of the anchors his true foe had used to cling to life. Even if it was only through a lack of understanding of how to end the thing.

Hermione pushed her magic over him tightly, trying to squash the darkening of his thoughts.

"So far," she said, continuing Harry's thoughts, "we haven't detected any more. We still can't tell which elf is which. Or who they belong to unless they're standing beside their masters when we touch their magic. But it seems to be working for now."

Ted shook his head softly as Andromeda and Nym joined him.

"You two are incredible. You do know that, right?" He asked.

"Potters don't do normal," Andi said. "I had always thought it a silly saying. But it is surprisingly accurate when it comes to you two."

"You can say that again," Nym added, stepping further into the room and running her fingers along the leaves of the tamer plants near the entrance.

Harry's face caught Hermione's eye. "I could feel the residue from the diary somewhere else though. It seems the Malfoys either had more than one elf, or they have replaced Dobby already. The entire house stinks of Riddle's soul."

"Are you certain it is from the diary?" Andromeda asked, watching Harry curiously. "It's been years since it rested there. Surely it would have diminished by now."

Harry closed his eyes and Hermione knew he was observing the memory again. "The whole house is tainted, but it definitely spreads outwards from a central point in the basem*nt. Whatever left it behind spent a significant amount of time there, leeching its filth outwards."

"Are you suggesting that the diary might have made the Malfoys behave the way they do?" Nym asked, clearly curious if their cousin's behaviour was a result of the taint.

It was Andromeda who answered though. "I am afraid not. Lucius and my sister were besotted from around your age. They met at Hogwarts and bonded over their shared interests. Long before they ever met Riddle." Andi said, sighing.

"You can't change who she is, dear." Ted offered, taking Andi's hand in his own.

"I know. It's just hard. We were quite close as children. And we ruled the school together for many years. But the dark desires they embraced under Riddle were always present in them both. Our parents… Let's say that the Blacks have never had a head of house like Sirius before."

Silence held sway for several moments as Andi reminisced. Hermione felt bad for the woman. She had always wanted more siblings. As she supposed most only children did. Even what she had with Harry and now Nym didn't quite feel as she believed a true sibling bond would. To have had that and lost it, must be hard.

"Could he be hiding there?" Nym asked suddenly, turning attention away from her parents.

"Riddle?" Hermione asked, feeling the thread Harry had followed to the Malfoy elf and testing the local magic for herself. "No. But I have another theory. This does feel a bit too fresh to have come only from the diary."

She looked at Harry, who matched her gaze and she could see him make the conclusion she had.

"You think that it was Lucius." He offered.

"It's hard to be sure. That night is such a mess in my memory. All of it awash with the spectre of the pain." Hermione's soft glare prevented the unwarranted apology she could see burning for a moment in Harry's eyes. "But I think I felt his magic for longer than the others. He and Macnair are the ones I suspect executed the ritual."

"Meaning Riddle was quite possibly in that basem*nt for months until last Saturday." Harry summarised. "That would definitely have left his taint all over the place. But I cannot feel him there now."

"He has been far too quiet since…" Ted noted, leaving the last unsaid.

Harry had been rather sensible about the former orphanage. But the adults still avoided directly mentioning it anyway.

Harry heaved a sigh before he nodded, and Hermione could feel his mind whirring over everything that they knew about Riddle.

"Does make you wonder just what he is up to right now."


Lord Voldemort stood stoically on the stony shore, unaffected by the approaching creatures.

The wizards within the structure had clearly ignored the repeated arrivals, exactly as expected. The Imperiused boatman having made the trip unannounced several dozen times in the past few days with exactly that purpose. To engender complacency in the guards.

It was on yet another trip out to the island right now, though this time it was not coming across empty. Inside it were all those Lord Voldemort had managed to wrangle together to support this effort.

A few were like Narcissa. Attendees to his grand return that had fled the graveyard in terror. He had ensured that they once again feared his own wrath more than some talented child protected by ancient magic. They would never again question his power. Or they would be made an example of in front of all. Ally and enemy alike.

Others were like young Draco. New recruits to his cause. Only a couple of whom had proven themselves worthy of Marking as yet. But it had only been a few days. They had time yet to prove their value. Many of the younger ones were eager to act. The true difficulty there would be directing that exuberance into useful tasks.

And the remainder of the dozen were former sympathizers to their cause. Unmarked allies like Greengrass and Flint, who had managed to avoid attention during Voldemort's long absence. Their anonymity would prove useful over the long term, but for now, Lord Voldemort needed wands more than secrecy. Hence the almost haphazard nature of this plan.

A plan that Voldemort had to attend to before the boat landed. Or his few supporters would be gone before he could strike to free the rest. With his many skills, crossing the narrow stretch of the North Sea alone and undetected was of no consequence. And now the dementors had swarmed around him, it was time to deliver his offer.

"Greetings." He started sweetly, decades of practice swaying minds was easier than he had expected to fall back into. "It has been some time since we have worked together."

The cloud of creatures simply held their position, circling menacingly around him. None approaching or identifying themselves as a leader amongst them. From what he understood, there was no such thing amongst the dementors. They were a collective shadow on the world. Anywhere they gathered became diseased and oppressive. Exactly the kind of ally he could use in his works.

"You know my offer. It remains the same as the last time. Freedom to leave. Freedom to eat your fill wherever you choose. Just leave me and mine free to work and you shall have the freedom denied to you for so long. All you need do tonight is stand aside."

No words of consent or dissent came from the emptiness arrayed around his pale figure. For dementors did not speak. Alone he stood. For several long minutes. Before the darkness in front split apart. The towering stone structure once more visible past the masses of dementors.


Voldemort smiled to himself as he drew his wand, slowly starting up the poor excuse for a beach. Even by British Island standards, this one was awful and oppressive. All stone and rock, no sand or sun. The centuries-long residence of the dementors maintained a powerful storm system centred above the tower. So thick that it kept the sun from ever shining on this place. Sunlight was yet another comfort that was denied to the occupants within.

Despite the immunity his many rituals had given the man to their known effects, Voldemort still felt the sheer weight of their presence lift as the dementors retreated away, some rising up to watch his work. Others were already taking his offer and heading for the mainland and their promised buffet.

The boat arrived noisily at the enchanted dock, and the handful of followers he still had available to him disembarked.

But Lord Voldemort only had eyes for the doors. Within was the true prize. His most loyal. His army.

A quick stab of his grandfather's wand had the door cave inwards. No amount of pitiful strengthening runes could prevent his might from ripping them from their hinges. And so came the first of many screams of pain that this night would provide. The door guard that had been resting on a chair inside flattened under the doors as they shot inwards.

His followers finally reached his side as Lord Voldemort swept inside the stone corridor. A flash of green behind him confirmed the end of the already heavily injured guard. He had been more than content to leave the sap to die from his wounds, but it pleased him that his followers were eager to dispense death.

The small group moved forward, not encountering any resistance until they reached the small offices near the entrance. Inside were a mere handful of Aurors and the Warden. It seemed that the Ministry had long since given over the guardianship of the prison to the dementors. This token force was only there to bring prisoners in and out. And to alert the Ministry if something went wrong.

Voldemort ran his eyes across their quivering forms, and for a moment, debated whether to make some grand statement to them. Instead, all that came forth was a pleased smirk as he raised his wand and executed the Warden in front of the petrified Aurors.

As the shocked man fell, Voldemort could see the communication stone behind the man crack as the edge of his Killing Curse splashed over it as well. There would be no calling for aid now. The Aurors were left at their mercy, and tonight, Lord Voldemort was not feeling all that merciful.

"Kill them all." He said as he turned and left the doorway, the sounds of a short and decisive battle taking place behind him as his followers finished the rest. The Aurors seemed to give a valiant attempt, but they were outnumbered three-to-one.

And yet, it didn't surprise him when only eleven figures followed him towards the cells afterwards. The loss was of little consequence now though. They were inside and Lord Voldemort had a greater purpose tonight than a simple murder. He would recoup that loss a hundredfold.

The group moved slowly into the prison, stopping at each and every cell as they passed.

Voldemort peered in and beckoned the occupants forward. Reluctance was met with death. Compliance, a sharp and powerful stab of legilimency which allowed him to determine if they were worthy of his army. Or perhaps more, his Mark. Those who passed the test were released.

Those who failed felt his wrath, collapsing dead in their cells. He had no use for them.

Lord Voldemort paused as he arrived at a cell covered in new magic. A rarity in the ancient structure of Azkaban. This was not Ekrizdis's work. He raised his wand and struck downwards harshly, ripping both the door and enchantments free from the cell. It cracked open violently at the discharge, and yet, within there was nothing.

A curiosity. But not one worth a delay. So far, he had only freed petty criminals and vandals eager for a chance to strike at the Ministry that had caught them. There were many more yet to test this night.

Working steadily, the group rose upwards through the tower. And it did not take the growing force long before they reached Voldemort's true goal tonight. The highest security cells. Home to those who chose to face hardship in his name. Those who never once wavered in their commitment.

"Master?" Came the ragged yet familiar voice of one such person.

"Yes, Bellatrix. It is I. Here to reward your unwavering loyalty." He said, stepping over to the door as the others in the cells nearby craned and stretched, trying to see him through the physical constraints of their own confinement. "Have you missed me?" He asked, the hissing of his voice carrying through the stone hallway.

"Yes, my Lord. It has been so boring. I've only killed two since they locked me in here for seeking you out."

Voldemort smiled. Of course imprisonment was not enough to stay her vicious desires. Desires that would once more serve his hand. Once he armed her of course.

As he had with all the others, Voldemort locked his eyes on the mad woman's and he felt his probe welcomed within. Bellatrix shuddered as he peered into her mind, as if being violated by him brought her true pleasure. She was an open book to him, more thanks to her proclivities than any skill requirement on his part. Bella was utterly true to him. An extension of his whim.

Exactly what he needed right now.

The Dark Lord maneuvered his wand in a complex pattern and the door to Bella's cell simply turned to dust, falling to the floor. The mad woman's glee grew even more pronounced at her new freedom. A wash of thick, potent miasma flowed from the now wide-open cell and several behind Voldemort baulked at the smell. One even vomiting against the wall.

Lord Voldemort simply beheld the decoration that the cell's occupant had spent her time putting up with an amused smirk. The writing spread across every surface declaring that the Dark Lord would return shined down from every angle.

He knew enough to ascertain that two measly guards slaughtered had not been enough for all of the words spread over the walls. He understood enough of biology to know where the woman had garnered the blood she had used as ink instead. Painting her cell with every failed descendant that passed during her long imprisonment. A further testament to her love for him.

It amused him to see Black blood used in his name. Quite literally in this case. But Voldemort did not stare long. Instead, he turned to the pair directly behind him.

He held his left hand forward and locked his eyes on the quivering woman there. Narcissa did not need to be told what he wanted. She simply lifted her wand and placed it in his outstretched hand. It would be put to far better use in her sister's grip. The Black that never strayed.

"A gift." He said, turning back to Bellatrix, who was side-eyeing her cowering sister with a scowl now. The interaction had been enough for the loyal Black woman to note the lack of trust he had in her sister. Something that Narcissa would surely be explaining to her later tonight.

"Thank you, my Lord," Bella whispered, before she darted from her cell and paused in front of another they had yet to open.

She jabbed the wand through the bars and screeched. "Avada Kedavra."

The green flash sprayed over the occupant and they fell dead in place. Eyes wide and full of terror. Lord Voldemort simply raised an eyebrow at the action.

"Traitor." Bella whimpered, lowering her wand again and moving to his side. "Lee was often taken away. And every time he returned, more of our number were locked in here as well."

No one had ever truly been his equal in this life. Nor did he care about any of his followers beyond what they could do for him and his cause. But it simply felt right to have Bellatrix back at his right hand. Poised ready to strike at whomever he ordered. Even before he ordered it. He would have learned of Lee's duplicity the moment he peered into the man's mind. Though that was now unnecessary.

Bella would certainly help to keep the new recruits in line.

The group continued their march through the halls, freeing the rest of the captured Death Eaters. They had grown so large now that Voldemort could not see the rear of their group. It extended deep into the halls behind.

Mrs Lee soon joined her husband in death for their part in snitching on others for a reduced sentence. Lord Voldemort saw to it that hers had become a life sentence instead as the traitor died in Azkaban like her husband. He was disappointed that several present had sought to lessen their imprisonment in such a manner. If they were not immediately killed, he and they both knew there would be an accounting later.

As he reached the last of the cells at the far side of the high-security wing, Voldemort paused. One he had almost hoped to see had not been present at all.

He considered the dangers of asking the question, but in the end, curiosity won out.

"Bellatrix." He said softly, summoning the woman forward. He did not need to tell the rest to stay back. The command was implicit.

"Yes, my Lord?" The crazed woman asked.

Were he a lesser man, Voldemort might have baulked at the intense smell covering the woman, but he held his composure.

"My reckoning accounted for another prisoner. Where is Gaunt?"

Bella seemed surprised at the question, but hesitated only a moment in her reply. "Dead, my Lord. Passed about seven years back now. I remember watching as the dementors dragged his limp body out of the prison. I presume they buried him on the beach."

Lord Voldemort was surprised. He had hoped to finish the task he began so long ago and kill his last living family member. But the natural course of things had done it instead. It bothered him that he would not have that final joy. But it reminded him of something else he needed to ask Bellatrix.

"The item I entrusted to you?" He hissed, almost silently.

"Safe in my vault, my Lord." She replied just as quietly, the worshipful nature back in her voice now. Bella had been humbled that her master would entrust her with protecting the Horcrux. Not that she knew what it was. Only that her Lord asked it of her. "If it is not, I shall rip that building down brick by brick and rebuild it with the bodies of the goblins themselves."

Voldemort smiled. It was indeed good to have her back amongst his forces.

"Excellent. Check on it when you can." He knew it would be a while before the woman could enter the bank unchallenged. But for now, he was content. His fool of an uncle may have succumbed to the ravages of nature, but he was as immortal as ever. At least two of his anchors were safe and intact. Even if Nagini was truly gone, his status was still secure.

No-one had ever successfully taken something from under the goblins' vicious gaze. Were they more manageable, he would even consider recruiting them to his cause. But they cared nothing for the squabbles of humans. Only ever marching to war over the stupidest of insults.

Lord Voldemort raised his wand and sent a powerful curse into the last empty cell, blasting the entire rear wall outwards, and sending it down into the churning sea below. Outside, the remnants of the dementors flew back and forth through the heaving air. But they did not move to attack the prisoners. For they were prisoners no more. They were his servants once again.

He turned back and looked over those assembled. His most loyal followers watched him with deference and awe. Those of his former supporters who had found themselves arrested in his absence watched him with curiosity. The petty crooks and deranged murderers he had freed with them were a far cry from some of those he had lost the week before. It would take time and effort to train them to be an effective force. However, their numbers would count where experience lacked, for now. His army was rebuilt in a single move.

And now it was time to depart.

He flicked his wand once again, casting a spell that would ensure the public's fear once more. Then he connected the entire group with a rope of his magic. Securing them all to his next move.

So powerful was he that the force of so many leaving with him shattered the remaining corpse of the building. He had already cut out its heart by killing or freeing all of its occupants. Now he destroyed its body. The roof and upper floors exploded outwards as stone and bodies flew for miles.

The spell he had cast was freed in the process and now the Dark Mark soared above the jagged remains of the former prison.

Never again would this dark tower hold his forces. Azkaban had been broken, figuratively and literally. Let this serve as a reminder to those who stood in his way.

Lord Voldemort was back.


Monday, 3rd July 1995.

Albus Dumbledore stood quietly at the edge of the oppressive beach.

It seemed that young Harry indeed knew their adversary well. Azkaban was ruined. He could feel the remainder of the cracked and frayed wards swaying around the shattered finger of stone in the centre of the island. Tom had made sure this move was a show of strength. He doubted this could ever be truly repaired.

Of the three dozen Aurors that had arrived at noon, six already lay nearby. They had been caught unawares by the dementors, who it was now clear had declared their allegiance to Tom as well. Six more souls lost to that man's selfish desires.

Six on top of however many might still be trapped within the dead tower ahead. It was taking longer than expected to sift through the debris, searching for the prisoners and guards presumed to remain inside. All of it lit from above by the looming spectre of the Dark Mark. A signature left over the ruins.

Albus had offered his assistance in clearing the debris, but Bones had been steadfast. The Ministry needed to account for every rock and stone. Every body and bone. He was allowed to remain and observe. Even aid whenever another dementor was freed, shooing the shade away from the workers with his phoenix patronus. Every pale form that was dug free was another dagger of grief to his aged heart.

They had been warned. Harry had told them that this was coming. And yet, they had failed to prevent it. And Tom now had a renewed army of who knew how many. Some of the most deranged individuals known to magical-kind were likely now free amongst the public once more. Free to kill and torture. To spread fear and anarchy.

A whirl of a portkey sounded nearby and Albus turned to see Cornelius staring wide-eyed at the destruction.

"That's impossible." He whimpered, almost squeaking in fear when he saw the shimmering skull and snake in the air high above.

"If only that were true, Cornelius."

"Albus. How…?" The man asked, whirling at his voice before narrowing his gaze.

"You need ask?" Albus replied, indicating the Mark. "Young mister Potter was accurate in his assessment, Cornelius."

Albus let the statement, and the view, speak for themselves. He doubted even he could have hoped to leave such devastation in his wake. Even with all his decades of experience, and the wand at his side. The wand he was now certain served another. Tom had clearly learned much in his journeys.

"Surely you don't suggest one man did all of this, Albus," Cornelius said, clearly still hoping against hope that he could refute Voldemort's return by sheer power of will, even as the man's mark stared down from above. A will that definitely didn't match that of the man that had done this.

"I hope so, Cornelius. As the alternative is an army the likes of which we've never seen. Surely one man is preferable to that. Although, he now has that army at his beck and call once more."

Fudge shuddered sharply at the idea. Both ideas were horrifying. But one held the promise of a great deal of pain and suffering still to come.

Albus felt the guilt of the deaths. Had narrowing his focus to only the school left the Ministry to falter and fail without his guidance? It seems that the adage was true, there was never enough time. If he turned his gaze to one thing, the others withered while his back was turned. Had he done the right thing, turning away from the Ministry?

Surely the students needed his guidance the most. And in a world with Voldemort once again walking free, the world itself needed a safe place against such a menace. His presence in the castle gave them that. A fortress against the oncoming storm. One he had hardened once more against outside forces. Renewing the wards and strengthening the enchantments over the past several years.

"Minister," Amelia said, pulling Albus from his musings. The fierce woman approached, three Aurors at her back, wands out, keeping watch for more dementors. "We have cleared our way to the offices. Alfonz, Grady, Barnes, Tulles, and Braxton are all dead. Killing Curse by the looks of things. We're still sureing up the passageways into the cells, but we've already discovered a dozen inmates dead in their cells. The Unspeakables are on their way. They should help with the structure, and help identify the bits."

She waved in the direction of a pile of human body parts that had been strewn all around the prison. There were still a handful of aurors over at the edge of the beach around the island attempting to summon further parts out of the North Sea. Tom's explosive statement had left quite the mess.

"However," she continued, looking as if she was taking this disaster personally, "we can already confirm more than two dozen empty cells. All their doors were unlocked or destroyed entirely in advance of the main explosion. We have fugitives."

"Who?" Cornelius asked.

"If I had to wager a guess right now…" Amelia said, glancing at Albus who felt every bit as nervous as she seemed, "everyone. Anyone who agreed to follow along. So long as they didn't give the invaders cause to kill them where they stood, they let everyone they could out."

"What about High-Security?" Albus asked.

Amelia glanced at him again. "We haven't been able to get up there yet. There are dementors in the clouds. And that seems to be where the explosion was centred. It'll be a while before we can confirm numbers from that section. But I don't think we'll find many left."

"Not you too." Cornelius moaned.

"Don't be an idiot, Fudge." Amelia snapped back, pointing at the Dark Mark that still lit the scene. Albus had never seen the woman truly angry before, but now all of her rage was focused on the Minister. "You were warned. We could have prevented this. Now hundreds of the worst criminals in modern history are walking free. All because you refused to see the truth."

"There was no proof," Cornelius whined pitifully.

"That Graveyard was full of Death Eaters. Who else could summon them forth? Potter warned you." Amelia seemed like she wanted to continue berating the man, but she didn't have the time. "I'll have our budget increases on your desk tomorrow morning. We're going to need a significant increase in funding to round this lot up."

Amelia gave the peaky man one more long angry look before she shook her head and stormed back up the beach, heading back to the broken prison building.

Cornelius looked lost in the face of the bollicking he had just received, and the evidence laid out before him. Albus hoped that this would convince the man that the time to act was now.

"What do we do?" Cornelius asked quietly.

Albus wished he had a simple answer to give.

Chapter 46: Reverberation

Chapter Text

Tuesday, 4th July 1995.

Harry was not terribly impressed with his return to the Ministry.

Like any government building, it was overly showy. A demonstration to any visitor, domestic or foreign, as to how 'extremely well the country was running under their guidance'. Shimmering midnight blue tiles covered the walls, matching the highly polished dark wood floors except for the gleaming golden symbols flashing and changing across the walls and ceiling.

The high sheen of every surface was likely the work of house-elves in the 'employ' of the government. Which helped to show what a blatant mockery of the reality of the world of Magical Britain the centrepiece was. The Fountain of Magical Brethren showed several 'magical creatures' gazing adoringly up at magical humans. Who thought that was a good idea? Centaurs and goblins gazing longingly at wizards?

Today, the normally tame crowds were more chaotic than last time. People rushed back and forth in every direction. Whether it was the atrium or the upper levels. Everyone seemed stressed by something big. Harry wondered if the meeting to which they were headed was even needed. Or if the Ministry had chosen to acknowledge the truth at last.

His first visit had been quiet and unassuming. He, Sirius, Ted and Hermione had simply disappeared into the crowds there that day. Following the natural current of human bodies through from the arrival fireplaces to the elevators and down into the quiet depths of the Ministry.

A quick word from Ted to an old friend had seen them escorted through the vast underground Hall to row 97 where Harry had taken the record from the shelf and snapped it to the Manor. Unseen by their silent guide. Personally, he had been more interested in the label than the contents at the time. The recipient's initials were now well known to him. And he was left to ponder if the man who had cornered him in the Gringotts atrium could have had useful information that Harry was ignorant of by hiding from the man.

Harry still had no idea what exactly Ted had offered the Unspeakable as he guided them back out. But so far as he knew, that visit had gone entirely unrecorded by the Ministry. Dumbledore had certainly seemed surprised to learn that they had liberated the prophecy record.

The following weeks had been filled with the entire family pondering the wording. Hours of discussion and consideration had been spurred by the tiny spun glass ball. Until Hermione had stepped in.

Remembering the moment she had stood in front of them all always brought a smile to Harry's face. The adults had been mid-argument about the prophecy when she simply pulled her elder wand and obliterated the tiny sphere. No shards of glass survived the small explosive spell. It had been powerful enough to reduce the item instantly to atoms. Gone forever.

That had quieted the adults, who watched her stunned. Hermione had simply turned to Harry and informed them all that it didn't matter. If destiny existed, they would face it head-on together. If not, then the future was whatever they made it. Worrying over words got them nowhere.

He glanced at the girl at his side, her natural place for so many years now and noted that she was already smiling at him. It seemed she followed his thoughts naturally whenever his mind wandered now that he was free of the leech. The knowing smile showed her pride in her actions several years earlier.

"Do you regret it?" She asked softly as they came to a halt at the end of the long and overly decorated corridor with its thick purple carpets and gleaming mahogany doors.

Harry shook his head in response. "You were right then and you're right now. Whatever is coming, we'll face it together."

The two turned to the small desk as a harried-looking young woman flicked through a dozen pages on her desk, seemingly in response to Andromeda's request. There had been a debate as to who would attend this meeting today. They had agreed they could not bring everyone, as that would have weighted matters too heavily on their side. And they needed their host to cooperate.

In the end, Harry had decided on Andromeda for her cunning, guile and sheer presence. Ted had escorted them to the building once more but had remained downstairs, looking into other matters in different departments. Remus had begged off, knowing that his presence on Level One would just lead to excess attention they did not need. The argument that Hermione's parents, as wonderful and knowledgeable as they were, would be mostly ignored due to their blood meant that the only other choice for the meeting was Sirius.

Harry was happy to have his godfather attend, but the man himself had seemed far less assured. Yet, after a morning spent being prepared by Andromeda and Natalie, Harry had to admit that his godfather looked almost stately today.

His trimmed and shaped beard framed his face well when accompanied by his dark curly locks of now well-groomed hair. And the robes he wore today were nothing like Harry had ever seen the man in. If he didn't know Sirius Black personally, he'd have almost believed he was a respectable individual, rather than a scallywag looking for some mischief to cause.

"Right, yes. Here it is. Ten o'clock. They're already inside, please go in." Rebecca, as the nameplate on her desk showed, informed them, gesturing to the large double doors beside her desk.

It seemed she too was a victim of whatever mystery was bothering the entire Ministry today. Too busy to show them inside or even announce them.

Andromeda raised an eyebrow, but Sirius saw the moment as an opportunity, and before Harry could stop him, Sirius strode over and swung both doors wide open, the draft they caused making his robes flare outwards. Harry had to admit, it must have made for quite the entrance from the inside.

Yet the three figures there did not seem to be impressed. The atmosphere inside was heavy and Harry was seriously beginning to wonder whether this meeting was a bad idea. Hermione squeezed his hand as the four of them entered and stood before the desk.

Minister Fudge sat in the centre on the far side, watching them closely, a pile of paperwork strewn in front of him as Madame Bones stood to his left, hands hovering over the parchment. To the right, sat a short squat woman draped in a bright pink cardigan over green tweed robes. The same woman who had joined Fudge and the dementors in storming Dumbledore's office the weekend prior. He had never gotten her name then, but Harry instantly disliked the obviously fake smile on her face as she watched them.

But Harry's attention was drawn away from her saccharin sneer as he felt another presence leave the elevator at the far end of the hall and quickly traverse its length.

"It would seem I am the last to arrive." Albus Dumbledore stated, stepping into the room without bothering the receptionist.

"Indeed, Albus. Please take a seat, everyone." Fudge said, gesturing to the arranged chairs around the desk.

"Before we begin, I must ask Cornelius. Why have matters not yet appeared in the Prophet?" Dumbledore asked as Harry and his allies sat in the four chairs in front of the desk. Sirius and Andromeda on the ends, keeping the teens between them.

"What matters?" Sirius questioned. Harry could see that his godfather was trying to keep a wary eye on both the pink toad-like woman on the far left and Dumbledore as he conjured himself a seat to their far right.

Dumbledore turned to face the man, sighing softly before he spoke. "The breakout, of course."

This drew Harry's attention firmly. "What breakout?"

He already knew the answer. Magical Britain only had two responses to criminal activity. A fine levied by, and payable to, the Ministry that never seemed to be passed on to the harmed party in any way. Or imprisonment in Azkaban for a term that could vary from months to entire lives. So the looks on the faces of those opposite only cemented it into reality.

"When did this happen?" Andromeda demanded, staring at Bones across the desk.

"Around midnight on Sunday. I've spent the past day trying to piece everything together." Madame Bones replied, looking every bit like she'd been burning the wick at both ends. "Literally."

"A whole day. You've known a swathe of criminals, some of the worst this country has ever known, has been free for a whole day and you've been suppressing it?" Andromeda scalded. Harry knew that his friend's mother was a formidable woman, but seeing her in action here was still impressive to behold.

"It wasn't that simple." The Minister defended. "The tower was shattered. We had no idea who was and wasn't inside. We're still identifying some of the…" He paused as he locked eyes on the teens in front of him before finishing, "...remains."

"At least you had ample warning to increase the defences," Harry said, instantly noting a look of guilt on Fudge's face at the comment.

"Nonsense. Azkaban had the same defences as it has always had." The pink woman stated. "This is the first ever recorded incident of a prisoner being released from that fortress without authorisation."

Sirius turned and glared at the fool. "You truly are a moron, Umbridge." He said flatly.

"Are you saying that even after we warned you that Riddle would attack the prison, you did nothing to bolster its defences?" Hermione asked, and Harry could feel her anger was rising to match his own.

They had taken out Riddle's forces in the graveyard hard, ensuring he had no army with which to engage in his preferred form of terror. And the Ministry had stood by and allowed him to renew his ranks without even a token effort to stop him.

"The dementors were quite adequate, as they ever have been." The toad-like woman said. The black velvet bow in her hair looked like a fly perched on her forehead.

"The dementors attacked us!" Madame Bones retorted, giving Umbridge a heavy stare that didn't seem to penetrate the cheery facade.

Harry was done dealing with someone so intentionally obtuse. With a quiet snap of his fingers under the table, the lying eyes closed and the woman slumped in her chair, sliding down until she slipped off of it entirely. Thudding to the floor in a pink and green lump, now hidden from view.

"Dolores?" The Minister said, startled by her toppling.

"She'll be fine," Sirius said, drawing attention as he laid his unused wand on the desk's surface, covering for Harry's actions. "But I was done listening to her inane prattle. We're here for a purpose, and she was getting in the way."

"Why didn't you do anything?" Harry asked, directing his query at the man on the other side of the desk. A man who was eyeing his godfather wearily.

"There was nothing much we could do. Assigning more aurors to guard the prison would have required overhauling the facilities. There are only so many places they can sleep and eat. Unless you suggest we place them in the cells." Fudge retorted.

"Loath as I am to admit it," Bones added," The Minister is right. Azkaban is not built to house protectors. Ekrizdis built it to house his experiments, most of which required confinement, not comfort. And went entirely insane, if he wasn't already, after too long cooped up in there with them. I will need my Aurors for the fight to come. We cannot waste them by demoralizing them on that little island in the hopes Riddle never came to call."

"You wouldn't need to keep them there twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week," Hermione replied. "Simply having rotating shifts would have surely sufficed. Or do you all sleep and eat in your offices here as well?"

Harry turned to look at the Headmaster smirking in the corner and he felt his anger rise at the man as well. He had agreed that the prison was a high-value target. But the old man beat him to words.

"Unfortunately, arguing over how the prison could have been better protected serves no purpose now," Dumbledore said softly. "We need to focus on addressing the reality we are in, not vainly hoping we can will an alternate one into being instead."

"Thank you." Madame Bones said, taking the statement as a defence for her side. "As I said, we've spent the past day piecing things together," she paused and seemed to cringe at her own words before continuing, "on that island. And it seems Riddle did not free everyone present. There were still almost a hundred dead within the crumbling stones. Most were still contained inside their cells. I'm unsure what his reason for leaving them was, but some of them were true monsters. So we have been lucky there.

"All of the defenders present were killed. And during our efforts to ascertain the degree of the breakout, the dementors swept down from the clouds, or burst out of the debris and began to feed on the Aurors as they worked."

"So they have joined Tom once more." Dumbledore said, as if it had always been a foregone conclusion.

"High-Security?" Andromeda asked, and Harry knew where her mind had gone.

"Three dead." Bones replied. "The Lees and Milton were killed. The rest are currently missing. It was the hardest section to identify as all that was left were pieces. That seems to have been where the explosion was centred."

"So she is free," Andromeda said quietly, more to herself than the others present.

Harry felt Hermione lean away from him as she offered their support to the woman whose maniac sister was once more free to cause mayhem and chaos.

"I'm afraid so. I will be seeing Augusta later this afternoon. She's not going to be pleased."

Harry considered Neville and how he might take this news. He would have to be cautious when the boy visited the Manor next week. Perhaps his parents might offer suggestions for how to cheer him up.

"Do we have a count?" Sirius asked.

Bones sighed, but she shuffled a few of the papers in front of her. "We're still checking to be absolutely sure, but as of right now… the count seems to be three hundred and fourteen prisoners unaccounted for."

"Bugger me. That's more than he had last time."

"We cannot be sure that this was… You-Know-Who." Fudge said, chiming in at last and Harry fixed the man in his gaze.

While Andromeda had taught them intermediate occlumency during their studies, legilimency had never been something either of them had ever really been concerned with. Reading other people wasn't that important to either him or Hermione. However, Harry's gaze now revealed a great deal about the Minister. Simply because the man was practically an open book.

He was terrified. Frightened of admitting the truth sitting right in front of him. And his reluctance could spell doom for the entire world.

"You can think of someone else with the power to sway the dementors to his cause?" Dumbledore noted. "Who would single-handedly be able to assault an island prison covered in enchantments meant to keep people out, undetected as they released all of Voldemort's strongest supporters?"

Harry saw the shudder that passed through the Minister at the made-up name and he struggled not to roll his eyes at the behaviour.

"If you bury your head in the sand now, you will lose your country to Riddle," Harry stated, drawing the Minister's eye. "Tom Marvolo Riddle, for that is who he is, not some myth or a legendary monster with a terrifying name. Just a man with a penchant for cruelty and anagrams, who did awful things for selfish gain. Yes, Riddle is dangerous. He is cunning and he is ruthless. He attempted to murder a one-year-old child in its bed in the hope it would cement his power. Ignore him, and your days in that chair are numbered. If not your days alive at all."

"But," Hermione added, "at the end of the day, he is just a man. And a man can be killed. But only if you move proactively. Last time, the Ministry was almost entirely reactive. And it led to incredible losses. You need to press your advantage. Most of those freed are not former servants or supporters. Your justice system cannot be so narrowly focused."

Madame Bones nodded. "Most of those unaccounted for are simple thieves or petty criminals, whose crimes warranted more than a fine. Most were only serving very short sentences. Very few have any sort of martial training. And most preferred to work alone. Only about thirty are what I would consider Death Eater quality. Besides the known marked Death Eaters themselves. It would take time to make them into an effective force. But not much."

"Not to mention the difficulty in acquiring wands enough to arm such a large force." Sirius pointed out. "You'll probably need to provide some sort of protection for Ollivander and his friends."

"Unfortunately," Andromeda said, "bolstering your own forces will take even longer. Thanks to Severus Snape."

She glared at Dumbledore here, and Harry knew she was furious at the Headmaster for allowing Snape to behave as he had for so many years. Moreso given the old man had apparently suspected Riddle was staging a comeback for some time now.

"Over a decade that man has driven people from taking NEWTs in Potions. A requirement for both healing and law enforcement. Meaning the pool from which we might recruit is already severely diminished."

"I can only apologize for my failure there. I trusted Severus to grow beyond his flaws. The man is a genius when it comes to brewing potions. I made the mistake of believing that, given he was seeking a position at Hogwarts regardless, he was a competent teacher as well." Dumbledore explained.

"That damage is done now." Hermione said, cutting off Sirius before he could join in the ranting against 'Snivellous'. "What you need to do is reach out to your fellow Ministers. Seek foreign aid."

"What? Why would we do that?" Fudge asked, seemingly taken aback at the idea the British couldn't solve this problem alone.

"Riddle is weak right now," Harry explained, "but he won't remain that way for long. You might think he's our problem, as in Britain, not me personally. But if he conquers here, he will not stop at a small island. He will spread his influence. Riddle believes he will live forever. Britain is not enough to satisfy such a person. Hell, the world is not enough."

Harry ignored the pointed looks he was getting from Dumbledore as he touched on the topic of the anchors. The old man seemed to want to keep that topic under wraps. And while Harry knew they needed to keep Riddle from learning about the search for, and destruction of, his anchors as long as possible, hiding information from Fudge while trying to convince him to act was a bad idea. Especially when he had already seen one, and been told its importance.

"You also now lack a prison," Sirius noted, a tinge of vindication in his tone. "From what you've said of its state, Azkaban won't be fit for habitation again anytime soon. What are you going to do with anyone that the Aurors do manage to round up? Keep them all in the half-dozen holding cells that you added here in the Ministry after my release. You're going to need to cooperate with your neighbours on this."

Harry nodded in agreement as he watched the Minister consider their words. Fudge seemed to pause for a moment, rallying his courage for whatever he planned to say. It was obvious to all present as no one saw fit to interrupt the moment.

"If… and I meanIFwe accept he is back… How can we fight someone that, by your own admission, is immortal."

"Riddle is only immortal so long as his anchors remain," Sirius stated. Harry knew he had yet to return to the Black home in London, but the man still knew more about the topic of soul anchors than any other living member of the Family. "Several have already been destroyed. He is already on the path to mortality once more. So long as he is kept ignorant of the search, the rest should not take long to find and destroy."

"And the…" Fudge paused again and took a steadying breath. "The dementors?"

"They are a problem." Bones said. "Most magicals cannot perform a patronus at all. They could turn any potential resistance into a one-sided massacre."

Hermione squeezed Harry's hand as she obviously felt his emotions spike at the mention of the demons.

"We're having enough trouble managing the ones that remain on the island. I've lost eleven people already. The Unspeakables have managed to erect a ward that is keeping the ones inside from escaping any further, but we cannot destroy them. And it seems hundreds have already fled the island before we arrived."

Harry knew every eye had turned to them. Even those of his supporters in this meeting. The ability they had advertised the week before was not something to be ignored in this fight. But he worried that the two of them would be vulnerable while Kitty and Dawn carried out their goal.

"Maybe we don't have to destroy them all, Harry," Hermione said softly. "Just send a message."

He turned to face her and saw she too was worried by the idea, but also that her resolve matched his own. The dementors were a scourge on this Earth and they needed to die.

They both knew the generally accepted history of the monsters. Dementors were not a natural species serving some greater purpose in global biodiversity. They were a sickness unleashed by ancient magicals seeking to unbalance the natural order. They had succeeded, just not in the ways they had hoped. The group had apparently wanted to grant themselves control over matters that should not be in human hands.

None of them had survived the spawning of the monsters. And if the stories were true, several of them had been turned into the creatures themselves in the attempt.

"Once we're finished here," Harry said, "we can head to Azkaban. Hermione and I will kill as many as we can. That should send a message. Riddle might offer them more than the Ministry will, but we can and will kill them. Maybe that will suffice to keep them from the fight."

"Do we have to go there?" Sirius moaned.

Harry turned to face his godfather and he could see the reluctance within. The brief encounter the week before had finally allowed him to sort fantasy from reality in his mind. But he had been held prisoner by these beasts for almost a decade. It was no surprise that he would not want to expose himself to their presence again. Nor see the place he had been so unjustly detained.

"You can stay behind if you like," Hermione said, mostly supportively from behind Harry. "But as has been noted, our ability to harm them as we do seems somewhat unique. We can't really achieve it from here, Sirius."

The elder man sighed heavily, but his eyes did not waver from Harry. The boy could see the battle going on within his godfather. But it did not take long for one emotion to win out over everything else. Sirius had sworn to himself that he would keep Harry safe, and that meant going with him to dangerous places. Horrible as those places may be. Finally looking away, Sirius nodded his consent.

Harry hated the idea of bringing Sirius anywhere near the monsters, but he knew Sirius would not be talked out of coming along. And as Hermione had just noted, they couldn't destroy the dementors from a distance. Such focused use of the spell required their immediate presence.

"You need to publish a casting guide in the paper. And hold training sessions." Andromeda noted, drawing focus away from Sirius once more. "These two have taught us that our understanding of that spell has been flawed for a long time. Perhaps, they can provide you with a few tips that might help bolster the number of people that can cast the spell. At least enough for them to get away from any attack."

Harry nodded his agreement. He would not personally reveal the depth of the emotions he used for Kitty to anyone outside the Family. But it was true that he had found a way to more easily teach the spell. Nym had been finding the spell difficult to achieve with Remus's teaching methods. But once Harry understood the spell, he had explained it to her in a way that saw her casting it corporeally not long afterwards.

Nip, the playful red fox form that her patronus took matched her behaviour nicely. And it particularly enjoyed messing with Sirius's grim and Remus's wolf patronuses. Usually siding with the two larger felines against the other canids when all five came out to play.

"I'm sure we can work something out before we leave." Harry agreed, focusing back on the matter at hand. "So, Minister." The man looked up and locked eyes with Harry. "Have we convinced you of the truth yet?"

Fudge still looked frightened. Harry knew they were asking a lot of the man to acknowledge the war that had already begun. No one wanted to face such a reality. Harry was sorely tempted to simply return to the Manor and remain there. Ignoring it all and letting things play out as they would. But there was a large part of him that refused to capitulate to the feeling.

Not only did he have many friends now out in the world he wanted to protect, it would just be a sh*tty thing to do. As much as the adults hated it, as much as he hated it, he had the power to help. And he could not live with himself if he hid away and allowed a monster to conquer the world.

That didn't mean he was about to rush off and hunt Riddle down. But he was going to be involved, one way or another. This meeting alone was proof of that.

"I…" Fudge paused and glanced at the still form of Umbridge, "...agree. The evidence, when looked at as a whole, is fairly overwhelming. You-Know-Who has returned."

Harry gave the Minister a supporting smile.

"Excellent," Andi said. "But you do yourself a disservice calling him that. If you must avoid his preferred moniker, use his name. Riddle is just a human man, like you. Do not give him the satisfaction of cowering before a name. Using the one he was born with will go a long way to convincing those who look to you that this is not a losing battle. That the enemy they face can and will be defeated."

"Alright. Riddle it is." Fudge said, sitting a little straighter. "What about these anchors?"

"That is a topic that must be kept to as few people as possible." Dumbledore interrupted immediately, as Harry had been certain he would. "If Tom were to learn of such a search, he would relocate them. Making their destruction all the more difficult to achieve."

Harry turned to glare at the man who still possessed one of the items in question, but he paused when he noted the look on Dumbledore's face.

"I must ask, though. Was Morfin Gaunt amongst those set free?" The old man finished, directing the question to Madame Bones.

A look of confused curiosity spread over her face in response and she checked her paperwork.

"No. According to our records, Morfin Gaunt passed away approximately seven years ago. It was a bit of a surprise. He had seemed oddly resistant to the effects of the dementors up to that point. I think he was almost eighty or ninety years old. And had been in Azkaban since the early forties. Not many survive a forty-year stay in the prison."

"So long…?" Dumbledore mused to himself as his head fell. "Time gets away from us all. How unfortunate."

Harry felt like he was missing something there. He knew who Morfin was, of course. Tom Riddle's uncle on his mother's side. He knew that Morfin had been sent to Azkaban multiple times, the last for the murder of the bulk of the muggle Riddle family when Tom had been attending Hogwarts. But he did not know why Dumbledore was so interested in the man.

"We're doing what research we can," Sirius stated, moving matters forward again after Dumbledore's tangent. "And so far as we know, two have been destroyed so far…"

"Three." Dumbledore injected once again. "I would need to inspect her remains, but I am certain that Nagini, Tom's snake, was one of them as well."

That surprised Harry, although it did explain the man's curious behaviour at the mention of the snake's demise. Something Harry still felt guilty for, despite her trying to attack them both. Hermione simply shuffled their chairs a little closer and held him tighter.

Bones gave Dumbledore a wary look before she spoke. "I'll try and arrange that."

Sirius eyed Dumbledore for a moment before he nodded as well. "We also know the location of another. That makes four at least."

"From what research we have done," Hermione said, "Riddle was a cruel and lonely child who felt that his magical gifts made him superior to others. He put a lot of stock in the value of magic and its quirks. By looking at his exam results, we can see that he had a definite interest in arithmancy. That subject deals with divining outcomes through Numerology and the breakdown of magic in spells. I can see why it would appeal to him.

"It is especially fond of certain numbers. One representing new beginnings and leadership. Riddle definitely considers himself the One above all others. Most everyone in the magical world knows the power of the numbers Three and Seven. And the master numbers Eleven, Twenty-Two and Thirty-Three hold specific significance. Showing up over and over in potions, rituals and other group-casting systems. Riddle had a peculiar interest in the number Twenty-Two. Given it was the age he disappeared from Borgin and Burke's. He always held an inner circle of twenty-one members. When you count Riddle himself in that, you get the number again. A number that did not waver during his assaults. If one died, another was always elevated in their place within a day."

Harry loved watching Hermione speak on the aspects of magic. It filled her face with a glow that only appeared in certain other situations. She truly appreciated the value of knowledge. But he tried valiantly to keep his mind present on the topic at hand, lest he fall into memory and fantasy instead. He shuffled in his seat slightly as Hermione continued.

"All that is to say it is not really a surprise that he is fascinated with it. Given it supposedly represents mastery, power and natural leaders who are highly intelligent and have a 'strong sense of purpose'. But other research we've done suggests it would be impossible to break a soul into that many pieces. Extrapolating from that, we think," she paused and glanced at Harry, who nodded his agreement, "that he would have sought to make a powerful magical number central to his effort. That means Three, which we know cannot be accurate, Seven or Eleven."

"Is it even possible to mutilate a soul to that degree?" Bones asked in disbelief.

They had not been able to do much research on the topic of souls since the Graveyard. But their new status together was something Hermione would be incapable of ignoring for long. It had been one of her priorities to find out how souls worked and interacted once they returned from Hogwarts after the Diadem. The pair had dug through some truly esoteric tomes as they fell into the subject in depth. Which had proven crucial in preparing their ritual with the elves as well.

"Only time will tell," Dumbledore said, pulling Harry from the memories he was recalling. The old man looked as if he had finally passed his momentary whimsy over a dead man, and he seemed quite impressed with Hermione's assessment as well. "I have a lead I shall follow up on. It might help us to confirm that number." The old man paused once again and Harry could see the hairs around his mouth shudder as he sighed before Dumbledore locked eyes on him once again. "I know you do not trust me, Mr Potter. However, your presence at such a meeting may be vital in ensuring that the man who holds it remains present long enough for the truth to be received."

"Not going to happen," Sirius growled, moving towards his wand on the desk until Harry blindly placed his free hand on the man's thigh.

"We'll see. You can send any messages to Andromeda. She will see to it that I get them." Harry replied, not breaking the gaze.

He knew that he would feel it if the old man tried to enter his mind, and that would certainly mean that Harry would never trust him again. But surprisingly, he felt nothing. It seemed the direct eye contact was for sincerity, rather than subterfuge. It was Harry who eventually broke the stare, moving his gaze back to Fudge.

"Make sure that you absolutely trust anyone involved in this matter." Harry continued. "Do not tell her a word of it."

He gestured to Fudge's right and everyone knew who he was talking about. Harry knew she wouldn't have heard a syllable of what had been discussed, so powerful was the sleeping spell he had cast. Riddle could rip her mind to shreds searching and not find a thing. But he needed to ensure that Fudge kept the foul woman out of the loop. Sirius had mentioned her by name before as being a horrible person, but this was the first time Harry himself had interacted with her.

"We'll be keeping a tight leash on that information." Bones stated. "And I will personally vet anyone before they're brought anywhere near it."

Fudge glanced down at the still woman once again before he nodded. "Agreed."

"You should speak with Gringotts as well," Hermione advised. "Ensure that anyone privy to the knowledge has customised portkeys to a known safe location. Riddle must be kept unaware. If he should attack any of you, you must be able to escape. Ministry portkeys are all well and good, but the goblins know magic that you all like to ignore. Make the most of it."

Fudge and Bones seemed surprised at the statement. Harry had no idea if they would heed the advice, but he personally knew how powerful the goblin portkeys were. Their ability to function through powerful wards would be a boon against the Death Eaters' favoured style of home attack.

"As it seems we all need to do a bit more research before we continue these discussions," Andromeda began, "shall we head off to other matters?"

The question was directed at Harry and Hermione. This next step was entirely their decision. The adults of the Family had tried to convince them against being involved, but they had both refused to sit back and watch others harmed to keep them safe. And they had just agreed to try.

"Fine, yes. We can stop by the DMLE first." Harry said, gripping Hermione's hand tightly. "And then, let's head to Azkaban."


Hermione was thrown by the ferocity of the storm above them.

Her previous visit to the prison had been strictly internal. Popping directly into Pettigrew's cell with the Orb and stunning the evil git. She had been able to hear the ever-surging ocean outside, but Pettigrew's cell had lacked any kind of window. A feature meant to ensure he was unable to escape.

Now though, the tower was a ruin, its upper reaches shattered and chunks of rock spread all around them over the 'beach'. It hardly qualified for such a term.

A typical gravel beach had nice smooth stones, as they were massaged over time by the lapping waters and tides. But something about this island seemed to prevent that natural process. All of the stones here were coarse and sharp. And the dense clouds above threatened lightning while delivering copious amounts of rain. Everything about this place was awful.

Her grip on Harry's hand tightened and she could feel him comforting her with his magic. Though it was so much harder to feel in this place. The oppressive atmosphere of the island was trying to form itself between them, but neither one was letting go of the other enough to allow it to gain purchase. She felt like they were a ball of resistance against the oncoming miasma of depression.

Madame Bones was ordering everyone present about, gathering the adult wizards into rows around them. Most of those present had just been run through Harry's Patronus refresher. And that had seen a marked improvement in the ability of the Ministry staff to cast the spell.

Andromeda and Sirius stood behind them both, each with a hand on one of their shoulders. Their silent support didn't truly help here, but it was appreciated regardless.

Hermione could feel something niggling at the corner of her mind as well. A memory that sought to come forth. One that she tried her hardest to keep suppressed at all times, even if it did lead to her learning about her magic. She quashed it harder, pressing it down into the most secure portion of her mind. She needed to focus on safer memories right now if they were to achieve their goal. Wallowing in the fear and pain of that one would only weaken Dawn.

"Alright, the ward is still working." Madame Bones said as she approached once more. "We're as ready as we'll ever be."

"You sure about this, kiddo?" Sirius whispered into Harry's nearby ear, and Hermione smiled at the man's concern.

It was impressive that he wasn't a complete mess right now, after the way he had reacted to the dementors that had been brought inside of Hogwarts. There were a lot more here, and she could feel them approaching closer as they stood here waiting. Though she suspected it had more to do with the four cheering charms that Andromeda had surreptitiously cast on the man both before and since their transport to the island.

"The dementors could wreak havoc on both sides of Britain. Magical and muggle. Especially the muggles. Riddle has offered them something they think we cannot counter. We need to give them a reason to rethink their role in this fight." Harry replied, his fingers entwining tighter with Hermione's as he spoke. He turned to face her and stared deeply into her eyes. "Are you ready?"

"Always." She replied, summoning her elder wand to her right hand as she felt Harry's rowan one appear in his left.

While Harry was right-handed, just like herself, the two cast while holding hands so often that they could both cast equally well with either hand. Yet he always seemed to defer, allowing her to use her dominant hand. She had never queried why, as it was not something that hurt her ego or bothered her in any way. It was simply a slight curiosity that she had never thought to ask him about.

"Here we go," Harry said, and she followed his lead as the pair fell into themselves and became awash in the feelings they shared with one another.

Feelings that had only ever grown stronger. Ones they had built on every single day since they had first met on that playground. That tied them together across the bounds of the Earth, no matter how far apart they might become. Ancient magic which filled and entwined their very souls.

"Expecto patronum." They both calmly incanted together, pointing their wands upwards and unleashing the mighty cats up into the air.

Around them, dozens of other voices echoed the spell and a powerful wall of bright energy followed Dawn and Kitty as they shot upwards into the sky. A shield of combined warm emotion keeping them all safe from the monsters above.

The contrast that the shield created in the air finally allowed Hermione to see the horrid black-cloaked figures that were far closer than she had realised. Floating down from the upper reaches of the tower and the clouds above.

The first one paused before it shot towards Kitty, only for the massive cat to slam into it and rip at its throat with its spectral jaws. Dawn hit another moments later and the process truly began.

She could feel the dementors ripping at Dawn's hide, trying in vain to shred her before she could damage them further. But for the moment, her love for Harry kept their claws at bay. The two cats shot from one dark form to the next, each cloak dropping quickly to the ground after they were done. Making a horrid squelching sound as their decayed flesh splattered against the jagged rocky ground below.

That was when the attack came in earnest. From out of the broken tower poured the bulk of the dementor force, swarming against the bright glowing wall keeping them protected. The sound of it was like a thousand people dragging their nails down a blackboard randomly as their scaly scabbed hands scrambled against the bright light wall. The sound reflected inside and was not helping matters for the defenders.

It probably made for quite an impressive sight from the outside. A dome of light holding back waves of diving and striking black figures. But inside, it was not impressive at all.

It was terrifying.

Hermione crushed Harry's hand in her own, fingers entwined tightly, and he returned the favour. She could feel Andromeda's hand tighten on her shoulder and could only imagine how Sirius was faring right now.

"Hold your nerve." Bones yelled over the sound of the scraping claws and sucking mouths trying to force their way inside.

Hermione could see that certain parts of the wall seemed thinner than others, but at Bones's comment, those dull patches brightened again. The sound and sight of so many monsters assaulting them was already taking its toll. The defenders could not keep this up for long.

Kitty and Dawn were making excellent progress. They had left quite a growing pile of dead dementors laid at the base of the tower. It was hard to tell in the near-perpetual twilight under these heavy clouds, but she would estimate they had already rid the world of almost two dozen dementors.

They were much harder to see past the roiling mass striking the powerful dome, but she thought that the pair were now dancing through the dark monsters. Ripping their decayed bodies into pieces by sheer force. Shattering their awful forms like bright piercing arrows of tooth and claw.

It would have been a rousing sight if not for the horrifying chaos between her and the patronuses.

"They can't keep this up," Harry said, echoing her earlier thoughts. He turned to her again and she saw a curious gleam in his eyes. "But I have an idea."

His eyes flicked upwards and she noted that he was looking past all of the movement above them. Staring at something beyond the dementors and the patronuses.

Hermione was surprised at the thought she felt from him. Magic was energy after all. It could be possible. But it would be very dangerous.

"Are you sure?" She asked, locking their eyes again.

"It's worth a try. This method is too slow."

"What are you two talking about?" Sirius asked, a quiver in his voice as he held his wand aloft with the others, a tiny thread of white energy connecting it to the shield above. Far smaller than those around them.

Sirius needed them to end this soon. She glanced back at Harry and nodded.

Hermione felt Dawn dissolve away as she focused her mind and energy on the pile of dead dementors. She closed her eyes and felt the magic around her, good and bad. And she focused on forcing the electrons from the dead bodies out into the ground. And then pushing them deeper still. Forcing that area to become positively charged.

Kitty disappeared soon after and she could feel Harry focusing his own magic upwards. It did not take long for the air around them to become charged. The mass of negatively charged clouds above them seeking to snap back to a natural balance. Something they were holding at bay by sheer force of will right now.

"What is going on?" Bones asked. "I can't see your patronuses."

Others around them began to notice the change as well, and the shield above them began to dull as the collective keeping them safe seemed to lose focus.

"Hold steady," Harry said, eyes still closed. "We're trying something tricky. It's going to be very loud and very bright. Ready?"

"Ready," Hermione said to him, hoping that this wasn't as crazy as it seemed.

She felt the words form in her mind as she raised her wand again. They'd never actually tried forming a spell on the spot before. "Fulmenimbus patronum."

Two massive bolts of bright white energy shot upwards from their wands, scattering the dementors that were attacking the shield, giving the defenders a reprieve. They continued unimpeded up into the thick cloud cover above. And immediately a deep rumble began to form.

Harry and Hermione both fell to their knees at the immense energy they had expended into the spell. The sharp edges of the rocks below dug into their skin harshly. But they both remained conscious for the moment.

"Conjure a physical shield against the ground," Harry yelled.

The two waved their wands and thick blocks of stone appeared out of the air along the ground in front of the large group. Hermione allowed the electrons she had previously pushed deep into the ground to rise up and fill the wall they were making. Ensuring its charge matched that of the clouds above.

The adults behind them seemed to have no idea what they were doing, but Andromeda dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around Hermione. And it felt like Sirius was doing the same to Harry.

Suddenly, with a bright flash and a deafening snap, everything went dark, and Hermione fell into unconsciousness.

Chapter 47: A Moment To Breathe


A/N: Mild Trigger Warning - The final scene contains a graphic description of a crime scene. Contains gore.

Both to celebrate (is that a bad thing?) the 26-year anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts, and as an apology for ending last week on a cruel cliffhanger, I'm posting this one early to give you all some relief. My bad.

Chapter Text

Tuesday, 4th July 1995.

Andromeda felt the change in the air.

The two bright blasts that shot upwards from Harry and Hermione's wands had pushed back the thick weight of the despair caused by the dementors, but only for a moment. But it left something new crackling around them in its place. The hair on her arms was beginning to stand on end.

She felt air under her hand as Hermione dropped to the ground without warning, the girl waving her wand forward and conjuring thick stone blocks from the jagged stone beach itself. Harry yelled for them to conjure a shield, but her attention was now focused on protecting the teens in front of her.

Andromeda dropped down as well and wrapped her arms around Hermione, tucking the girl's smaller form under her own as the charge in the air continued to grow. She moved only slightly in an attempt to yank Sirius down as well to protect Harry, but the man changed form and wrapped the boy in his massive dog form.

She raised her wand above her head and conjured the most powerful shield she could around the four of them as whatever was happening reached its pinnacle and a blast of immense light and sound filled all her senses entirely.

The crack was deafening.

Even with the shield around them, it felt like someone was squeezing her entire body, and Andi could feel the damage in her ears from whatever the children had done. It was a powerful shock wave that hit the entire group hard and knocked most around them down to the sharp stones under their feet.

Her shield held, however, and Andi was almost relieved until she felt the figure in her arms disappear.

The shield collapsed as her focus dropped and she reached out a hand to prevent herself from falling into the now-empty space. She glanced to her left to see Padfoot bound upwards and begin to frantically look about. Harry was nowhere to be seen either.

Panic tried to grip her before her senses won out. The two were wearing their portkeys, and it would seem that whatever they had just done had drained them both to the point of exhaustion and thus unconsciousness.

They would be back at the Manor, being fretted over by Pops and the others. They were safe.

The rest of them were still on an island full of ravenous dementors.

Andromeda stood, one of the first back on their feet after the blast. She noted that the almost metre-thick conjured stone that the two had made was cracked through. Battered by the shockwave. She wondered how powerful the wave would have been without that extra physical defence.

Beyond it lay a pile of smouldering cloaks amidst a thick black char mark across the stony ground.

Wand at the ready, she slowly looked upwards, noting that the thick clouds above the tower seemed lighter all of a sudden. Instead of the thick dark grey of earlier, they now had a paler tone. Pale enough that she could see the dementors against it now, without the aid of the collective patronus shield that had collapsed with them all.

The dementors were once more coming towards them, and she prepared to conjure her patronus. But she noticed something odd in the way they flew.

They were not flying at all, simply falling from the sky.

The first dull thud surprised her as it landed behind her. Something fleshy had hit the ground immediately behind her and splattered the back of her legs as it hit the unforgiving ground. More thuds followed and she quickly realized that the pair of teens had managed to at least stun the bulk of the awful creatures. And now gravity was taking its toll.

"Heads up. Falling dementors." She yelled, though the sound barely registered in her ears due to the damage from the powerful shockwave.

The giant black dog to her side bounded at Andromeda, leaping hard and clearing her head with his enormous body, teeth closing around a dementor body that was about to strike her and diverting it away. Both came down hard on the stones.

She cast a potent healing spell in the dog's direction before locating Amelia on the ground nearby. She quickly helped the woman to her feet and indicated the falling bodies above. Amelia nodded her recognition and began firing off spells in multiple directions. A temporary spectral hut sprung up from where the spells hit the beach. Designed to protect from the elements while preparing a campsite, the spell would redirect falling debris away from those underneath.

Andi cast her eyes around the beach and noticed that a few of those who had formed the guard were rolling about on the beach in pain. While most were now standing and noticing the situation, those still on the ground would be unlikely to get out of the way and under the hut to safety.

She quickly cast summoning charms on the prone figures. Unfortunately dragging them across the unkind surface, but she was well-practiced at healing cuts and fractures. The heights some of the dementors were falling from could prove instantly fatal if they were to strike any of the prone bodies.

The more folks that took refuge under the cover, the more powerful it became as they added their magic to reinforce it. Others began copying her actions and within a minute, everyone was safely tucked under its protection with only a couple of close calls for those being summoned.

Andromeda felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Amelia there, watching her. The woman winced as she turned her head and indicated her ears. A trickle of blood was pouring out and Andi raised her wand slowly, gesturing that she could help with that, without seeming threatening.

The wand movement needed was complex, but Amelia remained perfectly still as she cast it.

Now that the adrenaline of the moment was wearing off, Andi began to feel other pains and throbs across her body. Her head was ringing from the force of whatever the teens had cast. But it certainly seemed to have done the job.

After a few moments of casting, Amelia gave her the thumbs up and was immediately accosted by Sirius. Andi could not hear what the man was saying, but his demeanour was easily readable. He was frantic because he still could not find Harry. And damaged as the wards may have been, he was not powerful enough to simply apparate away from the island prison.

Andi turned her wand to her own ears for a moment, recasting the same spell she had just used to repair the damage to Amelia's. It took a bit longer as she needed to focus more carefully. Though she only had to begin the process of healing. Enough to hear what was going on and get herself to St Mungo's for a proper healing. Casting such spells to fully heal oneself was never a good idea.

As she worked, she finally noticed the thick smell of ozone in the air. As if the air itself had been burned by whatever Harry and Hermione had done. Every breath reeked of it over the sour taste of the burned decayed flesh of the dementors themselves.

Her attention snapped back to Sirius as her hearing returned and she could hear his shouts.

"I need to see him, Amy. I need to go now!" The man growled, being held by two burly men who were struggling to keep him from charging at Amelia once again.

"Calm down, Sirius. I'm sure he's here. Just give us a moment to find him." Amelia replied, gesturing to the pile of groaning bodies nearby.

Andromeda knew that Sirius would not be calmed until he could see and touch Harry again. And the boy was no longer present on the island. With a quick sigh, she walked up behind the frantic man and cast another spell.

The stunner struck him in the back and Sirius went limp for a second before he too was whisked away from the island, back to the Manor. Remus could deal with the man when he woke up. Others here needed her aid more than Sirius needed calming. Though she did feel a little bad for the poor sap. He truly adored Harry, and any threat to the boy was a physical pain to him.

"What the hell, Andi," Amelia said as the two Aurors that had been holding Sirius baulked and then went for their wands in response.

"He's safe. They all are." Andromeda replied, ensuring she kept her wand down and non-threatening as the Aurors had probably not had their hearing fixed yet. "We have more important things to deal with right now," she added, indicating the injured folks nearby. "May I?"

Her head was still ringing, and her hearing would definitely need further healing. But for the moment, she could do more here.

Amelia glared at her for a moment before she nodded.

As Andromeda swished past, she saw Amelia beginning to give the upright aurors instructions with her hands. It seemed that the hearing issue would not stop them from carrying out their duties with her.

Andromeda knelt next to those at the edge of the pile and began casting diagnostic spells. They all had similar injuries to herself. Hearing damage, cuts and bruises from the stony ground. But most here also had minor burns as well. They must have been the ones closest to the spell that teens had brought down on the dementors.

Dementors which continued to rain from the sky, splattering against the ground or the spectral roof above. The awful squelching sound was disturbing now that Andi could hear it. But she focused and tried to ignore the sound as she cast spell after spell.

Time seemed to fade away as she moved from one body to the next. It wasn't until Amelia tapped her on the shoulder that she noticed that the falling bodies had stopped, and most of the Aurors and Unspeakables were now back on their feet.

Groups of them were gathering the fallen dementors on the pile that the teens had begun.

"Nice work, Andi," Amelia said softly, nodding at her most recently recovered patient.

"It's all basic aid. They will still need to visit St Mungo's. We all will." Andromeda replied.

"Tell me about it," Amelia said, shrugging a pain in her shoulder away. "And then we need to have another chat. I have questions. Like how three people portkeyed out of Azkaban's, admittedly damaged, wards."

Andromeda couldn't help but chuckle at the woman's indignant stare. "We already told you. Visit the goblins. They make quality portkeys." She replied.

Finally standing, without the emotion of the assault or the focus of her task now distracting her, Andromeda finally noticed the feeling left in the air. While it still stank of ozone, the weight of despair did not fill it anymore.

"It seems like whatever they did worked," Andromeda noted as she took in the dozens of piles of black-cloaked figures across the beach.

"Yes, it does. All the ones on the ground are dead." Amelia replied, sending a few of the standing aurors to begin ferrying the injured off to St Mungo's. "I have to be honest, the first few times I asked Moody about those two, I thought he was pulling my chain. But now…"

Andromeda nodded in agreement. When she had first met Harry, he had seemed so unassuming. A small boy living a happy life. But there was nothing about him that gave away the immense power and skill hiding within. Hermione was much the same by herself as well. But when the two worked together, they were unstoppable.

She had taught them much of the magic they now knew personally, and they still amazed and surprised her every day with the ways that they twisted and changed magic to suit their purpose. Andi couldn't even begin to explain what they had done here. But she was sure the forthcoming explanation would seem utterly obvious once given.

Those two had a unique way of seeing the world. Likely in no small part due to their continued muggle studies.

"I'm going to have more questions," Amelia said, breaking Andi from her thoughts. "For now though, if you can take some passengers, we can clear you off to St Mungo's. Doubt I'll be getting to my meeting with Augusta for a while yet."

Amelia sighed heavily and Andi knew she was considering the two that had once again left her tidying up a mess that they had made.

"I'll see what I can do," Andromeda replied, giving Amelia a nod as the woman walked away, heading for one of the nearby piles.

Andromeda turned to the nearest group of downed Aurors and saw the Unspeakables preparing portkeys for them. The proper DMLE authorised sort that were normally needed to leave the prison wards. Joining the next group to depart, she gave one last look around the stony beach before the hook behind her navel whisked her and another five patients off to St Mungo's.

Perhaps there she would learn the extent of what those two had accomplished today.


Wednesday, 5th July 1995.

Theodore Nott was nervous as he waited in the oddly ordered house.

He still wasn't sure why he had been brought here. His stepmother was too busy mourning her lost husband to care for his whereabouts. But the fact that he had seen Malfoy wandering about earlier and Zabini was also seated nearby, he figured it had something to do with either the school or their families.

With his father lying dead in St Mungo's, having succumbed to the injuries caused by something very heavy hitting him very hard, Theo was now the head of the Nott family, despite only being fifteen years old. With his December birthday, he was one of the oldest in his year.

It was one of the reasons he had always seen Malfoy as a pompous twat strutting about the castle. They all knew that he was the fourth youngest in their year, having forced the entire house to celebrate his birthday only a month before. Yet Malfoy behaved like he was three or four years their senior and that alone made him deserving of their loyalty.

Sure, the fool had occasionally pulled some great pranks on the filth wandering the school, but he was far from worthy of a Nott's attention, much less his loyalty.

Zabini, on the other hand, was far quieter. He watched and he learned. Carefully gathering secrets and observations that he would use against you whenever it proved prudent. He was practically the opposite of the waddling peaco*ck.

Unfortunately, Malfoy had seemed rather smug when he had spotted them on the way in. In a way that Nott had only ever seen on the pompous fool when he thought he knew some secret that the rest of them were unaware of. Even when it was not the case. However, today might be a first.

His attention was drawn from his musing as the nearby doors opened and the owner of the home glared down at him.

"You two, in." Yaxley barked at them.

Zabini glanced at Nott as the pair stood and they followed the brutal-faced man into the large room. And Nott was completely unable to keep the shock he felt from showing on his face.

Seated at the end of a wide open space on a large black throne, was the Dark Lord reborn.

Nott had heard the rumours from the others in his house. The scheduled awards portion of the Tournament had been cancelled and they'd all been left to speculate as to why. When he and many of those around him had received owls on the Sunday, they had learned that there had been some sort of big meeting of Death Eaters on the Saturday night, and rumour certainly held to the idea that Potter had been involved.

He was the only one never seen leaving the maze. And something had triggered the Ministry folk to start up the pomp that evening, before failing to find a returned Champion. So far as he knew, they had still not announced who had actually won the event. The papers had been too focused on the gathering of Death Eaters that had seen so many killed. And more recently the mass breakout from Azkaban and the decimation of the dementors that had once guarded the prison.

But it seemed that the event which had seen his father mortally wounded had indeed been the rumoured return. And now the menacing gaze of the Dark Lord his father had so often praised was fixed on him. Nott tried his hardest not to shiver under the intensity of it. He would not show weakness.

"Kneel." The Dark Lord said, his voice barely a whisper but it carried throughout the entire room.

Nott could feel the command in the breathy word and he fell to his knee without a second thought. Whether he had done it of his own free will or not, he could not be sure.

Silence filled the air for an uncomfortably long time. It felt as if Theo's soul were laid bare before the man in front of them. As if he could see his very thoughts, so Theo tried to calm his nerves and silence his mind. His father had trained him in occlumency from a young age, but he'd never quite gotten the hang of the skill.

"Zabini." The Dark Lord said in the same powerful whisper. "I am told that you are quite observant. I have questions that you may be able to provide answers to."

The momentary relief Theo had felt at not being the subject of the Dark Lord's attention vanished as the red eyes swivelled to him.

"And you, Theodore. Your father was one of my earliest supporters. He often spoke of you, and how proud he would be when you joined our cause. A shame that he will no longer be around to see it come to pass."

The words both thrilled and frightened the teenager. His father had often told him of the Dark Lord and his cause. To clean the magical world of the filth that polluted it. And one day, to extend that cleansing beyond their borders. Theo had assumed he would be proud to be offered such a role. But now, kneeling here in the presence of the man his father had seemed so enamoured with, he wasn't sure.

"But to earn such a place, I need to know of your devotion. I must see proof of your worth. So first, I wish for you to confirm that which the young Malfoy has already told me. Of Harry Potter."

Nott was surprised by the query. He knew that Malfoy underestimated Potter. One only needed to exist in proximity to the twat for five minutes to hear his endless whining and droning about how unfair life was. That Potter was no more than a lucky fool. Which had just further reinforced Nott's desire to stay clear of Malfoy. The child was an unobservant idiot who would willingly delude himself against what his own eyes had seen.

"What would you like to know?" Zabini asked, shocking Nott from his thoughts.

The red eyes shifted back to Blaise and even from his place nearby, Theo could feel the weight of it. The burning expectation within.

"My lord," Blaise added, his voice breaking under the weight before the sensation passed.

"I wish to know your impression of the child. His strengths and weaknesses. His manner. His friends." The Dark Lord stated plainly.

Theo noted Zabini glance at him before both their eyes shifted back to the hem of the Dark Lord's cloak.

"He is far more capable than Malfoy will have told you," Zabini said. "He is distracted by his own beliefs and the fact that they both sorted into Hufflepuff."

Theo nodded and continued. "Potter is definitely more powerful than he seems at first glance. We were not present for the occurrence itself, but I am sure that I have ascertained the truth of the matter; Professor Moody attempted to attack Potter during his first class with the mad bastard. Potter and Granger put him down. From what I heard about their response, they were not conserving their energy either."

Theo glanced towards Zabini before he continued. "But I was close enough to see him testing his stamina against the Black and the werewolf a few weeks back. Holding a shield under a constant steady assault. I did not watch the entire thing, but from what I hear, he lasted for over three hours."

Despite keeping his eyes low as he had been instructed by his father should they ever meet, Theo could feel the red eyes watching him intently. "Interesting."

Blaise took the reins of the explanation once again as Theo was pressed under the intense gaze. "Greengrass went on and on about the time that the pair of them befuddled Professor Vector as well. Not by magic, but with the application of understanding. Their grasp of most subjects seems to suggest that both are coasting through the classes they share with our peers. Whoever has been tutoring them has done a good job."

"I cannot confirm that it was them specifically," Theo added now that the Dark Lord was focused on Zabini again, "but they seemed to retaliate decisively against a group that sent them hate mail after one of Skeeter's articles. They appear to be ruthless against their enemies."

Zabini nodded his agreement. "And their altercation with Professor Snape still has the man seething even now."

Theo's eyes had raised enough that he noted the barest flicker of something in the Dark Lord's face at the mention of their Head of House. But he would certainly not be pursuing that line of inquiry. He focused his mind and put all of his father's training to work, pressing that awareness deep into his mind and covering it with anything that he could find to keep the Dark Lord from noticing he had observed the slip.

It was several moments before he was confident enough in his efforts to focus on the conversation once more and Zabini was narrating several more of the events they had noted of the pair during their time at Hogwarts. This particular instance being when a group of girls had cornered Granger. The fools.

"And what of his performance in the Tasks?" The Dark Lord enquired. "You were both present for all three."

Zabini glanced at Nott and raised the eyebrow closest to him. It seemed the other boy had certainly noticed his quietness as he sorted his mind.

Nott swallowed hard and began to speak. "We were never able to figure out how he completed the first task. One moment, the egg was in the nest, the next he had it. I've considered a dozen different ways he could have achieved it, from simple to complex. The second though, that one was interesting. Potter looked lost for most of the morning before he stormed back into the Great Hall looking furious and riling up the other Champions."

Zabini nodded in agreement and the Dark Lord seemed to sit a little straighter, though Theo couldn't even be sure the man had even moved. It was just something about him that seemed more intent all of a sudden.

"Seeing them leave, I followed, figuring events were going to begin early. We're supposed to believe that he cast a summoning charm so powerful it dislodged the beast's village from the lakebed. And I certainly heard him shout the incantation of that spell. The Ministry folk certainly seemed upset over the Task. But nothing I have seen suggests that Potter is powerful enough to do that on his own. Despite his handling of the Aurors guarding the dock."

"While Potter was the first to dive in," Zabini continued, "the others also cast some powerful magic as well. He seems to be at his strongest when others are around. I've never witnessed Potter pull off anything extraordinary by himself. And he was very emotional over Granger's inclusion in the task, which has been known to boost the power of certain spells."

"Is that so?" The Dark Lord whispered, turning away from them both for the first time since they entered.

While the removal of the staring should have felt like a weight had been lifted, Theo was still in awe of the sheer power of the presence before him. His father had often spoken of the intensity of being in the Dark Lord's company. How the man exuded strength. What had seemed to be stories in his youth had proven to be true in person.

"Perhaps… this requires further observation. The power…" The Dark Lord mused to himself as if he no longer cared about their presence at his feet.

But the reprieve did not last for long before he returned his attention to them. "What else?"

Nott glanced at Zabini once again before he swallowed and spoke up. "He's very close to a number of oddballs at the school. From his metamorph cousin to the loony daughter of the idiot that publishes the Quibbler. I've heard of a few altercations he's had with others over them. And he has an uncanny ability to disappear. The Valentine's debacle left many people confused."

"They have goblin portkeys," Zabini added. "I believe that they used them to escape attention after the second task. They vanished from the dock. And the school wards should have prevented them from doing so with normal ones. While they cannot get you inside of specialised wards like those at the school, they can get something out of them."

The Dark Lord did not reply this time, simply fixing Zabini with his intense gaze for several long moments. Even though he was not under direct observation, Nott could still feel the power of those eyes bearing down just to his right. It was disconcerting, to say the least, but he tried not to let the discomfort show.

"Very well. That will do for the moment." The Dark Lord said, at last, releasing them both from the weight of the stare. Though his powerful presence still pressed on them. "I will consider what you have told me. Go."

There was no glance between them this time. Nott and Zabini rose in unison, though Nott was sure it was only out of a desire to get away from the intense pressure in the air.

Yaxley was behind them when they turned and he scowled at them both as they diverted around him and out through the once again open doorway. Theo didn't know how he felt after that meeting. Or if he ever wanted to be in the Dark Lord's presence again.

One thing was certain, Potter was in for a world of trouble.


Thursday, 6th July 1995.

Harry blinked away the sticky sleep residue in his eyes as he finally returned to waking.

He could immediately feel the presence next to him, breathing softly as she slept still. The thick weight of exhaustion was still present over his body, so he wasn't shocked to feel how weak Hermione felt by his side. But as the grogginess left him, he began to note other things.

Like the throbbing tingling feeling running up his left arm. The headache that was pounding through his brain and reverberating off the sides of his skull. The immense hunger of his empty belly. And how incredibly weak his magic felt right now. Both forms of it.

"Stay still, master," Pops said and Harry rolled his head to look at the aged elf standing beside the bed.

Harry tried to speak, but his throat was dry and it took several rough swallows to lubricate it once more. "What happened?" He finally squeaked out.

"You two overdid it again," Nym said from the far end of the bed, though far quieter than he had expected.

Lifting his head slightly, as far as it would go, he could see her sitting in a chair there, just visible over the heavily breathing black lump perched on the end of the bed itself. Sirius's usual place whenever he and Hermione did something foolish that saw them bedridden.

"Did it work though?" He asked, the memory of what they had done playing again in his mind.

Even there, the flash and bang were incredibly powerful, and he no longer wondered why he had a headache.

"Seems like." Nym held up a newspaper and while Harry couldn't read the actual article, the large picture of a pile of smoking Dementors under the massive headingDEMENTORS CAN DIE!certainly conveyed the general meaning well enough. "Bones wants another chat. But so far, you seem to have pulled it off, Shorty."

Harry tried not to roll his eyes at the continued jibe. He had grown quite a few inches over the space of this year. He was sure he'd catch the two up soon.

Harry tried to sit up, but Pops placed his hand on his chest and Harry lacked the energy to beat it for strength.

"Stay still, Master. By order of your parents." Pops stated, giving him a knowing look that Harry had seen many times before.

"You know I could order you to let me up," Harry said, trying to smirk cheekily.

"No you can't," Nym said with a laugh. "Not right now."

Harry allowed himself to fall fully back onto the bed, welcoming its soft embrace around his sore body.

"Yeah, you're right." He wet his lips and mouth once more as he softly tested each of his limbs and muscles. His entire body was sore, but his left arm and head bore the worst of it. "How long have we been asleep?"

"Two days." The nearby painting said, the voice incredibly familiar. "What were you thinking?" Lily demanded.

"Hi Mum," Harry replied. "Nice to see you too."

"Don't be cheeky with me, Harry. You two show up from a meeting at the Ministry, unconscious. Shortly followed by Sirius who had been stunned. And you wouldn't wake for days. Even once Remus roused Sirius, he couldn't hear a word we were saying."

"Actually," Harry said, considering that last part, "how come I can hear you? I can feel the pain in my ears in the memory."

"Because Andi, Pops and Moony have spent the past two days taking care of you both, once we figured out what was wrong with Padfoot." His father said, obviously also in the painting Harry couldn't move his head to see. "We've all been pretty worried."

The more he focused on his body, the more Harry could feel the foreign magic of Andromeda, Remus, Pops, and Tybalt on his own. Especially around his head. It was extremely comforting to know he had such a loving family to take care of him.

"Was anyone else hurt?"

"Almost everyone had to be treated for damage to their eardrums," Nym explained. "Some had bruising from the shockwave and others have minor burns on their exposed skin. Mum has been at the hospital almost the entire time. I think she's going to have a rogering to deliver all of her own once she's free again. Care to explain exactly what it is you two did?"

"We channelled the energy for the patronus spell into the storm clouds," Hermione said, clearly having come around beside him as they talked.

Harry just gingerly slid his hand across the sheet until he found hers and entwined their fingers together. The gentle squeeze he got in return was more comforting than all the words she might have said.

"The dementors' permanent presence over the prison had already left massive storm clouds there. We intentionally imbalanced the charges in the clouds and the dementors. Leading a discharge path to the ground. Nature did the rest." Harry finished.

"You made a patronus lightning bolt?" Lily asked, surprised at the audacity of the idea. "No wonder everyone was stunned. A few of those closest to your little wall had flash burns over any exposed skin."

"Sorry. We didn't really have time to hash out the details with everybody first. The shield was struggling under so many dementors."

"We could feel it was close to giving way in a few spots," Hermione replied, finally blinking open her eyes as well. "If the dementors got inside, we'd have been in a lot more trouble than sore ears and eyes."

"Expecto patronum," Nym said from the end of the bed, and Harry saw Nip appear, sitting on Sirius's still sleeping form. "Go tell mum it was a lightning bolt. That should help with Felger and Reynolds."

The wee fox gave a short nod before it whisked through the roof and off to St Mungo's, at least Harry assumed that was where it was headed.

"What happened to them?" Hermione asked.

"They were looking directly at the point of impact. Reynolds can still see shapes, but Felger is getting nothing but darkness. Now we know what caused the damage, maybe they can fix it." Nym replied.

Harry immediately felt a wash of guilt. In attempting to save his protectors, he had inadvertently harmed them himself.

"Stop looking so mopey," Nym smirked. "Both are happy to have their lives. They both admitted they were on the verge of collapse when your spell struck. Seems you two were right that the shield was about to fail."

"I still feel bad," Harry replied. "We should have been more careful. Planned better before going. Or put up some kind of proper barrier between us and the impact site."

Hermione squeezed his hand silently and Harry fell quiet, rolling his stiff head to look in her direction. She held his gaze but did not speak. She didn't need to. He could tell she was trying to will him to stop taking the blame onto himself. That she was just as responsible as him and that what they did saved many lives today. Possibly hundreds if the warning worked as they had hoped. Thankfully the newspaper had already spread the word for them.

He let out a slightly petulant breath before he nodded.

"Fine. I'll try not to feel guilty." He replied, before considering the paper in Nym's hand again. "It doesn't mention us by name does it?"

Nym smirked at him and lifted the paper. "In response to the breakout, the Ministry dispatched a large force of Aurors and Unspeakables to assess the damage and identify the escapees. While on-site, a pair of specialists worked with the Unspeakables to attempt this new magic on the remaining dementors present. Saul Croaker of the Department of Mysteries had the following to say: 'We are quite pleased with the results of the new spell. For generations, our kind have lived in fear of the dementors. At long last, we've got a way to truly fight back against their evil, instead of pushing them back and resorting to holing them all up in one place. Finally, we can bring the fight to them.'Further information is unavailable as to who developed this new spell, or the identities of the specialists involved. But the public can rest easy knowing that those renegade dementors that left the prison before the assault are living on borrowed time..."

"I suppose that is for the best."

Harry noticed Hermione glancing at everyone arranged around them. All the elves were watching them closely, evidently prepared to prevent them from attempting to cast any magic. And Remus had arrived in the doorway, presumably drawn by the sounds of voices in the room. They'd not had such a large audience upon waking since Hermione's prior record-setting attempt at the Challenge. Although, Harry had been among those gathered around worried that time.

"So…" She asked, "what happens now?"

Lily gave the girl a soft glare, and Harry tried not to smile at the soft spot his mother had developed for Hermione. He could still recall the first time he had brought Hermione to the Manor, and the livid look on his mum's face. Now, she never could stay mad at his girlfriend. She was too inquisitive. Too much like Lily had been herself back when she was their age.

"You two will remain here until Andi gives you the all-clear," Lily explained. "We already have your wands, and Pops and Tybalt will be keeping a constant watch to ensure you don't use any elf magic. From what she could tell while you 'slept', that spell took a lot out of the both of you."

"And you will cooperate if you still want Longbottom to visit next week," James added, a knowing look on his face as he watched them both.

Harry knew that his father would have already been looking for ways to subvert the decree if it were him. But Harry was quite happy to spend a few days resting with Hermione. The past few weeks had been somewhat hectic. And there wasn't much else they could do until someone figured out where the next anchor might be.

He took another deep breath, feeling a little better than when he had first woken. He rolled on his side, barely strong enough to do so until he felt his body gently thud against the other body in the bed. His free arm wrapped around Hermione and she gave a soft sound of approval as the two snuggled together.

"Fine. We'll stay put." He said, making sure to sound put out when in reality there was nowhere he'd rather be right now.

He didn't need to see Nym to know that she was making a suggestive face at the end of the bed. But it seemed his father felt the need to voice his mischievous nature.

"That's off the table too. Far too strenuo…uch. Lils!"

Harry smiled. If they were back to their usual good-natured prodding, then no one was overly worried about their state. They would recover soon enough. But for now, rest sounded very good.


Friday, 7th July 1995.

A/N:Violent crime scene gore warning.

Amelia stepped gingerly through the room, glad she had been at this job for a long time now.

The contents of the room had already sent three of her Aurors outside to vomit in revulsion. And she did have to consider whether it was a good thing to have become inured to such sights. As she reached the table, the smell did become a little overpowering, but a quick bubblehead charm solved that problem.

She was hardly the only one wearing one in the space. But it was a very bad idea to vomit inside of a bubblehead charm. It was not designed to handle viscous substances passing through it.

Amelia sighed as she looked into the dead eyes of Bartemius Crouch Snr. Despite the fact the man's head no longer resided on its body, the man bore a look of distinct satisfaction. Most bodies in this state were frozen in a look of horror. But Barty had achieved something that pleased him greatly in his final moments by the looks of things.

Bagman, on the other hand, was the more typical example. His head remained on his shoulders, but the extremely large hole in his upper torso was responsible for a portion of the gore now splattered across the dining room. It also left his head and shoulders on a garish lean as the material that had once supported them had been dispersed onto other surfaces.

His face showed the terror of his final moments as the poor man had struggled to breathe through lungs that were no longer there.

"Boss." A familiar deep baritone said from behind her, and Amelia paused for only a moment longer to pay her respects to her former colleagues. She still had a job to do.

"Shack." She acknowledged as she stood up and looked at the large man. "Thoughts?"

"According to the Masks, Barty seems to have poisoned Junior. Junior took it badly."

"Any idea how Junior made it out of Azkaban yet?" Judging by the state of the room, this had occurred before the recent mass breakout. Junior had clearly been free for a while. "This looks too old to have been after the attack."

Shack shook his head. "Fairly sure this lot took that secret to their grave. Add this to the trouble on that island already…"

"Tell me about it. Croaker." Amelia acknowledged her fellow Department Head as they approached.

There was a small vial in his hands that was mostly empty, but the viscous, almost see-through green liquid within seemed strangely familiar to her.

"Bones. Quite the mess." Croaker replied, indicating the quite literal mess around them that would be even harder to clean up figuratively. Vanishing spells would handle the viscera nicely, but this was going to be a nightmare to deal with.

Two dead Department Heads who had been missing for weeks, and behaving erratically before that. A deceased escaped prisoner who had supposedly died in Azkaban almost a decade ago. And what appeared to be the remains of a house-elf. Whatever happened here, she was sure it was related to the Triwizard Tournament. Albus had been right that something was off about Barty.

"Have you lot been able to trace the order of events?"

"Mostly. The house wards kept things pretty well protected, so the magic didn't have a chance to decay yet. Seems Barty had used his position to get his hands on some rare resources." Croaker held up the tiny vial, but he did not shake it. A sign of its inherent danger, as normally he'd have made a show of such an action. "Basilisk venom."

"Great," Amelia said with a suppressed groan. "Class A. What were you doing Barty?"

"He was doing whatever he was told for some time now," Croaker replied. "Residue shows he's been under the Imperius for months. Ludo too."

"So we've found our hole in the Tournament?" Shack queried.

"Seems the most likely. If not them, then…" Croaker left the sentence unfinished. They all knew what it meant if these two weren't the ones pulling the strings however their puppeteer desired.

"How did Barty get Junior to drink that if he was under?" Bones asked.

"Even if Junior was controlling him, he was still the head of his house. His word would be law to the elf. Telling her to dose the lad and forbidding her to tell him… could work. Would only take a couple of moments of lucidity to pull it off." Croaker theorized. "But we probably won't ever be sure.

"According to his wand, once the venom started taking effect, Junior snapped. What you see here is the result of his dying tantrum. Seven blasting curses, two severing charms and a particularly nasty curse on the poor elf. She exploded after the others had already expired."

"Can you pinpoint the time?" Bones asked.

"Night of the Third Task would be my bet. Seems Junior was sitting here waiting for something when Barty executed his own little plan. Venom was in all four cups. My guess is he wanted to end it all and cover his shame. I'll wager he is the one who sprung Junior from Azkaban."

"Why do you think that?" Shack asked.

"Downstairs. A nice and cozy little prison cell. Bed, bucket, invisibility cloak. I think Junior's been down there since his escape. Held captive by his own father. Why, I can't say. But if you lot hadn't called us in to break through the wards, they probably would have just sat here for months. Slowly rotting away."

This was another disaster that she did not have the time to manage right now. If Barty had been able to walk his son out of Azkaban, who else had been set free from their supposedly escape-proof prison? The man wasn't even a part of the DMLE anymore by the time that Junior was thought to have died. Would it serve anything to have someone look into why the man was allowed to visit the prison unaccompanied after all these years?

Regardless, it was evident that they had become lazy in their management of the island prison. They had trusted absolutely in the Dementors to keep the inmates inside. The on-site Aurors were barely involved in the operation of the facility. And now they had paid dearly for that mistake, twice over.

Amelia looked down at Barty's smirk once more. His head was all that remained intact now and she didn't have to ask where most of those blasting curses had gone.

She could recall having it out with the man several times during her tenure. He had left quite a few landmines in her archive. She could believe that he could do what Croaker was theorising. The man was an enigma. As straight-laced as could be to an outside observer, but underneath the perfectly trimmed moustache and the pompous attitude, he was a very different man.

His gradual fall from grace had not been pretty. Still, he had not deserved this fate. No one did. Except perhaps Riddle.

Now the stubborn bastard had taken valuable answers to his grave. It seemed she was doomed to continue cleaning up other people's messes.

"Keep me posted." She said, turning away from the carnage.

Right now, she needed to do something nice to clean away the hellscape in her mind. It was high time she popped over to see the rest of the family. Susan always had a way of helping her through these ones. Not that she'd ever tell the girl anything of what she has seen on the job. But being near such innocence helped to prove that the world wasn't all this horrid crap.

She sighed once again and mumbled on her way out the door. "I wish this was the worst of what's to come."

Chapter 48: Convalescence

Chapter Text

Saturday, 8th July 1995.

Nym smiled wide as she took in the scene in the bedroom.

Her two friends were perched on the bed, cross-legged and facing one another. Not an uncommon position to find them in these days. The two tiny figures at each of the corners of the bed watching them like hawks were enough to be sure that the pair were not testing their new connection to the elves out in the world.

Tybalt and Pops were keeping a very close eye on Harry especially, and that almost made Nym chuckle aloud. They ought to know by now that Hermione was just as frequently the instigator of the trouble that pair got themselves into as Harry was.

Today, though, they were still matching one another's movement.

Both had a small squarish ceramic bowl in their left hand while their right was extended, rubbing the burn salve into the other's face gently.

It was a rather intimate scene to be viewing, especially when these two were doing it. Both were lost in the other's eyes and yet still so perfectly aware of what they were doing that neither was at risk of slipping into those same eyes with their fingers.

For someone who had spent as many years as Nym had having trouble simply standing still thanks to her shifting, it was almost like rubbing salt in the wound to see them so innately capable of stability while their focus was elsewhere.

She shook the idea loose in her mind. Ever since bonding with Rom all those years ago, Nym's clumsiness had cleared right up. There was no value in comparing her former self to these two anymore. But watching them move was still fascinating to behold.

Both slowly lowered their arms and capped the ceramic bowls, before turning to her as one in an almost creepily unified fashion.

"Come in." The pair said intentionally creepily, still very much in sync and Nym could no longer hold in the laughter.

"It's so weird when you two do that." She said, walking quickly over to the bed and joining the giggling duo on its surface.

"But it's fun," Hermione replied, shuffling slightly so that Nym could join them in the lotus position.

Nym eyed the pair for a moment. Now that they were out of whatever fugue state they entered when falling into one another's presence, they seemed like two separate people again. With unique movements and expressions. Although, they still always moved towards one another unconsciously whenever they weren't actively focusing on being apart. It was adorable to witness first-hand.

They also already looked far better than they had upon waking. Which itself was a lot better than when she'd first seen them after. While watching them sleep, the pair had been red as lobsters thanks to the burns they had once again given themselves. The second time in only a couple of weeks, which likely contributed to the adults being so salty at the two. Especially when both times had been the result of rushing off and casting impossible magic without any warning.

Now they were almost back to their normal complexions, though that could have been partly a result of the rather thick, pale paste on their skin.

Their magic and awareness were definitely both growing again as well. She knew that they had both sensed her arrival long before they had finished applying the paste. Though both were still banned from casting any magic. Something that she was enjoying holding over them for the moment.

"So, I brought snacks," Nym said, at last, waggling her eyebrows a little bit for effect.

"So I see," Harry replied sarcastically as he noted that both her hands were resting on her knees and were empty. "They look delicious."

Nym just smiled in return and raised her left hand. Focusing intently on the food she had left on the kitchen counter she snapped her fingers.

Suddenly there were several plates in the gap between the trio's legs and Hermione gasped loudly at their appearance.

"You've been practising?" The younger girl said, enthralled.

"Yep." Nym replied with a big smirk.

Having been so much older than the two of them when she bonded, less of the elven magic had bonded immediately to her own partially matured magic. Over the years, she had gotten better at controlling the new magic, to the point it was barely even conscious most of the time. But Snapping had remained resolutely out of reach for her for so long.

She had never succeeded with such a large grouping, and she was amazed that most of it had arrived at all. Nym knew she had a few things to tidy up in the kitchen as she saw a few empty places on the plates that should have had something on them. But that was a matter for later.

This was additionally amusing right now as she was the only one of them currently allowed to do such magic. Not that the others seemed to mind her momentary advantage. They were both too busy congratulating her and digging into the food to be upset.

Nym considered just how lucky she was that her mother had reached out to Sirius all those years back.

The Blacks were almost entirely a family of arseholes. Her aunts were especially egregious examples of the family ways. Which meant that her biologically closest cousin was a self-absorbed little sh*t as well. She had never gotten along with any of them when they had crossed paths. That was if the other Blacks would even deign to acknowledge her existence at all thanks to her father's parentage.

Sirius had been such a shock to the system. And with him had come the two strongest friends she had ever met. Their unending support and encouragement had seen her finish top of her class throughout Hogwarts. It had seen her elevated to Hogwarts Champion in the Triwizard Tournament. And it had helped her to master her abilities in ways she doubted she'd have managed alone.

"Thanks." She said somewhat sheepishly, though she didn't have a clue why.

"You're the one who put in the hard work," Harry said. "I'm just glad you managed it in the end. It is terribly useful."

He gave her a cheeky smirk and raised his right hand, moving his thumb and finger together.

Tybalt was there in an instant, his own wee hands holding Harry's finger away from the thumb and staring down at the boy he had helped to raise from the crib.

The trio just laughed at the serious face the elf was giving Harry and she watched as Tybalt dropped his arm and stepped back. Though he did not shift his gaze away from his troublesome charge. Nym glanced at Pops to see him shaking his wrinkled head at their antics, but he did not get involved.

After helping to raise generations of Potter's the aged elf was well used to their nonsense.


Monday, 10th July 1995.

Neville was torn.

He was standing in the single most impressive nursery he had ever seen outside of Hogwarts itself. Surrounded by lush growth of plants that weren't even supposed to be possible to grow in Britain.

And yet, he still felt the hollow pit in his stomach.

Not only had his Gran informed him of the escape that had taken place the week before, and the fact that his parents' attackers were now free. But she was now off talking to Harry's parents.

Even though they were paintings, he felt awful for envying Harry the ability to speak with them and have them respond. When Neville had visited his own parents over the weekend, they had been as unresponsive as ever. Simply sitting and watching him as he told them about his year. About the new friends he had made. About his classes.

No matter the topic, they remained unchanged. Just watching as if they were more fascinated by the act of speaking itself than the fact it was their only child talking to them.

"You ok?" Harry whispered from behind him as Hermione continued to point out the places where they had applied his tips over the past few months.

Neville did not jump at the sound, he knew Harry was there, but it did shock him back to attentiveness.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm fine." He replied.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Neville turned to face the boy and Harry truly looked like he wanted to be there for him. Once more he felt bad for envying Harry. His friend had been through awful things as well. And this was not a contest of who had lost the most.

"You don't have to," Harry added. "But I'm here if you want to."

This was the first time Harry had brought the subject up since Neville had arrived earlier that morning. Harry had been so eager to bring him here, assuring him that early morning was the best time to see the nursery for the first time. The way the sunlight entered the space was unparalleled. And Neville would have vocally agreed if he wasn't so distracted.

When he still didn't respond, Harry gestured to a pair of nearby chairs he had not noticed until Harry pointed them out. They were nestled underneath the large green canopy of an elder and a rowan tree growing in the middle of the space. It was an unusual pair to have together, so Neville assumed it had some significance to Harry that he was unaware of.

Neville nodded and moved to the left of the two chairs, plonking down heavily in it as if the weight of his thoughts made him heavier than normal.

He did notice that Hermione had seemed to vanish. Her voice was no longer coming from nearby, but he knew that Harry's words had been far too soft for her to have heard from how far away she had been standing.

"So…" Harry said, leaving a moment for Neville to fill, but he did not. "I'm guessing you know the full story of both?"

To most, such a vague statement would have been infuriating. Harry had a unique way of speaking when he knew that both he and his conversation partner knew what he was referring to. And Neville knew exactly what he meant. Both the tale of how his parents were addled by the Lestranges. And of how they had been broken free of their imprisonment.

Neville nodded again, his eyes drifting away from Harry and taking in the growth around them. Harry had not been exaggerating when he had described the beautiful space, and Neville found it difficult to remain distracted. And yet, his mind was still clouded by it all.

"I can remember the night that he came calling," Harry said, and this drew Neville's attention right back to the other boy.

Now Harry was the one looking away, his eyes distant as he spoke. "Remember the sounds of fighting. The smell of fear. The look of determination on my mum's face. It's a heavy burden to carry around."

"I wasn't there," Neville replied, both knowing that he meant the night his own parents were attacked rather than that Halloween that ended the war. "I was with Gran. Mum and Dad had wanted a night together. To celebrate making it through the war. And to mourn those they had lost."

Neville rubbed his face as he thought back on what he knew of that time. He did not remember those moments. He was too young. Or he had blocked them out. Probably some small amount of both. All he truly knew was what his Gran had told him as he grew up.

His parents had been great people. Aurors who worked hard to ensure the world would be a safe place for him to grow up in. They had understood that their job was dangerous. And they had taken many precautions to ensure their home was safe. Which is likely why the Lestranges attacked them outside those protections. Protections that remained active on his home to this very day.

"The Lestranges and Crouch managed to capture them as they were leaving the restaurant. And they spent the next day and a half torturing my parents until they lost their minds." Neville finished.

The very idea of it was painful. And he was constantly reminded of their state when he visited them anytime he was home from Hogwarts. Alive, but not really alive. Their bodies remained, but their minds had gone. Crushed by the cruelty of the Lestranges.

"I'm so sorry, Neville. I can't imagine what it is like."

Neville gave Harry a tight smile. "You don't need to feel sorry. It wasn't your fault. You were a baby. Who'd just lost his own parents." He did not vocalize the envy he felt that Harry could speak to his dead parents right now if he liked, but he knew the other boy could see it in his face. Neville turned away to hide his shame at the feeling.

"If there is anything I can do, I will," Harry said, clearly ignoring the obvious shame Neville was hiding.

"Thank you," Neville replied, his mind moving to more recent matters. "When Gran told me what had happened for the first time, I was six. Finally, I understood why we visited these strange people every few months. Before that, they were just strange terms. I didn't really understand what a mum and dad were. I had no memory of them being my parents. It was just something we did that left Gran sad when we left."

"And now," Harry said, "the monsters that did it are loose."

Neville nodded once more. At nearly fifteen now, he very much understood who they were and what they were capable of. And his desire for revenge had grown over the past decade. Once he understood what he had lost, he wanted it back. Or wanted to punish those who had taken it from him. Not that he would survive in a fight with those monsters. He was pants at almost all forms of magic.

"You're better than you give yourself credit for, Neville," Hermione said softly, materialising out of the green leaves to Harry's right. "You are a fine wizard, you simply lack confidence."

He couldn't help but give a strained chuckle at the way these two could read him. He felt weak for considering himself weak, and it always became a self-sustaining cycle of despair. Unless his friends broke him out of it.

"While you're staying here, we'll teach you a few things," Harry added, knowing that Neville's gran was currently working out how long he would be staying.

While the pre-existing enchantments remained active, no one alive knew their true extent or how to control them. They simply remained there, as Lily and his mother had prepared them. Tied to the Fidelius charm that his Gran was the Secret Keeper for. So she was hiring the goblins to come and inspect them. And Neville was spending a few days in this incredible place while they did.

"You've got your work cut out for you." He replied, giving the pair now seated together a wry smirk.

"If Harry can teach Sirius new magic, you'll be a sinch," Hermione said cheekily.

Neville understood the reference, and couldn't help but smile in return.

"We're not going to be rushing out there to fight anyone," Harry added. "But if we find ourselves anywhere near the Lestranges, I promise you they will pay."

Neville glanced over and saw the conviction in Harry's eyes. A boy who was a day younger than he, but seemed older and wiser than Neville thought he could ever hope to be. They had both lost so much, but Harry had spent the intervening years building something new to fill that hole in his life. While Neville had moped and turned inwards, losing confidence in himself and walling himself off from others. It took Harry waltzing into his life to break him from that despair.

"Thank you. Both of you." Neville said and he felt lighter than he had all week.

While he knew that he was not strong enough to confront those monsters, he knew that Harry and Hermione could turn them inside out without breaking a sweat. Their time on the outside was limited, the Lestranges just did not know it yet.

He gave a soft sigh and looked up at the smiling couple. "Shall we have a look at your Sopophorous?"


Wednesday, 12th July 1995.

Voldemort watched through the window as the assault team returned, two prisoners in their midst.

Less than he had hoped for. It was taking a long time to arm all those he had freed from the island prison. Which was holding up the rate at which he could send out such raids.

Each attack required sending some of his true followers along to ensure that things went smoothly. Also causing delays to the plans he wished to execute. There were important things to seek and for the moment they were too busy training the recruits to go after them.

His anger at their languid pacing rippled the wards and he knew all underneath would have felt it. One of his first acts upon taking Yaxley's home as his new base had been to slave the wards to his will. Whether the other man wanted them to or not.

The door behind him opened slowly and he heard quiet footsteps enter the room. There was a moment of silence as the figure searched for him in the darkness. He was quite well concealed in his place by the window to the left of the entrance. Bathed in the shadows.

"Milord, the party returns with captives as ordered."

"I know." He replied, his whispered tone still icy as he addressed Narcissa.

Bellatrix had not yet been able to acquire a new wand more suited to her, so still bore her sister's. Making Narcissa even more useless to him for the moment. So she had been relegated to the role of house elf. Something that Corbin lacked in his home, unfortunately. There were uses he could have put such a creature to that Narcissa was unsuited for. A shame. And the elves belonging to the remainder of his followers were refusing to come anywhere near him. As unheard of as such a thing was, Lord Voldemort had far greater concerns to worry about than the unruly behaviour of such unimportant creatures.

"Did they acquire the materials as well?" He asked after allowing the silence to stew for several long moments.

He could feel the fear rolling off of her now.

"I… do not know, milord." She whimpered, obviously expecting punishment for the lack of information.

He did not reply to her words verbally. Instead, he turned his head the barest amount. Just enough to see her quivering figure out of the corner of his eye. She was dishevelled and obviously frightened. About as far from the prim housewife persona she had worn during his stay in the Malfoy basem*nt as it was possible to be.

He allowed some small measure of his fury at their lackadaisical progress to wash over her through his gaze and she whimpered aloud. The woman withdrew cautiously from the room, closing the doors once more and he turned his attention back to the world outside.

The lack of armament was a problem. But it was one they were dealing with. The bigger problem was the boy. His interrogations of the Hogwarts students had told a far different picture to that which the young Malfoy had provided. The child was no average slouch.

More and more, Voldemort came to regret the placement of their spy throughout the tournament. He had hoped to find a way to plant them within the school, but the best that the fools had achieved was to infiltrate the Ministry via the spy's father and their associate. So he had been forced to rely on secondhand accounts from children in order to strategize his movements.

But all the other opinions had agreed on one thing. Potter performed his most impressive magic with others, especially the girl, at his side.

Voldemort had seen them work together first-hand. And it had cost him one of his own. He resisted the urge to clench the artificial replacement. It was serving him well, but he had not even managed to retain the full functionality of his new form for a full hour after the ritual. His rage at the child grew even more and it took several long minutes for Voldemort to quiet his roiling emotions.

He knew that it had not been the boy who had defeated him so long ago. That had been the elder two Potters. He could feel the flavour of the magic that had shredded his original body to the point that his loosened soul had come free. It was that of the pair who had duelled him personally a number of times. A final fourth defiance.

The child had been left seemingly defenceless as he approached, and had done nothing to strike at him for what he had just done to the mudblood in front of it. Watching almost curiously as Lord Voldemort had prepared the final stage of the ritual that he had prepared for two weeks beforehand.

It was old magic the two had cast which had defeated him that night.

He had often wondered about the meaning of the words Severus had provided. The 'one with the power' to vanquish the Dark Lord… did it mean that the child was the only one who could stand against him, or that the boy possessed some deeper strength he had not yet uncovered? The latter seemed more likely after their second encounter. Especially with the stories he had been provided by others. Lord Voldemort would not be so rash as to risk a third so soon.

Not without more information.

Perhaps, he considered as he heard footsteps approaching in the hall outside once more, it was time to summon Severus forth.

It was time to learn all that the man knew.


Saturday, 15th July 1995.

Severus Snape slumped onto the floor of the study, the whirling of the portkey not leaving him any better for its use.

Snape's head was pounding worse than any hangover or migraine could ever hope to cause. His very mind was on the verge of collapse. He could feel arms hauling him up and something softer than the floor at his back now, but his awareness of things beyond that was limited.

The only reason he assumed the arms belonged to Albus was he was certain of his location thanks to the portkey the old man had provided. It would bring Snape to the man's office, and Snape alone. No one else could use it, even if they took it from him.

His head lolled as he tried to regain proper control of his body once again. The hours of agony had finally ended, but they had certainly taken their toll.

He felt something foul roll down his throat and his body tried to cough it back up, but it lacked the strength. What little power he had in his mind tried to suppress the feeling as well. He was a potions prodigy, just as Lily had been. He knew any potion he was being fed by the old man right now would be of use.

Snape was still unable to fathom what the potion had been, but it filled him quickly with a vigour he had not felt since he left the night before. His mind was able to work against some of the pain, though its intensity had risen with the rise in his own strength.

"Severus? Can you hear me?" The old man's voice came, though it still sounded distant.

"Yes." He managed to croak out in a quiet reply.

"Good. Drink." Another voice said before another six potions were poured down his throat.

This time, his body did have the strength to gag and react. He felt like a child covered in its dinner as awareness slowly returned to him. He knew his chin was covered in potions, and his clothing must have been similar. However, it was hard to tell what was potion and what was sweat or vomit from his punishment.

Finally, his vision began to return and Severus noted that two figures were standing over him. Albus was obvious, Severus knew of no one else who so fully embraced the stupid muggle ideal of Merlin to the degree that the old man had. The other was the school matron that Albus had obviously summoned to provide the potions that had returned him to awareness.

"He's coming around. But he's exhausted, Albus." The woman said, pouring another potion into his mouth.

He was at last able to identify this one before it provided the usual effects of shooting steam out of his ears.

"We need to talk." He said as he finally cleared the effect.

"He needs rest." Pomfrey refuted, pushing him back into the chair he was on as he tried to sit up.

"That will be all, Poppy," Albus said, solemnly. "Thank you."

"Albus…" She went to argue, but Snape noted the stare that the old man gave the woman and she was sufficiently silenced.

"Leave any further potions you believe will help." Albus asked, giving her that 'warm grandfatherly smile' he was known for.

The one Severus hated so much.

Poppy practically growled at the old man, but she acquiesced. Glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, she left behind almost a dozen potions on the desk and with one last heavy huff, headed for the door.

Neither man spoke for several minutes as they waited for the matron to descend the stairs. When they had waited the usual amount of time, Albus fixed his eyes on Severus and he felt the enquiry in the stare.

"He's angry." Severus started simply. "The Dark Lord seems to accept my reasoning for not attending the night of the Task readily enough. I could not easily escape the school's wards without detection by you and others. And my absence if the brat were to die would leave me a suspect. Though he later checked the validity of my claim."

"I trust you managed to divert him well enough to maintain your position," Albus said. It was not a question but a statement of fact as far as the old man was concerned.

"Perhaps," Snape replied, his head still throbbing from the treatment it had received. "He certainly put my skills to the test."

Albus co*cked his head slightly in curiosity. An action that most would miss entirely. The fact that he had noticed helped to settle Severus even more than the potions. His mind was returning to its normally sharp state.

"When I felt the burn last night, I was reluctant to depart. We both know that the Dark Lord does not forget."

"Last night?" Albus enquired, the confusion more than evident on his face now.

"Yes. When I came to see you, you advised that I needed to respond promptly."

"Severus, you have been gone for three days," Albus said simply, looking at him over the top of his glasses.


"It is Saturday evening. You left on Wednesday night. I was beginning to fear the worst."

Snape was concerned now. How had he lost so much time? He knew the cause, but he was sure he had held up better than that.

"We may have a problem." He offered, as used his skills to settle his nerves before they could run away with him. "I was sure it was just the one night."

"What happened, Severus?"

Snape closed his eyes and centred himself. He was unable to use his normal preferred method of focusing on Lily's beaming face. Potter had ruined that for him the other night. Now, whenever he pictured the girl's once loving gaze, he would instead see the burning fire of hatred in the child's in its place. When he had his heart rate settled, he opened his eyes once more.

"I arrived and was immediately led to his presence. He questioned me as we knew he would. It went on for a few hours as I had to justify every action and inaction of the past twenty years. I believed that I had succeeded in convincing him of my loyalty."

Albus did not speak, simply watching him intently. Which, coupled with remembering what he had just endured, was enough to send an involuntary shudder down Snape's spine.

"I thought I was about to be released when he called me back. The Dark Lord had his wand in hand now. His usual one. Either he never lost the limb and the brat was merely exaggerating, or he has replaced it already. I prepared to be tortured for my absence. Instead, he used legilimency on me."


"And openly. I have to admit, if you had not tested me in the last week, he may have gotten everything he wanted immediately. I was not prepared for the ferocity with which he searched."

"He cannot have kept that up for the whole three days."

Severus looked up at Dumbledore and was surprised to see concern in the man's gaze. "I cannot be certain, but I think he did. I have been testing my memory of the night… days, for the last few minutes. I have not been memory-charmed. But I do not remember anything of those days. Just the struggle."

Albus looked away, concern etched into his features now. For a man so adept at concealing information, Snape was surprised to be so easily able to read the man. They both knew that Snape was privy to secrets that the Dark Lord could never know. If he had found his way to such information, their efforts were doomed.

"He forcibly confirmed your actions?" Albus asked after several ponderous moments.

Snape shook his head. "He was looking for something specific."

He did not need to say what. Albus's face showed that he knew what the Dark Lord had been hoping to find.

"It is not there. I know it isn't." Albus stated, having checked for it over a dozen times himself. "Aberforth pulled you away. And he wasted no time in removing you from the premises."

"The Dark Lord seemed to believe I may have been peripherally aware in some way. He shredded my memory of the night from a hundred angles. He wants the full wording."

"He cannot find what you do not know," Albus said, but there was a hint of uncertainty behind it. "He cannot learn the full wording of the prophecy."

"I am certain he did not. But he did not remain solely focused on that night. The Dark Lord dug through years of memories. I did my best to divert him. To keep him from finding anything of value. I was unable to figure out his goal, which made turning his attentions away that much more difficult."

"Hence why he persisted for so long," Albus noted, stating what they both now knew to be true.

"Yes. He searched through the oddest things. Staff meetings, Hogsmeade weekends, and my time back at Spinner's End during summer breaks. The few meetings I've had at the Ministry made sense, but what does he hope to gain from such varied viewing? It's as if he wanted all of my memories."

Albus paled and glanced to the west. The link suddenly became obvious and Snape mentally kicked himself for not seeing it earlier.

"He was watching her patterns," Severus said.

"I believe so. I am afraid I must now confine her to the castle."

"She knows it? I was under the impression that seers never retained the memory."

"I do not believe that she does, however, we cannot take the risk," Albus said, bowing his head.

"What of the record?"

Albus sighed and turned back to face him. "I believe that Mister Potter has removed it."

"You checked."

"Of course. There is something in its place. And it seems incredibly convincing. But something about the way Sampson looked at it… I believe it to be a fake."

Snape knew enough about Albus Dumbledore to know that even with the obscuring charms all over the Unspeakables' attire, he could tell people apart by oddities such as how they walked and stood. An advantage he had over the majority of the British population from having spent almost a century watching them all pass through this school. Severus did not doubt that the man could detect unusual behaviour from one of the silent guides who watched everyone who passed into their domain.

"If the boy knows…" Snape grumbled, hating that the child was so central to all of this.

"Then his entire family knows as well. I will need to assign people from the Order to watch them. Though how I will convince the lad of the need I do not know. But they must all now be protected. I wish he had come to me sooner. Though I understand I burned that bridge all those years ago. We must pray that my ignorance then does not cost us all now."

"I still hate the idea of leaving any of this to a child. Much less that one." Severus snarled.

The boy was a brat, just like his father. Ruining Snape's memory of Lily had just been the most recent offence. The fool had ruined Snape's efficiency as his first act in the castle. Causing no end of delays in the brewing that he was required to do in his role. So the classroom had been a little gloomy. It served Snape's needs perfectly. And it did the dunderheads good to learn the dangers of the mysterious art he had mastered early.

The idea that such a child could duel the Dark Lord to a standstill, as he had claimed, was ludicrous. Potter had shown no real signs of actual power. Only a few neat tricks which allowed him to weasel his way around wards. Something he no doubt learned from Snape's tormentors that the boy had surrounded himself with growing up.

Snape rolled his wrist, the phantom sensation of the tight hand squeezing it painfully still hadn't fully cleared. He scowled at the idea that James Potter would have given him a warning. The man was a cad. He would never let go of the grudge between them. Snape certainly wouldn't. Not after the bastard had stolen all that he lived for. Though it had still been the Dark Lord that had removed any hope of winning her back.

"Severus." Albus said firmly, breaking him from his thoughts.

"What." He snapped back, the vile anger at Potter audible in the word.

Albus just sighed at him for a moment, those awful eyes looking at him with pity. A sight he was growing very tired of. If it were not for his desire to see the Dark Lord killed for the wrongs he had committed, Severus would have long ago left the school.

"Go. Rest. We will surely have need of your services again before long."

Severus did not speak again. He simply stood and glared at the old man for several moments. A sudden spike of vertigo kept him from making his usually dramatic turn. Paying no more attention to Albus, he made for the door. Ready to put this latest endeavour behind him.

Chapter 49: Mistrust

Chapter Text

Sunday, 16th July 1995.

Kreacher scowled as he felt the residue of the dirty ones beneath his skin.

A deep taint that he could not remove. Nor could he talk to his mistress about the filth. The two had a power over him that he despised. Their words held sway, even over those of the mistress.

He had even felt them watching him from afar since the gathering. An intense swelling of the taint. It had nearly made him sick to his stomach. It had felt so wrong to have them watching him. Kreacher had immediately fled in an attempt to shake the feeling, but it had no effect. No matter where he went or how far away he roamed, the taint remained.

He had taken to staying away from his mistress. Although he had only felt the focus once so far, it felt as if they were searching for something. And they were using Kreacher to do it. He would not allow them to steal from his mistress. Kreacher would protect the secrets of the Black family. Especially those of the young master.

To do so, he had no choice but to temporarily serve another.

He scowled again as he felt the summons. While it lacked the taint of the Two, it still felt wrong to serve others while still tied to his true family.

Kreacher appeared in the teen's bedroom, noting the absence of anything indicative of true personality in the brat. While its blood was pure, the Malfoy boy was far inferior to those Kreacher had served in the past.

"About time. I'm thirsty. Fetch me something strong to drink." The boy demanded.

Kreacher would not have tolerated him at all if it were not for the modicum of Black blood in the boy. Narcissa was far more tolerable, however she was busy elsewhere, serving the Dark One. Wherever she was spending her time was beyond Kreacher's ability to trace unless she called for him directly, forcing him to remain in this place instead.

"Now." Draco reiterated, glaring down at Kreacher.

"Yes, young master," Kreacher replied.

He tried to ignore the wide smirk that grew over the boy's features. The child had taken Kreacher's presence in the house as confirmation that he was the true Black heir. That he would have mastery over the house of Black as soon as he reached his majority in a few short years.

Whenever the child thought itself alone, Kreacher could hear it mumbling about how it would repair the family. Cast out the filth and have them in chains so they could receive what they truly deserved. Plans for the wealth that had built up over the generations. Dreams of control that Kreacher knew would never come to light.

Kreacher felt another even darker taint on his magic as he popped away to the kitchen. The connection to his mistress's great disappointment.

Mistress had been so distraught at the betrayal. And now Kreacher was bound by his bond to serve the traitorous one. The only bright spot in the situation was that He had not called for Kreacher. Not in the years since he had taken over the family.

Kreacher sighed and resigned himself to continuing this charade. It was vital that he protect the family secrets. Master Regulus had trusted him with a precious secret. While Kreacher's failure haunted him every day, he was sworn not to tell anyone.

Master Regulus had ensured that.


Tuesday, 18th July 1995.

Harry stepped inside the home and immediately felt strange.

There was odd magic here.

Despite the feeling, it was a very nice home. Opulent furniture was tastefully placed around the rooms he had seen thus far. Large photographs of assorted people looked down from every side as they continued deeper. And there were shelves with nick-nacks from all over the world interspersed amongst them all.

Several of the faces were familiar to Harry, even though he had not met most in person. Every single one was famous in one way or another. A politician here. A sports star there. The owner of Honeydukes. The editor of the Daily Prophet. Well-known authors in all kinds of fields. Experts in esoteric and complex magics. People of note. People that most would love to mingle with and speak to. As some of the photographs showed those very individuals doing.

The most familiar faces though were a mixed bag for Harry. The first that required a double take was a pompous teen with extremely striking long blonde hair and an air of superiority that came through even from the subtly shifting movements of the photograph. A face that he had recently seen coughing blood all over itself as the owner died after having tried to kill Harry and Hermione: Lucius Malfoy.

The second he had expected, Sirius had warned him that it would be there once Albus had confessed where they were headed, and yet it still shocked him to see her.

Lily Jasmine Evans looked down at him with a smile Harry had seen a million times before. Love and regret tinged together that still didn't manage to spoil her sweet face. Being that these were photographs rather than portraits, the colour of her hair and eyes was even more precise, he assumed. She seemed so young and carefree, which slightly annoyed Harry as it would be only a few short years after this that the portrait he knew so well would be painted.

Only a few short years before the man standing directly behind her in the picture would lead to her demise.

Even as a teen, there was no mistaking Severus Snape. He had always worn that dour expression on his miserable face.

Harry stepped closer and looked at the label underneath claiming it as a photo from 1976. Meaning that, while the smile on his mother's youthful face was genuine, Snape's most likely was not. This was after their falling out. Which made their positioning all the creepier, and left Harry feeling a little bit dirty.

But that was the thing about photographs. They lied.

They showed the people within posing and posturing. People changed when cameras came out. Acting as if everything was ok for those few fragmentary moments before reality reasserted itself. So they could hang the lie on the wall and pretend it was always like that. Folks rarely hung the truly candid photos on the wall.

Harry knew that when this photograph was taken, the people within were at war. For the bigotry of the Death Eaters had penetrated even the powerful walls of the school.

While Riddle himself never successfully entered the school as Lord Voldemort, his short attempt at being hired still attempted as Tom Riddle, his sycophants did. They spread their ideology through their children, via mail and at Hogsmeade visits. Insidiously corrupting the youth in the halls. A spread that his father and mother had both fought against in their own individual ways. Before they eventually came together and continued to do the same as the official leaders of the school. Being Head Boy and Girl together in their final school year.

It led to them often clashing with many of the faces in some of these pictures.

Harry sighed and turned away from the picture. They had a purpose here today and it was not for him to wonder about Riddle's last attempt to steal power. It was to thwart his new attempt.

He closed his eyes and let his magic wander. It immediately twinged when it rolled over the closest figure in the room, the only one ahead of him in the space so far. A habit it had still not fully gotten over since that first touch as he stormed angrily around his bedroom so long ago. It steadied as it washed over Sirius and Harry could feel that his godfather was also sickened by the sight of the pictures around them.

When he had finally learned their destination, Sirius had taken Harry aside and warned him to be wary of the man they now sought. The man coveted people and their value to him. Despite hating the truth of it, there were few people on earth more worthy of such behaviour than Harry Potter. Despite his claims that Harry was present to help keep the man from running away, it was now clear why Dumbledore had actually brought him along. The hope that Harry's fame would be impossible for the target to resist.

Harry's magic stretched behind him and out the door where it sensed Remus patiently standing guard. He had chosen to remain outside, though had not elaborated on why. Harry didn't mind. He trusted Remus completely on matters like these. However, he would not let either Sirus or Remus prepare a meal for him anymore. Some things were not a matter of trust but simple common sense.

Finally, his magic settled over the odd feeling in the space, slowly pushing down through the obscuring conjurations and illusions to the heart of the spells. It was all centred around a table in the middle of the wide room. When Harry focused his eyes on it, he noted how odd it was in the room full of fancy things.

It was a plain timber table, round on top with a single three-foot-thick leg leading down to a wide, plain round base. Seemingly ordinary in every way. Completely unadorned.

And that was what triggered Harry's awareness most of all.

In this room, nothing was ordinary and plain. This table, once you got past the charms keeping it from being noticed, was entirely normal and empty. It had no purpose.

And, upon closer inspection, it also exuded emotion.

Harry turned to Sirius and caught the man's attention. Under normal circ*mstances, Harry could have addressed the situation himself, but he was still under orders not to use his magic unless absolutely necessary. Even this long after the patronus lightning incident. Plus, he had to admit, he was also slightly curious to see how Dumbledore's plan played out for now. Sirius on the other hand, did not lack for reasons to cause mischief at the best of times.

Harry pointed to the table and he noticed the surprise on Sirius's face when he finally saw it sitting there. Which quickly gave way to a cheeky smirk as the man brought up his wand and cast.

The table squeaked, though not against the floor. It was a human sound given off by the man that the table reverted into almost immediately as it twitched and giggled on the floor.

It was a large old man in a pair of silk pyjamas. He was bald but seemed to make up for that deficiency with an enormous walrus moustache. He fumbled inside of the dark velvet jacket he wore over the pyjamas, fingers failing to grip whatever he was searching for as Sirius's tickling charm spread further over the man's body. For the Marauder had not released the spell either and was advancing on the laughing man on the floor.

"Horace, there you are," Dumbledore said, stepping back over to the man and waving his own wand at the figure, breaking the spell that Sirius was having such fun casting.

Harry was sure that there were a lot of stories about this man that he would be hearing soon, judging by the sad face that Sirius bore now that his fun had been cut short.

"Albus," Horace replied shortly, accepting the hand-up that Dumbledore was offering. He then turned to face Sirius and his eyes narrowed firmly. "Black. The one that got away, eh? Still playing pranks wherever you can I see."

"Entertainment was hard to come by in Azkaban," Sirius replied, his voice decidedly level.

Horace's smile fell away and he at least seemed somewhat genuine in his words. "Ah, of course. Terrible business."

That was when the man's eyes finally fell on Harry and his voice faltered. A deep sound of shock left him, fluttering his mighty moustache and the man's eyes widened.

"Harry Potter, meet Horace Slughorn. An old friend and colleague of mine." Dumbledore said, finally providing a proper introduction. Though Harry was seemingly the only one present who had not met before.

"Sluggy here was our potions professor back in the day," Sirius added. "And the Head of Slytherin House."

"You still hold that against me? It was my job." Slughorn finally said with a smirk, tearing his eyes away from Harry and glancing back up at Sirius. "You'd have done well there lad. Like the rest of the Black's did. Cost me the full set you did, going off to Gryffindor like that. Though I doubt you'd have met as fine a friend as you had back then if you hadn't." Slughorn's eyes returned to Harry once more. "He does look so terribly like him, doesn't he? Except for the eyes. Lily's eyes."

Harry was surprised at the melancholy tone those final words held. As if the man had truly mourned for his mother.

"You knew her well?" Harry asked, finally speaking.

He was unsure how aware the large man would have been as a table. Had he noticed Harry staring at the picture before?

"Well, we're not supposed to have favourites, of course." Slughorn glanced at Dumbledore who bore a smile visible even through his mighty beard. "But she was one of mine. Vivacious, charming girl." He moved across the room and began to stare at the very picture Harry had as he spoke. "One of the brightest I've ever taught. You should have seen some of the things she could do with a potion. Always told her she'd have done well in my House. Such cheeky replies she would give too."

The rotund man paused for a moment, lost in a melancholy thought before he continued. "Muggle-born, of course. Couldn't believe it when I found out. Thought that she must have been a pureblood, she was so talented. Even before she walked through the doors of Hogwarts."

Harry's opinion of the man immediately soured at that statement. His mother had endured endless mockery for her parentage. Even from a man she had once considered a friend. Given that Harry's best friend was also a muggle-born, he did not like anyone who felt blood made one better. The Grangers were some of the finest people he had ever met. As good as parents to Harry as his own were in their painting. A lack of magic didn't make them any lesser in his eyes. And he certainly thought them better people than the gaggle of purebloods who had tried to kill him only a few weeks ago. Many of whom featured in the photographs hung on the walls around him.

"Funny how that happens…" Slughorn said, completely unaware of how his words had affected Harry until he turned from the picture and saw his face. "You mustn't think I'm prejudiced! Your mother was one of my all-time favourite students. And there was Cresswell too, Head of the Goblin Liaison Office. Another very gifted student. Keeps me appraised of the goings-on."

He smiled at Harry as if his words should have swayed the boy instantly back to his good graces. Harry was not moved. If anything, his opinion of the man had lessened even further. He sounded like a collector talking about his favourite acquisitions. Only in this case, those acquisitions were people.

The large man turned back to the photographs and began pointing out other faces as well.

"Barny Cuffe is always interested in my take on the day's news. Flume, he runs Honeydukes and sends me a hamper every birthday as thanks for me getting him his first job in the business. I tell him every year that all I did was make the required introduction. And you'll surely recognize this lovely lady. Gwenog Jones, captain of the Holyhead Harpies. People are always astonished to hear I'm on a first-name basis with the Harpies. Free tickets whenever I want them."

He turned back to Harry with a joyous smile on his face. As if Harry ought to have been impressed by the bragging. Instead, he was disgusted at how the man seemed to peddle fame. If there was one thing Harry could do without, it was the attention he got for something his parents had done to save his life, losing their own in the process.

"Course, there are few here that could hold a candle to you, lad," Slughorn said and Harry felt his stomach turn at the hungry glint in the man's eyes.

It was with a modicum of recrimination that Harry spoke up. "I do recognize one especially famous face among them."

Harry lifted his arm and swung slowly to the left, coming to rest on a picture that he knew to be about fifty years old. A set of young Slytherin lads surrounding a far younger Slughorn. All smiling at the camera. But two figures stood out the most in the image, taking pride of place in the centre, one with his arm around the younger's shoulders. Horace Slughorn and Tom Riddle.

Slughorn immediately went white and finally loosed a wand from within his jacket. The picture vanished in an instant, but it left both a physical hole in the wall of pictures and a glaring figurative one. As if the empty space had become some sort of black hole pulling the attention of everyone in the room.

"You know what brings us here tonight, Horace," Dumbledore said softly, breaking the tense silence but not dispelling the weight now filling the room. "I need to know the truth, so that we might end this for good."

Only once they had been but a few metres from the house had Dumbledore told them that they were there to gather a memory from the man inside. A memory that would hopefully help them to ensure how large of a mission remained ahead of them.

"Get out." Slughorn said with finality. No humour or pride in his voice now.

"Horace…" Dumbledore tried to reason, but he was cut off.

"You bloody well bugger off now, Dumbledore." The large man said, turning on his former colleague. "I knew when I felt you all trip my proximity spells. Should have done a better job of hiding."

"You don't like to brag about that one?" Harry asked, Horace spinning to face him as he stepped forward. "Guess that means you did keep track of his career as well. Not as impressed with the gifts he sends you?"

Harry knew he was being slightly unfair. The man in front of him had not murdered his parents. He was a bottom-feeder, sure. Surviving on the ability to make and break careers and grant people their greatest dreams. But only if they could prove useful to him in return. He did nothing out of any sort of love or respect for these people.

But he was defending the monster that had taken so much from Harry. Even if it was only to protect his own reputation rather than out of any level of support for what Riddle did.

"Now see here…"

"He liked to collect things too." Harry continued, advancing slowly on the man as he retreated deeper into the room. "Trinkets and memories that he stole from others. A trait you seem to have encouraged in him. I can see why he would come to you. You were surely his favourite teacher."

Slughorn continued backwards and Harry could feel the man was trying to apparate away from the confrontation. Something Harry was actively preventing him from achieving. Which he had been doing since he located the man in the form of a table.

"Do you want to know what he achieved? 'Give your take' on the actions you enabled." Harry added, echoing the bragging from earlier. "How he murdered my father first. Dad fought him, hard. He didn't have his wand you see, so he hit him with anything and everything he could. Trying to keep mum and me safe." Harry could feel his eyes burning with unshed tears of both grief at recalling that night and anger at the man who did it. "It wasn't enough, obviously. He died right there in the living room. Not that his death stopped Riddle.

"Up the stairs, he came." Harry's fingers made a walking gesture, slowly climbing a staircase as Slughorn continued to retreat. "Mum had tucked me into my cot and she stood there, facing the door. Waiting. Watching. Knowing what was coming for her. For me." Harry could see tears on Slughorn's face now as well. But the blood was thrumming through his veins, filling his ears. "The door vanished, ripped out of its place. And there he was, the monster that wanted me dead."

"Please, no." Slughorn whimpered, cowering under Harry's presence now.

"He told her to get out of the way. She could have run, could have survived. But we both know that she truly belonged where the Sorting Hat put her. She defied him. Refused to stand aside and let me die in her place. She was a hero. A 'lowly muggle-born' that didn't cower before the monster, unlike the purebloods who stood aside and let him conquer them. Or worse, stood behind him."

"Oh dear, no… please…"

"She tried to plead with him," Harry told the trembling man, staring into his wet eyes. "Dad was already dead, and she was heartbroken by that. The man she loved was lying downstairs but she still fought. Even unarmed she fought to turn the monster away. To save me against all odds. But he just laughed. He told her that her once best friend was the reason he was here, holding her at the end of his wand. Another member of your collection, I see. Riddle tried to break her, but it failed. Lily Potter stood there, resolute. Unbending before evil. She gave everything she had so that it might be defeated."

"Harry," Sirius whispered from behind him, the man's hand reaching out for him.

In his anger, Harry had forgotten that he'd never told Sirius what had truly happened that night. He knew that his godfather had arrived afterwards and found a house full of death. He'd been there even before Hagrid had arrived. But Harry knew his parents refused to tell Sirius what had happened. They knew he would feel guilty, and it would impede his recovery.

"You say you liked her, and yet, you aid Riddle even now," Harry said acidly, almost hoping to burn the man before him with those words.

"I couldn't have known." Slughorn whimpered. "He was so charming, so… no purpose can be served…"

"You don't want to help get rid of the wizard who killed Lily Evans?" Harry asked, the words slicing at Slughorn as he fell backwards onto a chair.

Slughorn squeaked again as he fell, before looking back up into Harry's fiery gaze. "Of course I do, but…"

"I'm going to kill him." Harry said, ignoring the shudder that statement drew out of Sirius. "But you know why I can't just go and do that right now. Don't you?"

Slughorn now tried to look away, but Harry held the man trapped in his unblinking gaze. Lily's gaze. The burning green eyes that tore through to the soul when they were used like this.


"The memory." Harry said firmly, unmoving. "For once, be brave like she was."

The man slowly brought up his wand and Harry felt Sirius tensing behind him. The hand now on his shoulder gripped him firmly, ready to pull him away if Slughorn tried to cast anything, but Harry could see in the man's eyes what he was about to do.

The tip of the wand continued past Harry and up to Slughorn's head.

"Don't think less of me." Slughorn sobbed. "I did so much damage that day."

"Then fix it now," Harry said, finally relenting on the pressure he knew he was unintentionally exerting on the large man through his anger. Though still ensuring that he was unable to flee.

Slughorn gave a sniffle before he began pulling the wand away from his temple. A single strand of silvery memory came away with it. Longer and longer it stretched until it broke and swung, silvery bright, from the end of the wand.

Harry raised his fingers and a conjured vial appeared between the upstretched digits. Slughorn slowly lowered the strand into the glass and it came away from the wand, swirling and misting as it filled the tiny bottle. With his other hand, Harry corked the bottle and stepped back from the chair in which Slughorn still cowered.

"Thank you." Harry said firmly. "I'm sure she will forgive you after this."

Slughorn began to cry and Harry turned away. He noticed that Sirius too was crying and looking at him with both pride and regret. Harry knew that the man was blaming himself for what he had heard.

Without a word, Harry stepped into his godfather and pulled him into a firm hug. There would be a lot of talking later. He would need to convince Sirius that what happened all those years ago was not his fault. Only three people bore the blame for that night. Snape for sharing the prophecy, Pettigrew for snitching the secret, and Riddle for the acts carried out.

"Cheer up, Padfoot. Not your fault." Harry said softly into the man's ear.

It seemed to penetrate as Sirius gave a soft chuckle in reply. He would still need to drill that reality deeper into his stubborn godfather's brain, but for now, it would do.

"I am sorry, Horace," Dumbledore said softly behind him, and Harry allowed his attention to switch back to the other men. "I had hoped this would be kinder than that. We truly need this information."

Dumbledore handed Slughorn a tumbler full of water and Horace drank it with shaky hands. His eyes were looking anywhere but Harry, and yet the boy did not feel overly guilty for what he had done. Preventing Slughorn from escaping had been his original purpose for attending. Dumbledore clearly remembered how Harry had pinned him in place in his own office and hoped he could keep Slughorn pinned down long enough to talk. Or that the man's innate need to collect powerful students would kick in and keep him here of his own accord.

Evidently, he had not considered that Harry would become angry at the git in the process.

And sitting on this memory for fifty years had allowed Riddle to become a monster without challenge for decades. Slughorn could have shared it at any time during the bastard's first rise to power and the anchors could have already been destroyed. Anyone could have dealt with them while Tom was disembodied and helpless. Now people were dying again and still, Slughorn hadn't come forward.

Instead, he had worried more about his own reputation and allowed death and destruction to occur. He had allowed countless people to die to protect his own hide.

"Come on, Sirius. We should go."

Dumbledore looked up at them and seemed as if he wished to argue. Harry knew that he would want to view the memory himself. Probably try to partition the information as usual. But Harry had a tight grip on it and had a lock on the magic inside. If the old man tried to take it, he would know.

"We'll see you at the DMLE on Friday." Harry offered.

There was no way he was going to trust Dumbledore for the viewing. They would use the Ministry pensieve during the coming meeting with Bones. As had been agreed before they entered the house tonight, after learning what it was they sought.

Dumbledore remained silent, simply nodding in reply before he turned back to Horace. Harry shook his head and turned away, guiding Sirius to the door. Outside, Remus still stood watch, eyes sweeping over the street searching for any signs of movement.

"We got it," Harry said, reaching out his hand and showing Remus the wispy memory within the glass vial there.

"Never doubted you," Moony replied with a smile, gently grasping Harry's wrist.

The werewolf flicked his wand upwards and the light on the porch flickered a few times, covering their disappearance. Just in case anyone had been watching.


Thursday, 20th July 1995.

Draco knelt before the empty throne, feeling stupid doing so, but he knew from the fact he had been summoned that the Dark Lord was somewhere nearby and he would not be so foolish as to ignore the requirements.

Something was holding back his promised entry into the ranks of the Inner Circle. He had his Mark, but he was not being included in the more important activities as he had expected. Draco was sure it had something to do with his housemates being brought before the Dark Lord. They were hoping to steal his place.

So far, none of them had been chosen to bear the Mark.

At least Draco still had them all beaten there. But he wondered why so many had been called forth. Surely the Dark Lord could get whatever information he needed from Draco alone.

He had done all that the Dark Lord had asked of him. Tortured his mother, though he had not needed much motivation to do so there. The woman showed no remorse for abandoning Father and leaving him to die. Nor has she done anything to help cure the curse that still afflicted him. The Dark Lord had suppressed the symptoms so that Draco may better serve him, but the pain was still there. A constant reminder that Loony Lovegood needed to suffer in return. Perhaps he would torture her father in front of her, rid the world of both of them in one move. The idea certainly had merit, and he was somewhat practised in such skills now.

Draco had happily captured the muggle child, as requested. The memory of what he had done to him in front of the Dark Lord never failed to make him smile with joy. Finally, he was allowed to show the filth its true place. And that night would forever remain one of his most treasured memories. A dry run for when he was unleashed against their enemies. It would be joyous.

The burning pain of the Mark searing itself into his arm was cleansing in a way. It signalled his passage into adulthood and the beginning of the bright future he had been promised all his life.

"Draco." The high whisper of the Dark Lord sounded from the darkness around the throne.

The boy was broken from his wandering thoughts and focused on the legs of the chair before him. It would not do to be distracted when in the Dark Lord's presence.

"You disappoint me." The voice continued and Draco's eyes lifted, seeking the speaker out.


"I asked you for intelligence and you provided distorted half-truths and misinformed propaganda."

Draco caught the movement as the Dark Lord's face moved into the light, seeming to hover in the air without support. The piercing red eyes met his own and a shock of fear penetrated right to the depth of Draco's soul. He averted his gaze and tried to understand what had gone wrong.

"However, you may still prove your worth to me." The Dark Lord whispered, his voice still clear and crisp in the quiet room. "I have a task for you."

Draco's heart rate steadied. If there was a task, he would dedicate himself to it fully. He would prove himself.

"Anything, my Lord," Draco replied, his voice cracking and he closed his eyes and tried to ignore the shame that he felt at his body's reaction.

Even with his gaze fixed downwards, Draco could feel the Dark Lord's smile.

"Good." The Dark Lord finally stepped fully into the light and sat atop the throne. "You will seek information,accuratethis time, on the mudblood girl that Potter spends so much time with."

Draco was both excited and disappointed. As much as he wanted to kill Potter's mudblood pet in front of his eyes, he had hoped his task would be something more important. Something more involved than research.

"What information, my Lord?"

"You will find the location of her home. Where her parents work. Where she spends her time during the summer break. You will then ensure that this information is correct by using it to lead an assault on that home." Draco's eyes bulged. This was something he had dearly dreamed of for days now, ever since the train ride home from Hogwarts had revealed the truth to him. "During this assault, you will kill not only the mudblood, but her parents as well. And anyone else inside. You may torture and mutilate them all however you see fit, with one exception. I want the girl's untarnished head brought to me as proof. I will have further use for it, and it will not be so if it is befouled. Not so much as a scratch."

Draco's heart began to race as he considered the many different ways he could torture the bitch that had killed his father. Making her watch as he slowly butchered her parents alive right in front of her. Boiling her skinned father alive before her very eyes as payback for what she had taken from him. The pleasure he could have with…

"But know this," the Dark Lord continued interrupting his short reverie, "if you should fail, not only will your death at my hand provide payment for your failure at providing me with useful intelligence, but your mother shall die for your failure as well."

Draco no longer cared what happened to his mother. She had proven herself unworthy and was now no better than a house-elf, serving the Dark Lord's more dedicated servants. But he did care about his own life. The threat left an ominous pall over the entire moment.

"Succeed and you shall finally prove yourself worthy of your father's place in my Inner Circle."

Draco weighed the outcomes in his mind and within moments his fear of death had subsided. All he had to do to be welcomed to his rightful place, at only fifteen years old, was to kill a mudblood he already longed to kill? He bowed deeply, resting his arm on his knee as he smiled inwardly. This was going to be easy.

"Yes, my Lord." He replied, the inner smile no longer contained as it broke across his face.

This was going to be fun.

Chapter 50: The Ring Of Truth

Chapter Text

Friday, 21st July 1995.

Hermione felt uneasy as she fought to regain her feet.

Not only was she contending with the sensation of pulling out of a foreign memory, but she could feel the anger and disgust churning through Harry by her side. He wasted no time steadying himself but walked immediately away from the large stone bowl in the centre of the room.

She followed Harry towards the wall as soon as she was sure of her footing again. As she approached, she could feel him struggling with the emotions inside. Working to push the negative ones aside and focus on the positives. They now knew for certain that Riddle would have tried for seven pieces. They knew for certain how many they were looking for.

That was a good thing.

She softly ran her fingers up Harry's back and over his shoulder, feeling his body shiver happily and lean into her touch. As if her very presence helped to wash him of the filth they had just endured.

The filth of watching Riddle in action. Seeing Riddle so deftly manipulate the man within. Buttering him up with gifts. Stroking the man's ego at every moment. Cautiously guiding the conversation along safe paths so that he might ferret out what he needed. Before being direct only in the moments that required it, so as not to overplay his hand.

Slughorn had fallen for the act hook, line and sinker. Giving up information even when he didn't think he was. Filling in the holes in Riddle's understanding of such disturbing magic. Setting him finally onto the path that the then-teenager had chosen to chase for immortality. A path that would see countless people suffer and die.

Hermione felt ill just recalling it all. She tried to focus on Harry. On calming his anger and unease.

"Albus!" Bones called suddenly, shaking Hermione's focus and causing both her and Harry to turn and see the stern woman staring at the old man as if she were waiting for the answer to a question.

Dumbledore was looking at her as well, though he appeared as if she had broken him out of some kind of daze. His mind seemed to be far away.

"I'm fine." He finally replied, the mask coming back over his face as he straightened up and turned back towards the pensieve in the middle of the Ministry's secure viewing room, a sense of longing still in his eyes.

It wasn't cheap to rent the space when one needed to view a memory. The alternative was trusting the entire process to Dumbledore, who had his own personal pensieve. But they had known this viewing would affect Harry. And keeping the number of upsetting things to a minimum was worth it today.

Sirius had been hesitant to pay at first, not wanting to benefit the same folks who had held him captive without trial for years. Harry had been fine with that decision, more than happy to cover the costs himself. But Sirius was stubborn when it came to providing things Harry needed. In the end, he had done so. Though he had refused to actually view the memory. Claiming he had enough bad memories of Slughorn already.

He was waiting outside with Remus and the half-dozen vetted Aurors. Keeping the room secured from any who might wonder why Cornelius Fudge, Amelia Bones, Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter would be using such a space. Ensuring that the memory they now possessed did not leak to Riddle and his spies.

Hermione's eyes flicked to the Minister who seemed just as uneasy after the viewing as the rest of them. Which was not terribly surprising. The subject matter discussed was not something one ever expected to encounter. A brutal magic that violated the very nature of existence. But they had hoped it would also help to humanize the enemy in the Minister's eyes. Showing the truth that he was once just a student at Hogwarts like the rest of them.

Even if he was already a monster by then.

Hermione wondered if what they were witnessing was the talents of a true psychopath, in the medical sense. Though the term had fallen out of favour recently, being replaced with antisocial personality disorder. Which some would argue very definitely described Riddle. However, in this case, she felt the original term was more appropriate.

None of Riddle's actions in that memory had felt natural. It was as if he had learned how to behave like a human from watching others, and figured out how to weaponize those traits. The result, watching from the outside, was a slimy feeling of discomfort. Watching as he masterfully manipulated others was foul.

"Right, I get that that was unpleasant, but we should discuss it." Bones said, seemingly able to brush off the feeling easier than the rest of them.

Hermione assumed that was due to experience. She dealt with discomforting and slimy things every day.

"He's been planning all of this since he was in school…" The Minister said with disbelief. The man was spinning his bowler hat in his hands and it was picking up speed. As if he was channelling the slime out of his body and into the motion. Cleansing himself by turning emotional distress into kinetic energy.

"Tom was already cruel when I first met him as a child," Dumbledore added, seeming to come out of his own stupor. "Hurting the other residents of the orphanage. Stealing their things. Collecting trophies…"

He trailed off once again and Hermione wondered just what he had seen in the memory that had him so distracted. However, her attention did not remain on Dumbledore for long as Harry finally seemed to wash off the last of his discomfort.

"We know he made the Diary and the Diadem." He said, turning to face the others and taking Hermione's hand tightly in his own. "You're sure that the snake was one as well. And I think…" He paused and Hermione squeezed his hand in support. She had done the math and came to the same conclusion that Harry had. "We can assume the broken chunk of him that was inside of me was intended to be one as well."

The adults all looked at Harry stunned that he had said such a thing outright. Hermione had felt Harry's disgust though. She had been able to know exactly what he had figured out the moment it had come together in his mind and had been trying to soothe him ever since.

"I concur," Dumbledore said softly. "I believe that you would have been meant to be the last. Riddle would have been unable to resist using the death of his prophesied enemy as the final piece in his plan for immortality. However, Nagini was too fresh for that. He made her after his defeat."

"You're certain of that?" Bones asked.

"Magic leaves certain traces if one knows what to look for. I couldn't tell you the exact date he carried out the ritual. But yes, I am certain that the residue shows Nagini was not a Horcrux for long."

Hermione noted that Dumbledore was no longer using the term anchor. There wasn't really any need. They had absolute confirmation of the form of soul anchor that Riddle had used. Seeing how Slughorn had reacted to the word had been all the information they had needed. Riddle had found one of the foulest of foul magics to use. Even by soul anchor standards, Horcruxes were evil.

"Why would he make another one if he was aiming for seven?" Fudge asked, proving that he had the ability to contribute beyond just being the Minister.

"I would assume because he thought the attempt at Godric's Hollow failed," Dumbledore said, looking at Harry once more in a way that Hermione did not appreciate.

"He thinks Nagini was the final piece." Fudge mused. "Horcrux number seven."

"Yes and no." Bones said, looking thoughtful. "He was aiming for a powerful number, but we must consider he still planned to exist. He would have wanted a seven-part soul. Meaning six Horcruxes and himself. So if he truly had no idea about the sliver in you," Bones said, looking at Harry for a moment, "then Nagini would indeed be the seventh attempt."

"Well deduced," Dumbledore said, nodding at Bones. "I concur he would have sought to make six, but ended up with seven by mistake. We can already account for four. That leaves three remaining to be identified."

Hermione noted that he avoided mentioning whether the Horcruxes they knew of had been destroyed or not. Nor what they were or who possessed them. Wise given two were kept for years under the very roof he spent all his time in.

"So now we just need to figure out what they would be and where in the world Riddle would hide them." Harry summarised. "Should be easy."

Hermione smirked at the sarcastic final remark. It meant Harry was fully past his discomfort from the viewing.

"It may be less daunting than we presently assume," Dumbledore replied. "I may have been focused on the school recently, but I did a great deal of research on Riddle during his first rise to power. I will need to check that research, but I feel confident we can figure out what he used. After all, he was something of a magpie."

"Meaning?" Bones asked.

"Tom was always obsessed with the school. Hogwarts was his escape from the orphanage. From the war ravaging London. And proof of the power that flowed in his veins. Proof, to him, of the might of his parentage. It was the place where he, a lowly born orphan, held power over the purest of purebloods. Riddle hated the muggle world for what it took from him. And fixated on that power and the place that granted it to him. Hence why he sought to work there twice after graduating, though was turned away both times."

"You assume that's why he hid the Diadem there." Hermione pondered aloud. "And why he made another that was designed to be used in the school."

"I believe that was the intent of the Diary, yes. Though what manner of mayhem it was designed to cause I cannot say. But it is more the Diadem that interests me here. An artifact thought lost for almost a millennia. Treasure hunters of every sort have scoured the land for centuries, searching for the Lost Diadem. Riddle would have needed to expend considerable effort tracking down something like that. It is no trinket."

"You think he went specifically after Founder artifacts," Harry said, staring at the man curiously.

Dumbledore nodded. 'Or objects of similar power and legend. I can't be certain of what they would be right now." The elderly man paused and Hermione detected he was keeping something from them. Something that should be obvious to her. "But I believe we may already have what we need to figure it out."

Hermione continued to watch the man as he turned to the other adults and watched for their agreement. She could feel something nagging at her here. Something about Slughorn's memory had affected the old man, beyond the general content of the conversation, but she couldn't quite place it.

"If we returned to the Little Hangleton graveyard, do you think you might be able to detect something more?" Bones asked Harry and her, knocking Hermione loose from her pondering.

"Maybe," Harry replied. "We were somewhat preoccupied during events that night. If one of them died there, it may leave traces to the others."

Bones simply nodded at him in reply.

"Sounds like we have a few leads to follow," Fudge said, and Hermione felt the man was dealing with all of this a lot better than he could have. During their last meeting, he had seemed to want to do anything but acknowledge the truth. But now, he felt committed to leading the charge to end Riddle. It was almost inspiring to see the turnaround he had made.

"I shall begin my research at once," Dumbledore said, striding over to the sealed doorway.

Hermione eyed him warily once again as Bones moved over and released the seal, allowing him to depart.

She was uncertain of what exactly her suspicions were picking up on, but she knew the cause.

"Do you mind?" She asked Madame Bones as she and the Minister moved to follow Dumbledore out of the now open doorway. "I need to watch it again."

Hermione gestured to the bowl in the middle of the room and Bones eyed her closely. The two remaining adults looked at one another before glancing back at her and nodding.

Harry squeezed her hand before he released it. "Go ahead. I can't watch it again just yet."

Hermione nodded to him before she positioned herself over the bowl. She glanced up at Bones once more. "Thank you. I shouldn't be long."

With a lurch of her stomach, Hermione dove in once more, intent on figuring out what had the Headmaster so distracted.


Sunday, 23rd July 1995.

Andromeda wove her wand back and forth through the air.

Everyone in the library was quiet, both those physically present and those watching from their framed seats along the walls. While Harry had proven well enough to go with Sirius and Remus to collect the mysterious memory from Slughorn, he was still not cleared for wand usage.

The fact that he had been so exhausted the day after they'd returned with the tiny vial had extended his time without magic. Keeping the frantic man from apparating away from the confrontation had taken much of what recovered magic the boy had managed to bring to bear.

Yet now, he felt as strong as ever. And Andi sighed as she realized that she had to be honest. They had no medical reason to hold him here any longer.

Andi eyed his face closely as she lowered her wand. She could see the ghost of a smirk on his lips and in his eyes as he already knew what she was going to say. But he was waiting for her to say it aloud.

"Fine, yes. You're cleared. You can have this back." She said, tucking her wand back into her robes and removing the thin piece of rowan she had held hostage for the past three weeks.

The smile finally broke over his face as he softly took the wand and with a wave, it vanished to wherever it was that he and Hermione actually kept them. The entire Family knew that Harry could have taken it back at any moment he so desired. The fact that he had not done so was one of the reasons that they trusted he was ready once more.

None of them wanted the children anywhere near all of this, and yet, nothing they did seemed to keep them out of it. The Minister kept calling them in for meetings, asking their opinion on how to proceed. Dumbledore had used Harry to acquire a memory he'd sought from Slughorn for over a decade. Bones was planning multiple excursions with them.

It seemed that fate truly did exist and those sisters were determined that Harry would be part of this battle, whether they liked it or not. And where Harry went, Hermione forever stood at his side.

Andromeda glanced at the nearby muggle woman, noting that she was every bit as nervous about this news as she felt herself. Harry may not have been born of her body, but she doubted that she or Natalie could love the blasted child anymore if he had. A chance meeting in the Alley had altered all their lives. Nymphadora loved him as if he was the little brother she had occasionally begged for.

And Hermione was just as important to them all. The first person to latch themselves onto Harry, and who had done it in the most irrevocable way possible. They would be by each other's side for life.

"Probably shouldn't be so smug about it, Harry," Nymphadora said from her seat nearby.

Harry glanced at the girl and smiled cheekily. "I've been fine for days. But I stayed quiet and let you worry for me."

Hermione gave the boy a gentle prod in the ribs but didn't say anything.

"I suppose you'll be wanting to arrange that outing now?" Remus noted from the doorway.

They were all very nervous about that one. Sending the kids back to the graveyard seemed like a really bad idea. They had handled things well enough, but it was still a traumatic place for them. It was impossible to tell how they might handle such a visit.

"Hermione already did," Harry admitted, and the adults all stared at him once again.

"What?" The girl shrugged. "I knew Harry was ready. The longer we leave matters to lie, the stronger Riddle becomes. Madame Bones thinks we might learn something important."

Andromeda took a deep breath to calm her nerves. "When?" She asked, knowing that these two already had a date arranged.

"Wednesday," Harry replied. "It was the next opening that all of the parties had to be there together. Hopefully, that works for everyone. I know you will all want to tag along."

"Watch the cheek, Harry," James said from the closest painting.

"We are just worried for you," Lily added. "There is no telling what kinds of traps Riddle might have left there."

"We're not just running in blindly," Harry replied. "We'll be popping into the town itself. A secure area that Bones is already cordoning off over the weekend and then walking up to the graveyard. There will be half a dozen Aurors, and Madame Bones, and a few Unspeakables. And I'm sure as many of you as can manage to come as well."

"Just let us worry for you," Andromeda said, drawing the boy's eye back from the painting. "You're both important to us all. We do not want to see you get hurt."

"I know," Harry said, taking Andi's hand and squeezing it. "And I appreciate it. But we're just having a look around. Help them all understand what happened that night and seeing if Nagini's death left any viable traces. We're not going into battle. We'll be fine."

Andi held the boy's hand tight in her own and tried to let his assurance win out. But she had experienced too much bad to be so sure of anything anymore.


Wednesday, 26th July 1995.

Harry meandered along with the group quietly.

Hermione, as ever, had his right hand in her grip and was happily looking around at the countryside as they moved along. Sirius seemed equally interested on Harry's left side, though his motions seemed more intent on keeping an eye out for something about to attack them. As the only adult who had the free time to join them today, he had taken it upon himself to be their guardian against any threats.

The others had wanted to attend, but they all had previous engagements that they could not get out of at such short notice. Not that Harry was worried. As he had explained the other day, they were not expecting any real excitement today. And they were hardly here alone.

In front of them strode the two mysterious Unspeakables that had come along for today's entertainment. Cloaked in dark robes covered in spells, even Harry couldn't feel who was underneath the clothing with any degree of certainty. A fact that slightly unnerved him, but he did not voice that feeling aloud.

Beyond them was Madame Bones, leading the way up the path around the Little Hangleton churchyard. She was flanked by four Aurors that she had assured them were vetted to her high standards as well. Safe to have along for the trip. She had wanted more but had not cleared enough folks for them to possibly learn about the anchors here today. And the group had collectively agreed to only use the name anchor out in public, rather than the more sinister name they now knew. Just in case they were being watched somehow.

Harry glanced over his shoulder and noted that Dumbledore was still chattering away to an old man they had passed on the way up. The man was apparently named Frank Bryce, and he had been maintaining the lawns of the large and decaying manor house that had once been home to the rich and unlikable Riddle family. Not that being unlikeable had earned them their eventual fate.

Murdered in the drawing room by their own flesh and blood.

Harry tried to shake the thoughts from his head as they approached the very place where those unlucky souls had been laid to rest. A place he had not seen in a month.

A place where he had died.

He could feel Hermione's grip on his hand tightening as they approached, moving as quietly as a group of their size could through the numerous headstones and grave markers. This, for her, was like his first return to the merfolk village. A place where he had seen something awful that he wished he could forget.

He sent her a warming sensation through their clasped hands and she turned and smiled at him. Harry knew it would help her to see his eyes alive and warm, looking back at her.

But that was when he paused in place as he felt something cold at the very edges of his now-flexing magic.

"Harry?" Hermione said, suddenly sounding distraught at his change, drawing the eyes of some of those walking with them. "What is it?"

"I'm ok… it's just…" Harry closed his eyes and let his magic swell around him, stretching further outwards from his body. He knew the others had sensed it moving over them as they all now paused and looked back at him. But the cold feeling came from further away than any of them. In fact, it did not seem to be in the graveyard at all.

"There is something, over that way," Harry said, pointing out into the wooded area far beyond the village.

"Over there, you say?" Dumbledore said, coming up behind the group once again.

Harry turned to see the man looking almost precisely in the direction he felt the coldness coming from. The aged man had a smug look in his eyes.

"I think I might know what it is you're feeling. There is a home in that direction." Dumbledore added smugly as Bones came closer.

"A home? In there?" She asked with no small amount of disbelief.

"A small shack really, belonging to a family known as the Gaunts."

Hermione tightened her grip on Harry's hand. They both knew the meaning of that. They'd learned Riddle's parentage well in their research, but it had not become clear where the magical portion of that family had lived. It seemed both sides had lived a stone's throw from one another.

"We should go," Harry said softly. "It's hard to tell at this distance, but I think it might be one of them. It is definitely covered in Riddle's magic whatever it is."

Bones looked at him and he felt the question in her gaze.

"Alright." Her eyes flicked back to Dumbledore. "You know where we're going, lead the way. Aurors, form a guard and keep watch."

The group shifted around Harry and Hermione. Dumbledore walked ahead now, leading them back out of the graveyard but up and away from the town. The Unspeakables remained at the front, right behind the old man, but Bones fell back to mirror Sirius's position on Hermione's right and the Aurors took up positions at the corners, covering them all with their now drawn wands.

It took them several long minutes of silent walking as Dumbledore led them out onto a small country lane bordered by high, tangled hedgerows. The small town behind them, they headed further along the wooded area until Dumbledore came to a stop.

"I believe…" Dumbledore said, pulling his own wand and prodding at the hedgerow to the right of the road.

The hedgerow pulled back and a small dirt path was revealed leading into the trees. A path that looked as though it had not been used in decades. Dumbledore stepped cautiously through the gap and waved his wand back and forth over the pathway.

"Interesting. Did any of your Aurors come out this far when investigating the ritual Riddle performed?" He asked, directing the question at Bones.

"No. None of them felt any need to leave the boundary of the graveyard itself. Why?"

"This pathlooksunused, but someone has been here in the past month. We should be wary." Dumbledore said, standing once more and lighting the tip of his wand.

It may have been a bright sunny summer day, but under the heavy trees, it was quite dark. The path itself looked as if it had been poorly built before being left to nature. It was potholed and rocky, and in the cool deep shadows of the trees, the footing was treacherous.

It took almost as long to wind their way along the path as it had taken to reach it from the graveyard. But eventually, Harry's eyes fell on a building half-hidden amongst the tangle of trunks.

He thought it a very strange place for a house, if one could even call it that at all. The trees blocked almost all access except for a crooked wooden door with something hanging on the front. Nettles and weeds grew all around it, reaching up past the dark dirty windows. As if whoever had called it home didn't care at all for the state of their yard long before they had ceased living here.

Even the roof was covered in moss and holes. The shack, in fact, the whole area, was silent. No sounds of animal life could be heard nearby. It was as if the entire home had died and was slowly leaching decay into the surrounding trees and plants.

Now, standing only metres from the house, it was clear. There was an anchor inside.

"It's in there," Harry said. The sensation was unmistakable at this distance.

"Aurors set up a perime…" Bones began.

"Don't move!" Dumbledore said commandingly, cutting her off. "There is other magic here."

Harry allowed his senses to press beyond the sickening feeling of the soul sliver in the shack and he too could feel Riddle's magic all over the sight before them. In the ground, on the trees, the walls of the shack, even the slender object hanging from the door.

"He's right. This whole place is trapped." Harry noted.

Without a word, the two cloaked figures stepped forward and drew their wands. They began to weave them back and forth through the air, complex trails of magic following in their wake. As they continued, Harry was sure he could hear soft mumbling coming from under the obscuring cloaks. It was incredible to feel the unwinding of the magic in front of them as their spells dug into the traps.

Dumbledore too was chanting away as he maneuvered his own wand back and forth and Harry could feel their magic digging through the enchantments that Riddle had left behind. Tearing it slowly to pieces and breaking it down.

"This might take a while." He said to Hermione as he could feel the progress of the new magic gradually breaking through the old.


It took almost three hours before the Unspeakables were satisfied that the magic around the hovel had been completely neutralized.

Harry stood up from where he and Hermione had sat after the first half hour of chanting.

He could feel the throb of the magic still within the small structure, but they could deal with that. He was momentarily fascinated as he approached the door and saw the snake he had identified earlier come to life and look into his face.

~What is most important in life?~It hissed at him and everyone but Hermione and Dumbledore seemed confused.

He looked at Hermione who seemed to be considering the possible answers to such a question.

Dumbledore, however, leaned in and whispered in Harry's ear. "Power." He said and Harry shuddered.

Harry glared at the man for a moment before he realized why the others seemed so confused. He never really knew when he was hearing parseltongue. It just sounded like normal speech to him. The phrase was a challenge and Dumbledore had given what he assumed to be the answer. But while the old man had apparently learned to understand the language, only a true Parselmouth could speak it. Not even Hermione, who through their connection had developed his understanding of the magical language, could have spoken it.

~Power.~He said to the snake and it immediately fell lifeless against the door.

"Tom was ever so proud of that aspect of his lineage," Dumbledore noted as he pushed the door open.

They all baulked at the pervasive stench of decay that wafted out from inside. Harry immediately pulled his wand and pushed a wave of clean air through the space. He could hear the windows around the building popping open as the disgusting air contained inside was forced out by the intense pressure he was forcing through the doorway.

"That's better." He noted, stepping cautiously up to the doorway.

He could feel Riddle's magic all over the space and he was done with the fiddling around. Harry pulled his magic together, centring it inside of him. He could feel Hermione feeding him her own as well and he could feel the intensity of the unformed magic building within his body. The hair all over his form began to crackle with the static charge that had built until he pointed his wand into the shack and unleashed it all at once in a massive blast.

Dozens of surfaces cracked under the weight while every charm and enchantment inside did the same. Several of them simply whimpered out of existence, but most relinquished their hold with a violent snap. A full dozen sections of the floor and walls exploded as the potent magic shattered their hold. Cupboards shot open and spat their contents all over the small room inside and the rotten food on the table dissolved away.

"Harry." Hermione said reprovingly, though he could feel her amusem*nt at his moment of impatience.

"What? I wasn't waiting for them to unmake it all again." He replied, shucking his thumb at the Unspeakables as he let his senses slide over everything inside the shack once more. There were only a few tiny sources of magic left inside now. They must be tied to powerfully enchanted objects rather than spells cast over existing decor. "It's clear."

He stepped inside, Hermione at his back before he paused and turned to his godfather. "Do you mind staying out here for a moment?"

Sirius stared at him for a moment, as if he wanted to argue. "Why?"

"Because I can feel this thing already, and there is a serious compulsion on it. I don't want it to adversely affect your recovery. This thing is extremely powerful." He replied, allowing a hint of reproval to help make his point. As much as he disliked doing it in the moment, Harry knew that playing on Sirius's guilt from 1981 would help his argument here. "I don't want to lose you again."

"You don't think I can handle it?" The Marauder asked, looking at him as if he knew what Harry was doing, but not pushing back as hard as he had expected either.

"I believe that you could, but I'd sooner not test it on this. Please." Harry asked, eyeing the man closely.

"Fine," Sirius said with a rugged smirk as he ruffled Harry's hair and stood by the door. "Call if you need me."

Harry smiled at his godfather and noted that Bones had sent the Aurors to set up the perimeter she had initially asked for. The Unspeakables were meandering across the area in front of the house, digging up small stones out of the ground. It would be just the four of them heading inside. Which was probably for the best. Not only was the hovel tiny, but it meant fewer people he had to keep an eye out for.

"Let's go."

Harry led them inside and headed in the direction he could feel the dark magic emanating from. Not that it would be hard to locate, given the wide open hole in the floor through which he could see the shining golden box from afar. Whatever trap had been laid above it had been destroyed by his surge of magic.

Hermione stepped around the other side of the table and headed to a small cabinet near the hole where a small sliver of almost clean magic could still be felt. But Harry kept his eyes on the box itself. He paused about a metre away from the hole and swished his wand through the air, causing the entire box to lift out of the hole and hover in the air. There was no way he was going to touch the thing directly. Not with the evil intention he could feel in the compulsion within.

It slowly rotated in front of them as the lid came open and a small ugly ring floated up out of the container. Harry's eyes flicked to Hermione, who had a small wand in her hands that was not her own, but gave him a knowing glance in return. He could feel the ring calling to him to put it on, but Harry was so disgusted by the feel of the magic all over it that he would never have succumbed to the suggestion.

Another factor keeping him from ever touching it was that it appeared that Hermione had been correct. The reason she had dived back into the memory two more times was to inspect the item Harry now had hovering in his magic's grasp. An artefact mankind had sought out for centuries. For, somewhere along the line, someone had taken the blasted Resurrection Stone and embedded it in the ugly golden band, turning the Deathly Hallow into a mere trinket.

He glanced to the right and saw Bones was eyeing the ring as well, a look of disgust on her own face as she once again came face to face with one of Riddle's anchors. Her own skill at occluding her mind was evident in her expression and kept her from giving in to the temptation as well. Thankfully she seemed ignorant of the Stone or she simply knew and was not weak enough to succumb to its temptation.

As Harry turned, he saw an ancient hand stretching forward past him and he released his magical hold on the ring, instead bringing it to bear on the body trying to muscle its way past him and grasp the ring out of the air.

"NO!" He shouted as he pushed his palm against Dumbledore's chest and pushed hard with his magic, sending the old man soaring across the room.

Dumbledore grunted loudly as he hit the far wall but the man brought up his wand and pointed it past Harry's shoulder. A firm finger-snap from his right told Harry where the man's wand vanished to before he had been able to cast whatever foolish spell he had hoped to use, but Harry was momentarily distracted once more as a feeling of completeness washed over him. Hermione had been right in her assessment of the tiny item in the memory.

Even without the Cloak present, with their souls so entwined, they had united the three once again.

"You.Stupid. Old.Bastard!" Harry growled, glaring at the old man past his still outstretched hand holding Dumbledore in place. "Ofcourseyou had it. This is why we left the Cloak at home, damn it." Harry noticed Sirius had poked his head and wand inside to see what the commotion was all about and he tried to calm himself so that he could watch out, in case the compulsion affected his godfather. "Hermione, watch the Stone please."

While she was entirely out of his view now, he could feel magic coming off of his girlfriend and assumed she was doing her best to keep an eye on both the ring and Madame Bones, who seemed stunned to silence by Harry's sudden rant. Harry rubbed his face with his free hand before he stalked across the room, glaring at Dumbledore the entire way. The old man no longer looked dangerous. He was staring past Harry, a look of naked desire and need in his eyes that left him looking pitiful.

"Hermione was right. This was what you wanted all along, wasn't it?" Harry asked, stepping between Dumbledore and the fallen ring, blocking it from the man's sight. "She knew after we watched that memory. You were fixated on something in it. You saw the ring on Riddle's finger and you were hooked all over again."

"I need it." The man pleaded, his voice soft, almost broken. "You have no idea how badly I need it."

"No one needs it!" Harry yelled. "It's a bloody curse."


Harry clenched his fist angrily at the fact his words weren't getting through to the old man. "That stupid bloody story. So what? You want to talk to Grindelwald again that badly?" Harry asked, glaring at the man he still had pinned to the wall.

"Gellert?" Dumbledore said, showing the first sign that he was still present of mind and not lost to the compulsion. "No, not him. I miss him, but we've nothing more to say to one another."

"Who then? Who do you want to talk to so badly that you'd die yourself to do it?" Harry asked.

Dumbledore seemed to fold in on himself. Anger, self-loathing and guilt were all over the aged man's face as he tried to look away from Harry.

"Your sister?" Harry asked and Dumbledore's eyes shot to his own.

Harry let his head sag as he finally understood. All those years living in fear of the man and he had been seeking something that Harry didn't have to give. In the vain hope of answering a century-old question. Their research on the old man had been almost as illuminating as the research on Riddle. And almost as difficult to acquire.

"Please. I need to know." Dumbledore pleaded.

"She can't tell you." Harry bit back, far less aggravated, but still frustrated beyond belief at the way things had gone. He turned away from Dumbledore and took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "The Stone is a lie!"

"I know the story is a lie. I know that it is not made by Death, but it does work and I must know."

Harry leered back over his shoulder at Dumbledore. "It is true, you idiot."

"Please, Harry. I'm intelligent enough to know it is just a story. Cadmus was just a powerful wizard. I know that. But it works. Just like the others."

"It really doesn't. You've carried one for what? Fifty years and you still don't get that? Sure, the Wand still works as a wand. But it leaves a trail. Men will forever covet it. Killing to lay their hands upon it. But the Stone gives nothing but pain. It's a trap meant to send those who use it to their deaths. The Stone is the worst of the three, by far. They were never gifts, they were weapons to be used against those weak enough to test themselves against them."

"You cannot know that," Dumbledore argued, eyes once again looking hungrily over Harry's shoulder.

Harry stepped over so that his face filled Dumbledore's vision. "I can and do know, because unlike you, I have read Ignotus's personal journal."

Dumbledore's eyes went wide.

"It's been in my family for generations. Just sitting on a shelf in our library. And I had nothing but time as a child. It's far more interesting than the fable you know." Harry sighed as he fell backwards into one of the grubby chairs. "The three didn't cheat death for themselves. Death isn't so infinitely petty as to be bothered by that. They saved a village of four hundred people from drowning in a flood.

"The mythical bridge was real, but it wasn't to cross a simple river. The bridge they built allowed the trapped villagers to escape from their drowning island village. For that, Death wanted repayment. He took corporeal form, appearing physically before the brothers and offering them each a 'gift'. Antioch had issues from the wars he had fought against the French around the time Ignotus was born and never wanted to feel weak again. So he asked for the power to win every fight. Death plucked a nice straight branch from a nearby elder tree and combined it with one of the Thestral tail hairs from his braided necklace."

Harry waved his hand in Hermione's direction, indicating the Elder Wand in her grip.

"Cadmus had lost the supposed 'love of his life' earlier that year and couldn't bear the idea of living without her. So he asked for the curse of restoring the dead. Ignotus wrote that Death actually smiled as he pulled the smooth basalt pebble from the still-flooding river." Another wave, this time in the direction of the ring now lying in the dirt behind him. "It imbued the tiny stone with the Peverell family coat of arms and handed it to the grieving idiot that is my so many great times uncle. Both were meant to achieve one thing and one thing only." Harry paused as he looked right at Dumbledore as he finished the thought. "Send as many lives to Death as the brothers had saved. Starting with their own."

"That's incredible." Bones whispered from her place nearby. Harry trusted that Hermione was watching to ensure she did not go for the Stone either.

"It is also a matter of public record. The coastal flood of 1236 that claimed so many lives. Unlike his brothers though, Ignotus had already cheated death once before as a child. He survived a disease ravaging Godric's Hollow thanks to the work of a passing stranger. A wandering magical that they never managed to identify. So he was wary of the offer from the beginning. He asked for a piece of Death's own Cloak of Invisibility. As it wasn't something Death had made, but a part of the corporeal existence of that concept, it didn't have the same curse as the other two."

Harry paused for a moment as he considered the tales he had heard from his family about their adventures using that very cloak.

"Death still jinxed it. It gets those who use it into trouble. Not deadly trouble, but they will find their misadventures often go a little pear-shaped. But it will still keep them protected, even against Death itself. Death tried for years to get his hands on Ignotus, even long after he'd reclaimed Antioch and Cadmus. Ignotus wore that Cloak for the rest of his life, until he was done living at age 77 and gave it to his son. And so it passed to me."

Harry could feel Hermione trying to calm him from across the room and he appreciated the effort.

"Despite being the eldest, Antioch died without issue, and the Wand has passed through bloody conquest ever since. Cadmus's bride died before they could have any children, but he had a mistress from his youth. A teenage mistake with a daughter of an offshoot of the Slytherin family, ironically enough, given the name of their hometown. There was no love there, but that child held the only true claim to Cadmus's things. It was through that child that the Stone passed. Into the hands of the Gaunts. Right down to the final heir of that line. Who probably used the murder of his muggle father to turn it into the even greater abomination that it is now."

Harry sighed heavily as he paused once again, having divulged the information that had been kept safely within his family library for generations. He knew the properties of the basalt which made up the Stone. They could attempt to melt the Stone as they had with the Diadem. Basalt melted far easier than sapphire. But it was time for that monstrosity to end for good. He didn't want any residue left of it. Not even melted slag.

"Sirius?" He finally said, glancing up at the curious face still watching him through the door. "I know that you've been practising, but can you control fiendfyre yet?"

"Now hang on." Bones said.

"It has to be something that will entirely consume it," Harry added firmly. "I doubt we could find a place more safely isolated to cast a spell like that than this shack with nothing for miles around. And that stupid bloody Stone needs to be destroyed. Not just because Riddle is using it to anchor his soul here. But to remove its own evil from the world as well." Harry replied.

"You can't…" Dumbledore whined pitifully, unable to break free from the pressure Harry was still pining him with.

"Aren't you listening? It won't help you." Harry growled. "An illusion of Ariana will appear and she will goad you into killing yourself. Whisper all the right things in your ear to stir your guilt until you reach your breaking point. That's all the Stone has ever done. Convince anyone who was fool enough to try to pierce the Veil to end their own life. It will get inside your head and manipulate your darkest memories against you. You'll be eager to die by the time they've finished whispering in your ear. If you want to die so badly, there are kinder ways."

Harry was panting by the time he finished ranting at the old fool.

"The Veilonlyworks in one direction." He continued. "Once someone passes through, theycannotreturn. Not ever."

Harry slumped deeper into the chair and he felt Hermione walk up behind him. He could feel that her attention was still focused on the tiny piece of jewellery sitting in the dirt under the floorboards, but her magic and heart were soothing him.

"I'm with Harry on this. It must be destroyed." She said, adding her two cents to the matter. Not that anyone would have doubted she'd side with Harry. Especially not Harry. He'd seen how she reacted to an artifact she cared about being befouled by Riddle. And she too knew the bloody history of the Hallows.

"I don't disagree." Bones replied, watching them both closely. "But fiendfyre is dangerous. If you can't control it, it will take all of us to contain it while it burns itself out."

"Good." Harry stated. "It can take this entire shack with it."

"Is that wise?" Sirius questioned, stepping inside but only one foot. "If we destroy the shack, Riddle might suspect something."

"If Riddle returns, he will already suspect something the moment he gets close. Unless Dumbledore and the Unspeakables are planning to restore all of those dangerous traps that they destroyed out there, we've already made it obvious that someone has been here. If anything, a fire, especially fiendfyre, might be the best explanation. Any sufficiently talented magical could have feasibly stumbled across the shack and used the spell in retaliation against the defences." Harry turned his gaze to the pinned old man once more. "Isn't that right?"

Dumbledore seemed torn. The naked desire for the Stone was still evident in his eyes, but he seemed to have gained some semblance of control of himself again.

"Please…" He begged one more time.

"No!" Harry replied firmly. "No matter what we decide here, I will take whatever remains of that abomination and hide it from everyone on Earth for the rest of time. No one will use the Stone ever again. I swear it."

A flash of magic shone from the place where Hermione was pressed against Harry and he knew that the pair of them had just truly sworn to keep the Stone from everyone else.

"You will not be using it. I'm sorry, but…" Harry paused and sighed again, not happy at this turn of events. The moment Hermione had confirmed her suspicions they had worried this might happen. It was a worthless title, mostly part of the stories surrounding the objects. But it was Harry's now, nonetheless. "...as it's Master, I forbid it."

Dumbledore locked his eyes on Harry's and he could see the war going on inside of the man before he finally slumped fully into the magic holding him in place. He had given up on the dream. Harry had managed to get through to him at last.

"Riddle has already been here," Dumbledore said after several long silent moments.

"How do you know?" Bones asked, stepping towards the group at this end of the shack.

"The path," Dumbledore replied, looking up once more and finally seemed to be lighter for having given up his fool's errand. "I mentioned that it seemed someone had used it. I was checking the entire way. I am sure that Riddle has been here in the past few weeks. And several of the spells I broke down bore evidence that he had reinforced them recently. Since the ritual. I suppose that Tom felt the need to check on one of the anchors after the death of Nagini. Ensure that it remained safe before he began acting openly."

"So you don't think he'll have cause to come by and check on it again for some time?" Hermione theorized.

"Unless we are careless and give him cause to check it again, he likely believes this anchor to be safe," Dumbledore confirmed and Harry allowed his legs to rest on the floor once more, though he still did not release the man entirely. The Stone was still intact just over Harry's shoulder and thrumming with the compulsion Riddle had infused in it.

Dumbledore looked at the others before directing his gaze back to Harry. "Please forgive me. I've wanted the answer for so long."

Harry matched his gaze, no longer afraid of the man now that the whole story was laid bare before him.

"I was terrified of you as a child," Harry replied. "You put so much power into that scrying spell. It pulled on my magic so hard... I'd never felt anything like it."

Hermione wrapped him even tighter in her magic, unable to move anymore without breaking her vigil on the Stone. She knew exactly how badly he had been affected by that attempt. She was the one who spearheaded the ritual to emancipate him. Accidentally emancipating herself as well in the process, they had since learned.

"Swear that you will not seek it out and I will let you free. We can all go outside and prepare to destroy one more item keeping Riddle from death. Agreed?" Harry asked, watching Dumbledore closely.

The man took several long calming breaths before he nodded. "I swear that I will give up any efforts to use the Resurrection Stone. Forever."

Harry watched the man's eyes as he spoke. Others had always told him about his mother's penetrating stare. Something he'd never had the pleasure of feeling for himself. But that he apparently could bring to bear on others. He used it now, trying to see if there was any lie in Dumbledore's eyes.

It seemed that he was entirely truthful, so Harry allowed his magic to fade.

"Do you have another wand on you?" He asked, getting a confused look from the man.

"Not with me, no."

"Give it back to him," Harry said to Hermione who didn't hesitate to toss the snatched elder wand over her shoulder in the old man's direction. "I'll be taking it back afterwards, too. So you'll need to go and get a new one. Its path of death needs to be stopped for good as well."

Dumbledore nodded his agreement. "I had always hoped that if I died unconquered, perhaps that would break its magic."

Harry smirked at that. It seems the man wasn't entirely gone. Despite what he might have postulated as a teen with Grindelwald whispering in his ear. Or the other damage he had made throughout the past century through inaction or bad choices, Albus Dumbledore was, at heart, a good man. Just one who had become unhealthily obsessed with the Deathly Hallows. And, to a point, his own hype from time to time.

Now that Harry had permanently denied him the thing he most desperately sought, it seemed the hold the Hallows had on the man might have finally broken. And, perhaps that reasoning helped to explain some of Dumbledore's reluctance to properly join the fight against Riddle the first time around. Had Riddle gotten his hands on the Elder Wand, they would likely never have had this conversation. Riddle would have plunged the world into darkness a decade ago.

"Let's go outside and kill this thing," Harry said.

Dumbledore nodded and walked out of the shack, watched closely by everyone inside just in case.

"You're kind of scary when you get like this, kiddo," Sirius said softly before he too walked outside, not looking back at all. It seemed Harry's worry that the compulsion might have affected him was unfounded. And now he was going to need to make it up to his godfather for doubting his strength of mind. Although he'd sooner apologize for being wrong than lose Sirius again.

"Whenever you two are ready." Madame Bones said, glancing once at the hole in the floor with the golden box hanging half open on its edge before she too vacated the shack.

With the adults they were watching all gone, Hermione turned fully to Harry and wrapped him tightly in her arms. "Are you ok?" She whispered.

Harry smiled. No one on Earth knew him as well as she did. Hermione had been with him through every single major point in his life bar the one that first set him on this path. She had comforted him after every pain. Shared every joy with him. And stood by him no matter the risk to herself and her family.

"I love you." He said softly, pressing a gentle kiss to the arm wrapped around his neck.

"And I love you. How about we destroy this awful thing and go have a nice long bath? I feel dirty just standing near it."

Harry gave a relieved sigh and nodded. "Yeah, let's."

Elfish Welfare - Tyrannic_Puppy - Harry Potter (2024)


What does S.P.E.W. stand for? ›

The Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare (S.P.E.W.) was an organisation founded in 1994 by Hermione Granger in response to what she saw as gross injustice in the treatment of house-elves at the 1994 Quidditch World Cup.

When Hermione wanted to help the house-elves, what did she do? ›

During Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Hermione tries to set Hogwarts' elves free by hiding hats and socks under crumpled parchment and the like, to force the elves to take the clothes and free themselves.

How many newts did Hermione get? ›

Hermione Granger for example, who wanted to gain as much magical knowledge as possible and become the best witch she could be, took seven N.E.W.T. classes.

What happened to Winky the House Elf? ›

After the war, Winky would continue to work at Hogwarts and would eventually stop her Butterbeer addiction (although she never fully recovered from it). However, it is unknown if she ever got over the losses suffered by the Crouch family.

Why didn t Hermione help Harry when Dobby died? ›

She was weak after the torture thing Bellatrix did to her. Honestly, Hermione knew Dobby was a lost case... nothing could have revived Dobby after the attack or she would have definitely helped Harry with Dobby considering she was the girl who started S.P.E.W(Society for the Elfish welfare) and fought for elf rights.

Why does kreacher not like Hermione? ›

During the Order of the Phoenix's time at 12 Grimmauld Place, Hermione Granger was the only person who made an effort to be kind to Kreacher. Despite this, Kreacher was disdainful towards her because she was a "Mudblood".

What did Hermione do to Umbridge? ›

Hermione tricked Umbridge into following Harry and herself into the Forbidden Forest to search for Dumbledore's alleged "secret weapon". Umbridge was confronted by a herd of centaurs, whom she insulted with racial slurs. She then attacked a centaur. As a result, Umbridge was carried off and nearly killed by the herd.

What is S.P.E.W slang for? ›

to vomit: I was spewing up all night after those mussels. Vomiting & feelings of sickness. airsickness.

What does S.P.E.W mean in texting? ›

[informal] Synonyms: vomit, throw up [informal], puke [slang], chuck [Australian, New Zealand, informal] More Synonyms of spew.

What does Hermione's S.P.E.W stand for? ›

Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, a fictional organization formed by Hermione Granger in 2000's Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

What does having a S.P.E.W mean? ›

to discharge the contents of the stomach through the mouth; vomit.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.